HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Ord 1270 1988-03-07 ORDINANCE NUMBER .I-2;1~ . A ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH, CALIFORNIA, CALLING AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE HOLDING OF A ~DF.CIAr "U~:ICIPAL ELEC.':I0" .'>1 -'-lE3D"I', JUNE 7, 1988, FOR THE SUBMISSION OF A PROPOSED INITIATIVE ORDINANCE AND ORDERING THE CONSOLIDATION OF SUCH SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION WITH THE STATEWIDE PRIMARY ELECTION TO BE HELD ON JUNE 7, 1988. I WHEREAS, pursuant to authority provided by statute a petition has been filed with the legislative body of the City of Seal Beach, California, signed by more that ten (10) per cent of the number of registered voters of the city to submit a proposed ordinance relating to Sensible Growth and Traffic Control; and WHEREAS, the City Clerk directed the examination of the records of registration and has ascertained that the petition is signed by the requisite number of voters, and has so certified; and WHEREAS, the City Council has not voted in favor of the adoption of the ordinance; and WHEREAS, the City Council is authorized and directed by statute to submit the proposed ordinance to the voters; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH, CALIFORNIA, DOES RESOLVE, DECLARE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS For.LOWS: SECTION 1. Measure That pursuant to the requirements of the Charter of the City of Seal Beach, there is called and ordered to be held in the City of Seal Beach, California, on Tuesday, June 7, 1988, a Special Municipal Election for the purpose of submitting the following initiative ordinance: I Shall the Citizens' Sensible YES Growth and Traffic Control Amendment and Ordinance be adopted? NO SECTION 2. SECTION 3. That the text of the initiative ordinance submitted to the voters is attached as Exhibit "A". The Special Municipal Election hereby called for and the date hereinbefore specified shall be and is hereby ordered consolidated with the Statewide Primary Election to be held on June 7, 1988. The election precincts, polling places, and officers of election shall be the same as those set forth in the notice calling or providing for or listing or designating the precinc~s, polling places and election officers in the City of Seal Beach for the Statewide Primary Election with which the Special Municipal Election called by this Ordinance is consolidated. The Board of Supervisors of Orange County is hereby I I I I Ordinance Number /.:210 . __:..."..~lled to order the consolidation of the Special Municipal Election hereby called with said Statewide Primary Election, and the Election Department of Orange County is hereby aut:lor' ~....~ '.-: ::anvass the returns of said Speclal Municipal Election, and said election shall be held in all respects as if there were only one election, and only one form of ballot, namely the ballots used at said Primary Election shall be used. Said Elections Department of Orange County shall certify the results of the canvass of the returns of said Special Municipal Election to the City Council of said City and shall thereafter declare the results thereof. SECTION 4. The polls for said election shall be opened at 7:00 o'clock a.m. of the day of said election and shall remain open continuously from that time until 8:00 o'clock p.m. of said day, when said polls shall be closed except as provided in Section 14301 of the Elections Code of the State of California. SECTION 5. Notice of the time and place of holding said election is hereby given and the City Clerk is hereby authorized, instructed, and directed to give such further notice of said election as required by law. SECTION 6. Pursuant to Section 416 of the City Charter, this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its adoption. SECTION 7. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Ordinance by the City Council and shall cause the same to be published as required by law. PASSED, APPROVED AN se~each, Califo ~ day of by the City Council of the City of regular meeting thereof held on the , 1988 by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers NOES: Councilmembers ABSENT: Counc ilmembers / ~.)~.~~ Mayor ' ATTEST: Ordinance Number ~~~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA I COUNTY OF ORA.~~ I ~~ CITY OF SEAL BEACH ) I, Joanne M. Yeo, City Clerk of the City of Seal Ber_:. California, do hereby certify toat the foregoing Ordinance is the original copy of Ordinance Number~~~~ on file In the office of the City Clerk, introduced, pas3ed~roved and a opted as an I Urgency Ordinance by the City COU~Of the Cit 0 Seal Beach at a meeting thereof held on the _, day of , 1988. and do hereby further certify that Ordinance Number /~~O has been published pursuant to the Seal Beach City Chart~ pursuant to any other provision of law. I I Ordinance Number ~~;r~ . .<.. ~. ", .. , , .CITlZENS' SENSIBLE GROWTH AND TRAFFIC CONTROL AMENDMENT & ORDINANCE INmATIVE PETmON To the Seal Beach. California. City Council: .' , The following was published on August '.0 . 27 1 "87 In ':'~..:.: :- ~...::h JClurnal by Barbara Roundtree. Member. Citizens for SensiLJie Growth and Traffic Control. I NOTICE OF INTENT TO CIRCULATE PETITION cmZENS' SENSIBLE GROWTH AND TRAFFIC CONTROL INITIATIVE Notice is hereby given of the intention of the persons whose names appear hereon to circulate within the City of Seal Beach a petition for the purpose of enacting a Citizens' Sensible Growth and Traffic Control Initiative as an amendment to the City General Plan and Ordinance, A statement of the reasons for the proposed action as contem. plated in said petition are as follows: o THE PURPOSE OF THIS.lNITIATIVE PETITION IS TO ENACT A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND ORDINANCES WHICH WILL ALLEVIATE PR SENT AND F HJJ!.!LlBAff1r. r.nNGEST.lObL . ON THE STREETS OF THE INCORPORATED AREA OF THE CITY AND Tn INSIIRF AN AnF. QUATE QUAUTV nF LIFE FOR THE FUTURE. GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT HAVE OUT PACED 'THE ABILITY OF GOVERNMEN I 10 PROVIDE. AND MAINTAIN THE STREETS; AND TO PROVIDE, MAINTAIN AND STAFF THE PUBLIC SERVICES .REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN THIS QUALITY OF LIFE IN THE CITY, THE CITY COUNCIL SEEMS UNABLE TO SAY NO TO THE REQUESTS OF DEVELOPMENT INTERESTS FOR APPROVALS OF DEVELOPMENT IN SPITE OF THE INABILITY TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE ROAD CAPACITIES. PUBLIC SAFETY SERVICES. FLOOD CONTROL IMPROVE- MENTS AND PARKS TO SERVICE EXISTING AND FUTURE DEVELOPMENT. THE VERY REA- SONS WHICH THE CITIZENS OF THE CITY STAYED OR CAME HERE FOR ARE FAST DISAP- PEARING. I IN AN ATTEMPT TO COME TO TERMS WITH THIS PROBLEM, MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE STAN. DARDS MUST BE MAINTAINED. AND DEVELOPMENT WHICH WOULD CAUSE TRAFFIC AND SERVICES TO EXCEED THESE STANDARDS MUST BE RESTRICTED UNTIL PROVISION FOR TRAFFIC CAPACITY AND SERVICES IS IN PLACE. THE PEOPLE OF SEAL BEACH MUST TAKE A LEADERSHIP ROLE AND ENACT THIS INITIATIVE AMENDMENT AND ORDINANCE. The Initiative and Ordinance provides that: 1, The City Council shall approve new development only where the resulting traffic will not cause or make worse an unacceptable level of traffic, 2. The City Council shall provide adequate traffic capacity on all arterials and adequate public safety, flood control and parks within the incorporated areas of Seal Beach and maintenance and staffing for said infrastructure betore approving new development. It Is the Intent of this Initiative Amendment and Ordinance to permit development that will not aggravate existing traffic. public safety, flood control and park problems. Barbara Roundtree Member. Citizens for Sensible Growth and Traffic Control -II- I The full text of the Citizens' Sensible Growth and Traffic Control Initiative as an amendment to the City general plan, specific plans and ordinances Is printed In full within this booklet. -11I- It Is the Intent of this proposed initiative ordinance to apply to all development projects not vested prior to the adoption of this amendment and ordinance by the Voters. -IV- CITIZENS' SENSIBLE GROWTH AND TRAFFIC CONTROL INITIATIVE THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Ordinance Number ~~ A. The inlentlllld purpose 01 \his amendment and ordinance ia 10 sacure for the ci11z_ ollila City the IClCIal and _ic 8dvlllllages which reauft trom ute and elIicient access 10 employment, housing. and public n private services, and 10 protec1 and preserve the public health,ulely and general weNare, 8. It is the intent and JXlrpose ollhis amendment and ordinance to ~,__~.va .: '. "U~'" : :... ~,.. environmental values olthe citizens olthe City through measures 'which are wll/lin ds authority and which relate to City concerns, even though illS acknowtedged \haI\he traffic problems currently affecting the City are not entirely wilhili the City's control: C. It is the Intent and purpose olthia amendment and ordinance 10 achieve a balance between system cepaclty and density allocation: D. It ia the Intent and purpose olthia amendment and ordinance 10 balance demonstrated transportation need& and roadway construction wilhaut destroying or disrupting established neighborhoods or com. munbie&: '1 E. It is the intent and purpose 01 this amendment and ordinance 10 set a baseline for the traffic: ClIp8City which IS n-.sary 10 maintain and improve lhe quality ollile wolhin the City: F, It is the intent and purpose 01 this amendment and ordinance 10 set a baseline for IIla provision 01 lIIIequate public _ which are necessary 10 maintain and improve \he quality olllle within \he City. 8Ictlon 2. FINDINGS. A. This amenclmentlllld ordinance IS necessary 10 protect the public heath. salety.lIIId weNare 01 present ancIlulure residents 01 the City anc:I the region by avoiding unnecessary and delelenOlls traffic congesl1an. This depends on a reglonaltransportalion systam \haI provides sale and efficient access to employment, housing, and public and private services. B. The cepacily 01 much 01 the transportation system of the City has been exceeded, or IS reaching capacity, caUSing \he system to be neither sale not efficient. Traffic: congestion which exceeds a reasonable level 01 service increases the risk 01 traffic accidents, hinders or blocks the passage of public salely veh'cles, causes or contribules 10 increases in air pollution. wastes luel, degrades the City'S economy, cont"butes to lost produc:livrty and promotes stress both on the roadways and off, and generally degrades the quality of life Within the City. C. Traflic studies indicate that eXIsting, approved, proposed and luture developments In the region w,lI produce unacceplable levels 01 traffIC cpngestion. II the general plan and spec~ic plans are not amended 10 establish reasonable standards lor traflic capacity which relate luture growth to that capacity, unacceptable levels 01 service on many streets and intelSllCbans will result. I D. The QlmulaWe impacts olland development, existing. approved. proposed and tuture, ,n the incorporated area 01 the City contributes significantly to the unsale and ineffiCient condItion oIl11e transportation system. II is recognized thet where the system is already heavily impacted. will take added etIort 10 reach an ac. cepI8bIe level 01 traffIC capacity. E. Relieving the present overburdening 01... regionaltraneportation system requires the achievement and