HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 3536 1985-10-28
A 1lEH000ImI fJf mE tUu mIRae; eF mE aty ef
me; .EAtH, tAc:I1eIlKIA, ~DING ARD ItlReRING
IIAJlK A. DIlAU UJmIl IU llEUJlEIIIEm: fRtl1!l mE c:e.9
AUIIIIte.9 lDIIfIED StH~e; DUtRItt BI)AJlI) fJf tllllJtEt$
tHE aty allDIae; eF mE tIty fJf SEAl: BEAtH OOES HEREBY llEJec:oE:
!lark A. Abrams has servell as a member of the c:ns AlamUns
Unifiell sdllml District Boari of trustees since 1979,
lIemtI1l$tratillQ a lIebicatill1l bt the quality nf ellucatimt for
the stullents of this area; anll
!Ir. Abrams has amtrihut!ell si;nificanUy bring his tenure
tn the emu:.atill1l of these stullents anll the progress of the
lIistrlct as a IDhole, of IDhich Seal Beach is a part; allll
IIr. Abrams has heen a lmlg-tillle participant in local
rnwmn''1Uy affairs, serving lI1l the hari of Directors l1f
Interval Hln1se ana II11tline, the Alldsot'll Boarl! of tasa
lie Bienvenimls, past member of the J:lJs AlamUl1S Rntal'!J
tlub, member of Seal Beach elll tmDn RamelJmners Association
anll a member of the c:ns AlamUos thamher of tmmDen:e; anll
lark Abrams .ill he retiring from his pnsitill1l lI1l the
J:lJs AlamUl1S SdunJl Boari as of 1!IlJvember 30, 1985.
KtlID, tJlEllEfl)RE, BE U llEJ~c:oED that the tUy tnundl of the tUy of Seal
Beach hmulrs anll ClJlIIIIIenlls Dark A. Abrams fur his maq ClIJItrihutio!lS to
the !IlJl1th of this .........tnUy.
I'A$SED, Al'I'RtlOED, MIl ADtll'tED In.I the City tnuncil of the City of Seal
Beach, California, at a meeting thereof helll lI1l the t~enty-Eighth lIall
of ectoher, Kineteen lunllrell anll Eighty-five.
IIalllJr 3l1l\ce Risner
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~i~r Bnmmell
cll1i1eli1her '" to rgas
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Cl1l1JIcl1 er E na llIilson
Resolution ;lur.1ber 3-<36
C~UNtY ~r ~RAN&E )~~
CUll ~r ~E...!\C BEACII )
I, Joanne a. lIeo, City Clerk of the Cit~ of ~eal Beach, California,
ao herebu certify that~t~ foregoing resolution is the original copy
of Resolution Number ~:=ti:l~ on file in the office of the City Clerk,
passe appro~ea ana aaoptea hM the City Council of the City of ~eal
Be a regul r meeting thereof heta on the 02B'f!. aay of
, 1985.
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