HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 3252 1983-02-28 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH AUTHORIZING DESIGNATION OF APPLICANT'S AGENT BE IT RESOLVED BY City Council (Gouernmg Body) THAT Allen Parker/Gary Johnson .. (Name of Incumbent) OF City of Seal Beach (Public Entity) Clty Manager/Dlrector of Publlc Works (OffiCial POSition) I RESOLUTION 3::25~ OR , Governor's Authorized Representative, .. (Name of Incumbent) is hereby authorized to execute for and in behalf of ,a public entity established under the laws of the State of Ca 1, forn, a, thiS apphcatlon and to file It m the appropnate State office for the purpose of obtammg certain Federal fmanclal assIStance under the DlSaBter Rehef Act (Public Law 288, 93rd Congress) or otherwise available from the PreSident's Disaster Relief Fund. . THAT C,ty of Seal Beach ,a public entity estabbshed under the laws of the State of Ca 1, forn, a , hereby authorizes its agent to proVIde to the State and to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for all matters pertaining to such Federal disaster assistance the assurances and agreements prmted on the reverse Side ~reof. ~ Passed and approved this 028 - day 4i#"6~ ,19 SQ., ^~,Q~(6iE*-~-r-) City of Seal Beach Mayor. Citv of Seal Beach (Name and Title) I AYES: fiDES: ~:::::~=;:*;'~~~~uj rtJvd'~~ll elected. , , duly .".1IHHlIII1CI< City Clerk (Title) of " ~ Joanne M, Yeo the Ci tv of Seal Beach. Cal i forni a ,do hereby certify that the above isa true and correct copy ofa resolution passed and approved by the r; ~ round 1 ( Ollernln, Body) of the City of Seal Bea~h (PubliC Entity) on the 28th day of February ,19]L. Date: March 1. 1983 -, City Clerk (Of(lcUlI PoSltlon) (S.,nature) .NGm, of Incumb,nt IInd not be provld,d In thot' Intumbenl o( Ill. d...,nalOd o((ltlOl JIOI.llOn 10 ..p 1 of tM publIC: ,ntlty dill,... to G.dhorlZ' an)' FEMA Fa'III ~, MAR 81 APPLICANT ASSURANCES Th. ~\IJphranl he".a-, ,.Iunl and cl"rtl,.ftth., h. will comph wIlli lh. rEMA relylallons, pollCH'5. MUld.hnft, and I'f'llu"l'mentl.ncludlnl 0\18. Clrculul:\O A 9') and A 102. and nlc i...... "lh.~ rei.,. '0 lh. .ppheattOn. acwptanCfl lInd uw ur F.d,',al 'undll .ur th.s t'ed.rall, .....'.d protect AI..... lh. Applacant II"" UlUranct' and nUlt... with ....Pft'l to and AI . condition for &h. Irant th... It pOMPllM'l 1.111 .authurn\ 10 .pply (or Ih. Innl, and to rlft.ne. 1 & It .111 comply with Ih. prOWlllnns or lh. H.tch Act wh~h hmlt and conlltrYCI Ih. prop.....d (Hlhtl". Ihlt. NIOIutlon. motIOn or &be politICal actlYlty or anplo)".. Ilmllar action hu IIftn dulv adopt" or ......d .. an offlc..1 act ur Ih.. 3pphc..nt I low.rnlftC bndy, a.thonllnl lb. flllnl or Ih. apphC'.I110n Includlnl all undprallndlnll and au.ranees ronLaln.d Ih.,..n and dlrl!'t'lInl and authorlzlnc the p.raon Identlhed u the olrlrllll r.pn'lC'ntatl"! or the applicant to act In