HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Ord 1190 1985-06-25 ORDINANCE NUMBER /Itt() AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH. CALIFORNIA. AMENDING CHAPTER 13 A~TICLE XII OF THE SEAL BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO PARKING PERMIT FEES THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: I Section 1. Chapter 13. Article XII. Section 13-13l(b) of the Code of the City of Seal Beach. California is hereby amended to read as follows: (b) If a permittee loses. surrenders or destroys an unexpired parking permit issued under this article for a certain vehicle. he may obtain another permit for the same vehicle for the unexpired term or a permit for a substituted vehicle for the unexpired term upon the payment of a fee equal to the fee charged for the purchase of a new permit. and under the requirements as stated in Section 13-126 of this Code. Section 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be published as required by law and the same shall take effect as provided by law. PASSED. APPROVED AND of Sea 1 Beacp,. Ca 1 ifo on the .25 _ day of PTED by the City Council of the City ni . at a regular adjourned meeting thereof held . 1985. I ATTEST: gf:k' /J}) (~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF SEAL BEACH ) I. Joanne M. Yeo, City Clerk of the City of Seal Beach. California. do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance is the original co . f Ordinance Number JJfjl':) on file in the office. of the Ci y lerk. introduced at a meeting held on the ~~ day of . 1985. and p d. approved and adopted by the Cit Council of~be City of Beach at a regular adjourned meeting held on the .:2~~ day of , 1985 by the following vote: thereof AYES: Councilmembers .~ NOES: Councilmembers I ABSENT: Counci 1 members and do hereby further certify t at Ordinance Number ;l1~() has been published pursuant to the Seal Beach City Charter and Resolution Number 2836. Q.6'....1Ji i Y Clerk ~ I Qrdinance r:umber 1/90 PR..F .F 'UILICATI.N 12115.5 C.C,P,I S-A':'E OF CALIFORNIA. County of Orange I am a citi:en of the United States and a res:de.,t of tile County aforesaid: I am e...er tile age of e:;hteen fears. and not a party !'O or ;r.teres!ed in the above.en';t~ed I"/'!atter I am tPle princ:pal clerk of the pr:nter of tPle :. ThE' SC'."lll ;Jecch .................................................... .................................................... a newspaper of ge~.eral circulation. pr:n!ed ",eklv and pubr:sP,ed .........,....:................... . , , Seal Bench In the City of ,.....................,........... County of Orange. and which news. paper has been adi...d;ed a newspaper of general 'circulation by the Superior Court .f the County of Orange. State of California. under the date of.. Rf~... 19 .~?. . , .\E'283 Case Number,...............; tl':at the notice. .;;f wPlicl1 the annexed is a printed copy lset in 'ype not smaller '''an nO/'lpareil1. has bee' publislled in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supp~e""ent tPlereof on the following dates. to.Nit: Jur.e .................................................... all in tPle year 19.~;;... I certify (or declare) under per.aity of periury that the foregoi/'lg is true a/'ld correct, Dated at... ~.~!l.~ ..~!!:-. ~.~..~ ?~~,~ ~.~........... California, thi5...~~....day od~r:'.~.. 19~.~.. .................. "'sig;"~t~'~." II 0........... 00 o. ,..... c..... 0' "'.1 .:Ifllk '.rfft fltl,.. s.c...." ,'....: CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPER SERVICE BUREAU. INC. Lega' Advertising Cearing House '20 Well konO S.... Los A/'lge!es. Calif, 90012 . Telepllone: 12'31 625.25.' ~'.... 'M"'." CI.... .aL """"f ."t':url'" .fll." .....,.". 