HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 2694 1977-09-12 ..:;....;Ji""""1-")~ ,- ' -- ~ I RESOLUTION NUMB1!:R' cPt:.' '7~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 8'EAL BEACH HONORING P'ETER MADSEN FOR HIS SERVIC'E TO THE COMMUNITY AS A MEMB1!:R OF THE 8'EAL BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION WlIEREAS. Pete:r Madsen ll1aB appointed to se2'lle on the Seal Beac:h P'Lanning Ccmrnission on Ju'Ly 88. 19'18 ;f:rom Counc:i'Lma7iia Dismat Fou:r; and WlIEREAS. Pete sewed c:ontinuously and diligently as a membel' of the P'Lanning Ccmrnission by wol'king fol' the imp:rovement of a'Ll al'eas of the City until his zoesignation on Ju'Ly 80. 19'1'1; and WlIEREAS. CcmrnisBionsl'Madsen ll1aB oonsaientious in his sBZ'Vias and ~l~blll'l%tions as a membezo of the P'Lanning Conrm.ssum; and ' , WE/EHEAS. the P'Lanni.ng Ccmrnission. City Counoil and :pendente of the City benefited by Petezo Madsen's serrn.ce as a P'Lanni.ng Conrm.ssioneZ' and his c:onmbutions to c:ormrum.ty organizations. I, NOfl. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Ccnmail does hezoeby h0n02' Pete Madsen fOI' his se2'llic:e to t'hs City of Seal Beach as a membe:r of ,the Seal. Beach P'Lanning Commi.ssion. PASSED. APPROVED and ADOPT.ED by the City Ccnmail of the City of Seal Beach. Catifomia. at a meeting thezoeof he'Ld on t'hs ttuelfth day of Septembe:r. Nineteen Hundred and Seventy-seven. '/J]~ ~~t/ ' Countn Ilusse B. Gztay ~-...::7~, ~ ~,,' ~ -- - #?' n;.'" - MayOI' E. B a ~/ - ounai Zman ana A. JUoe 'Ll, ~~'/'~r~ CcnmaiZman FtJiifk J, LaBa'Lo V ~?,;#2LY~ Countn Proc:tozo H. Weir I . :1, , t. "'. I. ,'''I I........... <1"." ~~ ...t\i,T.{k~r..:;~1~1 t' "- ~ t.-<:t. :'''''/!-/'''1 .' ," .. ...... : ,J f-~" '~4, -," t'ir'".1" ,', t .,'C, " ' r . )t': .,' '--; ~--," ',-0 I )...~-.. .,,~-.!, \ ;':,;"j. -re) T: -0'.(; i...~ ',+ ,cil ~ 't.c;.. '~',..: ....~..:; ,'1.6 q-,f~. /.!.4>-(; " ~ "4-- r-:., ~~~.4..""~"', t\~f.~. ~~ '<':, -- ,4~".~l~ \' "{fIJ/.' FY (; \, .;Q;"~ ,- .. ."r.n..~....~..:_iit.