HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 3156 1982-05-18 , RESOLUTION NUMBER .3/Sb A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH, CALIFORNIA, HONORING ANV COMMENVING RONALV A. "CHI" KREVELL FOR HIS VEVOTEV COMMITMENT ANV SINCERE VEVICATION TO SERVING THE CITIZENS OF SEAL BEACH Ronald A. "CIU." lOLedell. Wa.6 6.i1L6t elec;ted to the Seal Beach CUy Cou.ncil on Mal} 11, 1976 ;(;0 Mil. an unex,wr.ed te/UTI .c.n the F.iIL6t V.u.tlLi.c;t ending .in 1978; and ~!IL. lOr.edell. Wa.6 lLeelec;ted to a 6ull 60tIIL YeDJL te/UTI on MaJLc.h 28, 1978; and MIL. lOr.edell. wa.6 elec.ted by kU, 6eU.ow counc.UmembeJt6 .in May, 1978 to ~e/l.ve a.6 MayolL PM TempolLe; and MIL. lOr.edell. wa.6 elected by kU, 6eU.ow counc.UmembeJt6 .in May, 1980 to ~e/l.ve a one yeaJl. te/UTI a.6 MayolL; and MIL. lOr.edell., whil.e a. membe/l. 06 the CUy Cou.ncil, h46 ~ e/l.ved kU, COllllllwrUy a.6 a. M.plLue.nta.ti.ve to the SoutheJr.n Ca.U601UUa. Al,~oc.i.at.i.on 06 Gove/l.Yl1lle",u and a4 an aUeJr.na.t,i.ve lLepMAenta.ti.ve to the Santa. Ana. lUVe/l. Flood PMtec.ti.on Agenc.y; and WHEREAS, MIL. KlLedell. ~e/l.ved a.6 a membe/l. 06 the City Council F..i.na.nc.e Col/ll1l.i.ttee; and I WHEREAS , WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, duILi.ng kU, tentllLe .in 06M-c.e, MIL. lOr.edell. pILOv.ided lea.deJt6IU.p and decU.c.a.ti.on to the CUy 06 Seal Beach whil.e not only .&e/l.v.i.ng a.6 a. membe/l. 06 the City Council bu.t ai.60 a.6 a. membe/l. 06 the Seal Beach Redevelopment Agenc.y; and WHERE~, _ MIL. lOr.edell..u. ILWJUng 6Mm pubUc. 066-ic.e on May 18, 1982. WHEREAS, I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEV that the City Council 06 :the CUy 06 Seal Beach, Ca.U601UUa., dou helr.eby honolL and conrnend the exc.ell.enc.e and devotion 06 and the .i.mpolLtant co n:tJL.ibutio n6 made by ". RONALV A. "CHI" /(REVELL duILi.ng kU, te/UTI 06 06M-c.e and 066e/l. gJr.a.tUude on behal6 06 the c.Uizena 06 the City 06 Seal Beach. PASSEV, APPROVEV, ANV AVOPTEV by the City c/}f';j! 06 the . Ca.U601UUa., a;t a meeting theJl.e06 on the;; day 06 by the 60UolAling vote: o Seal Beac.h, 1982, '\ ~ ( )J~Ml.lL Al()AA.otff~ ;;;..." '\ ~ ~~q:~ 7JiMldfr 10 ~ Q. e" .A1)1~( .. ~ -:I/t'1!#--.P --I~I J ~ _ a - J ~L-n. ,"'-.. Coun nem IlJr. J U:ouncilmembM .. .-