HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 3397-A 1984-07-23
Sauth tuast Repertory has a positive eC01lOlllie impact Dtt
the County generating some twelve million Aollars in
business per lIear; anA
Sauth tuast! Repertory bas proviltd a moAe1 for the grDlDt:h of
cul)ural instiwldDns in the taunl:1l btI mauntillll 1!he first!
large-scale capital fanA raising campaign for the performing
arts ill <<lrange taunty's hlst:Dr1l; anA
Saut!h toast! Repertory has AeDlOllstratd fiscal resJlOllsibility,
balalltintl its rapiAlll grinDing buAaet by elllaruillg its auAienee
anA attract!ing support from a broaA partnership of civic,
gavenmr.ental, corpnrate, phiIallthropic anA inAiviAu.al Aollnrs.
IN, nt'E1lE.F<<lRE, BE It JlES<<ltoED that the City Council of the CiI:1l of seal
Beach Aoes hereby COIIIIILenA
JlES<<l'utl<<l111IW111BER .53Q 7-1}-
A llE$<<ltutl<<l111 fJ1 nt'E CItY C<<lIJIIICI' fJ1 CIE
CItY <<l1 $EM. BEAtlt, Cltl1<<lRIIIIA, CfllDIIlEKDII11G
$mIm alA$1' REPERI'IlRg 11lR .,lIUWDING
SEROla t<<l nt'E ~lINty <<l1 <<lRANGE <<lIII nt'E
<<lCtASl<<lN <<lY nt'EIR tlDBl'1Em MNl/JER$ARY
Jau!!h tuast RepertDl'1l has, tor twenll lIears, servd all of
<<lrange CounI:1l .ith the art of 1!he theatre prolluceA I!o the
h~t! prafes$innal s1!anAari$; aliA
Sauth toast RepertDr!l aUract$ naHDttal attention to <<lrange
CounI:1l by brintlinu 1!alentd artists from arDllJlA 1!he cauntry
to its stages anA in aAAition, has become natiDttall1l knomn
for preselltillg IDOrIA premieres by emeruing Alll.eritan lDriters
anA American premieres of nem .orb by plalllDrights from
arDllJlA the .arla; am}
Sauth toast Repertory has been recognileA far its achievements
by the '0$ Angeles Drama Critics cirde, OramaIogue anA the
Dramatists GuilA/W !IIn Plalls Pragram; anA
Saut:h tuast llepertoT1! reaches aver 250,000 <<lrange County
cUllens per llear through Us lIlaill$tage am} Jeanr./l St!age
prancUoll$, it!s acUng amserval!ories, its entational
programs anA Us spedal autreach programs, such as "$earnA
eives" lDhich explore t!he richness of aur ethnic rnwmhlnit!ies;
Saut!h tnast! Repertory serves chilArell anA swAents through
t:he EAucat!iDttal I'auring Prnauction lDhich visits aver 200
schuols per lear, t:hrough the tivinu theatre Project lDhich
brings high schoOl anA college s~ents to the theatre to
~erience t!he masterpieces of lDorlA Aramatic literature,
anA through the young tnllservatory lDhich proviAes classes in
acHnu, speech anA lllIl\?ement 1!o aver 800 cltililren ~r lIear;
Sauth Coast Repertory arnt!rlbutes to the metropolit!an
character of <<lranue Caunty anA to t!he general quality of
life in aur C''''''''''''1il:1l. thus malting it more aUractive I!o
business anA a bellt!er place in lDhich I!o raise a family;
'<<lUrK C<<lASt REPERt<<lRY
for aullstanAing service 1!o the C1tIUtt1I of <<lrange Dtt !!heir twentieth anni-
lesa1uUan 1lllllllher ~~91~1f
'USED, Al"~E1> ad ADm'tE1l by tbe tii!y tl11mdl Df the til!1l of ,ea1 Beacb,
talifarnia, at a llleetirlg therent' beta an t1Ie ftlerti!y-thin1 uy Df JU1U,
1llineteen HlUIareA anA EiBbi!y-l'aur.
~"'V &..,.~ .,.Le.
hyar hear BralDnell
~mher ;'Jayce Rlsner
'tAtE ~ tA'tl'~RNtA )
ttlllNtg ~1' ClRANGE ) $$
tIty ~1' SEA' BEAtH )
tlJl1Jla::ilmemher EAna lDilsan
t, Jnalltle I!l. Qea, tUy tlerk of tbe tUu of Seal Beach, talifarnia,
AD bereby certify tbat tbe foregoing resolution is tbe original
a::apy of Resolution Number 4~7-11 an file in tbe office of tbe
tity tle~k, assed, appraved ana aADptea hy tbe tity tauncil of tbe
tUy of ;Sea Beach at a regular meeldng tbereaf hela on tbe dl~!.tJ.
Aall of , 1984.