HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 3303 1983-08-22 RESOLUTION NUMBER oJ~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH, CALIFORNIA, A CHARTER CITY, ESTABLISHING SALARY RATES, A SALARY AND WAGE SCHEDULE, AUTHORIZING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF CERTAIN EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FOR THE POLICE OEPARTMENT, AND REPEALING, ON THE EFFECTIVE OATES SPECIFIED, ALL RESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH OOES HEREBY RESOLVE: I Sectlon 1. The salary schedule as shown on Sectlon 18 of Appendlx A attached hereto and made a part hereof for each salary range and/or hourly rate of pay shall constltute the baslc compensation and pay plan for all positlons of pay in each salary range for full tlme posltions in the Police Oepartment. The respective ranges are ldentlfled by number and salary steps withln each range by the letters "A" to "E" lnclus1Ve. The columnar headings at the top of each column establlsh the mlnlmum length of service requlred for advancement to the next hlgher salary step. The salary schedule herelnafter shown is based on forty (40) hours per week. Sectlon 2. The salary schedule for each posltion classiflcatlon lS indlcated In Sectlon 18 of Appendix A attached hereto and made a part hereof, whlch indicates "A" through "E" steps of each classlfled posltlon, In terms of a monthly salary rate for classlfled posltlons and the effective dates of each, lf any lncreases. I Sectlon 3. The Memorandum of Understandlng between the Clty of Seal Beach and the Seal Beach Pollce Offlcers Assoclatlon lS indlcated In Appendlx A and is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Upon adoptlon of thlS resolutlon, the wage lncreases, employee beneflts and worklng conditions contalned in Appendix A are effectlve upon the dates speclfled In Appendlx A. Section 4. The prOV1Slons of thlS resolution relatlng to salary rates shall become effectlve as 1lsted In Appendlx A. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Clty Councl1 of the Clty~of ~ Seal Beach at a meetlng thereof held on the ~..l~ day of Ll4<:,~L, , 1983, by the followlng vot~; (,( AYES: Councilmember~ I , ~ NOES: Councl1members r . ABSENT: Councilmembers ATTEST: Q~JhLf. ,_ I~RIlI...\.\\". ~ t S"AL 8 ~"I =-.. 0 ........&0'... I" #" of' o..o.~ ,.,^ ~. ~~..(.: "'#...'~-'" iljl'+ o"'~""1 .: 1:7 \"'~ ",' . . Ii! 10: .. :4l'~ ~,.~., ~':il i......,.. g ..~.:4r~ ~ 'A.. "0 '" 10 .. ~I IJ': e. ., \~'It .. ~ ::: l~ Q -. · i:? I .. ".::: ',." ......"... "..~.: 111\ C'OU Nt1.c..,,;:o-=- \\\\\~~., I STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF SEAL'BEACH ) I, Joanne M. Yeo, Clty Clerk of the Clty of Seal Beach, Californla, do hereby certlfy that the foregolng resolution is the orIgInal copy of ResolutIon Number ~~i'I on fIle in the office of the CIty Clerk, passed, approved and adopted by the Clty CouncIl of the Clty of ~a~ Beac~at a regular meeting thereof held on the ~ day of ~~~ ,1983. . ~ ~Llk~ Ity Clerk Resolution tlunber ;j~~!J APPENDIX A MEMORANDUM OF UNOERSTANDING THIS MEMORANOUM OF UNOERSTANDING IS BY ANO BETWEEN THE MANAGEMENT REPRESENTATIVES OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH, herelnafter referred to as "Management" I and THE SEAL BEACH POLICE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION, an Assoclatlon of Sworn Pollce Personnel herelnafter referred to as "Assoclatlon." WHEREAS, Association petitloned City ln accordance with provlsions of Ordinance Number 769 and was granted certlflcation as a recognlzed employee organizatlon representing all sworn pollce department personnel in accordance with Government Code Sect lon 3508 whi ch states that: "... the governl ng body may not prohlbit the rlght of its employees who are full tlme "peace offlcers" as that term lS deflned ln Section 817 of the Penal Code, to JOln or partlclpate in employee organlzatlons which are composed solely of such peace offlcers, which concern themselves solely and excluslvely with the wages, hours, worklng conditlons, welfare programs, and advancement of the academlc and vocatlonal