HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Ord 628 1963-06-17 I-.~ -' Artie 10 _ I Article a. _ ~)t '..~I: . J, OI'lIEIl'!Al OI=::ICIAl COpy ":OT TO BE TAKf:N. I=:~OM THE CITY CLERi{'S OFFICE ,. CI'l'Y OF s,':..L. ~,~I!.;.;f Gl\LJF':'~1!IJ\ r .....__". _~_._.'I.___..,..__.......__ ~Q.~~~~. 9;i'lN IlliQf: IV ~I ~ ~ f 1. Dec larBttol1 of Purpose. l)ef1rJ:l. t1 ona . Distl'lcts and Article 3. F.stablishment or./Zonas. the Bound.uries Thel'3of', and Limiting the Uses of tRnd and A~eas Required Therain. Article 4. R-l - OneuFamlly l'les1.dential ZOlHI CR-l Zone)" ArHcle 5. 'R-2 G' Two-Family Residential Zone (R-2 Zone). Article 6. R-3 - Multiple Residential Zone (R-3 Zone). Artie 18 7. R-4 - High Rlso Multiple Res idence Zone (R-4 Zone)-. Article 8. PO - "Planned Development" Combining ~ D:I.strict Regulations. (PD Zone). e-o - Pr'ofessional OffIc e Zone (0-0 Zone). Artie le 9. I. Art ic le 10. Article 11. ArUc 18 12. Artie le 13.. Art ic 18 14. Article 15. Artie le 16. Artie le 17. '. 0-1 - Service Commercial Zone (0 -1 Zone). 0-2 - General Commeroial Zone (CaS Zone). C-3 - Commercial-Manufacturing Zone (0-3 Zone)~ M-l -Lip,ht ~anufacturing Zone (M-l Zone). M-2 - Heavy Manufacturin~ Zone (M-2 Zone). P-L - Parking - Landscaping Zons (F-L Zone). Unc la as if led [113 es . . .'. ~ '. ". General P~ovisio~s. Condition9 and Rxceptions - Use. Article 18. General Provisions. Condit~ons and F.~ceptlone - . Yards. Haight. -CiG.. open Space an1 Bulk. Article 19. . General Provisions. Conditions lind RXOElptiol1s c,; Nonconforming Buildings and Uses. Article 20. Variances snd Gonditlonel Use Permita. ,:- .. ) , , Article 21. Amendments. Unclassified Usa Po:!'r.;its and Pree iSI! Plans. Article 22. Pro.cedure. Hearings. l~otiees snd Fees. Article 23. Interpretations1 Purpose; ConfHot; Severabil1ty. Arttcle 24. Revocation; Rx'Ol...atlon. Article 25. Permits; Licenses; F.nfcr~cement and "leview of Plans. ~ ~d "'le.. . . ~ r I I :1 - , e..-.- Ordinance Number . ZONI~~INAN~E - Cont'd Article 26. Penttl\';y. Article 27. Enactment and Repeal. Distrlcts and An ordinance establishing/zones in the Oity of Seal Baaoa and ther~in regulating the U63 of land, height of buildings ~nd yard spaces; ~ovidin~ for the adoption of nmps shouing tha .distriots and boundaries of said/zorJes; defiuing the tsrlllH used. in thie: ordlnanc5; providing fnr its adjustment. amendment and enforcs- ment; prescribing penalties far violation; repealing ordinances or portioos of ordinanc os in conflict thel'e\v1th. THF. CITY COUNOrr. OF THE Crry OF 5F.AL BRACH, CALIFORNiA. DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: _2"4 ~ "":J - r -I I I . Ordinance Number . ARTIOIE 1. DECLARATION OF PURPOSE See. 100. Purpose ot ordinanoe. A preoise hereby adopted land-use plan for the City of Seal Beach Is . and establ1s~ed to serve the publio health. safety and general weltare and to provide the eoonomSc and sool8 1 advantages resulting from an orderly planned use at.' land res ouro es . Sec. 101. Name of ordinallCfl. This ordinanoe shall be kDOWD as -The Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance". -3- -I I I ~ ~dinance Number ARTICLE 2. DRFINITIONS Sec. 200. ProvisIons Dot affeoted by headings. Art1c18 and section headings oontained hereIn shall not be deemed to govern, limit.. modify '01' in e'lly manner affect the soope, meaning or intent of any section hereof. Sec. 201. Tenses The present tense includes the future and the future the present. Sec. a08. Number. The singular nUlllber inoludes the plural. and tbe plural the singular. Seo. 2 oa . Acoess tr7. "Accessort' means a building, part of a building or strUotl1l'e, or Wle .whiCh 1s subordinate to alld the Wle of whloh'ls inoidental to that ot the main building, struetUl"e or use on the same lot. If' an aocessory building Is attached to the main building by a oommon wall or it the roof of the accessory building is a continuation of the roof of the lIIIin building and 18 wider than 8ix feet, then such accessOl'y building shall be oonsidered a part of tbs main building. Sec. 204. All81. "Alley" means a public thoroughfare or way hevilm a width of not more than twent7 f'eet which affords only a secondary means of aooess to abuttIng proped;y. Seo. 205. Amendment . "Amendment" means a ohange in the wording, context or substance of' thIs ordinance, or a change in the zone boundaries upon the zonIng map. which map is a part of thIs ordinance when adopted by ordinance passed by the city -4- r Ordinance Number . . ( , ....... ~ See. 205. Amendment - Cont 'd. councl1 ln the manner prescribed by law. -I Sec. 206. Apartment. "Apartment" means a room. er a suite ot two or more rooms ln a multiple dwelllng. occupied or suitsble for occupanoy as a I I dwelling unlt f01\one tami~. but not lncludlng hotels, motels \ or tourlst courts. Sec. 207. Apartment. bachelor. "Bachelor apartment" means one or more rooms wlth bath. without cooking facUities. ln a multiple dwelling. A Bachelor apartment constltutes a dwelling unit withln the meanlns ot thls Ordlnance. Sec. 208. Apartment House. ltApartment house" means a bulldlng. or a portion of a bulldlng. designed for occupancy by three 01" more famUies livlng lndepenient~ of each other and containing three or more dwelling unlts. See. 209. Automobl1e wreCking. "Automobile wrecklng" means the dlsmantllng or wreCking of used motor vehicles or tral181's. or the storage, aale or dumping of dismant led or wrecked vehlc les or the 11" parts. See. 210. Basement. "Basement" means that portion of a bullding between floor ani oeiling, which is part~ below and part~ above grade (as defined in section 240). but so located that the vertical distance from r,rade to the floor below is less than the vertical dlstanoe trom grade to cel1ing. A base-' mant. when deslgned tor. or occupled tor business or manu- facturing. or for dwelling purposes (rumpus rooms and recreatlon rooms wlthout kitchens excepted). shall be -5- . Ordinance Number . ~..1.2..:."tS!... :j~salre.,t;... CrJnt~d6 c0nsjde,\"ecl Ii .:?C4)J"'1 ~!!:.~ 2Jl. Bl.::~'t.. -I . " :lB!.llOlr," ;nBl3fllt Il'.:!. p'!'op=rty '~l'onl;'l.ng upon on(' s:lte of .. stl"Ef"~ batw:::an ';n~~r/il~ct'-l'~ llnd '.nte7''.l3pting .;tI'eats. or bei;~;Cler. a 8 ~.c'Be:' Iud 1\ l'a1l:i,oed ;'i8hl; "r Vlay, waterway, . ~<>rm:.nt\c or iS9.:1-'6m <,t,~'ee'l;, or nity bound3t'y. An inter- "f'ptinil: ,~t".aat ::r-I.lll c.d.;OSl''llin9 0\111 t~ boundary or the blco1r on tho s:ldc rf tbe street \7hlch :ll; intercepts. S .... .,,, ._!~-.:_~!~ oJ 'oo3l'dlnr-.bous ~. n llosl'(l.il'ZlLUSti' 1O(l.!,mS a bu.i1r.ltng with 1101; m~rfl than rivet gl'Ult ;C'OOlllE.' wJoe~'5 :.odgtne. ClIlC. meals are !l1'ov'lded to.... compsn- oli'.~icn ~';;!, not Illvr~ thun ten perJona, bL,t "he:"l not include re~t home~ or cJr.vFlastonG homes. Guest ruoms numbe~ing six I or oVtlr 3huJ,1 be ccmiic.er:Jd a hOGel. '- ~!?~.?J.3. Bun:B n/;.. "Bul1rJill;" me<:ns lIny structure hev:l.ng a roof, aut exclud" In~ al.l !,c;~ms :;:.f '1uhlo .:.Ela even tnov.r,h :ll!!llobilized h '.'j'ha~e this orolnC.I:ce ,'eqLh-I!S or \'!hel'e ,::lpe::ial authority g:c-anted pUX'd\1.ant to Gh:ca crdin&U,'lfl ','F.q'~:~l:'El5 that l:l ilf:!e shall iH~ ontirely enoloBed v l'~dn a bu:lldtng, l.~,l!: de'finltlon chaD. be q'leHflod b:'i adding ""lOti enclosed ('n a~.l s:.IiEil!". f.~~_.?li. !>u.UC<.:l ng :,e:tght. "Bu1).()inf; nell;ht'; IUEla'JS the vertical d18'~anoe mosl.lured I j';:.::,.r.l ~h<) 1.l1'(i:n[:() 1'j'1e1 of the highest and lowest f'oin.t ;)1' that PC;:.t:.',n c.f tll<" 1)\,;,. ~din/-l, site covered by 1;ro buHc.inJ;. t:o the highest point of tho roof peak._ ~:.c.. ~~J.5.. I::t:.:ld~ng: mnir.ltl -- ---- -..-- 11 . T' I . Ij . ,. IIi'" .... 1"'. 1 t ;..all1 .lU:1 ,l_nE;' lnI19,19 ;19 PI' nCJ.OSJ. "U >.u.lng on a 0 Ol' bu~1d:;n~ sit€: -i.. ....1ed lJl' ~sad tt'J ncoommodate t;-1$1 l))'i'l'a1'r ..me .'0" -. I ., .1 I' Ordinance Number SeCD ~ BrOGzewQJp A otrocture. not 0;:000'<11118 titteen (15) foot 1n he1Ght and hav1n~ not moro than 1'1tty ($0) pel' cant 01' tho sidGS 01' the structure onclosed with aay matorial othor than tnat necossGry to%" root suppO%"ts II 1'01' tho pr1nc1pal purpose 01' connoot1ng the mIl1n atX'llcturo on a s1te w1th anothw main structure 01" an accessor,v structure on the aGaB s1te. . , -I I! I . 4irdinance Number Sec. 215. Building, main. - Cont'd. to which the premises are devoted; where a permissible use involves more than one structure designed or used tor the pr1mary purpose, as in the case ot group houses, each such permissible building on one lot as detined by this ordinanoe shall be construed as comprising a main building. Sec. 216. Building sUe. "Building site" means: (a) The ground area ot one lot or, (b) the ground area ot two or more lots when used in combi~ naUon tor a building or group ot buildings, together with all open spaces a8 required by this al'dinance. Sec. 217. Bungalow court. "Blingalow oourt" shall mean a group ot three or more detached one-story, one-tami17 or two-tamily dwellings located upon a sinr.le lot, togethar with all open epeces required by this ordinance. Sec. 218. Business or commerce. "Business" or "commerce" means the purchase, sale or other transaotion involving tbe handling or disposition ot any artiole, service, substance or cOllllllodity tor livelihood or profi t; or the management of ottic e buildings, otf1c es . recreational or amusement enterprises; or the maintenance and use or oftices. structurea and premises by protessions and trades renderinr, serv1c es. Sec. 219. Cellar. "Cellar" means that portion ot a building between tloal' and ceiling whicb is whol1;V or pertly below grade and so located thllt the vertical distance from the grade to the floor below is equal to or greater than the vertioal dis- tanc e from grade to ceiling. -7- I I I . Ordinance Number . Sec. 220. CbuJ:'ch "Church" as usod 10 this ordinance shlll.~ li!8SD an Elstablishe ment thB principal purpose of uhlch is reli8iotls tforship nnd tor which the pr1ncipal structuro contains tho sanctus17. and includ- ing accessory ~ses in the ~ain structUl'El ~ 10 separate buildings, including Sunday-school rooms, QSsetibly rooms, ltitchan, 11bl"l:I1'Y room and a one..fara1ly dwelling unit, but excludi.D8 day...cll.1'o nurseries and facilities for rosidences of or traininc of religious orders. Soo. 22lu Club. "Ol.ub" !:loans an assooiation of persons 1'01' SOl1lG COD:lOn non.. profit purpose, but not 100luding groups organized pr1I:1nrily to render a service ~llich is oustomarily carried on as a bus1ness. Sec. 222. Om:mission. IfCOIlIlI11sll10nlf means the plann1nc corlll111soion of: the City of Seal Beach, Oa111'01'n1a. Sac. 223. Con1'01'ming b'llldlns. "Con1'01"lll1ng b'.11ldingll ll1Gans: (n) In the "n" Zones a con1'orming building is one which. fully moots the l'squ!rer.lBnts of the State IIousing Act and the Uniform Building Code as they pOl'tain to res1dential buildinga and t-lldch bulldlna fully coD!'01'DlS to the l'equirOIlsnta ot this cnod1oance with respect to the district and zone in t-lhich it 18 located and 10 limited to tho nurdber of dwelling units prescribed tor the diatl'!ct and zone 11'1 which it is located; and, (b) In the "0" l1nd 111.1" Zones a conto1'1ll:l.ng building is one t'lhlch tully conf'OZ'ms to the structural deBignp building l:laterials and their assombly as proscribed fm' corncorcial 01' industrial bulldincs by the Un11'om Bul1ding O~e and uhich bullding tully con1'orm:J to the roquil'El1llents of this ol'd1nance with respoct .8... I I :1 . Ordinance Numoer . Soc. 223. Conf'01'ming bulld.1.1l6 - Oont'd. to the district and zone in whioh it is located. Seo. ~. COUl't. "Court" l~an~ ~ portion ot the interIor of a lot or b!lllding site 'tlhioh is uholly OX' pl11't1ally surrot'lnded by bl11ldine;s, and which is not (1 l'equired ylU"d or open space. Sec. 225. Dairy. "Dailoy" means any promises uhore three or J:;lOrEl cOtlS, throe or more :.oats, or any combination theroof, are kopt. milked or t1Qintainod. Sec. 226. Day i:TUl'sory. "Day nUl'so17" maans any type of group day-cl11'e P1'O~EIJ.'JS, including nU1"sonos tOX' chlldloen of T:lorlr:1ne mothers, 1U11"sory schools tor childloen below minimum age for education in pabl1c schools, p81'ent cooperative n1U'sary sohool,. playe;roups fOf! pf!o-school children and prog1!ums covorlD6 after-school oore fOf! school children; provided, suoh establishment is licensed by tho state and c1ty and conducted in accOX'dance vith state and ci ty requ1.roments. Sec. 227. Dump. "Dump" means an area devoted to the disposal of refuse. includ1ng incineration, reduction 01' dllr.ij)i1l6 of ashes, garbac;e, oombustible OX' noncombustible refUse, otfal 01' dead an1mols. Soc. 220. ~ellin3. "Dwelling" ceans a building 01' pOX'tion thereof desi/3f1ed exclusive~ fOX' residential purposes, incladlng one-tami~, two-family and lllUltiple dwellings, but not includlnr. hotols. -9- . Ordinance Number . Sec. 229. Dwelling unit. II "Dwelling unit" means one or more roolll8 in Q dwelling or apal'tmen t ho~ e ani designed far cccupanoy by one family tor living or sleeping purposes. and having kitchen facilities for the e,;clusive use of only one family. .A baclwlor apartment also constitutes a dwelUng unit w1'th1n 'the I!18aning of this ordinancso See. 230. Owe lling. one-family. .One-family dwelling" means a detached building designed exclusively tor occupancy by one family and containing one dwelling unit. Sec. 23l. Dwelling. two-family. nTwo-famlly dwelling" means a building designed for occupancy by two families living independent ly of each other. ani containing two dwelling units. I Sec. 232. Dwelling. multiple. "Multiple d'l!elling" means a building. or portion thereof. designed for occupanoy by t~ee or more families living independently of each other, and containing three or more dwelling units. Sec.233. Educational institution. "F.ducational institution" means elementary. junior high. high schools, colleges or universities or other schools givi~ general academic instruction in the several branches of learn- ing and study required to be taught by the E1ucation Gode of I the state of California. Seo. 2M. Erected. "Rrected" means the construction of any building or structure, or the structural alteration of a building or structure the result of which would be to. chan8e the exterior walls or roof or to increase the square foot floor area of the interior of the building or structmoe. -lQc. Ordinance Number . . Sec. 235. Family. -I "Family" means an lnd1vidual. or two or more persons related by blood or marriage. or a grout) of not more than five persons who are not related by blood or marriage. ex- - eluding servants, living together as a single housekeeping unit in a dwelling unit. Sec. 236.. F11'e Rscape. "Fire escape" means an auxiliary means of emergency escape from a building, as defined or designated by the fire department ani the building department ot the Oity ot Sea 1 Beach. Sec.237. Foster tamily day care home. "Foster f'amily day care home" means a residence I licensed by tblt State of' Oalltorn1a and the City of Seal Beach to be used to care tor children by the day. with or without oompensatlon. provided the number of ohildren cared for at anyone time sha 11 not exceed six. Sec. 238. Garage. private. "Private gerage" means an accessory building or an accesscr,. portion of' the DRin building. enclosed on three sides and designed or used tor the shelter 01' stcrage of vehicles owned or operated only b,. the occupants ot the main building . I Sec. 239. Garage. pub 110 . "Public garage" means a building other than a pzoivate garage used f'er the care. repair or equipment ot automobile. or where such vehle les are kept for remuneration. h11'e or sa le. Sec. 240. Grade. "Grade" means the averap;e of the finished I?:round level at -11- I I I . , ....'.\ Ordinace Number Seo.. ~o. Grade - ~~nt'~:' \ '.< :;;:-:. the oenter of all walls' of a 1ml~~l~~' - ~ ol1se waUs 81"e parallel to and wl'thin tive te~'jjff a s1d8Wl11k, 'the abovegl"OUnd level Bhal.l be 1lI08aured at __SldewiL1k8~ Seo. ~. Group h~~ses. "GroUp house" t.w8DS two 01" mOl"e separate1:ni1dlnas, each oontaining one Ol' more dweUln3 units, and 1Dclud1ns row houses. 