HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1983-05-04
The Planning Commission met in regular session on Wednesday,
May 4, 1983 in the City Council Chambers of the City Adminis-
tration Building. The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by
Vice-Chairman Goldenberg who also led the pledge to th~ flag.
Jessner, Smith, Covington, and Goldenberg
It was decided to consider the minutes of the April 20, 1983 meeting after
the public hearings.
A. Arthur Boynton, CUP-7-83
Res. #1282
This application was for the addition of two bathrooms and a water heater
enclosure on a nonconforming duplex located at 1111 Seal Way. Staff report
presented by Mr. Antos. According to the Real Property Report, the building
has no safety violations or items that require upgrading/improvements.
The recommendation was to approve the CUP by adoption of resolution.
Public Hearing Opened.
1.- Arthur Boynton, llll! Seal Way (the applicant) indicated that the
upstairs has already been remoaeled, but the downstairs has not been.
After damage sustained during March storm, it was decided to remodel and
upgrade. In reply to Commissioner Jessner's question, Mr. Boynton indicated
that he uses his garage for parking his vehicle.
Public Hearing Closed.
Commissioner Jessner asked that the resolution be amended to include the
addition of the water heater enclosure, a notation that smoke detectors
were up to code, and the fact that garage will be ~aintained for parking
of licensed vehicles.
Commissioner Smith moved to adopt amended Res. #1282, with Commissioner
Jessner seconding. The following vote was taken:
Smith, Jessner, Covington, Goldenberg
B. Rum Runner's Restaurant, CUP-8-83
Res. #1283
This application was for video games in the bar area of the Rum Runner's
Restaurant located at 1600 Pacific Coast Highway. Staff report presented
by Mr. Antos. He indicated that up until this time, the Police Department
P.C. Minutes of May 4, 1983
Page 2
took a strong position opposing licenses for video machines because of:
1) site nearness to beach, and 2) easy accessibility to children with
little control.
The Police Department felt this par,ticular application was primarily for
adults, or adults fully in control of children, as this is a dinner house
with no service to children except when accompanied by adults.
Staff recommendation was to approve the CUP. The possibility of 1"0cating
the video machines in the waiting area was mentioned.
Commissioner Goldenberg asked if this type of application fell under the
purview of the City Manager. . Staff replied that Ci~y Manager oversaw
entertainment licenses, but that this application fell under jurisdiction
of Planning Commission.
Public Hearing Opened.
Mr. Ben McGregor, 1600 Pacific Coast Highway, co-owner of the Rum Runner's
Restaurant since October 4, 1982, stated that the purpose of adding these
video machines was,to keep his restaurant competitive with others in the
area. He also indicated that the restaurant caters to families and the
only children that would be playing the machines would be those with their
legal guardians. .
Chairman Covington asked if the location of the machines were coordinated
'with the Fire Department. Mr. McGregor indicated that he would poiI1t'_::i::,
out locations to Fire Department, if desired.
Commissioner Jessner indicated that he was in favor of placing video machines
in the waiting area along with the bar area so as to be more accessible
to families with children. He, therefore, would like to see the resolution
amended to include tre lobby/waiting area along with the bar area, as
the designated location of the video machines.
Chairman Covington asked that the resolution indicate that a plan be on
file prior to installation showing location of machines and that the Fire
Department be satisfied as to location, i.e., not blocking any fire exits,
Public Hearing Closed.
Chairman Covirtgton asked if there is a standard figure for appropriate
number of machines in one area. Staff replied that most cities indicate
four (4) to be an appropriate 'number of machines in one area; any more
than four being considered an'arcade. It was, therefore, requested that
a statement be placed in the resolution indicating that four (4) was an
appropriate number for video machines ,to be located in the bar/waiting
area of the Rum Runner's Restaurant.
Commissioner Jessner moved to adopt amended Res. #1283, with Commissioner
Goldenberg seconding. The following vote ,was taken:
AYES: Co~ington, Goldenberg. Jessner~ Smith
NOES: None
ABSENT: Perrin
P. C. Minutes of May 4, 1983
Page 3
C. Zoning Text Amendment, ZTA-1-83
This was an amendment to adopt procedures for accessory apartments in
residential zones (Meilo Bill). Staff report presented by Mr. Antos.