tralnlng ln furtherance of the police professlon, and WhlCh are not subordlnate to any other organization." I WHEREAS, the duly appointed, recognlzed employee representatives of Assoclation and Management representatlves representlng the City of Seal Beach have met and conferred in good faith on numerous occasions concernlng wage, hours and terms and condltlons of employment ln conformance wlth the terms, condltlons and provlsions of Ordlnance Number 769 and State Law; and WHEREAS, Association and the Management representatlves have mutually agreed to recommend to the Clty Councll of the Clty of Seal Beach the terms, conditions, hours, and wages pertainlng to employment with Clty for those employees represented by Associatlon, as set forth ln this Memorandum of Understandlng. MANAGEMENT RIGHTS Sectlon 1. Management Rights. It is understood that the City retalns all of ltS rights and powers to dlrect and control the buslness of the City to the fullest extent required by law. It is also understood that the Clty retains all of its rights and powers to dlrect and control the buslness of the City to the fullest extent permitted by law except as may be llmlted by an express prOV1Slon of thlS Memorandum of Understandlng. Management and Associatlon agree that replacement of personnel and thelr replacement rate lS a management prerogative. I Resolution Number -'~O~ Memorandum of Understandlng Page 2 .. "\.. AOMINISTRATION Sectlon 2. Admlnistration. I A. City shall provlde a bulletln board in the followlng location: Police Oepartment. Said bulletln board to be avallable for the purpose of postlng notlces pertalnlng to Association's business only. Assoclation shall not use any other bulletin boards withln Clty facllltles. B. Clty recognizes Assoclatlon's right to appolnt or elect representatlves to meet and confer wlth Clty'S Management representatlves on salaries, wages, and terms and condltlons of employment. Assoclation agrees to notlfy Clty in wrltlng as to such representatlves' ldentity and of subsequent appointments, lf any. Assoclation and Clty agree that employees appolnted or elected as Associatlon representatlves shall be requlred to work full tlme. C. Management agrees that the recognized representatlves of Assoclatlon, not exceedlng S1X (6) ln number, shall be entltled to meet and confer wlth Management during said recognized representatlves' normal working hours without suffering any loss in pay whlle absent from the dutles for such purpose providlng that such time per person shall not exceed two (2) hours in anyone week. Management also agrees that such representatlves may utlllze not more than S1X (6) hours per month to seventy-two hours per year without sufferlng any loss ln pay for such absence for the purpose of meetlng wlth employees who are members of Assoclation and/or other offlcers of Assoclatlon. RETIREMENT I Sectlon 3. Retirement. A. The City provldes the followlng retlrement coverage through the Public Employee's Retlrement System (P.E.R.S.): 1. Retirement at Age Flfty Provldes for age 50 as a mlnimum voluntary retirement age for local safety members as specified in Government Code Sectlon 2095.2. 2. 1959 Survlvor Benefit Program Provides for allowances for surVlvors of members as specifled ln Government Code Sections 21380-21388. 3. Post-Retirement Survlvor Allowance Provldes for contlnuance of post-retlrement survivor allowance to certaln survivors as speclfled ln Government Code Sectlons 21263-212631. I 4. Additlonal Increase for Persons Retired or Oeceased on/or before December 31, 1970 Provldes for flve percent (5%) lncrease of the monthly allowance pald to a person retlred or a member who dled on or before Oecember 31, 1970. as specifled ln Government 21222.1. 5. Two Percent at Age 50 Retirement Formula Provldes for retirement beneflts payable at age flfty as specifled ln Government Code Sectlon 21252.01. 