HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Ord 731 1967-10-02 " " " y , .- 'OJ" > -- - ORDINA0iCF. NO~ .7~__L_ Rlr=,'NJ\L OFFICIAL. " (j r ','0 BE T i\I(EH i' \ HI:: CiTY CLERK'S OFi~ICE '0 A~j OHDJNA)"iCE OI~ "fEE CITY OF SE.;L I3EJ..C<\C CALIFORNIA; Ai'.~ENDI~;G ORlJTfiA:,ICI: !'10~ 62~, ARTICLE 17, GENEf',AL "RGV]Sl<J"S, CON[lITlONS A!':n EXCEP'l'IONS, USE, OFF-STREET PARl\.I~TCt OEF-STREET LOAOIl\iG~ BY ADJ)"P~G SECTION 1717, HIGHHAY. DEDICATION A:\iI) IHPROVE:'~E~~'I'. =-1 }'HE CITY C;OUNCIL O}' TllE CITY OF S;;AL BEACH, CALIFURNIA, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOHS: ~C:E}.E~-l. Articl(>. 1 T t Ger.eral Pi:'ovisions) Conditions 8.nJ Exceptions, Use t Off-Street Parking, Off~Str(~t~t Loading_ of Ordinance No." 628' is h2reby amended as follOi.Ts: A. The" title of said Arti.cle 17 sh~ll be llGeneral Prov'isions, Conditions and Exceptio[lS, 'Usci Off-Strepi Parking, Off-Street LD~ding. Hjghway U"p',jicotion all(t I:!IPl~ovc:.lent. 11 H. Section 1717 sh211 be added to sai.cr Article 17. Said Sect~Gn 1717 shall rEad '::-is fGIIO\.J~~: SEe" 1717 lLLCHh'AY DEDICATION /,[;1) I~n!}~nVEHENT I (a) No huj.lrJing Hnd nu larHl shall be ll~;ed for any ''::0,~1Tnercjal, industrial~ pl.oie~~si.on,]l or 'ii,\.I1:_:iplc n::.si.dclltiaJ use, nor sh<1l1 any Certitic:!.te or Use dnJ 0cc.~_r0B:!f'Y ::llt~14€:fQr bc issued. by the n~lildi:1g and Safety De.partment \"~-ie!'e the ;;itf.! of Si.lcI, b\dlding or sueh land u) be use.d for said us~~; abuts upon, aH~i [he v2hic;~1;:1r inr;rcss 01" eg:r:ESS to the said building Or: li:md i.s by \.Jay of Dl' iI!ln .:'r 'upon allY existing, hip,t!.\vays or streets sho'.,m on t}l:2 llCirculation Elt"'T.cnt. Street.:::: anl nigi1~\'-"'-lYs of the (;(~i.!eral PJ.a:11l c::dGptcd hy t/H:~ CJ_ty Council Of' ~pi{I'!!J~"'....~/9':!___, 3.5 a:-,iend.ed, and 2S li1~.lY h2.rcaft0t' he amenr;ed, untj 1 [tnd l..:.nless t:1e right of \1ay (or olich h.i6h'.\~ays or streets tc the T,.;idth E;b0~"T! on sai.d "C'i.rculatio:l EJ.erll(~nt Stre.!~ts BEd Hjg;jT,.J8YS of the Gcnc:r<J...1 Pl<.Hl" for th[~ ) <."ngch of the fY~nt:,:~;:;(-~ or front2g~s of 'th~ s:i.U~ actually to tie USQd for rii,;;, cClmmerc_;,.:il~ -int!HDtrj ~11~ !'):!'ofes.s"iDf;iil or Tn_ult ipie Tesid~ntiaJ. t.:bC:'.} in{~ludillg parking, has heen dCf!i.C;1tc.d to or 'vestf.',rj in the City of Seal Br~acj\, rwd ~:\lc:r. right, of l,....ay i1i:1S b(~2n j;;,p-.:-oved by ihst<1J 1-1.tion 'of paviag, curbs, !;llt tc.'r::;., (: t'1.VC- ar'p~:-1)3('.he.~~, c ideh'i:lks 'Alere r(:clui,;:cd> <l':1d st rce.t d ra:.n.JBc, ':in -1:1111 con.1plLl:1C.~ ~,T.i.t:h th~ ii.:F~~ov2n',e(lt. req':J1.n':IH2nts of C;Hlptet 2J, II Sl.l 0"" 1'.'71. .""'l ,lI r: ....1...::. (',..,...'~ 1:, ~ 1 i"'.., "',1", ,.... .,...~'d'd ,1 .,,, .' ~~~ft' (,. Sl",'1S" C:J. L.,l:.:. .Jt.<..l. pede. 1 ".).L) l..or......, as ~,m...,. E.. ) an_. '."