HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 2741 1978-02-13 .' . . -' " , I RESOLUTION NUMBER ~1 ell A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH, CALIFORNIA, PROVIDING THAT ALL BALLOTS BE COUNTED AT A CENTRAL COUNTING PLACE. WHEREAS, it is desirable that all ballots cast by electors at the Primary Municipal Election to be held in said city on Tuesday, March 28, 1978, be counted at a central place; and Section 17050 of the Elections Code of the State of California authorizes the City Council to provide that all ballots cast at said Primary Municipal Election be counted at a central, counting p~ace; NOW, THEREFORE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEAL 8EACH, CALIFORNIA, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DECLARE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, Section 1. That pursuant to Section 17050 of the Elections Code of the State of California, ballots cast by electors at the Primary Municipal Election to be held on Tuesday, March 28, 1978 be counted at a central place. Section 2. That the Seal 8each City Council Chambers, 211 - 8th Street, Seal Beach, California, is hereby designated as the central place to count said ballots. Section 3. That notice of the central counting place is hereby given and the City Clerk is hereby authorized, instructed and directed to give such further or additional notice of the central counting place in time, form and manner as required by law. Section 4. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Resolution; shall enter the same in the book of original Resolutions of said City; and shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said City, in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted. Section 5. That this Resolution shall take effect immediately. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED p~~he Seal Beac~City Council at a regular meeti ng thereof held on he ~ - day of GlfL A A u A ~'" 1978 by the following vote: ' tf (' /" AYES: Councilme NOES: councilmen~ III ABSENT: councilmen~ I ~ , .. ~-~ Z- ~~ Mayor ATTEST: ~-' ~ RESOLUCION NUMERO .;? 141 UNA RESOLUCION DEL CONCILIO MUNICIPAL DE LA CIUDAD DE SEAL BEACH, CALIFORNIA, PROPORCIONANDO QUE TODAS LAS BALOTAS SEAN CONTADAS EN UN LUGAR CENTRAL. se desea que todas las balotas de votos por 105 elec- tores durante la ElecciGn Primaria Municipal la cual tendr~ lugar en dicha ciudad el martes, 28 de marzo de 1978, sean contadas en un lugar central: y EN VISTA DE QUE, la SecciGn 170S0 del CGdigo de Elecciones del Estado de California autoriza al Concilio Municipal que pro- porcione que todas las balotas de votos durante dicha ElecciGn Primaria Municipal sean contadas'en un lugar central: EN VISTA DE QUE, I AHORA, POR ESA RAZON, EL CONCILIO MUNICIPAL DE LA CIUDAD DE SEAL BEACH, CALIFORNIA, POR ESTE MEDIO RESUELVE, DE CLARA , DETERMINA Y ORDENA LO SI- GUIENTE:. SeccilSn I: Que de acuerdo con la SeccilSn 170S0 del ClSdigo de Elec- ciones del Estado de California, 1as balotas de votos por los electores durante la Elecci6n Primaria Municipal 1a cual tendr~ 1ugar el martes, 28 de marzo de 1978, sean contadas en un lugar central. SeccilSn 2. Que la C~mara del Concilio ~ronicipal de Seal Beach, 211 8th Street, Seal Beach, California, por este medio queda designada como el lugar central para con tar dichas ba- Iotas. SeccilSn 3. Que aviso del lugar central para contar por este medio se da, y por este medio la Secretaria Municipal queda autorizada, instruida, y dirigida a dar tal adicional aviso del lugar central para contar a tiempo, forma y manera como es requirido por ley. Que la Secretaria Municipal certificar~ a la aprovacilSn y adoptacilSn de esta Reso1ucilSn; pondr~ 1a misma en el libro de Resoluciones originales de dicha Ciudad; y har~ una minuta de la aprovacilSn y la adoptacilSn de tal en los apuntes de los procedimientos del Concilio Municipal de dicha Ciudad, en las minutas de la reuni6n cuando la misma es aprovada y adoptada. I S.cci.n 4. . Resolution Number .. . Secci6n S. Que esta Resoluci6n tomar' efecto inmediatamente. PASADA, APROVADA Y ADOPTADA por el Concilio Municipal de Seal Be~~h durante una reuni6n regular