242. Guest house Ol" aoceaso1!7 living qu81"ters. , II Guest house" Ol" II AcoessOl"y 11vinc qu81"ters" caans 11 v1nS quarte1'S l'11thin an acoessOl"7 buildina fOl" the sole use of per- Seo. sons emp:l,07ed on the proo1ae. O!' to!' tem pOl"a1'7 uae b7 suests of the occupants ot the prec1ses. S~ch qut1l"ters shall havo no ldtohon tacil1ties and sholl not be ranted or othewise used as a sepGl"Gto dlreUlng unit. Soo. 21&.3. Uoce oocupation. IIHcme oocupat10nll oeans an ocoupation conduoted on tho P1"md.ses tdthin the J:lB1n dweU1nc unit b7 the oocuplUlt ot the dwel11ng GD a seooMW7 Ilse 1n connection l11th which thero 1s no d1splO1, no stook in trade Ol" cor,r4odlt7 sold upon the p1'O%ld.ses, no person empl07ed and 1n connection u1th whioh no mBoh&lDical. equipmsnt 18 used except stIch llI8ohanioal equipment as is oust0ll18l"1l7 usod 1'01" hO:'!.Bolteeping P111'POSGs. Seo. 2hh.. Hospital. nHOS~; mans an institution spec1011ziDg in giving clin1cal~ toapOl"l11'7 nnd EllIIOrceno7 servioes of 8 madical 01" SUl"6icol illltul"e to human patients a114 injtuoed persons, and licensed b;y state law to provide facilitios aM servloes in sUl"6el'7. Obstetrios and ~oneral medioal. praotioe as dis- tinguished trom t:l'eatmant ot motEl1 Qnd oe1"VOIJS disorders, but not oxc1uding SUl"3ical and post-s~r~ica1 treatment 01' mental oases" -12- -I . Ordinance Number . Sec.245. Hospital, mental. "tJ!ental hospital" means an institution 11censed b7 state agencies under provi8iona of law to offer facilities,' care am treatment for oases of menta 1 and nervOus dls O'%'ders, but not l1censed to provide tao llities ani services in surger7, obstetrics and general medioal !ll'actloe. F,stabl1sh- ments limiting serv1ces to juveniles below tiB sge ot ttve years, and establishments hoU8in~ and oaring for oases of oerebral palsy are speclflca1l7 excluded trom this definitioD. Sec. 246. Hospital, small animal. "Small animal hospital" means an establi8hment in which veterina1"J' servioes, oUpping, bathing, bea1"dlng and other s81'v1ces are rendered to dogs, cats and other small lln1ma 18 and domestic pet.. I Sec. 247.. Hotel. I . . "Hotel" mllans a building In whioh there are six or more Ruest rooms where lodging with 0'%' witbout meals 18 prov1ded for oompensation, aid where no provision 18 made for cooking in an7 individual room or sutte. but shall not inolude jails. hospitals, asylums, sanitariums, orphanages. prisons, detention homes ani similar buildings where human beings ere housed and detained under legal restraint. Sec.248. Institution. "Institution" means an establishment maintained and operated b7 a soo1et7, c~rporation, individual, foundation 0'%' publio ap;enc7 fO'%' the purpose of providing charitable, social, educational or similar serv1ces to the publio, grouTJII or individuals. Sec.249. Kennel. "Kennel" means a place where four 01' more adult dogs -13- -I I I . Ordinance Number . Seo. 249. Kennel - Cont'd. or cats, or any oomblnation thereot, are kept _ whether 117 owners ot the dogs and cata or b;r persons providing taoili- ties and oare, whether or not for oompensation, An adult dog or cat is one ot either MX, altered or unaltered, tbat baa JOeached the age ot tour ml;)ntha. Sec. 250. Kitchen. ItKitohenll me8l1s any room. or portion of room, used or intended or designed to be used tor cooking or the preparation ot tood. Sec. 251. Lodginghouse. llLodginghousell lIIeana the same as boardll18house, but no mea]a sball be PIl"ov!4 ed . Sec. 252. Lot. "Lot" meanu (1) A parcel ot real Pl"opeJ'tJ' whIRl aholrn as a de11neated paroel ot lard nth a number or other deaiS- nation on a plat recorded in the ottic e or the oounty I"eoorder ot Orange COIIDf:7, (2) A parcel ot land oontainlng not leaa tban the Pl"e- acribed minilDWD sqWl1'e tootage required in the lone in wMoh boundaries ot whioh are defined b;r a reoord ot survey recarded purauant to law when recorded In tbe ott1ce ot the counf:7 reo order ot Orange Counf:7 and whloh abuts at leaat ona publio straat or privata eaaement determined b7 the oommlssioD to be adequate tor purposes of aooess trom a street, and provided further, tbat before building improv81118nts are ereoted upon ..11 10' the pl"l..'e ....... .181d1 III WQ' ."U be s--ovell to a standU'd not less tban tlat derlned b7 tbe olt:r's speo1tl- oat Ions tor a looal street. and sball be inspeoted and approved b;r the street suparintendent J or, (3) A paroel ot real property not delineated as In (1) or -14- J I I I . Ordinance Number . Soo. 2~. Lot - Contld. (2) above, and oontaining not less than the presoribed m1D1rmm square f'ootage required iD the zone iD which it is looated, nOI" Jl1Q1"e than one aOl"e, and which abu.ts at leaat one publio atl"eet 01" n privnte ea8eJ:1ODt detel"D1ned bJ' the cOJlll!11s81on to be adequate for pul"Posea of' ACoess from a stl"eet; and provided further, thnt bstOl"e bu.l1d~ lmpI"ov8Jl18nts lU'e ereoted upon suoh lot the prlvllte eas_nt right of w8.7. shall be Improved to a 8tandll1"d not les8 than that defined bJ' the c1tJ'ls specifications f'or n looal street, Br1d 8hall be 1D8peoted aDd approved bJ' the stroot 8uperintendent. . Soo. g". Lot area. BLot uoaB means the total horizontal uen wlth1a. the bound8J.'7 lines of' a lot. Soo. 254. Lot, 00l"D81". -COI"n8l" lot- Dean8 Q lot 81tuated at the 1ntersecUon of two 01" 1lIOI"8 sueets, which streets have an !1Dg1e of intorseotion of not DI01'O than one """V'1\'ed and twent7-oiaht de3rees. Seo. 2SS. Lot Cov8l"llge. BLot. ooverage- means the pe1"Centnge of' total lot, pl11'oel or building site OOV8l"ed bJ' st1'UctlU"OS, open 01" enolosed. Seo. 2S6. Lot Depth. "Lot depthB moans the hori80ntDl length of' a straight liDe dl"awn flo01ll the midpoint of' the lot floont liDe and at 1"1ght angles to such line. conneoting with Q Une intersocting tho nidpoint of' tho lot reu l1ne and parnllel to the lot floont l1ne,! In ~ oaso of' a lot hav1ng a OUI'Ved t1"Ont line the lot f'l"Ont line. fOl" JIUl"Poses of' this seoUon. shaU be 4e_d to be n line tangent to the OUl"Ve and p81"allel to a straight line oonnecting the poiDts of' intersection of' the lot side llaes of the lot with the lot floont l~. _ Seo. 2~. Lot, interior. n Inters.or lot. meaas a lot oth.e1" th8l1 a oorner lot or -15- -I I I . Ordinance Number . Sec. 256. Lot. 1nt&ri~. .. Cont'd. reversed corner lot. Sec. 25'7. Lot, key. "Key lot': me"ans the tirst lot to the rear ot a reversed corner lot and whethel" or not separated by an alley. Sec. 258. Lot tront line. n Lot front line" meana, ill tm case ot an interior lot. a line separat1ng t~ lot from the street. In the.oase ot a corner lot the lot tiODt line shall be the Une separating the narrowest street trantage ot the lot from the street. Sec. 259. Lot Une. rear. n Lot line rear" means a lot line whioh 1s opposite and most distant trom the lot tront line __.,.: .1\'ltr the purpose ot eetablishing the lot real' line ot a triangular 01' trapezoidal lot. 01' of . lot the re... line of .hlch 18 tormed by two or more Unes. the following shall app1:J': (a) Par a tr1anguiar or goreshaped lot. a Une ten teet 1n length within tbe lot and f'arthest removed frcm the lot tront line and at r1ght angles to be thll line com- pr1aing the depth ot &uoh lot shall be used as the lot rear line (b) In the oase or a trape.01d~J,..10t the rear line ot which is not paraliel to the lot front line, the lot rear line shall be deemed to be a line at right angles to tbe line oompr1Bing the depth of' suoh lot and drawn thrOllgh a point bisecting tm recorded lot rear line , or. (c) Inr the c~e ot a pentagonal lot .the rear boundry ot which inolUdes an angle tormed by two lines. suoh angles shall be employed tor det8l'1llining the lot rear line in thlt same manner as presoribed tar a trianRular lot In no case shall the application ot the above be inter- -us- -I I I . Ordinance Number . Sec. 259. Lot line, rear. - Cont'd. ... ..:, preted as permitting a main building to loaate closer than three teet to any property line. Sec. 260. Lot line, side. "Lot side line" means any lot boundary front line or a lot rear line ........... " line not a lot ,. Sec. 261. Lot, reversed corner. "Reversed corner lot" means a corner lot. the side street line 01' which is substantially a continuation ot the lot tront line of the lot upon which the rear or said reversed corner , lot abuts. Sec. 262. Lot, through. "Through lot" means a lot having trontap;e on two parallel or approximateq parallel streets. ...... Sec. 263. Lot width. "Lot width" means the horizontal distanco between the 1:>t side 11nes measured at right angles to the 11ne comprising the depth 01' the lot at a point midway between the lot front line and the lot rear line __, provided, that the length of the line constituting the rear line ot the required front yard shall ., . never be less than the required lot width established in each zone. Sec. 264. Medical-dental building. "lIedical-dental building" shall mean a building or group of /1' buildings designed for the use of and OCCUP18d and usfll by ph1sicians and dentists and others engaged profeSsionally in such hea11ng arts tor humans as are recognized by the laws 01' the State of California, including the installation and use of therapeutio equipment, X-ray equipment or laboratories. chemical, bioohemical and biologioal laboratories used as direot accessories -l?- 'I I -I . Ordinance Number . Sec. 264. Medical-dental building - Cont'd. to the medical-dental prof.essions} dental laboratQrias including faoilities for the making.of dentures on prescription. and pharmacies limitei to the'retail dispensing of plwrmaceuticsla and sick room supplies (bu~ not room or orthopedio equIp~ent), provided, there shall be no exterior dIsplay windol/s or aigns 't. . pertaining to such accessory uSes other than. a direotory sign. Sec. 266. Motel or tourist court. lI:.!otel" or IItourist court" means a group of attached or detaohed buildings containing indivi~U81 sleeping or living units where a majorit,. of such units open individually and directly to th.l; outs1de, and where a garage is attached or a' parking space is conveniently loeatj;,d to each unit. all for , temporary use b,. automobile tourists or trans ients, and such . " words shall include auto oourts and motor loogos. An eatab- \: . ..... ... lishment shall be considered a motel when it is required b,. the Health and Safet,. Cooe of the State of California to obtain the name am addJoeElS of the 'gll8sts. the make. year am license nuJltler of the vehicle and the state in which it was issued. Seo. 266. Nonoonf~rming b~i1d1ng. IINonccnforming building" means a buUding, or portion thereof. other than a IIconforming buildingll as defined b,. this ordinanoe and Whioh was lawfully erected or altered and maintained but whioh. because of the application of this ordiname to it no longer conforlll8 to the P1"ovls ions of this ordinance. A nonconforming building. or nonconforming portion of the building ahall be deemed to constitute a non- oonforming use of the land upon which it io 1C1l ate4. -lB- -I I . Ordinance Number . . Sec. 267. Noncomforming use. "Nonconforming use" means a use which was lawfully established and mointafned but whioh. because of the aopli- cation of this ordinance to it. no longer conforms to the use regulations of the zone in which it is located. A non- conforming building. or nonconforming portion of the build- ing shall be deemed to constitute a nonconforming use of the land upom which it is located. Sec. 268. Outdoor advertising display. "Outdoor advertising display" means any card. paper. cloth. metal. glass, wooden or other display or device of any kind or character whatsoever plaoed for outdoor adver- tising ptll'poses on the ground or on any tree. wall. rook. structure or thing whatsoever. Sec. 269. Outdoor advertising struotUl'e. "Outdoor advertising structure" means a structUl'e of any kind or character erected or maintained for outdoor adverttsing purposes. upon which any outdoor advertising display msy be plaoed. Sec. 270. Precise plan. "Preoise plan" means an amendment to the zoning map whioh is a part of this ordinance. in which is included the detailed application of all of the applicable matte~s contained in this ordinance. as well as other features essential to complete development but which may be defined and regulated by other legis lative controls.. Seo. 271. Profess iona 1 off!c es. "Professional officea" means offices maintained and used as a place of business conducted by persons engaged in tha reoognized professions. and others whose business activity -19- , . , I I I . Ordinance Number . ~ec. 271. Profess ional orrin es - Oont 'd. eo~sists principally of services to the person as distinguished Trom the handling of commodities. Sec. 27,!. 'Ree lass 1fication. ~ "Reolassification' means a ohange in zone boundaries upon the zoning map, which map is a part of this ordinance, when adopted by ordinance passed by the oH,. council in the manner prescribed b,. law. Sea. 273. Res t home, 0 onva leso ent home, nurs ing home. hOIDll for the aged or guest home. "Rest home," "convalesoent home," "nursing homa,R Rhome for the aged" or "guest home" means a home ope~ated as a boardinghouse and in whioh nursing. dietary and other personal services are furnished to oonvalescents, invalids and aged persons, but in which are kept no PElrsons suffering from a mental sickness, disease, disorder or ailment or from a contagious or cOllllllunioable disease. and in which are performed no surgery, maternity or other primary treatments such as are customarily provided in sanitariums or hospitals, or in which no persons are kept or serve:! who normally would be admittable to a mental hospital. 8ec. 274. Rumpus room. "Rumpus roorrl' means a room or an area within a dwelling, or in a building aeoessory to a dwelling, designed, equipped or used as a recreation room, inoluding but not limited to, games, refreshments and faoilities for serving. music snd similar general utility purposes. Seo.275. Sanitarium. "Sanitariurrl' means a health station or retreat or other place where resident patients are kept, and which specializes in giving clinical. temporary and emergency services of a medioal or sureieal nature to patients and injured persons and -20- -I I I . Ordinance Number . Sec. 275. Sanitarium - Cont'd. licensed by state agencies under provisions of law to provide facilities and servioes in surgery, obstetrios and general medical praotice as distinguished from treatment or mental and nervous disorders. but not excluding sU1'~ioal and post-surgioal treatment or menta 1 oases. Seo. 276. SChools, elementary. junior high and high. ,"Sohools", "elementary school". "junior high sohool" am "high school" means an institution or learning which offers instruction in the several branches ot learning and study required to be taught in the publio sohools by the 'Rducation Code ot the State of California. Seo.277. Service station. "Servioe station" means a tilling station to supply motor tuel ani oil to motm- vehie lea and including grease raoks or elevators and providing minor tire ani battery servloing and sales of motor vehicle accessories. Seo. 278. Sign. "Sign" means any outdom- advertising display or outdoor advertising structure or any indoor advertising sign or in- door advertising structure designed and plaoed so as to be readab 1ft pr ino ipally trom the outs ide . , See. 279. Stable, Pl"lvate. "Private stable" means a detached acoessary building in whioh horses owned by the oocupants of the premises are kept, and in which no. horses ar.e kept for hire or sale. Sec. 280. Stable"public. "Publio stable" means a stable other than a private stable. -21.. ,I I I " . Ordinance Number . Sec. .~!!!. Stand. . nStand" means a structUl'e for the display and sale of products with no space for customers within the structU1'e itself. .. Sec. 282. State freeway. "State freewayn means any section of a state highway which has been declared to be a freeway by resolution of the California Highway Oo~mtssion pursuant to the Streets ani Highways Code. Sec. 283. Story. nstorT' means that portion of a building included bs- tween the surface of any floor and the surfaoe of the floor next above it. If there be no floor above it, then the space between such floor ani the ceiling next above it shall be considered a story. If the finished floor level direotly above the basement or cellar 18 more than six feet above p;rade, such baument or cellar shall be considered a story. Sec. 284. Street. nStreetn means a public or recorded private thoroughfare whioh affords primary means of aooess to abutting property Sec. 285. street line. nstreet linen means the boundary line between a street ani the abutting property. Sec. 286. Street, side. nSide streetn means a street which is adjacent to a cornEll' lot or a reversed corner lot, and which extends in the general direction of the line determining the depth of the' lot. -22- -I' I .1 Ordinance Number . . Sec. 287. Structure. --- "Struoture" means anything constructed in the ground, or anytl'ling ereoted which requires. 'location on the ground, 01' which is attached to something,having location on or in the grolmd, but not including fenoes or walls used as fences less than s Ix feet in height. Seo.288. Structural alterations. "Structural alterations" means any change in the support- ing members. ot a building such as foundations, bearing walls, columns, beams, floor or roof joists, gh-ders or rafters, or ohanges in the exterior dimensions of the building. Sec. 289. To place. The verb "to ,plao~ and any of its variants a8 applied to advertising displays and outdoor advertising structures, in- cludes maintain1ng. ereoting, constructing, postir.s, painting. printing, ,nailing, glueing or otherwise fastening, affixing or making visible in any manner wbatsoever. Seo.290. Trailer, automobile. " Automobile tra iler" means a vehic la without motor power, designed to be drawn by a motor vehicle and to be ....