HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Ord 741 1968-01-02
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i TI"]'; CITY CL~r::".::; Qs-rk..l;, l,
, WHEREAS, it has been brought to the attention of the City
Council of the City of Seal Beach that the political subdivisions
or districts of. the City are not approximately equal in number of
NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to the requirements of the City
Charter, the City Council of the City of Seal Beach ordains as follows:
Section 1. The Municipal Code of the City of Seal Beach is
hereby amended by adding Article VII entitled ,PoTi,tici:dL,SilbCli\d.:sions or
Districts to Chapter 2 thereof, to read: '-" '
Section 2~70--Same--The five political subdivisions or
districts of the City are hereby respectively designated and established
as follows:
, '
;;." ;,,~, ,',',,:,::'" ::::"',,;(;.:: COUNCILMANIC DISTRICT NO. '1
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In the City of Seal Beach, ,County of, Orange, State of California,
described as follows:
Beginning at the'intersection of ~4~ boundary line common to Los
Angeles County and Orange County with the center line of California
State Highway U.S. Alternate No. 101; the.nce Southeasterly along said
center line of California State' Highway U. S.,..A1ternate No. 101 to the
point of intersection of said center line of California State Highway
U.S. Alternate No. 101 with the center line of 12th Street; thence
Southwesterly along said center line of 12th Street to the point' of
intersection with the center line of the Pacific Electric Railway
Right-of-Way; thence Southeasterly along said center line of the Pacific
E1ect:rj,c Railway Right-of-Way and its Southeasterly prolongation to the
point of intersection of said Pacific Elect~ic Railway Right-of-Way
with the center line of Bay Boulevard; thence Northeasterly along said
center line of Bay Boulevard to the point of intersection of said center
line of Bay Boulevard with the center line of California State Highway
U.S, Alternate No. 101; thence Southeasterly along said center line of
California State Highway U.S. Alternate No. 101 to the point of inter-
section of said cen~er line of California State Highway U.S. Alternate
No. 101 with the City boundary line of the City of Seal Beach '(said
boundary'line of, the City of Seal Beach established by Deeds recorded
in book 617, pages 336, 337, 338, and 339, Records, of Orange County,
California)} thence Southerly along said boundary line of the City,of
Seal Beach to an angle point in said boundary line of the City of
Seal B~ach; thence Easterly along said boundary line of the City of
Seal Beach, as described in City Ordinance No. 579 of the City of Seal
Beach; thence Easterly along said boundary line of the City of Seal
Beach; said line also being a line 250.00 feet Northerly and parallel
with the Northerly boundary line of location No. 141 State Tide Lands,
described in Patent issued April 4, 1901; thence continudhg~ Southerly
Ordinance, ,Numb",r
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along said boundary line of ' the City of Seal Beach, and along. said
parallel line to an angle point in said boundary line of the City of
Seal Beach; ,thence Southeasterly along said parallel line also being
said boundary 1ine'of the City of Seal Beach to an angle point; thenc~
continuing Southeasterly along said parallel line, also being said
boundary'line'of'the City of Seal Beach to an angle point; thence
continuing Southeasterly along said parallel line, also being said
boundary line of the City of Seal Beach, to an angle point; thence.
continuing Northeasterly along said parallel line, also being said
boundary line of the City of Seal Beach to an angle point in said
boundary line of the City'of Seal Beach; thence'departing from said
parallel line Southeasterly along said boundary line of the City of
Seal Beach, to'a point on the Rancho line common to Rancho Los A1amitos
and Rancho La Bo1sa Chica; thence Northeasterly along said common line
also being said boundary line of the City of Seal Beach to a point on
the Westerly Right-of-Way 1ine'of Bo1saChica Channel, thence Easterly
continuing a19ngsaid boundary line of the City of Seal Beach to the
Westerly Right-of-Way line' of Bo1sa Chica Road; th~nce Southerly,
continuing along said boundary line of the City of Seal Beach, and
along said Westerly Right-of-Way line of Bolsa Chica RQad, to a
. . ,~ f
point on the Northerly Right-of~Way l~neof Eding~r Avenue, formerly
known'as Smeltzer Avenue; thence Westerly along ,said boundary line of
the City of Seal Beach, and along said Northerly Right-of-Way line of
Edinger Avenue to' a point ,'-on the. 'Southweste'rly' prolongation of last
mentioned Rancho line common to Rancho Los A1amitqs and Rancho La
Bo1sa Chica; thence Southwesterly'continuing a10ngsaig boundary line
of the City of Seal Beach,' as described in Ordinance No. 579 of the.
