HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRC Min 1956-01-12 , r-" , . ,~, ~^L ~EACF ~~C~F.~TION ~OW'I~qIn~ MEF.TING OF J/.N. 12,L956,CITY Hl-LL ~mERS PRESENT:Little,DeSadeleer,Strother,Go~hicoA,Snee1. Guests Present: illrs. Haley,Mrs. Heinsohn,Mrs.Jameson Business; Youth Center The above mentioned guests were in attendance to ask certain questions concerning the youth center program and its direotor. Questions raised follow; 1). In what way was Miss !.!.arshall hired as to hours,job,dues of members, group division etc ? 2). Is this commission behind her ? :5). Has <.She come to Q with any of her .problems ? 4). Was any provision lIIflde origina~ for dividing the elementary school kids in to groups for the weekly dRnces? Chief Complaints of visitors. 1). The motha'l"s in ptt-nl'l'lnce ""3"t'e chief:q ~once"'nec'l wit..1:l the rl'ct that the 4th, 5th, '1nd 6th 1O'l"I'de kids V'B1'e being Allowed to "ttem. the FriaRY night dance with the 7th and 8th gI'Rlie children. Their cl..~im ir; thot the older kids Hre losing interest end not attending due to this condition. 2). They also felt that liliss Y.arshall did not accept their (the mothers who atterll. theSE dances) desire to help her. Their claim being that she told them to just set down and do nothing that she would look after things.That she '~ould then sit in her office and come out threeor fOltr times to look in. 3). Their claim is that their is no organization and no instruction to the kids at all. 4). They say that ,their is no supervision over the kids activities while at the center. That the~' may come and go as they please and that they loiter around on the street in cars. That two were even observed drinking and when !liss M. r.as informed of it she remarked "if yr.\Jr mother can "0 better tell her to come down and do so." 5CYf of them 'Ire outside most of the time. 5). Sugeested cr~nges; a). Frirt"y night <ll'nces for 7th '1m 8th grl'rles ~. b). 6th,6th,llth (4,5,6 gllgeeg) RatuM"y Afte1"noons or some other eAr:q evening. 1 ~, 5). ~l1ggested chl1.nges continued c). Stricter !"Illes "bout le"vin~ the center. Pave D book in which they must sign out upon their Qep.~rture am. the Attenriant at the book(a mother) to then cl\ll th~ parents to inform them that their child had just left.No rel\dmittance except under penalty of some small fine. Say 101. d). Give the children the o;>purtunity to take part in the planning of their events. a). More instruction in dancing and other interests. f). Better organization of the program in tote by the director and more persoIllil attemtion. g). Suggested hirin_g a dancing instructor in all phases of dancing, manners ,and social conduct in general. S). Mrs. Mendosa ask for permission for a group to use the <,!uarters for a painting class. Commission in ace OM that it would be OK,in f'3.ct maybe some of the younger kids would be interested. 7). Swimming clr\ss to start meeting ",'erlnell'iay ni!;hts At H.I!. F.igh 8chool.9ob to fim out ..bo ut use of school bus. 1 ! Sept. 29,1955 1 '~J DR, VAL E. SNEEO OPTOMETRIST 123Y. MAIN STREET SEAL BEACH, CALIF. Honorable Mayor and City Council Seal Beach, Cal1f. Dear Gentlemen; Enclosed fin<i acopy of the minutes of the Recreation Commission for J~,Aug.,and Sept. Please excuse Il\Y tardiness in typing them and getting them: in your hands. rl...." nO-exll'.lse Elxcept --that.-.,I..aa--a -first- claS&-pz:oCll'as-tiIlator. This commission feels that Miss Marshall has done a wonderf'ul job in the short time she has been here. The program has li\ftt with wonderful comment r ) from the Pl'A and all parents. We know that it will get better as time goes on.We anxious1 anticipate the day when our program will be integrated with that of the school into one well planned successful program using the school facilities as well as those of the city. When this day arrives we are hopeful that a satisfactory financial arrahgement can be worked out where both the city and school district participates.This type of program is high~ recormnended by the State Recreation Commission and is provided for in our laws governing school spendir.g. It is hoped that you "7ill see fit to pass the recommendations of this body so that the fine program that has been initiated may be continued. r lE'ln1LJE~l[) ~'Ik If' /~/~/Tr M ~. k ~ BY_~~:~_~ LJ _. 7t /;;.,... ... CITYCL.ERK I~ ~