_~ ffi<1y tH2/_L<-., t.:-r be .:r~lended" :.lo....Jc;ve.r, if at ~~he t-L~nt;~ of devc.lnpr.:;;nt of the pl:O?ej~ty it: it; PflYBicaJ..1y In::uiv1r";3hle! i.t1 the opinie!!, Df the Ci~'y ~n:.dneer, ft)=:- tf1C' u~"!1er to inlln~:rli.a'C.ely C01traence ;::jny l"cc;.nire'l f.treet impr:ovcmEnts~ s,d(~ O\oin.~r nl3Y !n2.kE. ;:.: c.st;h pttyrr.cnt to the Ci.ty equal to thE: est:~'j:;1t(:d CD:~i.: cflC-:rc"f. Said c,"!sh p2.yncr:t s!t<lli. b~, dc['ositC'.d in a sp(~cLJl fund d(~E,j.snatl~d i.!.2 the 111;Lgrlt,."Cl)'_ lmprovernent Depo~.;j.:' Funtl" ~ :lnd [:1J. r,iOnf].)'s in sa:.d fund she.ll bp. expended 0nl)' upC'~J stn~et :tmp:.:ovc!I)(".nts up:)n st;:'c.::t::-, (J;. high~','ays \.Jhich are df~sign2..t('d " " " 1 ' "] ," t' , ' '" , f' (' 1 '?' " d on ~,IlC I.,).rc:u ~,r:l.()n 1. .cmenc,.) ct:.ct:::) .:111(1 lngr~'.Vays 0 tne .<211cra lan ar. ~vhic~l tHr<:C.ts or: tdglHvaYD a.{lut the propcl.ty for w.t:ich such a high~"'a:Y impr0Vei!:<:rlt .:a&11 p<iyu~ent has bcer; .1lc.de. I (1) "V. f '1 'd ' ' ' "'] f ]' 1 'i t' 1 " ) ,-,:ll;H.:rc..L;;L_~ HlrUSCClal., Pl-ote.ssJ.c>-na. 0 r:J,l .t.l-p. e reSlcE'n la. use <J.S Hsed in thL:: Ser't.ion meAns any l.'eY,J:Ll, \.;1h':)1.~~~'Jle or :Ln(~l.lstrial bu~i.nessf the cArrying on of ;:my :o:.r)f:c~;si(l:l, t.he operation of a multiplf:' lo,';2.11inr; con.s:i.stinr, of t11l~e<2 or mere families, 1i1ub':.lclJome parks,. r::ot.l..o.1.s~ m-;.d hot.els; but does not. i.nc.1udc the couducti.ne of any home ()c\~upntion. (r:) An'.,.- r,njp<::'lscd devL~tioti fr()r;~ th~ pr(lvLqior~s of this Se tinn s1;a1.1 be. subjecl: to the 'isE?,uance of .J. U::;(-.: Varj",-ln~f:! according to tile p/:ovisic,ns of Article 2u. -, I I , " i i I I ~ i !tl !j I' ;'(,1 i"1 iu"r \\i t ~ I n; Iii I,; " -): ,I i' I I j \ , :.;. Ordinance Number -' . - . '. 1"- . . ~!~. Severability. If any section, sub-section, clausej phrase cr portil."Jn of this Ordini:1nCe or the application thc;reof to any person. firm, corpo:"ation~ or circumstance is for any rea~on held to be invalid or unconstitutional by tile decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall riot affect -the validity of the remaining porti0Ilf.: of this Ordi.nance. The Council of the City of Seal Beach hereby declares th:1t it "lOd,d have adopted this Ordinance and eacIl section, sub-section, sen:ence, clause, pb)"ase or portion thereof irrespective of the fact that anyone or mor€: secti.on, sub-section, sentences, clauses, phrases or portions be declared invalid OT unconstitutional. ~9.E..2.' The City Clerk shall verify and shall cause the same to be pasted. ATTEST: _,k(~A/4....:~~, City Clerk I hereby certify that th~'for~going is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 7.::rL_. passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Se,al Beach at a meeting thereof held on the ....:1.. )~ day ?f _ ~ y;J~LeA./ . 1967. DATED; t8 .<<--': 2-/ I f ~ 7--- LC00/-c:-d~~ City Clerk ROLL CALL 'IO'tE: AYES: coundl:nen_:1t-1O<?'1I!'.t.ij,~'i,,:?2:1n";Lij ~j?::- AUt:L,,/ a-t~~'~I0.v NOES: Councilmen "-r....(~,~L L 7(...j..--tl~' ABSENT: Councilmen " -,