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CC Res 2577 1976-07-12
I I I , ;; ,- . :-. . .~ .' RESOLUTION NUMBER ';;;';;77 " A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH, CALIFORNIA. HONORING JOANNE YEO AND RICHARD YEO FOR THEIR INVOLVEMENT AND DEDICATION TO VARIOUS CIVIC AND COMMUNITY EVENTS AS WELL AS FOR THE ENTHUSIASM AND ESPRIT DE CORPS THEY HAVE BROUGHT TO THE AQUATICS PROGRAM OF SEAL BEACH, CALIFORNIA. ThU CUy Council. wv.. hu .to e.xplLU.6 U:.6 de.eput appltec..i.a.tA.on .to Joanne Yeo and .to IUc.haIl.d. Yeo OOIL thm ..unme.Yl.6el.y unlle.l.o.i.6h e.OOOILU .to make. Seal. Beach a befteJl. pla.c.e. .in wki.ch to -Uve.; and ThU CUy Council. appla.u.c/.6 the. mannlVL thlLough wki.c.h Joanne and lUc.hcvuf. Ye.o have. u-plLU.6e.d thm love., .irl.tlVLut and pJvi.de. .in the. c.ommunU:y 00 Seal. Beach; and Joanne and lUc.haJr.d Yea have., 00lL many Ye.aM, w.UUngly g.ive.n 00 thm .time., e.ne/l.g.iu and :tal.ent6 to plLov.ide. erl.telVt:a.i.nme.rl.t and diJr.e.c.ti.on OOIL the. P. LA. CaJr.ni.val and bOIL thm CJl.e.a.ti.on and plVLooJr.manC.e 00 the. now TRADITIONAL liP. LA. CARNIVAL CLOWN"; and The. c.omb.i.ned 1Le.60UILC.e.6 06 Joanne and 1Uc.haJr.d Yeo bO.6tlVLe.d and e.nc.owr.a.ge.d a.c;t.i.ve. paJLti.c..i.pa;t.i.on .in the. Seal. Beac.h Ma.6teM StWn PlLogJLam; and They palLti.ei.pa.;ted .in the. 601Ullu.!a.t.i.on 00. and a.6.6.i.6ted .in c.onduc.t.i.ng, the .6.i.x. .6uc.c.e.6.66ul Ca.ta.U.na. Channel. .6l4U.m.6 .invo.e.v.ing the. you..th 06 OUIL c.ommu.nU:y; and Joanne and 1Uc.haJr.d Ye.o have. be.e.n ac.t.i.ve. wUh :the. Seal. Beac.h sw.im Club .6.inc.e. U:.6 .inc.e.ption .in 1966 and have. h~ 06Mc.e.6 on :the. Swim Club Bocvuf. 06 D.i.lLe.c;tolL6; and Thm e.n:thu.6.i.a.6t.i.c. .6uppOJI.t and e.6601LU led .to the. c.onti.nuation 06 :the. Seal. Beac.h Rough WatlVL Swim 601L wki.c.h they have. ac.ted a.6 me.e.t diJr.e.c;tolL6 bOIL the. pa.6t o.ive. ye.aM; and IUc.haIl.d. Ye.o .6eJl.Ve.6 a.6 the loc.al A.A.U. lLe.plLUe.nta.ti.Ve. 601L tong cLi..6.ta.nc.e. oc.ean .6w.imm.i.ng and ha.6, wUh :the a.6.6.i.6.ta.nc.e. 00 Joanne, oltgani.ze.d and c.ondu.c.ted a toc.al iong cLi..6.ta.nc.e. .6w.Unm.i.ng c..uni.c. .to -plLomote. .irl.tlVLe.6t .in oc.ean .6w.Unm.i.ng. NOW, THEREFORE, the. CUy Council. 00 the. CUy 00 Seal. Be.a.c.h, CalioOlLnia, c.omme.nd.6 WHEREAS, WHEREAS , WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS , WHEREAS , WHEREAS, WHEREAS, JOANNE YEO and RICHARD YEO and oHeM :th.u. lLe.6o.t.u..ti.on a.6 a token 06 U:.6 de.e.p ap-plLe.c..i.a.t.i.on bOIL mak.i.l~g se.a..e. Beac.h a beftlVL p.t.ac.e. .in wki.c.h .to -Uve and OOIL OO.6te.ll.i.ng and .6:tILe.ngth- e.ni.ng pub-Uc. awaJr.e.nu.6 .in the. hea.U:houl pUlr..6u..i.t6 00 atht.e.tic. a.c;t.i.v.i..ti.u .in the. c.ommu.ni.:ty. PILe.6e.rl.te.d th.i.6 .twe.i6th day 00 July, N.i.ne.te.en Hundlr.ed and Se.verl.ty-.6.i.x.. ~V~Jr- 6e~~-1~ MayolL Thoma.6 E. Blac.kman ij~~.~~~/;~;.. dilfC- ~~~~ef~ 1I;~~~/~ . owti an o. Coun an Rl.l.6.6 eLf. f) Y (~' ~ ~~j ~ (~ ) Y.6 ,CUy lVL .'(;" e;1:' '.'r: ., ,;:",,"1.1.1.;(;. , ;(" '",;0 '<<...Cl.... '. "f'" -' I.~ ..~~V.I'(>I:.(I.:-.<:C'. 't ~.'"'' ",' ~. f ,.. ,~. ..,' . '"'' ",..., ,....... ....... ~. .y' / "......t.... r .:. f' ,,' / ;:'., :.\ .".," . ..\ .,. . J!", t>-_ ,; ::-' - .. ), - - f . -~'~: I~ _ .. < - . t if- r C>'.lr.. 0",;(,.- c..~( """" '0'" t- ......... ',/~ ,_.' . ~.1 ,;!:;.:..v., '''> <J::";~.;{, .~/"<""(' ..<;:.<.~~.., '<(1';" '..'1.> "1' ,t ..' ((,\~' ' '~...~ .... ' cif~ \,. , (JllA,'~~~d\'/ . '."J:.."~