~~!..,.,...,.;.... used for human habitation or for ca1'1'7ing persons and property, including a trailer coaoh and any selt-propelled vehic le having a body designed for the same uses as an automobile trailer without motor power. Sec. 291. Trailer par,k, trailer oourt ard publio camp. "Trailer park". "trailer court" ard "publio camIl' means any area or tract of land uSed or designed to aocom- modate two or more automob ile trailers. and ino luding trailer camp as defined by law. -23- . Ordinance Number .. Seo. 292. Twenty-four hour foster care home. I . A "twenty-four hour foster care home" ,means a dwelling ocoupied by a family who, for compensation or otherwise, accepts and cares for children as full-time residents as a part of the family, and which ohildren are assigned by authorized publio authorities, providing the number of suoh fester children shall not exceed three at any one time. . Seo.293. Use. .Use" means the purpose for which land or building is arranged, designed or intended. or for whioh either 18 or may be occupied or maintained. When applied to a building, the definition of "conf'Crmlng bullding" as contained herein sha 11 be employed. I Seo. 294. Varlanoe. "Variance" means a modification of' "the speolf'lo regu- lations of' this ordinance granted by resolutioD ot the o{l..., . planning commission.. approved by the city cOUD011 112 accordance with the terms ot this ordinanoe tor the purpose ot assurine; that no property, because of' speCial ciroum- stances a pplicab le to it, sha 11 be deprived of' privileges commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same v1cinlty and zone. A variance may involve modltloations'of' permissible uses for spooial -periodS of time when related to inltial . purposes of interpreting intent of' this ordinance where I specific provisions are laCking. Seo. 296. Yard. "Yard" means an open space other than a court on a lot, unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground upward, except' as otherwise provided in this ordinance. -24- I I -.1 . Ordinance Number . Sec~ 296. Yard. tront. "Front yard" meaDS a Y€l'd extending acl'OSS the 1'uJ.l width of t1 lot and lyine; be1meen the lot tront line and a Une parallel thereto on the lot, and having a distonce betwoen them equal to the required tront yard depth as prescribed in each zone. Front yards shall be measured by a line at right anglos to the lot tront line" 01' by the radial line in the case or a curvod lot tront line. tfuen a lot lies partially within a planned street indicated on t1 precise plan tor such a street. and where such planned stroet is ot the type that will aff'ord le6al accesS to such lot, the depth of' the front yard shall be measured from the contiguous edge of such planned street in the :~nner prescribed in th1s definition. Sec. 297. Yard, rear. "Rear "lard" means II yard extending acr08S the rull tddth 01' a lot" tho depth of t-lh1ch is the minimum horizontal dlstnnca bett-lean the rear property line and a line parallel thereto on the lot. Sec. 298. Yard, rear lin~ or requ1red tront. "Rear line or the requ1rod tront yard" means a line parllllel to the lot 1'1"ont line and at a d1stanoe theretron equal to the deptll of the requ1loed tront YlU'd, and extendine llC1'OSS the :l.'ull width 01' tile lot. Seo. 2i~o Yard. side. RS1de yardR meaDS Q ;yard adj acont to a sido lot line extendinc 1'1"= the rear line or the requ1red tront yard" or the front lot line where no tront "lard 1s requ1red. to the rear yard, except that on the aide stroet side or cor08r lots or reversed corl18r lots or whezoe a lot sides on an alley, tho r~qu1rod side "lard shall extend to the re81' property lino or the lot. The width or the side yard shall be the min1Dl1m horizontal distance between the side prope1"t7 line and a line parallel thereto on tile lot. ~.. . Ordinance Number - I ARTICLE 3'!_ ES!Al3LIS~E~'l' OF DISTRIOTS ./UJJ;l ZOI!ES. m:rJ: BOUNDARIES TImREOF, A:ilD Lli,.ITIUG TIm USES OF ,Ii1I:m> AIID AREAS n:EQUIRED TlIEimln. I Oec~ 300. Dames ar~ Descr1ptions of District9 sod Zones. , In order t/,) 01as811"7, regulate. restriot. and seSl"egate the use ot land. 'b,1.t11dlngs. and stl"Ucturea. nnd to rl;.~late and to l1m1t the t,?e. height and bulk at buildings tlnd at..ucturos in the v8rloua diB.~1"lcts ond zon8s. and to r8BUlate the l1rotu: of yards and ather IJpen areas about and between bulld~s nnd str,'.ctures, a/~ to l'seulate the dens11;J of pOP'.l~ation. the C1ty is herl'bJ i.tlvlded into two districts designated ond known aa I and II Lnd ttfolve Ilonos designated and knOWI1 aSI H-l, R-2, B-3. R..4. i'l?J C..O, Cool. C-2, C-3. 1....1. I-I-2 and PaL, which two (2) districts aod twelve (12) ZOJl8S and the boundarios ond snid districts and zones and each of them ere hereb1 estobl1shed and adoptod am Ol"e shown dellneatod and demigneted'Districts I and II and Zones R-l, H-2. R-3, n-4. P.O; O-C, C..l, C-2, C-3. 11-1, ~_2 and pooL respectively by ordinanoo. (1) The Districts ere described as followSI '(4) District I (Coastal Distr1ct) consists or all tho~e lands in the 01t7 ot Sool Bench lyinn on the south- westerly side (oooan s14e) of the Paclflo Coast Hl~lay, exoept1ng that aroa tfhlch lies northerly of Harina Drive and Fifth Street to the San Gobr!el I River. (b) District II (Inland District) consists of all those lands in the City ot Seal Beach trhich Qre not in District I. as deseribe~ above. (2)- The Zones are describod as 1'01101-18: (a) H-l One-F'em1ly nosldentiaJ. ,;on8 (b) R-2 Two-Family Resident141 Zone (c) R.) ~hltiple Residential Zone (el) R-4 IIi;1;1-nbe I.Jultiple Residential Zone (e) P.O .. Plannf~d Development". Combinlnc-~one (t) C-O Professional Office Zone -26.. . " I I I , --- . Ordinance NUmber . . - - .' , . .~ ~..- .""- .: -, .,. .. . . ,. - (e) Service Commerolal. Zone C-l (h) C-2 General. OOJ:ml8rcinl Zone (i) C-3 Commerc181 I.Ian121'actunag Zone (j) 1.1-1 L1ght I.Ienuf aotUl"iag ZODS (k) 101-2 BeaV)' I.lm1ut acturill6 ZODS (1) P..L ParkinG-Landscapias Zone , > Seo. 301. Boundaries or D1s~iots ODd Zones. The desigDatlona, locations and boUDdarles or the districts and BODeS desorlbed and establiShed In Section 300 are dellneated upon the maps entitled nCl1:7 or Seal Deach, OranD' Coun'l:7, Ca1stOl"nla, Zoning I.lap, Shoet One and Shoet ~n, each dated JW38 6, 1963, which mnps and aU notQt1ons and iaf'01"JII.atlon thereon are hereb)' lJ.adO a part ot this ord1n6'lDoe. b)' reterence. -268- -1'1-. I I I Ordinance Number . . Sec. 303,. Division of zonill!: map. The 'zoning map may, for oonvenlence be divided into parts and each suoh pa:rt may. for purpos es of more readily identifying areas within such zontng"" ma'p, be subdivided tnto units and such parts and unitS may be separately employed for purposes of amending the zoninCI" map or for any official reference to the zoning map. Sec. 304. Ohanges in boundaries. districts and/or Changes in the boundaries of the/zones shall be made by ordinance adopting an amended zoning map. or part of ssid map. or unit of a pert of said zon!.ng nBP. which said amended maps, 01" parts or units of parts, when so adopted shall be published in the manner prescribed by law and beoome a pert of this ordinance. Sec. 305. Uncertainty of boundaries.. Where uncertainty exists as to the boundaries of any distz-let 01" zone' snown upon a zoning map or any part or unit thereof, the folloWing l"ules shall apply: (1) Where such boundaries are 1ndicated as approxi- mately following street and alley lines 'or lot lines. such 11nes shall be construed to be such boundaries. (2)' In the case of UDsubdivided property, am where a zone boundary divides a lot, the location of such boundaries. unless the $Sme are indicated by dimensions, shall be deter- mined by use of the scale appearing on said Boning map. (3) Where a publiC street or alley is officially vacated or abandoned, the area oomprising such vacated street or alley shall acquire the classification of the property to which it reverts. (4) Areas of dedicated streets or alleys and railroad ~ight of way, other than such as are designa~ed on the zoning map as being classified in one of the zones proVided in the -27- ., " I I I Ordinance N~er . . Sec. 305. Uncertainty ot boundaries. - Cont'd. ordinance. shall be deemed to be unclassifled and, in the case ot streets, permitted to be used only tor purposes lawfully allowed and. in the case at railroad rlghts ot way. permltted to be UIlI lid so lely far the purpose ~ acoollll"lodat1ng track, slgnale, other operative devloes and the movement at roll1ng stock. Seo.. 306. Classlt'catlon at annexed lands and uno lassltied property. Any land hereatter annexed to or consolidated with the City ot Seal Beach, or any land whioh. tar any reason la not des1gna ted or a pre-zoning map, on the zoning map/as being olasaUied In any at the Bones established hereby ahall be deemed to be temporarlly zoned R..l (slngle-famlly residentlal.) Seo. 30'1. PreBoning at properties outside at c Ity. The Clty Councl1 recognbes the tact thst a clty's soolal and economlo lite Is seldom 11mlted to the area withln Its corporate limits; that real need exists to consider zoning and physical planning on the basis of the existing and developlng area rather than only the areas currently wi thin the city limlta; that state law. tlrough the medium at the State Planning Law. recognlzes the exlstence at the relation- ship between a ci ty am the areas adjacent thereto am has inccrparated in such State Planning Law a mandate that cities ahall preplan areas contiguous thereto It.,in tbD opinion at the olty. such areas bear a relationshlp to its planning. In recognit'1~n of' such policy am purpose and the possibllity ot annexatlon at adjolning lands, the city undertakes to establish an expanaion ot a oonsistent land-use pattern that shall prevall It and when areas contained withln such expanded plans annex to the city. Far'that purpose poellonlng maps may be developed and adopted In the same manner prescribed by this ordinana e tor the classifIcation ar'reclassification of property' within the city. including procedUl'es for and conourrent'consideration -28- " . Ordinance Number . Seo. 307. Prezoning ot properties outside ot city. - Cont'd. ot vsriances, oonditional 1.18e permits and site plans. -I Sea. 308. Zon1ng status ot annex~ng properties. ,- (1) It a prezoning map tor an erea has been adopted, then such annexing property oontained therein shall, upon I becoming a part ot the City, posse88 the olassifioation indioatei on the detailed prezoning map, and such portions ot the prezoning map governing properties so annexed shall become part ot the City's zoning map and thereafter be subjeot to all ot the prov1sions ot this Ordinance. (2) It a prezoning map frr an area has not been adopted. then such 82'ea sball, upon annexation, be deemsd to be classitied R-l until reclassified in the unner prescribed by law, or unless at the t1111e ot annexation aid effective thereupon, a dUterent zonIng classification hes been establlshed b;y the adoption ot an interim zonIng ordinance. Sec. 309. Area BonIng s7lllbo la . Where a number tollo1r8 the Boning splbol on tba zoning map, it sha 11 represent the nUlllber of thousands ot square teet of' area required in lieu ot the m1nimum areas established 1n each zone as herein defined. If no number tallows the zoning symbol, the areas prescribed in the article governing such zone sblll app17 . Sec. 310. Limitation at land use. I Rxoept as provided In th1a ordlnanoe. no building shall be erected, reconstructed or structural:q altered. nor shall an;r building or land be used tor aD7 purpose except as hereinafter specit1cal17 provided and allowed In the sallie zone in whloh ~.. such building and land 1s located. -29- . Ordinance Number . ARTIcrn 4. R-l - ONP.-FA'HLY R":SIf)1'::.:TT.A'L ZONli: (R-l ZOl{F.) I Sec. 400. Permitted uses. (1) In the one-family residential zone. no building or structUl"e or lot, parcel of ground or building site shall be used, nor shall any building or structure be erected. altered or enlarged which i8 arranged, intended or designed for use other than a one-family dwelling, together with the outbuildings necessary to and located on the same lot, parcel or ground or building site. (2) Accessory buildings and stl'uotUl'tts. inc luding private garages to accommodate not more than three cars. (3) Flower and vegetable gardening not commercial. (4) Nurseries and green house, used only for purposes I ot propagation and culture ani not for sale. I (6) Dogs am cats as household pets. not to exceed three in any combination thereof. (7) Home occupations. (un) t h Twenty-four hour oster care omes. e 9) Two-family dwellings, when the lot upon which they are located has a sMa line abuttIng a lot or lots zoned R-3, C-l, C-2. 0-3. M-l or M-2. but in no CRse shall the property used for such two-family dwelling consist (70' ) lot nor be more than.eyeD~feet/in width, of more than one whichever is the least. -30- -I -I - I . Ordinance Number . Sec. 400. Permitted uses - Cont'd. ( 10) The following signs: (a) One unlighted sign not exceeding oir. square feet in area pertaini~ only to the sale, lease or hire of only the particular build i~, pt"operty or premises upon which displayed; (b) Signs identifying persons engaged in con- struction on a site shall be permitted as long as construction is in progress, but not to exoeed a six-month period; (0) Signs not exceeding an aggregate sfBe of one hundred square teet in surface area advertising the sale ot subdivisions and tract homes shall be permitted during the initial periOd of the development project. whioh period shall be defined as beginning with the reoording date or the subdivision nap and terminating twelve months thereafter; (d) Name plates not exceeding tweb.'e by three inches in size, oontaining the name and occupation of ocoupant ot pt"emises when required bY' law or tor physicians when used as an aocessory, and when so used shall be attaohed to the building. (U.) ;,'aintalning mail'address tor commercial and business license purposes on~, provided no stook in trade, supplies, professional equipment, apparatus or business equipment are kept on the pt"emises; am provJded, that no employees or assistants in oonnection therewith are engaged tor services on the premises. -3l~ I I I . Ordinance Number . Seo. hOO. Permitted uses 0 Contld. (13) Sw1Iam1rls pools used 801e17 b7 pesona reddent on the site and thell" 8I1e8t8, provided that no SW1"",,41'l! pool or 1l00essQ1OJ IlI8chanlolll eqllipment sball be looated in a required tron~ 01' B1de 781'd Ol" less than tive (5) teet from a Pl"Opel'tJ 11l1e. (14) The tollowlng additional uses, subjeot to the issuano8 -z..... ot oonditional p81"!:11ts theetOl" P1'esorlbed in Azttiole III: (a) iUblic utilit)" bulld1ngsJ (b) Churohes, IIUseW118 and libraries) (0) Schools GIld colleges) (d) Public parks, plalsrounda. athletio fields, sv1mm1ng pools and reoroational areas) (.) Real estate ottices (t~pora1'7). Sec. hOle Areas, Yarda and IIelGhta. As required in Article 18. Seo. h02. Oft-street Perking. As l'8qu1red in JUotl~le 11. -32- I I I . Ordinance Number . ARTICLE S.. R-2 - TliO FA>:ILY RESID:Ell'UAL Z9IJE (B-2 ZOlD;!:) Seo. ~OO. Permitted uses.. (1) .AU I1ses permitted In the R-1 Zone, but under the some 1"est1"lctloD8, conditions and 11m1tat10D8 as specified 1D. Section 400. (2) In the two-1'am1~ 1"8s1dent1al zone, no buildings 01" st1'Uctu1"es 01" lot, parcel of Ground 01" buildlDs sites shaU be used DOl" shall 8D7 building 01" other stl'U.CtU1'e be e1"eoted, alt81"8d 01" enlarged uhloh is 1U'1"IlDged, 1nteDded 01" designed to house Il101"8 than ttlO 1'amil1es 11v~ 1D.depeDdent17 01' each other, togother with the outbu1ld1Dgs neces881"1 to and 100 ated on the same lot Ql" P81"Oel of S1"OUDd, 01" bu1ld1ng s1te. (3) 'l'hc f'ollowlng additional uses, subjoct to the issuance ot conditional use permits thwef'ol' p:pescrlbed 1D. Article 201 (a) Public Gl" P1"lvato plU"k1.ag lots to be established 1D. co.!ljUDOt1on with use of' nea1"b7 lots 1I0ned .Cn (CO%lDe1"c1al.. Seo. ~Ol~ Areas, Y81"ds and Heights All :Nqu1!'ed in JIzot101e 16. Seo. 502. Ofr.st1"eet PIU'k1Dg. As 1"8qu11"ed in Article 17,. . -33- I I I . Ordinance Number . ARTICLE 6. R-3 - nULTIPLE RE3IDE:JCE ZONE . ' (R-) ZOlTE) Sec. 600. Pel'll11tted USGS. (1) .All uses pel'1D1tted in the R-l and R-2 Zones, but under the same rest1"lct"ons.. ooDdit1oD8 and 11tJ1tati0D8 a!l specitiod in Articles 4 and 5~ (2'> Apartlll8nt houses.. 'b11I1galow COUl'ts, group houses" boo.rd1ng and ll!!O"...1r,g houses, tratemlty houses and private clubs, oDd publio aDd private 1nBt1tutio~ or IlIl educational 01' philanthropio natul"e 1rIhich aro not rendering treatment 1'01' p~s1cal Ql" t1entql diseasos, consist1ng of not ~0l'8 than ten (10) liv1nr; unito. (3) Tbe rollOllJlag add1tional uses 81.1bj ect to the 1asuance 01' conditional pormits theretoI' proscribed 10. Article 20: (8) Botels, (b) Hosp1tals. (0) Convalescent and rest homes, (d) Public and private parking lots to be e8tablished 111 conjunot1onw1th use or neOl'b710ts zoned."C" (ComJ;1Ol'c1al). (4) Sub ject to the respective 1~tat10ns, other 8101181' ent81'P1'lses, unless in tho op1nion or the Planninc: 0or.n1ss1on and the CitJ' Council theJ wouJd be bJ' cOl:1par1son ld.th those !:I8D.t1oned 10. th1s seot1Ol1, detrimentAl to tho particu.laJ.o noizb,borhood in which loasted ClIP to be located. (5) The usual ao~es.or1es and outbuildings necesslll7 to and loasted on tho same lot, parcel or groW1d Ql" bulldil1l3 slto. Seo. 601. AreDlt. Yards and Hell!Jlts. All r8qu1red 1n Article 18. Seo. 602. Ort-street Peking. As l'8qu1red 10. AJot101e 170 -34- I I . Ordinance Number . ARTICLE. 