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CC AG PKT 2007-02-12 #F
i: CITY OF SEAL BEACH ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: City Council Keith A. Evanoff CIMA, CRP, CRRA Director of Administrative ServicesfTreasurer SUBJECT: DATE: Addendum to Council Meeting - February 12,2007 February 12, 2007 The resolution for item "F" has been amended to correct certain miscalculations associated with salary adjustments. The projected FY 2006-07 General Fund undesignated fund balance will decrease by 1,349,305 from $11,029,912 to $9,680,607. The corrected Agenda Report and Resolutions are attached. (Attached: corrected agenda and resolutions) ':1 AGENDA REPORT DATE: February 12, 2007 TO: THRU: Honorable Mayor and City Council Mark Vukojevic, Acting Interim City Manager FROM: Keith Evanoff; eIMA, CRP, CRRA, Director of Administrative Services SUBJECT: FY 2006-07 Mid-Point Budget Modifications SUMMARY QF REQUEST: Staff requests that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 5529 approving Budget Amendment No. 07-10 revising revenue estimates and various appropriations. BACKGROUND: Staffhas completed the Mid-Point Budget review of the FY 2006-07 budget Resolution 5529 details the changes to various revenue estimates and appropriations based on analysis and discussions with Department Directors. The following provides additional information of the most significant changes: Revenues: . Business Licenses - Business license revenues are being decreased by 5430,000 based on the payment received from Boeing Integrated Defense Systems. Staff performed a field audit of the Boeing records. As a result of the audit, it was determined that much of the work which was done at the Seal Beach Plant are now being done at other locations. Staff will continue to meet with Boeing representatives and audit the records to better estimate revenues in the future. . Sales Tax Back-fill - The City received revenues which were credited to FY 2005-06 instead of the current fiscal year resulting an over-statement of$260,000 for the current period. Staffwill continue to work with the City's consuhants to ensure that the city staff understands the back-fill issues. . Building and Safety Fees - As a result of continuing new development in the City, staffis increasing the estimate for Building and Safety Fees by $115,000. Appropriations: 'J FY 2006-07 Mid-Point Budget Review 2/12/2007 . Salaries and Benefits - As a result of the labor negotiations in July 2006, staff is revising all Salary and Benefit categories by $799,185 across all General Fund departments, various special revenue funds, and enterprise funds. . Storm Drain Capital Project - Due to the major reduction in revenues received from Boeing for Business Licenses, staff is recommending reducing the appropriation for storm drain improvements from $500,000 to $100,000. Funds may become available from the Ocean Avenue Rehabilitation Project which can be reprogrammed to the storm drain projects when final costs are determined. FISCAL IMPACT: Based on the Mid-Point Budget review, the projected FY 2006-07 General Fund undesignated fund balance will decrease by $1,349,305 from $11,029,912 to $9,680,607. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 5529 approving Budget Amendment No. 07-10 modifying the fiscal year 2006-07 budget. Agenda Item ~~~ Keith A. Evanoff Director of Administrative ServiceslTreasurer J!JiJy Acting Interim City Manager .. RESOLI1I'ION NUMBER A IlESllLI1I'ION OFTRE Crn' COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SIW. BEACH, CALIJlORNIA, AUTHORIZING A BUDGET AMENDMENT, NO. O'.1o.IMPLSMEN11NG no: FISCAL YIl.AR ~llIl6.o'I MUI-I'OINT BUDGET REVIEW WHEREAS. the fllCBl. yar 2006-2007 budpt raruirel budptary amc:ndmentl II oudined below: nm CITY COUNCn. OF TIlE CITY OF SEAL BEACH DOBS HIlREBY RBSOLW, The budget. aftIr Mid.PoiDt budJal nMew ill hc:rcby increucd II follows: RIlVISEOI ADOP'I'SD PROPOSBD BUIX1I!T(ddI') EXPLANA. TION DESCRD'I'JON ACCOUNT BlJOOI<T B[JI)(lET AMENDMBNT POR CHANG! GENBRAL 'UND - -- 001.000-30210 3"'000 425,000 75"" Orlp.l blldpl CClI1eCIiIlll """_.. oo1-OOO-3l125O l5.DOO ".000 ..... OnJlMlIbudId~ PlIa QIm:k F_ 001-000-30125 150.000 175,000 25,000 OnJiIllIlbulf&ctcornctioa BIcclricalhrmill OOI..QOO.3G230 ....000 55..000 10,000 Onp.JbudplCDl1:llltkm SJanific:ant~m rMINICI far BcHib& 8U1.. La:aa 001-400-30215 1.300,000 870.000 (430,000) lXlIIIpued.lllpllllhrlc:run SUcsTu'BlckFIII' 001-000.10011 !IOO.ooo 640,000 (000) """"'''''''''.......... ..... Tox OOl.00D-30012 115,llOO 155,110O 10.000 0riP1II budpt COlJIICtian -....... 001.000-30930 "'000 100,000 60.000 0npaJ buIIpl: canx:tlon Seal &c.ch 1M and CiBrda. TnasIBDl: 0ccupIDcy Ta. 001.000-3001" '50,011O .00.000 (50,000) d"'" '[Gh! cbIIIs III GeIlUd .,.. ____ E.... (4U.