malnt-..ce of adequate trafl'lC capacity and provision lor edequate long term maintenance of the system as mandated by this initiative. Unless a baseline lor peak hour traffic capacity IS established which is reasonable and can be met, Iulure development will overwhelm the transportation system. F. Where Transportation System Managemenl Programs are eSlablished .n an etIort to reduce traffic generation. . is necessary 10 establish an annual evaluation procedure to assure Ihat the assumptions which led 10 the approval 01 suCh pnlFIms are in lac! still valId. G Where a substantial change in use results in an inaease In lraflic generation, . is necessary \0 establish an evalual10n procedure to assure 1I1al the change in use maintains the same Impact on the transportation system. H. Urban development whIch abuts transportation corridors and Ireeways requires a barner between transportation uses and urban uses in order 10 prevent the intrUSion at lIght. noise, and all pollution lrom the transportatIOn taCllity on the developed areas, and to provide the faCility user With an aesthetiC cone or VISion, rather than a View 01 urban development. I. Urban development in future view conidors along new or Improved arterials in environmentally eensltive areas will cause a lass 01 aeslhelically pleasing views. J. Where general plan amendments, eplICIflC plans and ordinances have been approved lor specific areas. butlrallic exceeds the capac:iIy 01 the transportation system. they must ba reevaluated and revised as necessary to achieve densities which penn. a qualty oll"e conslSlent with or beller than what exists currently. K. Loss 01 animal migration routes through lulure transportation systems contributes to the degradation Of the natural environment end traps wtlcllile between transportation systems. aeating a conftlcl beI1..ean humans and wildlife, end posing a threat to various species. I . L. The cumulative impacts 01 land development. existing. approved, proposed and future. in the incorporated area of the City c:ontrtbule signitlcandy 10 the need tor essurances that present and lulure public safely. ftaacl control and park syslefns end services will continue 10 be available to the public in a manner that assures an adequale quality 01 life, I I I Ordinance Number ;l021tJ , .... -,""' ;,-- - .,..-:..... M. The ~t overburdening oIlhe public safety, flood conlroland park systems requires Ihe . tAoallon and maintenance oIlacilltiis, services and stalling, and the adequate long term maintenance 01 fllCililies, and services as mandat8d ~ Ihis initiative. N. IIlCIlIlISlId flood hazards in already urbanized areas are a SIgnificant concern As the City is further urbanized. IIood hazard Incre_. Many pclIIions 01 the City are within a flood hazard area. Management and reduction ol increased runoff is necessary far the health, safety and general wellare olthe citizens of the CI\y. . 0, There is a need lor ac:quisllion ol additional neighborhood and communl\y parkS and devalop",ent of existing neighborhood and t'OI'IImun"" ",,: :...ld. accessible to pedeslrians. and providing adequate recreational . _-,!itiss "'hllin development Br88S, thereby decreasing vehicular traffic to local parkS elsewhare. There is a need lor 8ddIlIonal regional parks which provide adequate recreational facililles for en area as e whole and reli..e the oven:,CHoCIing olexisting regional facilfties. P. Inadequate public safely services'have adverse impacts which degrade the City's economy, contribule 10 IoIs olllle and properly, and promote 511'_. These 'actors require Chat provision be made for adequete leveIa ol buic public services and facintiss. 'I II is necessary thai provision be made lor the lunding. construclion, maintenance and operation 01 amenlBIld lulure public services and facilbies which WIll maintain current or beller levels of service prtor 10 &pprWal ol addillonal development. 2) II is n_ry thai provision be made for adequate public salaty SllIlling 10 save lives and prape<ly, reduce crime andlrallic accidents, and reduce stress, thereby improving public health, safety and general W8Ilare, Q, The deleterious sociaJ BIld economIC impacts addrased her"n mandate thotlhe overridIng consideration lor epptOVing a Development be the establishment ol a baseline lor adequate Irallic capacity, public ..fllly services. flood control and parkS. and the preservation 01 existing neighborhoocls and communities. R. To assure availability 01 funding for needed improvements it.s necessary 10 mandate thol any funds col18Cl8d for said improvements be segregated and actually spent WIthin a sp8C1118d time period on specifIC improvemenlS, thereby essuring thai these funds are not d,vlll1ed 10 the general fund end therefore dissipated. S. II is necessary 10 allow a reasoneblelime lapse lle1ween issuance 01 building pennils and the c:ompIetion 0' related improvements so lhallunds may be collected end construction undertaken as mandatad herein. T. The overriding consideration in a Development approval.s not the short term economIC gaIn which accruss lrom lIPP'OVal of a Development, but Ihe long term benefl' which accrues 10 the citizens from a balancing of envirorvnenlal values, system capacities and reasonable densities which the governmental entity can afford 10 lervice. . U. Unlesa luIure growth is direclly related 10 the availability of capacity in the transportation system, and the City's general plan e'-'ls. specific plana and ordinances are revised to allocate densities based on thet capacity. !he City will not be able 10 achieve the Standard Level of Service mandated in this amendmenland ordinance. V. Unlass adequ8181ra111C capaciIy and balanced growth occur the City will eventually experience a condition known as "gridlock" and the resull will be the loss ol business opportunities, jobs. and a reduction in properly values, Ordinance Number I'~~ I 5eclIon 3. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND ORDINANCE. To the maximum extent aulhoriZed by existing Stale and Federal Law the following shall be done: A. Prior 10 .lPProv.. UI adoption. whichever comes first. of a general plan amendmant. specific plan. precise plan. area plan. zone change. tentative tract or parcel map. whether approved, proposed or future "&lopmant. lor a Developmenl. tile Slandard Level of Senric8 shall be achieved and mainlained lor all arterials to which said Development oonbibutes measurable traffic. Said Development shall not cause the transportation syshIm Ie operate at conditions worse than the Standard Level of Service. I 1. No\Withstanding any provisIon of Sec:lion 3 Ie the contrary, a grading permit or buHdlng pennit. whlCh_ is lsaued first for said Development. may be approved or issued in the Iollowing clrcumstancas: a) When the existing transportation syslem is operating at a level of service equal 10 or beItar than the Standard Level of Service; and 1) Said Development does not cause the transportation sys1llm 10 operate at a Iev8I 01 service worse than the Slandard Level of Serw:e; or 21 A Comprehensive Planning and Improvement Program to maintain the existing level of service on the transportation system affected by said Development. which the Development participates in, has been adopted by the City to maintain such Standard Level 01 ServIce. b) When the existing transportation system is operating at worse than the Standard LevelotServlca;and 1 ) Such approval or Issuance required tor a Developmant is conditioned upon Ihe requirement that the Development's measurable traffic does not cause the transportation syslem 10 operate at conditions worse than Ihe existing conditions and where a measurable improvament IS achieved; or '21 A Comprehensive Planning and Improvement program to achieve a measurable Improvement in the existing lever of service on the Iransportation system aflecled by said Development, which the Developmenl participates In. has been adopled by the City 10 achieve such Slandard Level of Service I c) Where there is a requirement imposed upon a phased Development pursuant to this Section 3 lor Ihe paymant 01 costs into a Comprehensive Planning and Improvement Program. such costs shall be payable serially as to each phase of the Development. in conjunction with the improvements accomplished and . not in one payment for the entire Devalopment, 2. Where a Transportation Sys1em Management program is used to reduce project related vehicle bips. said program shall be adopted only H substantial evidence is presented prior to development approver and findings are made thallhe pen:entage of trip reduction at1ributed to Transportalion System Management programs have been and continue to be made in the City lor e similar project, Said reduclions must actually OCQIr al When a Transportation Syslem Management Program is approved, a conditional use permh shall be ISSUed. and a yearly report prepared by the City at the ellpllnse of the developer or business owner, 10 show said vehicle tnp reduction has been achieved and mainlained. bl If said reductions are H1usary. the conditional use permil shall be reevaluated and addilional conditions imposed in order to meellhe requirements of Ihis amendment and ordinance, cl Programs and polices such as mixed Dr balanced uses. Rex time. slaggered shifts, limn.ng truck traffic. requiring tilly [SO] percent of the employees be County residents. and provision of employee housing, may be used to implemenl a Transportabon System Management Program. 3. Each Development approved under \I1e terms otlhi$ amendment and initiative shall be reevaluated when any change in use occurs whIch is expected to increase Ihe traffic generation for said Develop, ment. The purpose 01 the reevaluation .s to assure that traffic capacity is available in the transportation system. 4. Development along transportation corridors and freeways shall provide for scenic corridors adjacenl to each side of said tacllity. Arteriels buin or expended in environmentally sens'live areas shall be treated in a similar manrtar. I a) In urbanized areas along these routes a minimum 0' lhirty (30) leal shall be mainlained and heavUy IandscapecllO ....een the developed areas and the routes, This provision is intended III preventlhe intrusion 01 light. noise and air poBution from !he facility on development b) In rural and undevelOped areas this provision Is intanded to maintain lha natural or native plant =- and te"ain and III provide facility users with a sense 01 the rural environment which previously existed. Arterlllls buill or expended in environmentally sensitive areas shall be treated in a limUer manner. ~ cl Where necessary. animal migration corridors shall be provlcled. I I I Ordinance Number /.210 8, The Ctty shall revise iIs zoning ordinances and adopt zoning which conforms 10 this general plan amendment and onIinance. The City shall a11oca1e densilias and phase approved development to ensure thaI IuIure II'-'" does not exceed an "( : I plable ein:ulation capacily which . Standard Level of Service and ensure construction, main18nance and apendion aI said 'acilitias, excepllempararily a permitted herein. C. Prior 10 appravaIlII' adoption. whichever comas first, of a general plan amendment, spaclfic plan. precise plan. area plan. z_ c:hange. tentallve IIlICl or parcel map, whether approved. proposed or IuIure devalopment, for a Development. Adequale Sa",ice Levels shall be achieved and maintained for poIca or lIhe,iII. fire and paramedic services, 1l00d control Improvements and neighbolhood. community and regional parks to which said Developmenl contributes an adverse impact. Said Development shall not cause thase services to operate at conditions worse than the Adequate Service Levels establillhed herein. 