HomeMy WebLinkAboutCombined Emails and Comments Regarding Item G1
Gloria Harper
From:Bradley Hontz <brad.hontz@pinpointview.com>
Sent:Sunday, October 22, 2023 5:20 PM
To:Joe Kalmick
Cc:Gloria Harper
Subject:13th Street and PCH Gas Station Zone Change 19-1
Councilmember Kalmick,
I am writing to express my opposition to Zone Change 19-1, which proposes the rezoning of 328 13th Street from
Residential High Density (RHD-20) to General Commercial (GC).
The people in our community are what make this city great, so I am disappointed to see that the council would consider
rezoning land to make space for another convenience store when it could be used for another family to become a part
of this community.
While I understand that 324 13th Street will be upzoned to compensate for the loss of housing at 328 13th Street, the
city will still end up with a net loss of one available parcel to build housing on. So, for a family looking to purchase a
home, this still translates to one less opportunity for them.
We want neighbors, not a convenience store.
Thank you for your time
Sent from my iPhone, plz excuse typos and brevity.
Gloria Harper
From:Guy Laferrara <GLaferrara@leeirvine.com>
Sent:Monday, October 16, 2023 2:39 PM
To:Joe Kalmick
Cc:Gloria Harper; Robin LaFerrara (robinlaferrara@gmail.com)
Subject:13th Street and PCH Gas Station Zone Change 19-1
Councilmember Kalmick,
My name is Guy Laferrara, my wife Robin. We live on 13th street three properties down and across the street
from the gas station. Our family has owned Real Estate in Seal Beach for over 35 years and we built our dream
home here twenty five (26) years ago and raised our kids in this neighborhood. We will be directly affected by
the decision to allow the changes to the existing gas station.
We live here because we like the small town atmosphere and knew it was a great place to raise a family.
We now feel all these positive items could be negatively affected.
Living on the street we know that putting in a mini-mart would:
1. Increase traffic on 13th (which is a one-way street toward the beach) it is also one of the narrowest streets
where we have seen multiple car mirrors swiped away as well as vehicle side swiped. Additionally the alleys
north and south of 13th are very tight and frequently have children playing behind their houses which with
increased traffic, could cause issues. Every other past gas station/mini-mart/convenience store or liquor store
in the city is located adjacent to a two-way street.
2. Also, it will most likely to increase the amount of vehicles driving the wrong way down 13th when leaving
the gas station and proposed mini-mart. We see this currently happen on a daily basis and it is a hazard and
could eventually cause accidents. This would perpetuate and increase an existing problem.
3. Gas deliveries and product deliveries will add to the problem by impeding access to the gas station and
causing potential back-ups on PCH and 13th Street, which could cause accidents.
4. Parking is already tight on our street caused by the overflow of parking from the nearby commercial
properties, apartments and residences. The mini-mart would also cause more street parking.
5. With an increase of traffic, there will be an increase of noise, which we get already from people purchasing
gas. This noise occurs 24 hours a day. Loud cars screeching in and out of the station, noise from the computer
buttons on the fuel machines, loud music playing while people are filling up, alarms going off caused by loud
engine revving and gas delivers at all hours. Plus, we already get residual noise from the 7-11 on 12 street.
6. Light pollution will increase by adding new lights to accommodate the new parking area. Also bringing a
glow closer to the residences.
7. Property values could be affected (downward) and resales will be tougher having mini-mart within one (1)
to twenty (20) houses away.
8. More trash will be generated, increasing trash on the streets.
9. It will generate more loitering and increase the amount of homeless people around the area because of a
public bathroom being provided.
There are many mini-marts/liquor stores, grocery stores, etc. currently in the city and on Pacific Coast
Highway. The following is a partial list:
1) 7-11 at 12th and PCH.
2) Liquor store at Seal Beach Boulevard and PCH.
3) a liquor store in the strip center on PCH and 5th
4) CVS at Main and PCH
5) Pavilions at Main and 12th and PCH
6) Liquor store 5th and Electric
7) Liquor store on Main just off Ocean
Even though the request for limited hours of operation and no alcohol sales today if the project is approved, it
will be an easier step/fight in the future to increase those hours and an easier push to obtain a liquor license.
Especially since alcoholic products increase sales. Selling alcohol could generate and promote loitering,
vagrancy and crime.
Do we really need another mini-mart in Seal Beach? I don’t think so. Especially since 7/11 is 40 steps away
from the gas station. The adjacent property is zoned residential and should remain as its intended use.
We hope you understand our concerns and side with your local constituents in voting this down.
I am writing to express my opposition to Zone Change 19-1, which proposes the rezoning of 328 13th Street from
Residential High Density (RHD-20) to General Commercial (GC).
The people in our community are what make this city great, so I am disappointed to see that the council would consider
rezoning land to make space for another convenience store when it could be used for another family to become a part
of this community.
While I understand that 324 13th Street will be upzoned to compensate for the loss of housing at 328 13th Street, the
city will still end up with a net loss of one available parcel to build housing on. So, for a family looking to purchase a
home, this still translates to one less opportunity for them.
We want neighbors, not a convenience store.
Thank you for your time
Gloria Harper
Subject:FW: Opposition to Chevron expansion
From: Jeanette Stockon <jeanettestockon@gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 17, 2023 4:40 PM
To: Jill Ingram <jingram@sealbeachca.gov>
Subject: Opposition to Chevron expansion
We oppose the proposed expansion of the gas station and construction of the convenience store at 1300 E. Pacific Coast
Highway (APN 043-133-20). The fact that the Project requires Zone Changes, a General Plan Amendment, a Conditional
Use Permit, and six different variances indicates that the Project is not a good fit in this location. Although the gas
station is on PCH it is located adjacent to homes that include families, children and older people like us. The noise,
lighting and traffic have not been adequately studied. The traffic on the surrounding one-way streets and narrow
residential alley would increase dangerously.
The underground tanks at the gas station have been leaking toxic substances into the soil and they are reported to be
migrating. The underground tanks need to be removed and the surrounding soil needs to be tested and excavated, but
the gas station does not need to be expanded nor does there need to be a convenience store for that to happen.
It's incongruent to have a housing shortage in Seal Beach and yet still reduce the residential properties by approving a
zoning change from residential to commercial. There are already 2 convenience stores and a grocery store on PCH
between 12th Street and 18th (Seal Beach Blvd) – six blocks. We do not need another store.
The neighborhood concerns have not been adequately addressed. Public comments have been ignored.
Please stop this project.
Chuck and Jeanette Stockon
323 14th Street
Seal Beach, CA 90740
Gloria Harper
From:Pamela Simonetti <simonettisb@gmail.com>
Sent:Monday, October 16, 2023 6:22 PM
To:Joe Kalmick
Cc:Gloria Harper
Subject:13th Street and PCH Gas Station Zone Change 19-1
Councilmember Kalmick,
I am writing to express my opposition to Zone Change 19-1, which proposes the rezoning of 328 13th Street from
Residential High Density (RHD-20) to General Commercial (GC).
The people in our community are what make this city great, so I am disappointed to see that the council would consider
rezoning land to make space for another convenience store when it could be used for another family to become a part
of this community.
While I understand that 324 13th Street will be upzoned to compensate for the loss of housing at 328 13th Street, the
city will still end up with a net loss of one available parcel to build housing on. So, for a family looking to purchase a
home, this still translates to one less opportunity for them.
We want neighbors, not a convenience store.
Thank you for your time
Pam & Dan Simonetti
Gloria Harper
From:Adam Nicholas <adam.nicholas@yahoo.com>
Sent:Monday, October 16, 2023 5:32 PM
To:Thomas Moore
Cc:Gloria Harper
Subject:13th Street and PCH Gas Station Zone Change 19-1
Mayor Moore,
I am writing to express my opposition to Zone Change 19-1, which proposes the rezoning of 328 13th Street from
Residential High Density (RHD-20) to General Commercial (GC).
The people in our community are what make this city great, so I am disappointed to see that the council would consider
rezoning land to make space for another convenience store when it could be used for another family to become a part
of this community.
While I understand that 324 13th Street will be upzoned to compensate for the loss of housing at 328 13th Street, the
city will still end up with a net loss of one available parcel to build housing on. So, for a family looking to purchase a
home, this still translates to one less opportunity for them.
We want neighbors, not a convenience store.
Thank you for your time
Sent from my iPhone
Gloria Harper
From:Andrew Chiu <alwaysguapo@me.com>
Sent:Thursday, October 19, 2023 9:30 AM
To:Joe Kalmick
Cc:Gloria Harper
Subject:13th Street and PCH Gas Station Zone Change 19-1
Councilmember Kalmick,
I am writing to express my opposition to Zone Change 19-1, which proposes the rezoning of 328 13th Street from
Residential High Density (RHD-20) to General Commercial (GC).
The people in our community are what make this city great, so I am disappointed to see that the council would consider
rezoning land to make space for another convenience store when it could be used for another family to become a part
of this community.
While I understand that 324 13th Street will be upzoned to compensate for the loss of housing at 328 13th Street, the
city will still end up with a net loss of one available parcel to build housing on. So, for a family looking to purchase a
home, this still translates to one less opportunity for them.
We want neighbors, not a convenience store.
Thank you for your time
Andrew and Leslie Chiu
132 6th Street
Sent from my iPhone
Gloria Harper
From:Bea Kuebler <beakuebler@aol.com>
Sent:Thursday, October 19, 2023 11:40 AM
To:Joe Kalmick
Cc:Gloria Harper
Subject:13th Street and PCH Gas Station Zone Change 19-1
Councilmember Kalmick,
I am writing to express my opposition to Zone Change 19-1, which proposes the rezoning of 328 13th Street from
Residential High Density (RHD-20) to General Commercial (GC).
The people in our community are what make this city great, so I am disappointed to see that the council would consider
rezoning land to make space for another convenience store when it could be used for another family to become a part
of this community.
While I understand that 324 13th Street will be upzoned to compensate for the loss of housing at 328 13th Street, the
city will still end up with a net loss of one available parcel to build housing on. So, for a family looking to purchase a
home, this still translates to one less opportunity for them.
We want neighbors, not a convenience store.
Thank you for your time
Gloria Harper
From:Betty Reilly <reillysrun2@bellsouth.net>
Sent:Saturday, October 21, 2023 12:42 PM
To:Joe Kalmick
Cc:Gloria Harper
Subject:13th Street and PCH Gas Station Zone Change 19-1
Councilmember Kalmick,
I am writing to express my opposition to Zone Change 19-1, which proposes the rezoning of 328 13th Street from
Residential High Density (RHD-20) to General Commercial (GC).
The people in our community are what make this city great, so I am disappointed to see that the council would consider
rezoning land to make space for another convenience store when it could be used for another family to become a part
of this community.
While I understand that 324 13th Street will be upzoned to compensate for the loss of housing at 328 13th Street, the
city will still end up with a net loss of one available parcel to build housing on. So, for a family looking to purchase a
home, this still translates to one less opportunity for them.
We want neighbors, not a convenience store.
Thank you for your time
Sent from my iPhone
Gloria Harper
From:Beverly Terry <bterryk26@gmail.com>
Sent:Thursday, October 19, 2023 5:38 PM
To:Joe Kalmick
Cc:Gloria Harper
Subject:13th Street and PCH Gas Station Zone Change 19-1
Councilmember Kalmick,
I am writing to express my opposition to Zone Change 19-1, which proposes the rezoning of 328 13th Street from
Residential High Density (RHD-20) to General Commercial (GC).
The people in our community are what make this city great, so I am disappointed to see that the council would consider
rezoning land to make space for another convenience store when it could be used for another family to become a part
of this community.
While I understand that 324 13th Street will be upzoned to compensate for the loss of housing at 328 13th Street, the
city will still end up with a net loss of one available parcel to build housing on. So, for a family looking to purchase a
home, this still translates to one less opportunity for them.