6. Actlve Mllltary Servlce Credit Provides for serVlce credlt for up to four years of contlnuous mllltary serVlces as speclfied ln Government Code Sectlon 20930.3. The employee shall be requlred to pay the entlre cost of this beneflt. Resolution Number ~.:s Memorandum of Understanding Page 3 7. Clty-Pald Retlrement Contribution The Clty shall pay that portion of the affected employees' retlrement contrlbution that lS equal to nlne percent (9%) of the affected employees' base salary. Funds paid ln behalf of the employee wlll contlnue to be deposlted ln the member's retlrement account. INSURANCE I Sectlon 4. Insurance. A. Admlnlstratlon 1. Part-tlme, seasonal, and/or hourly employees and reserve pollce offlcers shall not be ellglble for partlclpatlon in lnsurance provlded through thls memorandum. 2. Full-time Police Oepartment employees of the Clty who have completed tnirty (30) days of uninterrupted serVlce shall be enrolled ln insurance programs, provlded through the Memorandum of Understandlng, on the flrst day of the next succeedl ng month., 3. Pollce Bepartment employees who change classificatlon from full-tlme to part-tlme, hourly or seasonal, shall not be eliglble for these beneflts. 4. City shall not pay premiums or accrue any frlnge benefits afforded wlth this section for any Police Oepartment employee on leave of absence wlthout pay, or for any Police Department employee who has termlnated from Clty employment for any reason. 5. City shall not make any monthly premlum payments on behalf of any pollce department employee who has been absent wlthout authorlzatlon durlng sald month. 6. No person who lS ellgible to receive Workmen's Compensatlon beneflts is eligible to recelve beneflts from the Clty'S group medlcal lnsurance. I 7. All full-tlme Pollce Oepartment employees ellgible for the health insurance benefit plan are to be accorded the opportunity to enroll their ellglble dependents in sald plan. B. Health Insurance Clty shall provlde for ellglble Pollce Oepartment employees and sald employee's dependents a group hospltal and medlcal lnsurance plan at least the equlvalent of the present POllCY the City now offers the affected employees. City shall pay the total cost of the health insurance durlng the term of this Memorandum of Understanding. Any health lnsurance premlum lncreases shall be assumed by said Clty. Clty shall provlde for and pay one hundred percent (100%) of the premium cost of a dental program for the affected employee and dependents equal to that whlch is now provlded. I C. Oental Insurance D. Llfe Insurance Each affected employee shall be provlded a one hundred percent (100%) City paid term life lnsurance policy wlth a face value of thirty-seven thousand dollars ($37,000). ~esolution Number ;r~~~ Memorandum of Understan ing Page 4 . E. Income Continuation Insurance I City shall provide a group insurance plan for lncome contlnu- ation equivalent to the plan offered by PORAC for eligible Police Department employees. Sald lnsurance to provlde an income continuation of one thousand four hundred dolars ($1,400) per month or S1xtY-S1X and two-thirds (66.67%) of employee's weekly salary, whlchever is lesser, for a perlod of tlme not to exceed the length of lnJury or illness. Sald lnsurance shall become effective after a nlnety (90) day waiting perlod. F. Professlonal Counseling Servlce The Clty shall pay for the membership of each assoclatlon member ln the Occupatlonal Health Servlces, Inc. program sponsored by PORAC. G. Benefits Limltatlons -I Part-tlme, hourly, seasonal, and/or provlsional employees, volunteer flremen, reserve police personnel, and any City employee who is not employed on a continuous full-tlme basis shall not be eligible for benefits stated ln thlS sectlon. No employee who lS eligible to receive Workmen's Compensation Insurance payments lS ellglble to recelve overlapping benefits (except 11fe insurance) stated ln thlS Sectlon. Clty shall not make any monthly payment for premiums for any lnsurance beneflt 11sted in thlS resolutlon, or for uniform allowances, supplemental pay of any time, and/or any type of bonus 11sted in thlS resolution on behalf of or to any employee who has been absent wlthout authorization during sald month or for any employee who has termlnated for any reason whatsoever or who is on leave of absence wlthout payor