HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRC Min 1994-05-25
'lhe Seal Beach Parks an:1 Recreation CXlnmission met in regular session on
Wednesday, May 25, 1994 in the City CXlUnCil 0Iambers. 'lhe meetinJ was called
to ~ by Olainnan Davies at 7:30 p.m. an:1 the Pledge of Allegiance was
Davies, Fi.nch, Jctmson, Watson, Whyte
Watson IIIO\/ed, Finch SElClOl'D, to <lK'Lu\le the minutes of March 23, 1994 as
written. It was unaniJtcI.Isly approved. '
1. Etlison Park - Receive public irtJut an:1 determine the CXlnmission's
z""",-",.,,,,,ldation regarding the sand volleyball oourt planned far FH;"'OI1 Park.
0Iainnan Davies opened the r'!;"'''l1c''''ion by askinJ far .........,"".ts fran members of
the audience. Speakers were given a maximum of five minutes each.
Lowell Kolb, 192 Harvard Lane, was <gXlSed to a sand volleyball oourt beinJ
placed in FH;""'1 Park. He felt that a oourt 1ItlOUl.d brinJ l\DI'e "outsiders", an:1
that l\DI'e inprovement: to the park ~d brinJ l\DI'e people. He also CCIIplained
that the parkirg was not bei..rJ;J enforced.
Bob Reince, 116 IDyola Plaza, referred to the 1985-90 Ekiison lease & License,
statinJ that the 300 feet at the sooth end of Ekiison Park, provided -1. 7
usable acres. 'lhe 24-hour access road provided entJ:y into the park, gardens,
athletic field, an:1 the cxmnercial nursery. Originally, the park consisted of
-1.5 acres of infonnal park area with picnic tables, tenporaJ:y softl:Ja.ll, etc.
He was vehemently opposed to active play areas, an:1 supported the removal of
the basketllall, volleyball, etc. He mentioned the balls that end up in his
yard. He was <gXlSed to permment poles; tenporaJ:y woold be ok.
Frank cress, 112 College Park Drive, 26 year resident, ccmmented that College
Park West was carprised of mostly uwer middle class an:1 professional people.
Fisherman park. in front of the hanes leavinJ dirty cans, etc. Sane
haneawners have left the area an:1 are rentinJ their hanes. Flood control is
used as a swim area. Parkin;J is not enforced. Graffiti - fran outsiders - is
a problem. 'lhere have been auto a=idents in the area, people drivinJ 60 trph;
a light pole, fencinJ an:1 a tree have been hit by cars. House bread-ins have
occurred. FH;=n Park iIrprovements will result in potential injuries an:1
Jim McDonald, 193 Harvard Lane, CCIIplained that the ~ playinJ at Edison
Park has brought "biker types" in to CIUise the neighbort1ood.
Dale Merxiez, 164 College Park Drive, ccmmented that the basketball oourt is in
bad shape an:1 he thooght that the rroney should be used to inprove it. He felt
that a sand volleyball oourt ~d not benefit children.
Fran Reince, 116 IDyola Place, 30 year resident, felt that rroney should be
used far gates far the security an:1 safety of the children. stated that the
basketball oourt should be upgraded.
Judy smith, 108 Loyola Place, 24 year resident, stated that undesirable people
frequent the park at night, often climbin;J walls. She carplained aboot the
lack of gates, police bein;J too hlsy, bIllets and golf balls on her p1:ope1:ty,
and the fisherman.
Lisa Qlattler, 217 Harvard lane, di'SC'I~~'3d the idea of a Tot IDt with new
equipnent (s:iJni.lar to the one at Heather Park or the Beach) where children
ltIaIld want to play. She mcplained the formation of a stearin;J Cklnmittee and a
Security ccmnittee, and their desire to upgrade the basketball court, and
their concern for lightin;J and gates. 'lhe camnittee has had several
furdraisin;J events, a giant "garage" sale at the park, a pizza sale, and
volunteers worked at the recellt lOK ron. She mcplained the physical and
psydlological benefits of a park, exercise, walkiIxJ, relaxation, stress
management, and group activities (volleyball & basketball).
Dave Sloan, 172 College Park Drive, subnitted to the camnissioners a park
sd1ematic with a moveable volleyball court, mcplai.ni.rJ;J the court ltIaIld produce
the least annmt of noise and could be placed next to the hames. A basketball
court 1r/CUld be noisier, and a Tot IDt 1<<lUld be the noisiest of all and should
be played furthest fran the hanes. He felt the only place for the volleyball
court was the location pl:oposed.
Melissa Hale, 129 Yale lane, (11 years old), stated that she has been playin;J
volleyball for two years am she and her friems need a place to practice.
'1hey have been playing in the ..L...eet, bIt they have to take down the net Wen
the cars cane by. Etlison Park 1<<lUld be a good location because they woold not
have to be driven and there are no trajor Eit...eets to cross.
Claudia Sloan, 172 College Park Drive, presented a petition with 252
signatures in favor of the pl:q..o..ed volleyball court am equipnent
Olristine Hale, 129 Yale lane, 13 year resident, stated that $3,383 has been
donated by local residents to inprove the park and that $2,349 has been
acx::umulated throogh fundraising efforts. She mentioned that the park is bein;J
used by residents and that there is a need to open the park to more people
with more uses.
Nancy Herbert, 208 Harvard lane, uses the park with 21 month old grandson.