We want neighbors, not a convenience store.
Thank you for your time
Gloria Harper
From:Bill Ahern <ez2cbilly@yahoo.com>
Sent:Friday, October 20, 2023 1:57 PM
To:Lisa Landau
Cc:Gloria Harper
Subject:13th Street and PCH Gas Station Zone Change 19-1
Councilmember Landau,
I am writing to express my opposition to Zone Change 19-1, which proposes the rezoning of 328 13th Street from
Residential High Density (RHD-20) to General Commercial (GC).
The people in our community are what make this city great, so I am disappointed to see that the council would consider
rezoning land to make space for another convenience store when it could be used for another family to become a part
of this community.
While I understand that 324 13th Street will be upzoned to compensate for the loss of housing at 328 13th Street, the
city will still end up with a net loss of one available parcel to build housing on. So, for a family looking to purchase a
home, this still translates to one less opportunity for them.
We want neighbors, not a convenience store.
Thank you for your time
Sent from my iPad
Gloria Harper
From:Darlene Boyce <darboyce@gmail.com>
Sent:Friday, October 20, 2023 9:02 AM
To:Nathan Steele
Cc:Gloria Harper
Subject:13th Street and PCH Gas Station Zone Change 19-1
Councilmember Steele,
I am writing to express my opposition to Zone Change 19-1, which proposes the rezoning of 328 13th Street from
Residential High Density (RHD-20) to General Commercial (GC).
The people in our community are what make this city great, so I am disappointed to see that the council would consider
rezoning land to make space for another convenience store when it could be used for another family to become a part
of this community.
While I understand that 324 13th Street will be upzoned to compensate for the loss of housing at 328 13th Street, the
city will still end up with a net loss of one available parcel to build housing on. So, for a family looking to purchase a
home, this still translates to one less opportunity for them.
We want neighbors, not a convenience store.
Thank you for your time
Gloria Harper
Sent:Wednesday, October 18, 2023 7:37 PM
To:Joe Kalmick
Cc:Gloria Harper
Subject:13th Street and PCH Gas Station Zone Change 19-1
Councilmember Kalmick,
I am writing to express my opposition to Zone Change 19-1, which proposes the rezoning of 328 13th Street from
Residential High Density (RHD-20) to General Commercial (GC).
The people in our community are what make this city great, so I am disappointed to see that the council would consider
rezoning land to make space for another convenience store when it could be used for another family to become a part
of this community.
While I understand that 324 13th Street will be upzoned to compensate for the loss of housing at 328 13th Street, the
city will still end up with a net loss of one available parcel to build housing on. So, for a family looking to purchase a
home, this still translates to one less opportunity for them.
We want neighbors, not a convenience store.
Thank you for your time,
David Michalik
318 13th St
Gloria Harper
From:Dawn Caviola <dawncaviola@gmail.com>
Sent:Thursday, October 19, 2023 2:08 PM
To:Joe Kalmick
Cc:Gloria Harper
Subject:13th Street and PCH Gas Station Zone Change 19-1
Councilmember Kalmick,
I am writing to express my opposition to Zone Change 19-1, which proposes the rezoning of 328 13th Street from
Residential High Density (RHD-20) to General Commercial (GC).
The people in our community are what make this city great, so I am disappointed to see that the council would consider
rezoning land to make space for another convenience store when it could be used for another family to become a part
of this community.
While I understand that 324 13th Street will be upzoned to compensate for the loss of housing at 328 13th Street, the
city will still end up with a net loss of one available parcel to build housing on. So, for a family looking to purchase a
home, this still translates to one less opportunity for them.
We want neighbors, not a convenience store.
Thank you for your time
Sent from my iPhone
Gloria Harper
From:DIANE TOZER <joedeed@aol.com>
Sent:Saturday, October 21, 2023 6:28 PM
To:Joe Kalmick
Cc:Gloria Harper
Subject:13th Street and PCH Gas Station Zone Change 19-1
Councilmember Kalmick,
I am writing to express my opposition to Zone Change 19-1, which proposes the rezoning of 328 13th Street from
Residential High Density (RHD-20) to General Commercial (GC).
The people in our community are what make this city great, so I am disappointed to see that the council would consider
rezoning land to make space for another convenience store when it could be used for another family to become a part
of this community.
While I understand that 324 13th Street will be upzoned to compensate for the loss of housing at 328 13th Street, the
city will still end up with a net loss of one available parcel to build housing on. So, for a family looking to purchase a
home, this still translates to one less opportunity for them.
We want neighbors, not a convenience store.
Thank you for your time
Sent from my iPhone
Gloria Harper
From:Don & Hope Horning <dhhorning@gmail.com>
Sent:Thursday, October 19, 2023 10:36 AM
To:Nathan Steele
Cc:Gloria Harper
Subject:13th Street and PCH Gas Station Zone Change 19-1
Councilmember Steele,
I am writing to express my opposition to Zone Change 19-1, which proposes the rezoning of 328 13th Street from
Residential High Density (RHD-20) to General Commercial (GC).
The people in our community are what make this city great, so I am disappointed to see that the council would consider
rezoning land to make space for another convenience store when it could be used for another family to become a part
of this community.
While I understand that 324 13th Street will be upzoned to compensate for the loss of housing at 328 13th Street, the
city will still end up with a net loss of one residential unit.
I oppose converting a residential lot to commercial, especially in light of our housing "crisis."
Thanks for your consideration.
Hope K. Horning
Gloria Harper
Sent:Saturday, October 21, 2023 11:03 PM
To:Joe Kalmick
Cc:Gloria Harper
Subject:13th Street and PCH Gas Station Zone Change 19-1
Councilmember Kalmick,
I am writing to express my opposition to Zone Change 19-1, which proposes the rezoning of 328 13th Street from
Residential High Density (RHD-20) to General Commercial (GC).
The people in our community are what make this city great, so I am disappointed to see that the council would consider
rezoning land to make space for another convenience store when it could be used for another family to become a part
of this community.
While I understand that 324 13th Street will be upzoned to compensate for the loss of housing at 328 13th Street, the
city will still end up with a net loss of one available parcel to build housing on. So, for a family looking to purchase a
home, this still translates to one less opportunity for them.
We want neighbors, not a convenience store.
Thank you for your time
Eileen O’Leary
Sent from my iPhone
Gloria Harper
From:Gregory R Harsh <gregory.harsh@jci.com>
Sent:Thursday, October 19, 2023 7:01 PM
To:Joe Kalmick
Cc:Gloria Harper
Subject:13th Street and PCH Gas Station Zone Change 19-1
Councilmember Kalmick,
That is not what’s best for Seal Beach ͔͕͖
I am writing to express my opposition to Zone Change 19-1, which proposes the rezoning of 328 13th Street from
Residential High Density (RHD-20) to General Commercial (GC).
The people in our community are what make this city great, so I am disappointed to see that the council would consider
rezoning land to make space for another convenience store when it could be used for another family to become a part
of this community.
While I understand that 324 13th Street will be upzoned to compensate for the loss of housing at 328 13th Street, the
city will still end up with a net loss of one available parcel to build housing on. So, for a family looking to purchase a
home, this still translates to one less opportunity for them.
We want neighbors, not a convenience store.
Thank you for your time
Get Outlook for iOS
Gloria Harper
From:Shaun Temple
Sent:Monday, October 16, 2023 5:01 PM
To:Gloria Harper; Dana Engstrom; Alexa Smittle
Subject:FW: General Plan Amendment 19-1 at 328 13th Street, and Zone Change 19-1 at 324
13th Street.
Attachments:Chevron Ltr2.5.docx; Chevron Ltr2.docx
Hi Gloria and Dana,
I was copied on the following email that was sent to the five council members regarding the GPA 19-1, ZC 19-1 case
going to hearing at City Council on 10/23.
Shaun Temple
Planning Manager
City of Seal Beach - 211 Eighth Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
(562) 431-2527, Ext. 1316
Civility Principles:
1. Treat everyone courteously;
2. Listen to others respectfully;
3. Exercise self-control;
4. Give open-minded consideration to all viewpoints;
5. Focus on the issues and avoid personalizing debate; and,
6. Embrace respectful disagreement and dissent as democratic rights, inherent components of an inclusive public process, and tools for
forging sound decisions.
For Information about Seal Beach, please see our city website: www.sealbeachca.gov
NOTICE: This communication may contain privileged or other confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient of this
communication, or an employee or agent responsible for delivering this communication to the intended recipient, please advise the sender
by reply email and immediately delete the message and any attachments without copying or disclosing the contents.
From: Greg&Beth <family@curdeng.com>
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2023 4:54 PM
To: Joe Kalmick <jkalmick@sealbeachca.gov>; Thomas Moore <tmoore@sealbeachca.gov>; Schelly Sustarsic
<ssustarsic@sealbeachca.gov>; Lisa Landau <LLandau@sealbeachca.gov>; Nathan Steele <NSteele@sealbeachca.gov>
Cc: Shaun Temple <STemple@sealbeachca.gov>
Subject: General Plan Amendment 19-1 at 328 13th Street, and Zone Change 19-1 at 324 13th Street.
Dear City Council Members,
My wife and I own the property at 322 13th Street, which is directly adjacent to 324 13th Street. We are
reaching out prior to the Public Hearing that will be held on 10/23/23 regarding General Plan Amendment 19-1,
and Zone Change 19-1:
General Plan Amendment 19-1 changes the lot at 328 13th Street from RHD-20 to General Commercial.
Zone Change 19-1 changes the lot at 324 13th Street from RHD20 to RHD33.
We have previously stated our objection to this project in letters to the Planning Commission. (Please see
attached.) We want to go on record again, to state our strenuous objection to these zoning changes. I hope
you will consider the following and vote against approval of these zoning changes:
1. The nearby residents and property owners are very opposed to this project for many reasons. That
alone should be reason enough to vote against approval. Every property owner should be able to do
whatever they want on their property as long as they comply with Municipal Code. When a property
owner wants to change the code to benefit himself, the surrounding neighbors should have a voice.
2. Fifteen years ago, when my wife and I bought the property at 322 13 th Street, our expectation, based on
the RHD20 zoning designation, was that someday there would be a house on the lot at 328 13 th
street. If it was zoned General Commercial, we would not have bought our house.
3. City Zoning and Development Standards show everyone who is interested what to expect future
development will be. The zoning map is literally a notice, that the city posts, stating the future
development requirements. For many, many years, the property owners, residents and other
businesses have bought property, built houses and gone about their business making decisions and
plans with the knowledge that 328 13th street is zoned residential. The expectation has been that
someday there would be a house built on the lot. If the zoning changes are approved, it would be very
disruptive. It would impact the life of many, many nearby neighbors, forcing them to reevaluate and
change their plans.
4. General Plan Amendment 19-1: This amendment is in conflict with California law. California SB 330
and/or the Housing Crisis Act of 2019 prohibits the City from amending the General Plan to change
the land use category of a residential lot to General Commercial unless it concurrently makes changes
elsewhere to ensure that there is no net loss in residential capacity. Rezoning 324 13th street to allow
two units on one lot is not complying with SB330 in good faith. It’s more of a bureaucratic trick than
actually maintaining residential capacity.
5. Zone Change 19-1: This zone change is in conflict with the Seal Beach Municipal Code. The existing
lot at 324 13th Street does not meet the minimum lot area or minimum lot size requirements for RHD-33
as specified in the Seal Beach municipal code, Table, Development Standards (see
RHD-33 has a minimum lot area of 5000 sq ft. vs. 3750 sq ft existing.
RHD- 33 has a minimum lot size of 50’x100’ vs. 37.5’x100’ existing.
