HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 3368 1984-04-09 the Eagle is the highest rank a Bay ,amt can Khieve; ani'l GIlly GIIe perunt at the Bay ,amts, utimllDii'le attaiJI this level u1' adtievement; aJli'l the Eagle AlDari'l is adtievei'l by eamiJIg tlDeJlty-QJ\e merit bai'lges, eath i'leJllJtiq a specific skill ani'l a series u1' proficiency levels fur skills iJI citiaeaship, persGllal i'leve1llplDent aJli'l physical fitness; ani'l 'eal Beacb resii'lent oavii'l ChllJlllliUl, Buy ,amt truup Nu. 642, Ulli'ler tbe 1eai'lersbip uf mr. c.n !)ressel, ,amtmaster, has campletei'l all bi$ Eagle ,amt requirements aJli'l will appear befure the tmlrt uf I/mUtr GII by 20, 1984 tu receive his Eagle bai'lge; aJli'l Davii'l Chapun perfurmei'l his Eagle service project fur lIIIJre thaJI GIIe thm1saJli'l five-lmni'lrei'l resii'lents uf tlJllege Park East aJli'l Ihtssmmrr areas by i'luur-tu-i'lmrr i'listrihutiGII uf emergency first-aii'l flyers, listiJlll remei'lies fur the lIIIJst tlJIIIIIlQJ\ hlJUSebuli'l accii'lents aJli'l iJljuries; aJli'l Davii'l enlistei'l the help uf fifteen Buy ,amts tu sell tickets fur a car wasb tu raise fl1Jli'l$ fur tbe printing uf first-aii'l iJlfurmatiGII flyers; aJli'l a tutal uf UDe huni'lrei'l ninety-nine man huurs were i'leuutei'l tu the planniJlll, executiGII ani'l fl1Jli'l raising by Davii'l ani'l bi$ fellum scuuts. N~, tHE1lEJ"~RE, BE It REJ~l:OEtI that tbe City Cuuncil uf the City uf 'eal Beach, california, i'llJes hereby ClDIlI8eni'l ani'l hmu1r IDREREAJ , IDJIEREAJ , IDREIlEAJ , IDHEREAJ , IDREREAJ, IDJIEIlEAJ , IDJIEIlEAJ , REJ~mU9 RIIIIlIIER ,p~!i 1 RQtlmtItlII fJ1 tHE cny teJ.U(CIt ", m CItY "f ,EAt: BEACH, CAtU"RNIA, IItl11~R:tIllS lIIItI tmmEllltlIIIIG tIA\lIO c:IW'IAIII, f~R Amp.. ..iiS ..AE Bf1Il ,tmIU fJ1 AlERIa u.stE l\IlARtI. DUID CIIAPmAIII fur adtieviJIg the rank uf Eagle ,cuut iJI truup Nu. 642, "range fronUer Oistrict, Bay ,cuuts uf America. PASSED, APPRtlOED aJli'l AIleh~]) by tbe City tlJU11cil uf the City uf 'eal Beadt, Califurnia, at a meeting thereof beli'l GII tbe lIIiJ1tb i'lay uf April, Nineteen Huni'lrei'l ani'l Eighty-four. ~dL~ Q~~ Ae. -._~_. ---- tuunc 1IIIelIlber scar t. Bnmmell I I .u.,~,~~.. er 3ay A. R ner AtWt: ~~'!""'.b.t~ I . / . /)1 ~l~Llt . :$\,/~;;iv.OD;j-!.I' , It.> I'~ j>~;,;J~, 1.> : ~ ->. ~'. ;,,,' :'''- "',.... , .,' ~... ..-'.'-" """ . ,."" """-,,____" ~.. f ...........~ ~ I): a( y_u .~. >- J. .. ^ ... "'- ' "'j'~(/ ~......' ~".f:] ,,,,.,;"'-'-"'/ ,~ '. Y,' 2.--..-.~ ' p~~[;f?1 t~"'<i,~ ' J'f:.AeJf 112soluHan .5S1t::lJ " " 'tAtE ~ tA'I1'~RNIA ) ~lINty fJ1' ~RAN&E ) " aty fJ1' SEA' BEACH ) I I, 30anne P.I. yeo, City Clerk of the CHy of Seal Beach, California, i'llJ hereby rertify that the foregoing resnlutiGII is the original copy of Resolul:iGII lIIumber ~ GII file in the office of the City Clerk, passei'l, apprn\le an ai'lnptei'l by the City Council ~e CUy of s~ear!t at a regular meeting thereof heli'l GII the _ i'lay of k il J ,1984. .f#.c..lJJL ~ Cl er I I