HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Ord 1220 1986-04-14 " I ,I I ORDINANCE NO.~;?o?O AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH GRANTING A PIPELINE FRANCHISE TO EXXON AND TEXACO, INC" JOINTLY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City Council hereby grants a franchise to Exxon, a New Jersey corporation, and Texaco, Inc., a Delaware corporation, jointly, to lay or construct from time to time, and to maintain, operate, renew, repair, change the size of, remove or abandon in place pipes and pipelines for the collection, transportation or distribution of oil, gas, gaso- line, petroleum, wet gas, hydrocarbon substances, water, waste water, mud, steam and other liquid substances which are not more hazardous than the aforementioned substances, together with all manholes, valves, appurtenances and service connec- tions necessary or convenient for the operation of said pipes or pipelines including conduits, cathodic protection devices, wires, cables and other appurtenances necessary or convenient for the exercise of the Franchisee's business, in, under, along or across any and all streets within the City of Seal Beach, Section 2. The franchisee may not install or operate any facilities in any public street, highway, road, alley or other public place without the prior approval by Resolution of the City Council, Section 3, This franch~~ ~ granted upon the terms and conditions of Ordinance No. 0, which is incorporated herein by this reference. C/J/!'CED, , APPROVED AND ADOPTED thiS/6~ day of , 1985, ~'.u...LL(Q ~~_^) o o~Yor--Y . . .#:0\ Of .~!.~! IJ~;, ~ ~ ..1'oo'OI1~';;'V~ c.i ,p,~ "0\'So 'f1!~'i{l . . O' 0<( ~.~o o.i~ ,,, ..~ .,..o~ ~,:t-^,....o"t. ~"'.. ',0 .1"'....<1"'.. 27. ~ ''111. ~ ..... ,to\; ."" OUNrt' ' Ordi nance Number /~:ze, STATE OF CALIroRNIA ) CXXlNl'l1' OF 0IWa: ) 55 CITY OF SFAL BEI\CH ) I, Joanne M. Yea, City Clerk of the City of Seal Beach, California, do hereby certify that the foregoillJ ordinance is the original copy of Ordinance Number /07.:20 on file in ~;/office of~ City~erk' introduced at a ~ held on the .2'1.:.. day of (L4dA(f- _ ' 19~86' passed, approved am adopted by the City Cowx:10/9f Ci of 8ej:ll Beach at a tillJ thereof held on the / ~ day of /(', ,19 bythefol': ~ ' , ' AYES: Counci NJES: Cow1c . ABSml': Cowx:iJJ1anbers am do hereby further certify that Ordinance Number /;?,;2e; has been published pursuant to the Seal Beach City Charter am Resolution Number 2836. r.. I I I I I I Ordinance Number ~~~~ PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Orange I am a citizen of the United States and a. resident ot the County aioresaid; I am over the age of eighteen years. and not a party to or interested in the above.entitled roatter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the SIl:AL BEACH JOL:lU';AL .................................................... .................................................... a newspaper ot general circulation, printed and published ..,,~,~~X....................... in the City of .Jit;AL~IlM!\................ County of Orange, and which news- paper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Orange, State of California, under the date of.P.llS:..... 19 .II.,?, Case Number .A~g;;.t:;~......; that the notice, ot which the .annexed is a printed copy (set in type not 'smaller than nonpareil). has been published in each regular and entire issue ot said newspaper and not In any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: ~larch 5th. .................................................... all in the year 19..ell.. I certify (or declare) under penalty of . perjury that the foregoing Is true and correct. Dated at. .~~!1:!..!J.<<;~.~~...,."...,............ Free cople.o' 11111 blank form me, "..oeurld from: CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPER SERVICE BUREAU. INC. Legal Advertising Clearing House 120 West Second St.. Los Angeles. Calif. 90012 Telephone: /2131625.2541 Plu.. r..u..' GEN E RAL Pho' 01 ".,bllcallon wilen orderln. 'hll form. This space is tor the County Clerk's Filing Stamp Proof of Publication of NOTICE OF HiTI~JliTI01', TO GlIANT FRAli'CI:ISE ...............:............................................. .......................................................... Paste Clipping of Notice SECURELY In This Space NOTICE OF INTENTION TO I GRANT FRANCHISE "NOTICE IS HEREBV GIVEN thl' ," Eixon. i New Jersey corpomlOR. 'and Texaco, Inc.. 8 Delaware corporation. have to1ntly flied an application With ... the City Council of the City of Seal . BNCh requestllJl thM Jald CIIl Coon- i cilwlnt to them JOintly 8 frlnc:hlS!' for I . perIOd of 25 years from and after the \ date upon which the franchise shill become effectIVe, to lay or construct i frombmetDtlmell1dtooperatl!,main- . tal", renew. repair, chan&! the Size of. remove or IbIndon In place PIpes and ~ Pipelines for the collection, tI1nspor tatlori or dlstnbutlon 01 oil. PS, ~l8sohne. petroleum, wet ps, J hycIfOCIIrbon sub$tanca. wlter. waste , water, mud. steam and other liquid : sub!itances which Ire not more " dlflaerous thin the .formentlOlled ) substances, together with all t manholes. valvl!ls, appurtenances and , service connecllons necessal)' or con- ; venient for the operation of saKi pipes ~ or pipelines. Includm. condUits. ." cathodic protection and other ap- t purteRanees. devices. Wires, cables t! necesSlry or convenient for the t GRIntee's wllness under. 8Iong IJ' any l and all stnlets wlthm tile Ctty of Seal ~ Beech. ~ "If Slid franchISe shan be ..anted to them JOinUy. Slid EIlllOIl and Texaco. , Inc.. and then 10lnt ~ssIJns. f herelnllfter designated Grantee, Will . pay to Slid City the following fees. "A In the case of ... InlIUlI..nt of franchise. or franchises which ~ . extend, ""new. or continue i preYlously ....nted fTanc:hlSl!5, a bate .....'... fee '" ......thou- und, five hundred dollars :-. . CS7.5OO' for piplf",. with. totII tenllh of ... mUe 01' more 01' seven _fl_doI,...\S7SO.OOlb' pipeline with a totIllenath of less than '4 mile ShIll be paid within thirty (30) dIys. 8fter the council adapts the onhnance IfIntlna. ex- tending, renewina 01' continuing the frlnchise and PfIOl' to SIP'"I the wnllen ICceptance of the frln- - chlse pursuant to Section 168-6 of Ole Seal Boodl CIty Code. If at.., time dunna the first five (5) years foIlow1". the II'Int of . bnchise, additional PlP8hne IS edded which will resuh In . tDtIl Ienllh of pipeline of VI mile or more, the seven thouSlnd fIVe hundred dollars ($7,500.00) pntina fee _I be MqU!IId .-: IfIe trme SlId _ toollge IS lidded. .... - .... . - ':8. A base ...null fit shall be pi'd within one.......... "'" (105) days .rIe, the end of elch calen- dlf ye. and dunna: the life of the fr.hchise tor IICh and every )'8Ir, Incluc:ltna: the year of grantl"l the fr.nchlse, 1CC0nhna; to the "fran- chise payment penod" IS defmed In thiS Ckdinallce, '" either of the Ionowlna .mounts, whichever IS . pater: --,;1:..'- CaJ Four percent (4%J of the IfOSS .nnual receipts of the franchIsee _Isinl from the use. operetlon, or posseSSion of the franthlse. or (bJ An Imount based upon the SIze .no I'nlth of the plpeltne Cllculated . follows. PIpI ..with .....IMI., 011......' of 0-4 inChes 6 Inches 81nc:hes 10 inches 12 inches 14 inches 16 inches J8 mches 20 Inches 22 inChes 24 Inches 26 inches 28 Inches 30 inChes A_ per U.....r Foot 12 cents 16 cents 22 cents 25 cents 30 cents 35.::ents 40 cents SO con.. 55 cents 60 con" 70 cents 75 cents BO con.. 85 cents 1hi lite applicable 10 Pipelines with an InlelNll dllmeter failing between two C2) incremental SIze categories shall PlY a fee detennined by Ilkhnl the pnce conespot1dlnl to Ute lower size 10 .1ifpJ~ compur.;t tr.t multlplyl"l the dffference between the hCfle; .rd lower price times the "multipher .. The "mulbplier" sh.1I be detennmed by dividing thP dlfftnlnce between the two (2' size calegones. In detennlnlng ~e number of feet of pipeline upon which the II'll'l.lal fee will be axnputed, the.