Everyone counts on the city zoning to make major life plans and decisions, like where to live, where to buy
property, and where to build a home. If the council allows these zoning changes, it will negatively impact the
property values and quality of life of all who live nearby.
Please vote no on General Plan Amendment 19-1 and Zone Change 19-1. The Chevron station should
replace the tanks as required without expanding into the residential lot at 328 13th street.
Gregory W. Curd and
Elizabeth Barinek
August 21st, 2023
211 Eighth Street
Seal Beach, CA 90740
Attention: Planning Manager, Community Development Department
Subject: Conditional Use Permit 19-7, Variance 22-1, General Plan Amendment 19-1,
Zone Change 19-1 at 1300 E. Pacific Coast Highway, 328 13th Street, 324
13th Street.
Dear Shaun Temple,
My wife and I own the property at 322 13th Street which is directly adjacent to 324 13th
Street. Our property is a rental now, but we plan to live there someday; consequently, we
are very concerned that the proposed project will have a negative effect on the quality of
life at our location, as well as, a negative effect on the value of our property.
We would like to state up front that we have no objection to the gas station in its current
configuration. It was there when we bought our property in January 2008, and we were
very aware that we were buying a lot that was 75’ away from a gas station. When we
purchased our property at 322 13th Street, we checked the zoning map to ensure that 328
13th Street was zoned residential. It was important to us that the lot at 328 13th Street was
residential and not commercial. Our expectation was that someday there would be a
house on that lot. If it was zoned GC, we would have reconsidered buying there.
Our objection is to the expansion of the gas station into the residential lot at 328 13th Street,
since the station should be able to replace its underground tanks, as required, and
continue operating in the current configuration.
With regard to the General Plan Amendment 19-1 to change 328 13th Street from
RHD-20 to GC:
As you know, SB 330 and/or the Housing Crisis Act of 2019 prohibit the City from
amending the General Plan to change the land use category of the lot at 328 13th Street
from RHD-20 to GC, unless it concurrently makes changes elsewhere to ensure that there
is no net loss in residential capacity.
In order to comply with this state law, the applicant proposes to change the zoning on 324
13th Street from RDH-20 to RDH-33 because that would increase the maximum density
from 1 unit/2178 sq ft to 1 unit/1350 sq ft and theoretically allow 2 units on a 3750 sq ft lot.
Unfortunately, the existing lot at 324 13th Street does not meet the minimum lot area and
minimum lot size requirements for RHD-33 as specified in the Seal Beach municipal code,
Table, Development Standards:
1. RHD-33 has a minimum lot area of 5000 sq ft. vs. 3750 sq ft existing.
2. RHD- 33 has a minimum lot size of 50’x100’ vs. 37.5’x100’ existing.
– 2 – October 16, 2023
Currently, both lots, 324 and 328 13th Street, can have one primary unit plus one ADU and
one Jr. ADU which is 6 residences. Changing the zoning of 324 13th Street to RHD-33
will technically allow two primary residences, but would not accommodate 2 ADUs and 2
Jr ADUs. The zoning change from RHD-20 to RHD-33 does not seem to be a good faith
effort to maintain residential capacity in accordance with SB 330. Furthermore, it makes
the current residential shortfall of 1,243 units identified in Table II-27 of the City of Seal
Beach 2021-2029 Housing Element harder to overcome.
With regard to the Variance 22-1 items:
The variances requested for the primary site, with the exception of #6, are not trivial
variances. They are significant changes to what is allowed in Seal Beach Municipal Code,
section, part B Automobile Service Station Development and Operational
1. Reduction of the minimum site area from 22,500 sf to 13,777 sf. (that is a 38.8%
reduction) or 61.2% of the required minimum site area
2. Reduction of the minimum required street frontage from 150 ft to 100 ft. (that is a
33.3% reduction) or 66.7% of the required street frontage
3. Reduction of the minimum required rear setback from 30 ft to 10 ft. (that is a 66.7%
reduction) or 33.3% of the required minimum setback
4. Reduction of the minimum required distance between curb cuts from 30 ft to 14 ft.
(that is a reduction of 20%) or 80% of the required distance between curb cuts
5. Expansion of the maximum driveway width from 25 ft to 45 ft. (45 ft is 180 % of
the maximum allowed driveway width.)
6. Reduction of the pump island setback from 20 ft to 19 ft. (a 5% reduction) This is
the only reasonable variance request.
Seal Beach Municipal Code, section, part B Automobile Service Station
Development and Operational Standards states that new and reconstructed service
stations shall comply with certain standards. Items 1-5 above are large deviations from
those standards. Why do we have these standards in the code if we are going to
recommend approval of a service station reconstruction project that does not even come
close to complying with these standards?
In Conclusion:
The question is what guides city planners when presented with a choice that will benefit
one property owner, but will disadvantage the surrounding residents and property owners?
If the project has real benefits for the city, then the good of the many may outweigh the
loss of the few, but the project does not have a greater good as evidenced by the
objections of the surrounding residents and property owners. Why would city planners
recommend approval despite the many, significant, non-conformances with the city’s own
zoning regulations? If the project was in compliance with municipal code, we would have
no objection, but it’s not.
If this project is ultimately approved, the city of Seal Beach will be trading a residential lot
for a new mini mart. A mini mart that is one block away from an existing 7-11. From a City
– 3 – October 16, 2023
Planning perspective, the need has not been justified, however, the state Housing Crisis
Act of 2019 has documented that there is a need for housing.
According to the city web site: The City Planning function is to promote and enhance the
well-being of residents, visitors, property owners, and businesses of the City of Seal
Beach. We see how this project will benefit G&M Oil, but how does it enhance the well-
being of the surrounding residents, property owners, and the City of Seal Beach?
Gregory W. Curd and
Elizabeth Barinek
September 5th, 2023
211 Eighth Street
Seal Beach, CA 90740
Attention: Planning Manager, Community Development Department
Subject: Conditional Use Permit 19-7, Variance 22-1, General Plan Amendment 19-1,
Zone Change 19-1 at 1300 E. Pacific Coast Highway, 328 13th Street, 324
13th Street.
Dear Shaun Temple,
My wife and I own the property at 322 13th Street which is directly adjacent to 324 13th
Street. We have previously stated our objection to this project in a letter to you dated
August 21st, 2023.
We won’t repeat that letter here, but we do want to go on record again, to state our
strenuous objection to the proposed variances, and to the General Plan Amendment 19-
1 to change 328 13th Street from RHD-20 to GC.
With regard to the Variance 22-1 items:
The variances requested for the primary site, with the exception of #6, are not trivial
variances. They are significant changes to what is allowed in Seal Beach Municipal Code.
The fact that the applicant needs to ask for five large variances shows that the lot, even
with the addition of 328 13th street, is just not large enough for the proposed project.
We object to all of the proposed variances, but especially to #3, minimum rear setback.
Reducing the minimum required rear setback from 30 ft to 10 ft. is a 67% reduction to the
required minimum setback. That is a huge variance. I doubt you have you ever allowed a
67% setback reduction? What makes it okay for this project?
With regard to the General Plan Amendment 19-1 to change 328 13th Street from
RHD-20 to GC:
As you know, SB 330 and/or the Housing Crisis Act of 2019 prohibit the City from
amending the General Plan to change the land use category of the lot at 328 13th Street
from RHD-20 to GC, unless it concurrently makes changes elsewhere to ensure that there
is no net loss in residential capacity.
In order to comply with this state law, the applicant proposes to change the zoning on 324
13th Street from RDH-20 to RDH-33. As, we have previously stated in our letter, and also
at a prior meeting of the planning committee, 324 13th street does not meet the minimum
lot width and minimum lot size requirements to be RHD-33. Consequently, the zoning
change from RHD-20 to RHD-33 should not be allowed.
– 2 – October 16, 2023
In its current configuration, the gas station does not conform with the Seal Beach municipal
code for automotive service stations. This project proposes to expand the station without
bringing it into conformance. In my experience with residential projects, when someone
wants to modify or reconstruct a non-conforming site, the city requires the applicant to
bring the site into conformance before it will allow any modifications. Why doesn’t that
apply to this project?
If the city wanted to make the gas station more conforming, and actually provide for no
net loss in residential capacity, they could ask the applicant to take 12.5’ from 328 13th
street and add it to 324 13th street, making it a 50’x100’ lot. With this adjustment, it would
meet the minimum lot width and minimum lot size requirements to be RHD-33. In addition,
this adjustment would make 328 13th street 25’ wide, which would almost satisfy the 30’
rear setback requirement for the gas station. The remaining 5’ could come out of the
existing gas station lot.
This adjustment would:
1. create the required 30’ min setback for a service station, and
2. it would allow 324 13th street to meet the min required lot size and width for RHD-
33, which would then
3. allow 328 13th street to be converted to GC without a net loss in residential capacity.
Because the lot is not large enough, this adjustment would not allow enough space for a
mini mart, but it would bring the gas station closer into compliance with the zoning
requirements for a gas station.
In Conclusion:
Please try to put yourself in our position. Currently, we are 75’ away from the gas station
property line. With a 30’ setback, we should be 105’ from any gas station structures. This
project proposes to move the gas station property line 37.5’ closer and reduce the rear
setback to 10’. That puts the back of the mini mart 47.5’ away, instead of 105’ away. That
is 57.5 feet closer than it would be before these changes.
I would like all of the city planners to take a minute to put yourself in our place. If you lived
at 322 13th street, how would you feel about this project? The applicant wants to expand
the gas station 37.5 feet closer to you and reduce the rear setback from 30’ to 10’, and
rezone the property next to you so that it can be a duplex, instead of a single family home?
Please ask yourself, would you find these variances and zoning changes acceptable if you
lived at 322 13th street? I don’t know anyone that wants to live closer to a commercial
property or gas station.
Gregory W. Curd and
Elizabeth Barinek
Gloria Harper
From:Gwen Hontz <gthontz@gmail.com>
Sent:Sunday, October 22, 2023 1:23 PM
To:Joe Kalmick
Cc:Gloria Harper
Subject:13th Street and PCH Gas Station Zone Change 19-1
Councilmember Kalmick,
I am writing to express my opposition to Zone Change 19-1, which proposes the rezoning of 328 13th Street from
Residential High Density (RHD-20) to General Commercial (GC).
The people in our community are what make this city great, so I am disappointed to see that the council would consider
rezoning land to make space for another convenience store when it could be used for another family to become a part
of this community.
While I understand that 324 13th Street will be upzoned to compensate for the loss of housing at 328 13th Street, the
city will still end up with a net loss of one available parcel to build housing on. So, for a family looking to purchase a
home, this still translates to one less opportunity for them.
We want neighbors, not a convenience store.
Thank you for your time
Gloria Harper
From:Jackie Dominick <jackiedominick@yahoo.com>
Sent:Tuesday, October 17, 2023 1:34 PM
To:Joe Kalmick
Cc:Gloria Harper
Subject:13th Street and PCH Gas Station Zone Change 19-1
Councilmember Kalmick,
I am writing to express my opposition to Zone Change 19-1, which proposes the rezoning of 328 13th Street from
Residential High Density (RHD-20) to General Commercial (GC).
The people in our community are what make this city great, so I am disappointed to see that the council would consider
rezoning land to make space for another convenience store when it could be used for another family to become a part
of this community.
While I understand that 324 13th Street will be upzoned to compensate for the loss of housing at 328 13th Street, the
city will still end up with a net loss of one available parcel to build housing on. So, for a family looking to purchase a
home, this still translates to one less opportunity for them.
We want neighbors, not a convenience store.
Thank you for your time
Sent from my iPhone
Gloria Harper
From:Jennifer Haynie <jenhaynie@yahoo.com>
Sent:Thursday, October 19, 2023 9:24 PM
To:Joe Kalmick
Cc:Gloria Harper
Subject:13th Street and PCH Gas Station Zone Change 19-1
Councilmember Kalmick,
I am writing to express my opposition to Zone Change 19-1, which proposes the rezoning of 328 13th Street from
Residential High Density (RHD-20) to General Commercial (GC).
