HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRC Min 1956-09-01
JULY '{f,k ~~'
I. Members Present; Gochicoa,strothers,Sneed.
r- ~I. Guest present; Miss Msrsha11,Seal Beach Recreation Director.
}II. Business ;
A. Report from Miss Marshall
Miss Marshall said that she had s!)ent two days cleaning the youth center after
taking over the direction of same. Miss Marshall reported that the facilities
usable at the center were very negligible. Miss Marshall planned on special
dai4' hours setaside for the 8 to 12 year age group with older groups excluded
during those hours.The facility to be closed Sunday and Monday.The hours for
Tues.,','/ed.,and Thurs. to be from 9 am to 5 pm. Friday night would be grade school
night between the hours of 7pm to 9:50 pm.Sat~ night for high school ages
between 7pm and 10 pm. C:uestionaires will be sent to parents for information
as to what their children were interested in. Miss Marshall requested parental
assistance the nights that dances were to be held.
Minutes Recreation Commission August
I. Members Present; Gochicoa, Strothers, LittJ.e, DeSadaleer, Sneed
U. Gusets Present; Miss Marshall, Ilr. N'lIUTon
III. Business;
A. Miss I{.a;rshall repoilted that there vlere 51 questionaires returned to her. 46 of thees
were from parents of kids of grade school age.Swimming,bowling,plng pong, dancing,
arts and crafts led the list of desired activities.
B. Miss lIIarshall reported that 65 children attended the first grade school dance and
that it was a ~ succesful evening. Parents in attendance acting as hosts and
"'- hostess were Mrs. Peppard,Mrs. Piersol, 141:'. and Mrs. Reinhart,Ml'. and Mrs. Kemp,and
j Mr. aJIIi Mrs. Strothers.
c. 'rhe second Friday night dance for grade school Vias attended by 78 chi1dJ:en and again
Vias a hig~ successful. evening.Mrs. Pepl'ard,Mrs. Iirttle,and ;'41:'. and Alrs.Piersol
aided MESS Marshall.
C. Saturday night the first evening was attended by 45 high school students.Mr.and
J!lrs. strothers assisted Miss Marshall.
D. The second Saturda;y' evening Vias attended by 60 high school students.No parents were
in attendance.
E. Daytime attendance.
1. There was an average of 50 grade school children per day took advantage of the
facility Viith table tennis,badminton,volley ball,and low order games being
enjoyed by all.
2. High school attendance was an average of 15 per day
r. 57 paid dues odl 25 cents each in order to be a momber.
G. Grade school group being organized into a council with election of officers to take
place soon.
IHNu'rES RECREATION COr.Jl.iITTEE 'Ar"'_M-r 5 e- p ,-.
I. Members present; Gochicoa,Strothers,DeSadaleer,Little,Sneed
II. Guests; Miss Marshall
III. Summer session now closed.
IV. lArs. strothers gave a report to the PTA of the activities of the summer.She repoilted
an increased interest by that group an d all parents concerned.blalV ladies from the
PTA visited the center during the summer program~
...-::.. - V. Miss lIlarsha11 Report for swnmer.
A. Swimming class was held three time per weel with Miss qynthia Strothers employed
as an instructor.Mothers f'urnished the transoortation for the children over and
back. This program was e.tarted late in the sUmmer but Miss Marshall reported that
54 attended the class for intermediates with 21 having perfect attendance.In the
beginners group there was 12 with 7 having perfect attendance.
B. !i.rs. Rita Flint volunteered her service to keep the center open while MillS Marshall
Vias away with the swimming classes.
c. Miss Marshall stated that there has been no money spent j!or equipment by- her
since taldng the job as director.All money spent has been from the prof'its from
the sal.e of soda.All bills are paid including those incurred before she came
and there is a (pSO.OO inventory of soda paid for as well as ~\SS.OO in the bank.
She reported that there had been no money turned over to her from the carxly
vending machine in the youth center.The commission inspected the machine and
could find nothing onit that would give aIrY evidence as to what compaIV services
it.The 0ti1y license receipt oDit was one for 19fiS-S6 for Long Beach.None from
Seal. Beach. We suggest that the Council check into the ovmership of the machine,
what has happened to the money when they check it,and if they have a license to
operate it in Seal. Beach.We would appreciate information especiaJ.4r about the
money which should be deposited in the youth center fund.Miss Marshall reports
that the machine is filled twice weekJ;y.
D. Miss Marshal.l said there is a great need for the replacement of some of the sports
equipment es:gec:i.all;y' the ping pong tables,paddles,balls etc.Commission highl3'
recommends that the Seal. Beach purchasing agent be instructed to provide this
E. Miss Marshall requested that she be allowed to secure extra help to assist her at
certain times. Since this was accounted for in the budget recommended by- the
commission ,we recommend that the ci'\jy council give J{d.ss Marshall written
permission to hire suchhelp at the rate of $l.SO an hour which was the hourlj" .....
rate recommended and approved by the council. The max:I.mum recommended for 8.IV one
weell: was lS hours.
F. Miss Marshall recommended securing of professional instructor to teach bal.l
room dancing onlle or twice per month.DE'. Sneed was appointed to cantach,Mrs.
Kay Carrol,who operates the Peppermint Play House dancing school to see if she
could help us. ~iHP~
G. Commission recommends that the city council authorize the city T-'-r a1r to have the
city employees build a bicycle rack for the kids bicycles.
H. Miss Marshall is formulating plans for a winter swimming class to be held evenings
either at Huntington Beach High School or Woodrow Vl:I.lson High School in Long Beach.
Miss Strothers will again serve as instructor for this venture. Transportation will
be supplied by parents .It was suggested that we contact IAl'.Dressler and find out
11' it wouldn't be possible to use a school bus and driver for this if the city
paid the driver and insurance expense.Mr. Gochicoa appointed to check on this
I. The winter scedule I'/ill be as follows at the youth center;
Tues. 6 to 9
Wed. S:50 to 8:50
Fri. 6:50 to 9:50 (Elementary School)
. Sat. 8 to 11 (high School)
i. Adjourn.
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