\XlC1) RY1OI'.Nn1TIIIIU Cttr Maaner Caunal ~ mCIaIB in -""".. OOI.oIl..wDOl 320;140 "01,115 11,495 -.. ColmcIIIlppCU'o'ClIJDlDllI8in Pelerredc&.... _.v- 1101-011-40011 :10.... 36.410 16,,010 "'... OJcmciIlppI'OWlIlIICIalICm PERS._ 00I-011-4oor% ...,... 49,400 '.000 ....... ColIIIcilIlppRMlll inaaIc III ........- 001-011-4001.4 37,260 ",+10 .80 ....... COIIIII:II appnwcd. mcreue ia M"'-_ 001..011-40017 4,510 ',340 '60 ooIori.. ~lppruwd__in La. and DlAbibly 1m 1101-011-40011 4,.500 5,125 ." ....... Truain&" Ma:bDp OOl-G11-401DO ',BOIl ..... S.ODO Dnai.-1 ~_ cunalbDD SullIaI.lIDlyM.....l:f 1D9.D70 CItrCkrk ColInA' approYailnc::n:uc ID ....- ...... 001-011-40001 11',750 121.000 ',250 """.. Coundl approval mlRUe in Dermal CDmpenIlbDD 001-012-<10011 3,240 4.,200 ... """" CauDcI'IIpJII1MlIiDc:n=aciD PERS . retan:mad 001-012-40012 16M<> 17,750 ',290 ....... CauDcd IppTOYlld I~ ill ...... - 001-012-40014 11,6$0 11,700 50 """" 1 REVISBOI AllOl"I1lD PIlOI'OSED BUJXJET (dill) BXPLANATlON DIlSCIlIPTION ACCOUNT BUIXlET BUIXlET """""''''''''" PeR CHANGe CcMacIl.IlpJlrtMdDlll:il1llSm MDdu:IN 1uunm. 001-012-40017 2,.00 2,25' ,.. ....... COlIDCIIlppRMllIlDCftIICia ur...._ 00]-0]2-40011 1.810 1...... 110 ....... S.bWIII a.,.. CWk 11.120 ...d........etn IYa. CalDclllIppI1MlIinr:n:uc::m PuIl-bmr. s.... OOJ-8I"1-41/U)J 363,900 311,&50 17,750 ,."'" CauDcft'1IJlIII'OWd1alftlle:1D P........ ...... OOt..o\T.400Q4 ...... 41,_ I.... ...... ClllIDCiIlpptDwd iDcnue m """""'C . ..... OD'.lJI'l~l\ \\,930 11,435 505 ....... CouneI1 appmved Inm:uc 111 PBRS-l'Ilnmcal 001.017-40012 50,450 S2,77' "'25 ...... CDIInI:llIlpplCMld D1GXaB m PARS-reIiremc:ac 001-017-411013 '20 '" " lallIric:I CouDciIllJIpnMlIlDL'RaIelD M=bCIII....... 001-0170.40014 '2,710 53,030 25' .."'" Coanci1IpJll'OYCd IDInUe ia MecHcareTIInImCII OOI-DI7-WOl1 "'20 6,710 290 ...... CouacillpplCMld.iDl:tcI&. Ld1:EdDDmbty 001-017-40011 ',300 ,,sID 210 .."'" 1Utst:.1A.~s-. 22.343 RIIk M.....-eJd LiDmtytmlll'lllCCi 001-01...."00 325.000 575,000 230,000 ........m_ Wodr/CaalpIu. ool-oll-4962C1 450,000 550,000 '0?.?oo IDcraIe.mpn::millmll s....... Rbk M...._nt 350.000 Jf.........1'buIltIl I:nl:RlllRlDlDrol1l11lbCIII """'-u".,, 001..(119-41050 6,500 6.500 lIldmolosY'-" SlIbaa..1 Nu.Deplrtlllutlll 6.500 ....tellllrldSemas CounmIIpJll'OWll ~ia PuIkuae Salaril:l 001.(122..411001 2,057,950 2,213,425 225,475 ....... CounciIIlppRJWdIDCl'BUein lWlli.,Pay DOl..(J22.40005 lOD.SIO JID,30D 9,790 """.. COIIIJl:.1l11ppfOW'Dd U1cn:Blln Umbm PI)' OOl-ll22-4OCl20 21,100 22.... .00 .."'" Counc:alllpprowd JrIlRIIIC III DcOn.!"""""",," 001..0n-40011 5,030 ',200 1111 """" C1IUDCI11ppJOY11l11ac:n:uem .....- DOl-cJ22..o\OO11 1,314,.400 1,.434,100 120,400 - Council appnwaIlIlCJOUC in ....."'......... 001-022-40014 271.190 215,.560 13.610 I8Ill1il:l Cauncd IppnnalllllllelllB In ........- 001.022-40CI1'l ...... 39,195 '.DOS """" CoIa311pJll'CtWll mere__ Lire aad DiAbWty 001-022-40011 28.71l5O 1t,l311 2,110 -- PaylperMOU.:pan1cd TcmpSptCllI1Pay 001-022-40002 1,500 I,SOO hmDmllllOTpay CauncllllJlP1'V8d mCl1iUC III ................... 0lH-02]-4OO')1 5'2,440 55.... 3.540 ..- ~I h6u.1'lddSt.r*u 31').720 . RBVlSIlDI ADOPTED PROPOSBD BUDOET(obll) EXPlJ,.'NATlON DBSCRJPTION ACCOUNT BUDGET BUOOBT AMENDMIlNT FOR QlANOB PoIu SIIDDCII't Senka: CauDaD IIpIlRMlId incro.c: III FuJl-IDIIIlSlIIlIrics 001..(123.40001 1~3.630 881,100 27,.470 _.. PI.)'I pea' MOU II:JIIIIUd Tomp ...... ,.., 001-023-40002 6.000 6,000 hm aormaI OT.-y CauadlllJlJll'OV'lll_ID HDlidl)'PaJ OOI-G2J-4OODS 23,.910 25,150 '.... ....... CDuaaiJlpprovedillCl'DDl:in DDfemd~1III 001-023-40011 8,920 P,'" 130 ........ CouDciIIppnMd InmeuB III Pl!RS_ 001..CJ23-40012 403,'" 419,050 1.5,610 ....... CouncIlIppRMld m=--m MIIlIicIIIIIIII/'IDDI: ODI-G23-40014 116,440 117,000 ,.. """" Councnllppl1MdiDlRll8m MDdIClRi ImW'lDCll ODJ..Q23..40017 12.,840 13,350 ". "'m.. CauamlllppRMd lncreuc in urellldDIIIbJ1ity OOJ-023-4l1D1B 12.150 '2,6110 .,. .."'" ec..r.:t_IMIbIhllSCIl ConInlIllPlof.Sw:I 001-023-44000 190,000 20U.50 11,750 B-=bAJIIIIIIIICln::CcaIBr ......,... OOI-D13-4I020 50.0110 66,000 16,000 """"""'of............ l~iDinrurmllllan MlchiaeIy Ii: 8quipmmt IIIU.II2J.4IDSO Hi,5OD J6.500 -- Submtal 'Dllte SlIpport Scntc:1S Ift''''JO '''nldlll! Detn:BR d..1D Y8CIIIIC)' Dr -,"""" 001.0311-40001 215,690 214.,015 (I"OS) ,,""- Dc:acac:dDalD VKaDC)' of """"""""""""" ODI-030....00JI B,'" 7,935 (JD5) "PI..... DcaaIc cbIlo__cyof ""......... 001-030-40012 ,..... 2M6S ("S) "PI..... na:r.. duo 10 \'8Ca/IC)' of NDdlCIllnlunmllB 001-030-40014 21,240 24,150 (3,290) ",.,."., Docn:u::dul::toYaClDCYDf """""........ OOI-G30-40011 '.68' 3,6]0 (SO) "PI_ Council~m~ln LaCc.uxlDlllbBlly OOl-03D-4Ol1II 3,140 3,275 '" "aria Subtotal Pluud. (5.3501 BulldlulS.feh CauncillIpJmlvediDCnlUl:in PulJ.timeSalllnI:l 0010031-40001 16,'170 19,010 2,24' ....... CllUDCIIlppRlWll! Incnue in """""-.... 001-031-40011 760 '" ., ..