HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 3368 1984-04-09
the Eagle is the highest rank a Bay ,amt can Khieve; ani'l
GIlly GIIe perunt at the Bay ,amts, utimllDii'le attaiJI this
level u1' adtievement; aJli'l
the Eagle AlDari'l is adtievei'l by eamiJIg tlDeJlty-QJ\e merit
bai'lges, eath i'leJllJtiq a specific skill ani'l a series u1'
proficiency levels fur skills iJI citiaeaship, persGllal
i'leve1llplDent aJli'l physical fitness; ani'l
'eal Beacb resii'lent oavii'l ChllJlllliUl, Buy ,amt truup Nu. 642,
Ulli'ler tbe 1eai'lersbip uf mr. c.n !)ressel, ,amtmaster, has
campletei'l all bi$ Eagle ,amt requirements aJli'l will appear
befure the tmlrt uf I/mUtr GII by 20, 1984 tu receive his
Eagle bai'lge; aJli'l
Davii'l Chapun perfurmei'l his Eagle service project fur lIIIJre
thaJI GIIe thm1saJli'l five-lmni'lrei'l resii'lents uf tlJllege Park
East aJli'l Ihtssmmrr areas by i'luur-tu-i'lmrr i'listrihutiGII uf
emergency first-aii'l flyers, listiJlll remei'lies fur the lIIIJst
tlJIIIIIlQJ\ hlJUSebuli'l accii'lents aJli'l iJljuries; aJli'l
Davii'l enlistei'l the help uf fifteen Buy ,amts tu sell tickets
fur a car wasb tu raise fl1Jli'l$ fur tbe printing uf first-aii'l
iJlfurmatiGII flyers; aJli'l
a tutal uf UDe huni'lrei'l ninety-nine man huurs were i'leuutei'l
tu the planniJlll, executiGII ani'l fl1Jli'l raising by Davii'l ani'l
bi$ fellum scuuts.
N~, tHE1lEJ"~RE, BE It REJ~l:OEtI that tbe City Cuuncil uf the City uf 'eal
Beach, california, i'llJes hereby ClDIlI8eni'l ani'l hmu1r
1 RQtlmtItlII fJ1 tHE cny teJ.U(CIt ", m CItY "f
,EAt: BEACH, CAtU"RNIA, IItl11~R:tIllS lIIItI tmmEllltlIIIIG
tIA\lIO c:IW'IAIII, f~R Amp.. ..iiS ..AE Bf1Il ,tmIU fJ1
AlERIa u.stE l\IlARtI.
fur adtieviJIg the rank uf Eagle ,cuut iJI truup Nu. 642, "range fronUer
Oistrict, Bay ,cuuts uf America.
PASSED, APPRtlOED aJli'l AIleh~]) by tbe City tlJU11cil uf the City uf 'eal Beadt,
Califurnia, at a meeting thereof beli'l GII tbe lIIiJ1tb i'lay uf April, Nineteen
Huni'lrei'l ani'l Eighty-four.
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I, 30anne P.I. yeo, City Clerk of the CHy of Seal Beach, California,
i'llJ hereby rertify that the foregoing resnlutiGII is the original
copy of Resolul:iGII lIIumber ~ GII file in the office of the
City Clerk, passei'l, apprn\le an ai'lnptei'l by the City Council ~e
CUy of s~ear!t at a regular meeting thereof heli'l GII the _
i'lay of k il J ,1984.
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