HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 3382 1984-05-15 IlfltlCUtItlII _EI .il.3I!J 2- I .",CUtIII IF tHE aq mDlal: IF atE aq IF JElC BElCH, ClU1eUIA _II. lIUl t:.-.~..])1KG FUIK Wlce FeR IlU ~I:IJ tflBIOER lIUl ,DeElE IlE'DIUtltlll a JEIOIH acE afl2lU IF JElC IUCI IIII'IlfAJ, Frank tulID ... fint e1eCtefl . IIhe 'eal 'eath CUll Clmndl IDI lart:h 10, 117. aJli'l re-elecl!ei'l DIl lanh 26, 1.80 . .erve a seamA far-gear IIeZ'll. ab EIEAJ, ar. tulID ... e1ecl!el'l1ly his re1Ia QJU11dIaellbers IDI lall 1', 1118 aJli'l aaaiJI IDI lay 26, 1981 . serve aa-par tera .. lauur; _ -REAJ, 81'. tulID servei'l .. layur tru tlllpllrt 1'nIII lay 18, 1183 tllrlJllah ;Jure 13, 1183; ad. -1lf.U. eile . uahef a1' llhe Ciq CalUldl, ar. "SlID .ervell his "-'''UII .. a representative tu the ,autum California lssudatiun af GII\lernments, the eranp Clmnty 'eape a1' CUles, the 'anta llla 'luni'l 'rutectiGII laeIICII ai'l the erange Clmnl:lI ,anUatiGII District; aJli'l IHEREAJ, ar. tulID .ervell IDI the Ciq tlJU11til 1'1Dance cu.iUee; ai'l EIlf.U, Ir. tulID und .. Chail1lUl ad Olce-thairun ar the 'eal Iud1 ldevelllplltJlt JaentII; ab IHEREU, 81'. '-SlID is retlrlas 1'r1III pnhl1c a1'l'1ce IDI IaU 15, 1984 after eiaht pars ur service QII the Ciq tlJU11til; ai'l JIG'~AJ, 4arina his IIenure iJI aUice Ir. CHIll! bas .ervei'l the dtilens uf seal leath ani'l the 'aurth Oistrict or tlJllege 'ark East .hUe prnvli'llng leai'lersllip aJli'l i'lei'llcal:iGII nut DIllll IDI the Cil:y tlJU11tll but as a aemher of the leal leath Rei'leve1lJ11Unt 1ge1l&:JI. -, ~1lEJ"eRE, IE It RQtlCOE'O that IIbe City Clmndl of the tity u1' 'eal leath, California i'llJes bueby QDI\lItnb llni'l,1umnr the excellence aJli'l i'levoUQII of ad llhe illpurtant amtrlhul:imI$ lUi'le by FUJII( Wlce briJI; bis teflll of at1'ice llIIb al'rer gral!itnli'le IDI behalf at the dl:i.ens at the Ciq of 'eal leach. 'AJJED, mRClQED lJI1) AIlenEtl lIB the CUll ClJU11dl af the CUB of 'eal leach, Calitnrnia at a _tUIIS thereuf helb un the 1'ifteenth bay af .... ........ ....... ... ......._. .,..;2 ~.~uur~~~~ ~e.~ ieJ:....~ I I I ~~1~~:- .A ~~u' JAr~ ClmnCl er (J); : Resolution Number :5 ~ StAtE ~1 CACI1'~RNIA ) ~1INV;1l fJ1' ClRAN&E ) SS atg ~1' SEAt BEACH ) I I, Joanne P.I. yeo, City Clerk of the Cil:y of Seal Beach, California, i'ln hereby certifg l:hal: the foregoing resolul:ion is l:he original ropy of Resolution Number ~~ on file in the office of l:he City Cler , passei'l, approuei'l ani'l ai'lnpl:ei'l by the Cil:y Council of l:he tHy of , Beach al: a regular meeHng thereof he1i'l on the /..58 i'lay of , 1984. ?M(a / Ci!:Q.tn.- ~ I I