HomeMy WebLinkAboutSBCCF Min 1988-03-28
Board of DireCtors Meeting
Mareh 28, 1988
The Board of DireCtors of the Seal. Beach Cable Cammlications Foundatien net in regular sessien
at 7:30 p.m., with ChaiDnan Mr. Peter Arnold calling the neeting to order and leading the Sa- ·
lute to the Flag.
Roll Call:
Present: Mr. Arnold, Mr. Covington, Mr. stein, Mr. Clew, Mr. Ulcney
old Business-Minutes of February 22, 1988
Mr. Clew ncved that the minutes be approved as written. Mr. stein seconds.
Noes: Ncne M:>tion Carried
Minutes of January 25, 1988
Mr. Stein ncved that be minutes be approved as written. Mr. Clew seccnds.
Noes: Nene M:>tien Carried
local Originatien ~Q9Lam Update
During the discuss:len of this listing, Mr. Arnold asked that CQlcast give consideration to ex-
panding this list to include up to ten IlDI'e ~Ul:I.Lall"', based en the fact that sane of the ~
lie access productions of large events were produced in c~able (if not better) quality at
__ s~gnifieant1y lower cost.than local origination pI'OJ.LalllS. He felt it was a tribute to Miss
~'s efforts that these access productiens were of quality, and he also felt that certain
access productiens 1IIlOU1d draw substantially IlDI'e viewers than certain other planned local or-
igination programs. Mr. Stein then told the Board that if the Foundation doesn't feel that the
25 programs for $25,000.00 is cost-effective, then the Board should catpile a list of produc-
tions they 1IIlOUld like to see included in this list, and present it to Mr. Tan Kezar of Ccm::ast
Cable.After a disc:ussien of these ideas, Mr. Arnold asked that this item be placed en the agenda
for the Board's next meeting.
Funding Request--Miss Suzan Grab
'Ihis request was for funding of a prarotional videotape representing the Foundation's involve-
II8lt in camamity television in Seal Beach: the Board had requested that CQlcast retnm to the
Board with a proposal detailing costs of the tape. The Board viewed exanples of such a program,
then discussed the request fran Ccm::ast. During the discussien, Mr. Covington expressed the
hope that the 1/iOrd "prcm:>" would be replaced by another that 1/iOUld be more recognizable to
the ~ic, and that a script or at least an outline be prepared prior to any granting of
funds. The Board and CQlcast staff decided that a script should be prepared and groundwork for
such a ~U<;jLaIll be catpleted before Ccm::ast will return with this request.
Studio Infontatien!Old City Hall--can::ast
Miss Yale told the Board that the transition of Monogram corporatien into office space in the
upstairs portion of the Old City Hall has been SlItlOth and no problems have been encountered.
Mr. Arnold then repeated his e<mcerns over the use of the studio for Portap3k instruction, the
need for Ccm::ast to devote all available space in the Old City Hall for use by the FUblic ac-
cess program, and re-suggested that can::ast separate the two elcisting editing bays, leaving
e the ~n bay downstairs fO~ better supervisien.
Funding Request--Miss Suzan Grab
Mr. Ulcney noved that the Board fund $200.00 to Catcast Cable.for dulDing costs for twenty
additional pIogLalu$ to be placed in the Ieisure World and RosSlltlOr branches of the Public
I.ibrMy system. Mr. Covington secends.
AYES: Mr. ~ld, Mr. stein, Mr. ~-.l
Noes: None Motion Carried
NEIl Q~utes of Mal:t:h 14, 1988
Mr. Covingtal asked Miss Yale if Calcast had any plan to insure that Malogram Corporatien
will pay for maintenance of any equipnent provided by Malogram to the studio or centro1 roan.
Miss Yale replied that such a provisien was indeed in the lease agzee.(Eht signed by Calcast
. and Malogram. Mr. Amold re-stated the- need for Calcast to ccnsistently arrange for the Port-
apak class to be instructed in the studio, as he feels using a separate roan for this type
of instructi.cn to be totally inadequate. He also reiterated his streng disapproval of Can-
cast's new locatim of the editing bays and head-end in a small roan downstairs at the Calcast
facility. 'l!1e Board took no actien to approve these minutes, and asked that they be returned
at their next meeting with a IIDre accurate reflectien of the meeting.
Maintenance Fee Update-Staff
'lhis item was included for the Board's infonnatien: no acticn was needed or taken, but the
Board did ask that staff return next 1lIJl1th with a proposal that would al1aw senior citizens
throughout Seal Beach to produce access programs for the $10.00 access fee currently applied
cnly to residents of leisure World.