-eatest number Of feet of plpehne Covered by the franchise dunng the calendar ,.. for whldt payment IS due will be used. A penalty II the rate of ten percent nO%) per month or frac bon Ihnat beyond the payment date sh.II be c:hI.d, but In no evIlnt shall said penllly exceed fIfty percent (SO'Io). ''C. The holder of'the franchise shall PlY lithe tune 01 Installation, reloclllon, or rePlacement of .ny PiPeline cr other factllty covered by the FranchlS8. a base conStruCtIOn charp of two thousand three hun- . dred fIfty dollars ($2.350 00) for each one-half (Ik) mile of Pipeline crfntcl:lOOllpartthereoflnSbtlled, replaced or relocldBc:l on mijor Ordinance Number ~~l) '- - .... ':"I !I~lsandane"--' fiw hun: ~ _ hfty ...,... 1$1,550.001... : one-half (1I.t) mile or fracbon.1 part ; the...". an m,... streets. 0 "D. The City I8SefVeS the nlht ,,;. chanll! the base fees established hereunder at any ti..-1Iter the ef.. fectM!! dele of the ordinance ...... tinl.lranch.... but"" tiose -J applicable to Iny one franchise may only be chiI"I'!d two (2) times dunn. the life of thlt PlrbCular.. !ranchISl: : "E, The amaunt of eech _ fee provtded undw A and C shall bI' I1!VIsed at the time payment is due t hereunder In accantance with the' . foUOWlnl fonnUJI: ~ "I. If ninety I90J days priCl' to",j the dIte on wINch payment framllJ, the fnInchlse hoJder Shall be due 1 the Consumer Pnce Index, for .11 . Urtlan eon......... Los Anlllle...., lonl Beach-Anaheim. ',n, (1967 ....1s 100 01 p,,_" by ,he Unoted Slalas Bu..... 0/ ~ labor StatistiCS, Department of- labor. sIIall stand It a level dl'.-: ferent than the "base level" (as'" de'med _'"liter) then the rall:J of payment to the City shill vary: from the herelniilbove iWnOUnts in direct proportion as Slid Index . has increased or decreased from "'!. the..be......,....-.......ofJ . the purposes of :hIS section shall be the Jevel of the Index on December 31. 1". o. "2. If said Bureau shill i discontinue the Prepal8bon ot~ said Consumer Pnce Index USlnl J priees pl'eVlJlina durin. the year . . 1967 ".1'" _.of lOll, and W:, :- -no lfiiisposibOn table Prwplnld" by Slid Bwuu " lIWIilabte In . which is applICable to said year,:' 1967, then the amount of uc:h:; annual payment shall be com-' PUled by usml the most nearly'; comparable SUccessor mde. I ~~, ' "3. In no event shall any fee less thin the bIse fees establISh. ed by ...-. A and C be charged. "The Cfty Council of the CIty at Sell Beach proposes to Jf8nI said franchise for a penod to 25 years from and after the date upon winch the franchise shall become effecbye. surrendered or an- doned by tile Granlee. or until the Stale or some mUnicipal or public cor" pcnt:1an t~':;LInm ctuly authorl.zed bJ . law shall pure"ase ~ votuntary awee- . men! or shall concIemn and take under., ttte power of emment domam all pro- " pert)' actually used and useful In the !Xel'Cise of such frlnchlse and SItuated . w,thln the lemtoflll hmlll of the State, l1UnlClpal, or public corporation pur :haslng or condemn'ng such property, JI' until such fnInchlse IS forfeited far' 10ncompl18nce With its terms by 3rantee "NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN lhat tfIe Grantee of Slid frinchlse shall file a bond, With a corporate surety