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CC Res 2553 1976-05-10
. .... . RESOLUTION NUMBER .:::?t))~:l- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH, CALIFORNIA CONGRATULATING THE VILIGENT ANV VEVICATEV SERVICE OF MAYOR THOMAS 1. Mc.KNEW, JR. I WHEREAS, ThomlUl I. McKnw, JJr.. hIUl 4eJtved .the CUy 06 Se.ai. Bea.c.h .in. .the c.a.pa.cli:y 06 a. CUy COWlcUma.n 4inc.e ta/Ung 066ic.e July 10, 1972; a.nd WHEREAS, MJr.. Mc.Knw WIUl 4el.ec-ted by .the C.u:y Counc.U. t:.o 4eJtve IUl MayoJr. PM TempoJr.e 6Mm July 9, 1973 t:.o July 8, 1974; a.nd WHEREAS, MIt. McKnw WIUl .then etec-ted by .the C.u:y Counc.U. t:.o 4 eJtve IUl Ma.yoJr. 06 Se.ai. Bea.c.h 6Jr.om July 8, 1974 t:.o July 14, 1975; a.nd WHEREAS, Ma.yOJr. McKnw WIUl etec-ted t:.o 4 eJtve a. 4 ec.o nd c.o nu.c.u.Uv e .teJr.m IUl Ma.yoJr. 6Jr.om July 14, 1975 t:.o .the pltU ent; a.nd WHEREAS, wh.Ue a. membeJt 06 .the Se.ai. Bea.c.h CUy Counc.U., Ma.yOJr. McKnw hIUl .brmil1M ed h.lm4 ei.6 in .the blL6inU4 06 .the CUy and 4hown a. 4upeJtlOJr. knowtedge 06 a.nd a. 4en4U:.i.v.u:y 60Jr. .the c.haUengu c.on6Jr.onted by Se.ai. Bea.c.h -dwr.lng hA.6 .tenulte; and WHEREAS, Ma.yoJr. Mc.Knw hIUl Jr.epltu en.ted .the CLty on a. va.Jr.le.ty 06 4lgnl61c.a.nt a.ppointed p04.u:.i.on4 .in. va.Jr.lOlL6 c.omm.i.64i0n4 a.nd c.ommi..t.teu; and _ WHEREAS, . MayOJr. Mc.Knw 4eJtved IUl .the CUy'4 Jr.epltuen.ta.ti.ve a.nd a.UeJtnI1.te Jr.epltuen.ta.ti.ve t:.o .the SoutheJtn Ca.U60Jr.nla. M40ci.tLti..on 06 I GoveJtnment.6 . [SCAG J; a.nd WHEREAS , MayoJr. Mc.Knw 4eJtved IUl .the Cl.ty'4 Jr.epltuen:ta.ti.ve .to c.ommi..t.teu 06 .the InteJtgoveJtnmenta.t. Cooltdlna.t.ing Cou.nc..U. 06 OJU1.nge County I I CC I; a.nd WHEREAS, Ma.yoJr. McKnw 4eJtved IUl .the Cl.ty'4 Jr.epltuen.ta.ti.ve on .the Boa.Jr.d 06 VlItec-toJr.4 60Jr. .the OJU1.nge County Sa.rrila;ti.on V14.t1r..i.c-t NumbeJt Thltee duItlng hA.6 .tenulte IUl Ma.yoJr.; and WHEREAS, Ma.yoJr. Mc.Knw 4eJtved IUl .the CUy'4 Jr.epltuen.ta.ti.ve t:.o .the OJU1.nge County Cha.p.teJt, League 06 Ca.U60Jr.nla. c.i.:ti.u; a.nd WHEREAS, MayoJr. McKnw 4eJtved on .the OJr.a.nge County Lea.gue 06 Ca.U601tnla. CU:.i.u MayoJr.4 I setec-t Commi..t.tee; a.nd WHEREAS, MayoJr. Mc.Knw 4eJtved IUl .the CUy'4 a.UeJtna..te Jr.epltuen.ta;ti.ve on .the OJUJ.nge County ShoJr.e..Une Pla.nnlng CorrmUtee; a.nd WHEREAS , MayoJr. Mc.Knw hIUl 4eJtved on .the Ad Hoc. Pa.c.l61c. Etec..tlr..i.c. Rlght- 06-Wa.y CorrmUtee; and WHEREAS, MayoJr. Mc.Knw WIUl a.ppo.i.n.ted t:.o 4eJtve on .the OJr.a.nge County Regional. Boa.Jr.d 06 .the OJU1.nge .County CJWn.i.nal. JlL6Uc.e COWlc.U.; a.nd I WHEREAS, MayOJr. Mc.Knw hlUl .tw.i.c.e a.ppeMed on .te.f.ev14ion .to knowtedgea.bty cU..6C.lL64 Se.ai. Bea.c.h a.nd U:4 unlque pItObtem4 a.nd pltojecM; and WHEREAS , Ma.yOJr. Mc.Knw hlUl taken time 6Jr.om hA.6 tega..f. plta.c.Uc.e t:.o Jr.epltu ent .the CUy 06 Se.ai. Bea.c.h be60Jr.e .the unUed Sta..teA HOlL6e 06 RepltUen.ta.ti.vu in 4UPPOJr..t 06 bea.c.h 4a.nd Jr.eptenl4hment pltojecM a.nd be60Jr.e .the Ca.U60Jr.nla. State M4embty Jr.ega.ll.cUng Jr.elmbuJr.4ement .to .the c.u:y 60Jr. bea.c.h Jr.eta.ted e.xpen4 u; a.nd d?.... '. 