Funding ReQuest Ql.idelines--Funding for ~leted Programs
This item was to discuss whether or not Board would consider funding requests fom produce
for pr~Lcams that have been catp1eted. Mr. Claw was opposed to the idea of refusing to fund
enly uncanpleted programs, using as an exaI'lp1e the aIlDllI1t of mileage necessary to get to the
Carcast office over several different visits to catp1ete editing of a productien. After a full
discussil;D of this topic, Mr. Covington II'OVed that the Foundatien re-affirms its policy of
grants (to not exceed $150.00 per individual program) as seed m:ney for ptV<:!LalIIS whose wt-
line of costs will be sutmitted to the Board in advance of the actual producitcn. Mr. Amo1d
seconds for the p,JrpOse of discussien. Mr. COVingtcn then said that the Irotien is intended to
infonn the access producer that their request would not be Calsidered if the request is re-
ceived after the catpleteion of the production. Mr. IDoney said that he would vote against
this lIDtim, because he believes the purpose of the Foundatien is to pralDte public access at
all times. After further discussion of this proposal, and with approval of the secending Board
elllE!llber, Mr. Covingtcn then II'OVed that funding requests in excess of $50.00 be censidered by
the Foundation en1y prior to the productien: that funding requests under $50.00 be censidered
either prior to or after catp1etion of the production: and that this policy will be for a dur-
ation of six IIDlthS, and this policy will be evaluated by staff and the Board. Mr. Arnold
AYES: Mr. COVingtcn, Mr. Arnold, Mr. Claw
Noes: Mr. Ialney. Mr. Stein Motien Carried 3-2
Before noving on, Mr. Stein asked about the unresolved issue of providing the lIObile van for
access productiens. Miss Yale said that with Calcast staff approval and supervision, and ren-
tall fee, the van would be available. Mr. Covingtcn felt that this issue of Van Rental for
public access individuals or groups should be approached by establishing the availability of
the Van, the procedures under which it is made available, and establishing a "seed-mcney"
approach for IIDlies fonn the Foo.mdatien.
FUndi.nq Request--Mr. Francis IDoney
Mr. Iocney stepped down fran the Board for the discussion of this request. Mr. IDoney then in-
formed the Board that the actual total of his request was $13.60. Mr. Claw then II'OVed that the
Board fund $14.00 for Mr. IDoney's public access productien "Dem:x:ratic Club Presents Lt.
Gov. Ieo ~." Mr. Covingtal seconds.
AYES: Mr. Amo1d, Mr. Claw, Mr. Stein, Mr. Covington
Noes: ncne M:ltien Carries
.Funding Request--Mr. Mike Meltcn
After the presentatien by Mr. Me1tcn, Mr. IDoney II'OVed that the Board fund $528.45 for costs
associated with his public access program "Theater Street 115." Mr. Claw seconds.
Before voting, Mr. Arnold told the Board that he will look at the catpleted program with
great ~mtiny. in hopes of seeing a quality productien; but he also made clear that this vote
I was not a precedent.
AYES: Mr. Amold, Mr. Stein, Mr. Iocney, Mr. Clow
~Staining: Mr. Covingtal M::ltien Carries
Funding Request--A\'Idre Dupuy
Mr. Looney roved that the Board fund $25.00 to Andre Dupuy for his public access productien
"Do Nothing 'ill You Hear Fran Me." Mr. Clow seccnds.
Noes: None M::ltien Carried
Funding RequeBt--A\'Idre Dupuy
Mr. Looney roved that the Board fund $97.00 to Mr. Dupuy for his public access program "Bar-
bra #4: The Golf Garre." Mr. Clow seccnds.
Noes: None M::ltion Carries
Funding Request--Andre Dupuy
Mr. dow roved that the Board fund $25.00 to Mr. Dupuy for his public access program "Batbra
#5: Mike'!,! Oktcberfest Wish." Mr. Stein seconds.
AYES: Mr. Amold, Mr. Stein, Mr. Looney, Mr. Clow, Mr. ~ingtcn
Noes: Nene M:>ti.on Carries
Funding Request--Andre Dupuy
Mr. Stein roved that the Board fund $25.00 to Mr. Dupuy for his public access program "Barbra
. #6: Elevator to Riches." ~. Clow seconds.
AYES: Mr. Arnold, Mr. Stem, Mr. Looney, Mr. Clow, Mr. ~ington
Noes: None Motion Carries
Funding Request-Miss SUzan Grab ,
Mr. 'UXmey llIJVed that the Board fund a total of $125.00 for 5 separate encry fees for 5 access
producers who are entering their programs into the HatetcMn video Awards. Mr. Clow seconds.
Noes; None Motien Carries
Funding Request--Mi.ss SUzan Grab
'!his request was for funding of a part-time producer to create a 10iieekly or bim:nthly series
fcx:using en seal Beach. Mr. Amold said that he would not endorse the request until a script
or outline of the program is available; and Mr. Looney felt that such a proposalwould be di-
visive within the group of access producers, who would be the candidates for the position.
Miss Yale then withdrew the request, and told the Board she may re-sul:mit it at a later date.
Funding Request--Miss SUzan Grab
Mr. Clow roved that the Board fund $90.63 to Print 'N Copy for the costs of labels to be
placed on tape dubs placed in the local library system. Mr. Looney sec<:B1ds.
Noes: None M::ltion Carries
. Board Cc:mmmications
Mr. Stein asked about the availability of a financial reort fran the Finance Director, and the
Board asked that the City Manager be contacted if the report is not distributed by the next
scheduled Foundation neeting.,
Audiem:e Camllmicatioo.s
I Miss Grab presented to the Board the barmer that will be placed across Main Street prQl.:>ling
the Foundatioo., SBOC, and public access in Seal Beach.
It was the coo.sensus of the Board, and so ordered by the Chair, to adjoum the Seal Beach
Cable Camunicatioo.s Foundatioo. at 10: 40 p.m.