The people in our community are what make this city great, so I am disappointed to see that the council would consider
rezoning land to make space for another convenience store when it could be used for another family to become a part
of this community.
While I understand that 324 13th Street will be upzoned to compensate for the loss of housing at 328 13th Street, the
city will still end up with a net loss of one available parcel to build housing on. So, for a family looking to purchase a
home, this still translates to one less opportunity for them.
We want neighbors, not a convenience store.
Thank you for your time
Sent from my iPhone
Gloria Harper
From:Jesse Seguin <jseguin22@outlook.com>
Sent:Thursday, October 19, 2023 4:35 PM
To:Joe Kalmick
Cc:Gloria Harper
Subject:13th Street and PCH Gas Station Zone Change 19-1
Councilmember Kalmick,
I am writing to express my opposition to Zone Change 19-1, which proposes the rezoning of 328 13th Street from
Residential High Density (RHD-20) to General Commercial (GC).
The people in our community are what make this city great, so I am disappointed to see that the council would consider
rezoning land to make space for another convenience store when it could be used for another family to become a part
of this community.
While I understand that 324 13th Street will be upzoned to compensate for the loss of housing at 328 13th Street, the
city will still end up with a net loss of one available parcel to build housing on. So, for a family looking to purchase a
home, this still translates to one less opportunity for them.
We want neighbors, not a convenience store.
Thank you for your time
Jesse R Seguin
(M). 916.622.9642
Gloria Harper
From:Josh Haynie <joshhaynie@gmail.com>
Sent:Thursday, October 19, 2023 9:24 PM
To:Joe Kalmick
Cc:Gloria Harper
Subject:13th Street and PCH Gas Station Zone Change 19-1
Councilmember Kalmick,
I am writing to express my opposition to Zone Change 19-1, which proposes the rezoning of 328 13th Street from
Residential High Density (RHD-20) to General Commercial (GC).
The people in our community are what make this city great, so I am disappointed to see that the council would consider
rezoning land to make space for another convenience store when it could be used for another family to become a part
of this community.
While I understand that 324 13th Street will be upzoned to compensate for the loss of housing at 328 13th Street, the
city will still end up with a net loss of one available parcel to build housing on. So, for a family looking to purchase a
home, this still translates to one less opportunity for them.
We want neighbors, not a convenience store.
Thank you for your time
Josh Haynie
Gloria Harper
From:Julie Konowitz <jakonowitz07@gmail.com>
Sent:Sunday, October 22, 2023 6:42 AM
To:Joe Kalmick
Cc:Gloria Harper
Subject:13th Street and PCH Gas Station Zone Change 19-1
Councilmember Kalmick,
I am writing to express my opposition to Zone Change 19-1, which proposes the rezoning of 328 13th Street from
Residential High Density (RHD-20) to General Commercial (GC).
The people in our community are what make this city great, so I am disappointed to see that the council would consider
rezoning land to make space for another convenience store when it could be used for another family to become a part
of this community.
While I understand that 324 13th Street will be upzoned to compensate for the loss of housing at 328 13th Street, the
city will still end up with a net loss of one available parcel to build housing on. So, for a family looking to purchase a
home, this still translates to one less opportunity for them.
We want neighbors, not a convenience store.
Thank you for your time
Sent from my iPhone
Gloria Harper
From:Kamei Padilla <flawlessglow1@gmail.com>
Sent:Thursday, October 19, 2023 3:38 PM
To:Joe Kalmick
Cc:Gloria Harper
Subject:13th Street and PCH Gas Station Zone Change 19-1
Councilmember Kalmick,
I am writing to express my opposition to Zone Change 19-1, which proposes the rezoning of 328 13th Street from
Residential High Density (RHD-20) to General Commercial (GC).
The people in our community are what make this city great, so I am disappointed to see that the council would consider
rezoning land to make space for another convenience store when it could be used for another family to become a part
of this community.
While I understand that 324 13th Street will be upzoned to compensate for the loss of housing at 328 13th Street, the
city will still end up with a net loss of one available parcel to build housing on. So, for a family looking to purchase a
home, this still translates to one less opportunity for them.
We want neighbors, not a convenience store.
Thank you for your time
Sent from my iPhone
Gloria Harper
From:Kathy <kbzeoli@yahoo.com>
Sent:Saturday, October 21, 2023 10:27 AM
To:Lisa Landau
Cc:Gloria Harper
Subject:13th Street and PCH Gas Station Zone Change 19-1
Hi Lisa,
I’m sending this form email to show my opposition to expanding the Chevron Station on PCH & 13th St. Our community
does not need another convenience store & the residents of 13th St should not have expanded business instead of a
residential structure. There is no reason to rezone residence to business when we are faced with a housing shortage.
I am writing to express my opposition to Zone Change 19-1, which proposes the rezoning of 328 13th Street from
Residential High Density (RHD-20) to General Commercial (GC).
The people in our community are what make this city great, so I am disappointed to see that the council would consider
rezoning land to make space for another convenience store when it could be used for another family to become a part
of this community.
While I understand that 324 13th Street will be upzoned to compensate for the loss of housing at 328 13th Street, the
city will still end up with a net loss of one available parcel to build housing on. So, for a family looking to purchase a
home, this still translates to one less opportunity for them.
We want neighbors, not a convenience store.
Thanks Lisa. I know you have our backs & will vote for the residents of Seal Beach. Appreciate your support.
Kathy Barrett (Zeoli)
384 Corsair Way
Seal Beach, CA 90749
Sent from my iPhone
Gloria Harper
From:Katie Terry <terry108@mail.chapman.edu>
Sent:Thursday, October 19, 2023 5:32 PM
To:Joe Kalmick
Cc:Gloria Harper
Subject:13th Street and PCH Gas Station Zone Change 19-1
Councilmember Kalmick,
I am writing to express my opposition to Zone Change 19-1, which proposes the rezoning of 328 13th Street from
Residential High Density (RHD-20) to General Commercial (GC).
The people in our community are what make this city great, so I am disappointed to see that the council would consider
rezoning land to make space for another convenience store when it could be used for another family to become a part
of this community.
While I understand that 324 13th Street will be upzoned to compensate for the loss of housing at 328 13th Street, the
city will still end up with a net loss of one available parcel to build housing on. So, for a family looking to purchase a
home, this still translates to one less opportunity for them.
We want neighbors, not a convenience store.
Thank you for your time
Sent from my iPhone
Gloria Harper
From:Lauri Simon <lauri.simon@myriad.com>
Sent:Thursday, October 19, 2023 11:46 AM
To:Joe Kalmick
Cc:Gloria Harper
Subject:13th Street and PCH Gas Station Zone Change 19-1
Councilmember Kalmick,
I am writing to express my opposition to Zone Change 19-1, which proposes the rezoning of 328 13th Street from
Residential High Density (RHD-20) to General Commercial (GC).
The people in our community are what make this city great, so I am disappointed to see that the council would consider
rezoning land to make space for another convenience store when it could be used for another family to become a part
of this community.
While I understand that 324 13th Street will be upzoned to compensate for the loss of housing at 328 13th Street, the
city will still end up with a net loss of one available parcel to build housing on. So, for a family looking to purchase a
home, this still translates to one less opportunity for them.
We want neighbors, not a convenience store.
Thank you for your time
Lauri Simon
Gloria Harper
From:Loren Humphrey <lorenhumphrey@yahoo.com>
Sent:Friday, October 20, 2023 6:38 PM
To:Lisa Landau
Cc:Gloria Harper
Subject:13th Street and PCH Gas Station Zone Change 19-1
Councilmember Landau,
I am writing to express my opposition to Zone Change 19-1, which proposes the rezoning of 328 13th Street from
Residential High Density (RHD-20) to General Commercial (GC).
The people in our community are what make this city great, so I am disappointed to see that the council would consider
rezoning land to make space for another convenience store when it could be used for another family to become a part
of this community.
While I understand that 324 13th Street will be upzoned to compensate for the loss of housing at 328 13th Street, the
city will still end up with a net loss of one available parcel to build housing on. So, for a family looking to purchase a
home, this still translates to one less opportunity for them.
We want neighbors, not a convenience store.
Thank you for your time
Sent from Loren's iPhone
Gloria Harper
From:Lorraine Fiori <lfiori@aol.com>
Sent:Wednesday, October 18, 2023 4:29 PM
To:Lisa Landau
Cc:Gloria Harper
Subject:13th Street and PCH Gas Station Zone Change 19-1
Councilmember Landau,
I am writing to express my opposition to Zone Change 19-1, which proposes the rezoning of 328 13th Street from
Residential High Density (RHD-20) to General Commercial (GC).
The people in our community are what make this city great, so I am disappointed to see that the council would consider
rezoning land to make space for another convenience store when it could be used for another family to become a part
of this community.
While I understand that 324 13th Street will be upzoned to compensate for the loss of housing at 328 13th Street, the
city will still end up with a net loss of one available parcel to build housing on. So, for a family looking to purchase a
home, this still translates to one less opportunity for them.
We want neighbors, not a convenience store.
Thank you for your time
Lorraine and Joe Fiori
Sent from my iPhone
Gloria Harper
From:Luke Davidson <lukebdavidson@gmail.com>
Sent:Wednesday, October 18, 2023 3:43 PM
To:Joe Kalmick
Cc:Gloria Harper
Subject:13th Street and PCH Gas Station Zone Change 19-1
Councilmember Kalmick,
I am writing to express my opposition to Zone Change 19-1, which proposes the rezoning of 328 13th Street from
Residential High Density (RHD-20) to General Commercial (GC).
The people in our community are what make this city great, so I am disappointed to see that the council would consider
rezoning land to make space for another convenience store when it could be used for another family to become a part
of this community.
While I understand that 324 13th Street will be upzoned to compensate for the loss of housing at 328 13th Street, the
city will still end up with a net loss of one available parcel to build housing on. So, for a family looking to purchase a
home, this still translates to one less opportunity for them.
We want neighbors, not a convenience store.
Personally, I think a convenience store is unnecessary considering other businesses nearby, specifically 7-11 and the
Pavillions and CVS, which already provide the similar service. It would be unfair to these businesses to allow such close
Also, we already have problems with people loitering in the alley between 13th and 14th st adjacent to the gas station. A
convenience store would only attract more nuisance activity to the neighborhood.
It's unfair for a business to absorb residential parcels simply because it has money and attorneys to push the agenda. It
devalues my property which is in close proximity. Why can't I run a commercial business from my residential home? Full
stop. If the city allows this to go forward, shame on you leaders who should know better. I believe this should have been
shut down months ago.
Do the right thing and reject this proposal. The residents don't want it.
Thank you for your time,
Luke Davidson
313 14th Street
Gloria Harper
From:margaret curtis <margaretcurtis200@yahoo.com>
Sent:Saturday, October 21, 2023 3:42 PM
To:Joe Kalmick
Cc:Gloria Harper
Subject:No zone change!13th Street and PCH Gas Station Zone Change 19-1
Councilmember Kalmick,
I am writing to express my opposition to Zone Change 19-1, which proposes the rezoning of 328 13th Street from
Residential High Density (RHD-20) to General Commercial (GC).
The people in our community are what make this city great, so I am disappointed to see that the council would consider
rezoning land to make space for another convenience store when it could be used for another family to become a part
of this community.
While I understand that 324 13th Street will be upzoned to compensate for the loss of housing at 328 13th Street, the
city will still end up with a net loss of one available parcel to build housing on. So, for a family looking to purchase a
home, this still translates to one less opportunity for them.
We want neighbors, not a convenience store.