City of Seal Beach, to an angle point in said boundary line of the
City of Seal Beach; thence continuing 'along said boundary line of the'
C~ty of-Seal Beach, and along last mentioned Northerly boundary of
location No. 141 State Tide Lands described in Patent issued April 4,
1901, the following courses: Northwesterly to an angle point, thence
Northwesterly to an angle point; thence Northwesterly to an angle
point; thence Northwesterly to an angle point; thence Westerly to an
angle point; '"thence ,Southea~ teI'ly, : ,.1 i). ' FC.:,'::". <:;':;':L-1':" ,S:,""?,~j .",., .~~; ""oJ::":,.' ",
to an angle point r thence Northwesterly to an ,angle, point; thence
Southerly to an angle ppint; thence along the existing boundary line
of the City of Seal Beach, 3 miles to an angle point; thence North-
westerly along saiq existing boundary, line of, the City of S\~a1 Beach, 1
sa~d boundary'l~n'c..:.,~;: ',.1',t. r:' "'-r- ~)... t,-..,.,.' ;.;.~, ,I""'r;:' ,-;,~:;it"";'~G"'t-"'_c1,~.~,..:'.t 1~' ,'~.
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being parallel with and 3 miles Southwesteily,trom the Mean High Tide
Line of the.Pacific Ocean, to the point of intersection with the pro-
longation of the boundary line common to Los Angeles County and Orange
County, which is the City boundary of Seal Beach; thence Northeasterly
along said boundary line to the point b~ beginning.
.~, - , ,-<.' .
,~~;2;~~:.,]~~;;~);:~]~;L11: COUNCILMANIC
In the C~ty of Seal Beach, 'County of Orange, State of California,
described' as follows:
BeginningBt the point of intersection of the center line of
Golden Rain Road with the center line of St. Andrews Drive; thence
Northwesterly along the center line of St. Andrews'Drive to the
Northeasterly prolongation of the Southeasterly ,line of Lot 23 of
Tract No. 4401 recorded in book 154 pages 9 to 17 Inclusive of
brd~nance ~urobe~
Miscellaneous Maps of Orange County; thence Southwesterly along the
Southeasterly line of said Lot 23 and the, Northeasterly prolongation
thereof to the mostSouther1~ corner of s~id Lot 21; thence North-
westerly along the Southwesterly line of said Lot 23 to and along the
center line of Wentworth Lane to the intersection of the center line
of said Went~orth Lane with the center line of Pelham Road; thence
Easterly along .the center line of Pelham Road to the center line of
Danbury Lane; thence Northwesterly along the center line of.Danbury
Lane to the boundary'line of Lot 24 of said Tract 4401; thence South-
westerly and Northwesterly along the boundaries ,of said Lot 24 to the
most Southerly corner of Lot 26 of said Tract No. 4401; thence North-
westerly along the boundaries of said Lot,26 and the Northwesterly
prolongation thereof ,to the center line of Oakmont Read; thence South-
westerly along the center line of Oakmont Road to the center line of
Fairfield Lane; ,thence Northwesterly along the center. line of Fairfield
Lane to the boundary of Lot '32 of said Tract No. 4401; thence South-
westerly, Northwesterly and Northeas,ter1y along the ,boundaries oJ said
Lot 32 to the most East,erly corner of Lot. 34,of said Tract No. 4401;
thence Northwesterly and Southwesterly along the 1::>oundaries of said
Lot 34 to the center line of Southport, ~ane; thence Northwesterly
along the center line of Southport Lane to the center line of North-,
wood Road; thence' Southwesterly ',along the,center, lin'e of Northwood
Road to the center line df El Dorado Drive; thence Southwesterly
along the center line of El Dorado Drive to the. center line of Nassau
Drive; thence Northwesterly'a10ng' the center line of Nassau Drive and
the Northwesterly prolorig;'tion tnereof to the We~terly boundary line
of the City of Seal Beach as ,established by~Annexation 'No. '?-':,biHng, .;~
also the common boundary ,between the County of Orange and the County of
Los Angeles; thence Northwesterly along said common boundary and the
bouridary of the City ',of Seal Beach to an angle point therein; thence
Northeasterly continuing along said common boundary and the boundary
of the City of S'e{ll Beach ,to the Northwesterly' corner 'of Annexation,.. '::,c::,""
" No. 64-1; thence leaving said common boundary Southeasterly' along the
boundary of the City of' Seal Beach as established by said Annexation No~
64-1 to the ,Northerly prolongation of the Westerly line of Lot 52 of
said T:~ac t No. 4401; thence leaving the boundary of the City of Seal.
