HomeMy WebLinkAboutSBCCF Min 2001-01-15 ,,- . . e '!l \-IIJ\"UES i"EAL BEACH CABLE C'OMMnliICATI01'iS FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS !\IEETlNG SEAL BEACH STUDIO JANUARY 15, 2001 7:00 PM Th~ Roard ofDir~clors forth~ Seal Beach Cahl~ Foundation met em January 15.2001. at the Seal B~ach Studio in S~allkach California President Dick. Da\I"" called tlJe rn~'eting 10 order at 7'05 PM. ROLL CALL: Mr. Davie!.. Ms. Martin. and Mr. Anninos \\ere present <\lso pr~sent wa._ Ms Fort-Lincke, the PEG coordinatllT l\.lr Bauman, Enl9neer. \\ liS in the audience APPROVAL OF THE AGE~DA: Motion hy Mr. Anninos. s~conded by Ms. Ivlartin to approve the agenda, AYES: ~AYES: MOTION PASSED. Mr. Davies, J\..1r, Anninos and :VIs. Martin ,0- 3,0 C'ONSE~'f CALE~DAR: MOllon b~ Ms. ~1a11in, seconded by Mr. Anninos to approve the Millute~ of the December 18, 2QOO Board Meeting. AYES: ~.-\YES. MOTION PASSED Mr. Davies. Mr. Anninos. and Ms ,\-Iartm. -0- 3-0 l\lotion bv Mr. Anninos, seconded by Ms, Martin. to appr_lVe the check requests AYES' NAYES MOTION PASSED :VIr. Davies. Mr. Anninos. and Ms. Martm -0- 3-0 Mr. Mueller and 1...ls, Kime anived at the Board of Directors' meeting. FI'iANCIM. REPORT: 1\'lolion by Mr l\luell",,_ "eL'onded b) \ls.Kirne to Recei\e and File the Financial Repon AYES. ~AYES: MOTION PASSED: OLD Bl'SINESS Mr. Davies. Nlr .<\nninos, 1\-Is. Kime. Ms Martin and Mr. J\..lueller. -0- 5-0 1 " ,. A . B C D. E. . . Equipment Repair, Mr. Davies reported the repaIr of the eject button on the play VCR at the Lasure World lacility Funding for Programs, Ms. Fort-Lincke reportod on the ~Ess Seal Beach pageant in January and the !\1cGaugh School program at the end of February Square Footage "iecessary For Future Studio alia Facilities Still on hold. Earthquake Il1surallce for New Equipment - Sull on hold. Situatioll at 20 I glb Street was dis~u.~sed in detnil. NEW BUSI~ESS None. REPORTS <\ Executive Director's Report - F.xecutive Directnr. M~ fm1,Lincke. reported on the memo from .<\delphia regarding screening programs. She will respmld to the reque.'1, Also discu..ed '-\as the opportUnity to obtain three additional ch3Jmels. with the situation regarding 80 hours of un, repeated prograunning. ADJOlR:'iMENT: !\1otion bv Mr. Mueller. scconded b~ ~Ir. .<\nninos to adjourn lhe meeting at 8: 50 P M. AYES: . NAYES: MOTION PASSED: Mr. Davies, Mr. Anlllnos. !lis Kime. ~1s. ~Iartin and ~lr. Mueller. ,0- 5-0 ~~Vlk- Mr. Dick Da\'ies. President Ms. Robin Fort,Lincke. PA Coordinator so:I-\5-01 rev 2