- Coundlapprovcd.inCIaISDID PERB-1'8UNDIOnt 001-031-40012 2,320 2,n, '" """" MedJadllllUnDllll 001-031-40014 1,620 1,62' Onpnll budpl correcUoa Could lIJlPfOYed mc:rasc sa Mldacme 1nIrnD= 001-001-40017 21. 31. 4. 0.- Councli!lIpJlI'CIYIIdiDCl'Qltin l..lfi:.andDallbdll)t 001-0]1....0011 230 260 3D ,...... CDIIlrB'IProfSvl:1 001-031-44000 420,000 '''.000 I4.DOD Onplll budpl c:orractllm SablDlIIBalldlllllSlre17 16.'1'2.5 7 Rl!VISI!DI ADOPTED PROPOSBO BUOOET (dift) EXPLANATION DESCRII'TJON ACCOUNT BUOOBT BUDGBT AMI!NDMBNT FORCHANCJB lallnetri. Camc:llllJlpmred mCRIMI: m FPI1~SI1lrx:l 1101-042-40001 24,070 "'900 2,B3' "'... CuuacillIIJIRMdin~m Dcfcned r" . -- ool..042--400tl ,.. I" " "''''''' Caanc:iJ1QIIlftJ\'Odinc:n:l.cil PBlIS-_ OOI.(J42-4(J012 ,~.. 3,710 ,,. ....... CauncillppRMld UGl:UI: m. MedIClil___1ll:: 001-042-40014 3,120 3,130 10 "''''''' CowlI:iZapJlI'IIWId~ia MedlClftlnMllllCll 001-042-40017 210 ,,. .. ........ CcnIncil~iaGrcacla Lifi!lDdDDlhDIt)' 001-042-40018 '''' ,go 30 ........ T"_ 001-042-41000 " I'" lIS OriplllJ bDdpl OIJmlI:tIDII .......m........... ~...Eqwpmml 001-042....8050 ',5DO :3.500 .......'lll'.... SaIla8lal~1 7.670 StannDraI.. CcKmA11pPRIVCd m=-iIl FuJl.bmcSlllma lIOJ-04J..40001 10.,460 lIP,lSO 11,390 ....... Cauacd IppRMId ~ ID Dldbmd c... . - 001-043-40011 2,460 2.66' 2DS ....... CllUDCiIlflIlIU'alincnur:m PBRS-tU'IDleIIl. DOI.043-<M1012 15,040 16.110 1,170 ...... CoullCl1 appnwcd ___ III MedlCIIIzuurmIlO OOI-G4J-40014 14,040 14,550 SI. _.. CauncllappI'tIWlIlDCRUII:iia .........- 001..(143-40017 1,,370 1,477 107 ........ Council IIppnMd IIDCRUe In UlbllldDllllbdll)' 001-043-4001. 1,5'" I."" IDO ........ SIIIttDtaJ saw.. DniDI 13.482 StrccIM.mI__ CounciJlIpJIfDYIldlllCnUllm FuII-timBSalanIlS ool-044-4ooCI1 321,690 355,185 33,495 "'- Couaci]lIppRJYCdm_m 00""""""""",", ool-044-400IJ ..... '119ll '30 ....... CouncalllppRMd~iD PERS.~t 1101-044-40012 44,'" 48,125 ',525 ...... Council appnnallDCl'llllB III MCIbmIlnIunnce DOI.Q44..4OD14 45,730 4&,01.5 285 IIImCl Council appnMd mer- In Medicare 1nIInDcc 001.(144..40017 '.... '~70 210 """" Counc::IIIIpJlnWIIlIIDc:reuI:I. UIb aDd Dlubibt)' 0010044-40011 4,650 4,960 31' "'.'" 5..,..' SIn. M.laleall.u 38.445 l.II.....:.Dt Mal...... CauDcd Ipp!OVCd mlRll8l11 Fu1l-timBSalana 001-049-4000J 17,JDO 19,530 ~430 ....... CounciJlfIPICWBd__m DBl'emId CompmIIIbDD OOl-049-400Jl ,go 425 " ........ CountR IppnwaI mcraIe IR PERS.retirement 1I01-04lNOO12 2~70 2,585 215 -.. Dcc:Rac duD 10 vacancy or MIllIICIIIlnJurBDce DOJ-04~14 1,9DO 1,53' (3'0) ADOC Ezlt;lnDl:rl CammllJlpnl\lllll Incrcac In MediCIR-1nsunncc 001-D49-4ooI7 13. 15' 2. ..1... Cow1GiJ IpJ1I1lYed mcnutI in LllcllldDlllbiJllY 001-049-40011 25. 270 2' IllII1ie1 """"', 001-649-40003 30. 1.000 .DO Orilm.1 budplllOl11llXla S.btotJd lAndlc.pe M.I.-..nu 2.m ~ REVISIlO/ ADOPTED PIlDPDSED BUDGET(ddI) BXPLANATlON DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT BUOOBT BUDGET AMENDMENT FOR CHANClB A....M.bIb=a..te Cowu:IIapprow:dmc.ia -- OOI.05D-400D1 5.,460 61,370 2.910 ..... Cauacdllppl'DWldmc:reueiD Dcftm:d CIXIlpIiIlIIlIDD ODI-GSIl-4OO11 ',"'" 1,105 " ......m CDIIncilllJlJllVWdmc:reue1R PBRS._ 001-0511-40012 .,100 1,510 '10 ",,"m CbqeiacmplDya:lchoacB Madlllllm.IInIlCCl 001-050-40014 "'70 .,510 2,04' oFI.......ccpallC)' CoaDcD IppnMld Inl3all: In Lifi:ad DlllbsbIy OOl-05G-4C1DII .OO '" 35 .- S.btaCaI AuU M.......tt SAID .DlllSl_ Maloteunft CllllllCilapprow:d__ia Full.bnlOSlllaria 1101-052-40001 47,900 54,155 ',25' ...... CouncI1llpp1'OWd__.. PBRS.n:llranaJI 001-052-40012 6,640 '.... ,.. ....... Counclllppnrw:d __In Medu:allnlllrUlCll 001-052-40014 ',650 4,67.5 " ",,"m Council IIJIIII1Mld 1IICI'1:UBm. LlfelDdDlllbll1ly 001-052-40011 '00 73' " ",,"m CcIuac:IIapproveill~ia .........- 001.052-40017 .. '00 10 ....... """"" 001-052-40003 '00 ',000 '00 0nJIDII budpt comcIlon CIIIIbu:l PmbDoaa 001-052-44000 253,000 297.000 44.000 0nJIDII bDdpt comcIion S.bIotaI BuDlU.. MaI....._ 51.115 Reen:stllNl Adllllnlltn.1Ion Council approved IRImIU io FuU-llmeSalarics 001-?7O-40001 l47,J90 U5,4J5 ..... ....... Counc:i!~ increaseiD Der~ CompenaIIOa 001-070-40011 3,790 ',000 ". "'mu Councillpprll'o'Cll~1D PERS . I1lbremliGl 001-070-40012 20,430 21,550 1,120 ......m CoaDc::dlppnnrallDGRUlllD Mc:dicallnllnDllll 001.070.40014 14,220 14,300 oo ........ CouDciIIppJ1IYI:dux:n:u::m .........- 001.070-40017 2,430 2~" 13. ........ CouDcD IppRJYOd inCJalll: In L1laIDdDlubilityb. ODl-07D-400ll 2,240 2,340 100 ........ TUllxm rmmbunaDcnt 00'''''''''''' "600 ..... Ori&Inlllbudpcarn:cQDft Tramlllll:. Meebllp 001-070-40400 1,500 '.'" '.... 0npmI budptGlll'n:ClJoa .................... 1101.070.40700 '.... 3.500 0ripII budFl conecbl:m. SlIblDUlI RtcnIdaa Ad~m.lnlia. 17.2~ SDOtt.LalnIB Pun:h..of.bdaIoRlpl_ MachillCl)'.Ie Bqalpmcn 001-D71048050 5.000 5.000 hip dwclllMcGaup poul S1Ibto1a1 Sporll LeqH 5.000 LcIIU~ a..a Of1lcr:SllppllD ool..Q'12.40100 22' ',000 77S QnaitlIJbudpLc:am:clKlD .......-.... 