1. R-4 - nIGH nISE r:tJL'l'IPLE m:sIDEI!CE ~OllE (n-4 zmm) Sec. '(00. Pemltted uses. (1) All uses pem1tted in R-l, R-2, aDd R-3 Zones, but under the 811D8 restrictions, conditions and limitations as specified in Artioles 4, S and 6. (2) Ap&l"tment housEts, bOll1'dlng and rocm1ns houses, 1'1'l1tern1tJ and sorol'ltJ houses, private clubs and public and P1"ivate institutions ot an educat10nsl 01" philanthropic nature ",b1cl1 l11'e not render1nc t1"eotmnt f~ p1q81col or mental dlsol18es, ot !:lOre than 3> feet in he13bt. (3) !he tollaw1ng ac1d1.t10nal U80S subjeot to thO issuance ot oonditional perm1tB therefor P1"~8cribed in lo1'tlo1e 20: , . (a) Botels; (b) Hospitals; (0) CODV'DlesceAt and rost bolll88J (d) Publio or pIl'ivate parkinE.: lots to be e8tabl1sbed in conjunot10D. with use or noarbJ lots zoned nCn (Comaerolal). (4) Subj~ to the rospective l1D1tat1ons, other sii:1Uar '. , enterprise8, unle8s 1n the opinion of the Plann1nS Cor:md.sslon and the 01101 Co~ll the,. T:lould bo bJ cO!J.parlson l.r1th those mentioned in tb1s soction, det1"h1ental to t he pll1't1culll1' neighbo1thood in wh10b looated 01' to bo locl1ted. (S) T.be usual aC08ss01"1es and o~tbullainss necessQr1 to and located on the same lot, parcel ot ~und ~ bu.l1d.iog site. ", Seo. 701. Ar'el18. YII1'48 and lIe1ghts. .As required 1n Article 10. I Sec. 702. otf-stzoeet park1ns.o .As required in Alot1cl.e 17. -3$- . Ordinance Number . ATlTICLF. 8. PD u n )?LANNF,D DF.VF.LOP:,fT NT" CO~UININa-ZODB., TlEGULATTONS. ('P!1 ZONF-) II Sec. 800. Purpose and procedure. The purpose of this zone is to provide a method whereb1 lBna may be designed and developed as a unit fo~ residentIal use by taking 'advantaga of mode~ si~e planning techniques in order" to prOduce "an en'l!'ironment o,f, stab,le. (!,esiral?le , , :.' , ~ ~ /,. ~ ~ . () , ,\ character which will be in harmony with existing or potential' " - 'I development elf the surrounding' neighborhood. The regulations of ~his zone are intended to produce developments which meet standards of open space, light and air, pedestrian and vehicular oiroulation and density of dwellin~ units which are similar to those required by the regulations of the zone or zones in whioh such development is to be located. In any zone where the zone symbol is followed by, es a part of such s'yinbol, the parenthetically enclosed letters "PD". thus: (PD). planned developmerits sha 11 be perMitted subjeot to the regulations of this section. The zene shAll . .." , " constitute the "combinlnp; ,ZOllO". al use as provided in this Section. ind.1cat1ng the addition- Sec.80l. Permitted usss. .1 Subject to the issuance of'a'~onditional Permit. planned developmsnts (including private perks and recreation areas. recreation buildings a~d:structures, clubs and soc1,al haUs. playflelds. piaygrounds and swimming pOOls, all in connection -, with said developments) shail be permitted in addition to the uses permitted in the base zone, BTJT'NOT INCLUDING any of the above or'similar uses operated as a 'business or for commercial purposes. ...." The appl:tcation fa.!' a conditional permit shall include: (1) It. boundary survey map of too property. (A tent- ative subdivision ll!f1p -may be subat'Uuted for this requlrel:lan\; -4)....: , . .' 'I I I Ordinance Number . . Seo. 801. Permitted uses - Cont'A. II the applloant proposes to subdivide the propert7.) (2) F.:d8t,lng topograptw of' the development area shall ~ be shO\lD with 'ontours at not more than two f'oot Intervala. , r (3) The gro88 land area of' the development, the present Boning c las!llf'loatlon thereof". aid the Boning olas81f'lcatlon aid ex18ting land use on all adjacent Pl'0p&1'tie8p Inc 1u41ng tbe location Qt 8tl'uctUJ'es arr:l other improvements thereon. ...':'P ....~...~,~,.Jt- ".IJh'-~~'OOc..tqlJ'::1~!~~~..O"1;..";:t........:........ .: ....: . . ((.)'. ,~\jgQiJ~d ,r,leyoJ;QPili-@n1i pJin,'YiUlI: at'1:.....sti ~\lIl tol~O\f- . lbg ,det,U.,. shOWn tQ ione ,ad r,ll\11,n,;,oned: (a) Location and use or l18e8 proposed f'or each existIng and each proposed 8tructure In the develop"" ment area, the nU\llbar of' stal"les. gross building f'loor areas. snd approximate location of' entrances. (b) All existing aol proposed streets. curb cuts. driving lanes. parking areas and loading areas 0 (0) All pedestr1an walks and open areas tal" the use of' occupants of' the proposed development aid the publio. (d) 'l7P8s ot s urf'ao lrIg 'propo.'ed tor all we 1b - . . . . . and drlvnaJ's. (e)" ,A'iletalled'''p18n f'Ol.'tiu, taDdeoaplng of' the development. Inc ludlng the location and height of' all proposed walls. f'ences and screen planting. ani a statement ..tUng torth the method bJ' whloh such landsoaplug alld tenoing shall be preserved and 1III1ntalned. (t) A grading plan tor the entire development 0 (g) All exlsUng or pal"posed phya10al f'eatures auch aa ~ants. ut1l1t;y tacUlties. tloodlighta. ~ralnage tacillties aa4 reoreation f'aollitles, and a statement setting f'orth the :nethod b7 which these teatures shall be preserved and 1III1ntalned 0 (5) Plans aol elevations ot one al" more structures to Indicate architectural type and llllteriala or eonstruation. -42- : I .1 , I : . Ordinance Number . ". Sec. 8OB. Building sit e area required. A planned residential development shall have sutticient land area to meet the objectives set tarth in section 800. hereot. and the minimum land area tar each dwelling unit. exclusive ot pub~ic 01' poivate vehicular right ot wa7. shall not be ]ess than that requ11'ed in tbe base zone. Sec. 803. Dwelling t7pes permitted. On17 the types ot dwellings specified in tbe base zone and the recreation uses and buildings 'set. forth 1r.I section 801 hereot, shall be permitted in an7 combined zone. Sec. 804. Perimeter ot streets. (1) A planned residential develoPment ,shall be bounded on all sides by street8. (2) A partial waiver ot thi8 requ11'ement 1IIlY be granted b7 the Planning Commi8sion it it is determined that 8uch part1al waiver will not be im on818tent with adequate 8tandard8 ot pedestrian and veh1cular circulation tar 'the development and tor the area in which it is located. Sec. 805. Building coverage. The building coverage tOP any planned re81dential development shall not exceed torty' (4~) per cent ot the land area being developed. exc lustve ot vehicu.lar right8 ot way. Sec. 806. Build Ing Height. The maximum building height permitted shall not exceed the building height permitted in tbe base zone. Sec. 807. Yard aa! open spaces. Yards aa! distances' be-tween bu1lding shall be dlmen- a10ned on the required plans but need nQt be determined by lot lines ar the base zone regulations, but shall be -43- . ....~..: -'.\', 'r . . I I : I . . Ordinance Number . Sec. 807. Yard and open spaoes - Cont 'd. established b,y the oondltlonal permit for saoh devslopment. Seo. 808. Off-strest parklJJg. The off-street parkiJJg requirements for eaoh such develop- ment sball be as follows: (1) '!'wo carport. or garages ffZ" eaoh fami17 dwelling unit in the developmen t . (2) There shall ala 0 be required fer v1s itfZ"s and guests at least one (1) parking spaoe for every two taml17 dwelling units in the development. Such parking spaoe. maT be unoovered and shall be so located as to be aooe.sible to such vlsitfZ"s am guests. The requirement for thl. additional parking 1II8Y be waived when it Is determined that there w111 be suffioient parking sPaoe to adequate17 881"V8 tb8 development without it. (3) The required p..klug spaoes, csrports er 8..age., or aDJ' portions thereof. maT be grouped when it Is determined bT the Planning COll/lllls81on that such grouping anil tb8 leoatiOD thereot ...111 be aooesa1ble and usetul In oonneotlOD with the Pl'OP08ed dwelling unit. In tb8 development. Seo. 809. Revocation of oonditional permit. J.rrr oondltional perm1t grantecl pursuant to the P1"ov1sions . of this .eotion shall oontain s Oondition Pl'ovid1ng tor the revooation of said oonditional permit it: (1) open areas . am reorsational faoilities srs not Pl'eserved and 11181ntained, (2) automobile storaRe spaoe. and adequate aooes. thereto Is not preserved aDd maintained, or (3) a~ taxes or assessments are not paid within the period required by la.... -44- Ordinance Number . . IlRTICLE 9. c-o - i'rofessional ottloe zone. (C-O Zone) I Sec. 900. Pera1tte4 Uses. In the COO aonell tho followlng uses on17 are perm1tted and 8S hero1Datte~ spoc11'lca117 pl'OV'lded and allowed b7 th1s article sUbject to the oft-street parklng requ1rements and the 6enero.1 provlsions ond exceptlons sot forth beginning 1-11th Article 17. (1) 'l'be tollowlng protesslonal of'tlcss: (0) Accountant811 (b) A~torn87s11 (0) Doctors, dentlstsp optometrlstsp ocul1st811 ch1l'oprootorsp and others 11cell.8ed b7 the State ot Ca11tornla'to pra~tloe the hoal1Dg art8, (4) ,BDs1neers, architects, BUrVO)'ors ADd planners. (2) Mvert1a1ns aeonc1es. (3) Barber shops and beau1;J parlors. (4) Convalescent homBS. (S) EacrOlll o1't1ces. (6) Hospitals, subject to a conditlonal !lSe porm1t. (7) InsuraDCe and.stock brokers. (8) Labox'atorles. blochem1cal and X-rq. . (9) i-ied1oal-dentaJ. buildings. (10) ?roacrlptloo ph~acles. (11) Studios tor interior decorators, photoBl"aphe1's, artists and drat'tSD8D. (12) Telephone 8D8Werlag ond secrotlU'ia1 se"ices. (13) Travel agenc1es. (14) AcoessoZ'7 lI'.llldings, stl"UcturGS and USGs. and also such 8pecial uses 8S provlded In 1Irtlcle 17 (Gonero.1 prov1sloll.8, conditions and exceptions -- ~\8e.) (1S) The f'ollOlr1ng s1gDS a (a) Uama plates not ezceed1Dg 1;tfO (2) square teet in area oontalD1as, nQ1118 01' OCCUPQl;l.t of' the prem1ses. (b) Two s1ngle-tfilcod Idontitlcat1on a1gnsp each not excoeding f'it'tJ' (SO) &qUGl"e toet In lU'ea pel' taoe. or ODe (1) single toc8d' sian not exoeed1ng ono hundrod (l~O) squars teet in area. I I -45- I I I . Ordinance Number . (c) One (1) double-fued sign, not to exceed twelve (12) square feet per tace, or tl70 (2) s1ngle-.1'o.oeci SiG;r1S not to exceed t11elve (12) sqUll1"e teet POl' tace pertal~1tlG onl7 to the rental, sele or lense 0.1' the P1"em1seso (d) Public or private parkiDg lots to bo osta~lshed in conjunct10n with uso 01' noSl'bJ' lota zoned nClI (CcmIl'JB1"cial)" Sec. 90~. L1n1to.tlon on po~tted use. Elv'e1'7 use p81'Jll1ttl3d shall be subject to the tollOTr1ing condit10ns and regulations: (1) Llxcept parking lll"eas, ,d11oh r.l81 be unenolosed. all uses shall be conducted whol17 within an enclosed buildiag. (2) Storage shall be l1r.d.tod to the accesso17 stor03o 01' S!lppl1es tlt111Bod in the bus1ness conduoted. upon the !lremses. <:3> All op&1"at1ons condUcted on the l'l"erd.aes shnU Dot be objectionable bJ reason ot no18e, odor, dust. mud, smoke, steam, _1bro.tloD ar other similar oauses" (4,) Ott-street parkiag s P8c'o or gOZ'1150S shall be provided 8S reql1irod in l1:rtlcle 17 ot the ordinanoe on the real" one-halt 01' the P1"emsoa, and sald ,po.rk1D6 space 01" e;Dl"QCOS shall bo loe rated and 81'ron~ed so that vehicles can ent81' tho stroet travollng 10. a torward direction. ($) Llc;h1;s 11ln",1l1'1ting the r,rOl1D.ds, driveways, tlalkways, s1cas. plll"k~ Greo.a or building extoriOl"S 01' interio1'8 shall be 1nstl1l1ed and rnnintQined in such Q 1il8D.D.er as to contine direot ray-s to the premise. and P1"evont d1rect rays Ol", c;1Dl'e onto nell:".hbozolns PJ'Opel't1es. (6) tihol'8 arq pl'Opert,' USI!Id tar cotmerc1al pUl'poses has a oomlOn P1"GPertJ' 11110 ,11th property zoned tor "R~' ,purposes there shall be provlded a sol1d t'ItlsoD.l'7 01" concrete blook w811, not losa than six (6) toet :1.0. height, on s~loh propert7 11ne, exo:.pt ,.rhere the tace 01' a bu1141ng 18 OD such P1'OP81't7 l:l.ne no separate t-lall noed be provided. Seo. 902. Arous. !'ords and Ue1ghts. As requ11"e4 111 A1-t101e 18. Sec. 903. Ott-stroet Park1or, and Load1ng. As required 1n Azst1cle 17. -4.6. I I I . Ordinance Number . ARTICIE 10. 0-1 - S'F.RVICF. CO~~CIAL ZONF. (0-1 ZONE) Sec. 1000. Permitted uses. In the C-l zone. the following uses on~ are permitted and as hereinafter spec1fical~ provided and allowed by this article subject to the off-street perking ~equ1rements and the general provisions am exceptions set forth beginning . , . with Article 17. (l) Any use permitted in the e-o zone. (2 ) Baker ies . (3) Book or stationery stores. (4) Dressmaking or millinery shops. (5) 'Drug stores. (6) Drygoods or notion stores. (7) F.lectrical distribution substations subjeot to a conditional use permit. fa) Florists shops. (9) Grocery or fruit stores. (10) Hardware, stores. (11) Hote ls . (12) Jewelry stores. ( 13) Leundry agencies am clothes ~leaning agencies. (14 ) Leundries. automatic. provided not more than five (5) employees at any one time. (15) Liquor stares (off-sale). (l6) Meat markets or delioatessen stores. (l7) Nurseries for horticultural li!tock and auxiliary supplies; (18) Park i08 lots. (l9) Restaurants and coffee.shops. (20) S ip;ns. sub j ec t to the fo llowing c ond i ti ons : , (a) Permitted signs shall be used exclusively to '. advertise a business conducted, or services rendered or goods produced or sold upon such premises. or -48- I I I . Ordinance Number . , (b) Signs W1ph;.pertein only to the rental, lease 01' sele of the premises upon which it is displayed, iJha:i.1 be allowed II provided such sign shall not be illuminated. (0) Any permitted slp;ns 'shall not rotate or other- wise :nove 01' slmilate motion nol' shall thsy be so located that any green, yellow or red light thereon , will materially or practically tend to inte~fere with approaohing drivers readily distinguishing'tham from traffic signals. (21) Shoe stores. or shoe: repair shops. (22) Tallors, clothing or wearing apparel Shops. (23) TelephoJ'e e7changes. (201) Similer retail or service establ1shme'ltl.\ cate~ing directly to consumers, when interpreted by the ?lanning Oommisslon as to performance standards as set forth in section i402 of this ordinance. . . Seo. 1001. Limitations on permitted uses. " Every use permitted shall bo subjeot to tha following conditions and limitations: (1) All uses shall be conducted wholly within an enclosed building except such uses as: ' (a) Rlectric d tstribution an:l transmiss ion substatims. (b) Growing stock, only when in connection with horticultural nurseries. (c) Parkinll; lots. (2) Stors:;e shall be Umited to accessory storsr;e of commodities sold at retail on the premises. (3) All operations conducted on the premises shall not be objectionable by reason of noise. odor, dust. mud. smoke, "49- I I I . Ordinance Number. . Sec. lOOl. Limitations on permitted uses. ~ Cont'd. steam. vibration or other s Imilnr caus es. (4) Where any property uaed for commercial purposes has a common property l:!.ne with property zoned for nRIl purposes there shall be provided a solid masonry or concrote block wall, not less than six (6) feet in hoight, on such property line, except where the face of a building is on such property line no separate wall 1eed be Pf'ovided. Sec. lOa-a. Jb.o(lQB, Yards and IIoie;hts. As req'.l11'od in Jb.oticle le. "..'=' (: " t.... .-'" Jo. ...... " , \.. .t. ' ... .. ~c. 1003. Off-Street l'nrkil18 and Loading. .As rcm.uir<!d in A'rtl<:1",17. ,:...... .. .~. .~':"..., ., I . .. . .'-, , - . - ;. . 1- (. \::1___.",'0. .. .-!f. ~. - ~ ~. ' .. .t' J! .. . ".. , 1""\ .' -~1... I I --I- ---' Ordinance Number . . JlRTIOLE U~ 0002 - GElTIm.IIL CO~-;i-amCIAL za.m (C-2 ZO~lE) Sec. UOO. Peroltted uses. In the C-2 zone the following uses only are permitted and 8S h81'e1nett81' spocif'ical17 provided lIDd aUOti'ed b7 this article, subjeot to the off'-streot parking requ1re.:1ents nnd the genGrel provisions and exoeptions set forth beginning with llrticle 17. (1) Ars3 use perm1tted 1n eithor the O-~ 0'1P the C-l zoneel (2) Automobile sales, nw and used. (3) Jlutomob11e house trailer ules. new And used. I (4) Auto laundries c1ul'ing daylight hoUl's. , (5) Automobile repn1l'ing, but not 11101uding bOdy ond fonder works. (6) Boat anles (no repairing). (7) Establishments for on-s&1.e liquor under e np_Bn 1iconse ot ~ State (1ncluding donciee and entertainment). (6) GymnOs1U111S, p:lbl1c or oOllDll8roial. (9) I-Iol'tul11"ies. (10) llotels, auto courts nnd to'.I1"1st oourts. (11) Pet shops. (32) i'hotoenpavins. (13) Servioe stations cator in8 sole17 to notol' vehicles. (14) S\-d.Dl".dnC pool displays. (15) Upbolste1"ing shops, doing only rotail custMl W01"k. (16) Retail or servioe blB1nellses oatering directly to the COnSumB1"S, when 1nterp:reted b,. the PlllD.ning COMl:I1ss!on as to per- f'o1"m&nce stand&1"d8 88 set forth in Section 1402 of' this o1"d1nance. (17) 'i'ho follerina additional uses, snbject to the issuance of con~1tional uso permits thorotOJ' prescribed ~ Artlolo 20J (11) , lIlf3 WlO 1'il'ot appearlLng 1n the "R_4" Zone. but subject to' ~ 1I11n1mum lot t~idth and area l'equirGDIBD.ts of the "n-4" Zone. (See section 1832(2) for building height 11m1t.) '-- Sec. 1101. L1m1tat1ons on pe1'lllitted uses. Everr use pe1"ill1tted shall bo subject to the foUOti'ing oonditions end 11m1tatioos: (1) All uses shall be conducted tlhoU,. tJith1n an enclosed -51- I I I . Ordinance Number . Sec. 1101. Limitations on permitted uses .. Ccnt'd. bu.ilding except: (a) Automobile hous e tra1.ler s alas areas. (b) Boat sales. (c) Drlve'-ill restaurants. (d) Growing stock, only when in connection with horticu.ltural nurseries. (e) Parking lots. (f) Servioe stations. but only insofar 8S materials and equipment to service automobiles are ooncerned. (g) Used oar sales areas. (h) Conunerc isl swinuning pools ani pools used far display purposes. (2) Products made incident to a permitted use and manufactured ar processed on the premises shall be sold on the premises ani at retail only. ('3) All operations, conduoted on the premises shall not be objeotionable by reason of noise. odor, dust, mud, smoke, steam, vibration ar other similar causes. (4) Stcr~e shall be limited to accessary storage rL commodities sold at retail on the prolnises. (5) Where any pr~perty used for conunerclal purposes has a common property line wi th property zoned for "R" purposes there shall be prov:fd ed a solid masonry or concrete block wall. not less than six (6) feet in height. on such property line. exoept where the face of a building .is on such pl'operty line no separate wall need be providef.. Sec. 1100. JIloOI18, ,Yards and HeIghts. As ~~~~IFed lu f~lcle 16. . I ...' _ .'