HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Ord 1021 1977-10-25 . : . . . ORDINANCE NUMBER /Ot:/l / I AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS AND ADDING CERTAIN PROVISIONS TO ARTICLE III OF CHAPTER 22, EXCISE TAX, OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The definition of Mobile Pa~k contained in Sec. 22-12 is hereby amended to read "Mobile Home Park. Any area where one or more lots or spaces are rented or held out for rent to be occupied by a house trailer, travel trailer, mobile home, camper or other similar vehicle." Section 2. Section 22-13 entitled Im~osition is hereby amended to read "An excise tax is hereby lmposed upon the construction and occupancy of each residential unit, apartment unit, duplex unit, bachelor unit, mobile home park space, commercial unit and industrial unit in the city." Section 3. Section 22-14 is hereby amended by the addition of Subsection 4A to read "Mobile Home Park Space: Forty-five dollars for each space or lot." I Secti.on 4. Section 22-15 entitled Time of determination of tax; payment. shall be amended to read "The amount of the tax due hereunder shall be determined at the time a building permit is sought for the construction of residential buildings, commercial or industrial units or buildings or for the construction or reconstruction of any mobile home park, and the full amount of the tax shall be due and payable concurrently with the application for such permit. If such tax is not fully paid on or before the date the permit is issued, the tax or the amount thereof not paid shall thereupon become delinquent." Section 5. Sec. 22-17 entitled Exceptions. shall be amended with the second paragraph to read "When an existing residential, commercial or industrial building or mobile home park on a lot or parcel is being replaced by the construction and occupancy of a new residential, commercial or industrial building or mobile home park, then credit shall be given on a one for one basis." Sec. -22-19 entitled Betnning construction before payin1 tax prohibited.1 shall e amended to read "No person sha 1 begin construction of any residential building, commercial or industrial unit or building or any mobile home park in the city without first having paid the tax and any penalty and interest due the city under this article." Sec. 22-20 entitled :~{ment prerequisite to issuance of occu~anc* ~ermit. sha be amended to read "No occupancy permlt s a 1 be issued for, and no person shall occupy or offer for occupancy, any residential building, commercial or industrial unit or building or any space in a mobile home park in the city unless the tax and any penalty and interest imposed upon the construction and occupancy thereof by this article have been paid." Section 6. Section 7. I I I I ~ Ordinance Numbep . Section 8. Sec. 22-21 entitled Refunds. shall be amended to read "Any tax, penalty or interest paid to the city under this article for any building or unit of a building or mobile home park which is not constructed shall be refunded upon application of the tax payer and a showing to the satisfaction of the director of finance that the building, unit or mobile home park has not been constructed or construction commenced and that the building permit issued for such building, unit or mobile home park has been cancelled or surrendered or otherwise does not authorize the construction of such building, unit or mobile home park. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this~ttday of (ff~t'd , 1977. ~.J_ ~~ Ar~, / Mayor ~~T: ( I :c.~~~.."' j/ ) ~~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 COUNTY' OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF SEAL BEACH ) I, Jerdys Weir, City Clerk of the City of Seal Beach and ex-officio clerk of the City Counctl, do hereby certify tha ordinance was introduced at a meeting held on /0 , 1977, and was adopted, passed, and approved by the City Council_~f the City #.,S::l,B~~C~ at a regular meeting thereof held on the ~ day of ~,~ __~1977, by the fOl~wing vote' AYES: councilmenat4l~~ ;i!J,~. ~d',/.t: ~ fi NOES: Councilmen ;t7 d ~ ABSENT: Councilmen ~ , I I PROOF OF PUBLICA liON (2015.5 C.C. PJ STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Orange I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years. and not a party to or interested in the above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the S'eal Beach Journal .................................................... .................................................... a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published ......~.~.~~~1................... in the City of ...~.~~;t;.~~.~.<?~.............. County of Orange, and which news- paper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Orange, State of California, under the date of. g,:".~~., 19. ?,!, , Case Number .A::~~.