Beach, S0'..1ther1y along the Westerly line of said Lot 52 and the ,
Northerly p'ro10ngation thereof ,to the center iliine of Northwood Road;
thenc~ Westerly along 'the center line of ~orthwood Road to the center
line of St. Andrews Drive; thence Southeasterly along the center line
of St. Andrews Drive to the center line of Inter1achen Road; thence
Northeasterly along the center line of Interlachen Road to the center
line of Del Monte ~ay; thence Southeasterly along the center line of
Del Monte Way to the center line of McKinney Way; thence Northeasterly
and, Easterly along the center line of McKinney Way to tqeEaster1y end
thereof; thence N~rther1y parallel with the center line of Los Alamitos
. Boulevard 110 feet; thence Easterly parallel with the prolonged center
line of McKinney Way to the center line of Los A1amito's Boulevard;
thence Southerly along the center line of Los A1amitos Boulevard to the
center line of, Golden Rain Road; thence Westerly and ;Southwester1y
along the center line of Golden Rain Road to the point of beginning.
; , Ordinance Number
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In the City 'of Seal Beach, County of' Orange, State, of California,
described as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of the boundary line common to
Los Angeles County and Orange County with the center line of California
State Highway U.S. Alternate No. 101; thence Northeasterly along said
boundary line common to Los Angeles County and Orange County (said
line also being the City boundary line of the City of Seal Beach) to
a point on the South line of the North,Ha1f of $ection 11, Township 4
South, Range 12 West; said line also being ~he boundary line of the
City of Seal Beach; thence Easterly along last mentioned line, to the
East Quarter Corner of said Section 11, said point also being an angle
point in said boundary line of the City of Seal Beach;'thence South-
easterly along said boundary line of the City of Seal Beach, to the
point of intersection of the North line of Tract No. 2590, Miscellaneous
Maps, book 82; pages 32,33, 34, 35, 36, 37, and 38, Orange County Records,
with said boundary line of the City of Seal Beach; thence Southeasterly
along said boundary line of the City of Seal Beach and along the
Northeasterly boundary line of said Tract No. 2590 to the point of
intersection of said Northeasterly boundary line of Tract No. 2590 with
the Northwesterly Right-of-Way 1ine,'of Bay Boulevard'; 'thence continuing
Southeasterly along said boundary line, of the City of Seal Beach to an
angle point in said boundary line of the City of Seal Beach; thence
continuing Northerly along said City boundary line of the City of Seal
Beach (said boundary line of the City of Seal Beach established by Deeds
recorded in book 617, pages 336, 337, 338 and 339, Records of Orange
County, ,California); thence Easterly continuing 'along said City boundary
line of the Ci,ty, of Seal Beach to an angle point in said boundary line
of the City of Seal Beach; thence Southerly continuing alo'ng said:
boundary'line of the City of Sea~.Beach to an angle point in said
boundary line of,the City of Seal Beach; thence Southeasterly continuing
along said boundary line of the City of Seal Bea'ch to an angle point 'in
said boundary line of the City of Seal Beach, said pOint,aiso being the
Northwest corner,of the Nor,th~ast Quarter of section 13" Township 4 South,
Range, 12 West, S.B.M. California; thence Southerly, along the West line
of said Nor.theast Quarter of Section 13, 'and cQntinuing along said
boundary line of the City of. Seal, Beach, to,t):1~ po~nt,of intersection
of said West line,of said Northeast Quarter of Section 13' and said
boundal:Y line of the City 'of Seal, Beach with ,the ;center line of California
State Highway U.S. Alternate No. i01; thence ieaving 'said West line of
said Northeast Quarter of Section 13 and said boundary line of the
9ity of Seal Beach Northwesterly along said center line of California
State Highway U.S. Alternate r01 to the point of intersection of said
centerline of Califorriia State Highway U.S, Alternate No. i01 with
the center line of Bay' Boulevard; thence Southwesterly along said
center line of Bay Boulevard to the point,of intersection of said
center line 6fBay Boulevard with the Southeasterly pro10ngation'qf the
center line of the Pacific Electric, Railw~y Right-of-Way; thence
Northwesterly along said center line of the Pacific Electric Railway
Right-of-Way and its Southeasterly pro10ngatiOl'l 'to the point of
intersection ,of said Pacifit Electric Railway Right-of-Way with the
center line of 12th Street; thence Norhheaster1y, along said center line
of 12th Street to the point of intersection'with the center line of
California State Highway U.S. Alternate No. 101; thence 'Northwesterly
along said centeJ:' line of California State Highway U. S, Alternate No.
