HomeMy WebLinkAboutSBCCF Min 2005-06-20 ~ -. . SEAL BEACH CABLE COMMUNICATIONS FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING MINUTES FOR JUNE 20, 200s The Board of Directors for the Seal Beach Cable Communications Foundation met on June 20, 2005 at the Seal Beach Studio in Seal Beach, California. Board Secretary, Betty Martin caIIed the meeting to order at 7:22pm l-UPG;t: 9' ALLEGIANCt; The pledge of allegiance was led by Ms. Martin. ROLLCALL Ms. Martin, Ms. Lee and Ms. WaIz were present. Mr. Davies and Mr. Anninos were excused. Robin Fort-Lincke, the PEG Station Manager was present. Mr. Russ Bauman, the Chief Engineer was present. AlPBQV At QF DJE AGENDA Motion was made by Ms. Lee to approve the agenda and was seconded by Ms. Ms. WaIz. AYES: Ms. Martin, Ms. Lee, Ms. WaIz NAYES: -0- . MOTION PASSED: 3-0 CONSENT CAI,~D.6B MINUTES OF MAY 16, 2005 BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING It was determined that there was no quorum available to approve the minutes of the Board of Directors meeting of May 16. 2005 so the matter was tabled until the next meeting. gmqs; IU;OU~ST Ms. WaIz made a motion to accept and pay the items listed on the check request with the phone bill to be approximately 5300. Ms. Lee seconded the motion. AYES: Ms. Lee, Ms. Walz, Ms. Martin NA YES: ..0- MOTION PASSED: 3-0 . Page 1 on shccf minutes 6-200S.doc ., FINANCIAL STATEMENT . Ms. Lee made a motion to receive and file the financial statement prepared by Ms. Fort-Lincke. The motion was seconded by Ms. Walz. AYES: Ms. Martin, Ms. WaJz, Ms. Lee NAYES: -0- MOTION PASSED: 3-0 OLD BUSINESS EQUIPMENT REPAIR Ms. Fort-Lincke mentioned to Mr. Bauman that she would like to research small 5" color tv's to use as monitors for the Leisure World Producers Club. Ms. Fort-Lincke also stated that a new proper dual microphone cable was necessary for the L W producers Club as well. In addition, she stated that a backup battery was purchased for the city council chambers control room bulletin board computer. She explained that it kept crashing and rebooting and Mr. Bauman determined that it was due the bad battery so he replaced it and it was up and running properly. FUNDING FOR PROGRAMS . Ms. Fort-Lineke stated that there are no scheduled board funded shoots untiI October's Founder's Day parade. AUDIE~E ~OMMUNlCATION There was no audience comm'lJ'lication. l!EW lUlSINESS APPROVAL OF TAX RETURNS AND AUDIT FOR FY ENDING JUNE 2004 Motion was made by Ms. Lee and seconded by Ms. Walz to approve the audit and tax returns prepared by Mr. Steve Shay for FY year ending 1une 2004. AYES: Ms. Lee, Ms. Martin, Ms. Walz NA YES: -0- MOTION PASSED: 3-0 ELECTION OF OFFICERS There was discussion and it was decided to table this item until the next regularly scheduled board meeting. . Page 2 of3 sbccfminutes 6-200S.doc ... ," -. REP9RTS . PEG STATION MANAGERlEXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT Ms. Fort-Lincke brought in all the certificates and the presentation board that represented her at the American Business Womens' Association recognition banquet. She said she was trying to locate the pictures taken at the event. CHIEF ENGINEER REPORT Mr. &nman gave a briefreport of the trip to NAB. He briefly discussed a video server system that seemed to be the perfuct answer for playback for channel 3. He said that he and Ms. Fort- Lineke would be looking at a competitive system that is Iocated in the Ventura area. CO~SPONDENCE Ms. Fort-Lincke stated that there was no correspondence. AUDIENCE COMMUNICATION There was no audience communications. BOARD COMMlfflICATIONS . There was discussion about the board members receiving a copy of the June 13, 2005 Seal Beach City Council meeting for each of the board members in attendance. There was brief discussion about the Pinnacle editing system MN"OURNMF;.NT Motion was made by Ms. Martin, seconded by Ms. Walz to adjourn the meeting at 8:55. AYES: Ms. Martin, Ms. WaJz, Ms. Lee NAYES: -0- MOTION PASSED: 3-0 Mr. Dick Davies, President, SBCCF ~~~Mp . Page 3 of3 sbccfminutes 6-2005.ooc