She felt the beauty of the park should be enhanced. Is a member of the
Seaside Lions We will be donating tarIard more trees am a picnic table.
other city parks have been inproved, Etlison Park should be too.
Jeff Olrist, 161 Harvard lane, is the "security Cklnmittee". He believes that
if the park inprovements are inplemented, the residents 1<<lUld use the park to
a greater extent and ltIaIld "take the park back"!
SUzie lao, 228 Harvard Lane, discussed children's outdoor play activities
iDprove child developnent. Etlison Park is a park for all ages.
stEPJanie Snyder, 241 Harvard lane, has been drivin;J to Rossmoor Park because
of all the activities available. She has been on the cammi.ttee to inprove
Etlison Park.
, .
Jctm Ince, 140 , stated that the park needs to be upgraded. It
would increase property values.
Jctm Olrist, 161 Harvard Iane, 13 years old, plays basketball atEl:iison Park
am felt that the park I""""'Wd a volleyball ooort as well.
Harriet Cohen, 216 Harvard Iane, 28 year resident, uses park with
grardchildren. Felt that iJrprovements would increase property values.
Rene' IDrxion, 168 College Park Drive, has been active with the steering
camnittee which has p.lt in a lot of work planning the iJrprovements. She asked
that the camnission not deny the iJrprovements, I:ut deal with the problems.
Park iJtprovenents would keep the children in the neighborhood.
Neal Herbert, 208 Harvard Iane, resident since 1969,
park improvements would be great for the children.
Marina Park.
stated that the prcp:sed
His family has been using
Melissa Hale stated her father uses the park to coach soccer. She has
strained/sprained her ankle several times because of the holes in the grass.
'!he excess dirt fran the propo=d volleyball ooort could be used to level the
Frank Cross stated that he exercises every day, I:ut he doesn't disturb others.
'!he people who are in favor of the propa;ed volleyball ooort location do not
live next to the park. Fencin;J is a concern. He is not against parks.
Dale Mendez said that many children in College Park West are interested in
rollerblading, am he felt that the proposed :ilrprovements were not a positive
rove for all children. Volleyball ooort would bring adults to the park.
lady said she \oIalld like to see adults in the park!
Reinoe stated there are eight residents backing up to the park.
Kim R.1iz, 181 Yale Iane, discu""ed living in a 10000000000000ty", where animals,
children, young am old need to tolerate each other, give am take.
Canmissioner Johnson read an anonymoos letter regarding problems of a sand
volleyball ooort: maintenance, weeding, broken glass, use by non-residents,
no lights. Could volleyball be played on the grass?
Canmissioner Watson stated that College Park West is a wonierful area. She
awreciated the CCR.Irteous inplt, no sarcasm, fran the audience. She visited
the park am fOJl'Xi happy noise. Was I\m'E! OOI....ol...e.l about the noise fran the
f.ree.Iay. Had visited parKs in Mission Viejo am lake Forest.
OCIIInissioner ~ mentioned the College Park East Association am r.........,.,.erxied
a OW Association be fonned. She referred to the Open Space Conservation
Element of the General Plan am felt that there was a IprClC=.S" to get
evexything in place to meet the needs of everyone.
Canmissioner Finch was conoerned about the security problems. '!he newspapers
could be used to create neighborhood awareness.
. .
Man in audience suggested that residents need to be allowed to raise height of
oamdssicner Johnson said &he had visited the park an:! liked the 1"-"l<l6ed
location of the volleyball coort because of the b.1ffer of trees.
Di9C'l"'l'ion continued between OamIi.ssioners an:! audience . . .
Fird111lCMld, Watson second, to rc...............'ld to city OcAmcil to approve the sand
volleyball coort plaoemeJlt as I"--mted. It was UI'IaJ1inD.Isly awroved.
Qlairman Davies also stated that the ClamIission 1o.U1ld E!llClOOI"!lge the City
QUcl.l to have the Police Department deal mre effectively with the security
prcbleDs at the park.
At ':35 PM the ChaiZ'lllln edjournec:l the _eting until ':45 PM.
At ':47 PM the Cheirlllln called the _etin9 to order.
It vas moved that the cammission approve the final draft of
the .policies and Procedures Governin9 the Reaervation of
city Parks and Athletic Fields and the Rules Governin9 Their
Use" and that the dOCllllent be referred to the city council
vith the request that the dOC\lllent be adopted and
impUmented. Whyte/Watson. Approved 5-0.
At the request of the commission, the Director bas included
tha remaining .eeting dates for the balance of the year:
July 27. September 27, November 30 (5th Wednesday).
Whyte requested tbat staff keep commissioners advised
regarding activities that are to occur in their respective
In response to an in9uiry from Whyte. tbe Director advised
that tbe upper level of glass windows at tbe Marina Center
is being considered for replacement or modification to
reduce the likelybood of them spraying 91a.. during an
earthquake. It is boped that the upg'rede can be budgeted
for '4-'5.
Whyte .oved that the followin9 appoint.ents to tbe Founders
Day committee be ratified. Dance Chairper80n - Dar Brown,
CO-Chairs of Fund Rai.ing - Stan Anderson and Perry Watson.
Whyte/Jobnson. Approved 5-0.
Whyte moved that the Recreation Element of the General Plan
be updated by etaff. Whyte/ Approved 5-0.
Keeting adjourned at ':25 PM
Respectfully SUbmitted,
Vicki Sbirley
Executive Secretary
Parks end Recreation