Thank you for your time
Sent from Maggie Curtis' iPhone
Gloria Harper
From:Margaret West <margaretwest@gmail.com>
Sent:Saturday, October 21, 2023 8:28 AM
To:Lisa Landau
Cc:Gloria Harper
Subject:13th Street and PCH Gas Station Zone Change 19-1
Councilmember Landau,
I am writing to express my opposition to Zone Change 19-1, which proposes the rezoning of 328 13th Street from
Residential High Density (RHD-20) to General Commercial (GC).
The people in our community are what make this city great, so I am disappointed to see that the council would consider
rezoning land to make space for another convenience store when it could be used for another family to become a part
of this community.
While I understand that 324 13th Street will be upzoned to compensate for the loss of housing at 328 13th Street, the
city will still end up with a net loss of one available parcel to build housing on. So, for a family looking to purchase a
home, this still translates to one less opportunity for them.
We want neighbors, not a convenience store.
Thank you for your time.
Margaret West
Gloria Harper
From:MARILYN RIORDAN <lampas@aol.com>
Sent:Friday, October 20, 2023 4:18 PM
To:Schelly Sustarsic
Cc:Gloria Harper
Subject:13th Street and PCH Gas Station Zone Change 19-1
Councilmember Sustarsic,
I am writing to express my opposition to Zone Change 19-1, which proposes the rezoning of 328 13th Street from
Residential High Density (RHD-20) to General Commercial (GC).
The people in our community are what make this city great, so I am disappointed to see that the council would consider
rezoning land to make space for another convenience store when it could be used for another family to become a part
of this community.
While I understand that 324 13th Street will be upzoned to compensate for the loss of housing at 328 13th Street, the
city will still end up with a net loss of one available parcel to build housing on. So, for a family looking to purchase a
home, this still translates to one less opportunity for them.
We want neighbors, not a convenience store.
Thank you for your time
Sent from my iPhone
Gloria Harper
From:Mark Dennison <mpixls@roadrunner.com>
Sent:Friday, October 20, 2023 9:42 PM
To:Lisa Landau
Cc:Gloria Harper
Subject:13th Street and PCH Gas Station Zone Change 19-1
Councilmember Landau,
I am writing to express my opposition to Zone Change 19-1, which proposes the rezoning of 328 13th Street from
Residential High Density (RHD-20) to General Commercial (GC).
The people in our community are what make this city great, so I am disappointed to see that the council would consider
rezoning land to make space for another convenience store when it could be used for another family to become a part
of this community.
While I understand that 324 13th Street will be upzoned to compensate for the loss of housing at 328 13th Street, the
city will still end up with a net loss of one available parcel to build housing on. So, for a family looking to purchase a
home, this still translates to one less opportunity for them.
We want neighbors, not a convenience store.
Thank you for your time.
Mark Dennison
Gloria Harper
From:Michel Litt <mlitt@soundlitigation.com>
Sent:Wednesday, October 18, 2023 9:50 PM
To:Lisa Landau
Cc:Gloria Harper
Subject:13th Street and PCH Gas Station Zone Change 19-1
Categories:Red Category
Councilmember Landau,
I am writing to express my opposition to Zone Change 19-1, which proposes the rezoning of 328 13th Street from
Residential High Density (RHD-20) to General Commercial (GC).
The people in our community are what make this city great, so I am disappointed to see that the council would consider
rezoning land to make space for another convenience store when it could be used for another family to become a part
of this community.
While I understand that 324 13th Street will be upzoned to compensate for the loss of housing at 328 13th Street, the
city will still end up with a net loss of one available parcel to build housing on. So, for a family looking to purchase a
home, this still translates to one less opportunity for them.
We want neighbors, not a convenience store.
Thank you for your time
Sent from my iPhone
Gloria Harper
From:Michelle Rose <shellskin@gmail.com>
Sent:Thursday, October 19, 2023 1:59 PM
To:Joe Kalmick
Cc:Gloria Harper
Subject:Please do not allow for the 13th Street and PCH Gas Station Zone Change 19-1
Councilmember Kalmick,
I am writing to express my opposition to Zone Change 19-1, which proposes the rezoning of 328 13th Street from
Residential High Density (RHD-20) to General Commercial (GC).
The people in our community are what make this city great, so I am disappointed to see that the council would consider
rezoning land to make space for another convenience store when it could be used for another family to become a part
of this community.
While I understand that 324 13th Street will be upzoned to compensate for the loss of housing at 328 13th Street, the
city will still end up with a net loss of one available parcel to build housing on. So, for a family looking to purchase a
home, this still translates to one less opportunity for them.
We want neighbors, not a convenience store.
Thank you for your time
Michelle Rose
Gloria Harper
From:Ray Zeoli <ray_zeoli@yahoo.com>
Sent:Saturday, October 21, 2023 9:22 AM
To:Lisa Landau
Cc:Gloria Harper
Subject:13th Street and PCH Gas Station Zone Change 19-1
Councilmember Landau,
I am writing to express my opposition to Zone Change 19-1, which proposes the rezoning of 328 13th Street
(Chevron/G&M gas station).
I am disappointed to see that the council would consider rezoning land to make space for another convenience store
when it could be used for another family to become a part of this community.
I am also troubled by the lack of attention received from the City of Seal Beach in regards to the contamination beneath
the gas station, city streets, and neighboring residential properties. The gas station owner (G&M) is responsible for
polluting soil and groundwater in this neighborhood some 29 years ago. Remarkably, the site contamination has not
been adequately assessed and the cleanup is far from complete after 29 years of painfully slow and ineffective cleanup
efforts. OCHCA is in the process of reviewing an assessment work plan to better understand the extent of
contamination and to potential health impacts to nearby residents. This is in response to a recent meeting, requested
by an affected homeowner, that was attended by OCHCA, G&M’s environmental consultant, the city and many
community members. The G&M landowner did not even attend!
Why would council even consider generous zoning changes that benefit the landowner (G&M) and adversely impact the
community? Does anyone really believe that G&M is a responsible and deserving neighbor? Is council comfortable with
granting these zone changes for a contaminated property, that for all practical purposes, has been neglected for 29
Please vote no on the zone change. And please support the community in their efforts to achieve proper cleanup of the
contamination caused by G&M.
Thank you for your service Lisa.
Ray Zeoli
Sent from my iPhone
Gloria Harper
From:Robbi <rahern25@yahoo.com>
Sent:Saturday, October 21, 2023 7:21 AM
To:Joe Kalmick
Cc:Gloria Harper
Subject:13th Street and PCH Gas Station Zone Change 19-1
Councilmember Kalmick,
I am writing to express my opposition to Zone Change 19-1, which proposes the rezoning of 328 13th Street from
Residential High Density (RHD-20) to General Commercial (GC).
The people in our community are what make this city great, so I am disappointed to see that the council would consider
rezoning land to make space for another convenience store when it could be used for another family to become a part
of this community.
While I understand that 324 13th Street will be upzoned to compensate for the loss of housing at 328 13th Street, the
city will still end up with a net loss of one available parcel to build housing on. So, for a family looking to purchase a
home, this still translates to one less opportunity for them.
We want neighbors, not a convenience store.
Thank you for your time
Sent from my iPhone
Gloria Harper
From:Ron Compton <rcompton200@gmail.com>
Sent:Thursday, October 19, 2023 1:11 PM
To:Joe Kalmick
Cc:Gloria Harper
Subject:13th Street and PCH Gas Station Zone Change 19-1
Councilmember Kalmick,
I am writing to express my opposition to Zone Change 19-1, which proposes the rezoning of 328 13th Street from
Residential High Density (RHD-20) to General Commercial (GC).
The people in our community are what make this city great, so I am disappointed to see that the council would consider
rezoning land to make space for another convenience store when it could be used for another family to become a part
of this community.
While I understand that 324 13th Street will be upzoned to compensate for the loss of housing at 328 13th Street, the
city will still end up with a net loss of one available parcel to build housing on. So, for a family looking to purchase a
home, this still translates to one less opportunity for them.
We want neighbors, not a convenience store.
Thank you for your time
Ron Compton
Gloria Harper
From:Steven Justus <sjustus@roadrunner.com>
Sent:Thursday, October 19, 2023 10:30 AM
To:Lisa Landau
Cc:Gloria Harper
Subject:13th Street and PCH Gas Station Zone Change 19-1
Councilmember Landau,
I am writing to express my opposition to Zone Change 19-1, which proposes the rezoning of 328 13th Street from
Residential High Density (RHD-20) to General Commercial (GC).
The people in our community are what make this city great, so I am disappointed to see that the council would consider
rezoning land to make space for another convenience store when it could be used for another family to become a part
of this community.
While I understand that 324 13th Street will be upzoned to compensate for the loss of housing at 328 13th Street, the
city will still end up with a net loss of one available parcel to build housing on. So, for a family looking to purchase a
home, this still translates to one less opportunity for them.
We want neighbors, not a convenience store.
Thank you for your time
Sent from my iPhone
Gloria Harper
From:sjustus <sjustus@roadrunner.com>
Sent:Saturday, October 21, 2023 2:31 PM
To:Lisa Landau
Cc:Gloria Harper
Subject:G&M application for project located at 390 PCH
Dear Ms. Landau,
I sent a form letter to you already with my objection and “NO” vote request for the G&M Chevron project. That letter
did not include my objections based on the intent and purpose of standards in the City’s General Plan and Zoning
Code. Those documents provide guidance for the quality of life and well-being of our community. As such, those
standards are not just lists of requirements that can be ignored. Although they can be modified with proper
justification, rubber-stamp approval of every outrageous request made by a project applicant is not
reasonable. Unfortunately, G&M has ignored the standards and not been confronted by City Staff with the content of
our guiding documents. In fact, the Staff report does not even mention many of the requirements.
Without repeating the points of objection already stated in my other letter, here are my additional objections:
1. None of the variance requests have been justified against the stated purposes of the City’s General Plan and
Zoning Code. These purposes are stated in the preamble(s), notably to enhance the quality of life in our
community (not to degrade and abase the quality of life. Although there are times when it may be reasonable
to allow variances when the deviation is minor and mitigated, it is not reasonable to ignore the standards
without proper justification. Current/pre-existing non-conforming conditions are not exempted from
compliance in a new project application, especially when a Conditional Use Permit is required as in this
case. Here are some representative examples:
a. The variance request for reduced driveway separation from the intersection fails to account for pedestrian,
bike, and motor vehicle safety at the intersection.
b. This project must comply with General Commercial Zone standards as well as the special Service Station
standards provided in the Zoning Ordinance. There is no reasonable justification or mitigation offered for
requests to change the General Plan or Zone, setbacks, lot size, street frontage, landscape area, landscaped
buffer space and wall, or complete review and adoption of comprehensive Conditions of Approval (not just
poorly defined limits for the hours of operation), signage, etc. Furthermore, the applicant’s design drawings
should actually be reviewed for compliance with standards (one example is the underground system
reflected at the south side of the 13th street driveway approach is too large to plant a tree in that location as
shown in the landscape drawing… because that system eliminates practical use of the area for landscaping,
it must be subtracted from the required landscape area).
2. The lack of a comprehensive Conditional Use Permit with Conditions of Approval disregards meaningful control
of activity, security, maintenance, traffic circulation, noise/trash, vagrancy, and other concerns. All these
concerns should be addressed with proper mitigation provided in the CUP. Here are a few such examples:
a. Hours of operation - assuming the City (what about the community?) finds the business hours of 6AM-
Midnight appropriate, when will fuel and store product delivery activity occur? If during “business” hours,
does this mean that the delivery trucks will be parked entirely onsite to unload during those hours? If not,
what are the actual business hours needed to sustain operations? Assuming that delivery trucks are onsite,
pump stations and convenience store parking and access will be blocked by the trucks. Have these issues
been reviewed and approved by the City Fire Department and City Engineer? How/where will trash trucks
function when the store is open for business? Are the pumps available for customer sales without an
attendant outside the “business” hours?
b. Products and services – what are the specific products and services allowed to be sold? Aside from gasoline
and snack food, what about “adult” products, hydrogen fuel (extremely volatile/explosive), propane, other
“green” fuels or hazardous or controlled substances? How would such products be handled, stored, and
dispensed? Has this been considered by the Fire Department and other regulatory authorities? Will tire
filling (loud compressor equipment), electric car battery charging (potential fire hazard) or any other
services or offerings be allowed (maybe marijuana dispensary?)?