001-072040100 ',000 4,500 3.500 Onpn.! blldpL conecbDa SablDlllllAillUft a,... 4.275 . RIMSEDI ADOI'I1lD PROPOSED BUDGET (daR) EXPLA.NA11ON DSSCRIP110N A"""""" BlJIXIOI' BllDOBT AMI!NDMIlNT PaR CHANOB T,..IIIIInOtlt InIllCaB to T1ddmdI Beach FIIIIIl by S466SO rar III.,. ~Jr I..Ircpardpep c:1IIsea,lIIppIIau4lT IXlIIJ Docn:PD DfStOO,OOlI IoCIpJIldPloJIICIIFUDdfi:r 1he~of1MStDrm -"'" ODI-G1O-t.7DDO 4,776.076 4,421.726 053.350) CruD Prqject-pbuc 2- S...lo&IIIT,....,.,. C35J.]SO) Tac.I(ica'" Puad__Dlllpp'Cllll1lt1oc1t1i 164.305 Ntl cbdC'11I Geun! Fa'" (l.l49.3M) SLEJl"UH T_ .,....,....... .50,000 ,..... DisaIa"pn:pll1lbllll. Tot8I sLQ FuIllllIIlC....1a Appraprt.tiDu ,..... w.r.ItI''Ita~'''' Cauaa.l1IppfOYDd iacr.- ID JlPlI",IImI:S.11Irics O17.9lJO..4OllDl 6Hi,32D 674,385 51,065 ...... Collncn.pprtnredm~ln Deftm:d CaapnI" 017.900..40(111 ",290 1~800 ". -.. Cauam1~iacRul:.m PERS-1'CIlJRIlMRt 017-900-40012 IS.... 92,500 7,OfA ........ D.-dIlBIDYllCIIlGfDf to4a1lca1itIIW'IIICC 017-9Oll-4oolo4 91,7!i1O 9B.l!iSO (140) ...-- CauncilIpJll'CMld~iD }ootedi~1aIumxlC 017-900-40017 7,740 I,JllO ". ........ CIdd approval iacRuc in Lire and Diublhty 017..,00..40018 ..... .~.. ... ...... -- 017.91X)..4(JlJ03 23,000 31.000 B.OOO 0ripII InuIpl camc:tiDll _P- 017-PD0-47999" 7.1DO '.... 800 0ri&0W ".- Ta..' W.b=r Euttrprlll had IIKreue I.. bptadHuI"el Tldl!I.....RHlI!:h'u.d ~iDllJaricBA ClIpMddmI oflHt by SJ3JODorn:YCllllllfromjr ,."......, 034..000.]1500 1,659.016 1,705,6611 46,6$0 IIDlpanI pn:p c1_ S_~ OJ4-000-lMJO 1],]00 1],300 Jr,ulqudpn:pcl_ TouI ....... 59.950 .. REVI""'" ADOPT1!D PROI'OSBD BUDGET (dalfJ EXPlANAnON DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT BUIXlllT BUIXlET AMENDMBNT PaR CHANGE ur.n.nII COUlII:D approvad mcrallm ,....-- 034-121....., lsA.770 16IIi,4SO 1I,6IO ........ CcnlDcIIwppr1MlIliD~.. """"" ""-"" 034-&%8-40011 5,5.50 6,000 .SO ........ CcudlIlJIPI'D"1llI~1Il PERS ~ n:IIn:mllll!: 034-121-40012 P7,670 103,320 '.... ........ -- _I' 17,730 26,130 ..... --- CouacIJ 1ppI'O'IIld..... ill ..........-- -" ')Ill '.... 220 ....... CouncD appnrved IDllJ(lllIe 1m LirellldDill.lxJltylDl 034-121-4001_ 2,'" "'30 '10 ..."'" s.lIn:n: for J[ urep.d. JrLaDJUI1dSll ............... ...... .',600 5,'" ,..,........ s.Jnu n.- Jr urcpll1l pmt'll\inml:D1. 014-121-40013 ')411 4,4\5 " "'" ..... 0npI-- O~ Suppba lI34-I2B-4Dl00 2,5011 6.... '.... mdlupplialflll'"pnpcl_ - 1134-I2I-4'1120 <,000 I..... ..... _.......- InI:rQalaiRrormlbDll MICIdAcrry ADd EqUip 034-821-41(150 11,000 11.001I --- SlIIlhlflllLllepllrdl 51.185 JudI MlIlnIen...ce Coaac:II Ippnwed iDr:nlac III -............ 034-llil-40001 'R,osa 95,5510 '.... ..,.... O-CUIlJllll1Mld.__iD ........C__ 034-163-40011 ',440 1,550 "' ...- CaDacIlIlppRMld~. PBRS._ 034-163-40012 12,210 13,100 890 ,- Caln:aJ~....ia -..- ~..a63-4no14 12,590 12,650 .. ..... Counl:llappmwdl~ in MecbI:lll'lInlIll'lllliC 0304-863-40017 1,940 2,025 " llllrim CClllllllllllpJll'O"8dl/l=-e1ll Lift: IDd DlabJ11ty 034-863-4001. 1,270 1,350 III """" Subhlral Beach Mdnw.nC:1 1.76.5 TGblt ndtbiDdI Bad! .,......I.c,... .4.ppnlpI'fdDIII Lw.r K~.....ru ........ CoaDcD IpJIRIYIId I~ ill fuD-Iuncs.llril:f 043-925-40001 216,340 "....' 22,525 -- CounCIl appuvcd IdCI1IUIIla De:latedr,""p"""-~ OoU-925-GIII ';400 4,12' "" ........ Ccmnllllllpp'lMldiPcn:ac:ln PBRS - retlnmast 043-925-40012- 29,9PO 32,420 I..UO """" Docn:uc due Ie Y8GIIIIC1 or McdiCIIIInlllranDCI 043-5115-40014 29,310 21,900 (410) .......- Ccud IIpJR1Iwd IAInIlle IIA _......~ 043.925-40017 2,150 2,'" '50 ........ t::auaa111pp1C11/11d incn:uc Ia. ul1:aadDl18IHbty 043-5125-40011 3,130 ,,,.. 210 _.. TDbJ Setnr Werpdlt PlIIld l..eraat 11I1t1pHdltulU 25.245 CaDltal PmlllCU Fa'" Dec:n:uc:of'4OO,OOlI1o c.pI1.IIProjectI f'wIlI fill' ~lIoflbeS\orm TRlllfll'1a 045_0110-31500 10.903.740 ID,503,740 (400,000) DmDProJa:t.pbalc:2 I)tI:ft:ucuf400,llOOta CBpd8 ProjecIs f'-far dIlCDnbJnJE:OrUu:S1mm CuntrKlPrnf'Svca 045-133-44DOQ l4,127,6'l'O 13,'l'2'l',6'l'U (....000) Dnm. Pn>>.I-. ph.K 2 Total C.Pllll PrvJtl:k '1IMI1nc:...... in Elpeldh.RI DBSCRlPTION ACCOUNT PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council Dftbe City of Seal Beach DD dI)' of . 