. Sec. 1103. ~lf~~treet P81'kIng and Loadlnc. As required In Artlc1e17. -52.. I I I Ordinance Number . . ARTIOD: 12. 0-3 - OOMP.~OIAL r.TAWUFACTURING ZONE (C':3 ,ZONE) Sec. 1200. Permitted uses. In the C-:5 zone the fo llow1ng uses only are permitted and as hereinafter specifically pr~vided a~ allowed by this artic let subject to the off-street parking requirements and the general provisions and exceptions set forth beginning with Artic le 17. (1) Any use permitted in the "0" zones except: (a) Hotels, motels and auto courts. (b) Hospitals (industrial emergency and veterinary hospitals are permitted.) (0) Institutions or homes fer the ~reat1Tll nt 01' convalesoent persons. children, aged persons. alcoholics. the wounded or ll8ntally infirm. (d) Private clubs. fraternities, sororities and lodges. excepting those the chief ~ct.ivity of ~hich is a service customarily carried on as a business. (e) Institutions 01' a ph11antbropl.o or eleemosY~17 nature. including correctional and mental. (2) A dwelling on the S8me lot or s1 te on which an industrial establishment is located, when such dwelling is used exclusively by a caretaker or superintendent of such industrial establishment and his fam11y. When such dwelling is established. all required yards in the R-3 zone shall be lIIlintained. (3) Assembly of electrical appliances such 8S: (a) Electronic instruments and devices. (b) Radios am phonop;rap~, incl~ing manufacture of small parts such as coils. (4) Boat ~u11ding (limited to those craft which may be tra ns ported over a State Hip;hway without permit). (5) Building material storeroe yards. (6) Building supply sales yarda. -54w I I I . Ordinance Number . ~ec. 1200. Permitted uses - Cont'd. (7) Cabinet shops. providetl motor driven lIIIlchinery she 11 not exceed five (5) horsepower par maohine. (8) Carps t c leaning plants. (9) Ceramic products, mDnufacturs of. i~cluding figurines. using only previously pulverized 'clay ani kilns fired only by electricity or low pressure gas. : (10) CleaninB Rnd dyeing plante. (ll). Contract.ors' storao;e yards. (12) Electrio distribution substations. . (13) F.quipment rental. (14) Frozen food lockers. (15) Garment man ufac tlr i ng . (16) Glass studios, staining, edging, beveling and silvering in connoction with sale of ~irrors and glass for decorating purposes. (17) Laboratories; experimental. motion picture. testing. (18) Lawldries. (19) Lumber yards (no planing mills and burners). (20) Musical1nstruments. ml:muf'acture of. (21) Pub lie soales. (22) Plumbing shops and plumbing shop su?ply yards. (23) ParoEll sl.ll'v1ce delivory. (24) Storage build ings and warehouses. (25) Veterinary hospitals and off1c ea. provided the building or structure is completely sound-pr~fed; all run areas are completely surrounded by an eight (8) foot so~i wall, the animal runs are constructed in such a mannsI' that no animals can see one another; ani that an inclnel'ator of a type recommended by the Orange County Public Health Department and the Orange County Smog Control District be installed. (26), Other similar enterprises when interpreted by the Planning Commission as to performance st~ndardE as set fort~ in Section l702 of this ordinanoe. (27) See Uric lasSified UII8S. Artie le 16. -55- I I I . Ordinance Number . ,~ec. .l201. Limitations on p6l"mltted us es. .---- Every un porm1tted shall be subjeot to the followlng conditions end limitations: (1) All uses shsll be oonduoted wholly within a completely enolosed building. exoept such uses as I (~) Automobile house trailer salss areas. (b) Drive-in restaurants. (c) Gztowlng stock. only when in oonneotion with horticultural nurseries. (d) Lumber yards. (e) Publlo sosles. (r) Servic e stations. but only insofar as materials and equipment to service automobiles are concerned. (g) Supply yards. (h) Uaed car sales areas. (2) Where any Pl"operty used for Commeroial or Indust~1a 1 pu:rposes has a oommon Pl"opert;y Une with property zoned for "R"---. purposes there shall be Pl"ovided a so Ud I118sonry 01' ooncrete block wall. not less tnan six (6) feet in height. on such Pl"operty Une. except where the face of a building is on suoh Pl"operty line no separate wall need be Pl"ovided. (3) Where any property in the 0-3 Bone is used fCJ1' suPP17 or stCl"age Y'ards or other uses which are permitted to be conducted outside a building, except such uses as automobile and house trailer sRles. drive-in restaurants, growing stock. public scales and serv10e stations. that portion of said Pl"operty which is so used shall be included within a wall or chain link fence not less than six (6) teet in height in order to discou:rar;e trespass, Pl"ov1ded where the faoe of a building is on sny site boundary no separate wall 01' fence need be installed along the boundarY' line oooupied by the faoe of the building . (4) All operations oonducted on the premises shall not be objeotionable by reason of noise, odor, dust, mud. smoke. vibra tion. or other similar 0 aus BS . -5600 I I I' . , Soo. 1202. AloeS8. Yuda Gnd IIolghts. As requ11'ed in Artio1e .16. . --- ' S8O. 3;29.1. Ott'aStreet Puking and Lolld1ns. .As requh'ed in Article 17. -ST- Ordinance Number . .' I' 'I II . Ordinance Number . " ..J1~~I!::Jl~ 13.. ~"l.' r..::.~~ ;';..~~_~;.lM:':l.n.1'NG.z.olm hLa' ~I\_\ ,.' .', ....... /l . , ... See a 13000 Permitted 1U:GEI 0 oa __ In ths ~nl ~vuQ ~h~ follVH1ug uses on1a are pa~itt6d and as here1.nafte>: spacific911y provided and al'~.o'Ne~ hy this, ~rt:lc~f') subject: to e.ff-st!'5ll;t- PRl'j..1I1g :rsquira.nsntd and.ths W,Yl<'ll'al !l't'ov1slon'1 .!lei. r:e:l'l;h i.1&~imdtig, 'dth At'ticde 1'7'r (1) Any: use first pe!'mit,ted, in the C~:s zone. (~) ~anutoctm'a. proc~s91ng or tr~atmont of products othe'r tnan thos's 'Ilhich \lilY. ba obnox':"ous or or.r~;nstve b~~ . " ". r;,ason ot, 5.iU~.ss1on, of odor, <lUSL, smolte, gas, noi.sEl O~ otl)61"" similar oam as. (3) Wholesale bue inelll?, stora!~e bui,lci iogs and ware- hOlW es . (4) I\iroraf'~ factory (no foundz'y). (5) Automobile asse1!b ly, body arid fend or ;vorks. db- m~nt1ing. and _us~. parts ~t'C?rpE':e when operated !'it' rna int~ined whOlly withi~ a building. .' . (0) Auton;ooi 18 painting. when riot in' connact 10n wi toll a main 8a~Q~~. All pa!nting and baking shRlt ba ccntsi..ed in a bulldlD8. '. '. (7) , (B) (9) Bakery" B.lack5~1th shop. Boat bu1.ld1 ng. except; Ship building. ," (lO) Bottling plant. (11) ,Oablnat shop or furniture ~anur.acture. , (12) Creamery. (1'" "I ;)a 1.ry ,;r.rod~cts :~an\lfactUl'''" Draying, fr6:1.e;h't~.ng 01' trucki::1E; yard' or terminal. F.loetrlc or neon s'~n mal1ufectllT'e. Peed and fuel :ra'rds. FoolI' products manufacture, fresh"fX'uit and veg!ltabl!t (14 ) (15) (16) (17) excepted. (.18) Garage, pub lie. that does 8. larp;~ amount of body and . .fen:ier work and painting, , , .' ~58.., I'. 1 I' '-. .,. Ordinance Number . . ., ,Sac. -1300., Permitted USEls. ~ Oont 'd. - '. (19). (20) '(21) , (22) ICll's.nd cold storsBit plant. Lurnuer yard. Machine shop., Pnotion picture stUdios. .' . ",. It (23) Paint mi~lng and ato~ar-e (no tank farm). ", -, (24 ) (25) (26)' ing and/or (27) Plastic, fabrication f~o~. .. . .. Ponl1(ry alr.ughter (subjec~' to conditional, plSI'm:!.t). Pl~bl.1c: utll:l.ty service yards or Ellect:dcal'rac.e1v- transforming stati.ons. . ' .- ,," Restaurants and lupch rooms'.. (""hara' alcC/holic " . 1:ieVftl'op:IlS a1"n sold r~ consumption on the premise's, all such , . beverages ml'tSt be conswned within the, bu:i~lng. in whioh they. are sold). , (28) rubber. . , (29), (30) (31) .. ~ubber. fsbricatiQn' of j'.1'oduol:s .Oad6 1'1'0111 t1rlished Sheet metal shop. .' stone monument, works. st~age '8pt:1ce for trans it aoo trans pw.tatio:n eq'iJiP~ ment except fI'81ght classlf'1cat,"'~'n"ysl'd8. (32) Tire rebuJ,lding, recapping am 'l'Eltraadll'lr,. (33) Truck repa1riI)g. ov"rhauling and steam (;16anin~ e-quipment. (34) Jl.c~essory buildings ard uses oustomarily inc1.d"nt to any of the above uses. -when looated on the sall1!l site with the maln bu1],ding. (35') , . , Other similar enterprises when int~rpr~ted ~y the, . . Plannl~..Comm~s~ion 'as to perfwmance' standards as' set f'orth, " in section 1700 'of this ordloonoe.', - ' .' , Sec',. ,\3~01.. . _~~~.t~~H,Qp,,! 01'1 J?l9~m.tt~.~il;. ~els' '.n. .,t;h~ j~-::;~.: ~?j;i~.. ~~. ,_ "..' ~l)Any t.l-:l use 'to bft loc.f1tet'l. o'),~sur trU1D tbl.'lHj hundred nnd . thirty (33Q) feet f'l'om ttN exterior bounO:Ql'il1lJ ,01.' arl:! ,": ~ '... . - . .,.... . . ,0 ;~ .:.-~ t". . \. .:-. -.j'. .' '.~ ~ .' l.: ~ .. . . , . .....~ ...... ~.. ~ J .~. .-. ". ,~.. ".I' oJ ..,. t '.J. .~. :. " ~'.~... " .. . , ~ ~_,:~.. : c, ...' \, " -59- ," ~ .' I I -I Seo. Seo. . Ordinance Number . eduoational. Institution Bite, public pnrk, reoreation nrea. or s1m11nr publio use, or residential zone shaU requ11'e a I conditional use permit. (2) t1here BnJ propeptJ ~ed' tor. C~ro1al. or Industr1al purposes has, a 00""""" properfl7 11l1e w1th prop81't1 lIoned tor nR" Pl11"Pose8 there shall be provided a sol1d masolU'J' or oODe1'8te block wall, not leas than six (6) teet 1n ho16ht, oD such propert;y' line, exoept where the tooe 01' D bu11d1ns 1s on sUGh propel't;y' 11118 no aepll1'ate vaU 'need be provided. 1,)02. Aloeaa. Yard. and Ho1Ghts. ./Is requ1red in Az>t1c1e 18. 13,QJ,. Oft-Street P8l"k1De; Loading. As roqaiPod 1n Article 17. . -60- . Ordinance Number . ARTIcm 14. M-a - BEAVY ~1ANUFACTURING ZON]': (,,~-a ZONE) 'I Seo. 1400. Permitted uses. In the M-a zone the following usea only are permitted am 8S hereinafter apecif1oaU,. provided end allowed b,. thia artiole subject to off-street parking rOQ.u1J'ements am the general Pl"ovislons set forth beginning with Artiole 17. (1) Any use first pf:ll"mitted in the M-l SHle. (a) Acetylene gas manufaoture or storage. (3) Alcohol manufaotUl' e. (4) Ammonia, bleaohing powder' or chlorine manufaotUl'e. (5) BoUer 'llOrks. (6) Briok, tile or terra ootta mBnufaotUl"e. (7) Conorete products ~.nufaoture. (8) Fish smoking, ouring or oanning. (9) ~e1ght olaasifioation yard. (10) Iron, ateel. brasa or oopper foundJOy or fabrioation plant. (11) IBmpblaok manutaot\re. (12) 011 oloth or linoleum manufaoture. (13) Oil extraot1ng and de~ation faoilitiea or reduction. (14) Paint. oU. ahellao, tlD'P8nt1De 01" varnish manufaoture. (15) Paper pulp manufaoture. (16) Petroleum, 01" ita fluid produota, who lea ale at01"ap;e of. (17) Potaah works. (18) 'Railroad repair shops. (19) 8alt wcrks. (aD) Soap l118DufaotUl"e. (21) Steam electrio generating station. (2a) Stove 01" shoe poliah manufaoture. (23) Wool pulling or soouring. (24) Acoessory buildings am uses customarit,. incident to any of' the above uses, when located on the same site with the main building. I I -61- I .1 I . Ordinance Number . Sec. 1401. M-2 uses relluboing a conditional use permit. Because ot considerations ot smoke. tumes. dust, odor. vibration or hazard. the establishment or operation ot the tollowing uses in the M-2 zone shall not be permitted unless a conditional use permit authorizing smh use has been granted: (1) Ac id manufac ture. (2) Asphalt retining or asphalt mixing plants. (3) Blast turnaces or coke ovens. (4) Cement, 11me. gypsum or plaster ~ Par1s manufacture. (5) Distallation ot bones. (6) Drop torge illdustr1es. (7) F:xplos1ves, manufactUl'e or storage. (8) Fat rendel"1ng. (9) Fertilizer manufacture. (10) Fish smoking. CUl'ing or caDning. (11) Freight class1t1cation ,.ard. (12) Garbage. ottal or dead animal reduction or dumping. (13) Gas processing plants. (]A) Glue. manutac ture of. (15) Iron. steel. brass or copper toundrJ'. (16) 011 extraction plants, other than petroleum produots. (17) Retuse, disposal ot. (18) Rock crusher or distribution ot rocks. sand or gravel other than quarries or other sources ". raw materials. (19) Rubber, reclaiming. or the manufacture ot synthetio rubber or its constituents. (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) Slaughterhouses al' stockyards. Smelting of' tin, copper, zinc or boon orss. StCll"age or baling ot rags, paper. boon or junk. Tanneries. Tar distillation or tar Pl"oducts manufacture. Used car junk areas. Winer!es. -62- use, I Soc. , Seo. I I . Ordinance Number . Seo. 1402. Lil'.1itaUone on perm1tted uses 10 1-1-2 aonee. Elro17 use permitted shall be subjeot to the foU01I1ng oondiUoDS ODd 11m1taUons& (1) CondiUons st1p1llllted 10 OODrlooUon with oondit1o~ use po1"JD1ts. (2) ArtJ lot, the re81" line 01' side line of whlch abuts upon propeR,. in ClDJ "RR IIODe sball provide a 8U (6) toot 8011d J:lBSOD1'1 01' concreto blook vall on 8\1Oh proportJ line i~ s01"senf.n6 purposes. (3) All operations conductod on the prez:1i808 shall not bo objectionable b7 reason of nolao, odor. dust, smoke, III1d. vibrations. refuso 01' other s1m111l1', COllses. (4) AIq 1.1-2 use to bo located closor th8ll tb1'ee hJ.n....ed IUd th11't1 (330) feet 1'I'om the ex'teri01' boundll1'108 of ~ e4ucatiODa;1 , ' , institution site. publio pll1"k. recreaUonal 81"e8 01' othG1' public or rea1dont1al sone, ahalll'squ1re a condit1ol?oal use permit. 1403.. Areas, Yards and Heights. As,re~1ro4 in Article 18. 1kOh. Oft-Street pal'k1ng IlDl'1 10ad1l18. As required in Article 17. -63- I ,I 1 . Ordinance Number . ARTIr.m 15. "'P-L" I'ARKnm-I.ANDSOAPH1G ZONR (p- L ZONF.:) Sec. 1500. Permitted U9 es. (1) This zone shall be used in connection with the . M-l Light Manufacturing and M-S Heavy Manufacturing Zones. (2) No buildings shall be erected in this zone ~cept an entrance or watohman's shelter. (3) The building setback line shall be a minimum of fifty (50) teet from the property 11ne, with a minimum of twenty (20) teet used tor landscaping with lawn and/or fl0W81'8. IIbrubll. eta. (4) '!'he area at the 1'ear of the landsoaping area may be used for parking. (5) There sl'lll1 be an entrance and exIt driveway into tht parkIng area. These may be separate driveways or a oombination entraI1l e and exIt driveway, wIth a minimum of twe lve (12) feet for each lIne ot travel. Sec. 1501. Landscaped areas. Prior, to the Issuam e of a "Use and Occupancy Permit" the applicant shall agree to develop and lIIiIintain such la ndsoaped areas. -64- I I I . Ordinance Number . ARTICIF. l6. UNO LASSIFIF.D USES. Sec. l500. G6neral~. All of the following, am all matters directly related thereto, are declared to be uses 'possessing characteristics of such unique am spec ial form as to make '.mpractical their being included automatically ,in any classes of use as set forth in the varioue zones herein defined,' and the authority for the location 'and operation thereof shall be subjeot tc review and the isslBnoe of an unclassified use permit. The purpose of review shall be to determine that the characteris- tics of any such use shall not 'be unreasonably incompatible, with the type of use permitted in surrounding areas and for the further purpose or stipulating suoh oonditions as may reasonably assure that the basic purpose of this ordinance shall be served. Factors to be consiiered are set forth in Section l702 of this ordinance. Unclassified use permits shall be proocessed in the manner specified in Article 21 of this ardinanoe. (1) Airports or landing fields. (2) Borrow pits to a depth of over three (3) feet. (3) F.stablishments or enterproises involving large assemblages of people or automobilee as follows. provided these uses shall be s,peelflcally excluded from the "R" Zones: (e) Amusement parka. (b) Oirouses, oarnivals or fairgrou,nds. (c) Open-air theatres. hi) Race tracks and rodeos. " (e) Reoreatbnal centers privately owned. (4) Hospitals, sanitariums and nrantal hospitals. proou v1ded these uses shall be specifically excluded from the H-l and a-a Zones. (5) Hospitals, small animal. (6) Kennels, but excluded from any "R" or "e" Zones. (7) Natural mineral resources, the develooment of. -65- I .1 I . Ordinance Number . Sea. 1600. Generally - Cont'd. together with the neoessary buildings, apparatus or appurtenanoes inoident thereto, provided that no review or permit shall be required tor the exploration ot oil. rock, sand. gravel or olay 11' this or any other ordinanoe makes separate provisions with respeot thereto. (8) Public utilities or utilities operated by mutusl agenoies consisting ot water wells, eleotric transmission substations, gas DIItering stati ons, power booster or oon- version plants within the neoessary buildings, apparatus or appurtenanoes inoident thereto. but not im luding dis- tribution m81ns, provided these uses shall be speoifloally e:xoluded trom the R-l and R-2 Zones, provided further. that these uses are parmitted In the M-l and M-2 Zones without review. (9) Sewage die poso 1 plants, provided they sblll be excluded trom the "ft" Zones. Seo. l601. Yard requirements. ' The provisions tor required front and side yards appli- oable to the partioular zone in whioh any suoh use 18 pro- posed to be looated shall prevall. unless In the findings and conditions recl~ed 1n the resolution dealing with eaoh such matter spec1f'ic exemptions or additions are IIIlde with respect thereto. Sec. 1602. He!ght and area requirements. The Pl"ovis1ons for height ani area applicable to the particular zone in which any such use is pro~08ed 4;0 be looated shall prevall, unless in the findings and conditions reoited In the resolution dealing with each such IIIItter spec iflc exemptions or add It Ions are !IBde with respect thereto. Sec. 1603. Oft-street perk1ng and loading space requirements. The requirements ter proviSion of oft-street parking and -66- I -I I Ordinance Number . . , Sea. 1603. Oft-street parking aD1 loading spaae lIIqulrelll8nts-oont 'II loading space l'equ1zoement8 applioable to tbB partiaular use shall prevail un1eu 1n the t1Dd1age an! ooalllt1ons reelted 1n tho resoluUoD aeaUns w1th eaoh such matter 8peo1f1o exemption8 01" requirements are made w1 th rea pact th9l'eto. -67- . Ordinance Number . ARTICrP. 