who lS suspended from dutles without pay. UNIFORM ALLOWANCE Section 5. Unlform Allowance. A. Each affected employee whether or not sald employee wears a tradltlonal unlform, shall be provided an annual uniform allowance of flve hundred ($500.00) to be dlstrlbuted ln accordance with existlng department practlce and procedures. OVERTIME 1 Sectlon 6. Overtlme Compensatlon. A. Regular Overtime Overtlme shall be pald at'one and one half (It) tlmes the employees regular base hourly rate of pay for all hours actually worked in excess of forty (40) hours within the employees asslgned work week. B. Payment of Overtlme Management agrees to pay paid overtlme earned by members tWlce each year, ln a total sum, at the member's optlon. Payments to be made June 1 and Oecember 1. Compensatlon ln the form of Compensatory Time Off is optlonal. To partlclpate ln thlS plan, members must notify the accountlng department by a memo from the Chlef of Police no less than thlrty (30) days prior to either payment date. Resolution flumber ~i! Memorandum of Understanding Page 5 C. Oef1n1t10n In determin1ng whether the employee has been deemed to have worked forty (40) hours dur1ng a regular work week, for the purpose of making the above computat10ns, t1me during wh1ch the employee 1S lawfully absent from duty as a result of 111ness, 1nJury for which s1ck leave t1me was ut111ied, vacat10n, ho11day or the use of compensatory t1me off shall be cons1dered as t1me deemed to have been worked by h1m!her. I D. Court Time 1. Where employees are requ1red to make court appearances during off duty hours, the employee shall be compensated at the rate of four (4) hours at the employees regular base straight t1me hourly rate of pay. Any t1me spent beyond four (4) hours shall be compensated at stra1ght t1me on an hour-per-hour basis. 2. Where employees are requ1red to be on call during off duty hours, for court appearance purposes, the employee shall be compensated at the rate of two (2) hours at the employee's regular base stra1ght t1me hourly rate of pay. COMPENSATORY TIME OFF Sect10n 7. Compensatory T1me Off. A. Compensatory t1me off (CTO) is defined as t1me off 1n- 11eu of overt1me pay. CTO may be granted by the C1ty upon request by the employee. CTO requ1red the pr10r approval of the employee's supervisor. Compensatory t1me 1S earned at the rate of one and one-half hours of compen- satory t1me for one hour of overt1me worked. I B. Employees covered by th1s agreement shall have the option of designat1ng overt1me as either compensatory time or overtime. Overt1me 1S def1ned to be those hours worked 1n excess of forty (40) 1n the ass1gnea workweek. for which the employee rece1ves a cash payment. C. The C1ty agrees to pay all accumulated CTO to employees who term1nate, at the f1nal rate of base hourly compensat10n. O. The maX1mum amount of compensatory t1me any full t1me employee covered 1n th1s agreement may accumulate 1S one hundred and S1Xty (160) hours. E. Any affected employee who accumulates 1n excess of one hundred sixty (160) hours of compensatory time will be reimbursed on the f1rst pay period in Oecember of each year for that amount 1n excess of one hundred S1Xty (160) hours Payment will be at the base rate at the t1me of payoff . LEAVE BENEFITS I Section 8. Leave Benefits A. Vacations 1. Vacation leave 1S accumulated yearly and is computed on the bas1s of the employee's hire date as a full t1me probat10nary or permanent employee and 1S payable at the employee's base hourly rate exclus1ve of any bonus or ass1gnment d1fferent1al. Resolution :luJ:lber ~ao~ Memorandum of Understand1ng Page 6 . I 2. Annual vacat10n Wh1Ch 1S not used in anyone year may be accumulated for use 1n succeed1ng years. The limit of such accumulat10n is f1fty (50) hours). 3. Employees who must change the1r vacat10n date due to department request, shall not be subJect to loss of vacation 1f they should have more accumulated vacat10n than allowed upon reach1ng the1r hire date anniversary. 