2007 by the f'ollawina WIll: AYES: Counc:i1mcmbers NOES' Cauacilmanben ABSENT: Councilmemban A 1TEST: Linda Devine., City Clerk STAT!! OF CALD'ORNlA) COUNTY OF ORANGE )SS CITY OF SEAL BEACH ) ReVlSEDI ADOI'TED BUDGET PROPOSeD BUDGET (dill) BUOOBT AMBNDMENT Moyor I, Linda Devine, CityClert of Seal Beach, CsUfomia, do bcnsby certifY ths:t the followiDg rualulion. i. the original copy ofRtsolution Numbor_ 011 file ia the office of the CU, Clork, puHd, """"""do..d odop<od by th. C;,y Council orth. CIty ors..t Boach, lit areplllZ'mccthlB thereofhcld on the day of .2007. CityCItrir: EXPLANATION FOR alANllll e AGENDA REPORT DATE: February 12, 2007 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council THRU: Mark Vukojevic, Acting Interim City Manager FROM: Keith A. Evanoft; ClMA,CRP,CRRA, Director of Administrative Services/I'reasurer SUBJECT: FY 2006-07 Mid-Point Budget Modifications SUMMARY OF REOUEST: Staff requests that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 5529 approving Budget Amendment No. 07-10 revising revenue estimates and various appropriations. BACKGROUND: e Staffhas completed the Mid-Point Budget review of the FY 2006-07 Operating Budget. Resolution 5529 details the changes to various revenue estimates and appropriations based on analysis and discussions with Department Directors. The fullowing provides additional infurmation regarding the most significant changes: Revenues: . Business Licenses - Business license revenues are being decreased by $430,000 based on the payment received from Boeing's Integrated Defense Systems Division. Staff completed a field audit of Boeing's records on December 12, 2006. As a result of this audit, the City determined that two major satellite contracts were cancelled during the last 12 months and much of the work previously mAnAged at the Seal Beach Plant is now being consolidated to other locations. Administrative Services bas scheduled quarterly meetings with Boeing representatives during 2007 in order. to audit financial perfbrmance and better estimate revenues fur the next fiscal period, . Sales Tax Back-fill - The City received revenues which were credited to FY 2005-06 instead of the current fiscal year resu1ting in an over-statement of. $260,000 fur the current period. Staff will continue to work with the City's fiscal agents to ensure that the Staffis up-to-date on all back-:6ll issues. e ~ Building and Safety Fees - As a result of continuing new development in the City, Staffis increasing the estimate fur Building and Safety Fees by $115,000. Agenda Item F FY 2006-07 Mid-Point Budget Review 2/1212007 e Appropriations: · Salaries and Benefits - As a resuIt of the labor negotiations completed in July 2006, Staff is increasing all Salary and Benefit categories by $675,000 across all General Fund departments and various special revenue funds. · Storm Drain Capital Project - Due to the major reduction in revenues received from Boeing fur Business Licenses, staff is recommending reducing the appropriation fur storm drain improvements from $500,000 to $100,000 in order to complete the project designs only. This action is prudent considering recent financial issues and staffing limitations. FISCAL IMPACT: Based on the Mid-Point Budget review, the projected FY 2006-07 General Fund undesignated fund balance will decrease by $1,224,486 from $11,029,912 to $9,805,426. RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council adopt Resolution No. 5529 approving Budget Amendment No. 07- 10 modifying the fiscal year 2006-07 budget. e /C-~~ Keith A Evanoff Director of Administrative ServicesITreasurer Agenda Item ~//// " M:~~ Acting Interim City Manager e e IIBSOLVTION NUMBER - A RESOLVTlON OF THE CtTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORtZlNG A BUDGET AMmmMltI'ff, NO. D7-tO.IMPLBMEl'ttING THE FISCAL YEAR 2006-07 MID-POINT BUDGET IIBVlEW WHEREAS. dI. fiscal year 2~01 budpt requires buclptm)' smendmentl u outlined below: nlI! C1'IY COUNCIL OFnlI! crrv OF SEAL BIlACH DOES HEREBV RESOLVE: Tho Ioudpt aft<< Mid-Point Ioudpt '""'"'" is boroby 1ntnuolI..lbllow" REVlSEDI ADOPTED PROPOSED BUDGEI' (dill) EXPLANA1l0N DESCRIPTION ACCOuNT BUDGET BUDGET AMENIlMENT FOR CHANGE GENERAL FUND .~ Building Permltl 001-D0D-3Q21D 35D,DDD 425,1lllO 75,000 Original budglll. CCImICbOn Other Perm!tl DD1..cx1D-3025D 36,1lllO ..,0Il0 .,ODD Onglnlll budgllt IZIrrecUon Plan CheCk F_ 001..Q0D.3D825 150,DOD 175,000 25,000 Onglnlll ~ GDnllctfon EIIIcIrICIII Pannlll. DD1-000-sD2:SO ",1lllO BO,1lllO 1D,DDD OrIginal bu.t c:DnBCtJon _,,-In "V8nUlll for Baefng """"",,"""pal- aUlln... U~ Oa1...QQQ..3Q2.1S 13QQQQQ 1ml,1lllO C43D,llllll) ,..,. S.I.. Tax 'SlIck Fllr DD1..QQO.3QD17 000D0lI ....1lllO '210,00.) Or(alnll budglll c:arrBCbon Ba.... To DD1..ooD-3D012 175000 25l!i,DOD oa,OIlO OrfglnalbuclgldlXlrTKbDn e InaunmtoRolundJ 001_ '1lllOO 100,DDD 6O,DOD Oltglnalbudgll:COl'IIICIIDn SuJ s.ac:h 1M n TrIIlWlantOca.lpancyTu: D01~'4 B5D0D. 8QQ,DDD (6Q.QOQ\ -...... Taml chang. In 08..... Fund Rlwenu.. btIl1111'" r0485.DDO) EXPENDITURES Cltv".""., Council Ippraved Full-timeSaIII.... oo1..o11004D001 320,240 DO 401,735 81,485 tnlR8" In ..1arIu Council BppnJVtd Defend Campllnloltion 00,-01'-40011 20,400 00 38,410 18,010 IncntIIS8ln.IIII"M eo__ PERS ~ nttIrwnent: 001.011-40012 044,4QQ.00 ...... S,ODO Increau In uhlrl. CounolI_ M8dlC8lll'lluf'8tICII DD1-D11-4DD14 37,26D.00 37,440 180 Incru.. In ..... CDU'l'Icll appRW8CI _lna",""", 0D"i.Q11-<<1D17 4,1580 DO .,:>Ill 7BO 1ncruu 1n.1Ps Council .pplDVltd life .nd DiAblbty 11'1I. 001-011-4001 B 4,5DD QQ 5,125 ... _In_ Tl'IIlnin$I&tll8etlngll ao1-D11-4Q200 4.BDD.OD 8,8DD _,COD Origln.1 budgld. CDI1'8CIIon CIfv ..... Councll~ ""......