1. Notwithstanding any provision 01 Section 3 10 the contrary. a grading permn or buHdInQ permn. whichever is issued lirst for said Developmenl. may be approved or issued in the loIIowing circumstances: a) When the eXisting police or sherin, lire and paramedic service, flood control and parks are operating or prOVided al a level of se",iee equal to or belIer than 1110 Adequate Lovels 01 Sa",ice as del.Rad; and '1) Said Developmenl doas not cause police or sherIn. lire and paramedic seMce, flood control or parks to operate or be provided al a level 01 service worse lhan the Adequate Level of ServiCe: or 2) A ComprehenSive Planning and Improvement Program to maintain the existing leYeI of service on the police or sherin, lire and paramedic service, IIood control or park systems allec:ted by said Development. which the Development panapatas in. has been adopted by the City 10 maintain 8Uc:h Adequate Levels of Service, bl When the existing police or sherin, fire and paramecf'1C service, flood control or parks ... operating at worse lhan the Adequate Level 01 Service; and 1) Such approval or issuance required lor a Development is conditioned upon 1I1e roquirement1l1at the Development's impact does not cause police or sherin. fire end paramediC seMce. IIood control or park systems to operate at conditions worse than Ihe existing condnions and where. in lact. a measurable improvement is achieved: or 21 A Comprehensive Planning and Improvement Program 10 achieve an improvement In the existing leYe' 01 se"',ce on the potice 01 sherin, fire and paramedic se",ice, flood control 0' park systems affected by said Development, which the Development par1icipalas in, has been adopted by Ihe City to achieve such Adequate Levels of Sarvice cl Where there is a requirement Imposed upon a phased Developmenl pursuant 10 Seellon 3 lor the payment of costs into a Comprehensive Planning and Improvement Program, such costs shall be payablo serially as to each phase of !he Development, In conjunction With the improvements accomplished and nol in one payment lor the entire Development 2. N_ developments shall prOVide parkland in Ihe fOllowing manner: a) Said community and/or neighborhood parks shal be located within reesonabIe distance lor the rasidents of the Developmenl and surrounding urban area. Neighborhood and community park re- qUIrements are nOl met by the proviaion of open space. conservation or regional parks, Crecrn shall be allowed lor the pPCMeion 01 up 10 flI\y [50%) percent of IBid perk requirement by private perks. Said perks muat include the im- provements necessary 10 make them functional. bl Regional parte land and its developmenl shall be required Ihrough an appropriate pro rata contribul1on 01' \hrQugh dedication end improvement thereto on a pro rata basis when new development is apprOYlld. Said parks musl include the improvements necessary to make them functional. . 3. New development shall prOVide lor 100 year flood protection Within said Development Alea. New development shall not Increase the existing downstream peak flow of flood wallrs or runoff, end shall rata.n lhe increased cuboc feel per second [over the eXISting cubic feel per second) duo to the Development on site until the peak has passed. a} Where 100 year flood control protection already exists 10 the exlentthal downstream properties are no longer mpacted. said retention of Increased cubic feet per second shall nor be required. . bl SaId flood control projects shell be compleled in an environmentally sensitive manr,er. prese"'ing the existing drainage course to the extenl feaible. cl Existing developed areas shell receive priority In publicly funded flood control projects in order to attain proleclion from a 100 year flood in the near fulUre. d} Flood control retenbon baslns to be constructed to millgall development may be considered on a master plan or watershed basis. i.e.. a basin may mitigale more :han one development proJect. Ordi nance Number /..2 /'0 , D, The City shall revise lIS loning ordinances and adopt zoning which conforms to this general plan _dment and ordinance. The Cily shall allocate densities and phase approved development to ensure thatluture growth shall nol elCll8d the Clty'S ablbly 10 prOVide adequate police or she,," and hre protection, pIIramedic service. lIood control improvement. and nelghboltlood, commurmy and regIonal pIIrks: and to ensure that construction. maintenance and operation 01 public and private seMCllS and laoli\les, including bul not limited to police or sherill, lire prollICIion. pllramedoc: service, flood control improvements. and neighborhood. community and 'egional parks have been provided as necessary to meet Adequate ServICe Levels as defined herein, except temporarily as pIIrmlfted herein. E. Where a Comprehensive P1aming and Improvement Program and/or Transportallon System Management Program has been approved which ensures thai each phase accomplIshes .mprovemenlS which equal lI1e measurable impact 01 that phase, and where the existing condition IS worse lhan the Standard Level 01 Service, but a maasu,able improvement shall be Completed as required, phasing shall be allowed. WIIerethe existing condition is worse than the Adequate Service Level, bul an improvement shall be completed as required, phasing shall be alowed. Development Areas or indiVIdual developments shall relain the" original boundllries fo, purposes 01 assessing measurable impact. Division lor the purpose 01 aVOiding Ihe requiremenlS 01 this amendment and orclinance shall be prohiblled. J F. Each year the City shall update and adopt a Development and Tralllc MonItoring Report which shall _ the ability 011he system to maintain Standard Levels of Service lor traffic capacity, and adequate service MiS lor police or sherill and lire pro18CIion, paramediC service, ftood control improvement. and neighborhood, comm...ity and regional pIIrks and which shall be used 10 eveluate development proposals and their cumulallve impac15 on the sysI8m, G, The City shall adopt, alter noticed public hearing,lindings lor each Development which cer\lly that each provision 01 thIS amendment and ordinance has been complied with based on substantial evoclance on the record, and set forth the mannar 01 compliance with each provision and requirement 01 Section 3 by said Development at the eariiesttime possible in the process. 1. At the tentative tract level or equivalent, such as !he planned development approval or project approval level, said Development shall be revl_d and considered agaIn in adopted by the City [which said Development contributes tolto achieve such Adequate Levels 01 Service. 2. Heanngs shall be noticed in a newspaper 01 general corculation in this JurisdictIon, with notices also sent by lirst class mail to aU interested associations, groups, and individuals NotIce shall also be provided by other addibonal means thai the City deems appropriate. H. Where Improvements are required which cross jurisdictional boundaries and requ"e thai said improvements shall be approved by another responSible agency. ralher than the Development's lead agency, Ihe lead agency and the responsible agency may negotiate a solution In an aftempt to reconcile conllicts between each I jurisdiction'S general plan, spllcmc.pIans and ordinances Where no solulion is reached, 1he improvement funds requirad shall be deposiled in a trust fund lor use on those improvemenlS identified as necessary in the future. I. Where transportation 'acilities Of other ImprovemenlS are required to be completed hereunder, both princopalfunding or adequate secu,ity, and any interest accrued shall be placed In a trust fund lor use on transportation lacilities or other inprovements required, In no case shan said principal or interestlunds be \: translerred 10 the generallund or other improvement fund. "'- Surplus funds which exist after such transportltion lacilities or other improvements have been completed may be '~Ierrad to a related intersection or Ink lund, or in the case oIlunds required lor other than Iransportltion laciiities"or other improvements, to a lruStlundlor related improvement. J. Improvements shall be completed wrthin three [3J years 01 the I.rsl use and occupancy lor said Development or within live (5] years aIIer issuance 01 a grading permn or building pIIrmitlor said Development whichever is comes sooner K. Where the improvements required 10 approve the Development at the densil>' proposed shall create S'llnKicant adverse physical. environmenlal or economic impacts on the existing neIghborhood or community, the denarty 01 the Development shall be revised and redesigned to alleviate the adverse Impacts of both the Devel- opment and the required improvemenlS. L II said improvements are not completed within the preSCllbed time periods within that junsdiction, additional development shall be delayed. ancIIor phased In such a manner so as 10 make no measurable impllct on the systems referred 10 herein, until suc;h time as .... standards shall be mal. or plannad densiloes revised so that these standards shall be met. M. This general plan amendment and ordinance shall not operate to deprive any landowner 01 substantially all use a1their properly or otherwise constitute a constl1utional taking without compllnsation I Ordinance Number ~I'~ SIctIon 4. DEFINITIONS AND TEAIIS. I A, ADEQUATE NEIGHBORHOOD AND COMMUNITY PARK STANDARDS means slate Slandards shall prevail lor neighborhood and community parks. B. ADEQUATE FLOOD CONTROL PROTECTION means protection from a 100 year flood is cansidered adequale, Compulation 01 exlsling and 100 year Ilood flows shall be determIned USIng Ihe Orange County Flood Control Dislrict [OCFCDI Hydrology Manual. EXIsting 100 year IIood Ilows shall be based on watershed condilions existing on January 1. 1988. C ADEQUATE SERVICE LEVELS [poLICE AND SHERIFF) means amergency response lime shall be 5 minutes or less. more than 85% 01 the time, Non-emergency response time shall be 15 minutes or less, more then 85% oIlhe time. D. ADEQUATE SERVICE LEVELS (FIRE' PARAMEDICS) means emergency response time shall be 5 minutes or less. more than BS% oltha time. Non-emergency response time shall be 15 minutes or less. more then B5% 01 the time. E, BUILDABLE FLOOR AREA RATIO means gross buHdable floor area dIVIded by gross 101 square Iacltage. F. COIIPREHENSlVEl'LANNING AND IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM means a plan and program 'wIlic:tI addresses the cumulative impacts 01 said developnant or davelopments on a spac~ically defined impact ..... and mandates improvements to each link and intersedion, or service lor said Development. ThIS program will relalelO Ihe data contained In the Trallic and Developmant MoMoring Program. but is to be site spacific In planning and .mprovemenls. These programs shall be updated yearly. 1. As 10 lransportalion systems. a pammenlally implemented program oIlunding. oonslruction and maintenance oIlransportation facilities to achieva Ihe level of service oItha transportation system required lor a OeveIopment hereunder. with the requirement lor payment 01 a pro rala share 01 coals 01 improvements necessary. 