HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 3400 1984-08-27 the central Pacific mainly Chinese tte1llS built 1,800 miles of railraa~ through the Sierra an~ RlIclty lIIlluntains, ~esert an~ plain; the union Pacific built 689 miles auer much easier terrain. 30hn GallQ\\)ay, the note~ transportatian engineer, ~escribe~ the Central Pacific as "~ithaut a Aaubt the greatest engineering feat of the nineteenth century"; an~ lJ!l llIay 10, 1869, ~hen the tlDlJ lines ~ere officially joined at Pramantory in Utah an~ 'tanfor~ ~raue a gal~en spike into the last tie, no chinese appear in that filllll1US picture cele- brating the jaining of the rails; an~ the thinese railrlla~ builaing pianeers ~orke~ an other trans- continental lines an~ rail~ags that ~ere being s~iftlU construtte~ in the mest an~ mid-mest an~ by 1893, this C1lU1Itt'\\ hall five trans-continental lines; and I the lines an ~hich these men ~arked "mare than any other factor helped make the United 'tates a united natian"; and the thinese-American Historical and CUltural Council of the 1lQ\\)et'$ museum :Founbatian 1I)ill honor the Chinese pianeer railrllad builders of the mest an ~c\!ober 13, 1984. N~m, tJlERE1'~RE, BE It Wt)o)ED that the City tauncil of the City of 'eal Beach does hereby recognile the important contribution and sacrifice of the IDJ\'ERfAJ , IDIIERfAJ , IDJ\'EREl\Sl , IDJ\'ERfAJ , IDJ\'EREAJ , IDJ\'EREAJ , IDIlEREl\Sl , IDIlERfAJ , IDJ\'EREl\$ , IDJIEREl\Sl , RE$eCutImt 1W11IIlER 5 #tJ 0 A RE$~CUtImt ~:F tJIE CItll C~IJNCII: fJ1' mE CItll ~:F ,EAC BEAtH, CACI:F~RNIA, llECeGNIUNG AND <<lI!lIlIEKDING tIlE tHINEJE RAIClWAD BUICDING PImtEEU in 1865. the Central Pacific Railroa~. headed by "Big :Four" (talUs Huntingtan. Ce1l11l~ ,ta1lfard, lllarlt Hopkins a1ld tharles Crocker) started to hil'2 thinese railraa~ builders to construct the ~estern portian of the first trans- continental railroad. Eventually 15,000 ~el'2 hired, nine- tenths of the total ~ark force; an~ Chinese cre1llS tackle~ the mast formiAable tasks: then drilled the ten 'ummit tunnels between Cisco and ClIke Ridge during the 1i)inter of 1865-1866, one of the severest an record. Hundreds of them perished frlllll accidents ad avalanches; and many lost their lives blasting granite mountainsides or braving bitter cold in the rugged ,ierra and scorching sun across the deserts of Nevada and Utah; and it is 1tnmm that the remains of 1,200 men ~ere shipped hOl!le to thina during these railroad buil~ing \lears, but no ane has recorded the nllllles of the Chinese 1i)ho gave their lives in the builUng of the railroads; and 1I)0rking ~ith skill, discipline. self-sacrifice and ~evotilJ!l, the chinese hastened the early completian of the Union Pacific Inng befol'2 the deaUi1le required by the Act of tongress; and I I I "tHIWE RAICRl!)AD illUDING PIllNEEllJ" and jain in C1lIIIIIIen~ing them as a graup of pioneers ~ho played a RIlI,jor role in building the netlDlJrlt of railroads that ~as the transport base of America's industrial might in the twentieth century. I I I ResoluHnn lumber .3~()O PASSED, APl'RtlQE1l AIIIll AOOPtE1l bu the tity tnlmdl of the titU of Seal Beach, talifornia, at- a meel'illg thereof helll nn the tlllell~-Se\lenth mru uf August, lIIineteen Hunarea ana EiBhty-1nur. ~~L-~ mayor tlscar'B nel C-..L - ~ ~'L ~ ~ . . t~~~~ (Absent) tnuncilmember Oictor Grgas AUESt: Q<<,~.~ (the ~ J~e m. yen, t1ty tlerli StAtE tl1 tllCI1tlRN1A ) ~lINty tl1 tlRllNGE ) SS CItY tl1 SEAC BEACH ) 1, Joanne a. yea, tity tlerk of the titu of Seal Beach, talifarnia, aa herebu certify that the foregoing resolution is the original CllJl1l of ResaluHnn lumber ~4()o an file in the office of the tity tlerk, passea, appnJ\le ana aWlpha by the tity tauncil of the tity of ~ Beach p a regular meetdng thereof heta nn the 0l?f5 mry of . z:;nd , 1984. " (\ &( ck; ~4~k" " t , tIer: I