- OO'\-I312-.4QDD"i '1&,750.00 126,000 ..... IncrNSIIln .m.rt_ eo__ Defsl78Cl CompeI'llIlllDn 001-012-40011 3,240.00 .,2OQ llllll Increut In ..II"" COUl'lCllllpPraved PERS ~ reIlrem.nt oo1-o12-40D12 1 &.480.00 17,750 1,2S0 1ncIH.. In AI.rIBs CounCIl BJlpraved Mecllcrllln.ul'I:nClt 001-012-40014 11 ,850 DO 11,70D BD IrlO'IIB.. In ..lIarie. Coo.md\_ e MlKIlCIlI1IlnllUI'IInCII 001.012-40017 2.DIK1.OD 2,261> ,.. InCflUUl. In ..laIrl.. e REVISEDI' ADOPTED PROPOSED BUDGCl' (dill) EXPLANATION DESCRfP'T1ON ACCOUNT BUDGET BUDGET AMENtlMSNT FDR CHANGE Council approvltd UfaendDlubIldy 001.012-40018 1,810.00 1.92D 110 InCRalt In .BIItlu A~.hw. CauncII ......... F~_ QD1..o17~ 38'8.9DD.DD 38' ,S 17,750 !nclUlel'l_r'iBB CDuncl1 apprawtd PBMlme lalarlft D01~17-400Q4 C,OOD.oa 41,DDO 1,000 _on_ CowIcII .pproved _C_ 001..017-40011 1'\,910.00 12.,435 !CO _In_ Council .ppraved PERS ~ retihlmenl oa1.o17-4QD12 6Q.,045D.aD 52.77& 2,325 _In_ Counc:l11pprDVtld PARS.. nltirBment ao1.o17-04DD13 S2D.DD 5" IS IncnNIM In........ Council appraved MedallnsurJInc:e DD1..Q17--iDD104 52,7ao.DO 53,D3O 250 Int:lllatan....... CounclleppfDlltCl Medicef8 IMlll'llnCIII oo1.a17-4DD17 B,4>l!.00 B,71D 200 11KlIW" in ........ ~- ""''''''DIUblIIIy 001..017-40018 5,3OO.DO 5,51D 210 IncnllUlln ..Ierile Rlek Meln1anence UlIbIIltflnBlftlra 001-018-48500 32fi.DOD.DD 575,000 25Il,OOO _In.......... WorkICamp InI. OD1.Q1a,..qaQ 450,00000 &50,000 1ao,a _on_ NDnoDHartmlln..1 mcr-e In infannallon MIIChl,.,.ry&Equlp 001.a1H1Cl5D .."'" ,,500 technology coBIa Pollc. Ft.ld ..nrlen CounCIl .ppmVlld FldI-Bme SIll.... DD1..Q22.4ODD1 2,057,85D 00 2,2B3,... 225,475 Inl2Ullllln.elllfee e PlMlme DD1...Q22.40DD4 Ui7,DDD DO 57 ,ODD (100,000) Rll!ocdid 1a OT CauncUepprovecl' Holiday Pay D01.a22-41XXl6 100,510.DO 11D,3OO B,71llI Incru..tn _18_ Council applVlllllcl UmfDrm PII)' 001-022-40020 21,800.00 22,Bllll BOO 1naru..1n ..... Caundl apprDVIId Detemld Campen.1tIon DD1-D22-o4QD11 5.03D DO 5,200 170 Inn...,ln.ele"'e CouncllepptDY8lf PERSret/MrnIInt DD1.Q22-40D12 1.314,4oo.0D 1A34,8DD 120.400 Increue In .e1lrl8ll p.,. Rebl'8n18nt DD1.Q22-4CX113 "040.00 741 (I....) RelDclltlld hDura IICI or CouncIl.._ MedICllllnaurlll"lCll 001-022-40014 271,_ DO 285,SClO 13..67D tncaa.. In ealllNlll; Council 8pplDVIId MllcilCBl1Ill\IILlI8nCII oo1.Q22-40D17 38,89D.00 39,885 3,005 Inn... In .elBnee Council epproved ur. end DII8b11fty DD10Q22-4001B 28, T8D.DO 31,'30 2,370 Increaae In .1IIr1.. Pep per MOU IIBpIIrJllIId Temp SI'8C181 PIl)' 001-022-40002 B,5OO B,5OO from normal OT PIIY Council approved Annual EduClltlDn P.y DD1-Q22.40D21 52,440 DO 55.88D 3,540 Inera... In ....rI.. PalJca SUDDortSenrlc. CouncII_ Ful~tme Sar...... 001.023-40001 853,130.00 881,'00 27,470 IncnIIIII ~ ullrl.. Pap perMOU eep.ret8d Temp specler Pay DD1-D23-40DQ2 "000 6,000 from npnnel OT pay Part.ume DD1.(123-4DDD4 2',220.00 (23,220) RaIGcdId hDu1J: tD OT e e REVISED{ ADOPT1!D PROPOSED BUDGET (dIfl) EXPLANATION DESCRIPnON ACCOUNT BUDGET BUDGET AMl!NDMENT FOR CHANGE CauncII_ Holiday Pa,. OO1.oz>-1_ 23,1110.00 25,150 1,240 ancrNM in ......... CcunclI_ _...~ OO1.Q23.4(IQ11 B,lI2O.oo 0,050 130 InCl'llll18In........ Cauncllllppl'lJ'MCl PERS AIII....m DD1..Q2a.<<ID12 4D3.440.DO 418,DSO 15,810 Inc:nNl18 In "'I'" Pllra-"-hmeltI 001~S. 3OlIOO \300) R*atId hDurl1a OT Counclllppra_ Mltdiclll,.umra D01~DD14 116,0440.00 117,OOD OS, IncruH In"""" Cauncll_ MedIClU8 InauranCB oo1..a23-40017 12,840.00 13,350 .,. InCIIaM In......... CauncII......... ur. and DJubllrly DD1...023-4Q01B 12,15a DD 12,BOD ... IncrtIII..In........ COntJBctllVCll.wfth1he SeIII BudtA,"m111 Care Conhc:l Prof. SVCII 001.(1230-4.000 18Q,00Q.DQ ...7llO 11.150 ConIIr CarrecllanCJfDflDlnal Bo...... oo1-D23-41D20 6Q,000.DO 68,000 1B,DDD ....... IncNl..'In Infarrn8bDn Mochl_&eq_, 001.023-48050 1B,5OO 18,500 technoklgy caatl Plannlna D8cn1a_ dU8 Ul V8ClIncy F__ 001"""'_ 216,680.00 214,08& (1,806) CJfST. Plann.. Ceca... due tD VIIC1ncy Def'lI1hId CC1mpll,..uan ao1-D3Q-40111 ........ 7,_ ('1l5J afBr.F'tann8r Decnl"B due to WleMq' P." Rablllment 001-03D-4QD12 29,900.00 ",GO (435) of Sr. Pl8mar 0eI:rIeM dUB to YfICIInq' e Medall"ulllnce oo1-o3D-4DD14 28,14ODQ 24,050 (.....) CJf Sr. PI.MIIf DeChlllM due Ul VaClIhC!f MBdICIIllllnllUfll\C8 001..Q3O.4D017 3,ISBO.00 ',830 (llO) afSr.PI.nn.r Cauncllllpprovad ur.lnclDISIIblIIll oo1-D3O-4ClD18 3,140.DD 3,275 ,.. Inca...ln ..IIMI BIllldlMlSl.Wv Cauncll approved FUII-Ifme 811_1 D01-031-4ODQ1 18,770.00 18,010 2,240 _11I_ CauncII ......... D8fe1TllCf Ccmpensllllon 001-031-40011 7eO.DO ... .. Incru.. In sail.... Council IIpplaVlld PERS-1II1i111m1nt 001-031-40012 2,320.00 2,836 .,. incnIBle In ..I..... MedlCllllnsulllnce 001-031-400104 1,820 DO 1,825 . Onginal budget. CDn'KtIDn CauncU_ ......... -..... DD1-D31-4lD17 270.00 31' 40 IncntB18 In salsn. CauncII_ LIfe and Dlssbrbt)' 001-oS1-4DQ1B 230 DO 28. 