connl!'Ctlon with the app!l('allon and to prOVide auch additional Inrorm.llon u mll\ be R'quar.d Resolution ~umber 3252 I 2 It -III rom ph, with Ib. provlllOns or EXl'CUtlv. Order 11188. ",Iatlnl to Flondploun :\ofanallement .nd Executive Order 11990. relalln. to ProtKtlun or "etlanda 3 It will ha\. IUrrlCIt'nt rundl .v.llabl. to meet the non-Federal Ihart' or th. ('ost Cor C'Oftltructlon prolftLl Sumclt'nt fundi will 1M- .....dabl. _h.n ranstrUC'lIon II C'ompl.led to "'UN' effectlv. uprrallon lInd m.unt.nane. or the CKlhlY ror the purpose t'onltnaCled .. It will not .nl.r Into. ('onltructlon contraC'th) ror th.. proJect Dr und..rtak. oth.r KllVllIes untd the conditiOns or th.. arant pro- Iramll) ha"e bHn met ~ It will provld. and maintain compet.nt and adequate archltectur- .1 .nlClne.rlnllupenlllon and InlPf'C'tlon .t the construction aile to Insur. that the compl..ted work conrorma With the .ppro..d pI.nl and IpPClrlc.tlonl. Ihlt It will rurnllh Pros'"' rt'pOrta and auch olh.r Inrormatlon .. th.. Fed.ral IrantDr ...ncy may 6 It will operate and maintain the raC'lhty In accordance With the minimum Ilandardl .. may be reqUired or prelerlbed by the app"rable FflIeral. St.te and local .,.nela ror the malnt.nance and operation or lurh rarlhtlea 7 It will ,IV. the Irantor aa.nc) and the Comptroller General. throulllh an, authOFlzed rt'prt'HnLltlv., acrt'll to and th.. rllhllO examine all rt'C'ordl. books, pap.rs, or doeumentl related to the .rant I II II -III R'qUU't' tht' CardllY 10 be dftlp.d to complv With the .. "mrrlcan Standard SPt'Clrlcatlons Cor Makin. Buddin.. and to'arll,tlC'J AC'c.ulble 10. and Usable by the Physlcall) Handl- capp..d . S'umb.r ,\11': 11961. u modlrl.d (oU CFft 1011; 7031) The apphunt "III be rl'lponllblt' ror conduC'tlnR In .pPClluna. to InIU", compliance With th... apecIC,c.tlonl by the concractor 9 It will cault' work on the proJt'Ct to be commenced within a ,..uonable lime arler rect'lpt or nOllr'C&ItIOn rrom Ihe approvln. F.d.ra' alency that runda have been approved and will see that worl. on eh. prOlt'C'1 will b. ProMCut.d to completion With rt'oUOnabl. dlhc.nce 10 h -III not dllpnao or or eftC'umber Ita tltl. or oth.r Int.,..ta In the Sltl' and r.CIl,llel dunn, the penod or Federal Inc.,..t or whd. lhe (.ovt'rnmt'nt holdl bondi, "hlch."er 1& the lonler 11 It al..... to comply With Secllon 311. P L 13-288 and With Tltlt' VI or tht' Civil ftllhtl Act or 1964 (, L 83.3&2) and In act'nrdan~ With Title VI or th. Act no person In tht' Unlt.d Slah!1 Mall. on th. ,round or race. calor. or nauonal orllln, be exclud.d Crom parllC'lpauon In. be d.nled the btn.llta or. or be oth.r.11t' sublt'C'tt'd to dllC'nmlnauon und.r .ny pro.ram or aCllVln ror which the apphcanl rect'IV" Fl'deral rlnancl.1 u- 1IIIance and -III Immt'dlatt'l) tah any m...urel nee...ry to erreclualt' thiS Ilr.t'ment If an) ,.al proPt'rt) or ItrUt'tur. 1& provldt'd or