101 ,to the point of' beginning.
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'Ordinance ijumbeF
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In. the City of Seal Beach, County of Orange" State of California,
described as follows:
Beginning at the point of intersection of the' Southerly line of Z~;:;;:d.
Garden Grove Boulevard,fwith'::tl;1elEasterly line of Bolsa Chica Road,
said point also being 'point in the Easterly boundary'line of the City
of Seal Beach; thence Southerly along said boundary line of the City of
Sea 1 Beach tot he ~,o.~:t.he,r.,l;y':,,,l:tl}e lc:tflM ~.s:t1\l:lnsJ~~:r:"A~enl1e';":,t:he,nc,e:!')n(: 'c ,
Westerly along said Northerly line of Westminster Avenue 'to the Westerly
line of the Bo1sa Chica Flood Control Channel; thence'Southerly along
said Westerly line of the Bolsa Chico Flood Control Channel, being also
the Easterly boundary of the city of Seal Beach, to a point on the South-
westerly projection of the center line of Rancho Road, said point being
on the Rancho line common to Rancho Los Alamitos and Rancho La Bolsa
Chica;thence South'fTsterly~.J along said common Rancho 1in~ to an angle
point in the boundary line of the City of Seal Beach; thence departing
from said common Rancho'line along said boundary line of. the City of Seal
Beach, said line also being ,the South line of Section 8,' Township 5 South,
Range 11 West, to the Southeast corner of the Southwest Quarter of said
Section 8; thence continuing Northerly along said boundary line of the
C~ty of Seal Beach, said line also being the East line of said Southwest
Quarter of SectiQn 8 to' the center of said Section 8; thence continuing
Westerly along said boundary line of the City of Seal Beach, said line
also being the North line of said ~outhwest Quarter of Section 8, to the
center of Section 12,; Township 5 South, Range 12 West; thence Westerly
along said boundary line of the City of Seal Beach to the center line
of Bay Boulevard; thence Northwesterly along said boundary to an angle
point in said boundary line of the City of Seal Beach; thence Northerly
along said boundary 'line of the City of Seal Beach to the point of inter-
section of the center line of Westminster Avenue with said boundary
,line of the City' of Seal Beach; thence Easterly along said center line
of Westminster Avenue to the point of intersection 'of the center line
of said Westminster Avenue with the Southerly prolongation of the center
line of Church Place; thence Northerly along said Southerly prolongation
to and along the center line of said Church Place to the point of inter-
section of the center line of said Church place with the center line of
Thunderbird Drive; thence Westerly and Northwesterly along said center
line of Thunderbird.Drive to the point of intersection of the center line
of said Thunderbird Drive with the center line of Golden Rain Road; thence
Northeasterly and Easterly along said center line of Golden Rain ,Road to
the point of intersection of the center line of Golden Rain Road with
the center line of Los Alamitos Boulevard; thence Northerly along,the
center line of Los Alamitos Boulevard to the point 'of intersection of a
line parallel with and 110 feet Northerly of the Easteriy pr~longation of
the center line of McKinney Way; thence Westerly along said parallel line
t9 a line parallel with the center line of Los Alamitos Boulevard which
passes through the Easterly end of McKinney Way; thence Southerly parallel
with the center line 'of Los Alamitos Boulevard to the Easterly end of
McKinney Way; thence Westerly. and Southwesterly along said center line
of "McKinney Way 'to the point of intersection of the center line of
DelMonte Drive with-the center line of McKinney Way; thence Northwesterly
