HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 3637 1986-09-08 I I I Jlf$tlClIUelN N1lDlBER ~~~ 7 A Jlf$tlClIUtlN tlf ~E CIty C()1INCn tlf t1lE: CItY tlf JEAC BEACH, CAUftlRNIA, H()NtlRING AND CtlIID1IENDING ADADI ERIK ttlRBII felR ACHIEOING mE Btlll JCtllltJ tlf AmERICA EAGCE A1DARD IDIIEllEAJ , the Eagle is the highest rank a BnU Jcnut can achiel/e; anil l1IllU l1Ile percent of the BIJIA Jcnuts, naHOmDiile aUain this lel/el of achiel/ement; anil the Eagle Awaril is achiel/eil by earning twenty-one merit bailges, each ilenoting a specific skill anil a series of proficiency lel/els for skills in citilenship, persl1llal ilel/elopment anil pbusical fitness; anil Jeal Bea~h resiilen!! Allam Erik torem, tlrange CUunty tnmp NIl. 581, uniler the sponsorship of temple Beth Emet (Anaheim) anil uniler the leailership of mr. 30seph Kessler, Jcnutmaster, has cnmpleteil all his Eagle Scout requiremen!!s anil will appear before the tour!! of Honor l1Il September 15, 1986 to receil/e his Eagle bailge; anil Allam s!!arteil his Bay Jcout actil/ities in march, 1981 wi!!h tlrange CountU tnmp NIl. 581 where he earneil 34 merit bailges anil serveil as Assistant Patrol Ceailer, Assistant Jenior Patrol Ceailer anil Senior Patrol Ceailer for the trollJl at Cost "'alleu Scnut Canq:t; anil \. Allam solil t-shirts, canilu anil other sunilry confecHl1Ils to earn money for his Eagle project; anil Allam Erik torem performeil his Eagle service project b!l measuring, mapping out anil marking the new, permanent 10-K cnurse in Seal Beach, california in maU, 1985 in conjuncHon with the Parks anil Recreation Department staff as well as assisting the Seal Beach Citu staff in supervising the first el/ent l1Il this new lO-K course; anil this service project requireil a great ileal of planning as well as nwnernus man-hours. . Jl)fIEREA$ , IDIIEREAS, IDJIEREAS , IDIIEREAS, IDHEREAS , IDIIEREAS " IDHEREA$, NtlJl), tKEREFtlRI, BE It R~tlDOED that the City Council of the Citu of Seal Beach, california, ilnes hereby anmn.enil anil honor ADAm ERIK ttlUm for achiel/ing the rank of Eagle scnut in trnnp NIl. 581, Ahwahnee District, BIJIA Scnuts of America. P~SED, APPRtl"'ED anil AOOPtE1l by the City CUundl of the CUll of Seal Beach, california, at a meeting thereof helil l1Il the Eighth ilay of September, Nine- teen Hunilreil anil Eighty-Six. r~~) bUo rank ~~- -~,~~ . -~'3~_ _ JY~ Counti;;;~~ Jl)i1snn ,II!. ,~ l '~'~~1I ....... IT ~....~:"... ":. '. .~~ ...- . ~ "f...-"f" Resol ution Number~~ 7 StltE er ClC1r~RN1A) C~11Ntll ~r ~RANm;: )SS CUll fl1' SEAl: BEAtIl ) 1, Joanne B. Ilea, City Clerk of the City of Seal Beach, California, au hereby certify that the fo egoing resolution is the original copy of Resolution Number ~~~ an file in the office of the City Clerk, p. a, apprnvea ana a opte the City Cauncil of lh~ City of Seal Bea at a re uta meeting thereof heta an the tiC!- aa\l of , 1986. Q; / "Jh( (J -it Clerk~ I I "I I