4. If a legal C1ty holiday occurs wh11e an employee is on vacat1on, such hol1day t1me shall not be deducted from amount of vacat10n to wh1ch the employee 1S ent1tled. 5. C1ty agrees to pay for all accumulated vacat10n leave to employees who term1nate. Such lump sum payments shall be no sooner than on the next regular payday follow1ng term1nation. Payments shall not be made for accumulated vacation to employees who terminate employment prior to one year's cont1nuous serV1ce, as a full t1me regular employee. 6. The vacat10n accumulat10n schedule is as follows: Years Serv1ce Vacat10n Hours Earned Hourly Accrual Rate Per Pay Penod B1-Weekly MaX1mum Vacation Hrs. Ava1lable for Use (Up to 50 hrs. Accrued Vacation May Also Be Available I 1 120 4.615 2 120 4.615 3 120 4.615 4 120 4.615 5 120 4.615 6 128 4.923 7 136 5.231 8 144 5.539 9 152 5.846 10 160 6.154 11 160 6.154 12 160 6.154 13 160 6.154 14 160 6.154 15 160 6.154 B. Vacat10n Procedures 120 120 120 120 120 128 136 144 152 160 160 160 160 160 I 1. An employee may not earn more than one hundred SlXty (160) hours per year in vacation t1me regardless of length of serV1ce. 2. Vacatlon t1me must be requested by each employee between January 1 and February 28th of each year. 3. Time requested must be suff1c1ent to ma1nta1n vacat10n t1me accumulated below the maX1mum t1me allowed. 4. A f1rst. second, and th1rd cho1ce of vacation t1me must be submitted. Vacat10n pr1or1ty to be selected by sen1or1ty in each class1f1cation. Resolution tluMber,.;'.30 " Memorandum of Understanding Page 7 5. Only one cholce may be between June 1st and September 15th. 6. If all three vacatlon requests are refused, the employee must submlt another request for vacatlon time off. 7. If all three vacation requests are refused and an additional request is not filed, the employee concerned shall recelve monetary compensatlon monthly for any excess vacatlon tlme accumulated. At no time may any employee recelve monetary compensatlon for more than ten (10) hours ln anyone month. 8. Monetary compensatlon shall be at the employee's current hourly rate of pay. I 9. Monetary compensatlon for vacation tlme shall not be taken from the pollce overtlme fund. C. Slck Leave 1. All full-time sworn probatlonary and permanent Pollce Oepartment employees shall earn sick leave at the rate of ten (10) hours per month. 2. Upon honorable termlnation from City employment. sworn members of the Seal Beach Pollce Officer Assoclatlon with flfteen (15) years of serVlce wlll be paid twenty flve percent (25%) of hlS or her accumulated slck tlme at his or her final hourly rate of payment of accumulated slck tlme shall not exceed flfteen hundred dollars ($1.500) per employee. 3. Slck Leave may be utilized by any affected employee to care for ill dependents. I C. Bereavement Leave 1. All ful1-tlme, probationary, and permanent sworn Pollce Oepartment Employees may have up to three (3) days of bereavement leave wlth pay when death occurs ln their lmmediate famlly. 2. Immediate family shall be deflned as that group of lndlvlduals lncluding the employee's mother, father, spouse's father and mother, spouse's step-parents, step-mother, step-father. foster father, slsters. brothers, spouse, chlldren, grandparents. and all degree of relatlves not llsted but livlng within the household of the employee. D. Holiday Leave 1. Full-time sworn Pollce Department employees who work the twenty-four (24) hour rotatlon schedule that provldes around the clock coverage, shall be granted Slxty- four (64) hours of accumulated hollday time each calendar I year ln lieu of holldays they are required to work. Such employees shall earn hollday leave at the rate of 2.154 hours per bl-weekly payroll period. The Chlef of Pollce may schedule such tlme off ln lieu of holidays conslstent with department work load and the best personnel practices and scheduling practices. The City agrees to pay at the final rate of base hourly compensation all accumulated holiday leave to employees who termlnate, who have one year's contlnuous service. Resolution 11umber :3~()3 Memorandum of Understandlng Page 8 I Full-tlme sworn Police Oepartment employees who work the 5-2 shlft by virtue of thelr Job asslgnments shall be granted a total of elght (B) holldays. New Year's Oay (January 1) Washington's Blrthday (Third Monday in February) Memorlal Day (Last Monday ln May) Independence Day (July 4) Labor Oay (Flrst Monday in September) Veterans Day (November 11) Thanksglving Day (Fourth Thursday in November) Chrlstmas Day (Oecember 25) A total of eight (8) holidays annually. 