3. Although several onsite/offsite vehicle circulation issues are addressed in my other letter, at least one other
traffic issue deserves attention.
a. How will delivery trucks enter and exit the site without crossing the outside lanes of PCH traffic into the
inside lanes of traffic, creating dangerous maneuvers and risking safety of bicycle and motor vehicle
operation? Has this been reviewed and approved by the City Engineer and Caltrans?
Steve Justus
377 Galleon Way, Seal Beach
Gloria Harper
From:sjustus <sjustus@roadrunner.com>
Sent:Saturday, October 21, 2023 3:15 PM
To:Lisa Landau
Cc:Gloria Harper
Subject:G&M application for project located at 1300 PCH
Project address corrected to 1300 PCH in the “Subject” line.
From: sjustus <sjustus@roadrunner.com>
Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 2:31 PM
To: 'llandau@sealbeachca.gov' <llandau@sealbeachca.gov>
Cc: 'gharper@sealbeachca.gov' <gharper@sealbeachca.gov>
Subject: G&M application for project located at 390 PCH
Dear Ms. Landau,
I sent a form letter to you already with my objection and “NO” vote request for the G&M Chevron project. That letter
did not include my objections based on the intent and purpose of standards in the City’s General Plan and Zoning
Code. Those documents provide guidance for the quality of life and well-being of our community. As such, those
standards are not just lists of requirements that can be ignored. Although they can be modified with proper
justification, rubber-stamp approval of every outrageous request made by a project applicant is not
reasonable. Unfortunately, G&M has ignored the standards and not been confronted by City Staff with the content of
our guiding documents. In fact, the Staff report does not even mention many of the requirements.
Without repeating the points of objection already stated in my other letter, here are my additional objections:
1. None of the variance requests have been justified against the stated purposes of the City’s General Plan and
Zoning Code. These purposes are stated in the preamble(s), notably to enhance the quality of life in our
community (not to degrade and abase the quality of life. Although there are times when it may be reasonable
to allow variances when the deviation is minor and mitigated, it is not reasonable to ignore the standards
without proper justification. Current/pre-existing non-conforming conditions are not exempted from
compliance in a new project application, especially when a Conditional Use Permit is required as in this
case. Here are some representative examples:
a. The variance request for reduced driveway separation from the intersection fails to account for pedestrian,
bike, and motor vehicle safety at the intersection.
b. This project must comply with General Commercial Zone standards as well as the special Service Station
standards provided in the Zoning Ordinance. There is no reasonable justification or mitigation offered for
requests to change the General Plan or Zone, setbacks, lot size, street frontage, landscape area, landscaped
buffer space and wall, or complete review and adoption of comprehensive Conditions of Approval (not just
poorly defined limits for the hours of operation), signage, etc. Furthermore, the applicant’s design drawings
should actually be reviewed for compliance with standards (one example is the underground system
reflected at the south side of the 13th street driveway approach is too large to plant a tree in that location as
shown in the landscape drawing… because that system eliminates practical use of the area for landscaping,
it must be subtracted from the required landscape area).
2. The lack of a comprehensive Conditional Use Permit with Conditions of Approval disregards meaningful control
of activity, security, maintenance, traffic circulation, noise/trash, vagrancy, and other concerns. All these
concerns should be addressed with proper mitigation provided in the CUP. Here are a few such examples:
a. Hours of operation - assuming the City (what about the community?) finds the business hours of 6AM-
Midnight appropriate, when will fuel and store product delivery activity occur? If during “business” hours,
does this mean that the delivery trucks will be parked entirely onsite to unload during those hours? If not,
what are the actual business hours needed to sustain operations? Assuming that delivery trucks are onsite,
pump stations and convenience store parking and access will be blocked by the trucks. Have these issues
been reviewed and approved by the City Fire Department and City Engineer? How/where will trash trucks
function when the store is open for business? Are the pumps available for customer sales without an
attendant outside the “business” hours?
b. Products and services – what are the specific products and services allowed to be sold? Aside from gasoline
and snack food, what about “adult” products, hydrogen fuel (extremely volatile/explosive), propane, other
“green” fuels or hazardous or controlled substances? How would such products be handled, stored, and
dispensed? Has this been considered by the Fire Department and other regulatory authorities? Will tire
filling (loud compressor equipment), electric car battery charging (potential fire hazard) or any other
services or offerings be allowed (maybe marijuana dispensary?)?
3. Although several onsite/offsite vehicle circulation issues are addressed in my other letter, at least one other
traffic issue deserves attention.
a. How will delivery trucks enter and exit the site without crossing the outside lanes of PCH traffic into the
inside lanes of traffic, creating dangerous maneuvers and risking safety of bicycle and motor vehicle
operation? Has this been reviewed and approved by the City Engineer and Caltrans?
Steve Justus
377 Galleon Way, Seal Beach
Gloria Harper
From:sjustus <sjustus@roadrunner.com>
Sent:Saturday, October 21, 2023 4:25 PM
To:Lisa Landau; Dana Engstrom
Cc:Gloria Harper
Subject:G&M application for project located at 1300 PCH, 324 13th Steet, and 328 13th Street
Please note my objection to all applications, recommendations, and pending decisions related to all three property
location addresses noted in the “Subject” line above and corresponding with the public hearing for agenda item G of the
next meeting of the City Council on Oct. 23, 2023.
Thank you,
Steve Justus
377 Galleon Way, Seal Beach, CA
From: sjustus <sjustus@roadrunner.com>
Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 3:15 PM
To: 'llandau@sealbeachca.gov' <llandau@sealbeachca.gov>
Cc: 'gharper@sealbeachca.gov' <gharper@sealbeachca.gov>
Subject: G&M application for project located at 1300 PCH
Project address corrected to 1300 PCH in the “Subject” line.
From: sjustus <sjustus@roadrunner.com>
Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 2:31 PM
To: 'llandau@sealbeachca.gov' <llandau@sealbeachca.gov>
Cc: 'gharper@sealbeachca.gov' <gharper@sealbeachca.gov>
Subject: G&M application for project located at 390 PCH
Dear Ms. Landau,
I sent a form letter to you already with my objection and “NO” vote request for the G&M Chevron project. That letter
did not include my objections based on the intent and purpose of standards in the City’s General Plan and Zoning
Code. Those documents provide guidance for the quality of life and well-being of our community. As such, those
standards are not just lists of requirements that can be ignored. Although they can be modified with proper
justification, rubber-stamp approval of every outrageous request made by a project applicant is not
reasonable. Unfortunately, G&M has ignored the standards and not been confronted by City Staff with the content of
our guiding documents. In fact, the Staff report does not even mention many of the requirements.
Without repeating the points of objection already stated in my other letter, here are my additional objections:
1. None of the variance requests have been justified against the stated purposes of the City’s General Plan and
Zoning Code. These purposes are stated in the preamble(s), notably to enhance the quality of life in our
community (not to degrade and abase the quality of life. Although there are times when it may be reasonable
to allow variances when the deviation is minor and mitigated, it is not reasonable to ignore the standards
without proper justification. Current/pre-existing non-conforming conditions are not exempted from
compliance in a new project application, especially when a Conditional Use Permit is required as in this
case. Here are some representative examples:
a. The variance request for reduced driveway separation from the intersection fails to account for pedestrian,
bike, and motor vehicle safety at the intersection.
b. This project must comply with General Commercial Zone standards as well as the special Service Station
standards provided in the Zoning Ordinance. There is no reasonable justification or mitigation offered for
requests to change the General Plan or Zone, setbacks, lot size, street frontage, landscape area, landscaped
buffer space and wall, or complete review and adoption of comprehensive Conditions of Approval (not just
poorly defined limits for the hours of operation), signage, etc. Furthermore, the applicant’s design drawings
should actually be reviewed for compliance with standards (one example is the underground system
reflected at the south side of the 13th street driveway approach is too large to plant a tree in that location as
shown in the landscape drawing… because that system eliminates practical use of the area for landscaping,
it must be subtracted from the required landscape area).
2. The lack of a comprehensive Conditional Use Permit with Conditions of Approval disregards meaningful control
of activity, security, maintenance, traffic circulation, noise/trash, vagrancy, and other concerns. All these
concerns should be addressed with proper mitigation provided in the CUP. Here are a few such examples:
a. Hours of operation - assuming the City (what about the community?) finds the business hours of 6AM-
Midnight appropriate, when will fuel and store product delivery activity occur? If during “business” hours,
does this mean that the delivery trucks will be parked entirely onsite to unload during those hours? If not,
what are the actual business hours needed to sustain operations? Assuming that delivery trucks are onsite,
pump stations and convenience store parking and access will be blocked by the trucks. Have these issues
been reviewed and approved by the City Fire Department and City Engineer? How/where will trash trucks
function when the store is open for business? Are the pumps available for customer sales without an
attendant outside the “business” hours?
b. Products and services – what are the specific products and services allowed to be sold? Aside from gasoline
and snack food, what about “adult” products, hydrogen fuel (extremely volatile/explosive), propane, other
“green” fuels or hazardous or controlled substances? How would such products be handled, stored, and
dispensed? Has this been considered by the Fire Department and other regulatory authorities? Will tire
filling (loud compressor equipment), electric car battery charging (potential fire hazard) or any other
services or offerings be allowed (maybe marijuana dispensary?)?
3. Although several onsite/offsite vehicle circulation issues are addressed in my other letter, at least one other
traffic issue deserves attention.
a. How will delivery trucks enter and exit the site without crossing the outside lanes of PCH traffic into the
inside lanes of traffic, creating dangerous maneuvers and risking safety of bicycle and motor vehicle
operation? Has this been reviewed and approved by the City Engineer and Caltrans?
Steve Justus
377 Galleon Way, Seal Beach
Gloria Harper
From:Susan Perrell <susan@outdoorsynergy.net>
Sent:Friday, October 20, 2023 9:43 AM
To:Lisa Landau
Cc:Gloria Harper
Subject:13th Street and PCH Gas Station: General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, and
Negative Declaration
Dear Councilwoman Landau,
I am writing to express my opposition to General Plan Amendment 19-1 and Zone Change 19-1, which , if approved,
would rezone 328 13th Street from Residential High Density (RHD-20) to General Commercial (GC).
The residents in our community are what make this city great, so I am disappointed to see that the Council would
consider rezoning scarce residential property to make space for another convenience store. That property could and
should be used to provide another family, or perhaps two families, the opportunity to become a part of our community.
While I understand that 324 13th Street will be “upzoned” in an attempt to compensate for the loss of housing at 328
13th Street, the City will still end up with a net loss of one available parcel to build housing on. So, for a family looking to
purchase a home, this action results in a lost opportunity for them. I am also concerned that this action would not be
consistent with the intent or purpose of SB 330.
We want neighbors, not a convenience store.
I will be writing to you and the other Council members with specific details on why amending the General Plan and re-
zoning the residential properties and adopting a Negative Declaration for those actions would be detrimental to our
entire City, and how a better solution for the project can be achieved, instead.
I hope you will vote “No” on the proposed General Plan amendment and on the proposed zoning change for 328 13 th
Street. Thank you for your hard work and for your consideration on these important decisions.