authorized 10 conduct a surety buSlnesa m the Stale of Californll, and in a form approved ~ the City Attorney "" the City <II SeaI_h, In \he penal sum 0' Ten Thousand Dollars 1$10.000 001. condllioned tha, \he Gtlntee shall well and truly ableI'Ve, fulfill. and perform each IIIrm Iftd con- dlbon of sad franchise and thIt In case ot any breach of conchtlon or Slid bond, the lImOUnt at the penal sum them rwned shall be rlCCWlrable from the principal and surety upon said 1 bond, SaKl_ "'all be flied with \he City Clerk Wlttun'lVe (5) d.ys after the -_oflheanflll8llCOlPntin11" said fnlnChI_; and " SlieI bond is not filed, or If it does not nlC81V1 the ap... ptOvaI of the City Atlamey, U1d Iran- chisemaybtrefuJedorfDrfeited.nd" any money paid" _,CI., in cannec. , bon "'-ith shall be ....ined by the.~ City. TheGrantlewill abobe required to dIIIln Insurance . pnMdecIlft See- lion 16B.l0 of the Sui Beach CIIr Code; -:" ~. M '\..... . .. t4 , ~. "NOTICE IS FURlHER GIVEN.1IIIt ~ any and all persons hlVinl'ny cbjec::'. !ion to the ..ntln. of said franchise . may appear before thl CIty Council m ~ the Council Qlambers located It ~~ Seal Beech Cily Hall. 211 EIghth St:...;, Seal BeEh. C.li1omia. at 7:00 p.m. an Man:h 24. 1986 and be heenll thereon;.nd lit IJ!fI time not Iatertlllll' the...... set ""....,. ab)OCllans, 0l1J person Interested m., mike wntten protBst slltll'll obJtCtlOnS IIIlnsl the... II'Intfnl at Slid frlnchise, which pro-t . .... muot be slgn4d by \he p_nt .nd be c1eh_ lD the CIly Clerk 0I'! said City. The C,tJ' Council at the tlme:1 SIt tor heanrw said ab;ections sh'lI;'1 proceed ID heir and pes upon all pro..... : tests so I"ft8de. 0> "For further partlcul.., '"'"- ~ * hereby made to Slid application whICh ii iSCl'lfileintheOfficedtheCityClertc, ~ and also to the raolubon adopted bf Slid City Counell on the 24th day of " ':'ebruary, 1986, c*lanl'lllls Intllnb:Jn ";J PI pant said franchise.. . : ~ 'DATED, FEBRUARY 25. 1986 ~ Joanne M. Yea. City Clerk To ::ity of Seal Beach .). Man:h S, 1986 ."' Publlshedlf1 the Seal YMc:h Jou'!!.I.li I I I 1 'I I Ordi nance Number /.;?::t..O PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P,) STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Orange I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen yei!rs. and not a.party to or Interested In the above-entitled matter, , am the principal clerk of the printer of the SEAL BEACH JOURNAL .................................................... .................................................... a ne~spaper of general circulation. printed and published ..!.':!~~.~....................... in the City of .................................. County of Orange. and which news. . paper has been adjudged a newspal'er of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Orange. State of California. under the date of.I}.~\l.,... 19 .~7., Case Number .~~.~~,~;S.,....; that the notice, "f which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not 'smaller than nonpareil). has bee" published In each regular and entire Issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: ...........~J!~~.~..~~~............................ all in the year 19..~~. , certify (or declare) under penalty of perlury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at. ~'l!'.L~!',l!!=.I}.... ............. ........ 19.M. F.... e..... of '"ls 1I'.nll f.'1II "IY" IHurN 'rem: CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPER SERVICE BUREAU.INC, Legal Advertising Clearing House 120 West Second S,"" Los Angeles, Calif. 90012 Telephone: (2131625-2541 1'1.........v... GIINeRAl.........' Publlc.t'an w..... .rd,rl.. 