3. IncnlIlllln ...... Cantract Prof SYcs 001-031-+1000 42O,OOO.DD . 504,000 84,ODD OrIgIMl budget camtdlon Enalnltltrlna CounclllpprDVlld Full-time SsJanll D01..Q42.40DCM 24,070 00 26,900 2,'" Incn!Iuelnlal.rlllII CouncIIlppI1WIld Del'Bned eomp.nu.tIPn OQ1.042-4lX111 740.00 .,. 7. Incaa. In ..,..... C......._ PERS ~ IIIl11w'l'Ient 001-D42-4OC112 3,340.00 3,71' 37. IncI8..e In ..I..... CaunoII......... MBdlcsllnsuranCII DDt.Q42...40014 3,120 00 3,130 ,. InCIIIUIln ..1srIn Cauncllllppravad Mal:llcatllf11UfW1C8 DQ1..042-40017 230 DO 32D 40 Incr9lM In ulan... Council sppravecl IJfesndDnbllttv QQ1...Q42..4OQ1a ... 00 ... 30 1ncnlu81n Ill..... e e REVISEDI' ADO"",,, PROpOSED BUDGET (d/l!) EXPLANATION DESCRIP110N J\CCDUNT BUDGET BUDGET AMENDMENT FOR CHANGE Telephonlll QQ1.~1.DQQ ..... BIG 115 01__""""""" Incnl...ln InfDrmdon MltChlrwry&Equ!prnlllnt 001-D42-4BD50 3,500 ',50. tlldlnDklGrCOltl ItDrrn Drill.. Council applUVllld Fui-\Imo_ D01........o'1 1D8,4BOtlO nt,eo 11,380 Incru.. mill.,.. CDuncllIIPPrOVKI Defall8d Compenllabcln oo1~1.1 ~""'DD ..... 205 ~ln"" CaunClllllPproved PERSa I'811I8nMll'1I CXI1..Q43..4OD12 1S,D4D.00 11,210 1,170 Incra..ln _11IriH CDuncll .PPrDVIId MllIdJcallnlUrMGII oo1-048-40D14 104,040.00 104,550 51. mctll....ln.aIan.. Councllappnwed MIlIdIcIreln.urara DD1-04~0017 1,370.00 1,477 107 I'lcruR In""'" """""'......... lJfIlIaN:lDIlIbiIlY oo1.(143.4OO1B 1.sea.00 1,BBD 100 Incnue in....... Itnl81Malntlln.nca CO.............. FuU-IfmB s.11lfn CXI1-D44....00D1 321,..OD 355,185 31,416 ItIC..... in ilia,. ClNndlappmved Defenwd C~lItIan 001..044-<40011 B,54D.DD 7,'" SOD inCnI"llIln IIIBrIIiI CDoncII......... PERS a R8brwnenl DD1...Q4.4..4D012 44,1500.00 48.125 ",525 Inn.llIln ...... Cauncll.pptDVIlId --..... D01-'4 45,73D.tlO 4B,D15 28' ItKnae In ..1BrI1I CauncBIJ2Pt1WeCI MIIdlclw InsUfllnclll DD1..Q44..4QD17 ........ a,STD 2,", _In_ CDuncllIIPPnNICI ur. and Dlllblllly oo1..()M.GJ18 4,SSD DO 4,OBD 310 1n~..1n .1.... I.IIndllcaDIlI MalrDnante e CounOl III"""" F~. Smanll OD1..D49-4ODD1 17,100.00 111.530 ~4" Incni..a In.1arin Council Ippraved DBferllld Cclmperwablln 1XJ1.D4S040011 3OO1lIl 42. .. _In.-.. Caunclllpprond PERS-nrIll1llTllt1t D01..cJ48.40012 ~'70'" 2,'" 215 InCl'llllll(tIn....BI Dect1!lllY dUll to vacIttIC)' MBCbCIIlln.uranCl oo1.04S-4DD14 1,SDD.DD 1,530 (370) or ..... ........ CCluncll ~nNICI MedICI,. Insunlnce OD1.(MIl-<<JD17 130.00 155 25 Inctu.. In _I.... CDUTlclllIPproved LrfBaN:l DIlIbIbty 001-D48-4DD18 250.1lIl 27D 2lJ 1nCnI"llIln ..1ariI1 ","",me 001-D49-4OOQ3 5IlIl.1lIl 1,000 5IlIl Orlgln.1 budpt carrecIIpn Auto I'iIIlrDnance CCluncl~ Fun-lltnllSallrfll oo1-050-4DOD1 58,48D DO 81,370 2,B10 Increa.. '" n..... CDUnCilapprD"MI Def8..... CampIInHtIan OD1.05D-4DD11 1,DBD CD 1,105 15 1I'ICI88M1n1ll.rfIlIs CDum:lI_ PERS a n!llInmttnI D01..Q5D.4D012 11,100.00 . e,510 410 Inc:nl.. In ..1ariH Ch.l1SJIlIln .-npIur- MIlIdlcallnlUranCB 001..050-40014 8,470.00 8,S1D 2,'" c:hDICIlI at n.nnctt pallcy Cauncd~ life and DI..blIIly OD1..o5O-4D018 88D DD .,5 as Inct1lll"In eaIII.... BulldlnA Maln.nanc. Cauncll'lIppravecl FuII-limI Sal.... D01-D52-4DDD1 47,Boo DO 54,155 B.... Incnlue In ..Ia,.a Councllllppraved PERSa n!lbrement oo1..a&2-4DQ12 8,B40.DO 7,Doo oeo Imn...ln a.larl.. Caul'ICIl .ppnMICI ........ ......... 001::052-40014 4,8SD OD 4,875 25 IncnNISIIln....fIeI CcuncI<"""", e LIfe and Dlllblllty DD1.o52-4D01e 7DO.DD 735 .. IncI1IUlIln........ e REViSED! ADOPTED PROPOSED BUDGET (dill) EXPLANATION DESCRtPTION 1'.CCOUN'f BUDGET BUDGET ,..I;I.tlNISNT FOR CHANGE Cauncll.ppnMld Madant IMuranCII 001.0&2-40017 BO.DO 100 1. lnrAaa lI\ ulat\u "'""'"" 001-052-4QDD3 5DO.DO ',ODD 5DD Ongln. bud_ carrectIDn Conlnicf. l'raliIuIanI. QQ1.-aDO 218,000 OCI 217,'" ....... "...,.,-- tt.cr.tIcm AdmIniatJatioa CDUncllIIPPnMd FuUrne SaI.. DD1..a7D-4DQQ1 147,311000 155,435 ~... inCrMlII In laI.riIIS CounClllIPPl'CMld Deferr8d CamplH.mlon DD1.Q'70-4Da11 ~7lID.DD 4,'" 21D Incniueln III... Councll.ppmved PERS-nrIIl8InItlt 001..cJ7O..4Q012 20,430 DO 21.... 1,120 InnllHlln ..II_ CcNndI_ MBdlCllllnlufllnCl D01-07Q.4QD1.. 14,22O.DO 14,300 BQ 1~lnHlIU'l.. Caundt_ MIlcrlCllr8ln..rw.nce OD1-D70-40D17 2,43ll.DD 2,""" 130 Incnue rn..18rfB COuncllllPPl'JMld lJiII.ndClutllbtyInl. DD1~OO'8 2,2411 DO 2,340 1DO Inc..... In ....rIa TuItIon_ QQ1.Q7Q.4QDlJT 2,BOIl 2,BOIl en............_ Training & Mel!lllngs DD1-D7D4MOO ',15DO.OD 3ODO 10DO 0____ Equlj)rnlnlhrlllllrlall Da1-O'1tJ.407QD 3500 35DD OrigIn.1 budget~ IIIOIU Luau. PurduI.. of .hde tD repllICllI high dMt.t MBChlnery & EqulpmBn 001-071-41050 O,aDD O,aDD McG.ugh paol ........ ....... e OffiCIISupplll. ao1-D72-<<11DD 225.DO 1,ODD 175 Origln.1 budget. CDmIdfon S.