HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRC Min 1955-03-28 -.;- Jj~- TIIIRD MEETING SEAL BEACH RJ,;CRI::ATION COMIflIS5ION CITY COUNCIL CHA~naERS f.10NDAY. MARCH 28, 19.$5 ~ombers Present: Guest: City Representativel 1. BUSINESS A. Ordinanoe Establishing COlIIIDiss1on 1. COP7 ot ordinance reoommended by State read with ohanges noted for reoolllll1endation ot Mr. Bush. De Sadeleer. Morrison. Gochiooa Mr. Buford Bush. Reoreation Speoialist, state of Calitarnia Recreation Commission. John Toups 'j' 2. Ordinance approved with ohangeB noted and Mr. Toups instructed to give to City Council for first reading. 3. Members ot Colllll11ss1on telt that section dealing with local school participation should be lett a8 a part ot ordinance in hope that school authorities would later incorporate their planning with those ot the City. B. ProgrAmming ot local recreation - Long range - 25 year plan 1. Opening remarks by 141'. Bush a) Local Youth Center location is a poor one. It is also too small. Center should never be looated in a residential district because ot the confliot it causes. b) City should acquire a large area tor a recreation area, ten to f1fteen acros. 1) School area is po.rt of area Mr. Bush was thinking of. Seven to eight acres adjacent to the school would be excellent. 2) With an expected population of ten to 12 thousand people. this is a minimum. 3) Suggests City acquire three to tour acres ot school area to expand as a City Park at City expense. 4-) Areas recommendod are in addition to the beach area. 2. Suggested program by Mr. Bush. A. Certain restrictions must be made and oarried out by Recreational Director. 1) Eliminate the tree flow of partioipants daily. 2) Special attention should be paid to age groups, with the area restricted to each age group at specified times. a) A~e Grouping S~stOd 6-lZ, lJ '" 1.4. een-agers over 14. Str1ct adherence to. b) 3) Restrict'area to special interests at specified times. ,. 4) R!,strlct area to special day groups. b) Volunteer leadership must be secured to oarry on oertain interests for 6 week periods. c) Should be partioular activities tor partioular nights, mornings and afternoons with emphasis on 8.6e groups. d) Give each child the opportunity to do what he wishes. Let them deoide as a group. e) Make of tort to aoquire use ot gym. t) Set of self' government in each age group with committees such as tinanoe to plan tinancing of' such things as chartered buses tor tronspor- tl1tion eto. 1) 2) 3) 4) II City owned bus tor kids/not good. F'nancInr, unprotitable for CIty. Use school buses or charters better. No insuranoe or driver problems with these. Should have release slips signed by parents for trips. Segregation 1) Mr. Bush asked it wished to serve the group who dosires activ- ites or the toot-loose, street running group. Board desired to accomodate both. 2) Ago groups with special emphasis on interests best policy. Leadership and progralllll11ng ar.e the two moat important tac tors in a recreation progrsm. 1) Programming should not allow eree run ot the faoill ty by all ago aroup. 2) 1-2 afternoons during sU1IIll18r tor elementAry ages 12 and under .$.2 kindergarten age. 3) Should be orgonized activities with voluntary leadership for each a otlvlty. 4) \-1111 require eduoation ot kids by leaders that a tree run ot the tacility no longer exists. . . . -. , : ;5) .I \ 6) 7) Evenings tor kids l3-llj.'with a program selectod by them and again volunteer leaders. Encourage select10n ot name tor their group. and draw up constitution and by-laws to guido. Everyone in age (;l'OUp autOl.'l1ll.tlc member as long as he contorms to rules and regulations enacted by group. Older teen-age group a) Under present oircumstances in Seal Beach, this group will be much harder to pull together ao a well organized group. b) Rules must be drawn up for group to abide by. Muet be rules that leaders and c1tizens alike abide by so that leaders can cite reasons for ab1ding to. 0) Rules should be established before undertaking any particu- lar event with this group. If intrac tion occurs, should be acted on by group. d) Strong leaders 1s the key vi th these kids. e) Determine interosts ot the group. Program what they want to do. Then determine how to accomplish. t) g) Kids find much more tun in group fUnctions. Control ot this group should be by sU8sestion rather than order. This takes a hi8hly skilled leader, a real psychologist. h) Signing in ar.d out is a very good oontrol of attendance,. I aa for it. i) Board II1UBt control Director. out job. 8h-':-l.U ~_'*' jc.h clenllP~'61e& for the Direotor and program. T_f_.l.....,......!... u; . .~...._ .Lr _-1__ . Gives him incentive to carry suggested v-\ .. --. 6) Planning should be on a lons term bas1s h) Change n.&me from Youth Centor to COlllll1unity Center. i) Aotivities also specif1ally for boys, also activities tor girls. j) Speoial events during year, such as "Kite Day","Marble Day" Chuck Wagon Day, etc., ~lso tOurnAments. B. Adul t Recl'ea tion 1) 2) ~~ Folk danoe group Shuttle board courts Hobby crafts Open Community Centor 1 day week or mornings for checkers, shuttle board on basket ball court, cards etc for older people. 'C. Direotors wages should be on a monthly basis. D. Next meeting with Mr. Bush to discuos finanoing, Jfa:KJIR April 18th at 7:30 p.m. at 519 Ocean Avenue