17 ~ GFi'lERAL PROVISIONS, CO NDITIONS A'ID t::vCF.PTIONS -~ US~. OPP..sTRlm l'ARKIUG, OFF-STREET LOADIUG. \. \ Tlle foregoing regulations pertaining to the several zones shall be subject to the gener81 P'l"ovisions. oonditions and \xceptions contained in this article. ,I I Sec. 1700. Foregoing regulations subject to the artic1e. Sec. 1701. Limitation on land use. 'F.xoept as provided in this article and articles 10 and 19. no building shall be erected, reconstructed or ltItructural~ altered. nor shall any building or land be used for any pur- pose other than is specifically permitted in the ~one in whioh such building or l.1nd is located. Sec. 1702.; Olariflcat1on of amb1gu1ty. If amb1guit) arises concerning the appropriate classifi- cation of ,a particular use within the meaning and intent or this ordinance. or it ambiguity exists with r9speot to matters of height.' yard requirements, a~ea requirements or zone , , bOUndarieS~\as set forth in this crdinance and as they may pertain to untorseen c ircumataro es., 100 luding technological - changes in processing of materials, it shell be the duty 01' the Planning Commission to ascertain all pertinent tacts and by resolution 01' record set forth its findings and its interP'l"etat1ons, and suoh resolution sha,ll be forwarded to ths City Counoil. and if approved by the Oity Council there-' after such 1nterpre~ation shall g.overn. For the 'purposes or arriving at determinat10ns under this . section., or to meet any other need tor classifying any use as first perm1ssible 1n any of the zone classificetions defined by this ordinanoe. the degree or cODJpa~ibil1ty of any use to aily other use shall be evaluated. So tar as technical evidence and scientific mesns 01' measurement are available they aha 11 be oonsidered in determining tm form and intensity ot per- formance stamards typically sssoc iated with any identifiable -68- '1 I I . Ordinance Number . Seeo 1702. Clarification or IIDlb1guit<y. - Cont'd,. - type of use. The tEn'm pm.formance standard. as here employed reters to such conditions. effects or results whioh f'lO'il' from the mintenance or operation of any primary use inoluding. but not limited to. the flow of s,o~d measured In deoibels; ambient level of' sound; vlbrationo above and below the auditory range; odors, fumes. smoke or other emissIons. whether toxic 02' nontoxic; incidence of hazard, including exploSion or oontamir:atioD; the 'identification sId c lassifi-' cation '.n ter'lIIB' of chemical composition of' the omissions from any type of use, whether indus'trial, oOlllll1erc1al or'domestio; the traffic-generating oapacity, both in terma of' freight and pass engel's, the volume of el ther or both, am the time 01" , , times of daily cyole that represent 'peak flow e>r minimum flow; and the consuming capaclty of and need- for slectrical energy, natural gas, oil. water. sewage dispos8l and trans- portation facilities. both highway.. water, raIl un a 1r.' ~ec. l703. Purpose of preoise plan. Where88 the zoning m p estab lishes orily zo ne boundaries. I , ' and the text of the ardinance establ1she8 the permitted use of land' 'in the various zones and the conditions applicable to such use. II precise plan, as the term Is employed in this ordinance, has a two-fold purpose: (1) To apply th8' provisions and requirements of the ordinance in preoise detaJ.l b:r lTIElans of' Iii map, including' possible streets, alleys and other pUblic dedications, the' establishment 'Qr which would be aocomplished in the manner otherwise provided by law; the design aId plecement of essential re18ted faoilities smh a8 of~-st-reet parking, loading and unloading areas"points of' ingress 'and egress, particularly related to bOl'derirlg traffio fiO\,: placement sm arrangement of buildings; am other subjects not included' in this ~dinanoe but whioh are essential t.o uublic safety , and general welfare such as eO'ntrolling the pllttern and flow , -69- I I I . Ordinance Number . Sec. 1703. Purpose of precise plan - 00nt'4. of traffic and suoh other re1l\ted details aa 1"eprea8D1l ma.'l81"n spec la 118ed lRrd development aD! \lBe. . (2) Similar plane tor the o0Q8ol14ated use or subcUv1aed property, the 41menlions, shape and sSae ot which 40 not indiv1dual17 lend themselves advantageoWl1l' to an,. 1'01'111 of mOdern land utilisation. Such preolse plana ehall be adopted In the wanner Pl"e- scribed fer amending the Boni~ I118P. ani aueh precise plans, wheD so adopted, allaU oonstitute an amendment ot tbe sonl. map aa to zone olaasltieatioa, where involved. aDd the details of such PI'eeSae plan shall supfll'se4e lIDd take the plaoe of the requirements an! eondlt1ons upon the ue or lard 8S establish- , ed by this ordinariee, inSofar 8S the Pl"oper~ eonta1De4 in the . , pr:oeolse plan Is oonoerned. A precise plan, when adopted a8 herein pr:oovided, shall be oonsidered as being a precise 'plan 'within the fU 11 meaaing ot the state Conservat1on aD! Plannlng Act ani. beeaus e the adoption of suoh preoise plan aQcomp11shes both the amendment of the soning map and the establishment of detailed subjeots other than Z9nlng mattezos, separate but ooncU\'rent pooceedlngs shall be 8IIIployed. The resulting preoise plan shall be separate17 reccrded both as a oomponent of the comprehensive master plan and as an amendment to the zoni~ ordinanae. Seo. 1704. Use oontl"ol in reolassltied preo!ae plan, In order to asslre that the purpose and proviaions of a formally adopted preoise plan of reoord shall be conformed to, the land reclaasif1ed within any precise plan of I"eoord shall be 11mited exclusively to' suoh usea as are first per- , , mitted in the zone to which it is olassif1ed. Usea shown on auch preoise plan. inoluding automobila parking, shall con- torm to such precise plan, even though such use, 01' uses. are not otherwise specifically clasdfied by' this crdlnance as permissible in any given zone. -70- I I I . Ordinance Number .. .:;,:0"". .'. .0" -' . Sea. 1706. . . ,. . ,0, '0, I I .. OutdOOl' adV81't181ns 418p18,... 01' 'outdomo' aciv..Us- , '..~~4.-"'. -.: "",:.JJf~t""',?,L', :'.'" ., .'.. . ...... '. . ,tl- '.. ..S.,)...... t;n^"oon ""~1r. .. "0' 0.... .: ........ X It' :l.j ...0'\ ~_ .... .... '- fa) U_M"' U....,........ ........"'......... " . .....:...., -:'~~.:~.......... .. 118.... DO oatil.. a4geU.1ItI ....__e .. eattlOIP .......... . .': _ ! ,i;.. _~. . .' , l :'-J\.:~1 .~.,~l. i ~'a t.~o ~.", :,.),... 41splq shall be plaoGCll t1ltbla five "-tltCi CSOO) toot Of .' . , either aide of a st:at8'.~ oout? tre~ .. blIa~ iD a manner that makes.:l~e _tt.. 4~8P1a7etl').~lilIl'9~ ~DPRp ~o: 1" perSODB or paBaellS8I'S Upcm 8DJ .~llDb t~~9.l'O..,: " .4~ " (B) This seotion shall have nO appUoa.l01l to the tollat111l11 (1) Signs us~d exol1i81vel71 (a) For the disp],q or o!t101!l.l., nC?~oe8 .WJed b7 aDJ' COlD"t or publ10 body. ,c:&" of't101al. ar tar the .. . .. post1ns ot Dot1oe.'bJ"aD7.~b~~ onto.. la the perf01'lllallOe ot a,publio 4ufi7.. 01". b)' aDJ' per80n ,," .. ...". _'0 . " . ',roo "1' to.. .:...,..., In givinS legal noUoe, ami.., ~ ~ ~b ~ .' p~ 'dh"eot~o~8~' .w~qlas ~ 1Dt~~l~~~~.I:, , . purpose8 ot a publio OP'sem1publio aSture.. ., .::. , estab11~bed and "maiDt81ned b~'aD'ott~lal body. '. . ,." to" (2) Signa whioh are used' 8xo'ludveiq 'totadvert1ie tbs ownership, aa1e or liase'of 'tbf.'Ptol)t'ei't}' upon ,,1iiob" . , 8uoh sf8D Is placed; c:&" to idverU~e a, ti\islnesil oon- duoted, Or. serv!c8. i'erder84, 'or goods sroduoed 01' sold upon suoh premises, Pl"ovlde6: ... \ '. i., " Signs 8ball'Dot rotate or otblirwlae :_e, 'nar , , shell the7 be 80 100ated that aD)' greeD, 78llow or red light thereon will materla1~ 01' praotioa11)' . t, . ",1 . 0",_ s : .. ~. . or-: I' 't.," ~ "','_ t .. tend to interfere with appit080hing dl'lver8 l'eadll)' . .- . .,' . . '. . distinguishing th8lll from a trart'-o: s ,Sgn8~. Sec. 1706. Publio utilities. . ~.~ . .~:'j .~.:: ~. ~. The provisions' of this ord1n~~ce ~hall not be construed " , to limit or interfere with the insta'Uat;lon, maintenanoe ,and .' operation or publio utl1it)' pipe Unes am. eieotric ar' tele- phone transmission linea.. or railroads.-when looated in aocord- ance with the applicable rules am. regu1at~ons ot the Pub1io -71 _' Or' Ordinance Number . . ~ec. 1706. Pllb1la utilities. - Collt1d. Utilities Commission ot the State of Ca11t~nla within r1ghts , ot wa:y. easements, franchises or ownershIps ot auoh pI1bllc I utilities. Sec. 1707. Tempoxo8l'J rea 1 estate otfic e. :..' .}.., "t.. ..~ " ., . .'-",..... ....... t':'J One temporary real est8te ottice mar be 1aollted on aD:Y ne. subdividoD in any zone, ]ll'ovided tat such otflOe. It In any "RIt Zone. shall be removed at the end ot a twelve-month pe'l'lod measured from the date of the reoording of the map ot the subdivision upon which said oftSDe is 100ated. Sec. 1708. 'l'empora1'7 c o~a t:ruc t ion bu1ldi ngs . I Temporal'7 structures ta!.' the housing ot tools alll! eqll1p'" ment. or containing supervisory orflees in connection with mejor oonstruction 01" major cOll8truction projects ma7 be established and maintained during the progress ot such con- struction 'on 'SliOh 'proj ects. and sha 11 13~. abal:e4 wi thiD .s hti'. daY8 atter oompletion or 8ixty days atter cese8tlon ot work. " ~8C. 1709. Require!! oft-street parkins., Every ~ulldlng. 01" portion ot buildlns hereafter erected. shall be provided with P8l'manently maintained parking space 88 provided in this article. l1~d BUlIh parking space shall be made PEl1'1ll8nently available and be p8l'llIl1nently malnts1ned for park- ing purposes. I Sec. 1710. Park!,ng spaces required. The number of off-street . parking spaces required shall be no less than as set ta!.'~h ln the tollowins: . '...t.. ..' . m ...:' . ..: 1. Automobile courts (mote 18) 2. Banks 3. Business offices -'12- PARKING SPACRS R~U1R'F.D 1 tor each s 1eeplng unit or dwe 111126 unit 1 far each 200 square feet of g~oss floor area 1 tor eac;lh 300 square teet ot gross floor area " I I ,I . Ordinance Number . Seo. 1710. Parking spaces required - Cont1d. USE - 4. Bow1ing Alloys $. Churches 6. Dwellings a. One Fam117 b. Two 1'am11.7 and I.Iu1tiple-fam117 7. Establishments 1'01' the sale and consumption on the premises 01' tood and beverar-:es: Having less than 4,000 square teet 01' 1'1001" area IIav1ng 4,000 square teet 01' floor area 01" %!IQlte O. FlU'niture end a:JP11enoo st01"OS, hardware stores, household oquipment, s81'Vloe Shops, 010t:Mng or shoe repair 01" personal se1'Vice shops 9. Hospitals 10. IIotGls 11. Librarles 12. LlbrlU"7 stations ODd mus8W118 13. I-lanutaoturiDG uses, researCh and testing labor at01" les, oreamerles, bottling establlshments, bakerles, oannerles, print- ing and 8n8ravine shops iiedlcal or dental olinios end t1Sd.10 aJ. or other pro1'essional o1'flces 14. 15. I-Iortuaries 16. 1-lot01" vehiole, mach1nal'J' sales or wholeSale st01"88 17. Offioes not prodding oustomer servioes on 1he premises PARKnrG SPACES R~~ 4 tor each allq 1 ror each 3 f1xed seats and 1 tor each 100 square teet 01' 1'1001" spaco used tor aSSet1blJ' p'.11'poaes end oontaining no fixed seats 2 1'01" each dwelling unit 1 1'01" each dwel11Dg unit 1 1'01" each 100 square toet 01' S1'oss 1'loOl" moea. 40 plus 1 1'Ol" each $0 sq.lQe feet 01' gross 1'1001" area in exoess'ot 4,000 oqunre teet 1 for each $00 square toot 01' gross, floOl" area 2 1'01" oach bed 1 tor eactlroom 1 tor each 2$0 squnre teet 01' cross 1'loor l11'ea 1 ror each $00 sql.1nre teet 01' gross floor area 1 for oaoh 3 8!i1ployo os on the "'Axi"'u", uorking shUt.. or not less then 1 tor oach 000 squD1"O feet of' gross 1'1001' area, which- ever 8l:lount ls the c;roate1" 1 for oach 200 square toet 01' 61"Oss floor area 1 1'01' oach 25 square 1'oet 01' 1'loor CU"ea 01' asser.ib17 rooDS used for service 1 tor oaoh 400 square teet 01' cross 1'loor aroa 1 for each 4 employees or for $00 aql1arG feet 01' Gl"OSS floai' area, l1hiohever amount Is tho grcater -73- I I I . Ordinance Number . ~h. 17l0. Park~ng spaces required - Oont'd. ~ 18. Retall stores. except as oth8E'wise s peci- fied herein: f Havi ng not more than, ' 5,000 square feet ot floor area Having more than 5,000 square feet but not more than 20,000 square feet of floor area Having more than 20,000 8q\~re feet of floor area 19. Rooming houses, lodging- houses. cluhs and fratern- ity houses having sleeping rooma 20. Sa nital'iums . ohildren's homes, homes for aged. asylums, nursing homes 21. Schools 22. Stadiums, sports arenas, auditoriums (inoluding school aud1tcriulll8) and other places of publio 8sIIemb 1:1. ani clubs and lodges having no sleeping quarters 23. Theatres 24. Transportation terminal facilities 25. lIIarehous as and s tar age buildings PARKING SPACF.S REQl:!~ 1 for each 300 square feet of gross floor area 17 plus 1 for each 150 square feet of gross floor area in excess of 5,000 square feet 17 plus 1 for each 150 square feet of gross floor area in excess of 5.000 square feet, plus 1 for each 100 square feet of gross floor area in excess of 20,000 square feet 1 for each sleeping room 1 fer eaoh 2 beds 1 far each employee 1 for each 3 fixed seats. and 1 fur: each 100 square feet of gross floor area used for assembly purposes and not containing fixed seats 1 for each :5 seats up to 800 seats, plus 1 for each 5 seats over BOO seats Adequate number as determined by the Planning Commission 1 far each 2 employees or 1 for each 800 square feet of gross floor space, whichever amount is the greaterD Sec. ~7~1. Parking provisions may be waived by commisslo~~ Upon the presentation 'Of "'.dence showing facts, the com- mission may, by resolution. waive or modify the provisions as set forth herein establishing required parking areas for uses such as electrical power generating plants. electrical trans" former stations, utility or corporation' storage yards, or other , "74- I I I' . Ordinance Number . uses ,of a similar or 11lce"mture requiring a very limited' number or persons. Sec. 1712. Perking requirements far uses not' specified. Where the parklng requlrell3nts for a us e are not specln- cally det1ned herein. the pSl"klng requirements far slich Use shall be determlned by the Planning Commission. Such deter'" minat10n shall be based upon thE; requirements tar the most oOmparable use specUied herein. provlded. the t1ndlngs in such 1IBtters shall be ,set farth by resolution setti~g forth the considerations upon whloh the decision 18 based. Suoh resolution shall not become effective until reterred to and approved by tb8 Oity Counoil. Sec. 1713. General requirements pertaining to parking. The tollowing general requirellllnts shall apply. (1) Slze and access: (a) For nonresidential uses. each off-street park- ing spaoe shall have an area 01' not less than one hundred" and seventy (170) square teet exclusive ot drives or aisles, ,nd a 'width 01' not less than eight 'am one-half (8-va) teet. 'Each such space , shall be provided 'lid. th adequate Ingress and egress. (b) For res1dentfal uses parking faoilities sh'sll 'be park1.tlg , "' spaces In a ,g~ase' ~,..~cWEl1'ed PlU'k1b6' BpaoO (CQl'POl't') and. "" 1D.~' cass o~':'8i~:ie-tiamily dwellings eaoh parking . . R,' . '61 . J.. _' ...... . . , ' . space 8hall be not'118S than ten (10) feet wide by . twenty (20) feet 101# in th~ oase rL two-t,am:lly dwelllngs. suoh park\ns space shell be not less than'eighteen (18) fe~ wide ~y twenty (20) teet long} In the' case of ,multiple family dwellings, not ." '. ... . . les8 than nine (9) feet ~ide by twenty (20) teet long far each unit, Eixc'ept where there is 8 part- Ition o~ partitlons~ in which event one foot at : .' -75- I I I .. ...' . Ordinance ~~mber . I Sec. 1713. 