HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRC Min 1955-06-07
JUDe 1 JlloettDG Sscl S'llClb RocI'Ont1oD Co:nJi11ttoo ! ~
"_bon pl'OSGAta Little, Ooohlool1, Stl'Otboro, Do Oa401001'
,).--:uosto t)l'oaent. I"lr. Butord Buob, fl.eol'saUonnl Opeolalll3t, fltBto
Dr. Val B. Sno04, Aot~ l3eorotfU7'
or enur.
1. Tenuro ot 0"100. Doo16.e4 ~ lot el~ 1'o1lOtflQ/; rGoulto
3 7001' tOJlil1----Hl"o. DoDadoloOi'
3 YOOJ" t0I'1l1---1b>. OoobiOOQ ,
2 fOOl" tom----!.ir. L2.ttlo
:it roar tom---I:1a>o. S flrotbol'liI
I 10ar tom----tIJi. !1owlooD '
2. OItOrGtlUT ltlot.NOto4 to ooatoot [~. :ionlDOA ana 1nquil'O no to hJ,o
avnUoblllqr to sorve. If' ho 10 unablo to tll!ll'VE'l, the oOlil!:J1ttoo
l'ooO:!l!ilE)l'ldo4 tho QP~1I:ltc1QDtI of iW. Val 8Doot to oorvo tho WiQ3!)1i'Q4
poJ.Otlca of 1'110 t1oG.
.3. Eleotion of Qffloora. UrulQl!.1')Wl fur- tho tolloP1as'
Cho.il'Can----~1'. GoobloOQ
V. C!:1tdr.----~o. 5tl'OthorlJ
Appolntod Soo.----nr. Val Gneod
4. SOONtBl"y aab:04 b7 tho ccr.am1ttoo to Bonli 0. lottelP to the City
Counoll tor thelr offloial appoln~~Dt.
s. BnOtf.'10lo r'Jo:nbGl"O
a.. Copy of' P1inutoo to oaoh and n,tlt'1cQtion of llSOotlna t.lmo and.
b. E: unonit.!ous doois1on it: is l'Ooo\ll:!;on4ad that t bo City C'Junol1
Clpt)O:l.nt ox off'io1o lI\OIIlboro fl'0:ll fltw Ust of R'~iblo8 1ft tbel
nowly anacted ordlnanca.
6. Rootlnzo.
:Firat aonday of el1cb ll10Ath ll1th n spaolal lD~Gt1.ng to be oallod 'b1
tbQ oht\1rma.n but wlth at bast 24 hOlU'e notice to 011 oenOOI'D04.
7. Rooommon404 budgot 4tsOWlsod with tlnnl Q,PPl'01I'a1 at opeolalllulotlDQ
Friday A.R. JW'1O 10.
Q. Saluloo
Dlrect01" (yellr17)
b. Sl1ppUoo
nlso. (point, janitorlnl, etc.)
o. r'lu11cUn3 :ialntoDa.Gllo
( lo.bor. oto.)
d. How oOl1atructton Clnd lopro".
rEloOllltil.Qn4 LISe ot oOl'nol' loto
at Sth ana Centl'al,
plant lamul snell opl'iaklers with
oivio groups to p1aet treos ate.
'iotal Su.dgot
- T
" \
~e~eral recommonded program.
I \
\.APplt1elJl to summer only for t1:oe being.
A. Pro,"ram should Include all age ~rol1'Ps with the oenter to be opened
specltied mornings tor older age .1rOUps tor their activities suoh
as shuttle board, checkers etc. This reters to adult age groups.
B. RecOllIIllEInd clcsing the center Sundays and ,Mondays.
C. Hire trained assistants to help the direotor in the dummsr months.
A good souro~ tor this help being sohool teftchers, the military at
D. Should be 'a wonan asslstant tor thlll ct1rls.
lll. Pro:;raPl!lling should be o.f.fered at the ditferent aae levels and
with tbe aotiv1ties restriotod to the age group ooheduled with
absolutoly no rre~ run of the premises by ~ge B1'OUPS not
F. Well planned'soclal ,rozrsm for the teen age gr'oup with de-
.finite plan as to day and hours tor tbe event.
G. Secure reliable voluntoer leaders tor special actIvities and
especially crafts of all kinds.
H. Recommended age u,roup8' D1vided into grades as ot ~ 1.
3x'd and 4-th graaas
5th and 6tb 7,rades
7th ond 8th zrndea
high school
, .
I. Rules r.1ust be. drawn up by each [",roup for that ~roup to abide by an
tho rules strictly adhered to.
J. Development of the corneD at etb and Central foraotlvitleo
such as shuffle board etc. The area to be planted and s~ri~-
leI'S put In. TheD the looal oivic groups ,to plant trees,
flowers etc.
K. Su~est name be changed from youth canter to co~unity center.