2. As to the services and facilities described in Section 3(cl. a governmentany implemented program oIlunding, construction. and maintenance 01 such sanriC8S and facilities to achieve the laval 01 service lor such services and facilities required Ior'a Development hereunder. with the reqUirement 01 a pro rata share 01 costs 01 improvements necessary. G. COMMUTER ARTERIAL means a roadway designed as a lWo-Iana undivided. restricted access roadway, with a typical right 01 way width 01 56 leet and a roadway width Irom curb to curb 01 40 leat. A commuter arterial should accommodate lawar than 10,000 vehlclalnps per day. H. DEVELOPMENT means any physical improvemant to land. I. DEVELOPMENT AREAS means thosa land aralS proposed for development and under a single ownership at the time 01 adoption 01 this amendment and ordinance. J. EMERGENCY means CIrcumstances Ihreatening 1I1a loss ollila, serious bodily injury, or damega or loss 01 substantial property. K. EXIST1NG LOT means a lot which abuts. Is conllguous to. and has Ihe right 01 access to a slreal which is IInp.- tD Ihe subdivision standards oltha City on 1I1a dale of adoption oIlhis ordinance: a lot which has been recognized as a usable vehicular right 01 way 01 record. or a lot which now contains a usable buildtng. L. INTERSECTION maans that section oIlhe roadway influenced by the junction 01 roads, straals. or ramps. M. IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND maans a fund or assessment dIstrict. Mallo-Roos assessment district. or other benefit assessment districl established lor improvements to either public salety. ftood control or parks which are neoessital8d by Development Such lunds may be used to provllle improvements including 1 I Ordi nance Number /0210 , acquisition, conBlruction. eqUipment, and serviceS. N. JURISDICTIONAL CONFLICT means a condition invoMng two or more govemmental agencies having approval pawers CMlr the improvements required by this amendment and ordinance. O. LINK means !hat sec:lion of road or street between Intersecting roads or slreets, or on-ramps. but excluding the section of road or slreet where trallic is inlJuenced by an Inlerseclion ot roads. streets or ramps. P. MAJOR ARTERIAL mearis a roadway designed as a six-lane divided roadway, with a typical right of way wldlh 01 120 laet and a roadway width from curb 10 alrb 0/102 feel. A major arllIrial should accommodale belWeen 30,000 and 45.000 vehicle lrips per day Major arterials carry a large volume of regionallrallic not handlecl by the Ireeway syslem. O. MEASURABLE IIIPROVEMENT means an Improvemenl which equals no less than one.haIf [112] second 01 average vehicle delay at any intersection and equals no less than ona (I) percent of !he average daily IrafIK: on any link. and is required in addilion 10 mibgating the impact ollhe Development. R. MEASURABLE TRAFFIC IMPACT means a volume of Irallic which will resull in an increase of one hall [112] sec:ond of average vehicle delay al any intersection or an Increase 01 one (1 J percent of the average daily ~c on any link. S. MIXED/BALANCED USE DEVELOPMENT means a Development which will reduce traffic volume oulSide lIle Development boundaries by providing all or most of Ihe needs of users within Ihe Development bounda- ries. Including but not limiled to housing. commercial. office and IIghl industrial development or other employment generating uses. T. :IIODIFIED MAJOR ARTERIAL means a roadway designed 10 accommoc:lalelrallic volumes when a mejor arllInal highway is necessary in already daveloped areas, but a lull 120 '881 01 right of way is nolleasible due 10 existing structures or topography. A 100-1o?i right of way may be developed. U. MODIFIED PRIMARY ARTERtAL means a roadWay designed 10 accommoc:lale traffic volumes when a pnmary artenal highway IS necessary in already developed areas, but a iuD 100 leel 01 nght of way is not leasible due 10 existing structures or lopography An 80-1o?i right 01 way may be developed instead. V. NOH-EMERGENCY means a arcumstances, other then an emergency, where a reasonable response time is required bul is not lile or property threatening or urgent in nature. This is nol routine calls. W. PRIMARY ARTERIAL means a roadway designed as a Iour.lane divided roadway, wilh a typical r'llhl 01 way width of 100 1881 and a roadway width from alrb 10 curb of B4 feel. A primary arterial should accommodale between 2O.!lOO and 30,000 vehicle lrips per day. X. PRO RATA means a fair share based on a Development's impects. Y. REGIONAL PARK means a park which services a grealer population lhan a neighborhood or communl1y pe,k and whICh shall be prOVided .n a ,allo of two (2)ecres per 1000 persons reSiding wilhin the Devel- opment Such regional parkland may be provided off site, and a pro rata share may be paid into an improvement lund. Cred~ shall be granted for regional parkland already dedicated for said Developmenl. Z. RURAL means all areas not developed lor an urban use, or not master planned for an urban use. AA. SCENIC CORRIDOR means a corridor of open space used 10 insulale uses trom one another. and 10 preserve a scenic and aesthetic barrier between urban uses and natural uses, and between lransportation uses, the urban environment. and the nalural envlronmenl. BB. SECONDARY ARTERIAL means a roadway designed as a four-lane undivided roadway (no medianl with a width from alrb 10 alrb 01 64 teel. A secondary arterial shoulcl accommodale balween 10,000 and 20,000 vehicle !rips per day, A secondary arterial serves as a collector,.distribuflng traffic between local strealS and major and primary arleriaIs, While some secondary arterials serve as'lhrough routes, mosl provide more direcl access from davelopment CC. STANDARD LEVEL OF SERVICE [TRAFFIC CAPACITY] means lIle level 01 service lor the transportation system shall be Level or Service 'C' or beller for all arterial highway links and level of Service '0- or beller lor all arterial intersections during peak hours Monday Ihru Friday. Levels of Service shall be defined by and computed using the methodology contained in the 'Highway Capacity Iotanual". Special Report dated 1985 by the Transportation Research Board of the Nalional Research Council. including any subsequent revisions, DO. SUPER STREET [ARTERIAL) means an arterial which, lor its lunctional c1assWication, has an enhanced level of tralfic-c:arrylng capacity lhatlS aclueved by a variety of measures as defined in the County 01 Orange's general plan transportation element. EE. TOLL ROAD means a highway open 10 tralllc only upon the payment of a direct 1011 or lee Toil roads shall be bui~ tIlllle standards for Iransportalion corridors and freeways. FF. TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND means a lund or assessment distrICt, Mello.Roos assessmenl districl. or olher benefit assessment district. established lor the sp8Cllic purpose of collecting said funds and improving intersections and links, GG TRANSPORTATION CORRIDOR means a mullimodal lacilily, evenlually having SIK or more lanes based on proJ8Cled Irallic volumes and a median 01 sufflClenl width 10 be utilized In the lulure lor Iranslt considera- bons such as fixed rail or high occupancy vehicles. The corridors shall proVIde lor high speed movement ot vehicular lrallic where projected volumes exceed major arterial highway capacities. Thase routes shalllunction similar to Ireeways and expressways and may eventually be incorporaled into the Ireeway and expressway system, Therelore Ihey are designed to meet minimum State and Federal standards, Transportetion corridors may be 1011 roads. HH. TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM means the artarials delined herein, improvement 10 which are not precluded by Slate or Federal regulations or agencies. II. TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM MANAGEMENT PROGRAM means a series of required and voluntary actions which reduce the vehicle generation rate of a specific use or uses of land. JJ. TRAFFIC STUDY means a report on traffic 10 be prepared by a traffIC engineer licensed by the Slate 01 California. KK. USE AND OCCUPANCY means the occupancy of a structural portion of a Developmem pul10 the use for whICh ~ was intended. LL. URBAN means all uses which are n01 rural. agricultural, estate. open space, conservation, local or regional park, stale or national ,park., I I I Ordi nance Number ~e21o ., ... s.ctlon 5. EllEIIPTIONS. The IDIlowing a.. e-.pllrom lhe provisions .1 this amendment and ordinance: A. Any UIO which has no measurable inpact on thl S1Bncf8rd Level of Service. or an 8dvIrse impact on Adequale Service levels. 0ensi1y reductions whICh resutt in no measurabll impact or 8dvers1 impact shall be encouraged. I B. Any commercial or inclUSlrial development whiCh hIS all of lhe loIlOWlng: a gross n_ ..ea aquaJ to or less than 10,000 square Ilet; a builcleble lloor area ralio 01 IISS than 0.5, Ind an a..rage deily trip genll'a1ion of less than 130 dilly Irips: on an eXISting 10: C. Any Iour.pex.. or lesser numbered multiple dwellings on a single existing 101; or any single-family rBSIdIn1iaI units on a lingle ellisting 101 or existing parcel; D. Any agriculluraJ use. open spce. conservation and passive usepartc: E, Any rehabilitation. remadaling, or addition which equals or IS less Ihan 50% of the lxisting square laoIage of an existing residential Sll'ucture. or en addition which equals or is lass lhan , 0% ollhl exisl'ng squ..e IooIage. or , 0.000 square leelwhichever is less. of an other structures. F Any rebuilding of an axisting development damaged or destroyed by fire or natural disaster if uses. and square 1001age remain substantially Ihe same G. Facili~es provided to pro1ect Ihe health and salety 01 the peopll, which shall be defined IS hospitals, poloce, '"e and salety facilities and schools; H. Public benefitlacil~ils. which shall be defined IS publiC libranes, publoc adminlSlrallon lacilities. publiC ublhles, and religious laCllolils; and I. Any structure appurtenant to an eXisting structure. Dr any minor "leration In connection with an eXISllng structure. Sec:lIon &, IMPLEMENTATION. I A. Upon the effective elate 01 this inolJabve. lhe general plan 01 the CI1y shall be deemed to be amended 10 contain these concepts and Intorced IS SUCh by the City. Where Ihe 'nolialive IS In confloct 011111 o1her aspects 01 the City.s Zoning Code or olher ordinances and regulations. the terms of this amendment and ordinance shall preveil over such o1her enactments The CI1y shallwo1hin sill (61 months revise the text of the general plan and other ordinances 10 specilicaJly reflect the p,ovis,onS of this amendmlnt and ordinance. B. In the interim, development not exemPted herein may be approved iI the CI1y adoplS lindlngs IIIaI said Development!slare consislenl with the provISions of lhis amendment and ordinance. Sec:lIon 7, AMENDMENT DR REPEAL. A. This amendmlnt and ordinance may be amended or repealed only by e malonty 01 lhe VOlalS at a general elactJon. SectIon 8. SEVERABILITY. A. N any section. subsection. part, subpart, paragraph, clause or phrase of this amendmant and ordinance. or any amenclment and ordlnanCI or rav,s.on 01 this amendmant and ordinance 's for any reason hald to be invalid or unconst~utoona/.lhl remaining slCtlons, subsec1lons, parts. subparts, paragraphs, dauslS or phrases sha' not be affected. but shall remain in lull force and effect. I Ordinance Number ~~)7~ , PROOF OF PUBLICATION 12015.5 C.C.P.I STATE OF CALIFORNIA. County of Orange I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years. and not a party to or interested in the above.entitled matter, I am the principal clerk of the printer of the S[AL BEACH JOURNAL .................................................... .................................................... a newspaper of general circulation. printed . WEEKLY and published .................................. . . SEAL BEACH In the City of .................................. County of Orange. and which news. paper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Orange. State of California. under thedateof...?7.