along said centerline of Del Monte Drive to the point of intersection of
the center line of Interlachen Road with the center line of Del MonteDr~v,e;
t:" - w
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Ordinance Number
'thence Southwesterly along said center'line'of, Inter1achen Road to the
point of intersection of the center line of St. Andrews Drive with the'
center line of said Inter1achen Road; thence Northwesterly along said
ceriter line of St. Andrews Drive to the point of intersection of the
center line of Northwood Road with the centerline of said St. Andrews
Drive; thence Easterly and Northeasterly along, said center line of
Northwood Road to the point of intersection with the Southerly pro-
longation of the Westerly line of Lot 52 of Tract 4401 recorded in book
154 page 9 to 17 inclusive of misce11eaneous maps of 'Orange County;
thence Northerly along the Westerly line of said Lot 52 and the Northerly
, prolongation thereof to a point on the Northerly boundary of the City of
Seal Beach as established, by Seal Beach Annexation 64-1 ; thence Easterly
and Northeasterly along said boundary of the City of Seal Beach to the
Westerly line of Los A1amitos Boulevard being ,also the boundary of the
City of Seal Beach; thence Northerly along the Westerly line of said
Los A1amitos Boulevard to the Northerly line of St. Cloud Drive being an
angle point in the boundary of the City of Seal Beach as established by
Annexation 'No. 66-1; thence Westerly along the Northerly line of said
St. Cloud Drive being the boundary of the City of Seal Beach, to the
Easterly line of Montecito Drive; thence Northerly aiong the Easterly
line of said'Montecito Drive, being the boundary of the City of Seal
Beach, to an angle point in the boundary line of the City'of Seal Beach
as established by said Annexation No. 66-1; thence Easterly along the
..boundary of the ,City of Seal Beach to the Southeast corner of Tract No.
5317 recorded, in the book 192 pages 46 to 50 Inclusive of Miscellaneous
,Maps, records of said County; thence Northerly along the Easterly 'line
of said Tract No. 5317 being the boundary of the City of Seal Beach to
,the Southerly 'line of Bradbury Road; thence Easterly along the Southerly
line of Bradbury Road and the boundary of the City of Seal Beach to the
Easterly 1ine~of Los A1amitos Boulevard being the boundary of the City
of Seal Beach; thence Southerly along the ~aster1y,line of Los A1amitos
Boulevard, being also the boundary line of the City of Seal Beach, to
an angle, point in the boundary line of the City'of Seal Beach being in
the South' line of Tract No. 3483'recorded in book 137 pages 23 to 26
Inclusive of Misce11e'aneous Maps, records of said County; thence ,ctlf!t:'J,T,;":a.
continuing Easterly along the boundary line of the City of Seal Beach
and the South'line of said Tract No. 3483 and the Easterly prolongation'
of said South .line to an angle point in the boundary line of the City
'of Seal Beach; thence, South continuing along the boundary line of the
City of Seal Beach,to an angle point; thence East continuing along the
boundary line of the City'of Seal Beach to an angle point; thence Southerly
continuing along the boundary of the City of Seal Beach to an angle point;
thence Easterly along the boundary line of the City of Seal Beach to an
angle point; 'thence Southerly along the boundary of the City of Seal Beach
to the Southerly line of Garden,Grove Boulevard, being the point of
beginning "
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Ordinance Number
l, '1
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1- ~'';~'~j~, :. 4~.1~~:' \
iJ;:i.: ~.-~;/,:..;" '.~r::;' .~t'::;''';;';:'' .
