HomeMy WebLinkAboutSBCCF Min 1997-11-17 ;, - . . . . SEAL BEACH CABLE COMMUNICATIONS FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING MINUTES FOR NOVEMBER 17, 1997 The Board of Directors for the Seal Beach Cable Communications Foundation met on November 17, 1997 at Comcast Cable in Seal Beach, California, Mr, Anninos called the meeting to order at 7:00pm, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge of allegiance was led by Me, Anninos, ROLL CALL Me, Clow, Me, Rowland, Me, Anninos, Me, Mueller and Me, Mahrer were present. Ms, Fort-Lincke from Comcast was present. CONSENT CALENDAR REVIEW OF MINU)'ES FROM OCTOBER 20. 1997 Mr, Clow made a motion to accept and file the minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting of October 20, 1997, Mr, Mahrer seconded the motion, AYES: Me, Anninos, Me, Clow, Me, Rowland, Me, Mueller, Mr, Mahrer NA YES: -0- MOTION PASSED: 5-0 FINANCIAL REPORT Ms. Fort-Lincke said that there was no new financial statement. Me, Mueller said that the Board was still solvent. There was a discussion about other means for financial needs such as local banks. Me, Anninos said that he had spoken to his financial broker and that the Board could set up an account with investment and checking with Smith Barney and it would cost about $150 per year, It was suggested that Me, Anninos research the requirements for non-profits for new accounts, Mr, Clow made a motion for Me. Anninos to research requirements for non-profit corporations for new accounts, investments and checking, Me, Mahrer seconded the motion, . , . PO 2 SBCCF MlNUTES 11/17/97 AYES: Mr, Anninos, Me. Mueller, Mr, Clow, Me, Mahrer, Me, Rowland NAYES: -0- MOTION PASSED: 5-0 CHECK REOUEST Me, Clow made a motion to accept and pay the items listed on the check request, Me, Rowland seconded the motion, AYES: Me, Mueller, Me, Anninos, Mr, Rowland, Me, Clow, Me, Mahrer ~AYES: -0- MOTION PASSED: 5-0 STUDY SESSION Me, Anninos suggested moving the study session to the end of the meeting, Me, Mueller made a motion to move the study session to the end of the meeting, Me, Mahrer seconded . the motion, AYES: Mr, Mueller, Me, Clow, Me, Rowland, Me, Mahrer and Mr, Anninos ~A YES: -0- MOTION PASSED: 5-0 OLD BUSINESS COMCAST FRANCmSE RENEWAL Me, Anninos thanked all of the public access producers for all of the hard work they have done in the franchise renewal process, particularly Me, Roy and Me, Bauman, He also thanked the Board members and the committee for all of their hard work. Me, Anninos said that he knew that many people were disappointed but some of the changes requested by Mr, Mahrer had been made, AUDIENCE COMMUNICATION . Mr, Roy said that he had a document from back in 1984 when Me, Francis Looney went to a panel discussion for several cities with upcoming franchise renewals or takeovers, He read from the document that Mr, Pilnick stated that during franchise renewal, it is the only , . PG 3 SBCCF MINUTES 11/17/97 time when cities have some leverage "to continue month to month until they cooperate", Mr, Roy said that he feels that Mr, Pilnick has misled the city of Seal Beach by pushing the contract through and saying the city cannot deny renewal. NEW BUSINESS HANDLING THE COVERAGE AND PAYING PEOPLE FOR WHAT WAS FORMERLY KNOWN AS UO PRODUCTIONS Ms, Fort-Lincke presented a print out from a temporary agency WGI Staff Control with the information on how much it would cost for the freelancers and for one full-time person, She said that she and Mr, Anninos met with the manager and they seemed great to work with and there are located in Seal Beach, Mr, Roy presented his estimate for the cost of covering the Christmas Parade, It was decided to call the productions, "Foundation Funded" for the time being, Mr, Clow made a motion to approve Mr, Roy's estimate for the Christmas Parade, Mr, Rowland seconded the motion, . AYES: Mr. Anninos, Mr, Mueller, Mr, Clow, Mr, Mahrer, Mr, Rowland NA YES: -0- MOTION PASSED: 5-0, Mr, Mueller made a motion to accept WGI Staff Control for the temporary agency to handle the freelancers, Mr, Clow seconded the motion, AYES: Mr, Mueller, Mr, Clow, Mr, Rowland, Mr, Mahrer NA YES: -0- ABSTAIN: Mr, Anninos MOTION PASSED: 4-0, I abstain PORTABLE LIGIITS FOR ENG CAMERAS Ms, Fort-Lincke said that she was her item to address and she would like this item to be tabled until the next meeting because she did not have the information yet, RECOMMENDATIONS FOR NEWIREPLACEMENT OFFICE EOUIPMENT . Ms, Fort-Lincke said the each Board member had received papers with several recommendations for three different office equipment items on them, . PG4 SBCCFMINUfES 11117/97 Mr, Mueller made a motion to authorize Ms, Fort-Lincke to purchase an HP 694 (Hewlett Packard) printer for the Foundation not to exceed $280,00. Mr, Rowland seconded the motion, AYES: Mr, Anninos, Mr, Mahrer, Mr, Mueller, Mr, Rowland, Mr, Clow ~AYES: -0- MOTIO~ PASSED: 5-0 Mr. Rowland made a motion to authorize Ms, Fort-Lincke to purchase a copy machine not to exceed $400,00 for the Foundation, Mr, Clow seconded the motion. AYES: Mr. Clow, Mr, Mueller, Mr, Mahrer, Mr, Anninos, Mr, Rowland ~AYES: -0- MOTIO~ PASSED: 5-0 Mr, Mueller made a motion to authorize Ms, Fort-Lincke to purchase a fax machine for the Foundation not to exceed $400,00, Mr, Rowland seconded the motion, . AYES: Mr, Mahrer, Mr, Mueller, Mr, Rowland, Mr, Clow, Mr, Anninos ~A YES: -0- MOTIO~PASSED: 5-0 RECOMMENDATIO~S FOR BOOKS FOR PUBUC ACCESS CLASSES Ms, Fort-Lincke said that this item was for her to address and asked that it be tabled until the next meeting, Ms, Fort-Lincke reminded the Board members that they need to purchase a new computer and it was suggested to add it to the next agenda, FEES FOR PRODUCERS AND OTHERS After much discussion, Mr, Rowland made a motion that producers would not be charged for copies of programs and that anyone else would be charged $20,00, Mr, Clow seconded the motion. There was concern if producers made more than 5 copies, AYES: Mr. Clow, Mr, Anninos, Mr, Rowland, Mr, Mueller, Mr, Mahrer ~AYES: -0- MOTIO~PASSED: 5-0 . . PG 5 SBCCF MINlITES 11/17/97 HIRING OF TIlE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR FOR TIlE SEAL BEACH CABLE COMMUNICATIONS FOUNDATION AND THERESPONSmn.ITIES Mr, Anninos said that this item would be discussed durinB the study session, BYLAWS. MISSION STATEMENT AND FUTURE DIRECTION OF TIlE SEAL BEACH CABLE COMMUNICATIONS FOUNDATION The original mission statement was reviewed and there was an explanation of the difference between the bylaws of the Board and the public access guidelines, It was suggested to contact the Alliance of Community Media for assistance in the upcoming matters, It was suggested that Mr, Anninos write a letter to Mr, Till regarding the money that is due the Board, REPORTS PUBLIC ACCESS . Ms, Fort-Lincke showed the Board members a flyer from Torrance Community TV and said it was an example of something the Board may want to consider distributing, She said that because everyone was so busy that perhaps in lieu of the newsletter going out that this flyer listing the programs and times on one side and a brief summary on the show on the other was something that would be easier and faster to put together and get out to people, Mr. Roy submitted a proposed budget for the Christmas parade for $500,00 Mr, Anninos made a motion to accept the budget for coverage of the Christmas parade for $500,00, Mr, Clow seconded the motion, AYES: Mr, Mahrer, Mr, Clow, Mr, Rowland, Mr, Mueller, Mr, Anninos NA YES: -0- MOTION PASSED: 5-0 LOCAL ORIGINATIONILOS ALAMITOS . It was suggested to arrange with Mr, Dan Smith, the Station Manager at Los AIamitos TV to come to Seal Beach in early December for a special demonstration and discussion regarding the mobile production van with the Board members, . . . PG 6 SBCCF MINUTES 11/17/97 It was requested that Ms, Fort-Lincke include a previous list ofFoundation funded programs for the next meeting, CORRESPONDENCE There was no correspondence, BOARD COMMUNICATIONS Mr, Mahrer read from a list of items he prepared which reflected his concerns and areas he felt the Board should think about and address, Mr, Clow asked Ms, Fort-Lincke if she ever heard from the WAV.E. Awards, Ms, Fort- Lincke said that she knows the awards were completed and that she was very surprised that out of eight entries from Seal Beach, no one won anything, STUDY SESSION . Mr, Anninos adjourned the meeting to the closed study session, ADJOURNMENT ~ V>\"'(~ Mr, Mueller made a motion to adjourn the meeting ~pm, Mr, Rowland seconded the motion, AYES: Mr, Mahrer, Mr, Clow, Mr, Anninos, Mr, Rowland, Mr, Mueller NAYES: -0- MOTION PASSED: 5-0 Peter 1. Anninos, Chairman \~Y\'~-/ j.1M-W Robin Fort-Lincke, PA Coordinator ~ . . . . . NEW BUSINESS HIRING OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR FOR THE SEAL BEACH CABLE COMMUNICATIONS FOUNDATION AND THE RESPONSmILITIES. There was a discussion regarding the extension of an offer to Robin Fort-Lincke with a starting salary of $30,000. A motion was made by Mr. Laird Mueller to extend the offer to Robin Forte Lincke as Executive Director for the S.B.C.C.F.The motion was seconded by Jim Clow. A YES: Mr. Anninos, Mr. Clow, Mr. Maher, Mr. Mueller, Mr. Rowland NA YES: 0 MOTION PASSES: 5-0 Mr. Rowland made a motion to adjourn the meeting at lO:00pm. Mr. Mahrer seconded the motion. A YES: Mr. Clow, Mr. AlJDinps, Mr. Mueller, Mr. Rowland, Mr. Maher NAYES: 0 ' MOTION PASSES: 5-0 <2~C~___ Peter J. Anninos, Chairman, SBCCF Robin Fort-Lincke, PA Coordinator, Comcast