HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 3245 1983-02-28 I I I , , '. -1lEASl, 1DIlE1lEASl, ~ EIlEASl, IDJIEIlEASl , IDJtEJlEAS , IDIlE1lEAS , IDIlEREU, IDIlEIlEAS , IDIlEIlEASl , IDIIEIlEASl , IDJIEIlEASl , 1IlllE1lEA5l , IDIIEREAS , IDHEIlEASl , IE$(lt:IItItlN NumBER 05,;z~.s- A JQemUfJI fJ1 mE CItY teIl1IICIt fJ1 tJIE CItY tJ1 SEAt BEACH, CAtI1mlNIA ~.tKG SERGWt IDItMt "BIt'" amxs 11)1 HIS IWIlIl:lEW e'F DEDICAtED SEROICE te tJIE CItY fJ1 SEAt BEACH All) ftJJl C(lDJ]NItY. Se11leant Bill tuis is reHring as traffic Sergeant IIJI ot' abaut Detelllber 30, 1982; and ' Sergeant telDis' reHrement represents the tuIminatinn of IDaIlll !tears of deilitated se1"\lice to aur City and ..........'flity; and Setgeant 'l!lJ)is deilitated his tareer tn la1D enfon::ement tl'lIllIUnting in 1961lDhen he joined the Seal Beath Police Department; and Se11leant 'elDis .as assil11led to the DetecH\le Di\lisillJl in 1963 .here he headed lIP the first jll\lenile bureau in aur Citll; and Sergeant 'l!lJ)is started IDaIlll innl1\1aH\le prngrams that lDere benefidal to the lIOUJIg people of IJl1r r-'1ity, induding a bitllcle safety prngram that he presented in IJl1r sclunJls, a jll\lenile CIJl1JlSeling prngram fot' YlJl1thful \liolatnrs and their parents, and a resHtutinn prngram; and these pt'llIJrams are sHll used as DUJdels fot' l1t!her agenties thr1Jug1umt the State; and Sergeant 'l!lJ)is lDas pt"l1DllJted to the rank of Sergeant in 1966, and DetecH\le Sergeant in 1967 and lDas assigned to iwesHgate fe1lDll1 ttimes octurdng in aur City; and Sergeant 'l!lJ)is lIlaS assigned tn the training Di\lisillJl in 1977 and lDaS then appointed as acHng administraH\le Di\lisilJ1l ClIlIIIIIander Ca pnsitinn of respnnsibility JUJnIlIlly assigned to sl1lllellJle .Uh the rank of Captain); and Sergeant 'l!lJ)is lIlaS assigned to head lIP the traffic Sectinn in 1981 lDhith betallle lDell knmDn fot' its effidentll and high lII01'ale; and Se11leant 'elDis brnught pride and recngnitinn to the Police Department by substanHally reduting the number of traffic acddents in\ll11\1ing buudes and fataliHes in IJl1r City; and the State Of California has Officially commended ,e11leant Ceais and the City of Seal Beach for his accnmplishments in accident reduttinn; and Se11leant 'l!lJ)is has obtained certifitates in Ci\l11 EmergenC!J lllimagement, training management and traffic llanagement as lDell as l1t!her lam enfot'cement training tl'II1l"Ses reJ1Uidng years of study; and Sergeant CelDis is a lmtg-term resident of IJl1r ..........''1ity lDM has se1"\led his Cl1lIIIIIIUlity and tlJl1JItl"l\ by se1"\ling in the United nates Na\lY dUring 1DOl'1d mar XI; and he and his lDife ha\le raised a family of t!lDo daughters and lIJIe SIlJl in aur nDIIIIllUlity and are IllIlD pmud granilparents of three granilchildr-en; anil I I I ,'- bsoluH111I bmbet' 9.2~r the titl1l tlnlIldl is Aeeply appredatil,le of 'ergeant! 'ais' ser\,1ice t!o nul' titl1l anA l!11 nul' ..-nitl1l. iii., mEllEl"tlRE, BE It JlE'$tlmED t!hat! t!he titl1l tnundl of t!he titl1l of 'eal Beach hereby CllIIIIIIenlls !DIlEREA$ , ,ERGEAlilt mI'mtlt "BI"" 'EmI' fur his 1.111lA anA Adical!eA senice to nut' tUy anA f11t' his many amtt'ibu- l!inu$ t!o nut' ('-'1itl1l. BE It J'1IRtJIER JlE'$tlmED that! t!he titl1l tnundl urges all dHul1$ t!o join them in llishilll1 'ergeant! teIlis a ham anA successful t'el!i1'ement. 'U,ED, Aft'Rt)Of:1) anA AIlf}ptEll byt!he titl1l tnundl lIf t!he titl1lof 'eal Beach, talifomia, at! a meeHng thereof hetA 1111 t!he tlDentl1l-eight!h bn of J'ebn1ary, liIinet!een IlunA1'eA anA Eightl1l-three. t\UL~ ~. ~~I^~~~~ 11 e "'an ers all1l, may11t' <c ~""v~- ->r,'l ~~~ ~~ f)$ l' t. Brnumell, c~e1' q J. 111, mtIlc! e1' e1' ARE$t: ~~~~ .. # . \\\" - /~~ \\~l\~ ;,) ... '\ "'.<1............ It~ I ' I' -, ,.~.()\\VqUllt";.... '..)\ .~)i...,').'l ?,)\..~t {I"):"',-., ~ .}:' '- ~r.: .. .>..- "", j ('J :f_' h" '-~ fO)! ,'(. . . ~ -..w" ""- --....... ..tt ,~I ,." , ~ .,' '~.I/\I)11: '1'~ ...,' ',\'f1:);) ~.../lr, } i \~\'\<t);_.-\,~" \ r/,.\ ".. , ... t 'J \ ?J' 6-, ..,."....,..... '\ '\7!?#J!'Jn,,'#,t.~/ , ',~, '>'''~_. -2- ~