~~, 19 .:1.~. Case Number .ABZ5,61....; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set In type not smaller than nonpareil I. has been published In each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any ~ supplement thereof on the following dates. It: I 1auJt rq..... ~.~~.....q/7l!..t!:YL al(in the year 19..Z:e f I certify (or declarel under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Is true and correct. SEAL BEACH Dated at......................................... Cali1"rlthiS.... ...dayO'~? 19.a!Q> .....U'lLt. )?tt.7117W.ZI1R,c,. .' Ignaturef- Fr.. CODlel 01 '''IIIIII.nk torm moy ... IIcure" trom: CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPER SERVICE BUREAU. INC. Legal Advertising Clearing House 120 Wesl Second SI.. Los Angeles, Calit. 90012 Telephone: 12131625.2541 Plu.. r.."o.1 0 E HE R AL Pro.f.f P"lt.Iko.lon .....n .r..,.,n..II'. form. This space Is for the County Clerk's Filing Stamp I Proof of pC3falblicatio f . lV)Q, ......,......, .................L....~...... ................. ..J..~.7.Q...................... Paste Clipping of Notice SECURELY In This Space !~===~~UN' .ClL OF THE cm OF SEAL BEACH, CALIFORNIA. CALLING AND GIVING IlOTICE OF THE HOlDING OF A ;SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION ON .1UE_V. JUNE 7, 1!IBB, FOR THE .SUBMISSION OF A PROPOSED IN. .I11ATIVE ORDINANCE AND ORDER. ING THE CONSllUDATION OF SUCH SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION WITH THE STATEWIDE PRIMARV ELECTION TO BE HElD ON JUNE 7. . 1!IBB. WHEREAS,...-lID""""" ..... _..,_.polItIan.......n .BIIll_tIII.....-badraltlll I CItr a15101_, CIIIfamI.. .... Ill'" lIDO"" ..1101__ 01 , till""" allIIiItIIod _.. aI . till CItr ID _. . ...-.s 'II' . d__rwID_II_' ond TNIIIc 00ntnII, .... WHEREAS, till air CIIdl_ tI10 ...minltfon at till recordI of ....A.lll'ld........ tbIt tI1opolltianll.......,tI1o_'IIto . _al_..... .....cor. .._,ond . ~EAS. till CItr Council ... not . _In _ aI tI10 odoption or-the onIlMnCe; IIMI WHEREAS. tile CllJ COUncil I. --....._..,_ID " __ till ...-.s ....,n.... ID ,:.tIII_ . ~'NlIW, THEREfORE, THECI1YCllUN. r' CIL'OF THE CI1Y OF SEAL ~. /CAUFPRNIA. DOES RESOLVE. '1lEClARE. DETERMINE AND ORDER , -AS RlWlWS, !'SECI1ON '.1, TI10l puIIUIIllID tI10 . ~ _1..u6 ole. CIwtIr at the :, -Cltral5lo1_,_IsCIIIlcl . ond_IDIII_lntl1oCllJ '.: of.... _. Collfamlo, ell 1110I- I;~ .......... 7, 1!IBB, . SjIociIl . .MIIIIcIpoIE_lartl1o_ ., ,of ___ tI10 ""....... In. I:.!=~~ ...T_._ --.... I "DnII_1II1l1a1l11ld7 'YES. IftO:'~. '1EcnoN 2. 11101 . 1n1__..bm_ID. -.:tIII_II__E>hlbll ,~ II"", sEcnoN 1J.'Tho SIIocioI Munldpol , _......, colllll""nI tI10 ~: __In__lIIcl....1I III nI Is ......, _ .... IOII_d wllh l/Io SlIlnid. , PrI...., E_ ID III IIIId on i JuM 7. 1988. Tho .'oct'on . _'nclI, poIUrw p_. .nd 01. - -.aI.._....lll11t11o.... ____lntl1o_coll. . ... . IIlI'idIna Iw . IlIlirw . Ordinance Number ~~~ I doII....U.. 11II precincts, polnl1l plica IIId _ alii.... I. the City crf S"I B.och lor th. S~ Prim", _ with which 11II 5pocIoI Mu.ldpol Eloc. tion callld br thll OnIiMnce is __,Tho_vlSU..... wi... III 0nI.., County Is -br _1nd1D_1III_1da- . tIon vi tho SpocIoI M_lpoI EIoc. ~ .lIOn ~ ..11ocI IOith u1d S.... ~. -. 0.1.._.. II U .....Iftd eM 01: EIKtion DlPlrtmlld at Ora. County II.....,_ID...- .. the retums of lIid Speciel M...lcipol Eloclion. oncl.1d lIec. tIon IhIIII bo hold in .11-'" IS IIthn_IIIIy...._..... IIIIy _form III boIlol. ....., 11II ........ used II .Id Prim", Eloc- Iian IhIIII bo _, Sold E_ Deportmenl III 0nI... County IhIIII corlilyllll_IIIv1I111......o' the returns of Slid Special Mu.lcl"" EIoclIan ID 11II City Council vi Mid City .... IhIIII u.r.ftlr dlCl... tile mults -, SECTION I. Tho polio lor Mid lIocllan IhIIII bo oponocl II 7,00 o'clock ..m.llll111dIJIII..,lIoclion.... shill .......in open continuously tram that time until 8:00 o'ctock p.m. III.1d dlIy. when .Id polio IhIIII becl_ acepllS__ In Section 1430111 the Elections Clldo vi the Stole III Clllllami.. SECTION 5, Nali.. III tho ti... .nd place of hDkfina: uid election is . hnbr Ii'" ad tho City Clerk Is honIbr _.IIIIlIucIId..nd di_lD", ..chili__ or.1d 01_.. _lnId br-. SECTION 6, PullUonllD Socllan 116 or 11II City CNrIDr. this Onli..nee sh.n IIko eIlocl .,d bo In Iorce Immodillllly upon lIS Idaplilll. SECTION 7, Tho City Clerk IhIIII ..l'IIfylD 11II _ oncl odaption vi this Oldl..... br 11II ClIy Coun. cll....1hII1I....11II ....ID be pubI_ IS ....uinld br I.... PASSED. APPROVED AND ADOPTED br th. City Council or 11II City or Se.1 BOlch. CIIIllamill. 1I......1or _'.. 11II"" hold III tho 7th dIJ or MllOh. 1988 bv thllollowl/lJl...., AVES: aift, Grps, Hunt Risner, Wilson . NOES, ABSENT, ATTEST, JOANNE M. YEO CIIy Clertc STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF SEAL BEACH ) I, JoInne M. YIG. City Clerk or Ihl Ci- ty a/Sul Beech. Clllllomil, do hIrIby cOlllfy Ihol the fore8oil1l OId,nl'" is the orilinll copy of Ofdlnlnce Number 1270 on file I. the alliee or 11II City Clerk. i.lraduced, possed. _d and edopled. In Uraency Ordinance br the City Council or tho CIIY or Sui - III _"1_ hold III thl 7th dIy III Morell, 1988, .... do hIrIby further eel'llfy 11I11 Ordl..nce N.......1270 his boori puI>Iillhld pur- IlIInlID IIlo Sui _h Cil)' Chorter end pursuant to any other Provision of low. .IOAIl1E M, YIO MIy 5. 1988 _ CIty C1ertc Publilhecl in the SuI 8uc:h Journ.i. CITIZEN.. __ GROWTH - AIlII TRAI'I'IC CONTIlOL AMENDMENT' ORIIINANCE INITIATIVI! PETrrlON To IIle Sui Booch, CIIIilamio Cil)' Council: . Thllollowi"l WIS published 111 .luaus! 20, 27, 19B7 I. sUI _ Joumol by Barba,. Rountree. Member Cltizons lor Sensible G_11Id Trot: IIcContral, NOTICE 01' INTENT TO CIRCULATE PETITION CITIZENS' 8ElI1I1LE GROWTH AND .. TRAFFIC CONnlOI. INiTIATivE Notice IS hereby ~ of the intention at the persons whose names appear hIreon to circulate within the City of Sell Beach I petition for the purpose or _111" CI....ns. Sensible GIowth and Tnlffic Control Initiative IS 8n amendment to the City Generll Plln and Ominence. A stltement of the reasons far the proposed ICtion IS con- templated In uld petition are IS 101_, I None m;; None EDNA ...L8ON I THE PURPOSE OF THIS INITIATIVE PETITION IS TO ENACT A GENERAL PlAN AMENDMENT AND ORDINANCES WHICH WILL ALLEVIATE PRESENT AND FUTURE TRAFFIC CONGESTION ON THE STREETS OF THE INCOR- PORATED AREAS OF THE cm AND TO INSURE AN ADEQUATE QUALI- TY OF LIFE FOR THE FUTURE. GROWTH AND DEVELOPM ENT HAVE OUT PACED THE ABILITY OF GOVERNMENT TO PROVIDE. AND MAINTAIN THE STREETS, AND TO PROVIDE, MAINTAIN AND STAFF THE PUBLIC SERVICES REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN THIS QUALITY OF LIFE IN THE cm. THE CITY COUNCIL SEEMS UIlAIlLE TO SAY NO TO THE RE. QUESTS OF DEVELOPMENT IN. TERESTS FOR APPROVALS OF DEVELOPMENT IN SPITE OF THE INABILITY TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE ROAD CAPACITIES, PUBLIC SAFE. TY SERVICES, FLOOD CONTROL IMPROVEMENTS AND PARKS TO SERVICE EXISTING AND FUTURE DEVELOPMENT. THE VERY REASONS WHICH THE CITIZENS OF THE CITY STAYED OR CAME HERE FOR ARE FAST DISAPPEARING. IN AN ATTEMPT TO COME TO TERMS WITH THIS PROBLEM. MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE STAN. DARDS MUST BE MAINTAINED, AND DEVELOPMENT WHICH WOULOCAUSE TRAFFIC AND SER. YICES TO EXCEED THESE STAN- DARDS MUST BE RESTRICTED UN- TIL PROVISION FOR TRAFFIC CAPACITY AND SERVICES IS IN PLACE. THE PEOPLE OF SEAL BEACH MUST TAKE A LEADER- SHIP ROLE AND ENACT THIS IN. ITIATIVE AMENDMENT AND ORDINANCE The Inltiltive end Ordmance provides lIuIl, 1 The City Council shill Ippnwe new development onry where the raultlna traffic will not cause or mike WOI'Ie end unacceptable level of traffiC. 2. Tho City Council shill proyide Ide- quite traffiC capacity on all ..,iall_nd IdeqUlte public life. ty, flood contfDl and parks wlthm the incorporated aa of Seal Belch and maintenance and staf. fln. for saM:! infrastRlcture before IPProvina; new development. It is the intent of this InMiatlve Amendment and Orchnance to permit deveIopmenIlIuIl will nlll........ ex- Istllll traffic, public safety, flood con- tnJI and park problems. BIIbarI Rountree Member, Citizens for Sensible Growth 8nd TrlfflC Contral. ~ -11- TIle IIII1I1xl 01 tho CItizens' Sensible Growth IIId Troll'c Contrall.iUlU", IS In lmendment to the City ""eral plan, specific plans Ind orelinlnces IS printed In full within this booldet. -III- rt is the intent of thiS proposed 'n. Itllth.e ordinance to apply to III dovelopmen! projeclS not_ prior ID 11II ocloption 01 this CIIIO_nl.1Id anhnance by the Voters. -IV. CIrIZENS' SENSIBLE GROWTH AND TRAFFIC CONTROL INITIATIVE THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH HEREBY OROAIN AS FOLLOWS, A. The intent and purpose of thiS ImIndment and orcbnance is to secure tar the citlUM of the CIty the social and economic alvantqes which result from ute and effiCient 8CCISS to employment, housil1l.lnd public Ind privoteSOlVices.IlldID_lnd ........1Ile public _. .lel)' ond -- -.... B.lt is the Intent and purpose of thiS 811endment and ordinance to pMlrve the quality of life and environmental valulS or Ill. citizens or the CIIY thnJUlh measures which are within its althority and which relate to City con. cerns. even thoup it is acknowledpd thIt the traffiC pmblems currently af. fKt1na: the City are not entirely Within tho City's control, . " C. II is 11II inIInt....pulJlCllOoIlhis amendment and ordinance to acheive . ballnce between system Cllpecity 8IId density IlIocation; D. ft is 11II Intonllnd PUIJlCllO 01 this ..ndmlnt and ordinance to balance dImOnItrItId trlnsport8tion needs and rDldway constRiction without ~"I or dioruptil1l _blished nelptIorhoods Dr communltiesi E. It is the Intent and purpose of this II'I'IIftdment and ordinance to set a bIIIlinl far the traffic CllPlcity which .. nteelSlr)' to maintain and improve tho quolllY or llle within 11II CIIY: F.111s1llo intent.... PUIJlCllO or lhls M1lndment and ordinance to set a . blllllnl far the pnwision of adequate public services which art neceSSlry to moI","i. ....lm_1he quolilY or liIe . wlthl. 