HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 07-56 - 2007-09-19 o~ A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION 1>/A J OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH APPROVING ' ~/ MINOR PLAN REVIEW 07-25 FOR AN <. APPROXIMA TEL Y 5 FEET BY 12 FEET IN LENGTH, 3 FEET DEEP, AND 42 INCH HIGH, BUILT-IN BARBECUE AND BAR STRUCTURE TO BE LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 6 FEET FROM THE REAR PROPERTY LINE AND 5 FEET FROM THE NORTH SIDE PROPERTY LINE AT 944 BLUE HERON, SEAL BEACH. RESOLUTION NUMBER 07-56 THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH DOES HEREBY FIND AND RESOLVE: SectIOn 1. On August 17,2007, Ricardo Abanlel, ("the applicant"), submitted an apphcation for Minor Plan Review 07-25 with the Department of Development ServIces. SpecIfically, the applicallt proposes 10 bUIld an approxImately 5 feet by 12 feet m length, 3 feet deep, and 42 lI1ch high bUIlt-in barbecue and bar structure to be located approximately 6 feet from the rear property line and 5 feet from the north SIde property hne at 944 Blue Heron, Seal Beach SectIon 2. Pursuant to 14 CalIf. Code of Regs. 9 15025(a) and 9 ILB of the City's Local CEQA Gmdehnes, staff has determined as follows: The applIcatIon for Minor Plan Review 07-25 IS categoncally exempt from revIew pursuant to the CalIforma Environmental Quality Act pursuant to 14 Calif. Code of Regs. S 15303 NEW CONSTRUCTION OR CONVERSION OF SMALL STRUCTURES (e) Accessory (appurtenant) structures includmg garages, carports, patios, sWllnmmg pools, and fences. S 15061(b)(3), because It can be seen wIth certamty that there IS no POSSlbIhty that the approval may have a significant effect on the enviromnent SectIon 3. A duly noticed hearing was held before the Planmng CommissIon on September 19, 2007 to consider the apphcatIon for Mmor Plan ReVIew 07-25. Section 4. The record of the hearing on September 19, 2007 indIcates the followmg: (a) On August 17, 2007, Ricardo Aballlel, ("the applIcant"), submItted an apphcatIOn for Minor Plan ReView 07-25 With the Department of Development ServIces. 1 of3 Planl1lng COll/mlSSlO1l ResolutIOn No 07-56 MlI10r Plan Review 07-25 - 944 Blue Heron September /9. 2007 (b) Specifically, the applIcant proposes to construct a 5 feet by 12 feet in length, 3 feet deep, and 42 Illch high bU11t-m barbecue and bar structure to be located approximately 6 feet from the rear property line and 5 feet from the north SIde property lme at 944 Blue Heron, Seal Beach (c) The subJect propeliy is located 111 the SpecIfic Plan Regulation (SPR) Zone within the neighborhood generally referred to as "Heron Pomte". (d) The surrounding land uses and zOning are as follows: NORTH: SOUTH: EAST WEST: Single-family residences m the Specific Plan Regulation (SPR) Zone Single-family reSidences m the SpecIfic Plan Regulation (SPR) Zone Smgle-famlly residences in the SpecIfic Plan Regulation (SPR) Zone Single-fanlIly residences in the Specific Plan RegulatIOn (SPR) Zone (e) The subject property IS located on a relatively flat lot and IS surrounded by properties of a similar nature. The proposed bU11t-m barbecue structure will be at or below the maximum square footage and heIght allowed for accessory structures located within a required rear yard setback area. (f) The City has receIved no comments, wntten or other, responding to the notIces of the hearing on MPR 07-25. Section 5. Based upon the facts contamed m the record, mcludlllg those stated m S 4 of thIS resolution, and pursuant to S 28-401 of the City's Code, the Planning CommiSSIOn hereby finds as follows: (a) Mlllor Plan Review 07-25, as conditIOned, IS consistent with the provisions of the Land Use Element of the City's General Plan, which provides a "ReSIdentIal Low Density" underlying zoning for the subject propeIiy and permits the proposed development, subject to approval of a Mmor Plan Review. The use IS also conSIstent With the remamlllg elements of the CIty'S General Plan as the policies of those elements are consistent with, and reflected m, the Land Use Element Accordmgly, the proposed use IS consistent WIth the General Plan. (b) The proposed structures, as conditioned, are appropriate to the surrounding neighborhood as the stmctures are an adequate distance from adJacent residences. Section 6 Based upon the foregomg, the Planning CommiSSIOn hereby approves Mmor Plan Review 07-25, subJect to the followmg conditions: 1. Minor Plan Review 07-25 is conditionally approved for an approxllnately 5 feet by 12 feet in length, 3 feet deep, and 42 inch hIgh built-in barbecue and bar structure to be located approximately 6 feet from the rear yard setback area and 5 feet from the north SIde property line at 944 Blue Heron. 20f3 Plan1/lng CommiSSIOn ResolutIOn No 07-56 Mlllor Plan Review 07-25 - 944 Blue Heron September 19. 2007 2. All constructIOn shall be in substantIal complIance with the plans approved through Mmor Plan RevIew 07-25, as submItted. 3. Building pennits shall be obtamed for the approved structures 4 The applicant shall indemnify, defend, and hold ha11111ess the CIty, its officers, agents, and employees (collectIvely "the City" heremafier) from any and all clanns and losses whatsoever occurring or resulting to any and all persons, fi1111S, or corporatIons fU111Ishing or supplying work, services, materials, or supphes in connectIon with the perfornlance of the use pernlltted hereby or the exercise of the rights granted herem, and any and all clall11s, lawsuits, or actions arlsmg from the granting of or the exerCIse of the nghts pen111tted by thiS Mmor Plan Review, and from any and all claims and losses occurrmg to any person, firm, corporation, or property for damage, mjury, or death ansmg out of or connected wIth the performance of the use permItted hereby. Apphcant's obligation to indem11lfy, defend, and hold harnlless the CIty as stated herem shall include, but not be 11l111ted to, paying all fees and costs incurred by legal counsel of the of the CIty'S choice in representmg the City m COlmectlon with any such claIms, losses, lawsmts, or actIons, expert witness fees, and any award of danlages, Judgments, verdicts, court costs or attorneys' fees in any such lawsuit or actIOn. 5. This Mmor Plan ReView shall not become effective for any purpose unless an "Acceptance of CondItions" fonn has been signed by the applicant In the presence of the Director of Development SerVIces, or notanzed and returned to the Planning Department, and until the ten (10) day appeal penod has elapsed. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Plannmg CommIssion of the City of Seal Beach at a meetmg thereof held on the 19th day of September 2007 by the fol1owmg vote' AYES: Commissioners Deaton, Bello, Delay, and Robel1s NOES: CommiSSioners None ABSENT: Coml111ssIOners Massa-Lavitt ABST AIN: C0I111111SSIOners None r1 " UIL ~ CL~~ ~ll~n Chairperson, Planmng CommissIOn Lee Whittenberg Secretary, Plannmg Comnlls 3 on