HomeMy WebLinkAboutSBCCF Min 1996-01-15 . . ".. . . ,,- 't-,....l SEAL BEACH CABLE COMMUNICATIONS FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING COMCAST CABLEVISION January 15. 1996 The Board of Directors of the Seal Beach Cable Communications Foundation met on January 15, 1996 at 7:00 at Comcast Cablevision, Seal Beach, California. Joe Palmer called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge was led by Mr. Laird Mueller. ROLL CALL Mr. Palmer, Mrs. Dahlin, Mr. Rowland, Mr. Mueller und Mr. Clow were present. Robin Fort-Lincke from Comcast was present. CONSENT CALENDAR MINUTES FROM NOVEMBER 20, 1995 Mrs. Dahlin made a motion to accept and file the minutes with corrections. Mr. Clow seconded the motion. A YES: Mrs. Dahlin, Mr. Clow, Mr. Mueller, Mr. Palmer, Mr. Rowland NA YES: -0- MOTION PASSED: 5-0 FINAr<ICIAL REPORT Mr. Mueller stated that the most recent financial report was not available. He said that it was his understanding that there was some sort of mix up with the mail and the bank. He said that everything should be in order for the next meeting. CHECK REQUEST Mr. Rowland mad a motion to accept and pay the bills listed on the check request. Mrs. Dahlin seconded the motion. AYES: Mr. Palmer,Ms. Dahlin,Mr. Mueller,Mr. Rowland, Mr. Clow NOES: -0- MOTION PASSED: 5-0 . . . , PG 2 SBCCF MINUTES 1/15/96 ACCESS FEES Mr. Clow made a motion to accept the request for a van shoot for Dominic Dimare. Mr. Palmer seconded the motion. AYES: Mr. Mueller,Mr. Palmer,Mr. Clow,Mrs. Dahlin, Mr. Rowland NA YES: -a- MOTION PASSED: 5-0 OLD BUSINESS AWARD SYSTEM FOR PUBLIC ACCESS Ms. Fort- Lincke stated that she was researching the availability for an appropriate date for the awards and open house for SBTV-3. She said that she got a calendar from the parks and recreation department along with a schedule from the Chamber of Commerce to avoid any conflicts. She said that she will review it and select a date as soon as she can. AUDIENCE COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Rob Roy stated that he would like to thank the Board for funding his Christmas show. He said that the production went very well. Mr. Peter Anninos thanked the Board for funding City Watch Live for 6 years and stated that the 6 year anniversary was coming up. Mr. Dave Curtis stated that he along with the other public access producers present and not present at this meeting were concerned that the end of the franchise was coming up and he had no idea what the Board or the city was doing about it. Mr. Palmer indicated that this item was coming up on the agenda. Mr. Mueller stated that the Board would then be discussing it. NEW BUSINESS SBCCF 95-96 BUDGET PROPOSAL Mr. Mueller stated that Ms. Fort-Lincke has computed and enclosed the budget proposal in the Board members packet. He said that it was very comparative to last year's proposal with the exception of additional equipment and travel expenses. Mr. Clow stated that he was concerned that it seemed to be more money than the Board received. . . . PG 3 SBCCF MINUTES 1115/96 Mr. Mueller agreed that it looked like the Foundation was functioning with more money than they received, but that the Board will not spend the amount proposed and he said that the proposals have been in the ballpark of each other for the past several years. He stated that the Board was still solvent. Mr. Mueller made the motion to accept and file the proposal with the city. Mr. Rowland seconded the motion. AYES: Mrs. Dahlin ,Mr. Clow,Mr. Mueller,Mr. Rowland, Mr. Palmer NA YES: -0- MOTION PASSED: 5-0 COMCAST FRANCHISE RENEWAL Mr. Mueller handed out 2 packets each to the Board members. He explained that one was for each Board member and one was for each Board members' respective City Council member. He said it included a letter from him to Steve Rosenthal of Comcast and a letter from him to Keith Till, the City Manager on behalf on the Board regarding the $75,000 and transfer of the $50,000 back to Comcast. It also contained information on consultants and recent newspaper articles. He asked that packets be made for the members of the audience. He said that in reading the original franchise agreement he came upon many of the areas of complaint that have been previously expressed, particularly the statements which indicate that public access is entitled