11II City _I: flllDI_ A. This amendment and ordinance is nICIISIry to protect the pubhc hellth, ....ty. and welfare of present n11u1u.. _nts 0111II C'IY Ind the reaion by avoidl"l unnecessary and deleterious traffic conpstion. This depends on a regional transpcftltion system thIt provides life and efficient access to emplorment, housing. and public .... private services. B. The capacity of much of the ~on .,.lIm or IIle CIIY hiS bien uceeded. or is reaching capaci- ty, cMlsin. the system to be nelthel III. nor efficient. TraffiC conpstlon which exceeds a reasonable level of service increases the risk of traffiC Ie- cl_, hinders 01 blocks the pISSIP of public safety vehicles, causes or conttlbutes to Increases In air pollu- tion, wastes fuel. _rades the Clty'S economy, contributes to lost produc- tivity and promotes stress both on the roadways and off, and pnerally depldes the quality of life within the City. C. Traffic studies indicate that ex- istlnl, approved, proposed Ind future developments In the resion will pro- duce unacceptable levels of traffiC conll5tlOn. If the seneral plan and specific plans are not amended to establish reasonable standards for traf- fic capacity which relate future growth to that CllPlClty, unacceptable levels of service an many streets and intersec- tions will result. O. The cumulative impacts of land development. exisllnl, approved, pro- posed and future. In the incorporated na of the City contributes significant- ly to the unsafe and Inefficient condi- tion of the transportation system. It is recagnized that where the system is already heavily Impacted It will take addecl effort to reach In acceptable &evel of traffIC capacity -E. Rellevina; the present OI/Ilburden- iAl of the regional transportation system requires the achievement and maintenance of adequate traffic caPlcity and proviSions far adequate 10"1 term maintenan:e of the system 15 mandated by this initiative. Unless I baseline tor peak hour tl'lffic Cllpaclty is established which is reasonable and CIIn be met. future development WIll overwhelm the transportation system. F. Where Transportation System Manllement PrDlrams are establish- ed In an effort to reduce traffiC eenera- tion. it is necessary to establish an an- nual fMlluatlon procedure to assure thIt the assumptions which fed to the appnwal of such proarams are ,n fact stili valid. G. WhenI a substantial change in use results in an increase In traffIC pneratlon. It IS necessary to establish an evaluation procedure to assure that _ the cha. in use maintains the same ImPlct on the transportation system. H. Urban development which abuts transportation corridors and freeways requires a barrier between transporta- tion uses and urban uses in order to preuent the intrusion of liatat. noise, and air pollution from the tl'lnsporta- tion flcility on the developed areas. and to prcwidethe facility user with an .aesthetlC cone of vision, mher than a view of urban development. I. Urban development in future View corridors along new or Improved artenals In enVironmentally sensitive areBS will cause a loss of aesthetically pleain. views Ordinance Number /~7o . J. Where gentfll pl." amendments. specific pI.RS IrId mclln.nets have been IPProved for specific nas, but trlfflc eKelcK the capaCity of the trlnsporltion system, they mUll be reevalUited end I'IIVlud 15 necessary to echleft densities which permit I qu.llly of Itfe consiltent with or better thin whit exists currently K. lDss of Inlmal ml&fetion routes through tutu" transpartation systems c:antrlbutes to the dqrldation 01 the nftIfIIl environment and trips wildlife between transportation systems. creatin. . conflict between huml,"s and wildlife. and pasinl_ threat to Vinous species. L The cumulative impacts 01 land development,lIlstln.. .ppraved, pro- posed and future. In the incorpol8ted lrea of the City contri~ sianlflClnt- Iy to the need for essuranc:n thIt pre- IMt and future public ..." tIaocI conlnllonclporkoystemsllld_ will continue to be &VIiI.ble to the public In . mlllner that assures In Ide- quite qu.lity 0I1i1e. M. The present overburdenin. of the public Slfety, flood control.nd park systems requires the restoration Ind maintenance of feeilities. serviCes and stafflRl, and the ldequate Ionl term maintenance of flcllitles. .nd services '5 mandated by this initiative. N lncfe.sed flood -hulrdS m IlreMfy urbanized _Ire I silJ1lflcant concem. As the city IS further urblnlZ- ed, flood hal_rei lnertnes. Many por- tions of the city are withm a flood hazard area. Management Ind reduc- tion of !Mcrelsed runoff is necessary for the health.safety Ind pnerll welfare 01 the Citizens of the citv. . O. There Is a need for acquisition of additional nei&f1borhood and com- munity parks and development of ex- istlna: nellhborhood and community plrk land, accessible to pedestrilns. Ind providing adequate recreational facilities within development .eas, thereby decrenl"l vehicular trlfflC to local parks elsewhere. There IS I need for ac:Iditlonll regional plrks which pro- Vide adequate recreatlOnll flCilitia for an area IS a whole and Nlie. the over. crowdmlof existin. regional facilities. P. Inadequate public safety services have adverse Impacts which dll"ade the CIty's economy, contribute to loss of lite and property. and promote stress These factors require that pro- vision be mlde tor adeqUlte levels of blUc public services and facilties 1) It IS necessary that provision be made for the fundlnl, construction, mlintenance and operation of current and future public services and flcilities which Will malntam current or better levels of service prior to Ipproval of ad- ditional development. 2) It is necessary that provision be made for adequate public Slfew staff- i nllD save lives and property, reduce crime and trlfflc accidents, and reduce stress, thereby ImprovlMl public health, safety end pneral welfare. Q. The deleterious social end economiC impactladdressed herem mandate that the cwemdlnl cons&dera- tion for approving a Development be the establishment of a baseline for adequate traffic capacity. public safe- ty services, flood control and pwks, and the preservltion of eXlslln. neiJhborhoods and communities. R. To essure availability of fundmE for needed Improvements It IS nlClSS8fy to mandate that Iny funds collected for said improvements be sqrepted Ind actually spent within a specified time period on specific Im- provements. thereby assurinl that these funds are not diverted to the ..neral fund IIld tn...fore dlSSlpated. S. It is neceSllry to IlIow a ,rusonable time lapse between IS- suance of buildlna permits end the campIellan oIre_ improvements.. IIIat funds may be collected end con. struction undertaken n mandated herein. T. The cwerridina coMiderltton in a Dno_nt _lis not the short term economic pin which lCCI'Ues from Ipproval ~ I Development. but the 50nl term benefit which accrues to the clttzens from a ballnclnB of en- vlfonmentll values, system capacities Ind reasonlble densities which the aavemmentll entity can Ifford to seNice. U. Unless tUtUre .,Mtti is directly related to the availlbility of Clp8Clty in the trensportation system.1nd the CI- ty's ..neral plln elements. speCifIC plan and ordinances .. nnr_d to allocate densities based on that ClPlClty, tne City will not be 1IIl1. to echieVII the StlRdlrd Level of Selvlee mlndated in thiS amendment and Gfdil\lnce. ~ V. Unless 8dequate trBffic CIPIClty IIld bellncld.,-.llCCllI tne Citywlll eventulUy lXpenenee a condition known 15 "pidlock" and the reult will be tne loss 01 business OIlIlClrIUnllles, Jobs, end . reduction In _rty vllues. ,..1I0n 3, GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND 0IIIIINAIlCE. To the muimum lltent IUthorlzed by aistina State and Fedlllll L8w the foil..... shill be.done, A. PrIor to approval 01 adoption. whichever comes "rst, of I llnerll plln Imendment. specific plln, precise plan. lrea plln. zone chi., tentative trect or parcel map, whether .PIJIOVId. propmed 01 future _lap. ment, far . Development. theStendlrd Level of ServICe shill be achieved Ind mllntlined fa' all erterills to which Slid Development contributes measurlble trlfflc. Slid Development shall not CIUse the trlnsportltion system to operate at conditions wane than the Standard Level of Service. I., Notwithstandina: Iny provision of Section 3 to the contrlry, I pdina; permit or buildll'1l permit, whichever is ISSUed fust for Slid Development, may be approved or Issued in the followinl circumstances' I) When the existina transpor- tation system is operltmllll: a level of service equll to or better thin the Standard level of Service; and 1) Said Development does not cause the tnlnsportItion system to operate at a level of service worse than the Standard Level of Service; or 2) A Comprehensive Planning and Improvement Propam to maintain the existinl level of service on the transportation system Iffected by said Development, which the Development participates In, has been adopted by the City to malntlin such Standard Level of Service. b).When the IXlstinl transpor- tation system IS operltinl at worse than the Standard Level of Service; and ' U Such approval or issuance rtQuirec:l for a Development is conch- tioned upon the requirement that the Development', meesurable traffic does not ause the transportation system to operate at conditions worse thin the existlnl conditions and where I measurlble Improvement is achieved; 01 2J A Comprehensive Plannina and Improvement proaram to achieve I measurable improvement In the ex- istlnllevel of SllVice on the transpor- talion system _ br SI,d Develop- ment, which the Development par- ticipates in. has been adopted by the City to Ichleve such Standard Level of Service. c) Where there is a reQUirement imposed upon I phased Deveiopment pursuant to thiS Section 3 fa' the pay- ment of costs Into a Comprehensive Plll'lninElnd Improvement Proarlm, such costs shall be payllble serially IS to uch phlSl of the Development, in conjunction with the imprauements.:;. comphshed lWi not in one payment tor the entire Developement. 2. Where a Transportation System Mlnalement proaram IS used to reduce project related vehicle trips, said proaram shill be edopled only if substantial evidence is presented prior to development approvlllnd findinp are mlde \hit the percentqe of trip reduction attributed to Transpartltion System Menqement IJIlllIIlIms ..... been and Continue to be mlde In the City for a simillr project Said reduc. tions must actually occur I) When I Trlnsportltion System Manqement Pl'OIram Is Ip- proved, I conditlonll use permit shill be issued. and I yearly report prepared' by the City at the llPense of the developer Of bUSiness owner, to show Slid vehicle trip reduction has been acheived and maintained. b) If Slid reductions _ il. lusory, the conditional u. permit shall be reevalUlted IRd IdditioRlI conch- tlons imposed in order to meet the re- Quirements 'of thiS amendment and ordinance. c) Prcgraml and policies such IS mixed 01' balanced uses. flex time, stlllered shifts Iimltinl truck traffiC, _IFinl filly [SOl percent 01 the .m~ br County residents. end pnwision of tmpqee hDuSiRl. may be used to implement I Transportation System M.n......nt Pqrem. 3. Each Development approved under the terms of this lmendment and Initiative shill be reevaluated when III)' chin.. in use occurs which is expected to Incruse the traffic IIBnerltion tor Slid Development The purpose of the ....uatton IS to assure that trlffle capacity is available in the transportation sptem. . 4 lleoelapm..I....._. tion cooridors and freeways shill pro. Vide for scenic corridors adjecent to uch side of Slid facility. Arterllls built or expanded in envlronmen\llly sen- sitive areas shall be treated in asimillr mlnner. I) In urblnlzed IfI8S 1101"1I these routes I minimum of thirty (30) feet shall be maintained and huvlly land- scaped to screen the developed areas and the routes. This provision is in- tended to prevent the Intrusion of li&ht, noise and lir pollution from the facill. ty on development. b) In rural and undeveloiiiCl" IrelS this provision is Intended to maintain the netul'.ll or native plant "cover and terrain 100 to provide facili- ty users with a sense of the IUral en- Vironment which previously existed. Artenals bUilt or expanded In en. vlronmentllly sensitive Ifill shan be treated in I IImil. manner. c) Where nec.Slry. animll migration corridors shill be provided. B The City shill revise its zo",nIOl. dinances and adopt zoni"l which con- forms to this general plan Imendment I and ordinance. The City shalllllocate densilles IIld ph... ap~ _lop- ment to ensure that future &rowIh doel not exceed an acceptable Circulation capacity which is Standard Level of Service Ind ensure construction, malntenlnce and operation of side facilities, Ul:ept temporarily _ permit- ted herein. - 1:: Prior to op;;;"1 01 adopt,on, whichever comes first. of I pneral plan. ............ -"Ic pi... prease Pliii:-niplln:"".' che.... iOiilllti.. tract 01 _1_. wheth.. lIIlPIlllO!d, praposed or future Developement, Adequite $livice ..Lhels sh." be echieved and maintllned tor police or sheriff. fire Ind paramedic services. flood control improvements and neaJhborhcxxl, ccmmunlty Ind fllional parks to which Slid developments con. tributes en Idverse Impact. Slid OevIkIprnent shall not cause t:t.. SIr- vie. to operate II. O)nditions worse then the AdeQulte Service Levels estIblished herein. 1. NotwlthltlndiRlany pavision 01 Section 3to the _tIIlY.' padinl pennh 01 buildJ,. pennh. whl_ IS _ first 101 seId Dnolopmenl, mey. be_d OIl_In tne"'IIowI... circumstlnces: - - e) When the existlnl police or sheriff. fire end paramedic service, ftood central Ind parks '" operetInl CI' provided at I level of service equal to CI' bitt. thin the AdeqUlte Levels of Service IS defined; II'ICI 1) Said Dnolopmenl does not ClUse police or lherift, fIre Ind pnmedic service. flood control or ...... to operate 01 be pIO'Iided II . IMI of _rvice wane thin the Ade. _ Level 01 Service, 01 21 A Compreh"'.... P1annlns and Imprawement Prasrem to mlintaln the exlstina level of service on the police or shenff. fire end paramedic ~ice, flood contral or pn. systems effected br Slid Dnolopment. whIch the lleoelopment participates in. has been .dopted br tne City to meinlllin such Adequlte L.ewtls of Service. b) When the existing police or sheriff, fire and paramedic service. flood contral or parks are operati"l at worse thin Adequate Level of SeMce; .nd I I I Ordinance Number I IlSu"'lIIP'DVIIar_ NqUirecl far . Developmint is candia tioned upon the rtquirement that the Developments impact doll not cause police or sheriff, fire IIId ...medicl service, ftODd _Iar ...... .,...... ID _ole 01 condltions__1IIIn tho .iltlna: condltlOftllnd where, In 'Iet, IlMISUfIble InlPl:~t is echeiv- ed;cr . 2lA~PIonni.. n Impruvement Pqram to achieve an improvement In the exIstirw level of -.vice on thI polk>> or sheriff I fire and pal'lmedic seviCl. flood control or pili< "*"' _ by Slid 0...1op- '!I~t. which the Development par- t.CIPltes In, his been Idopled bIJ the City to achieve Slc:h Adequlte l8vels of Service . . c) WMre there is. requirement Imposed upon . phlsed Development pursuant to Section 3 for the PlYment of costs into I Ccmprehenslve Pllnn. "'11I and ImpnMrntnt Program. such ..... ""'II be popble ..".IIy n ID ad! phase of the Development, in conjunct1on with the imprawements It- camplishecIlnd naI in one pIyII'III'It for the entire Devetopment. 2. New developments shall pro- vide parkland In the foUowif1l manner: II Slid community ,nd/or noi&hborhODd parks ""'II be loolled within reuonable distlnce for the residents of the Development end sur- raundina urben .... Nei....barhaod and community park requirements are not me! ~ the .....~... 01 open opece, conservatIOn or ll!lronal Pirkl. Credit ....11 be .lIowed far the pnwlslon of up III fofty [50%1 peltont of uid pili< reo quirement by privldl! parks, Said parks must include the improvements necesury to mike them functionll. bJ Hili....' pili< land ..d its development shill be reqUired throuBh In IpplOpnlte pro rill contribution or ttwoup dedlCltion Ind improvement thereto on I pro ratl buil when new developornent is oppnwed. Said parks must Include the Improvements neteSIIry to mike them functioRlI. 3. Now developmont....1I pnMdo for 100 year flood protection within uid Development AnlI. New develop- ment shill not increase the oistlng downstrum pelk flow of flood Wlters CI' runoff, Ind shall retlin the lnere.,.. ~. cubic feet per IIecond (over the ex- Istl"l cubic feet per second) due to the Dewolopment... .noll/lti' tho peak "". passed. I) Where l00)Ur flood control protection Ilready exists to the extent thlt dDwnstrum properties 1Ft no Ianpr impacted, Slid mention of In. CI'II1Sed cubiC filet per second shall not be required. bl Said f100q cont..1 projects shill be completed In In environmen- tllly sensitive minner, preservina: the existlnl drlinap course to the extent fluible cJ EJustl.. developed ..... ....n rKelve priority in publicly fund- ed flood control prqlCts in order to It- tIIln protection from I 100,.. flood in the near future. d) Flood control retention basins to be constructed to mlti..te ~Iopment INy be cosidrecl 00 I master plln arwltirshed basis, i.e., a besin may mlttpte man! than one .' developmont "",joct. D. The City shill revise its zoninj Of-- dil1lnces ancledopt mni,. which con- fanns to this IJeMfII plan amendment and ordinance. The City shalllllOCale densitlties Ind phase approved development to ensure that future .-. shall not_ the City'. 11>111. tr ID pruvldo O'*lUll> poIic. arllllerift and fire pratlCtlon, pai ,'medic lervice flood control imp"",llment and neipborhood, ccrnmunlty and ",IORII _ end III ensu.. u,.t construcl1on .maintenance and apemion at PUbli~ and private services Ind facilities, In. cludinl but not limited to pollee or lhiriff, fire prolIc:bon, paramedic ser- vice, flood control Improvements, and neilhborhDod, community and rea:ionll parks ""'" been .....ded OS n_1I' to meet Adequate Service Levels as defined herein, except temporarily 15 pernlltred herein. I I :'." ;1.21 (J , . ~. . E. w_. Comprallon.... Pllnnilll end Improvement Praaram Ind/or Trensportat.ion System Manqement Prasram his been appnMd which en. ..... IIlal oach pi.- accomplish.. Improvementl which .qull the .,....rabI. impact at that phase. Ind whore tho Olllstl.. condition is warse than tho S1a_ IIwoI of _leo, but a rneisul1lbll Impralllment shall be completed . required, phailll shill be 111Dwed. Where the Histinl condi- tion is ..... th.on tho Adoquote Sor- vice lAwl, but en improvement shill be complol8fl os ..qulrocl, pha.l.. IIhoIl be 11_.1lM1opmen1 Area or individual developments shall retain their oriJinll bGundaries for purposes ~ asessif'll measurable impect. 01'11' ....far the purpose oI_ina the reo qulrmentl of this amendment Ind or. dll1lnce ....11 be prohibited F. Each )11lr the City shill update and adopt I Development Ind Traffic Monltarinl Report whICh shall assess DIe ibillty of the system to-inaintain Standlrd levels of Service for traffic capacity, Ind.siquate service levels for police or sheriff and fire protection, paramedic seMCI, flood control im- p~ment, Ind neiahborhood, com. nunlty Ind rea;lOnal parks and which I shall be used to evaluate development prapouls and their cumulative im- poets on the s,stem. . G. Tho Cltr ...lIl1l1opl, Irter notic. ed public hurlnl, findinl5 for each Dewolopmont which certify that each provision of this amendment Ind or- dinance has been complied with bas- ed on substantial evidence on the record, Ind .t forth the manner of amplllnc:e With IIch prawlsion and reo quirement of Section 3 by Slid 0Ive1opment at the earliest time possI' ble in the process. 1. At the tentaive InIct level or .puvalent, such IS the pllnned development IPPIQV'II or project Ip- _IItM!I, uid O"'lopmont....1I be revsewed Ind considered again In adopted by the City (whiCh Slid Development contributes to) to ICheive such Adequate Levels of Service. 2. Hearlnl5 shill be noticed in a newspaper of II!neral circulation in thiS jurisdiction, with notices also sent by first class mail to IlImterested assocla. tions, IVOUPS, and individuals Notice shlllllso be provided by other Ideh. tionll means that the at)' deeml oppropriate. H. Where improvements are requll1ld which cross Jurisdictional boudaries Ind require that said improvements shall be Ipproved by Inother respon- sible lIeney, rather than the Develop- ment's lead IlI!ney, the lead altney and thl reponsible alency may negotiate I solution in an Ittempt to reconcile conflicts between elch jurisdiction's aeneral plan. specifiC pians and ordinlnces. Where no solu- boo IS ruched, the improvement funds. required shall be deposited in a trust fund for use on those impnMlments identified as necesSlry in the future. I. Where transportation facilities or other Improvements are required to be completed hereunder, both principal fundina or adequate security, Ind any Interest KCrued shill be p1lced in a trust fund for use on transportation facilities or ather improvements reo q&ured In no case shall Slid principal ,. interest funds be transferred to the .....ral funcl or other imprcwement fund. Surplus funds which exist after Slch trlnsportation facilities or other Improvements have been completed may be transferred to a related In. tersectlon or link fund, or in the case of funds reqUired for other than transportation facilities or other im- pnwements. to a trust fund for related Improvement. J. ImplCJYements shall be completed within three (3) years 01 the fast use Ind occupancy for said Develaoment fJI within five (5) ,ears att!r issuance of IlP'ldina permit or building permit for said Development, whichever comes sooner. K. Where the improvements require to approve the Development at the den- Ilty proposed shall crelte silnificant adverse physical, environmental or economIC Impacts on the ulstlng neilhbOrhOOd or community, the den- lity of the Development shill be revis- ed and MlSll"ed to IlIeviate the 1Cfw:r5e impecls 01 both Ihe Develop. ment and the required Improvements L If Slid imPRWIments ere not com- pleted within the prescribed time periods within that jurisdiction, addl- ttanll development shall be delayed, and/or phned In such a manner 50 as ID make no measurlble impact on the systems referred to herein, until such time u these. standlrds shall be met, or planned denSltl1S revtsed so that these sIlIncWd. ....11 be mot M. Tbis seneral plln Imendment and ordinance shall not aoerate to deprive Iny landDwner of substlntial- Iy III use of their property or otherwise constitute a constitutlonll taking without compensation. _.4, _ITIONS AND TERMS. A. ADEQUATE NEIlIIlIIOIIHDOD AND COMMUNITY PARK STAN. DARDS means stlte standards shall prevail for nlilhborhood Ind com- munity parks. S. ADEQUATE FLOOD CON. TROL PROTECTION means f,ifOtec- tion from a 100 yelr flood IS con- aldered ldequate. Computation of ex- Istl"llnd 100 yell' flood flows shill be determined usina: the Oran.. Coun- tr Flood Control Oistrict IOCFCOI H)1iroICllY Manull. Existing 100 year flood fkMs shall be based on watersh- ed concIitlons sistin. on January I, 1988. C. ADEQUATE SERVICE LEVELS [POLlCE AND SHERIff) moan. emergency response time shall be 5 minutes Dr less, mare thin 85% 01 the time. Non.emerancy response time' shall be 15 minutes or less, more than 85% of the time O. AllEQUATE SERVICE LEVELS (FIRE. PARAMEDICSI moan. emerpncy response time shall be 5 minutes or less. more than 85% 01 the time. Non-emerpncy response time ....11 be 15 minutes or less, more than 85% of the time . E. BUILDABLE FLOOR AREA RAnD means JI'DSS buildlble flOOl' IIU divided by aross lot squire _. F. COMPREHENSIVE PLANNIIG AND IIIPROVEMENT PROGRAM muns a plln Ind prDlI"lm which Id- d,.. the cumulative Impacts of Slid development or developments on a specficllly defined Impact area, Ind mandates Improvements to each link and Intersection, Of service for Slid Development. ThiS proeram will relate III the dill contained in the Traffic Ind llMlopmont M...ilDri.. Proaram, but is to be lite specifiC in planning and Improvements. These programs shall be updlled ",lIIIy. 