2. Frlday Hollday: Friday lS a holiday when regular hollday falls on Saturday. Monday Hobday: Monday lS a hollday when regular hollday falls on Sunday. EXTRA RANGE AMMUNITION Sectlon 9. Extra Range Ammunition. The City shall provide one hundred (100) rounds of ammunltion per member of the Assoclatlon per month to be used for range practlce. INVESTIGATOR BONUS I Section 10. Investlgator Bonus. Full-tlme sworn employees of the Police Department assigned to the Investlgatlon O,v,s,on, lncludlng, but not llmited to the Sergeant of Oetectlves, Court Llalson Officer. Vice Investlgator and Trafflc Investigator, shall receive one hundred and ten dollars ($110.00) per month above thelr base salary durlng such asslgnment. Should such an employee serve only a part of one month a prorated share of the bonus shall only be due. EDUCATION INCENTIVE Sectlon 11. Educatlon Incentlve. , Full-tlme sworn employees of the Pollce Department who have completed thelr lnltlal probatlon of twelve (12) months, are ellglble to partlclpate in one of the followlng educational lncentive programs: A. Payment of a two percent (2%) bonus above the base salary for completion of 45 semester unlts of college credlt wlth at least 16 semester unlts ln the fleld of Pollce Science. B. Payment of a four percent (4%) bonus above the base salary for completion of 60 semester unlts of college credlt wlth at least 19 semester unlts ln the field of Pollce SClence or attainment of a Post Intermedlate Certlficate. I C. Payment of a six percent (6%) bonus above the base salary for completlon of a Bachelors Oegree from an accredlted college wlth at least 22 semester unlts in the fleld of Police Science or attalnment of a Post Advanced Certiflcate. DUES AND BENEFIT DEDUCTIONS Sectlon 12. Dues and Benefit Deductlons. A. The Clty shall deduct dues and benefit program premlums on a regular basls from the pay of all classlfications Resolution Nu~ber ~ir Memorandum of Understanding Page 9 and positions recognlzed to be represented by the Assoclation. who voluntarl1y authorlzed the deductlon ln wrlting. on a form to be provlded for thlS purpose WhlCh is mutually agreed to by the Assoclatlon and the City. The City shall remlt such funds to the Associatlon wlthln flfteen (15) days following the deductlons. B. The Clty shall make payroll deductlons for purposes of an employee deposltlng funds or maklng payments directly to a Federal Credlt Union, providlng that any deductlons shall not be less than two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) on a bl-weekly basls. I FRINGE BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Sectlon 13. Frlnge Benefits Adminlstration. A. Changes The Clty shall meet and confer with the Associatlon prlor to any change of lnsurance carrler or method of fundlng coverage for any fringe benefits provlded herelnafter during the term of thlS Memorandum of Understandlng. B. Limltations Clty shall not pay on behalf of any Police Department employee the cost of any frlnge or supplemental wage beneflts, includlng, but not 11mlted to. group 11fe lnsurance. markmanship bonus. unlform allowance, and/or supplemental pay. or the wages or salarles of sald employee durlng any unauthorlzed absence or durlng any period of tlme such employee is suspended without payor on leave of absence without pay. In such instances. however, employee may make arrangements to pay such costs by authorlzed payroll deductions and/or cash payment to Clty. 1- ANNUAL PHYSICALS Sectlon 14. Annual Physlcals. Members of the Seal Beach Pollce Offlcers Assoclation shall be provided a physlcal exam perlodlcally as lndlcated below for the purpose of detecting heart trouble and cancer. The exam shall be g1ven by a Clty apPolnted doctor who lS acceptable to the Assoclatlon. Cost of sald physical exams are to be borne by the City. The resulting diagnosls shall be submitted to the City as well the employee together wlth speciflcs of correctlve treatment. Physlcal Exam Schedule: A. New Employee B. Employee under 40 C. Employee 40 and over Second Year followlng appolntment Alternate years Every year SCHEOULING Section 15. Schedul1ng. Management assumes the right to schedule all sworn police personnel as lt deems necessary. Any changes which affect the employees condltlons of employemnt lS subJect to the meet and confer process. 