de tal la cual tuvo lugar el d!a ~de ~~A!tt~~ de 1978 por el siguiente voto: S1: Concejales: ~LAt~HA;U (;,.q,/yu ~DEaJ L.4Sz:.L6 !.tk,R) , I' F , NO: Concej ales: Ah.,,-,p AUSENTE: Concej ales: Mve I (signed) Thomas If. Blackman Alcalde ATESTACION: (signed) Jerdys Weir Secretaria Municipal " I - , I 1 PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA. County of Orange I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or Interested in the above-entitled matter, I am the principal clerk of the printer of the Seal Beach Journal .................................................... .................................................... a newspaper of general circulation. printed and published .. .1I1.El~.~.Y..................,... In the City of ...li~.~;J,.J.lI?A9h............... County of Orange, and which news- paper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Orange. State of California. under the date of..?::?,~.. 19 .~~.. Case N b A-82583 'th tth tl um er ................, a eno ceo of which the ,annexed is a printed copy (set In type not 'smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not In any supplement thereof on the following dates. to-wit: ......KwJ:wu'Y ..?f:.... ....,. ......",......... all in the year 19, Z~.. I certify (or declare) under penalty of perlury that the foregoing Is true and correct, . Dated at Seal Beach ............... ..... ..... ...............~ Callfornla.this..?~:';J;t..dayof.f!'!9.~,. 19 .~~,; .,..... ~.~g~~;;.,..::_,...,...... Free Callies of this blank farm mlY be .ecured from: CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPER SERVICE BUREAU, INC. Legal Advertising Clearing House 210 South Spring St" Los Angeles. Calif, 90012 Telephone: 625.2141 PI...I requI.t GENERAL Proof of Publlcltlon when orderlnq this farm. Resolution Number This space Is for the County Clerk's Filing Stamp , Proof of Publication of ......,. .R~!'!9:\H9;i.lm. ~~~~R .P.'t~........,..,.. .......................................................... Paste Clipping of Notice SECURELY In This Space 'RIllIOI.UCION NUMERO 2741 UNA REIOLUCION DEL CONCILIO MUNICIPAL OE LA CIUDAO DE lEAL lEACH,.CALlFORNIA, PROPORCIONANDO QUE TODAI , , LA88ALOTA88EANCONTADAI EN UN LUGAR CENTRAL. I . EN VISTA DE QUE, .1 deIe8 que lodaI III balota1 d. WtoI por 101 I[ lIectores dWlI1te la EIec:cJon Prl. .marla Municipal Is cual tendr. luger en dlcha Giudici et man_, 28 de mll"ZQ de 1978, I88n cont8du en un \ lug.. central; Y I ENVlBTA DI!QUE"laSlcclon 17050 r del Codlga de Elecckm.. del EstIldo de CalifOrnia IUlorlza II CanclIIo MuntclPII qUi propol'Clione que todII . III tNdot. de wtOI durante dlch. EleccIon Prlnwla Municipal IBM contlldal en un lug.. central; AHORA POR E8A RAZON EL CONCILlo MUNICIPAL DE LA CIUDAD DE lEAL BEACH CALIFORNIA, POR E8TE MEblD RESUELVE DECLARA DETERMINA Y ORDENA 1.0 IIGUIENTE: t lIotIon 1: QUI de ecuerdo con la f Secclon 17060 del Cor;l.lgo de Else- . clan.. de' Eltmo de CIIlfornl., 'II . baIotu de wtol P9' loa electorel I . . -.. - -- _.. _J durlnte 18 I:lecclan tlrtmarla Munlel- pella CUll tendra lug.. II marte., 28 de m.m do 1878, .., contad.. en 1.11 lug.. central. I s.aIDn 2. Quela CmnIradef Canclllo Municipal do .... _h, 211 81h Streit. 8MI B_h, Cillfarnll. por .. m8c:l1o queda dIIlanlda como II luaa, oentral par. contar dlchas boI...., ......3. QuelWlso dellua. centr.. par'.OIIIIlor por ... mod" .. do, "I par 811. medIo Ia Set:r8WIa MunIcf- m-:la~. ~:'':lo~:-:'I:d.l luger central para cantlr a ttempo, forma y manera como 81 requlrldo par ley. 8eccI1II 4. Que la Secret.... MUnici- pal cerllflcera a la aprovlClon y 8dDptelon de ..a ReIoluciDn: pon- Ira la mlama an .. IIbro de RalDluclonea orlgln.lel de dlcha CludBd; y hara una minute de la lIPF'OVClon y II adoptaclon de tat en IoIspuntH de loa procedlmlentoe del OxtCIho Municipal da dlche C1udad, en I.. mlnutal de II reunion cUlnclo II mlame .. eprovada y adopl8da. "clan S. Que ella RelOluclan tomara etecIa Inmec:lllt8mente. PASADA, APROVADA Y ADOPTA- OA par 81 CDnCtllO Municipal de Seet BelCh durante une reunIOn regular detallacull tuvo luger.' die 13th dB Feb8rD de 1978 par eI Ilgqulente -: 81: Concelll..: Blackman, Gray Kredall, LuZto, WeIr NO: Concojoloo:_ AUSENTE: Concojoloo: NIdo l Thom.. E, 11~= Ii ATESTACION: . _ WoIr , _orl. MlOI'c'P.!L.