HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 3253 1983-03-14 HIe titly of leal Beach, has, silla 1974 amma11y se1ect!eil anil 1unuIreil their emplDuee of the lear; anil the selectioll ClIIIIIIil!l!ee has c:husell Jaes A. tDnIlDe11, billtellallce l1qrervisor, ill dlarge of aaut!elWla of tilly street!s, as "1983 ti~ EmplDyee of the year" for the ti~ of leal Beach; anil Jb hail est!ablisheil himself as all exeDlPlaru emplDuee fl'lllll t!he DIlSet! _hell ill laB, 1964, he IDas hireil lIB t!he tUy as a aaill- Ilellllllce IDDrlter U Ilhe hblic IDDrlls Depanmellt!; anil Jim has a~ays serveil t!his ti~ ililiaent!ll, COIIscielltiDuslg llJIil effidently IlD accomplish anu task that has heell assipeil; llJIil Jim's at!llituAe llaIarlls his IDDrk llJIil his lleilicat!ian t!o service has often seen him give l!D his jDh IIIIIre t!han is requireil; anil Jim has earneil the respect! of huHl IUnagelllellt! anil his fe11D1D emplDyees lIB his leallership qualit!ies anil Ilhe example he set!s fur others lIB IDmug haril at! all assipd t!asks; allil HlrDI1Qh his lDyaUu, ahili~ llJIil ililigena, Jim has heen a greall asset IlD Ilhe ti~ of leal Beach; llJIil Jim has further earneil t!he respect! of t!he leal Beach resillents lIB his partidpaUmt in IIIllIIlI """""'''li~ projects, fl'lllll t!he relDcaUmt of Ilhe lid tar l!Iuseum t!o preparing fie11ls for tit!tle 'eague gruups t!o the allllual thristmas Paralle almtg _itlh participat!ian in charilly fuJlil-raising event!s. 1UlID, tHEllEJ'flllE, BE It JlE$flD)El) that! t!he tii!y tI1lIIldl of t!he titly of leal Beach, ilDes herehB 1unuIr anil pal reCDpUian to IJCEIlfAl. IJIEJIEAI, _lIEU , IJIEIIEU , IJIEIIEU , IIJIfRFAI, 1IHEIlEAI, IJIEIlEAJ , JlE$fltm:IR IQIIIIlEII .3:253 A JlE$etm:IR fl'F tHE tIty temltIt fJ'F tHE tItl:I fJ'F IEAt BEACH, tAU'FflIlKIA, KRfllUNG JAE$ A. tflllllDE" AI tHE "1983 tItl:I EIIl'algEE fl'F tHE gEAJI." JAmEI A. tflIlRmE" as "1983 ti~ EmplDyee of the year." PAllED, Al'I'JItlOED anil ADflnED lIB t!he ti~ tDUlldl of t!he ti~ of leal Beach, California, at! a meet!ug thereof helil mt t!he 'Fourteent!h llau of lIlan:h, luet!een KDllilreil allil Eight!y-three. I I -1w ~a n ,r.... ~~ 1Ia~ o'~~t!aay G"~ t::;';';~ - ~1..... ~~ ~ !RElt: Grgas I