ImprO"l'd With Ih. aid or Fedt'r.1 rlnant'lal "'111' anC'. .xlflndl'd 10 Ih. Apph('anl. thIS Ulurant'f' Ihall obhrat. the ApphC'anl or In th. cast' oC anv transrer or luch propert). .ny Iranst..r... ror Ih.. pt'r1od dUrin, which the real prOlM"rlY or slructur(' IS used ror a purpo.. ror whlrh the r.dt'ral rlnaftClal IIIIl1lana IS I'.C..ndfld or ror annlh.r purpose Involvlnl the PruwlI,lun olllmll.r HnlC't'1 or benerltl 12 It "III P5lablu,h sart'IUardl 10 prohibit t'mploy", rram uSln, Ih.., pllSltlons (ur a purpolt" that II or II"" Ihe appl'arance or bPlnl mfltl\alfld by a d"slr.. ror prlval. 1l.ln ror Ih.mselv.s or otht'n parllC'ularly thUH With whom the) hawe ramll). bUllnesa. or uther tiel I 13 It Will t'ompl, _llh the requlrt'm.nll or Tltl. II and TltI. III or th. l'nlCorm R.lnratlon Aulltanc. 3nd Real Propenv Acqul- 'II Ions \CI or 19.0 IP L 9164'1 whlC'h provld.. rur ra., and I'qull3hle IrUlm.nl or p.rsonl dllplat'N as a result or Federal and F..c,oraU) Wlstt'd pro,raml 14 It will compl) with all requlrem.nta Imposed bv Ih. Fed.ral Ilrantor ar.ney con~rnlnl special requl....menta or I.w. procr,m h'qul,.ml'nta. and oth.r admlnlltratlVt' h'qulreme-ntl approved In at'C'ordanc. With OMI Circular A.I02., P L 93-288 al ame-nded and apphcabJt' to."er.1 Reaulatloftl ' 16 It will eomply with th.. mlnlmun:. wa.. ..nd m.xlmum hnurs proWlIlOns oC th. Federal Fa., Labor Standards Act .. th.) appl\ U' hOlpllDl .nd educational Inllltutlon .mpla)t't'1 or Stat. and . locallOftrnm.nta 17 (To the best or h. knowl.d... and beh..n th. dllaller rellt'r _"rk deSCribed on .ach Fed.ral Emt'.....ncy Manallt'ment A,.nc\ (FEMA) Projt'C't Appllc.llon ror .hlch F.d.ral FinanCial .... IlIUnc. II nqut'Swd II .hllble In at'C'ordanct' _nh tht' cm."a contained In .... Code or Ft'd.r.1 Rt'lul,tlons. Part 20:; and appllcabl. FEMA Handbookl 18 The eme-"eM) or d....t.r reh.r work th."ln dt'lC'rlbed Cor whlt'h F.deral Alllltance II rt'queltN herl'und.r doel nut or .)11 nol duphcac. ben.rnl rt'Ct'1Vt'd for the- ..m. Iou rrom another lUurce 19 It Will n) provld. wlthoul C'oat 10 the Unlt.d 5t31.1 all lands .ueme-nll and rllhts-or way nK....ry ror IC'comphshmenl 01 Iht' approved work. (2) hold and IIV. the Unne-d Stat.. rre. from clam.... due to the approved work or F.dt'ral rundlnl 20 Thll auuranC't' II 'Iv.n In C'onlld.ratlon oC and ror th. purpose or obtalnlnl any and all Federal ,ranll. loanl, relmbursl'm.nts ad. ftnca. eontrllc.... propeny, dllCountl or other Fed.ral rlnanclal _lltanc. e-..t.ndt'd Arter the- dat. hert'OC to Ih. Apphcanl b) FEMA. thai luch Fed.ral FinanCial aalltanCt' will b. "'Iendt'd In rt'lIann on th. representatlonl and al,"menta madt' In thIS as llltann .nd that th. United Stat.. shall ha".. the rlaht 10 ..n Judtclal .nrol'ft'mt'nt or thll ...urance Thll .auranre II bind In.: on the applicant. ItlluccellOn, transr.r.... and DII!Ilnft'l and the penon or IMaGn. whOle II.n.lu.... appear on th. rt'Vt'tH U .u ,honHd to Illn thll auuranre on behalr or the apphcanl 21 It Will C'Omply wllh th. nood Inluranno purehaR requlremenlS or Secllon 102(a) or th.. !