HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 3338 1983-11-28 '1f$1lC1UNI IOIIIIBER 9.3.2 8 A 1f$1lC1tINI ", tfIE CIq CIlIINCIt 111 tfIE CIq ", SEAt BEACH, CAtI11lRNIA OOllImlDIIG HIlDlAID UBERO 11lR HIS SEIlOItE ttJ tfIE CIq Il1 SEAt BEACH I tHE CIq CIluKCIt Il1 tfIE CIq Il1 SEAt BEACH HEREBY WIltJ,?f$: HulDai'd Ruherts hegan his employment eith the City as an electrician and is retiring from his present positiun as mater Superintenllent fur IJIlr City; and HulDard Ruherts' retirement represents the tIllminatiun uf many years uf llellicatd service tu our City anll C'........nity, after previlJllSly serving in the Unitell States Navy fur tlDenty years; and HulDai'd Roherts pruvilld excellent lea6ership to those .hu IIlDrked fur hill in the I'Uhlic Ilurks Department; anll HulDard Roberts has, un tIJIlntless uccasiuns, respuudd tu emergency sitll8tiuns snch as .ater main breaks, fllJDlling and traffic sisnal failllre5 at all hlJllrs uf the night and 6ay; and HulDai'd Ruherts .as instrumental in havina our City .ater nperaturs receive special training in urder to ubtain State uf Califumia .ater certificatiun above that necessary fur their empluument; anll HulDad Ruherts .as involvd in raubling the Beverly Dlanor Reservoir to make it serviceable; anll HulDarll Ruherts .as instrumental in the site selectiun anll de\lelnpment fur the Bulsa Chica mater Blell; anll HulDai'd Roherts helpd nperate and later phase out the eastelDater treatment plant fur the City uf Seal Beach; and lIIIlDard Ruherts iniHatell the first sand hetm tu protect beachfrunt homes from fluulling; anll HulDal'd and his .Ue have raisell a family uf one sun anll une daughter, anll are nDlD the pruull granllparents uf five arandchildren; ad the City tuuncil is lleeply appreciative of HulDar6's service tu our City. 11lDl, tflEREJ'tJRE, BE It 1f$1ltOED that the City tuundl of the City of Seal Beach hereby tlJDllllenlls IDIIEIEAS , IDIIEREAS , _lEAS , IDIIEIEAS , IDIIEIEAS , IDIIEIEAS , IDHEIEAS , _lEAS , IDIIEIEAS , IDJIEREAS , IDHEIEAS , I HllllARD RllBUU far his lung anll dedicated service tu our City. I 11 Resol uti on Number 3 :,z8 I BE It J'URtfIER If$tJtoED that the City r:uundl urges all dtllens l!IJ juin them in lDishins JllJlDarA Roberts a happy anll successflll retirement. 'ASSED, AP'~D MJ) AOOPtEll by the City tIJIlnCiluf the City uf Seal Beach, california, at a meetins thereof held un the t1Denty-EiQhth day uf Ruvnber, lineteen Hunllrell and EiAhty-three. -r-~~ ~"M{!J. '--f'L- ~~ ~ c 1memher tJsca t. BrDlDnel r:uunc er 1ra :I. 110 I ~:~.~ Cl er Juyc A. sner ~ t j I' I , "i r - L 'c er J~ ~rsta~ AttESt: I