'J.~~' : :~: '.I~'''\:r.' .,.. ,::" _ ...~'... "_".~..ozt:!l'''''''''t.~.vc~~~..>>:" . - . . ..._.. " ';-'. : .... ;,......;i. . , . : ",j<l.~'- \oR' ",,,,,"4 ol .:... ' .:i'~sr.~:""'W oJ; ~ "'\,'~~!I W".'i6li.'ilO--'t..,. ,:'t,-~-.~...::...,.'g..l,,;~.. ...;~;;)>,. . ..... I I I Reolution Number WHEREAS, duItlng MayoJr. McKnw'4 .teJr.m 06 0661c.e, numeJtOlL6 pubUc. pltojec.t6 ha.ve been brLti.ated and/oJr. c.ompleted inc..f.udlng .the annexa..ti.on 06 1,387+ a.c.Jr.U c.ompltl4ed 06 .the Se.ai. Bea.c.h Nava.! Wea.pOn4 S:ta.ti.on, flei.bnan PMpeJt.ty and Sun4et Aqua.Uc. PMk, ac.qul4U:.i.on and development 06 .the Pacl61c. Etec..tlr..i.c. Rlght-06-Way a.6 an open-4pa.c.e Mea., ex.pa.n4ion 06 .the RlveJt6Jr.ont Redevelopment Agenc.y PMjec-t Mea. .to inc..f.ude .the Sea.! Beac.h TJr.ail.eJt Pa.Itk and o.theJt a.Jr.elUl t:.o pltovlde 4UppOJr..t 60Jr., needed pubUc. pItOjec.t6, p.f.a.nnlng 60Jr. a nw poUc.e 6adUty, c.OItpoJr.a.tlon ya.Jr.d, 4enloJr. c.Lti.zen4 c.enteJt/ UbJr.a.Jr.y, c.omptetion 06 development 06 Hea..theJt and GummeJte Pa.Jr.k4 in CoUege Pa.Jr.k EIUl.t, c.on4o-Uda.ti.on w.U:h OJr.a.nge County SanLt.a.t.i.on V14.t1r..i.c-t NumbeJt Thltee, pcvr..ti.clpa.tlon .in. 6edeJLaUy 6unded emptoymen.t pltogJr.ami.; and WHEREAS, MayOJr. Mc.Knw hIUl pltovided4.tJr.ong teadl1Mhip .to .the C.u:y; and WHEREAS, MayoJr. Mc.Knw hIUl 6011..tMlgh.tl.y a.n4weJted aU c.haUengu made .to him on beha..f.6 06 .the CLty 06 Se.ai. Bea.c.h; and WHEREAS, MayoJr. Mc.Knw -hlUl engendeJted an a.tm04pheJte 06 pltoduc.Uv.u:y, 4en4lUv.u:y, Jr.up0n4iVeneA4, and e66iclenc.y in toc.a.f. goveJtnmen.t; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEV .that .the C.u:y Council. 06 .the c.u:y 06 Sea.! Bea.c.h, Ca.U60Jr.nla. dou c.ong1tl1.:tUl.a.te and app.f.a.ud', .the e6601Lt4 06 . " THOMAS 1.: Mc.KNEW, JR. ," 60Jr. hA.6 cU..Ugenc.e and un4e.f.614h dedlc.a.ti.on in pubUc. 4eJtvic.e 60Jr. .the c.U:.i.zen4 0-6 Sea.! Bea.c.h and 60Jr. hA.6 indlvlduat e66011.t6 t:.o maln.ta.ln a high 4ta.nda.Jr.d 06 dec.oltum, dec.ency, and cU.gnUy .in. .the c.onduc-t 06 CLty a66alJr.4. PASSEV, APPROVEV ANV AVOPTEV by .the C.u:y COWlcil. 06 .the CUy 06 Sea.! Bea.c.h, Ca.U60Jr.nla., at a meeting .theJte06 hel.d on .the .tenth day 06 May, Nineteen Hundlted and Seventy Slx.. (~a.~.., ) MayoJr. ThomlUl 1. Mc.Knw, lJr.. - \'~'- - MayoJr. PM Temp(~aJr..ton Ct!~dK:&.d~ ~(~w!!B.~~ ~c.e4J e. Counc.ilman Thoma4 E. Blac.kman . . ." -:.." .. .. .,. . l" " . . ......:.~ . .".~"""---"'~.. -""-.......~.s:- "