'Gen81'alrequil"ements pertaining to parking - cont'd. additiorlal width shall be provide4 for each such par- tition, and all of such parking spaces shall have adequate provision for ingress and egress. Location: (2 ) Off-street parking facilities shall be located as hereinafter specified. Where a distance 1s specified, such distance shall be the walking distance measured from the nelU"- est point of the parking facility to the nearest point or the building that such facility is required to serve: (a) For one, two or multiple-famlly dwellings, parking fac ilit1es shall be located on the SaDll lot or building site as the buildings the;y are required to serve 0 (b) For hotels. hospitals, sanitariums. homes fOJ' the aged. asylums, orphanages. rooming houses, 10dging- houses. club rooms, fraternity and s01"ority houses, not more than one hundred and fifty (150) feet from the buildings they are required to serve. (c) For uaes other then those speCified above. not over three hundred (300) feet from the building they are required to serve. (3) Mixed occupancies: In the case of mixed uses in a building or on a lot. the total requirements for off-street perking facilities shall be the sum of the requirements for the various uses computed separately. Off-street parking facilities for one use shall not be considered as providing required parking facilities fOJ' any other use except as hereinafter specified for common fac ill ties. (4) Common fac l1i ties: Oommon parking faCilities. public or private. ilia:; be provideCl in lieu of the individual I'equirements contained herein, provided the total of such off-street parking spaces. -76- I I ./ .- ~- I . Ordinance . Number \. ~. 17l.~.. Gezleral roqui:renlsnts pert!lihip.g to parking" 30111'" when used 'together, Shall not be less than the sum. of th~ various uses computed separately. but smh 1'scilities shall, be approved by the Planning Commission aa to size, shape ar.d relationship to businoss sItes 1;0 lie 'servec1. When any such COllDllon fflcllity is to occupy a site ,of..five t~ousand (5,000) squat's feat or more, then the, p~1l:1ng reqllu.emants as spec1fied,hersin for eaoh of two or mora partioipating buildw ings' 01" uses 119.y be reduced not more than fif.'teen (15::;) per cent upon approval of plans by the Planning Commission In the'manner prescribed fer a variance. (5) Plans: ,', " ,4' plan of the proposed parking area shall be submitted at the time of tho applic~tlon.for the building p~mit for, the building to \'lhlch' the parking area 18 acoessory. The plans shall c lear- ly'indicate the proposed davelopment. lDOluding ~ocatlon~ size, Shape. design, curb cute. 1 ir,:ht!ng, landscaping and other features ani appurtenances 'of the' proposed parking lot. Any buildings' in parking areas s1'1-o11 be subject 'to th,e same restrictions governirig',accessory buildings as . ., defined in tho zone in whioh sald parking area is looatedo Sec. 1714. Oomprehensive planned facilities. .or \ I " -'~. -- Areas may be exempted from t~E1 parking requirements as otherwise set up in this article. provided: (1) Such area shall be accurately defined by the Planning Commission. (2) No such district may be established and exempted from the provisions of Section 1710 unless sixty (60) per cent or ~ore of all record lots comprising such proposed dietrict 'are devoted to uses first pOrmittod in a "C" or "lIff Zone'. (3) Such exemption shall apply pormitted in the "en or"flf' Zones. only to uses first " -77.. I I I . Ordinance Number . Sa.::. 17J.4. C()lnpt'sherJfliv€I pl~nl1ed f'aciH',;1as - Cent 'a.. --- (4) Before such definod distviot shall be exempted aD " provided in this section, proceedings shall have been iasti- i:u.tea by t;he City to assure thet th~ ex6~lIpt.)d arGS shall be ~ov').c1ed w:lth comprehensive pa'l'k:t~lg facilH'l.tfl \'1;1;(:'1': IVill rea3..ms.bly se...ve i:ho entire d'1.l!i:l'iut. ~.::., 1712.. Required improvell'olIr.t ana mai!Jt0'l....nca of '!:lar.k~llf( areas and vehie,le sa les areas. Every lot used'as a public or private parklng area or vehicle salas ares shall be developed and maintained in the following manner: (1) All permanent ofr-straot parking ani vahia 18 salas areas shall be paved with concrete or asphaltic concrete. Orr-stre~t parking lots to be used for no longer than one year. as such, shall be surfaced and ma5.ntained with ail impervious mater1,al acceptable to the Building Department so as to 'eliminate dust or mud. All off-street perkinB S?ee3 shall be graded ard drained so as to dispose of all iJut'faca water. Drainage shall be taken to the curb _ autt.. 01" De8l"est pubUo ba1nage tacilities aad' ' , / away from adjoining property. III no case shall sl.\l'.lh dre.iTll;lg0 be allowed across the sut'faoe of a public sidewalk. (2) Border barricauea. scr'eening and ]a ndscaping: (a) All parking Breas and vehicle sales areas that are not separated by a fence from any street or alley property line or side property lin(~ upon which it abL!ts. shall be provided with a suitable concrete CtlZ'b or 1;:i.;[,- ber barrier not less than six imhes in height, locat6u not less than four feet from such property lines." (b) Rvery parking area or vehicle sales area which abuts property located in one of the II R" Zones and whether or not an alley intervenes, shall be separsts1 -'18- I I I . Ordinance Number . '1~ ""I" .."~,, ... I \J ~ .......~_._... , f:aq,uir 9::: iW])2'()VCrJe;1!; Ai'd 1I1a~ni;ellanc e of parldr:e; ,'il.'Rf):!l -'fIm vahln'.tI l:1111€lo ~J:'9ns - o:lontl.i. . 1 t. >. 1. .. ,. i '6'" t ' Irom S'JC.l jA'opllr '.1 "y e. so :LQ 'ila!./. Il ;;: \ J "sa; .' n ;1Cl~.:~ht me,~...','t'Gd f!'Ol1:t U~EI grade of tbe i'1 n!3hed s~I'i.~ '} of such lot closes'/;. to the contiguous "R" zon~d" property, prov~ed tho~1; along the rel1uix'ed tront ya\'d the wall shall not 6T.Ceed fn~ty-tuo (42) inches in height. No such wall need be prov:l.dlild vsllers the elevation of that portion of tpe parking a~e8 or' vehicle sales area -immediately adjacent to an "n"" zoned property 1s six feet or more below the elevation of such OR" property along the cODlll1on property Hne. (0)' '.Any lights provided to 111unli.nate any public parking area, semipublic' parking area or vehicle sa las area permitted b~ this ordinance sha 11 be arra~ed so as to refieot the light away from any premises upon which a' dwelling U11it is loeuted. (3) Entrances and exits: The 'locat1on'and design of all entrances and exits . .' ~. ~ ~. . sh.all be subject to the approval'of the City Enginflsl'. !>I'O- vided no entranc0 or exit other than on or from an alley shall De close~ than rive (5) r.eet'to any lot located in an "Ro Zone,. and, further provided. that"no single open'.ng to e parking area sh8l1 e7.Csed ,8 width of twenty-six (26) feet. Sec. 17),6. Required loading space. Every maIn buIlding hereafter erected or structurally altered, or'deslgnedf'Jr usa,;', for' commercial Or industrial , (ezoept1Dg a C-O BODe) purposes in a "C17 or ltil~ Zone!shall be Pl'ov~~(i wi th 10aq~ ,.... ~ : '. '. :.... ~ '. '" . .. .;,: .~ . .'~'" ing space as fullo\Ys, and urDer tl:ie followi~~ conditions: :.. . .'1"flt.,.. , '. P. ~r:..:........ .t~~'::. -'1:-. _;.t :.:,' i:. .i..'..... .. t= 8:"'; :::-I~' , _' . ,,'. ..' ~ """L ... .... .1'::'.l.~'1 . .1" :: : . '.' , .. . ~ ,-...., .- ~; 1~ . " :~ ..l:;.~"~.' '.. ."1' . ~ ,t_ .... I... " ;...... - ," .. l!i' ~:hr.. ...- , .... ... ',....l.~ _ I: ......~.l.... ': . ;..~:r. ::.,.;' 1~~.'. ;'U:l~:l.l'I~ .;.,'" ..... _: -! -79- ", I I I . Ordinance Number . (1) JIll 10ad1ng and unlol1d1nc ~PGr~tlona and parking of truoks shall be prov1ded tor and 281"1'01'Jll8d on the s1 tee (2) When such build1ng ia looated upon a a1 to con1;~guous " to a p'_lbl1c aU.,- 1t shall b~ provided with a m1D1J:Ium ~-street , ' ' 01' oft-olle)' loading spaoe twen1;J-two (22) teet in depth extending the 'ent11'e w1dth ot the bulld1Dg and wh1ch distance shall in no case be less thIlA tol't)'-five '(4.)) teet. 07P .the width 01' the lot it , ' the lot 1& les8 th8l1 fo1't)'-tive teet .in ~dth. and tourteen foet (14) in ho1ght. (3) In ODJ DI.1" Zone when the loading spaoe 18 provided adjacent to a street 01' alle)'. the 10ad1ne; platform to SGne such ioaci1ng space shall be not les8 ~1'orty (40) teet from the prope1't)' ls.ne 01' the itlL'e.t 01' sUe)' ul?on which such loading apaoe is 00rit1Buo~l8. - " (4) A plan at the proposed 10acl1ng a:pea shall be subnitted' at the time 01' the appUcot1on tor the building perm1t for the building to which the 10od1ag areA i8' aacosSOl')'. The plans shalJ, 010111"1)' iD4icote the proposod dovelopr.1ent. inolud1nc location. size. , , shape. des1sn. C'.1rb outs, 11gh.t1nc. lendBoOplr1G and other foatur08 and apPurtenances at the proposed 1~1ng area. ,(5) Space des1enated as a 10Bd1n6 l11"ea sholl not be oons1del'Od as sat1sf'11ng an, off-street parkins 1'8Clu11'Ot'I8nts prElscribod by , . this O1'd1nance. (6)' All requ11"ed ott-street loading l11"e08 shall be paved t-r1th oonorote 01' asphaltic oonorete and shl11.1 be gl'aded and drained 80 I1S'to di8Pose 01' all 8I1rtaoo water. Drainage shaU be taken to the ourb 8Dd 6UttOJ' 01' neB1'oat publlo drl11naBQ fa0111t1es md away irom , ' adjo1n1Ds pl"Oport)'. In no case shall 8I10h drl11nage be 11110wed aoross tb8 surtl10e 01' a publlo sld8Wa~. , ' (7) 'ItA)' lights p1'OVlded to 11lqJ"'nato any oU-stroet loadinc l11"ea shall be IU"ranged so as to refleot the light awq t1'0I:l 8D7 premises upon which a clwelllng unit Is looated. (8) !L'he location and design of aU eDtzo~oes and u1ts shan be , , s~lbjoot to tha I1pprovaJ. of the C1ty ,F.ngineer. prov1ded DO entranoe 01' exit other than OD or t1'om an aUO)' shall be closer than tive (5) teet to ODJ lot: looated in an Dn" zone, and further prOVided, that no single OpGI11Dg to II 10ad1D6 area shl1l.l exceed a w1dth of ttlElnt)'- s1% (26) teet. -60- . . Ordinance Number . " ARTICLE 16. GC:lERAL PltOVISlmrs, COiIDIT~OUS ,A!1D EltCEP'l'IOl!S _ YARDS, HElaIIT, AREA, OPER SPACB A.1D BUUt. I Seo. 1800. POl"sgolDS I'sglllatlons subjoot to this art1ole. The forsco1DS reBUlGtlons pel'ta1rdns to the sevo1'a1 zonGS shan be subjeot to the gensl'ol P1'ovls1onB, oondltions and exoSpt10DB oonta1ned In this artl01e. Soo. 180\. Dasio requ1l'GD1Elnts fOl' eU dlstl'lots and. Bonell. Ths following 1ll0D1nS sohGdule P1'ssor1bes tho bas10 81ts, ;fed, open SpUG, bulk, puk1as and 10sd1ng l'enuJ,GtloDB t~t shaU ' apply in the 41str10ts and sonos GS 1n4loatcd 1n the sohodule. Theee baslo ro~ll"8mentB 81'S defined and supp1lm8nted b1 addltlonall'sqll1l'ments and oxoeptloDB prosoribed in subBa~ent seot1ons of th1s article. I I .81- r I . ~. .. . ,.... .g .! 0 It:I .. .. ::i .a I .. I i i :! 50 . Je 0 .p II gs 81 ! N"" 0 i .. .p D .... I t 0 .p Je 0 ... I: .. II 1 ~ 8 .. .p 0 . l1.I Ordinance Number . . ..' . !~ ~~..... a,.o loa .;... eo Je CDII.p Gl Cf ......p .:; .pa t ~ :a "11 I".p 11 ~ t" l1.I......'S U ~ 0 0 .p ooa.!.'o,Q ~ . .... .... .... .... '3 ~..... 0" S~ II:: oS "" ' .! C\/ ,.. It:I . 0 .... J" ~L IIC\/ I~!&~I~ ,~. .p.p .p.. . oct .p Gt. li:l!' I ~ r .:,!j~ I~~ CO r: co. co &8 . .... .... .... oJe ~ o1~lo oJ S~ l1.I R ~ ~rif(~ . .!. .!. .AI .!. &:,:, RltllRlJRI ! II ~.:t ~ -d I ~I-d ~ -= ~ -d ~ ~ .. I- .. .p . ~l i! II:: .! I~ ~ .: .: I~ lr.l . -d .::t -d ~..::l ..::I ~ .::t l..::l -d -= -d is! 'd --I .. 'd~ ~ l1.I II"" tJ I~o ~'d fI ~ co CO CO oj)~ \ll CO oj) CO 0 0 Ji ~ oj) .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... it . 0 CI II:: .!! . ~:! l .. 0 ode 0;:; S .. j~ ~..t:i :.p1~1'i co .... . .... .... ~ eo a.... ....pa&Je 0 ~ 0 0 0 ~ \I\:""~ a .::t 8 Gl Gl", loa .... .... .... l1.I 'it Gl Ii .... 0 .... Je rQ ~ ~ ~ ;J co co oj) co oj) ~ oj) co ~ co 0 COo 0 0 Je 1\I .... .p 2 .... .... .... .... .... .... J.... .... .... '~ l1.I 0 ~ .! co ~ .!f . Ji 0 0 8 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CI 'C1 .p 0 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. ... ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 '? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .p .p 0 eo: ;: ~ ~ 0 aJr 0 .~ e-: r- Ie-: r- r- :a 0 Ir-: r- r- !~ 0 ~ 9 e a go .... .... l1.I ~ .. ig a 11 ~ 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gl .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... '.... .... .... .... .... ~ p,. .. -:t ~ ! I~' . ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 ltl CD r- r- r- 0 r- r- 0 0 0 .::! ~ .... .... .... .... ..... '!i- ~ f!1 ~~~1 s.: .... .... 1';1 0 0 .... ';1 .... ,:, ~ ~ o I~ ~ C\/ . . . ~ . . . .! :! ~ ~ NJr = = = II:: ~.t~, ~ Q 0 0 Co) 0 .... .... IIii "0';\ .... H H H .... .... .... .. ::: H H H H H H H ~ 0 tot tot H H H l:I ~! H H tot H H H .... H H 08 lj 08 oCt oil oil oil tot H H tot H H H -82., I I I Ii! g.~b'S G IN 0 0 11::0 ..:a l i.; ft!~ 11::0 :1t -. 'tI i .... i c ..... 'Il~: ~ .:f-:t I ",lBj.s P:o JJsl ~ ~~=!i ~ 9 i 1 ,!IoPJo C ,g3 t , .... C D. - 0.0 00 CDel) 0'" ..... I c o JjJo~oPi.a ..CD....... 00 s:l 0 g, G S ~ Gel) !1~ a lIJs,... J= 0':(1 ~ ..... oP t: 0:;;' CD...... 00 s:;~g,!8J:~ :2.3 ~ ct2'-' 8 l! N 1'iI ....a 'tIO_ a... G 8oPr! ~ Ii I~ .... C"'I CD 0 !~ ..... I-:~ .... b · t;J! . . Ordinance Number .0.0..0.0.0..0.0 ~~~~~~~ I I : I : : t : ... ... ... ... ~ ... ... 0000000 GGGCDG.CD tf.lllJlIJlIJlIJCI.lllJ _~ I',;: ~ ~ ~ ~::c ~::. CD ~_... . .' 8jlPjis ~iijii~ l!l.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :lllli! 111 ~ ~ lIJ --~.: --" ." " -' ; ,~'" ,~,. ---- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g .g ~ ~I~ ~ ~ ~I ~ os 0 g'U\ 0 'U\ 0 \1\ ~ 0 coo,q ,ql\l\ .0 _ .0 _ r- 'U\ r- 'U\ r- ,_, el) .... _I r- 80g08800 00000 00 ~~~~r-r-r-r-I ............ . I I . I I I I ~ ... ;. g ~JfJl!log oP 0 "'Nllltlll' ~~::1;";";1 I I II I' ..:a.....:a ~ C"'ICW\C"'IC"\ 0 ~~gg~~~~gggg~ 00'U\;:n00000-0-0...... 11 ~ .0 .0 r- r- ... ... 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 r~ ~.:.~ .:: r~ .:.':~'r~ 0000008000000 g,OROOO oO'~ooo _1..::1 ,.., 'U\.o .0 r- r- 0- -' ~ ::t ~ 0000000000000 .: r~' ~ :..:. ~ :1 :1 :1 t~ : :1 : I I I I el)~ .=.= o 0 ... ... 1 I' ~ ~ ...... ~I~ o 0 r.~ :. o 0 ~i~ o 0 o CD l1.I 1:1) 11"~~~~~~1'~7~Q1 1I::1I::1I::=1I::1I::l!:=ccccc:1l:!~... HHHHHHH HHHHHHH H H H H H HHHHHHHHHH~~~~~~~ HHHHHHH -63- ,I I I: -- Ordinance Number . . Soo. 1~02. Lot uea 8Dd d1men,.lons - req~l11oeL18nt8 and exoeptions.. (1) Req~,11"ell1Gnta: Uln1mum lot CI1'oa, width and depth shsll be as requ11"ed 1a. the Zoning Schedule, except aa othawise provi!l~d 1a. th1a ~1'd1a.iIDoe.. (2) EK8L1ptions: AIoea. w1dth, depth of non-cont01'll11ng lots.. (a) Bxcept as othonrise provided in this ord~oe, a lot hav1ne an area, f'ron~46e, width 01' dopth loss than. tho m1~iM'A proscribed tor the distriot and zone in whlen the lot la located, which lot 18 shown on Q dul., approvod and recorded aubdlvidon I!1IlPp 01" 1'ocord ot SU1"'107 napp or 1'01" which a deed or valid oontract ot sole wClS of' rocord prior to tho adoption ot this ordinanco ana \1hich had a legal ueap 1'l'ontl1Ge, width and depth at the tl1':lO that the subdividoD mt1p 01' rEI cord of Sl\1'V87 ml1pp deed, 01' contraot of sale was rec01'ded. IIIB7 be used tor CID7 use pe1'm1tted in tho district and zono in which tho lot is, located. provided tht1t said lot an.d use oontom to all rer.ulat1ona of sdd district and Bono other than lot min1rJWli Ol'ea. width 01' depth. (b) The t11n1tmm CI1'OQ and uidth exemption of pOl'a8rnph (n) abovep sholl not a 1 to an., lot, pOl'cel, 01" building site 1a. the 0118 upon iob it is proposed to erect. alter 01' enlCl1'r,e a u ing ".eater than th11ot;r tive US) teet in height. Such lot, porcel, 01' bulld111B site shall coD1'orm. to the t1iJ'li",,~,.. orea and width roqu11"e::1ents proscribed in tNi' Zonina Schedule.. '. 1l0'l'Ll: '!'he f'ollcnd.n{f sohedulo is proVided tor into1'T.1Gtion 'purposes, ind?-cating legaU., acceptable oin1mum lot Ol'oQS an.d uldths Pl'iOl' to the adoption ot thl8 zoning ordinance. Sohedule ot Lesal Lot AzoeClS Prior to Adoption of this Ordinance zon: .<<n4"""" Legal AroClS and D1menaions of Lots ot Reoord ' PriOl' to l/16/SS ./18/SS to 1/lS6S6 Arter 1/lS/S6 Pe1" Ord.. 406 pel" Code 21- pel' Code 21-8 _ea Width Area Width Area lfidth Sq. Ft.. Feet Sq. Ft. Feet Sq. Ft. Feet R-l 2,400 2S SpOOO SOlt 7,000 70 B-2 2,400 2S S.Soo SOlt 7.000 70 JI-3 2,400 2S 6..S00 SOlt 7,000 70 A1l .0. and · I." - - - SOlt 7.000 70 zonea .. lotin"...,,,, C01'De1" Lot lfidth III SS teet -84.. f I . Ordinance Number . I (3) Lot vea not to be roduoed. No lot 8J'OQ shall be so reduced 01' d1m1nished that the lot area, Jards, 0Ii' othor opon spaoes eh8ll be smaller than pres01'ibed 'bJ' tb1s ord1l1ance, nor shall thc dens1tJ of population be increased in 8IQ' l'.18rmel' aoept 1n ooato1'1:11tJ , with the rosuJ,at1ons estabUshod 'bJ' this ord1.1u1I10e. (lj.) l-I1I11Da1m ,,14th ot cornel' lot. ~ m1n1r:Iua width ot 'cornel' lots shall be ten pel' cent (lO;f) 6I'Oater than tho m1nimLula width tor the dlstriot or &01161 g1ven 111 the Zon1ng Schedule. (S) areat8l' 101; ll1'ea r.II1J be 1"equired. Gloeator lot 8l'OG8 thOn thosG prescribed 1n the vll1'l~s BOII8S nGJ be l'ecr.1irod uhen such r.1'eator aroas I11"G established 'bJ' adopt1on ot 0. P1"e01se plan 1n the ~el' proscribed b7 law, deslgnatlne; the 10cat10n and size ot lJuch ~ooter requ11'od aroos. (6) DiviQS.on of 101;s 01' paroels conta1niD/3 tJOrO than the m1n1DwD required Vea. "lhen IIIQ' lot or pll1'cel 111 Ga7 BonG conta1as a /31'eat01' vea than the roCl'.11Hd m1rtf........ lot aroa ot the Bono 111 lfhieh it is looated, then oaoh unit ot the roquired m1niDW!l 0l'08 oontained 1n suoh lot or paroel n8J bo utU1.ed as a separato lot, prodded that, all othor roquirements of the Bone in which 1t 18 located are aet, GIld that OIV suoh division doos not rosult in more than tour (4) lots J and tUl'thu> Pl"ov1ded thet each rssult1Dg lot has fl'ontllBo upon a dod10ated publlo thorOl16hf'are or bo providod tilth Q permanont easement ot record which shall a1'tOl'd lesal aocoss :tio a publlc~ ded10atod street aDd trhioh easement shall' be approvod as to adoqul1C7 'bJ' the ?11llUl1ag COJ:IIlI1ssion and the Cif;J COUJ1Oll. (7) i'br0l1~ lots may bo d1v14ed 111 oert&1I1 OUGS. 