HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Ord 985 1975-12-22 ~ .. .. I 'I I . . . . ORDINANCE NUMBER 115 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER lA OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH BY PROVIDING ALTERNATIVE MEANS IN LIEU OF FILING FEES FOR CANDIDATES FOR ELECTIVE OFFICES OF SAID CITY, AND DECLARING THIS ORDINANCE TO BE EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY. Section 1. The City Council does hereby ordain that Section lA-2 of Chapter lA is amended to read as follows: Section IA-2. Filing fee for candidates--Payment. The filing fee shall be paid to the city clerk by each candidate for an elective office at the time the candidate's nomination paper is filed with the city clerk, except that such filing fee shall be waived if the candidate files a written affidavit declaring an inability to pay said fee. Section 2. Pursuant to Section 416 of the City Charter this ordinance shall take effect and be in force immedIately upon its~adoption. Section 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and shall cause the same to be published as required by law. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED thiso6.?~ay of /i(1(l~ '-~ 1975. ;,l~~,~2IL~ ATTEST: ~~;'~l' cd",' STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF SEAL BEACH ) I, Jerdys Weir, City Clerk of the City of Seal Beach, hereby certify to the passage and adoption of the foregoing ordinance~by the City COU;(/iJ at a !iE!gulJr meeting thereof held on the~Al"(day of _ W.ILn< uiA/ , 19 5, by the following vote: ' . AYES: Counci Imember~ :J~ 1~(;1},e. NOES: ABSENT: Counc i 1 members Councllmembers ~ti I '" PROOF OF PUBLICA liON (2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Orange I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or Interested In the above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the SEAL BEACH JOURNAL .................................................... ~ - 231 Main Street .................................................... a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published ....~?..~.~~~..~.:?:c;~.......... In the City of ....~.e;~~..~!';~~J;............... County of Orange, and which news- paper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Orange, State of California. under the date of. :.:? :.~~ 19 _ ?~, Case Number .~:~~.~~.~....; that1henotice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set In type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: December 31 ............................1.............. ......... all in the year 19..?~, I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct . Dated at.... ~.~~~..~.:~~~..................... California, this}.~......day of .~~.::., 19 .?~. ...~~g~~.............. Free cople. of thll blank form m.y be secured from: CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPER SERVICE BUREAU, INC. Legal Advertising Clearing House 210 South Spring St., Los Angeles, Calif. 90012 Telephone: 625-2141 Plea.. requI.t GENERAL Proof 04 Publlca'loft when orderlnq thll form. . Ordinance Number This space Is for the County Clerk's Filing Stamp Proof of Publication of Ordinance 985 .................J..!............_........... ORDOiANCE NUMBER 985 , , ............ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH, CALIFORNlA, AMENDING CHAPTER IA OF TIlE CODE OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH BY PROYIDING AL- TEr-NATIVE MEANS IN LIEU OF FILING FEES FOR CAN- llIDA TEll FOR ELECTIVE OFFICES OFSAIDCITY,AND DECLAfolNG THIS ORDIN, ANCE TO BE EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY. !;ef"tiOD I, The City CQ1IIICII does hereby ordam that S.clloll lA-a of Cbapter lA Is ameudlld toread815 follOWS: " , I Sec\uJD lA-a, FIIlDr IIee for cudldatas. ~ Payment. The filml fee 51\1.1\ be paid to lhe city derk by each caD- didate for an elective office at the tim, the eandldlte's. nomlDahOD paper IS filed ....Itb the eit, clerk, exeept. tbat such RllDe tee shall be waived it the candidate files a wrlt- leu a!ftdavlt deelariDg aD ln~ ability to par said tee. seclloD 2. Pdrsuant to Sect1Ol1 416 of the City Charter this ordiDllnce sball tau et:fectlDd be ID force unmediately upon lis adoplloa. section 3. The City Clerk shall ,arllly to the adop\\oo ollhls ordlPlnee aad shall cause the same to be pubUshed as re- quired by law, PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 22Dd da)' of De. cember I 1975. Thomas I. McKaew Jr, MaJ~ ATT'6' Jerdys Weir :J CllyClerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF SEAL BEACH ) I. Jerdy Weir. City Clerk of lbe City of SenlBeach, hereby cerUfy to tbe pas"ill.gt! and II.dopUonofthe foregolRg ordinance by lhe City CouncU at a relUlu meebag thereof held on lite 22Dd day 01 December. 