HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 3374 1984-04-23 I I I lIf$emutlll RIIIIlII~R ':1..:' ,"M A REJfJmUtlll fJ1 tIlE tIt'.. tm:::__' w. ..,,;r.: '....tQ f1F JEU BEACH, CAtI1'emu:A, ~.FlD1JlG J'RAIIIK llIeC,S1lIlI 1'eR HU tIEl)ItAtEO 'E~ItE te m "-lIUtY AS A IIIEIII1lER e1' m EIalliW!1ll1ENtAC tlIlACuy teIIIt., BeAJll) 1DJIEIlEAJ, 1'rank Ilillsnn servei'l as a UlIIher uf t!he 'eal Beach Envirunmental ~lil!y tuntrul Bnari'l from lIIn\lemher, 1978 to April, 1984; ani'l IlBEREAJ, IIr. Ilillsa servd as Chairman of t!he Envirunmenl!al ~litU tunl!rul hari'l ani'l 11111$!! recently as ,ecretaru; aJli'l 1IIlEJIEAJ, hring his service QII t!hal: Bnari'l, IIr. IDillSlJJl prucessei'l manll environmental fmpacl: repnrts, ani'l .as instrumental in t!he iJlvestigaHnn uf pnl:enHal fur hauri'lnus waste i'llscharge int!u t!he ,an Gabriel River; ani'l IllEREAJ, ar. 1Ii11sQII' $ prufessiGllalism, Itnnwlei'lge aJli'l !!horoughness has tQJ\trihutei'l greatlu tu the Envirunmental ~lil!y tunl:rul Bnarl1's ani'l staff's ability ani'l the Cil1l's quality; ani'l IHEREAJ, t!he funcHQII uf !!he EnvinJllmeJttal ~lity tunl!rul Buari'l is l!lJ st!ui'lU the environment! uf the City ani'l in\lestigat!e all act!ual pntenHal threats !!u the tQJ\Hnuei'l maintenance uf a high qualitll, dean envitimment! fur the City ani'l its inhabil!ants; ani'l IDIIEREAJ, the ,eal Beach City tlJU11til i'lesires l!lJ reargnbe aJli'l aIIIImeJIi'l 1'rank llillSlJJl fur his efforts iJI serving as a UlIIher of the Envirunmental ~lil!y tun!!rul hari'l fur tdte betterment of the .........."ity uf the City uf 'eal Beach. III~, tJIE1lEJ"~RE, BE It REJl)l:OE1) that t!he Cil1l tuundl uf the City uf 'eal Beadt, talifurnia, i'llJes hereby aIIIImeJIi'l J'RAIIIK IlICC",N fur his service lJJl the Environmental ~lity tGlltrul hari'l uf !!he Cil!ll uf Seal Beu:h. PASSED, APPRtlOEO AIIID AOOPtEtI h1l the City tuundl u1' t!he Cil!y uf 'eal Beach, talifornia, at a meetiJIg !!hereof heti'l QII the teenty-thiri'l i'lay uf April, lIIiJ1e!!een HI1Jli'lrei'l ani'l Eighty-1'our. ~~_..._-u-=~ ~/- er car c. Bnmmell ClJ1lJlC er 1'r 3. ClIo ~.~~ er 3lJyce A. Risner Atu$t: !lesoluHon Number ~~7c/ StAtE fJ1' CACIf'fJRNIA ) ctlllNty ~1' ClRANGE ) JS eny ~1' SEAC BEACH ) I, 30anne P.I. yeo, City Clerk of the Cil:y uf Seal Beach, California, i'lu hereby certify l:hat l:he~Ure ng resolutinn is the original C11PlI of Resolul:iGII Number:J3 on file in l!he office of l:he City Cle~rk passei'l, apprD\le an ai'lnptei'l by the City Council of l:he city of al Be~ch al: a regular meel!ing thereof heli'l an l:he ~;3~e{ i'lau of 'k-L , 1984. a I I I