HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Ord 766 1968-09-03 . , .... " , '\'.. :;,,: I,' .... ./'i-'t.:, ,. . . '.. . ~ .. \. <4-' l' ~ :' . ~ . .~ . ,~" uI ; '..~' '~ .... . .'.':. .,!.< .' " , . . ~, -."- .! . ~'l :,. . :t.~ ' I" .. ..... '. " f ...' ',~ :.. '.' :""'- '~_.. '. , ,0 ' 1 .. ,. I., '.. ~ - '. '\.; ~. ! ' ':T 1'71NAL Or.:r-Ir,:IAL C0!'Y' ~o..; <:',: c ; . .' . H.,;~ TO BE TA!([',!: ;w i ':rHE CITY CLERK'S 0': ':IC[ .1, ORDINANCE NUMBER 766 '. =-1 AN ORDINANCE ,OF THE CITY OR SEAL' BEACH, CALIFORNIA, .. AMENDING' ORDINANCE 628 (ZONING), ADDINp PART "C'" CURB .OPENINGS TO SECTION 1713 (1).' , , , THE CITY ,COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLO\.]S :.' Section 1.,' Ordinance 628 (Zoning) of the C;ity 'of Seal Beach ,is hereby amended by the addition. of the following section. Article 17. General Provisions " '. Sec. 1713.' (1) ~, ,(c) "Curb Openings:, In the R-2 and R-3 Zones,. there shall be no curb openings or curb cuts to any lot 'or parcel 'served ,by an alley. ., I, 'Exception: Those facilities designed for, drive-through ingress and egress may have 'orie' (1) curb opening. Said opening shall be ten (10) feet wide for one-way traffic and twenty (20) ,feet wide for two-way , t~affic . Section 2,. This ordinance, shall become effective ' March 1, 1969. Section 3. ,The City Clerk shall verify to the passage and adopt~on of this ordinance and shall cause the sa e to be posted. ." ~rl~')1 '-".A,"'- " ATTEST: ,j (~-~ CZt~ '(}i Cler " I, Jerdys Weir, City'Clerk of the City of Seal Beach, do hereby certify to the ,passage and adoption of the foreg9ing,ordinance of the City ,Council at a meeting thereof held on ,the3rd.day .ofSeptember,1968, I by the follOWin,g vot.e:~ , " AYES: , Counci1m.enlJ~, (tn,~. ,Jl~" NOES: Councilmen ~~ ~B;STAIN:' coun6ilmeh: ,v.~ ,'. r, JERDYS WEIR; CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF SE:A\ '/.', / BEACH, DO HERC:IW CERTiFY TH.,\i THE: :OREGO!NG , " , '~-"1 ~.sc.zt/~ ' ORDINANCE 'IS THE ORiGlc:AL OI(DI~~ANCE cIO.7~C:;;:' ' , Ci lerk' , .n...n....... AND WAS FOSTeD Pl!~S.UANT )0 ORD. . '. ".:', rNAN9E-~, 672 ON THL.JJ.n:DAY'OF,dp"",,,..t..;< / 'i'? "7 .m,,_~,,;,"{;(d..({.;.-'d:,n~.;{~~.....'n'.. CITY CLERK ' ' I I I \ : , . .' RESOLUTIClH ?-i0.. _~_..?~~l._ A RESOLUTION OF 'i'm' PLA!il\ING COHHISSION OF THE CITY OF SEAL eE:~,CH }-~ECOHj.mND}NG fu'.ml;lD~1E~T OF ORDINANCE 628 (i.(;(jItlG) BY ADDING TO SECTION 1713 (1) }JAJ\.T II~.." -, CURB Ol~ENINGS. l,rHEREAS, in the .matter of l"eguJf'ti,llg cur.b or~~nings the Planning Commission of the City of Seal "J\each doe.s re.port HS f(,11::"~~'B: 1. The 'present Zoning Code does nfJi.: control curh openinf,s for p8rccls served by alleys. 2. Hany TesiJf~nts .have comp1.ailled that curb cuts have seriously reduced availaLle on-street parkiilfl. 3. In the Ci.ty't.. t-2 and 1\-3 zoned areas, alleys have been provldec1 for vehicular aCcess to tIle Rite. /,. The flrOpos(~d amenr]tlcnt provides that there be no curh C>PQnings or curbcnts to nny pa}~ceJ. .se't"ve.c1 by an alley. 'l'hi.s amendment provides an exc.eption for facilities .designed for drivc-.through ingress cHid egress toget.her \(lith appropt'iate '\.d.dths .for on(~ find t\..:ro-'\.Jay traffic. WIlE}{EAS t- -the Planntng Commi 8S1.0n findings al'e an follO\,]s: 1. ResidentL:l1 .curbcuts v.3ry from tcn to fi.fteen feet in \....:i.dth. 2. For ever:;, -cur-beut ,allm';ed) a curbsi.de parking space is lost. 3. \VT}-I(~n the u~.,e of curbcut:H it) repeated lot after lot, tLc front yards of prope:cties "Hill become. occup1.ed by alltos)' bQ,;,~ts, campers allr1 tl.ailers. pL.il;:emcnt: ;oI 'SUc11 vehicles in front yards diminishes the attractivellCSs neighbo,rhood. The of a l.. It h<ls been '8hm,10 that DS a neighl~orhood's attractiveness decreilSeS,. a sjmi.lar drop in llroperty val,ues will occur. 5. The purpose of an alley is to provide vc.hicular access to a site. The allml/nnce. of CUrbClll:l.; .teud to decrease the ur;c and lJenefit.s from alleys. 6~ . Alleys Elre -puhltc r:tght:s-or-\\I'ay,. net subject to taxation,>> but reduce .thc amount of la:1U '<:lvai 1.able for taxat i,0TJ.. If an alley is not used for the purposes cr0-ateG)' the City in effect1 El1ffer~; :: i:<D~ loss for Jand 'hThich othcrv.'ise could have been used for buildings, p8tios 0r' (}L"ller open space~ 7. Limiting curbcuts \.Jill inert: present curbside parking. the benefits from alleys and also maintain 8. This dmend,71cnt coupled with t\-'(-. amendment regulating the number of parking spaces p'2r ur.it \.Ji1l requj re (.;;](.'.h property owner to provide sufficient parking on-site to accomodate the 3.u1:o[i;cbile.s of the occuments in a manner ",'hieh \"ill not be detrimental to the nejghborhood~ 1 I I - " Resolution ~o. 231 <; ~ Allm\'ing vehicular access from both th~ front 2-nd re2l" yards reduces play area and increases hazards to children.. NOH, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that 1:1", Plimning Commission of the City of Seal Beach does hereby recommend to the City Council of the City of Seal Beach the adoption 9f an amendment to Ordi.nance N05 628 (Zoning) by the addition of Section 1713 (J.) Pert "c" - Curh Openings as shm", in the attached Exh:i.bit "A". ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 3rd day of J:J1y, 1968. ------- Chairman of the Planninp, Commiss:i.on I herehy certify that the foregoinr; resolution ",as duly ildopted at' a regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the Cily of Seal Beach ",hich was held on Heclnesday, July 3, 1968, and carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COi1lmissi..oners: Cor:lI:li.ssioners: Commissioners: Boeger, Crowley. Lanni.ng, Peters None Hllrphy Se ere to; ry -0-[- t he -P-la~j:;;f;-'.Commis-~ J;~- ,',