1. As to t1'1nsportltlon systems. a premmentally implemented PfOIram of fundinl, construction and mllntenlnce of transportation flc:ihttes to achieve the kNel oI5efVice of the transportatIon srs1em reqUired for a .development here uncler. with th@ requirement for payment of a pro rata share of costs of Improvements n_1I' Ordinance Number /.210 2. Ao III \tlo 1IlV1C:a ....lIcIlitio. d_1Iod In Soclion 31ol. . _m- _lyhnpl...,tId_aIlun. dl.... c:ontructIon.end moln_a1 iucII._.nd foclIlU. III ICllIoft \tlo Ioftl 01 _ far ..ell ...... end foclllllol _Irod far . DMIap- __.wIlII...._i_1 a1.pralllo......a1.-a1im. plOVIments _ry. ' G. COMIIUlIII ARTERIAL mean. . _ay doIipod.. _Iono un. divided. ..._ ...... .-.,. -willi'. tiPlcol rtjItOl wir wldtlI of 56 ...1......-., wldIh '"'"' curb III curb at CO feet. A commuter Irterlll should ICCOmmodltl tn.. thin 10.000 ..hlel. !rlIJs per day. H. IlIYElJIlIIIEIl ....... .ny JllP.collm_nt III Iond. . , 1.IIEYEL~_lIlOIIn. _lond........-far_1ap- monl.nd ._.oIllII.__ip.1 !he Ume 01 IIlaplIan of till. ....nd. mont end adlno..... J. .MMOINCY m..n. cl.: cum_~tIlIlc801l1''. .-I_bodily Injury,ordomolllcrlaa ,01_01-'1. . K. EX_lING LOT IIIIIIIS . Ial whlcl1.bull. Is cant~... and hII .... ~IIM 01 iccoss Ill. _ which I. Imp.-llI.... .....~oI"'l_rd.. aI!he City on till dill ill <<lapUan of till. rino...., . lGl whl"" hII been _1ad.._Io_larript 01...,01_. or.lalwhlell_ _no. _Ie bulldlns. L.lhl_ IIUft..-nsthlt In. _ oftlllr-.,lntIuonc:od_ !hejuncticri 0I11lIiII. _. or rompo. M. _AO'w""'" TRU8T FUND mWl11 fund. QI"lSIIIIment district, Melto-Roos DlllSlrftlnt district, or other benefit ISMUmant district estIblished for 1mpn:wem1ntl1D either public ufely, flood control or Pirkl which ... __d by Ilmlop. ment. Such funds mlY be used to pr0- vide Improvements IncludlnllCQuis1. tion, construction. equipment Ind services. N. JUMDlCTIONAL CONR.ICT means I condition invofvil1l two or more JOVIRImentll Ipncies hlv1na: IPproVlI powers over the im. _nil required _ till. .mend. ment and ordinance. O. UNK mun.1IIol MCUon 01 raid or street betwlln InterllCtl"l raids or 1 streets. CI' on-rwnpa. but a:ludina the ...Uon of rood or _ _lIIffic II Influenced by III Intenectlon of JOIdl, streets or rwnps. I P. _ AIlTEIllAL IIlOIIno . . raodwoy cIosJanod .. . 01..... divid. . eel raodwoy. _. typical rithl aI ..., _of 120....... .raodwoywldtll tram curb to curb of 102 r.t.. A maior . lltlnallhould - .mocI1tI between 30.000 .nd 45.000 ,",,1010 lrlpo PO' dIy. Major .rI8rI.11 Clny . ... valume oIlIIianol troIIic not handlld by till -ay IJIlom. Q. IIEAlUIlAILE IMPROYl. MINT IMIIW III Improvement which equ.', no 10. _ ....haM [1/21.. cond at..... vehicle dill>>' It II1J' in. tersection and lqU.ts no less than one' 1II porc.nt of tile A...... OIily Tro'. I fie on .ny link, .nd is required In ad- dition to mltlaltin. the imPKt of the Development. . _ . R. IlEA1URAIILE TRAFFIC 11I- PACT munll wlurne of tmfIc which will result in an inCfU1I of'one hilt (1/21 ....nd of over... ,""lei. doloy . I"J' jntlrHC'tion or 1ft inc..... of ana 1II _I 0111I1 over... dlily tl'ltnc on Iny link. S. IIIXEOIBALANCEO USE DEVELOPMENT muns I Develop. ment which will reduce trlffle volume oullldl the Development boLIncBl.. by pravldi"l .11 or mall of tho _d. . of Ullrs within the DIvIlopmlllt _,... Includl.. but nalllmllld III hauol.... ........al. aNico .nd Iilhl indultrilr devwlopement or oth.r Imployement IInnllnl UMS. T .1I000FlED IIA.IllR AIlTEIllAL _lIS . ...tRy deslped to ICCOIII- modIte trlfflc volumes when . mljor _al hiahwoYl._'n.lrucly _loped ...... bul.1u1l12O '111., .1'" of ..., Is nol "aslbl. duo la IX. iIlI.._orllllXilPOP/lY.A 100.laal '1&111 01 way may b. _loped. U. MODifiED PRillARY AIlTERIAL IIlOIIno . -ay deslan. td to accommodlte trlffic volumes when . primary lIlorial hi""'" I. l'IICeISI')' in .lruIy cliveloptd 'rail, bul.IuIIIOO.... of ~IIM of..., i. no! _blo duo III ....U"I .lructuru ar lapaJroplly. An 8O-1aal ~&III 01 ..., may bo _Iaped Inllled. Y. NON-EIIIRGENCY mullS. cir- cumltance. other thIn.n lR'lerpncy. wtwe. reaontbIe I'Isponse time il reo quill<! but 10 no! II" or _rty ttnatenInc or urpnt in nlture. thll il not _no coils. W. PRIMARY AIlTEIllAL m.ns . IOIdwoy cIosJanod. .1aur.lono _. III _.,. willi. typical ~IIM 01 way wIdtlIalIOO....ond.raodwoywldlh flam curb III curb 0184..... A jOimary IIlIIrIollbauld occammad.1I bo_n 20.000 and 30.000 ....icl. trlpo per day. . X. PRO IIATA mun.. '.1. lb... _ an . Dnollllllllonl'. Impocll. Y.1lHIOIlAL PARK mean.. pori< which _. . ........ _IiU..;; .... ............ or can",,~ parIc ... which ","II ... P,nJIIfdIll In . roUa of \Wa I2l ..... por 1000 porson. _1"1 wltIlln tile Dnolapmont. Suell "lion" porlcl.nd may bo provided all lite. end . pro filii shire mly be peid into IIIlmprcMlment fund. Credit IhllI be lrented for ,..Ionll plrkl.nd ,Ire.dy dedlc.tld for uld Development. Z. RURAL m.ns .11 .r8l1 not _loped for III urban UII, or not m.1ter p1.nnld for 111 urb.n use All. SCENIC CORRIDOR IIlOIIn. . corridor of open space used ID Insulate uses from one InCIther I .nd to preserve I scenic ,nd IHthetic blrrier between urbln UIIS .nd nltunll uses. .nd bet- ween truportltlon UIIS, the urbln en- vironment, and the n.tural Invirorment. . BB. SECONDARY ARTERIAL muns I roedwer desiped . . four- I.ne undivided I'DIChgy (no median) wltll . width from curb III curb of 611 ..... A IICOIldory ._ "'auld ac, commodlte bltween 10.000 .nd 20,000 >Oblcle lrlpo por day. A_- dary _II _. . . call1Clar diltrtbutina trlffle between locll _and mojarond ~mory_.I.. While 101I1I IICOndlry .rterllll serve . tIl....... _. _ pIOl!ido mer. d_ _flam d...lapmonl. ce. BTAN_ LaVEL OF SEll- YICIl [l'1IAffIC CAPACITy! IIlOIIno till ,...1 of .Mealor .... lrI-,". tion IJ$lIm 1b.1I bo l.IvII 01 ServIce "C" .. boller far .11 _101 hi....... linlls.nd Lowlo' Sennee "0" ar bel. ter for .11 .rt.rllllnttrsections durinl puk hours Mandl>>' tfvu Fridl)'. Levels cI SeMct shill be definecl by.nd cem. putld lIIi.. till mtlhadolDIY contain. "In the nHithMI1C1P1Cily Manual." Spacial Ropart _d 19B5 by Ihe TmaspottItion Research BOIrd of the NItionIl Rese.:h Council. incluchnl II'If Rlbsequent revislonl. DO. _ElI11TRDT [AAnRIAL) melns In Irterill which. for Its tunc:- donll clnllfiCltion. hIs.n enhanced IMlof ntfc-anylna caPlClty that is ec:hlevecf br I wriety or mealur.1 n defined in thI County of Orlnp's llner.1 pI.n tr.nsportltion Ilement. EE. TOLL ROAD me.ns . hilhwl)' GPln to traffic on" upon the PI"".nt of. dUOCl IlIII or ,... Tall rood. ","II bo bulft III tile .tandardllar Iron.pa.. titian corridors Ind ffllWlys. I I I Ordinance Number /02'/0 .1 FF. TRAI'PIC IIIPROYEMENT T~ PUND IIlOIIno . Iund or ,lHs.mlnt district. MIUo.Roos lIIIIIft'Ient district. or ather benefit _nt dIIlricL OItobIllhId far IhI speelfic purpose of collectina lIid fundi .nd Improvina Intersections .nes links. GG. TRANSPORTATION COR- RIDOR me.nl . multimod.1 'lCillty, IVIntu.11y hillin, Iii or more I,nel bIIId on pojlcttd trlffic voIuma and . mtdl.n of lUfficlent width to be utIllzod In .... Iutu<o Ia. IIonsll can- lldlratlon. such n 'iud rill or hip _""'10101. Tho_1clcn1ho1l ..- lor hi'" lPIad _.nt of Vltllcul.r trlme whl" projected .....__major_lllI.,..., ~1oI. __lhoIllunctlon similar III "...,. .nd ...._. and """ _1Iy 1II1_.....bod In. .tIlI_ay.nd _.,IjI\Im. _ ...., ora dooI....d 1lI-' mininum 511te and F-.I._.. T'"""""'"tlon ~_ IIIIJ III IlIII _.. HH. TRANIPORTATION IYlTElllIlOIIIIItIlI ~.rIol. dlllnod _In, Imp_ III which ora not _Iudod _ Stol. or Fadnl 11I\I1.- _ or qlncla. II. TRANSPORTATION IYITEII lit....,.....,. PROGRAM rM." _ 0I_1red .nd>aluntory 10_ which reduce the Vlhiele aenerltion rItI or . lpeclfic u. ,. UIU of I.nd. JJ. TRAFPIC ITUDY muns I "poll on trlffic to be prePlred by I traffic enllneer licensed by the Sllle of Clliternl.. KK. UIE ANO OCCUPANCY means the occup.ncy or . structural po1lon 01. eevllogment put to the use lor which it WII intended. LL. URBAN ml.ns .11 uses which Ire not rurll, I.riculturll, estlle, apen IPKt, eonllNltion,locl1 Of reliona' park, stile' or "ltlonal p.rk, by State or Feder.1 "lul.lions or Ipneies. 1_ 5. EXEMPTIONS. The b1IowI"llnlllClmpt from thlllfO- visions af this .mendment IRd anfInance: I I A. An, uti which hll na mulUl'able ImplCt an thI SlInd.reI LIVtI of s.r- vice. 0111'I Il:MrH impact on AclequltI Slrvice LMls. Denlity llductionl whlcllllsult in no me.surable Im_t or _mpocllholl be IIIlCGIlllIOd. B, Any commercl.1 or industrl.1 dMlopntlnt whICh ha ,II of the IoIIDWinl: I ~SI floar "" lQU11 or Ie. thlll 10.000 sqUill feet: A buildable floor III' rllio fIf leu th.n D.S.lnd In .veral' d,ily trip pnerl. tion of leu then 130 dally trips; on an existillllat. C. Any faur-plexlS ar lesslI numbered multiple cfwellinp on I "1II1e allItnl loti or ex:llUna percell D. ~ llricultulll use. open spICe, _Ian end poaivo u.. portq E. Ant ..hobllllollon, .._lilli, cr IldcIltlon .hlch lQuals or is Ie. thin 50% at the existlRl squall too.... of ..lIfstlnl_ldIntlll structure, or.n .rditian which IQUlII tR lilisalliln 1Q'" .. thI..lltlrw square toomll. or' 10.000 IQUIII ,.. whicNvlf' Is Ins, of 01' ...... 1INctuftI, F. Ant rebulldl". of an alltl"l __nt __ ordoma,ecf by ... Dr Ulufll dill. if uses, and _'-_nlUb'lInti.l~llIe -, G. Focllilill pnwidld III .....clthe hIoltll.nd .Iotyof.... _I., which ....11 be dennad . halpllofs. pall... lilt .nd ..Ioty 'ocIllU. .nd _'; H. PIIbllc benefitlecililies. oIUch Iholl III donnod n public IUlIIrIo.. public Idminlstrltian flCllilies. DUbUc utllltln. and re'l8Ious facllltlel: I. Any structure appurtenant to ,an IIIstinlltruclull. ar Iny minor altera- tierl In connection with In ulltinl 1lnIClu,", _n .. IIIPU!NTATION. A. Upon the ""ctive date of this in- RIoIIvo. .... _II' pl.n 01 till City .....1 be doomed III be omondId to ...n. IIln IhnI concepta and enforced .. IUCh br the City. Where the Inlt'..1vI 11 In ...nIlict wltll_. upocII 0I1hI CIty'. 2anlne CadI or _ crdl....... and _Iollon.. tII. fInn. 01 tIli. IIIIIftdment Ind ardlnance ",.11 .....11 _ IUCh _ .noctmonlS. Tho City ...11 w1t1lln 011161 mantll. IIlII.1hI1Dl oItIlI......ol pl.. .nd _ crdlnon..... _111co11y .....ct till ~.1onI 01 tills am.ndment.nd crdlnane.. 8. In ....Inllrlm. _1apmInl not _lid _In _III .ppravod I' till City .dapII 'Indln.. lhol .Id llM_ntlll... _lInlwltlltlll pnll'lsIont of this amendment and annunel. 1..llon 7: AIIENDIIENT OR IlEPUL A. this amendment and ordin.net ina1 bI .mlnded or repealed only by a malority af Iht votl" at . pn,"1 IIKtlan. _ .. Il!VEllAIIILITY. A. If .nr section. subsection, part, IIbport. po....ph. cI.... or ptuoSl 0' ~Is amendment and ordinance. Clf'lny ImIndm.nt Ind ardiRlnce or ltVision of thll amendmlnt.nd ordinance il far any ruson held to be InYllid Of un. CDf'Gtltutional; the IImlinina ItClions, subsectians, parts, lubplrts. per..,.p/lI. eI....... or ph..... "'.11 not be 011_. bullhollremoln In lull fare. and_. MAY 18, I. PUlUSHEO IN SEAL BEACH '.: .lQlIIINAL