'hit fa'nI. This space Is for the County Clerk's Filing Stamp Proof of Publication of Smi:.jAHY - ORDl1\A1\CE l"m:!mR 1220 .......................................................... .......................................................... Paste Clipping of Notice SECURELY 'n This Space " 8U1111ARV. _ANCE . ,NUIlIlER 1120 ClIIANTINO FRAN. ICHISE . EXXON AND TEXACO. I ' liliO" JOllnv I OIdIRanee Number 1220 of the CIty of ,SuI Beech, c.JifDm.., IFIIJbna' . ,pipeline franchise to Exxon. ,nd Tex- ,leO, Inc., JOintly, within the City of Sell Beach, WIS introduced It the !rer:oular City Council meet1na: of March !24, 1986. First rudtna; of Ordinance ~Number 1220 WIIS IPProved by the :""-Iowlnl vote: . AYES: Brow..II. Clift. GlpS, t RIsne<, WiI... . I NOES: None Mabon Clrried \'OnIinance Number 1220 will lKeive IICOnd reIChns and be conSidered far tldoptJon at the rqular City Cauncll j.meetJna: of Apnl 14, 1986. Copies of rDrdinanct!l Number 1220 Ire alI.nable ..in the office at the City Clerk, City HIli, .211 - 8th Stree.. Seel B..ch. rtelephone (213) 431-2527. i DATED THIS 281h. day of 1I.n:h. 11986. ,Jaon.. II. Voo, City CIork . 'OilY of Sell IIach rApril, 2, 1986 !PUblished In the SuI Belch Joum.l. Ordinance Number ,,~ PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Orange I am a citizen of Ihe United Slates and a residenl of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or Interested in the above.entitled malter, I am the principal clerk of the printer of the Sl';,\L U:':'\C:! JCU!/r-AL .................................................... .................................................... a newspaper of general circulation. printed and published ..1fAek1y....................... . Seal "each In the City of .................................. County of Orange. and which news- paper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulalion by the Superior Court of the County of Orange, Slate of California, under Ihe dale of.. p.\!$;.., 19 ,'?'J., Case Number .M~Q~:'......; that Ihe notice, of which Ihe annexed is a printed copy (set in type not 'smaller Ihan nonpareil), has been publiShed In each regular and entire Issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on Ihe following dates, to.wit: April 23rd. .................................................... all in the year 19. .lift, I certify 'lor declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Is true and correct, Dated at. ...~~.~~.. :~~:~~.~....:........... ....... ~~::~~7~~!f1)?!f);/Ji5..~~. (lJ. .I,.?p ~ignatu~~l Free Clpies of 'hlS bl~nk lorm m., be secured Ir....: CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPER SERVICE BUREAU. INC. Legal Advertising Clearing House 120 Wesl Second Sh. Los Angeles, CallI. 90012 Telephone: 12131625.2541 PlU.1: reave.. GENERAL Pto.' of Pullllc.tton when .,dfltnll nUl torm. This space Is for the County Clerk's Filing Stamp I Proof of Publication of S\.i)CiARY - ORDIN_\NCE l\'l.;'):B~~11 1~20 GRANTING .......................................................... " FrlANCHI.5E EJOCON A',D Tt:X,\CO INC ...' JOINTLY .......................................................... Paste Clipping of Notice SECURELY In This Space ->' '\l eu.wIY._ ._j _111I .. GRAIITIIG FR.ANClI_ :. IllllCIIl AND TIllACGINC:, _lLY " " ., O_NumborI220alllIo/:ftral . SuI _, Clh""""'. IJOI!tii.a 19 pipeline frlnchill to EDon and TU: 1. _ Inc.. joIn11r. wlllin IlIo Cillf '01 I 'SIlII Belch. I'ICeivBd IICCInd rudIn, ond _ IdapbId lIIllllo ...."" Citil'" CcuncilmoolinlalAprlI14.1986bJ_ 1lIo1al1awi..._ j AYES, l_neII. CUll. 0_'1 Ri_" Wi.... f NOES, _ MaliOn CIIriOd _a1On1JnmaoN...bor 1220.. .....111I:I11 In tMoffIceof thee,," Cllrtl,' ~ CI1r Hili. 211 . 8IIl S-. _ . Bach, .......... 12131 431-2527, . DATEDTlIIS 161l".,oIAp\1.1986, ~ J.....M,Y."CitrCIort<. "~ Cillfol_ _ I April 23. 1986 ' Publlshod in \lie _ __, - i I I