1 STANOBY Section 16. Standby. Each affected employee who is asslgned to the Oetective Bureau and who is on "standby" weekend duty sha 11 be prOVl ded four (4) hours of compensatory tlme off for each standby weekend. Resolution Number 3.fJo3 Memorandum of Understanding Page 10 SEPARABI LITY I Section 17. Separability. If any prOV1S1on of the Memorandum of Understand1ng, or the applicat10ns of such prOV1S1on to any person or circumstances, shall be held 1nval1d, the rema1nder of the Memorandum of Understanding, or the application of such prOV1S1on to persons or c1rcumstances other than those as to wh1ch 1t 1S held inval1d, shall not be affected thereby. SALARIES Sect10n 18. Salaries. L1sted below are the salar1es of all affected employees Wh1Ch shall become effective on August 1, 1983: 'I After SlX After One After One After One Iobnths In Year In Year In Year Tn Next l.ot.er Next l.ot.er Next l.ot.er Next l.ot.er Class Class Class Class A B C 0 E Pollee Off1cer 1,845 1,939 2,036 2,137 2,244 Pol iee Sergeant 2,095 2,200 2,311 2,428 2,548 Pollee Lieutenant 2,483 2,600 2,740 2,8n 3,020 Pol i ee Captam 2,B17 2,960 3,l~ 3,260 3,423 L1sted below are the salar1es of all affected employees which shall become effect1ve on April 1, 1984: After SlX After One After One After One Months In Year In Year In Year In Next Lower Next Lower Next Lower Next Lower Class Class Class Class A B C D E Pollce Off1eer 1,900 1,997 2,097 2,201 2,311 POll ee Sergeant 2,158 2,266 2,300 2,500 2,624 Pol i ee L 1eutenant 2,557 2,686 2,822 2,963 3,110 POll ee Captam 2,~ 3,049 3.199 3,358 3.526 MASTER MEMORANOUM OF UNDERSTANOING Section 19. Master Memorandum of Understand1ng. 1 A, It is agreed that the Memorandum of Understanding is cons1dered to be a "Master" Memorandum of Understand1ng wh1ch incorporates all previously agreed upon wr1tten terms and cond1t1ons of employment of past Memorandums of Understand1ng. This Memorandum of Understand1ng shall not be modif1ed pr10r to 1tS exp1ration unless by mutual consent of both part1es. Resolution ~lumber ~a(')3 Memorandum of Understanding Page 11 B. Maintenance of Existlng Benefits Except as provlded hereln other terms and conditions of employment presently enJoyed by employees represented by the Associatlon shall remaln In full force and affect durlng the entlre term of thlS Memorandum of Understandlng unless mutually agreed to the contrary by both partles hereto. Both parties understand that there are varlOUS I items that may have developed lnto worklng conditlons whlch are not detalled ln wrlting but WhlCh wll1 be malntalned under this agreement. C. Continuance of Negotiations Management and the Assaclatlon agree to contlnue to meet and confer in good faith durlng the term of thls Memorandum of Understandlng to attempt to reach agreement on the lssue of a health insurance program for retired pollce officers. TERM Sectlon 20. Term. The term of thlS Memorandum of Understandlng shall commence on August 1, 1983, and shall contlnue through and lncluding July 31. 1984. IMPLEMENTATION Sectlon 21. Implementation. ThlS Memorandum of Understanding lS subject to approval and adoptlon by the Clty Council and ratlflcatlon of the required number of the duly authorized r~presentatlves of the Assoclatlon. Followlng such approval and adoptlon, the Memorandum of Understandlng shall be lmplemented by the approprlate reso1utlon(s), ordlnance(s), or other written actlon of the City Council. I SEAL BEACH POLICE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION CITY OF SEAL BEACH MANAGEMENT REPRESENTATIVES I Oated: