HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 3452 1985-02-11 REStlOltXeI IO.\IIIIlEI 3452 A 1lE$tllJltUJR W tHE tIty tatIt W tHE tItQ W JEAt BEACH, tAtIYtlIlNIA, DPRESJIlIlG mIl JIlIltERE mlAtltIlDE ttl DlARg BtltteR YtlR HER DL<\!Ql tClNtRIBlItXeIJ ttl tHE REBlIltDIlIlG tlY tHE SEAt BEAaI _ItIPAt PIER m tIqJ ttl1JllltIt tlY tHE tIty W mt BEACH DIIfJ HE1lEBY REStl~E: IDIlEREU, I!he IDinl!er sl!orms of Jamtal'1! 27 an4 march 1, 1983, 4evasl!al!e4 I!he Seal Beach municipal Pier. IDhich IDas a sipificall!! aUracHon I!o I!hose near an4 far; an4 as a resull! of I!hal! 4isasl!er, I!he Seal Beach communil!y rallie4 to 4emansl!ral!e 4el!erminal!ion, invenl!iveness an4 inil!ial!ive in I!heir 4e4ical!e4 volunl!eer efforts I!o rehuiU I!he Pier; an4 liary Balm 4el1101lSI!ral!e4 I!hose I!raUs in her able assisl!ance to !!he CUy, giving of her Hme an4 experl!ise freely in I!he preparal!ion of I!he many hrnllle plaques IlOlD in place on I!he Pier; an4 I!he Cil!y of Jeal Beach IDishes to recopbe mary's efforl!s, knoming full IDell I!he importance of cil!ilen ai4 I!o our communil!y, as evi4ence4 by I!he "Jave tlur Pier" group, IDhose fun4-raising acl!ivil!ies inspire4 manu I!o assisl! in I!he reconsl!ruCl!ion of I!he Pier; an4 mHEREAS, Ilary Boll!on's help IDas insl!rumenl!al in I!he success of I!he Gran4 Reopening of I!he Seal Beach Pier 011 Jamtary 27, 1985, I!he secan4 alllliversary of il!s 4emise. mHElEAS , IDIIEIEAS , mHElEAS , I lIltllD, tHEllEJ'tlRE, BE It REStltoED I!hal! I!he tUg tmmdl of I!he Cil!y of Jeal Beach, 011 hehalf of I!he enHre COlllllll1l'lUy, 40es hereblj express sincere gral!il!u4e an4 apprecial!ion I!o I mARl! BtltttlR for her cOlll!rihuUOIls I!o I!he successful reopening of I!he Seal Beach Pier. PASSED, A1'PRflI;JED AlIlD AOOl'tED by I!he CUy COUIldl of I!he Cil!g of Jeal Beach al! a meeHng I!hereof heU 011 I!he elevenl!h bay of Yehruat"!:l, Ninel!een Hun4re4 an4 Eighl!y-Yive. a~~'J~~ bnor tlscar BrDlDIlell ~dc~ ~~~.~ Cl er JOJ.lce Rlsnet" ~~( 12 t Cer I .1.1. ~L-'- .. - ........: ~~ tmmCl er E4na JD IsOll I Resolution Number :7~~~ I ,nAtE fJf CAt::IffJRNIA) CfJUNtY fJf fJRAN6E )$$ CItY fJf $EAC BEACII ) I, Juanne B. yeu, Ci~y Clerk uf ~he Ci~g uf $eal Beach, Califurnia, do hereby cer~ify ~ha~ ~he furegoing resulu~inn is ~he uriginal cnpy uf Resulutiun Number 51/S".;L un file in ~he uffice uf ~he Citg Clerk, passed, apprn~ed and adup~ed hH ~he Ci~y Cauncil uf ~he Ci~y uf $eal Bea~~ a regular mee~ing ~hereuf held un ~he ~~ day uf tLMLI ,vI ,1985. r ~.(jz{ yi C1 er I .;. " \ " I . .