-Iood DI"'l"r Protection Act or 19";'3. Pubhc Law 93 2301, 8': Slat 9':5, approv..d o.c-t'mber 31 19.3 Secllon 102(al r.qult... on and artt'r ~Iarch 2 19':5.lhe putC'h... or nood Ins\lran~ In C'ommunltl" "her. such InlUranCf' II avallablt' .. a condition ror th. reC't'lpt or an) F.d.ra1 rlnancl.1 "lIlanH for conllructlun ur acqullltlon purposn ror use In an, area that h. bHn IdenllCled h) Ihe- Dltt'clor. Federal Eme-rr.nc, Manapmt'nt A...nC'.. al an aR'a havlnllpec:lal nood hazardl Th. phralt' "Ft'dt'ra' rln.nrlal alllllanCe" Includt's an) form ur loan lrant luarant). Inlurance pa)m.nl. rt'bale, sublld). dlllilltt!r aulllanc. luan or IIrant or an) ottoe-r rorm ur dlrt'ct or Indu..t'~ F.d.ral UlIILlnt'e 22 It will comply With th. Insurance r..qultt'mt'nts of St'ctlon 31" PL 93 2'tA. to abtllln and m.lnlaln an) other Insurance U ma, be nuonabl., adequate. .nd necesllry 10 protet't alalnlt ru"h.r Iou to any properly whlC'h .al r.plared. rt'.to,.d. r.palr.d. or con Itnactl'd With thiS UlIlIanet' 23. It w,1I derer rundlnl or anv proJerll InvolVing n.xlble rundln, unld FEMA. make-II a favorable .nvlronme-ntal clearance, Ir thll IAI'I'qUIFed 24 It W,II III": the F.deral .:ranlor arent'y In Its comphanC'. _nh s.cuon 106 or the Natlun:d HISIOrlC ',""nallon Acl of 1966 - IftIt'nded. (16 l' 5 C ""'0). EXt'C'UIIVt' Ord.r 11&93 and the Arch.uloclcal and fllllont' P......rvatlon Act or 1966 fi6 l' 5 C 489.-1 et Rq ) b) la) t'uNultlnt With the Stale HlltOrlC ,,.I.r vatlon Orr)Cer on the C'Onduct or IhVftlllallonl as nl'('('lIIr) to Idf'ntlh prOpl'rtl" hll.d In ur .hllbl. ror InC'lullon In th~ National Rt"lstt'r or IIlItorlc pial''' that a,. lubJ.ct to adunt' errl'C'ta f.... 36 CtoR Pan dOObJ b) th. artn.n). and nOIII'ln. the F.der31 .ranlu, ',.nt'). or Ihe e.lltene. or any luC'h proPf'r tift. and b) fbt t'ompl)lnll "lIh all reqUIt~mf'nts .Itabhsh.d b\ the- Ft'deral tlrantor ..enrv to aVOid or mUllale ad'l'1'It' t'lrt'C'ta upon luch properll" -, 2& II "III. ror an\' rt'paln or t'onSlruC'tlon rlnanced h.rewlth. t'ompl) "nh .ppllcabl. Itandardl or 5Ilet).. df'C't'nc) and sanu..tlon .nd In C'Onrormll\ _lIh apphr.ahl. cod..., apet'IIIC'.lIlons and Itan dardl. and. -III .",Iuale th. natur.1 hazards In areas In _hlch th. PI'OC'''''til ur th. Irani or loan art' to b. u..d and ta". ap- Proprlat. aC'tlnn to mlt,.at. luch hazardl. IftC'ludln. IIr. I.nd UIe and conllruCtlon practlC'C'I STATE ASSURANCES .... , The Stale..,... to UlIIe any nt'ftUary artlon Within SUI. capabllll'" 10 reqUIN' comphane. With these auurallCft and a.I'ftmf'nta by the .pphcant or 10 ilium. ~ponublhty to the Fed.ral 10Yt'rnm.nt ror any de-flC'l.ncl" not I'ftOlved 10 th'll\' Ul..ractlon or the a.lloDal DII'f'Ctor