'fillt f.rM. TPliS space is for tP,. County C:erk's Filing Sta",p tI I PrOOf of P"bl'cation of Sum~ary - Ordinance Number 1190 _ .......................................................... J'arkinp: permits - 1st reRding .......................................................... Pas!e Clipping of ~otice SECURELY !n -n..s Space _._- 1t.P_~_ ORIinR:e_l190or....Cilyaf Seal IIooC!I. CoII_, ooiindllll Cho,*, Waf.... Codo 01.... CiIy 01 -1NIoiil._11...... tlIo.,. Iar lost,..... ._!!li..4.-.......... p.nnll..... ......110 c:l....alar.... ~"....pnIiI, ..1IiId. III at .... ..... CItr Ccamc,' ........ a1~IIOIO"I!I85.FiISl_'..aflJF. dl_Nu_II90__ br...._.._ AYES, _noli. Clift. 0_ R..... WlI.. NOES,_ __ Onlll\ll'lC8 NumbIr 1190 willlKlln. socand _1........_1ar IdapIIan at .... ...... CUr CauclI _..01 ~IIO 24,1985. COplesaf 0nI1nonca N_l190..__. inU._a1u.CilyCloltl,CItrHolI. 211 - 111I StnoI. SoIl B_h; to........ 12131431-2527. . . DATEDTHISl3lll...,a1.......19BS. - JoInnoM.'...CilyC.... Cltr or Sol' _ JulIO 19. 1985 ' __In tho _ _h .Iou...... . I I I I I Ordi nance rlum~er 1190 PROu; Ur I'lI.Lle" (IUH 12015.5 C.C.P.I SiATE OF CALlFORNiA, County of Orange I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; lam over the age of eighteen ye~rs. and not a ,party to or interested in the above:entitled matter. 1 am the principal clerk of the printer of the Seal 3each Journal .................................................... .................................................... a ne~spaper of general circulation. printed . weekly and published .................................... . . Seal Beach In the City of .................................. County of Orange, and which news- paper has been adjudged a newspal'er of genera' circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Orange. State of California. under the date of.q,,; ,.... 19 ~.lL Case Number .^l}*:?!l.~......; that the notice. .Jf which the annexed is a printed copy lset in type not 'smaller than nonpareil). has bee:, published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates. to. wit: J . . .' uly :5 .................................................... all in the year 19..!!;;.. I certify (or declare) under penalty of !'e,.jury t"at t"e foregoing is true and correct. Dated ,at _.. ~.~'.~. ~~n~.h... , 1" . Cal'f . . , ' I f 10fl, I. ..... r ! I I . ........... 1 Y,,; '985 . 'r:' 'I ..... .'.'...'........ II'rH co,... of 'flil blanlll form '"n .. Mcured 're...: CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPER SERVICE BUREAU. INC. Legal Advertising Clearing House 120 We" Second 51.. Los Angeles. Calif, 90012 Telephone: (213) 825.2541 "I.... retlu.If oe".."L ......'.f lIultlicaflOll ....n .r..rin. "tll f.r.... This space is for tne County Clerk's Filing Stamp l/ Proof of Publication of Summary - Or(linan~l! n"mhl!r 1190 .......................................................... Parking permits - lAdor-tionl .......................................................... Paste Clipping of Notice SECURELY In This Space . ~.~N_ tllO p_ _rr FEES Clnlinonce 1Iu_ 11900Ithe City of SIll Belch. Cllilom.., mnenchnl ~ 1301 the COde 01 the Cl\yol 5101 _h _'ith1na the ... "" IDII. ....-",-... pIIluna ponnilI..... tD 1110 III d8pd ... the pun:ra. at..... ~It. received Ie- oand 1OIIll1na'" _ edapted br the :s.a- Belch Cdr cauncll . . reaullr IIIjau!nId .-.. - - .. T.....,...... 25. 1985 br the 1oI1ow- '...- , AYt:S._',ClII1,R_, Wilton NOES, _ . AI15EIlT, Grps _........d tllapilllll__II90.. /_In 1110 alIIce 11I1110 ClIW Clerk, 'CIIJ HII1 211 - III _, 5101 i~. .....,12131431-2527. :p.t.'rEDTHIS26Ihdlrlll...ne,I98S. ._11. .,.,. Cl\y Clerk 'Cilr III $011 -, . 'AdJ 3, 1985 ._In 1110 Sull1uch .Iou......