HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 3516 1985-09-23
1lE$<<ltllUtlN 1!lI1IIl1lER ~S'I t::,
A 1lE$tlWtItlN tlF M tuy etlllNtIt fY1' tHE tIty
fJF JEAt IlEAtH, tAtIJ'tlOIA, tellll1llatllING tAl'tAIN
'E~ItE ttl tHE tItY fY1' ,EAt BE.'tH A1'l1> tlllR ttlIlIIm1NIty
1lJIEREA$, taptain Jamnel D' Amirn is nl!iring as the Jluppurt DivisiDJI tmmDanller
am 'ept.emher 1, 1985; anA
1DIlEJlEAJ, taptain D'Amirn's retirement represents the culminatinn uf tI1Ientllllears
uf ileUcatd 5el'\lice tu l1Ilr tit!! anil """"""'n!t!!; anil
DffJlEA$, taptain D' AmUa il.ellicatd his caner to 1aIP tJIfOZ'l:tlIll~nt alllllll.enting in
1965 "hen he juind th2 Jeal Beach Pulice Department; anil
1DIIEJlEA$, taptain D' Amirn lI!lJrJt.eil his "all uplDaril "ithin the JIlIlic.e ilepartment' s
ranks being prmmtd to Jergeant ill 1968, Ueutenant in 1911 anil
taptain in 1974; anA
1DIIEJlEA$, taptain D'Amirn f'Urtherd his eAucatianal lmalDleAge of lu e1Iforcement
bll obtaining a Bachelor of Jde1lce ileuree in Ailministral!iDJI uf Jl1$tice
fl'11lll talifornia ,tate tulleue at UJng Beach in 1966; anil
IDIIEREA$, taptain D' Amirn tl1l11t military leal1e in 1966 anil serveA sel1en lI\DJIths
in the UnUeb .nates Armu Reserve; anil
IDIIEREA$, taptain D' AmiCll nceil1d a emmn"'''Aatinn in 1977 fl'11lll the talifornia
Department uf JI1$Uce, Al:!turn211 Ceneral, fur his hanillillQ of a
harrir:aAd suspect situatinn; anil
1lJIEREA$, taptain ll'Amica grailuateil f\'l1lll the fderal B\1real1 uf I1Il1estigatiDJI's
.. Matianal AcaA2III!.I in 1979; anA
taptain ll'Amicn mas instrumental in the formatiDJI uf the Jchanl
ReSlJl1Z'l:es tlfficer anA the tlfficer 'am programs in the lacal graile
schaals in 1967 ana 1968; ana
taptain 1l'Amica IDas an illStructnr at the Gu1Ae1I Illest tullese Pulice
Acail2mll fram 1968 to 1973; anil tammaniler uf the Patrol, Investigatil1e
anA Abministratil1e 1lil1isiDJIs anA un numerous uccasions as the Acting
thief of Pulice; anA
IDJIEREU, the tUll tmuld1 is lleep111 appnciatil1e uf taptain ll'Amicn's service
tu l1Ilr titll anil tu l1Ilr r.mmnuflit!!.
1t)JD, MRUtlRE, BE It IWltll:OE1l that the tity tmmd10f the tity uf Jeal Beach,
talifl1t1lia herehll tDII1III2nAs
tAPtAIN 'AmuEt ll'AmIttl
far his lmIg anil ileUcateA service tu lJl1r tity anil far his ma1t1\ amtril111tions ta lI1U'
l:l1IIIIIIl1Illty anil nrges all ,ithens ta juin them in "ishing taptain ll'Amica a happy
ana Sl1l:l:.essf111 retirement.
PU,ED, APPlWOED llJIA ADfJnE1l by the titll tmuld1 uf the titll of Jea1 Beach, talifornia
at a lIl2eting therenf helll am the tment!!-thiril bay 1lf 'eptember, Ninetee1l HlUlilrell anA
1lUJlCllmmer car BrD1DIIell
ar J ce Risner
1lUJlC Frank ft
tmmc 11\ltmber ana 1Il11sD1l .
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CIlll ~f SEAt BEACII )
I, Jaanne O. Ilea, City Clerk af the Cit~ af Seal Beach, Califarnia,
da herewJ certify that the,faregaing resalution is the ariginal cupy
af Resalution Number ~~ on file in the affice af the City Clerk,
passe approved and adapted hu the city Council af ~he City af Seal
at a re tar meeting thereaf held on the o<iJttJ.. day af
, 1985.