In the City of Seal',Beach, Count~of .orange, ,State of California,
described as follows: , ' "
Beginning at the point of intersection of the center line of
Golden Rain Road with the center line of St. Andrews Drive; thence
Northwesterly along the center line of St. Andrews Driv'eto the
Northeasterly prolongation of the Southeasterly line ,of'Lot 23 of
Tract No. 4401 recorded in Book 154 pages 9'to 17 Inclusive of
Miscellaneous Maps, of Orange County; thence Southwesterly along the
Southeasterly line of said Lot 23 and the N6rtheaster1y prolongation
thereof to the most Southerly corner of said Lot 23; thence Northwesterly
along the Southwesterly line of said Lot 23'to and along the center
line of Wentworth'Lane to the intersection of the center line of said
Wentworth Lane with the center line of Pelham Road; thence Easterly
along the center line of Pelham Road to the center line of Danbury
Lane; thence 'Northwesterly along the center"line of Danbury Lane to
the boundary line of Lot 24 of sai~ Tract No. 4401; thence Southwesterly
and Northwesterly along, the boundaries of said Lot 24 to the most Southerly
corner of Lot 26 of said Tract No. 4401; thence Northwesterly along
the boundaries of said Lot 26 and the Northwesterly prolongation thereof
to the center line of Oalcmont Road; thence Southwesterly along the
'center line of Oakmont Road to the center line of Fairfield Lane;
thence Northwesterly along the center line of, Eairfie1d Lane to the
boundary of Lot 32 of said Tract No. ,4401; thence Southwesterly,
", " ~, .
Northwesterly and Northeasterly along the boundaries of said Lot 32,
to the most Easterly ,c()rner of Lot 3g of said Tr~ct No. ,4401'; thence'
Northwesterly and Southwesterly along the boundaries of' said Lot 34
to the cen,ter line of Southport Lane; thence Northwesterly along the
center line of South port Lane to the center line of Northwood Road;
thence Southwesterly ,along the center line of Northwood Road ,to the
center 1ine'of E1 Dorado Drive; thence Southwesterly along the center
line of E1 Dorado Drive to the center line of Nassau Dr~ve;thence
Northwesterly along the center ,line of Nassau Drive and the Northwesterly
, prolongation thereof to the Westerly boundary line of the City of Seal
Beach. as established by Annexation No. 7\;'be-irig,:al~s,o:'::-the ::ciomniom;",,:~j, IJO'
boundary between the County of Orange and the County ofBos Angeles;
thence Southeasterly along said common boundary and the,boundary of
the City of .seal Beach to the center line of Westminster Avenue; thence
Easterly along the center line of ,Westminster Avenue to the Southerly
prolongation of the center line of Church Place; thence Northerly
along said Souther'ly proLongation to and along the center line ,of
said Church Place, to the center line of Thunderbird Drive; thence
Westerly and Northwesterly along the center line of Thunderbird
Drive to the center line of Golden Rain Road; thence Northeas,terly along
the center line of'Go1den Rain Road to the point of ' beginning.
Section 2. All ordinances, or parts of 'ordinances of the
City of Seal Beach creating, establishing or a1tering;,~k the boundaries
of the pol'itica1 subdivisions or distd:cts of said City are hereby,
repealed. ,All or?inances or parts of ordinances of the City of Seal
,Beach in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
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Ordinanc'e Numtiet
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Section ,3. ,Seve'rabi1ity. If any section, subsection,
sentence, 'clause; phrase, or portion of this ordinance, or the
application thereof to any person, firm,corporation.or circumstance,
is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional' by the
decision ,of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision ,shall'
not affect the validity 'of the reinaining,portions of this ordinance.
The Council of the City of Seal; Beach hereby declares that it would
have adopted ,this ordinance and each section, sub-section, sentence,
clause, phrase, ,or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that
any,one or more section; sub-sections, sentence,"clause, phrase, or
portion be 'de~lared invalid or unconstitutional,
Section 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the ,passage of
this ordinance by the City Council of the City of Seal Beach and cause
the same to be pos,ted in three (3) conspicuous places in the City of
Seal Beach, and it shall take effect -on the 30th day of June, 1968.
.qj~ 'ttL
C C1er,'
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I, Jerdys Tofte Weir, City Clerk of the City of Seal Beach and
ex-officio clerk of the City Council, do hereby certify to the
passage and adoption of the foregoing 'ordinance of th~e ity Council
'at a regular meeting thereof held on the cl~ day of __
1968.. by the following vote: ' - " '"
, , .
AYES: Councilmen Gummere, Hamilton, Dreis, Anderson
NOES: , " Coi,lTIC i 1men None
ABSENT: Councilmen None
ABSTAIN: Councilmen Gemmill
.~,c~ ~ W~.
I ',' ~~ AA~~f-5 ~
, C' t cter.
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