1815, by the 6>l1owb1g ~ote~ AYES: COUDClllmember. Barton Blackman, HoldeD., IIcKDew, Sa"" NOES: C.....IIm.D1ber. _ A.BSENT: couiacUmembers NODe l Jerdys Weir CI17 Clark No. 148 Seal Beach ,JourDaI Pob.Dee. 21, 19'15 (It) .............. I I I , I............. I PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Orange I am a citizen of the Un Ited States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or Interested In the above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the SEAL BEACH JOURNAL .................................................... 231 Main Street .................................................... a newspaper of general circulation, printed and publlshed.....!H ..~!';<;1.~ ..~~';l~~......... In the City of .......?~!l::J-..~.~~.<;~............ County of Orange, and which news- paper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Orange, State of California, underthedateof.:f.E!?:.~1f 19 .?~, Case Number ..:~';:~.~?~~..; that the notice, of which the annexed Is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the follOWing dates, to,wlt: December 31 .......................,............................ all In the year 19??.. I certify (or declare) under penalty of perlury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at ....~.7~L~.~?~~..................... . thO 31 d f Dec. 19 75 nla, IS.......... ay 0 ........1 ..... ~~~i~~............... Free cople. of thl. blInk farm me, be ..cured from: CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPER SERVICE BUREAU, INC. Legal Advertising Clearing House 210 South Spring St., Los Angeles, Calif. 90012 Telephone: 625-2141 Pl.... requHt GENERAL Proof of Publlutlon when ord.rlnll thll form. " Ordinance Number This space Is for the County Clerk's Filing Stamp Proof of Publ icatlon of , ... .Cl.t:diIllilnc2.. .!l,~.~IlM;j,!;hL,...... ............ : ~t'MERr. DE ORDDi'ANZA 985 I , l:X.\ (Jaui~^).z... 1;1-. I A I ............1 <.ll"DAl.I ut. ~!.AL I:U:..\CII, .................. CAI IFORSL\l'r ENMENDA}lj. U'J EL C.\P t'LO 1.\ DEL CirDIGO DE LA CIUDAD DE SEAL BEACH E:; PROVEER MtiJ!O ALTERNATIVO EN LUGAR nE Ct'OT AS DE APLlCACl6N PARA CANDI- DATOS PARA pUESTOS EL, ECTIVOS DE DICHA CWIlAD, Y DECLARANlJO ESTA OR, DENANZA EFECTIVA IIlME- DIATAMENTE. StltclL,i& l. LI Junta MUDlctpal orelena ~ esle media JlUe II SerdOn lA-2 de CapCtulo lA 51 emneada a leer rODlO Slcue: Seee'&' 1A-2. C_ de Apll' carlO' a para Candldatos-- PalO. La cuota de apllc:acldf. se pagar{ al Secretarlo Munl- rlpal por rada caMutato para un punta electivo II tlempo en que 58 reptra el 18P81 de aomiaacl6D del eandldato : COQ el SecretarlO Mlmlc1.-1, I exeepto que tal caota de apJI- eacld'a 51 cedera st el can- l dldato reglftra \IDa der}1ra- I cloD JUl'ada declarllDdO una Inbab1lldad den papr dicba cuoIa. S";CI~ Z. De eoaformldad COD Ia Seccl&. 416 de Ia C6lu1a ' de ta Cludad, esta ordenanza se har{' efectiva ,_ estar" en . tuerza Imnedlatamente COD SU I edopcldli, Seecidii 3. EI Secrelano Mu- nicipal cerhflcar! a la adop- curn de esta ordenanza y caUsara' que 10 mismo sea pubJlcldo como 51 requ1ere por ley. ... PASAlJO, APROBAllO, 1 AIX?lI'fAOU -este 2200 dill de Dtol'embrfll, lOjlj, ... "li L McKoe... Jr. .... aids', .. , - r . A TESTAeI .' .~. ~.: Jerdys Weir - , Secretario Mun1cipal ESTAlJO DE CALIFORNIA ) CONDAOO DE ORANGE ) SS ClUnAn DE SEAL BEACII ) Yo, Jerdy Weir. Seeretarlo Mu- a1c1pa1 de Ia Cladad de Seal Beach, por este m~dln certifieo al puaje 'I adopclob de, la pre- c:edente ordeaanza por 11 Junta MWI1clIBI en una eonferenela normal, de .510 tom&' lupr el 2200 d' de Deeembre, 19'15, a trav(s del slgulente voto: srs Mlembros de la JllDbl Bartou, Blackman, Holden, MC'KuPA, Sale~ NO's Mlembros de 1a Junta None AUSENTU: ~f.1embros de la Junia None Jerdys Weir Seerelarlo MunlClplIl No. 148 Sell Beach Joaraal Pub. Dec. 31, 1975 (1t)