Susan Perrell
417 Galleon Way
Gloria Harper
From:Susan Perrell <susan@outdoorsynergy.net>
Sent:Monday, October 23, 2023 8:39 AM
To:Thomas Moore; Nathan Steele; Lisa Landau; Joe Kalmick; Schelly Sustarsic
Cc:Gloria Harper; Alexa Smittle; editor2@sunnews.org
Subject:RE: 1300 PCH Decisions on Monday October 23, 2023
Dear Honorable Mayor and City Council Members:
I apologize for accidentally omiƫng Councilmember Sustarsic’s email address from my previous email (below). I meant
to include her and am doing so now. Also, as you can see below, Planning Commissioner Rich Coles was out of town
yesterday but has now joined our leƩer (below). Thank you.
Susan Perrell
From: Susan Perrell
Sent: Sunday, October 22, 2023 9:45 PM
To: tmoore@sealbeachca.gov; nsteele@sealbeachca.gov; llandau@sealbeachca.gov; jkalmick@sealbeachca.gov
Cc: gharper@sealbeachca.gov; asmittle@sealbeachca.gov; editor2@sunnews.org
Subject: 1300 PCH Decisions on Monday October 23, 2023
Dear Honorable Mayor and City Council Members:
Thank you for the opportunity to provide the following input on the important decisions that will be
before you on October 23, 2023, regarding the 1300 PCH Development Project.
Resolution 7462: General Plan Amendment 19-1 to Change the Land Use Category of the
Property at 328 13th Street from Residential High-Density to General Commercial
This proposed change to General Commercial land use would result in the following negative
outcomes for Seal Beach:
1. Eliminating the possibility for new housing units to be built on the property,
2. Creating an inconsistency or even a possible circumvention of SB 330, which prohibits
rezoning that eliminates housing opportunities,
3. Expanding commerce into the existing residential neighborhood, and thereby degrading
residents’ privacy, livability, security, and property values,
4. Creating a precedence for property owners to commercialize residential neighborhoods.
However, voting against Resolution 7462 will maintain the current Residential High Density land use
category and provide the following benefits to Seal Beach:
1. Enable the property to again provide a housing unit. This property, previously developed as a
residence, is currently underutilized (and possibly misused) as a parking lot,
2. Complement and provide consistency with the existing adjacent land use,
3. Assure conformance to the letter and intent of SB 330.
We urge the Council to vote against Resolution 7462.
Ordinance 1707: An Ordinance changing the zone of 328 13th Street from RHD-20 to GC and
changing the zone of 324 13th Street from RHD-20 to RHD-33
The reasons stated above for voting against Resolution 7462 are also reasons for the Council to vote
against Ordinance 1707. In addition, rezoning 324 13th Street from RHD-20 to RHD-33 would violate
the intent of Seal Beach’s successful (72% majority vote) Measure Z 2008 ballot initiative, which was
to limit the height of Old Town residences to 2-story (25 feet) and was later written into the Zoning
Code. “Spot” rezoning of 324 13th Street to RHD-33 would increase the height limit for this property
to 35 feet (3-4 stories) and set a precedence for other Old Town parcels to request “up zoning” to
RHD-33. For example, the owner of the adjacent home at 322 13th may also want to maximize their
property value. On what basis could such a request be denied? How does the City intend to stop
“spot” zoning from undermining the intent of voters who did not want to see additional 3-story homes
in Old Town?
Resolution 7462 (Ordinance 1701) would result in the following negative outcomes:
1. The reversal of Measure Z objectives, setting the precedence to build 3-4 story, 35-foot-high
homes throughout Old Town,
2. The loss of a residential parcel,
3. The infringement of new commerce into existing adjacent residential properties along with the
likely deflation of property values and quality of life there,
4. The misalignment (or possible circumvention) with SB 330 and other state housing initiatives,
5. A new precedence for any developer to acquire and rezone residential property for commercial
use, or for any property owner to rezone to expand their commercial or industrial business into
our residential neighborhoods.
Voting against Resolution 7462 (Ordinance 1701) will provide the following benefits to Seal Beach:
1. Honoring Seal Beach voters’ decision to pass Measure Z and limit Old Town residences to 2-
story/25’ maximum height,
2. Enabling 328 13th Street to return to residential use once again,
3. Maintaining 2 residential parcels, instead of 1,
4. Preventing the expansion of commercial use into the existing residential neighborhood,
5. Supporting the property rights of the existing commercial property owner at 1300 PCH without
infringing upon the property rights of the adjacent residential property owners to the south.
We urge the Council to vote against Ordinance 1707 and those zoning changes.
Adopting the Negative Declaration Pursuant to CEQA
While the review of the CEQA Initial Study found no substantial evidence that the general plan
amendment and zone change would result in significant adverse environmental impacts, recent
regulatory actions indicate that a CEQA Negative Declaration would be premature. Orange County
Health Care Agency, responsible for overseeing the assessment and clean-up of contamination at the
project site, recently acknowledged that even after 29 years, site contamination has not yet been
characterized or contained. On August 21, 2023, OCHA ordered the property owner at 1300 PCH to
submit a site assessment plan for 1300 PCH and surrounding properties, including properties which
are the subject of these proposed zoning changes. After the site assessment plan is approved, the
data collected from it will be used to determine the nature and extent of the contamination, the risks to
human health and the environmental posed by that contamination, the appropriate level of cleanup
required to protect human health and the environment, and the methodologies and feasibility for
those cleanup actions. Only at that time, when an approved cleanup plan is in place, can the
environmental impacts of rezoning and entitlement decisions be fully determined.
Existing data indicates that contamination continues to migrate offsite. More stringent clean-up
standards will be required for the offsite properties to the south, including 328 13th Street and 324
13th Street, than for 1300 PCH, because those properties are zoned for residential use. The
responsible party (G&M) will likely need to expend more resources to achieve the more stringent
residential standards. Rezoning 328 13th Street from residential to commercial use would lower the
cleanup standards for that property, allowing additional contamination to be left in place, which may
continue to impose risk and uncertainty to adjacent residential property owners. The risks and
potential impacts of rezoning have not yet been studied or released for public review and comment.
While we generally support the timely redevelopment of “brownfield” sites, we believe it would be
reckless to grant new entitlements and zoning changes for contaminated properties until the nature
and extent of the site contamination is known, and the plan and schedule to achieve a safe closure
has been developed and approved by the lead agency. We further believe that an approval of a
Negative Declaration for new entitlements and zoning decisions for these contaminated properties,
before the impacts of those decisions can be determined and reviewed by the public, does not seem
to be consistent with the purpose, intent, or language of CEQA.
We recommend that the Council vote “No” on the adoption of a Negative Declaration at this time.
Property Summary
Address 1300 PCH 328 13th 324 13th Residential
Height Limit
Current Use Gas Station Parking Lot Single family home 25’
Current Zoning
GC RHD-20 RHD-20 25’
Project Zoning (not
GC GC RHD-33 35’
Thank you for your hard work and your diligent consideration of these important decisions.
Susan Perrell Bill Johnson Carrie Simpson
Bridgeport Bridgeport Old Town
Robert Goldberg Neil Johnson Doug Wilson
Bridgeport Old Town Old Town
Loren Humphrey Kristin Johnson Camber Dupree
Bridgeport Old Town Leisure World
Karin Polik Karol Weiland Beth Matheny
Old Town Old Town Leisure World
Theresa Miller Bill Sestini Katharina Goyan
Old Town Old Town Leisure World
Ed Harkins Eileen O'Leary Patricia McKane
Old Town Old Town Leisure World
Caty Johnson Angie West Nancy Zabe
Bridgeport Old Town Bridgeport
Biaggio Zabe Mike Buhbe Richard Coles
Bridgeport Old Town Bridgeport
Gloria Harper
Sent:Tuesday, October 17, 2023 10:22 PM
To:Thomas Moore
Cc:Gloria Harper
Subject:13th Street and PCH Gas Station Zone Change 19-1
Dear Mayor Moore,
I am writing to express my opposition to Zone Change 19-1, which proposes the rezoning of 328 13th Street from
Residential High Density (RHD-20) to General Commercial (GC).
The people in our community are what makes this city great, so I am hopeful that the council will consider denying the
applicants rezoning proposal and let the lot remain residential.
We want neighbors, not a convenience store.
Thank you for your time,
Theresa Miller
Sent from my iPad
Gloria Harper
From:Shaun Temple
Sent:Monday, October 23, 2023 8:24 AM
To:Gloria Harper; Dana Engstrom
Cc:Alexa Smittle; Megan Coats
Subject:FW: Proposed Chevron MiniMart
Hi Gloria and Dana,
This emails is a comment for the public hearing tonight, Item G.
Shaun Temple
Planning Manager
City of Seal Beach - 211 Eighth Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
(562) 431-2527, Ext. 1316
Civility Principles:
1. Treat everyone courteously;
2. Listen to others respectfully;
3. Exercise self-control;
4. Give open-minded consideration to all viewpoints;
5. Focus on the issues and avoid personalizing debate; and,
6. Embrace respectful disagreement and dissent as democratic rights, inherent components of an inclusive public process, and tools for
forging sound decisions.
For Information about Seal Beach, please see our city website: www.sealbeachca.gov
NOTICE: This communication may contain privileged or other confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient of this
communication, or an employee or agent responsible for delivering this communication to the intended recipient, please advise the sender
by reply email and immediately delete the message and any attachments without copying or disclosing the contents.
From: Karen Polik <karen.polik@gmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 2:08 PM
To: Thomas Moore <tmoore@sealbeachca.gov>; Schelly Sustarsic <ssustarsic@sealbeachca.gov>; Lisa Landau
<LLandau@sealbeachca.gov>; Nathan Steele <NSteele@sealbeachca.gov>
Cc: Joe Kalmick <jkalmick@sealbeachca.gov>; Shaun Temple <STemple@sealbeachca.gov>
Subject: Proposed Chevron MiniMart
Dear Seal Beach City Council Members,
I’m writing about an item on the upcoming City Council meeting - the proposed Chevron Mini-mart.
Residents who will be adversely impacted by this proposed development have collaborated to highlight some of the key
points we’d like you to consider. They are outlined in the linked document.
It seems there’s been a lot of misinformation flowing BOTH ways around this project. Please know that of all the
residents we’ve spoken with, not one has had a goal of trying to eliminate the gas station. Not one has opposed the gas
station replacing its outdated, inadequate underground storage tanks, as mandated by law. Not one has mentioned a
buyout for their home or any financial gain for themselves based on contamination from the gas station.
Residents I’ve spoken with are opposed to the mini-mart portion of the project. Period. They are opposed to the
encroachment into our neighborhood by converting a valuable residential lot to commercial. They are opposed to the
underhanded tactics used by the business owner to manipulate the system, as well as manipulate our City Staff, City
Planners, City Council, and residents. They are opposed to a business whose standard practice is to request an alcohol
license AFTER they’ve built their store. The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior, and in the attached
document you’ll find many examples of G&M’s past behavior. You’ll also find a map highlighting at least 5 parks, schools,
churches, within 1000 feet of this proposed mini-mart. Per our municipal code, alcohol is not even to be a consideration
for this location. If you override our municipal code to allow all the variances and rezoning this applicant is requesting,
why should we trust that you’d hold them to our written regulations around alcohol? After all, for the past 10+ years
they’ve been requesting a 24-hr. store with alcohol license to be considered separately. They only amended the hours
and alcohol bits in the last 6 months, presumably as a manipulation tactic.
Residents DO, however, want the gas station to clean up their act. They want the 30-year-old contamination thoroughly
cleaned up (BEFORE and rezoning is granted) and they want to feel safe in their homes. They want the gas station to
address the wrong-way traffic issue that both the owners and the city have been made aware of for dozens of years
But what I, and the neighbors I’ve spoken with want more than anything, is to maintain our quality of life in the little
slice of paradise we pay for. We want safe streets and alleys, and no increase in traffic, noise, and crime that this poorly-
planned project is sure to bring.
