HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 3389 1984-06-11 weaIt:ulIIODlBER ~.!JB7 A WtlaIntll f1F tIlE tIty ttll1ltIl: f1F tIlE CItY fJ1' SEAl: BEAtH, tAJ:I1'fJRlIA, tfJlDlllElDIIG PfJl:It'E JERGEANt GARY 1'. BII1ZARD 1'fJR HIS IIIANY YEAJIJ fJ1' DEDItAtED JEROIt'E tfJ tIlE tItY fJ1' JEAl: BEAtH AND fJllR alI!lIIII1I1tg 1DHEBEA.i, Jeraeanll Garu 1'. Balllari! is relliring as Jeniur Pallml Jergeanll, lJIl or aboull 3une 17, 1984; ana IDIlEREAJ, Jeraeanll Balllad's relliremenll represenlls IIhe culminallian of 27 years of aevallea service 110 our tilly ana C1llIlIIl1Ulit!1l; ana IDIlEREAJ, Jeraeanll Balllad aeaicalld his career 110 1m enfarcemenll cammendng I in 1957 Ilhen he jaind IIhe tilly of Jeal Beach Police Deparlllllenll; ana IDIlEREAJ, Jergeanll Balllari lDas pn1llllJlld 110 IIhe rank of Jergeanll in Augusll, 1959 ana morkea a varielly of assignmenlls. inclulling aellecllive seqJeanll for IIIa1lB llears; ana IlIEREAJ, Jeraeanll Banad lIaS insllnllllenllal in amdinalling IIhe amsllrw::llilJll effarlls far llhe nn police fadlilly, llonalling mallll exllra hours of llully lIaari!s IIhe ClIIIIplellian of IIhe buUaing; ana IDIlEREAJ, Jeraeanll Banad has receivd numenrus ClIIIIIIIenaallillllS far oullsllanUng adtievemenll ana inveslligallive skills aaring his emplaymenll lDillh IIhe tilly of Jeal Beach Police Deparlllllenll; ana IDIlEREAJ, JeqJeanll Bunari hnrughll prille ana recognillilJll Ila IIhe Police Deparll- menll Ilhile conauclling numerous inveslligallillllS involving cases of hamiciae, rape, rahheru ana allher crimes Ilhich IIhreallenea IIhe peace ana IIranquilillll of our cillilens ana cammunilly; ana IDIlEREAJ, Jergeanll Bunari! has earad cerllificalles of achievemenll in mang lIechnical la1D enfarcemenll IIraining courses requiring years of sllullll; ana IDIlEREAJ, JeqJeanll BUllad furllher servd his r"""""nilly ana ClJUJlllru lru enlislling I in IIhe Ilnilld Jllalles marine tarps llur1ng IIhe Korean mar; ana IDIlEREAS, IIhe tilly Council is sincere 111 appreciative of Jergeanll BUllara's service 110 our tilly ana 110 our cammanilly. 18, tJlEllEJ'fJRE, BE It RE$fJJ:lm) IIhall IIhe tilly caunell of Ilhe tilly of Jeal Beach herelru CIJlII\II2nas JERGEAlt GARY 1'. BilliARD far his llJllg ana aeUcalld service 110 our tilly ana far his mallll contributions 110 our t"""""1'Iilly. BE It J'lIRtHER RE$fJD)ED IIhall IIhe tillll Council uqJes all dtbens 110 jain them in Ilishing Jergeanll BUllara a haPPII, successful ana Ilell-earnea retiremenll. PASJED, APPlWOED ana ADfJPf:ED lru IIhe tilly Coundl of IIhe tilly of Jeal Beach, talifarnia, at a meeting thereaf helll lJIl the Eleventh llay of June, lineteen Hunard ana Eighlly-1'aar. ~ .......~ ~'. ~ ~ <e-. ~ ~~ I ~f~~;~:~sner tL::~~~ t: Resnlutinn Number ~~_ StAtE ~ tACI1eRNIA ) ttl1lNtg e1 eRAN6f ) SS CItg e1 SEAC BEACH ) I I, Jnanne rn. gen, City Clerk nf the City of Seal Beach, Califnrnia, an hereby certify that the~ing resnlutinn is the original cnpy of Resolution Number on file in the office nf the City Cle passea, apprnvea a aanptea by the City Cnuncil nf the City of Se 1 Beach at a regular meeting therenf hda on the / /I!;rc aay of , 1984. I I