___J --. , I. I' PROOF OF PUBLICA liON (2015.5 C.C,P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA. County of Orange I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years. and not a party to or Interested In the above-entitled matter, I am the principal clerk of the printer of the Seal ~each Journal .................................................... .................................................... a newspaper of general circulation. printed and published .. .Wlil~....,................. In the City of ...S.eAl.ll.ei!.ch............... Couniy of Orange. and which news- paper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Orange. State of California, underthedateof..~::?~.. 19?L A-82583 . h Case Number ................. t atthenotlce. of which the/annexed is a printed copy (set in type not'smaller than nonpareil). has been published in each regular and entire Issue of said newspaper and not In any supplement thereof on the following dates. to-wit: ....... J'1illlx'J.\ij.!::y., ~, ,... ...... .,. ,........ .... all in the year 19.?~.. I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the for.egolng is true and correct, Dated at ."..$l':M,.~!?ll-~l;1...,................. California, this..?!t!=~..day of. J..~R~, 19 ?L ~~ """R . ~ ......"'-..:)~ .'-sJg~u;e........' .... ....... Fro coplel of thll bl.nk for'm m.v..e ..cured from I CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPER SERVICE BUREAU. INC. Legal Advertising Clearing House 210 South Spring St '. Los Angeles. Calif, 90012 Telephone: 625.2141 PIe.....8(lU."GENI!RAL Proof" Publlc,1loft when orderln. 'his form. Resolution Number This space Is for the County Clerk's Filing Stamp .. ... . ... .- Proof of Publication of ,.....,... ,~l'l~$?:).N-1;~~~..~~~;'. .?llj;J,... .....,..... .......................................................... Paste Clipping of Notice SECURELY h sS ace RESOLUTION NUMBER 2741 A RESOLUTION OFTHE CITY COUNCIl. OF THE CITY OF lEAL BEACH. CALIFORNIA. 'ROVIDIII.... THAT ALL BALLOTS E COUNTED. AT A CENTRAl.COUIITINClPLACE WHEREAlll1 Ia doll_II .hll oil blllatlC8lllJfllec:torl1lt the Primary Mu"JcI~ Elecllon to be held In laid cllyon Tullday, March 28. 1178. be counted at . cent.... piece; and WHEREAS, aecllon. ~17050 of' the Election. Code' of the Stl'e of CallfOmlaauthorlHl the City Council 10 pl'O\/'lde thai all b1111Ot. CIIII .. I8Id Prlmery Mun IclpaI Election be count~ eel aI . central counttng ptIce; ATTEST: JOfdy! Wel, NOW, THEREFORE. THE CITY City alrk COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF lEAL BEACH, CALIFORNIA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE. DECLARE, i DETERMINE AND ORDER AI FOLLOWI: I Seal... 1. ThBt pUSUlnt 10 Section I 1'7050 of U\e EleCtlone Coda ot the . Slate of c.llfoml., ballOta cut by . I electorl II Ihe Pnmery Municipal 'I EMloct'hon to be held 011 TU8Iday. erc: 28. 1878 be counted at . . cent,." place. ' I ]1octIon .. lllol thl SolI BlOCh Clly Counclt O1ombon, "1 . IIh 81_, I Bud BB:h. Callmrnl., II hereby dellanBted . the central P'- to I counl &lid b1110t1. : ....1On a, lllll noli.. at 'hi qonIrol counllng pl_ II n.eby given 8f'Id , .hI City Clerk II IHnby lU'ha,lzod, , In..rueled and dIrected to Give IUCh lurther or addlUonll nollCe of .the central counting JII8CI In time, form I and menner II required by law. : lIectIDn 4. Thll tne Clly Clerk lIhaIl certifY to th, p~. and adDpllon of , Ihl, Aelatutlaa.; ah8l1 enler the lime In the book af arlglnal Relalullana af laid City: and ahllll make a mlnuta or the plII8ge and adOptlo" thereat In . the recorDa of the prOceedln". ar the City OJuncll of .Ii CIty. In Ihl mlnUlel of the meeting" which the lime I. paRed 8l'Id Mlopted. ..... I. ". thll ReeoIUllon IhaII Ioko oIloct _llIlly. PAllED, APPROVED ond ADOPT- ED by Iho", _ ClIy CaunclI It a ~ular meetln thereof held an the 13th Illy of F_y. 1811 by 'hi follawlng wll: AYES: . COuncllm.ni..~lackman. CJ'lIl', _II, Looza, ...., ' NOES: CDuncllmen: NoM 1 ABSENT: Q)uncllmll1: None I Thamao E. B1oc11mon Moya, - .!