~~~...; that the notice. of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not Ismaller than nonpareil), has been publiShed in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates. to-wit: November 2 .................................................... all in the year 19. ??.. I certify (or declare) under penalty of perfury that the foregoing is true and correct. . Dated at .... ~ ~.~;J.. J?E!!l. 9P.. ... .... .. ..... ... .. California, this. ..9.~h..day of ..rJ5?X~, 19.?? -e:s~ C3l 0 . " .. ., c.:s;g~'ature ......::T""i""...... ;7'........ Free copies of tllil blink form m.., be,eeured from: CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPER SERVICE BUREAU, INC. Legal Advertising Clearing House 210 South Spring St., Los Angeles, Calif. 90012 Telephone: 625-2141 PI..,. requ.,t GE N ERAL proD' of PubIlCI,'on whln orderlnQ thl. form. . This space Is for the County Clerk's Filing Stamp Proof of Publication of Ordinance #10, .................................... ...................................., Paste Clipping of Notice SECURELY In This Space ORDINANCE NUMBER lDa1 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH. CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS "ND ADOING CERTAIN PROVISIONS TO ARTICLE III OF CHAPTER 22. EXCISE TAX. OF THE CODE OF THE CITY O. SEAL BEACH. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY I OF SEAL BEACH ODES ORDAIN AS . FOLLOWS. Section 1. The dltfmltlon of Mobile Park contained in Sec. 22-12 I, hereby amended to read "MobIle Hollie Park. Any area where one or more Iota or apacea BI"e rented or hetd out tor. rent to be OCCUPied by a house trailer, tr.vel Iraller. mobile home, eamper or other similar vehicle." ISec:tIaI'I 2. Section 2!-13 entitled lmp..ltlon I, hereby amended to read "An 8XCIae tax Is hereby Impos.1 upoa the construction and occupancy of each reeldential uhIt, apartment unit, duplex unit, baChelor unit, mobile home park space. commer~al unit and Indultrlal unit In the city." SlIc1lon 3. Section 22-14 I, hereby ame,..ded by the edtlltlonal of SUbSeCtion 4A to read "Mobile Home Park Space' Forty.flve dollars tor each lpace or lot. II Section 4. Section' 22-15 entitled Time 01 determln.tln 01 t~~i ~,""I. shall be amended to reaa 'The amount of the tax due hereunder shall be determined at the time a bulldtn~ permit IS lought for the construction of residential bulldtRQI, commercial or Indull1.rlal units or buildings or tor the construction or recon- struction of an, mobll. horne park, !l"tt the !ull IJ!'OW'~ ~ ~ .. shall be due and par,able oon- currently With the app lcatlon for auch permrt. II luch tax IS not fully paid on or before the date the permit Is Issued, the tax or the amount thereof nol pa1d shall thereupon beCOme delinquent." Section 5. Sec. 22a11 entitled ExcepIIDIIs. lhall be amended with the second paragraph to read "When an existing re&ldentl8l, commercial or Industrial building or mobile home park on a lot or parcel II bemg repllDd by the conltructlon and occupancy Of a new re.ldentlal, commercial or Indultrlal building or mobile home par\<. \hen <:reelll shall be alvan on a one for one bases." Section S. Sec. 22a19 entitled Batlnnlng con.tructlon belore p.yIIIg tax prohlblltd. .hall be amended to r8l.d "No perean shall begin conItructlOn of any reeldenUiI budding, commeraal or Indu.tnal unit or building or any mobile nome park In the city without first having pallid the tax and any penalty and Interest due the city under this artIcle... Secllon 7. Sec. 22.20 entitled P_--"'- 01 _"'" permit. shall bo amended to read "No .oc:cu~cy permit shall be luued for, and no person nil occupy or offer for occupancy, any resldeotlal build- Ing. commercial or mdustrial Unit or bulldmg or any lpace In a mobile hOme park fn the city unleBI the tax and any ~ty and Interest Imposed upon the COl'lltructlon and occupancy thereof by thll article have been paid." Section 8. Sec. 22-21 enUtled Refundl. shall be amended to read II Any tax, penalty or Interest paid to the city under thiS article for any bulldmg or umt of a building or mobile home ~ which II not constructed Ihall '" relunded upon application of the tax ~yer and a showing to Ihe satisfaction 01 the dlr'ector of Imance that the bUilding. unit or mobile home park has not been constructed or construction com- menced and that the bUlldmg permit 188Ued for loch building, un" or mobile hOme park has been cancelled or ,urrendered or othera wile does not authorize the con- struction of such bulldlng, unit or mobile nome park. PASSE!?~ APPROVED AND ADOPT= this 25th day of OCtO..... . 1917. Thomas E. Bleckman ATTEST: Mayor Jerdys Weir City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE SS CITY OF SEAL BEACH I, Jerdr8 Weir, CIty Clerk of the c.ty of Sea Beach IIfId ex-otflclo clerk ol the City Council, do hereby certlty that the foregOing OI'dlnance was mtroduced at 8 meeting h.ld on October 1Q, 1911, end was adopted, =, of:~e~r~~h ~:t~ regular meeting thereof hetd an the 25th day of October, 1977, by the followmg vote: AYES: Counollmen, Blackman, Gray. KredeU, L81Z10 NOES' CounoHmen: None ABSENT' Counc:llmen: Weir Jerdys Weir CllyC'erII.