It was indicated that this law becomes effective July 1, 1983. ,The idea
of this bill was to respond to a housing shortage in California, a lack
of affordable housing and the desire on both the elderly and their families
to live together while maintaining separate households. Similar legislation
has been adopted'in the east and midwest in response to same issues.
Seal Beach, though, has many small lots, narrow streets, narrow alleys
and a doubling or more of population in the summer months, severely limiting
on-street parking. '
The City attorney extensively reviewed the bill, along with staff, and
designed an ordinance regulating second dwelling units within single-
family residences. The City attorney's recommendation was to approve
ZTA-1-83, showing compliance with SB 1534, while maintaining control over
location of second units per the conditional use permit process.
Commissioner Goldenberg asked if this amendment might not require longer
discussion and study. Staff replied that most of the areas in the City
are built to the maximum limit.
Chairman Covington asked how many Of the 14,000 mailing addresses:in:,the
City are eligible for second dwelling units. 'Staff replied that 22 only
were eligible. Of course many properties in the City could accommodate
second dwelling units if they demolished everything on lots and started
from scratch. The main problem would be parking requirements. Mr. Golden-
berg stated that if homeowners were to start from scratch, then possibly
parking requirements could be waived. Staff replied that Planning Commis-
sion could review each case as they come up and determine policy.
Staff further ~tated that Mello's bill authorizes a second unit, not a
"granny flat" which would indicate a separate home for elderly on same
lot. What the Mello bill in effect does is to abolish the R-l zone.
With the CUP procedures, the Commiss'ion can take a look at any applications
for second units and establish a policy or guidelines.
Public hearing opened and closed for lack of participants.
Commissioner Goldenberg moved to adopt Res.> #1284, with Commissioner Smith
seconding. The following vote was taken:
Covington, Goldenberg, Jessner, and Smith
The minutes of the ~~eeting of April 20; 198i~0e~econsidered and aproved
as corrected, by the following vote:" '.~
AYES: Covington, Goldenberg, Jessner, and Smith
NOES: None
ABSENT: Perrin
P. C. Minutes of May 4, 1983
Page 4
A. Architectural Review, 78 River,sea
Minute Order
This was the second request for architectural review of a 2-story cabana
in the trailer park. Staff report presented by Mr. Antos. He also showed
Commission photographs of present structure, along with samples of stucco
coloring. A plot plan was included along with a letter from the management
of the trailer park approving the cabana. Staff recommendation was to
aprove as submitted.
Commissioner Jessner commented that, in general, he was opposed to flat
roofs. It was his understanding that the ordinance raised the height
limitation in order to accommodate different types of roof treatment.
Staff replied that the height limitation had been raised to accommodate
different roof styles, so that not all the roofs would be flat and look
alike. In this particular case, it was the Chief Building Inspector's
opinion, that to modify the roof now would be very costly. The ~pplicant
wanted two stories but did not want to go any higher. Staff indicated
that the Planning Commission has the right to reject an application because
of roof style, under the present rules. Therefore, any future applications
could be reviewed with that in mind.
The Planning Commission unanimously approved by Minute Order the architectural
review of 78 Riversea.
Mr. Jim Gilkerson, 1011 Electric Avenue, spoke regarding Walt's Wharf.
He indicated that with the banner and other signs up for advertising,
the total square footage exceeds the sign ordinance. Staff replied that
the this would be checked.
Mr. Gilkerson also indicated that when walking his dog one evening on
~Oth and Electric avenue around 10:45 p.m., the music was blaring over
the outside loud speak~r from Walt's Wharf and could be easily heard from
his position. Mr. Antos replied that he would look into the matter.
At this time, Mr. Antos gave an update on Walt's Wharf. He indicated
that noise readings had been taken and would be periodically taken, with
the results given to City Manager.
Mr. Antos further mentioned that the City Council asked the Commission
to review all oil redrilling permits and forward their comments to the
City Council. It was decided that this procedure was appropriate for
Planning Commission to perform for City Council.
It was also mentioned that the Commission would be recelvlng a notice
of public hearing regarding 231 Main Street, for on sale beer and wine.
P. C. Minutes of May 4, 1983
The applicant is an acoustical engineer who wishes to have a live recording
studio with an audience.
Meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.