__ mn.Q72..0QBQlI '\ ,DOO.OO 4,5DD 3,5IlIl OrIgtnmbUdgel;GDnBCllcm Trw.n.,...Dut InCIII... II:>> TIdl!llancla ...... FIllldbyS4SS50 far IIIIary 1nCMdU, Jr. lJf8;u.rd JnP d...., ,uppllllllIhd IT can. DecIe8M of $4OD,otClO c.p.bll ~ Fundfor' the caalng ar the Storm T_OUt QO'\~'1DQO 4,776,076 00 4,422,728 13&3.36Dl 'DraIn Prclect-phae 2. Total Gene,., Fund ItICl11U81n lIPPl'DP 731i1 49 fW ch8llga1n Gamnl Fund (1,224,488) 8LEF Fund Training DO"""""" 5O,aDD 50,'" DIalfer' prep.ndlDn TDlallLEF Fund Inc.....ln Appro,rtatlaltl. 6O,oao w.t.r I!ntIImrl.. Fund Council .pPraV8d Full-tfrneSllI.NllI D1MIOD-4DD01 616,320 DO 674,385 58,'" InCI'BIIHln ..larie. CaunalllClProved D8te~ CDmpllnsallan D17-SDD-4QD11 1D,28DDD 1D,8OO 51D Inc:IUII81rl..III,. eo__ PERS ~ ntllnlm8nt Q17..QOO..0112. &5,440 DO 92,500 7,Q6Q 1nC18U8 in ..18.... PactNIe due lei vacMqI' --...... tM7-9CD-4OO14 96,710 DO 98,65D (14DI of Aaoc. Engll1ll8fa CounCIl applUV8d MlKl'lcanllMUranCII D17.IKJD-4DD17 7,740 DO B.>DO 5SQ im:ruu 11'I uIIIriu Counal apPrDWtd LIfB and Diublllly D17..soo.4D018 8,980 OD B,SBD 02Q inCl1!lDltIn BRI.rt. e e REVlSEDI ADOPTED PROPOSED .UDGl!T (dill) EXPLANA110N DESC1\IPT\ON ACCOUNT BUDGET BUDGET AMENIlIIIENT FOR CHANGE OvlllrtJrn. D17-8DO-4C1lD3 25,000 00 31,DOD B,OIlO 0..................._ IntelBR P-vm." D17-9DH7881 7,100.00 7,900 BllD OrIginal bUd;8l: c:oncBan Total WatH EntM'p1tn Fund 1nCI'UII1ll in ExpendUw'll. 75.475 Tllt.land. Raall:h 1=und Incre... In ..lIr1a & IIXP8flCIdU- otftllIt by S11300 of nwen\oIIlIfIan Traneferln D34-DD0-3115OC1 1.&51.D16.oo 1,705,. ",'" Ir.lllegaard P"'P ell..... SWimmIng LaIOl1l ....QDO.3OIl3D 13,300 IZ,lllO Jr Uf8guml PIlIP daau. Total RewtnUIllI 58,,",, ur.auardl CouncII_ Full-tun. Sallrl. D3Hl2s..tooD, 154,770.00 168,450 11,SBD ....cruse II....... CaunalllPPf'D*! DoI.....~ a~'\1 5,560.00 B,ODO '5O 1nc:ruM In ........ CounclllJlP~ PERS-rebremllll'll D:M.a2B-4D012 87.870 DO 1D!,320 ..... II1CIII8..Ifl..I..... MlIdlClllll1lur.nce D34-128-4DD14 17,73D.00 28,130 B,04(IIl OrIgI"lbudgl!ll:~ Council .pprDV8d MeclICIlIl1Iln.urance Q34.828-4DD17 7,880.00 7,000 22. Incre... m ..r.n.. eound'_ LIfe ad Clubmty InL 084-828-40018 2,420.00 2,530 11. -~- Trlin....r of IIWf ..'--ID Par1-llmlll ...........xx>o ......... 2&a.7SC1 '.'" P'T_ TreI1If8rDfsurf"larIIlIslo e Surfing CIus S.I D:M-828-400D7 5,5DD.00 (5,5Ol1) pr...llI.... Salerels for Jr !JfegUllrd Jr. ur.guerd SII .........1XllI8 84,000.00 ...... ..BOlI prep ell.... _fm.h'._ P.rstelllllm.nt 034-128-40013 4,340.00 4.415 76 prep c1..... Origlnel budgld correctIDtI and IUpplIn for pI'IIp OffiClll Supplle. 0S4-828-4Q1DQ 2,500.00 B.'" 3,6OD .... EI.ctrlClty 034-B2B-41D2D 6,000.00 10,500 4,BllD Origlnlll budget co....ctIon Inen... In InfDtmebDn --- .............. 11000 11000 I8chnotcllD'caItI BelIch Melntenlnce CouncllllPPl'DWId Fun-tlm. Salan" ......_, 88,D5D.oo 95.580 7,640 Incruu IrI ..1.riM Council eppowId Def8rm1 CompensllbDII 034-883-4001 1 1,440.00 1.550 11. InCIIIIIIIIln..larIe. CounCil epproved PERS.1llll1lln'llM\1 03443-40012 12,210.00 13.100 .50 InCl1!lUltIn.alanu Council .pprDVtd MedlCllllnlUl1Inc8 D34-IIEI~DD14 12,580.00 12,850 50 I~ttaal.... Council approved MedIcaIIIlnSUl1lntrl D34-8BS-4DD17 1,840.00 2,D26 .. II1CIUII In ...... Council apprDVl!ld LlfaandDI8ab1111y 031 BEi3 4.001.8 1.,270.00 ,.... .. .......'"- Total Tld.lalncbl Bnch Fund Inc...... In ApproprlldlOll8 !I_r Ental'llrt.. 1=und CauncllepptDVlld Full-bl'l'Ml S.I_. D43-1'I25-4DOD1 218,340 DO ..B.... ...... ........ ~....... eou....,_ DlIfIIl'J'Ild Compenlallcln 043-825-40011 4,0480,00 4.820 ... Il1CIIIlUIIIln ....... Councd .ppraved PERS - IIIblllment 043-825-4OC112 29,880.00 ...... ..... 11ICIIIIlI" In ..I..... c.trase d~ 10 VlICIlIne:)' MIlIdlCIIlln'UrlnCll 043-82&-400'\4 28,310.00 28,900 (41D) of AsIDe. Engll1lHlfl CoIInd\_ e MIIIlf1c:Iw InlutanClll [)43-1'125-400'7 2,850 00 2,800 150 Incr8l1. In salan.. e REVISED! ACOPTED PROPOSED SUDGET (dill) EXPlANAnON DE::SCRIPTtON ACCOUI<T SUOGET BUDGET AMENDMENT FOFl CHANGE Coul'lCllllpPRMld L/fII and Dllablllty 043-8zs...t.lXl18 :S.13QQD ..... '10 -..- TDtIIISewer EnlerprIM Fund 1nCNI..ln ExpIIndItwB 26i.Z45 CaDIlaI Pral.1s Fund DecI8I18 of a,ODD ID Ca"'" ........ Fund.... dUlcDnbnUl of IhI Storm rrllnnrln D45-ODD-31500 10,1ID3.,7<<1.oo 1Q,5ll3,To\Q (....,000) .....P_-_. Deca...rl4DD,OODto CopIlolP_fund.... dllconllnUl of thII SIarm Cantmct Prof Svca ..~ 14,127.67D.OD '..m.87ll (400,000) [hln PrQJICt. phullZ Tatal Capital PrajK:" Fund lnCN_ln Exp.ndHu... PASSED. APPIl.OVED AND ADOPTED by lho Cil!f Coomcilorlho CIIy or_ - co day Dr . .007 by the follow... vote: AVES: Councibnombon NOES: CowlcII.....bcn ABSEN'T: Coum:.Um.nbtn Mayor ATTEST: e Und. D...... City Clod< STATE Of CAUI'ORNIA) COUNTY OP OIl.ANOB )SS CITY Of SEAL BEACH ) I, Linda DBYine" City CIIlI'k ofS..1 Beach. California. do baby CGl'tify thIt the followtl'lB' raoluticm il the original copy ofRaolutlOD Numbcr_ on file [n the oft"1Ce of the CIEy CIorIr, puaed, opprovcd, ond odopIcd by the Cil!f Councilortbo CiEy of Sell BOlCh, ataregularmecti:ngthereofbddonttle d8yof .2007. City Clodc e