to exclusive priority use of the van and a Leisure World van. He stressed that the franchise negotiations were extremely important to the future of the city of Seal Beach for many reasons, and that because of the past problems with Comcast and upcoming changes in technology and communication providers, that it was very important to have expert assistance. Someone asked why there was no cable in the classroom. There was much discussion between the Board and the audience about the issues they feel are a problems and the hiring of a consultant. It was suggested that Mr. John Risk, a consultant already familiar with Comcast might be a good candidate and his wife was a former Public Access Coordinator for Seal Beach. Mr. Clow suggested that the Board pay entirely for the consultant. The Board was in agreement with this suggestion. It was then suggested that initially the Board perhaps should spend "seed money" and eventually pay entirely for the hiring of a consultant. Mr. Mueller suggested that the Board wait for the proposals from consultants offered to the City Council before approving a set dollar amount. He requested that this item be placed on the agenda every month. REPORTS PUBLIC ACCESS Mr. Mueller stated that he had asked Ms. Fort-Lincke for her work schedule. Ms. Fort-Lincke handed out a brief calendar of the scheduled items she was already aware of. She indicated that there are thinga that come up out of the blue and that she apologized that she had not had time to prepare a more accurate schedule. . . . PG 4 SBCCF MINUTES 1/15/96 Ms. Fort-Lincke stated that Comcast was cablecasting a Movie Marathon in the next few days. She handed out a flyer indicating the reschedule playback for the Thursday programs. Mr. Mueller asked when the replay of the Planning Commission would be. Ms. Fort-Lincke sa1d that this was still being worked out. Mr. Clow expressed concern that the Leisure World programs were already posted in the Leisure World paper. Someone else expressed concern about people in general being notified of the playback schedule change. Ms. Fort-Lincke stated that Comcast would be taking out ads in all the newspapers in an effort to notify everyone. The Board was very concerned about Comcast "pre-empting" the playback schedule and there was much discussion. Mr. Rowland made a motion to authorize Mr. Mueller to contact Comcast on behalf of the Board objecting to the "pre-empting" of the playback schedule for Thursday and Sunday and to copy the City Council and Dan Dorsey. Mrs. Dahlin seconded the motion. AYES: Mr. Clow,Mr. Palmer,Mr. Rowland, Mrs.Dahlin,Mr. Palmer NAYES: -0- MOTION PASSED: 5-0 LOCAL ORIGINATION/LOS ALAMITOS Mr. Mueller asked Ms. Fort-Lincke for an accounting of the L/O programs already produced and the projected programming for 96-97 to be presented at the next Board meeting. Ms. Fort-Lincke agreed. Ms. Fort-Lincke stated that Comcast had covered the Seal Beach Christmas Parsde and it had turned out very well and that Evan Guyer was handling the upcoming L/O productions. Ms. Fort- Lincke sa1d that the football game exchange with LA TV went very well, and that the Board would only need to pay for 2 games. She also sa1d that LA TV wished to purchase the Knox Studio 40 character generator that was slated to be returned to Metrovonics for $250.00. She indicated that LATV would purchase the CG for $400.00 which would be an additional $150.00 for the Foundation. Mr. Clow indicated that he would like the wording on the invoice to LATV that Ms. Fort-Lincke had prepared to clearly state that LATV was purchasing a CG, not selling one to the Board. Ms. Fort-Lincke sa1d that she would correct it. . . . . . PG 5 SBCCF MINUTES 1/15/96 CORRESPONDENCE It was determined that all correspondence had been distributed and acknowledged. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Mueller asked the public access producers present to report to him when it was apparent that Ms. Fort- Lincke was not working on public access business. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Palmer made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 pm. Mr. Mueller seconded the motion. AYES: Mr. Mueller,Mr.Clow,Mr.Rowland,Mrs. Dahlin, Mr. Palmer NAYES: -0- MOTION PASSED: 5-0 '4~Cc\.~ Robin Fort-Lincke Public Access Coordinator Joseph Palmer Chairman