This isn’t just a NIMBY issue - it’s a matter of fit and safety. Our municipal code includes size regulations for good reason.
It doesn’t matter whether a business has been in place for 70 years or 7 days - too big is too big. And this project is just
too big to squeeze onto this lot, even when you combine the lots.
The suggestion to chain off the 13th street entry and have a cashier leave the store to unlock it when a tanker arrives is
not a realistic proposal. And neither the staff report or our City Planners addressed the dozens of big box vendor trucks
that will snarl traffic on the streets and in the lot.
So given all the negatives this proposed project brings to our city, the biggest question is why would you vote in favor of
a project against the wishes of hundreds of the residents you represent? Residents who have equally long, if not longer
histories in Seal Beach as this out-of-town oil company owner. So far no city official has provided an answer to this
I urge you to consider doing the right thing by the residents who count on you to make our best interests your priority,
and to vote no on putting a mini-mart on one of our valuable residential lots.
Please keep Seal Beach charming and hold the line!
Thank you for your consideration,
Karen Polik
PDF Document · 1.7 MB
Gloria Harper
From:Matthew Terry <mattcterry@msn.com>
Sent:Monday, October 23, 2023 12:55 PM
To:Gloria Harper
Subject:Petition Against Zone Change 19-1 Regarding Tonight's Council Meeting
Attachments:Petition Against Zone Change 19-1.pdf
Hi Gloria,
I was part of a team that circulated a petition in the community against zone change 19-1. Attached is
a list of community members who signed on to that petition. Can this be incorporated into the record
for tonight's meeting?
Also, regarding tonight's council meeting, with oral communications being moved before the consent
calendar and the public hearing being set for item G in the agenda, is the only time people can speak
on item G during oral communications, or will there be a secondary time during the public hearing for
item G where people will be allowed to speak?
1 Kathy McCowam 333 1st Street F210, Seal Beach, CA 90740
2 Andrew Chiu 132 6th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
3 Leslie Chiu 132 6th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
4 Brad Sell 134 6th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
5 Shelly Bolander 121 7th Street Apt 7, Seal Beach, CA 90740
6 Megan Davis 308 8th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
7 Michael Davis 308 8th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
8 Dawn Caviola 218 10th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
9 Chris Mewes 160 12th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
10 Terry Mewes 160 12th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
11 Honna Hollander 328 12th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
12 Paige Duthu 358 12th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
13 John McCoy 210 13th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
14 Nadine Miller 211 13th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
15 Karen Milligan 214 13th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
16 Patrick Fair 215 13th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
17 Cindy Crowell 217 13th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
18 August Ray 225 13th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
19 Shannon Jennings 225 13th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
20 Jen Haynie 229 13th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
21 Josh Haynie 229 13th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
22 Marc Vena 230 13th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
23 Cathy Little 302 13th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
24 Greg Harsh 306 13th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
25 Sofia Rowatt 306 1/2 13th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
26 Mark Mann 308 13th Street Apt B, Seal Beach, CA 90740
27 Daniel Watson 312 13th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
28 Sharon Watson 312 13th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
29 David Michalik 318 13th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
30 Staci Muller 316 13th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
31 Valerie McCorkle 322 13th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
32 Maro Terry 341 13th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
33 Matthew Terry 341 13th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
34 Andrew Lombardo 343 13th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
35 Jenna Lombardo 343 13th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
36 Guy LaFerrara 351 13th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
37 Ed Harkins 355 13th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
38 Theresa Miller 355 13th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
39 Ernie Hernandez 361 13th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
40 Darlene Taylor 121 14th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
41 Hali Mason 147 1/2 14th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
42 Gary 211 14th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
43 Kay Coop 212 14th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
44 Ellen Clark 219 14th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
45 Tom Clark 219 14th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
46 Connie Marshall 221 1/2 14th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
47 Elaine Shahnazarian 236 14th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
48 Bruce Brewner 237 14th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
49 Michelle Rose 242 14th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
50 Jack Kney 302 14th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
51 Trong Nguyen 302 14th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
52 Kathleen Morton 306 14th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
53 David Broomhead 307 14th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
54 Susan Broomhead 307 14th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
55 Jeff Polik 308 14th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
56 Karen Polik 308 14th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
57 Benny Rapp Jr. 318 14th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
58 Paula Rapp 318 14th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
59 Arrin Ramsey 319 14th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
60 Tamara Ramsey 319 14th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
61 Adam Nicholas 322 14th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
62 Brooke Nicholas 322 14th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
63 Jessica Anderson 328 14th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
64 Matthew Anderson 328 14th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
65 Jeannette Stockton 14th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
66 Lana Mabe 224 15th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
67 Ronald Mabe 224 15th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
68 Beverly Terry 239 15th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
69 Katie Terry 239 15th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
70 Donna Pullman 246 15th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
71 James Quinn 305 15th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
72 Jesse Seguin 317 15th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
73 William J Cavin 322 15th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
74 Ron Compton 221 16th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
75 Brandon Carl 227 16th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
76 Lisa Carl 227 16th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
77 Walter Pullman 246 16th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
78 Marci Pecora 303 16th Street Apt B, Seal Beach, CA 90740
79 Elizabeth Barinek 214 17th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
80 Gregory Curd 214 17th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
81 Premal Patel 400 Central Avenue, Seal Beach, CA 90740
82 Larry Totzke 109 Electric Avenue, Seal Beach, CA 90740
83 Lisa Hansen 109 Electric Avenue, Seal Beach, CA 90740
84 Joseph Fiori 400 Electric Avenue, Seal Beach, CA 90740
85 Roberta Ahern 1019 Electric Avenue, Seal Beach, CA 90740
86 William Ahern 1019 1/2 Electric Avenue, Seal Beach, CA 90740
87 John Dewitt 1105 Electric Avenue, Seal Beach, CA 90740
88 Lynn Adkins 1201 Electric Avenue, Seal Beach, CA 90740
89 Ron Okubo 1203 Electric Avenue, Seal Beach, CA 90740
90 Tracy Okubo 1203 Electric Avenue, Seal Beach, CA 90740
91 Maggie Menzel 1211 Electric Avenue, Seal Beach, CA 90740
92 Francine DeFrance 1217 Electric Avenue, Seal Beach, CA 90740
93 Jared Algra 1305 Electric Avenue, Seal Beach, CA 90740
94 Kiley Algra 1305 Electric Avenue, Seal Beach, CA 90740
95 Carl Curtis 1305 Electric Avenue, Seal Beach, CA 90740
96 Margaret Curtis 1305 Electric Avenue, Seal Beach, CA 90740
97 Marissa Meese 1307 Electric Avenue, Seal Beach, CA 90740
98 Tustin Meese 1307 Electric Avenue, Seal Beach, CA 90740
99 Mary Wakefield 1303 Electric Avenue, Seal Beach, CA 90740
100 Ann Hobby 1306 Electric Avenue Apt C, Seal Beach, CA 90740
101 Nancy Kann 1315 Electric Avenue, Seal Beach, CA 90740
102 Claudia Higginbotham 1100 Ocean Ave Apt A, Seal Beach, CA 90740
103 Scott Sanbrough 1250 Pacific Coast Highway, Seal Beach, CA 90740
104 Hazel Campos 1350 Pacific Coast Highway, Seal Beach, CA 90740
105 Kathleen Butts 211 Seal Beach Boulevard, Seal Beach, CA 90740
106 Leah Bersuch 281 Corsair Way, Seal Beach, CA 90740
107 Katherine Barrett 384 Corsair Way, Seal Beach, CA 90740
108 Raymond Zeoli 384 Corsair Way, Seal Beach, CA 90740
109 Nelson Couto 416 Corsair Way, Seal Beach, CA 90740
110 Ed Fagenson 432 Corsair Way, Seal Beach, CA 90740
111 Steven Justus 377 Galleon Way, Seal Beach, CA 90740
112 Susan Perrell 417 Galleon Way, Seal Beach, CA 90740
113 Carrie Holton 476 Galleon Way, Seal Beach, CA 90740
114 Mary Louise Dubos 448 Schooner Way, Seal Beach, CA 90740
115 Lori Livingston 481 Schooner Way, Seal Beach, CA 90740
116 Edward Watson 1635 Catalina Avenue, Seal Beach, CA 90740
117 Margaret West 340 Coastline Drive, Seal Beach, CA 90740
118 Donna Chafe 1700 Coral Place, Seal Beach, CA 90740
119 Paul Chafe 1700 Coral Place, Seal Beach, CA 90740
120 Susan Bennington 1125 Driftwood Avenue, Seal Beach, CA 90740
121 Felice Shohet 920 Fathom Avenue, Seal Beach, CA 90740
122 Louis Tsamous 405 Marble Cove Way, Seal Beach, CA 90740
123 Melanie Tsamous 405 Marble Cove Way, Seal Beach, CA 90740
124 Jim Balanm 425 Opal Cove Way, Seal Beach, CA 90740
125 Joe Biscan 428 Opal Cove Way, Seal Beach, CA 90740
126 Darlene Boyce 13240 Fairfield Lane 172-H, Seal Beach, CA 90740
127 Hope K Horning 1441 Monterey Road Apt 61C, Seal Beach, CA 90740
128 Karen Kupfer 4380 Candleberry Avenue, Seal Beach, CA 90740
129 Mark Wintheiser 4689 Hazelnut Avenue, Seal Beach, CA 90740
130 Marisa Demarco 16900 Algonquin Street, Huntington Beach, CA 92649
131 Nadine Cavin 4071 Ondine Circle, Huntington Beach, CA 92649
132 Jefffrey Cavin 4071 Ondine Circle, Huntington Beach, CA 92649
133 Brent Cross 17131 Harbor Bluffs Circle, Huntington Beach, CA 92649
134 Edward Harkins
135 Hedy Wertenbroek
136 Lauren Roupoli
137 Michelle Curtis
138 Tyler Chiu
Gloria Harper
From:Ernie <ernieh4@verizon.net>
Sent:Monday, October 23, 2023 6:01 PM
To:Joe Kalmick
Cc:Gloria Harper
Subject:13th Street and PCH Gas Station Zone Change 19-1
Councilmember Kalmick,
I am writing to express my opposition to Zone Change 19-1, which proposes the rezoning of 328 13th Street from
Residential High Density (RHD-20) to General Commercial (GC).
The people in our community are what make this city great, so I am disappointed to see that the council would consider
rezoning land to make space for another convenience store when it could be used for another family to become a part
of this community.
While I understand that 324 13th Street will be upzoned to compensate for the loss of housing at 328 13th Street, the
city will still end up with a net loss of one available parcel to build housing on. So, for a family looking to purchase a
home, this still translates to one less opportunity for them.
We want neighbors, not a convenience store.
Thank you for your time
Ernie Hernandez
Gloria Harper
From:Pen Gower <90740pen@gmail.com>
Sent:Monday, October 23, 2023 7:37 PM
To:Lisa Landau
Cc:Gloria Harper
Subject:13th Street and PCH Gas Station Zone Change 19-1
Councilmember Landau,
I am writing to express my opposition to Zone Change 19-1, which proposes the rezoning of 328 13th Street from
Residential High Density (RHD-20) to General Commercial (GC).
The people in our community are what make this city great, so I am disappointed to see that the council would consider
rezoning land to make space for another convenience store when it could be used for another family to become a part
of this community.
While I understand that 324 13th Street will be upzoned to compensate for the loss of housing at 328 13th Street, the
city will still end up with a net loss of one available parcel to build housing on. So, for a family looking to purchase a
home, this still translates to one less opportunity for them.
We want neighbors, not a convenience store.
Thank you for your time