'l'hrouc;h lots two hundred (200) toet or core in dopth CII:I be ~ovod as two separate lot., ldth the d1vld1ng 11118 1lI1dtlGJ botween the sUoeet 1'l'ontnc88, and each resulting one- hOlt (1/2) shall be Bub3ect to tho controls a~1y1nC to the -aSs , I I I I I . Ordinance Number . atroet upon wh1ch auoh one...balt tace8. It each l'eault1ns one...ba1t be below the n1nSmum lQt ~ell aa dGterm1ned bJ' this ol'dinllDOe. theQ no div1s1OQ JIIDJ be made and 0Dl7 one perm1ss4ble use shall be 41101'78d on such lot!' It the tIho1e 01' 1lD.7 thl'0USh lot 18 1J!1povocl as one building s1'e, the main build1ng shall oontOl"m to the Bone 01asa11'1cat1on of the hontal38 oOO11pled b7 auch ma1ft bu11d1ng, and no 400ea8017 building 8hall be looated oloa01" to e1 thel' at"et thaI1 tho distanoe oonst1 tilting the requ11'ed tront 7lU'd 011 auoh 8t1'8Gt. Soo. 160..1. Lot ve4 pel' dwelllng unlt ... l'equ1remonts and exoeptlODll. (1) Re~~11'eUDnts. l-I1n1mum lot 111'011 pel' dtfG1l1nc unit shall be as 1'8~~1red in tho Zoning Schedule. except GS otho1'Wise provided in thia o1'Clinance. (2) Eltooptlona. 'l'he 1:11n1rmJm. lot 81'00 pOl' d1foll:ln6 :lnit JIIDJ be 1n Gooordano" wlth the tollowlng rowood requlrElDo~ts 11' a lot zoned 8-3 is nODooont'o1'm1ng os to eeG, mc1th 01" dopth. but oon1'OI'l:lll to aU otbor l'equ11'e:J8nts 01' this ordlnonoe. and uas Q du17 approved and reoo~4 lot pr101" to .Ton1Ul1'1 lS, 19$6. (a) P01" such 4 ft...3 zoned lot lfhich baa an eeo 01' at 100st tuent7 tour h'mdred (2,400) squa1'8 teet, but leas thon tive thousand (S,OOO) squlI1"e 1'oet, the rdnt"",... land lI1"ell pel' dwel11ng unit shaU bo aoven ~U1dred and t1tf;J' (7S0) squlU"e teet. (b) '1i'CII." such 4 Ro3 Boned lot whioh has an orea 01' at least t1ve thousand (S,OOO) sqU01'e teet. but 108S thon seven thousand (7.000) squlI1'e 1'eot, the a1n1Jmm land 01'00 pOl' dwoUiD8 unit shall bo ODO thousand (1.000) squ81'8 teet.. ,...06. . Ordinance Number . I Seo. 16,Qh. FlOGI' area per duell1Dg ~t - roqu11'0~nt8 and oxooptions. (1) Roqu11'omDnts. The I11n1mun flo01" area pOl' dwU1Dg unit shan be as . requ1l'ed 111 the Zoning Sohodule. exoept as othe1'1f1H prov1c1e4 111 this O1"d1nan.oe. Dlfel1iDB units on B-2 01" H-3 lots J!JS.'1 be orected eithar in combination 01' siDS17. (2) I:zoept1ou. !he min1mum tlo01" area per duelling unit m8J be 111 acoordanoe with the toUow1ng reduoed requ11'ementll it ,a lot 18 non.ooDtormlng as to area, 'If1dth 01" depth. but 'eoDtoziDs to aU other requ1reJil8nt8 of thi8 Ol'd.1n.anoe, and was 11 clu17 a~)prove4 ODd' reoorded lot prlOl' to Janua1'7 IS, 19S6. (a) When a lot has an aroa ot at 10ast twent7 four hundred (2.400) square feet, but less theA five thousaa.d (5.000) square teet, tho following 1'1001' llroa Is 'rlilqu1redl nine IPI~rod (900) squllre toot per clwoll1ns unit on o'lot . Boned n.l, siz ),,11""red (600) square toet par dwct111rls unit wbon ereoted In combination on a lot Bonod B-2; seven hundred (700) square fGet tor the tront dwoUlng unit and tivo b11';'r1reG (SOO) square teet tor ~he 1"O1l1' 4wel11ag unit when orected dog17 on a lot soned -R-2; tive hundred (SOO) sq.1G1"G feot pel' dweU1ng loudt on a lot Boned R..,. (b) !lhan a lot bas an111'OQ of at least five thousand (S,OOO) square teot, but lesa than seven thousand (7,000) square teot, tho tollowiD8 t1001" aroa is 1"Oqu11'ed: eight hundred (800) square teot per dwellinG unit wen erGded 1n oot1b1n.at1on on a lot zoned B-2; nine hundred (900) squaro toot tor the tront chleUing ',mlt and soven hunclred (700) square'teGt tor the rear dwell1DB unit whon 8%'ected 81na~ on a lot soned Rol; six hundred (600) 8qull1'e ,teet P8%' clveWng unit on a lot zoned B-3. 1805. 1~1mtm lot oOV'Grage - roqu1l'0tI8nt8. 'l'he IIIfty1\,"1III pe1'Dl1ssable lot OOVG1'll68. 1n. per oent, sbaU be ..87- Seo. I I I I I Ordinance Number . . 88 requll"e4 1D the Zontqg Sohedule, oxoopt as ot~d,so prov1decl 1D this or41Danoe. Seo.. l.l}Ok. YOl"d reBU1etloi1s, general. ExoePt as Pl"0v1de4 1D tb18 8l"tlole, evel"J ~qull"ecl ylU'd BhaU be o~ and UDobstruote,d 1'l"= the grouD4 to the ,slq. Uo , ' 7ard Ol" opon spaoe Pl"Ov1~ IU'~~ GD7 bull4laa tor the pul"pooe ot ooap171DS "lth the Pl"ov1sions ot this ol'dinaace ahall be oonsld8l"84 as Pl"ovldlng 0 yard W opcm spaoe tOl" aa;r other mlld- lag, and no yG1"d w opeD spaoe OD GD7 84301l11l'18 P1"opo1't7 shall be oonsldered as P1"ov1d1as a 181"d Ol" OpOA spaoe on a bul~d1DB slte whereon a building ls to be ereo,ted. Seo. 1807.. Yord moaauremonts, gOD8ral. Required JG1"C1a sha;l be measUl"ed as the r.d.D1mum horlzcmtol 4istADoe t1"am the P1"opel"tJ 11118 ot the aite Ol" street l1De to a 11l1e p8l'a11el thereto OD the B1teJ provided that "here a proohe stHet p1GD has beeD adopted b7 tho C1t7 Council, alte lU'ea and requll"ed 71U'4s sholl be ~a~ed trom the plOD 11ne J and provided t1.U'thd' that ~d'e a a1te abuts on a stroet hav1nS on17 0 pOl"tlon ot 1ts requl1'8d wS,dtl;. c1od1oated w reserved for stroet V.1rposes, . ",. ss. to Ol"ea aDd I'8qull"e4 781'ds shall be tUJasUl"ed t1'Ol!l 0 line dl"11WD on the bo~lDCla17 ot the add! tional v1dth 1"8qull"ed tor stroet P\11"Posea abutting the ss.te. This seotion doos not req.111'O a JOl'd ot nch width w depth os to reduoo tho buildable "ldth ot a cornOl" lot to 1o.s thGD tOl"q (40) teet. ' Sec. 1006. DesOl"lptlve plates 01" dl"au1ags. The nann1ag COD:11.ss.on DD7, b~ resolutloD, adopt doscrlptlve plates w dl"mdnss tor pul"Poses ot 1nterpreting 7Gl"d, Ql"eO, d1meD810n, location w other Pl"ovla1onB ot th18 ol'd1Dllftoe. Attd' tho adoption ot BUch platos Ol" dl"awlnr,s, tho pl'ov1s1ons indloated tho1"8on shall be app110d aa an adm1Dlstratlve aot. ~. COlII!.:I1Sss.0D t1il7 establish t01"'.:JI1la tOl" ood11'71ng 7ard recr..l1rcments. The plannlnc: oon:J1sa1on "i1IIq, bJ resolutlon, adopt a t01'J:ll1la or establlsh stondOl"d practloes bJ ,~loh to deter.m1ne 11ft appropriato and praotioal mod1tloatlon ot requ1rod yBl"d depths 1D all roa1dcmtlal zonss where :!8OJ:18tr10 shape and dhlleDSloDs and topo61"a~ az>e such -00- I I I . Ordinance Number . as to make tho l1teral appl1cation 01" such requ11'ed dep1ih8 1mP1'aot1oal. After the adoptlon 01" suGh 1'o1'lllU1a or staa,dG1'd, praoUoes, the7 sbell be appliod Il8 an adrdn1atrat1ve act. Seo. 1810.. Front 7&1'd nq:t11'_nts, general. 1-11n'",'''' 1"ront 7ardS 8ha11 be provlded 1'01' each ~e os presorlbed 10 the ~oniDB SohGd2l1e, except as othe1'Wlse provlded 10 th1a' orc11nanoeo, Seo.. laU. Pront 70S'd nqu1renents. 0-1 end 0.2 Zones llo t1'Ont 7ar4 shall be requ1i'od 1'01' a use 10 0 0-1 or 0-2 Zone. exoept as othel"ldae provided 10 thb ord1nanoe;. (Soe Seotlon 1012). Se,. ~8:!;l. Front 7ard Hqu11'oment8, .C. or nu" Zone abutt:1ng uR" ZOQ8. tft1ere n C. or · 1:'1' ZOD8d lots ooouP7 a ponlon of a blook oontalnlD8 Balt Zoned 10t8 and too. 'upon the aamo stHot as tbe nR- BonGel lots. then the Hqu11'ed 1'1'ont 781'da tor the "e'!' Q1' -I,l" lIoned lota 1n aald bloek 8114 1'GoinS aald sveet .hI111 be the same os the 1'8q'.l11'ee! hont 7G1'd 1'01' the neGl'est of aald u~n Boned 10ta. Seo. 10U.. Pront 7ard requ11'erl8nta when :mmoe than one r.uain bu11dlns exlsts. When two Oil' .... bu1ld1asa on a lot lU"e, b1 deflnitlon of thls ord1nanoGII oonaldGZ"od. ma10 bIl1ldlng., then the hon't 701'd , n'qu11'8J:lOnt ahall app1l' onl7 to the bu1lding olose.t to tho lot bont l1nell' bllt 811 other bu1lc1iDS8 ahl1l1 coatON to the roqu11'e- Dl8nts ooncern1nS plooement of builC1ib88 a. oontG1n04 10 tho ' BOII8 10 which the I*"opert)t Is 10cate4. S.o. 18111.. Pront 7lird modUloot1on uher8 nonooat01'1ll1t1ea ez1st. i'h8 depth ot r.qu1rod tront 781'da on un....lPl'Oved lots mq be mod1t1ed as tollavB' (1) On a lot Bltuated betwean lots 1mproYed with bulld1asa the ...'n'..... tront 781'd ahall be the &Verage depth ot t!le t1'Ont '181'48 on _ 1Japlooved lota a430101ng the alde l1no. ot the lot. (2) Where a lot 18 not situatee! between lots lmprovee! with buUd1nsa and when lota oom,pr18las tort,. peP oant (40~) of the bont tootage on the' block! are illliP1'OV'ed with bIllltlfng8. .89- Ordinance Number . . tho mic:iJnum f'1"ont ;i81"d shall be the aVOl'c.ge 01: tc..e existing !':;>Ol1t lud depths in the blook. (3) In comput1ng avero~ front yard depths, Q depth ten feet (10) creote1" than the m1n1lu!.uD. requil'od front lard shall be used 1n lieu I 01' lIny gl'eate1' tzaont yard depth. ' Soo. 161!i. Front;y1lJ'd m.od11'leation 1'~ steep pratlle rosidential lots. tfhe1"& the elevation at EI lIRn soned lot at the tzaont pl"operty l1J:.o 18 fiv.e ($) :teet ~' 11I01'8 above 0;1" bolOtl tho established street eleva- tion at the edge 01' the 8Jd,st1ng 01" proposed pavement o;t" where a lot has an average natural slope at' twenty percent (20~) 01' ~e. upw~ or downw~, measured frOlll the eatab118hed elevation of the street ~t the ed.ce 01' the ex1st1nc or proposed pavement to the re81" line ot the , ' ' required 1'ront ytlJ'd, a aarage or C81'port r:lDiJ be oonstructed not less than fifteen (15) teet tzaom. tho ed.ce, 01' the ox1st1ns 01' pr~pOBed pave.. ment. provided that in no oose shall 11 garBBe 01' clll'P01't hI1ve a f'1'Ont lard 01' less than three (3) feet. See.. 1131!. Vision clel1l'anoe, cornel" and reversed OO1"ner lots. :1 ..I no obstruotion in excess 01' wo and one-half (2M :teet in hel:;ht shall be looated on 11 cWnGr lot or ioaversed cornel' lot with- in a triangulGl" tOl'JlJ8d by the st1'Oet prope1"ty 11nes and 0 line con- necting points on the sveet property lines f1fteen (1$) feet 1'1'om .- the intersection 01' said street p1'Oportt linos, except thnt trees shall be pe:rm1tted provided that thoy ore pruned up to ei~t (8) :teet above the establiShod grade at the oentel" of,the stre~t intersection so as not to obat1'l1ct olear viev by motor vehicle drlvors. Seo. lO~1.. S1de;y~ zoequlretleots, (5oneral.. 1I1n1mum aide. 7ards shall bo provided f'olX' eaoh use as presCl'lbed in the Zoning Sohedule.. ',except as othel"lf1so }>1'01I'ided 1n this ordinance. S~c~ 1818. Side 7ards, 0-1, 0_2, C-3. ~~l'& w-2 Zoneso (1) life side 781"d shall ,bo requirod on an ,interi01' ,aide (8 side nof abl1ttlDS a street 01' 01107) of Bn7 C...1. 0..2, C..3. I.Ioo1 01' I.]i..2 zoned 1~ oxcept as otherwise pJ'ovided In th1s ordinanoe. (See section 1824) (2) On a side abutting a streot, no side ya1'd sholl be 1'8quirad tOr any lot zoned Cool ~ 0..2, except as otheft:ise p.t'ov1deci .in this ordinB.l1Ceo .,.90- I I I . Ordinance Number . Sec. lpl.,2. Slde 7G1"de abutt1Dg front or reGl' entrancea 01' 4t1e111Dlh . 1fbere 4wo1UDgB 01"8 G1"1"lIDBed ao that the11" hoD or rear entrancea owt on a aide 781'411 the requ11"e4 side 7111"d abu.tt1Dg the f'ltont entrEll10ea ahall be locrlusaed two (2) 1'eet 1'or each dvelUng ~Ullt havlng a f'ltont entJ'anoe opening lato or roached da the dde 7&rd, and the Nq.1!1-ed aldo 71.ll'4 abutting the I'8Il1' entranoe. shall be 1Doreaaed ODe (1) 1'oot 1'or each dweUing unit opening lnto or reachad via the dde 7a1'dJ prodded, such lMroase need not GXOoed 1'lve (5) 1'eet. Seo. 1820. Side 7Ud modS1'loatlo.u OD oomblned 10ta. tihen the OOmr.LOn ~nda17 line aep81"at1rl6 two 01" DI01"e oontiguoua lota 18 covered bJ' a bu.lld1ns or pol'm1tted S1"OUp 01' bulld1rl6a. 01" _n the plaoement or a bl11ld1118 or bu11d1nsa with Nspeot to auch oomcon boundll1"7 11Jse or line. doe. not fUl17 oontON to the I'8qulJood 71.ll'4 apace. on each 814e 01' such OOJ!DOll bound81'J line 01' llnoa, sueb lota shall constitute a alngle bulld1ns slto and the 781'd spaces as 1"Oqu1zoed bJ' thia G1"41D.anoe sh.aU thon not appJ:t to sueb' c;"""'1'IIl . ' , b0UA4G1"J' 11De. Seo. 1821, near 7l1Jl4 requlre,,;onts, general. Ian'....... 1"011I' 7ard8 shall be provided 1'01" eDoh use as preaorlbed 1D the Zonl,ng Johodu1e, ezoept as othe1"ll1ae Pl'ov1c1od 10 this Ol'<11DQI1co. Sec. 1822. near 711l'C1s 01' "B" zonod 10ta abutting an al187. (1) tiheN a re8l' P1"OP81't7 l1De 01' an "a" aoned lot abuts an alle7 ~ich Is went)- (20) 1'eet 1D width, the m1n1mwl1r80l" 7~rd depth 01' the "R" zoned lot ehall be four (4) 1'eet. (2). tlbol'e a 1"ear Pl'operi)' l1De 01' a ann zonod lot abuta an a118)' wh1ch Ie leea than tuent7 (20) 1'eot In width, then the Ja1D1mua rel1l" 781"4 depth 01' the "RII zoned lot shall be oa 1'011owa: (a) ~fleGJ1 (13) 1'oet for an eleven (11) toot wide 8118)' (b) !l'woin (12) toet 1'01" a belve (12) foot wide a1le7 (c) ~1Jse (9) feet t01" a f'uteen (15) toot wide aU8)'. (3) !heaG 18081' 7ard Pl'ov1alona shlll1 be atrlot17 malntalnod In o1'der tD provide adequate turnlag l'lldlua QOO~88 tor vehlclea entv1Ds or :J& ados a SGI'age or parking apace adjacent to the al1G)'. -91.- . Ordinance Number . Seo. 162],. Bo81'''ords ot 0-1 end 0-2 zoned lots abutt1.ng suoet 01' hi~)w.rq. lihe1'8 a 1'0&11' Pl'operty ~lno ot 11 0-1 01' C-2 zoned lot abuts 11 1- 8boet 01' h1GhwlIJ" tbe 1'081' ,.a1'd 1'0qu11'omont8 tO'1' the lot shall be the 8~ as the tl'Ont ,.111'd l'oqu11'enenta. (See 8oCtions 1011 and 1612). Soo. 182h. Yard l'equ11'emont8 tOl' nO" 01' Dll" zoned 10t8 which I1but DRD zoned lots. WheJoo oq DC" 01' "U" zoned lot has a oomlOn pl'OPen,. lirie nth a "R" zoned lot" then a m1nimam,.111'd width ot ten (10) teet &hall bo prQVide4 on said "Cn 01' "1l" zonod lot adjacent to 'the fIlll lenath of said ooaa.on proP01"t7 Uno" exoept that It a ll1'oato1'- width ot ,.G1'd 18 1'8qull'ed bJ' othOl' P1'ov1810ns ot th18 o1'd1nanoo" thon 8111d peatOJ' width ot ,.ard 8hal1 be pl'oddod.- Seo. l~~. neqa11'OCl ,.81'ds t01' sohoo1s" ohu1'ohes I1I1d institutions. In aU "R" Zone8 no wilding shall bo O'1'eoted" SW.1otU1'11117 I alte1'o4 01' used tOl' a 8ohoo1" ohu1'oh" Institution 01' oth01' 811!111o U8e pe1'Jld.ttod tmdOl' the use l'oGUlations ot this orduonce UDleu such bul14lDse 8l'e reaoved ot lea8t flttoon (lS) toot fro. tbe boundQ1lJ Une of an,. adjo1n1ns propert,. 1D an,. "Rn Zone. Seo. 1826. Requ11'ed dlstQl10GS betweon stl"'.1otul'os. (1) Do dwe1Uas 01' other moln buUd1ng shall be 010801' than ten (10) teet to 8tq' other 4we1l1ng 01' mII10 buUdlDs on the SGr.le lot" 01' building 81to 8IIli no detached 40008801'7 b'.lI1dlac shAll be olosol' than six (6) teet to I1D7 ma10 bu11cl1ns. (2) Gal'oses" Ol1l'po1'ts cncl other aooes8017 8t1'LlCtuJtOS ml1J' be attaohed to and have a oo--m wall with the 111I110 8truotU1'e on a lot 01' buU41as 81te 01' ma,. be oonneoted with the II1I1U 8t1'Llctul'e I bJ' a b1'eezW87. Soo. 182t. Pe1'lll1tted 1Dt1'us1ons into roquboed ,.ods. 'l'he toUCW'lDs Intrua1oD8 JJ1IQ' p1'Ojeot two (2) toot Into 1'0qu11'ed ,.ll1'C1s. prodded the l'equ11"ed side .8l"ds shaU not be reduoed to less than tb1'ee (3) 'teet In w1dth. n01' shall 8.IQ' pedestrian va1krrrq on tbG lot be reduoed bolow th1'oe (3) toot in unobat1'llotod 1-fldtha -91b- I I I . Ordinance Number . (1) OorDlees, eaves" bG1t OO\.U"S88, sll18" buttz>esse8 01' other 81m1;Lar lU'OhlteoturQl foatUl"e8. (2) Fireplaoe 8tX".10turos Dot wider thCll1 elebt (8) foet met18!.I1'od 111 the seeral d11'eotlon 01' tho vall 01' t-mloh It Is a part. (3) Sta1rwQ7s, bl1loon1es QJ1d tire escapos. (4) Uncovered P01"ches 4nd platt01'D8 wloh do Dot extend above tbe 1'1oor level ot the f11'8t 1'1001', pl'Ov1ded thoy 7!JD1 "'end 1I1to 0 1"equ1red floODt ylU'd not nore thQJ1 th1rtj (30) 1nches. (5) no.nt1ng boJ{es 01' mASOl11"1 plantors Dot exoeodlD8 tort,-two (42) lnohes' 111 helfJht. (6) Chlll'4 1'81111288 t01" sa1'oti protootion 81'Ound r~. Seo. 1028. llooe800I7 stl"llotUl'OS not pem1ttod 111 yards. Uo acoossary 8tructure &ball be porDitted 111 GQJ requirod tront" Side, 01" 1'8ar yard, oxoept as othowlse provided 111 th1s o1"<11n4noe. Seo. 1029. Trees, 8hl"ubs and t1Ot~rs po~tted in yards. Shl'ub8, t10W81'8, plaDts and hedgoa, not noro thCll1 f01"ti- tw (42) Inches 111 belcht" and troe8 shall be pGl"Jld.tted In any 1"eqll1rod yarel, except as p1'OVlded 1n Sectlon 1816 01' thls o1"<11DAD.Oo. Seo. 16.)0. Soroen1as aDd l'tlI1IIaoap1Ds. (1) In a "a" 01" "1.i'! Zone, a ~18e not cODductod ent11'0~ wlth1D. a cQIlI.Ploto17 onolosed' 8tl"llOto.uoe llDd on a al te aC1'OB8 a atroot 01' 01107 tron an "ft" ZOI18 shall be S01'oenod bJ 11 solld vall 01' tonoe (with solld Gates whore neceSS81'J') not less than s1% (6) feet 111 . . ' heleht 11' found by the Clty Planning COl:mos1on to be unslBht~. (2) In a nC. 01' · 14" Zone, a use not ooDCluoted ent1ro~ u1th1n a c~m.plete17 el1Olosed 8truoture 8D4 on a alte across a stroet or allq from a .C."" 01' .O-a. Zone shall bo soreened bJ' a solid voll or ten08 (with solid Bates 1-mero neco8sEl17) not le8a than six (6) feet In ho16ht 11' tound by tho 01ty Planning OOt1l:11ss1on to be UDS1ghtly. ' (3) l1hore a trailer park ad301ns a 8treet or DOl use except another ual101' pork. an area tuontJ (20) teot In depth adjo1l1ing -910- 'I I 'I ~ . Ordinance NUmber . the lot boundaries shall be landsca~od with materials suitablo tor in8~ring prl~ac7 and scroonina unsightliness and Shall be permanent17 IIUl1ntained 'b7 the Ol-lDer. (4) A lnndsca!)ed area Pl'ovided as a requ11'eI:lOnt 01' ~. ordinance or as a condition 01' a uso pertd.t 01" vll1'iance shell be planted ldth Iaoterials s'!itable tor scroening or ornQf;lentins the 81te, whlchever is appropriate, and plant z:aatoda18 shall be replac~d'os noeded to screen or ornament the site. The landecaped 8l'ea shall be permanentl7 maintained b7 the ower. (.1$) The provisions 01' this soction shall be subject to the l101tations prescrlbed In Section 1016 01' this ominance. Sec. l6.3~. Fonees, walls, hedBes, 8creen planting. (1) Interior Lots. On an'intorlor lot or Interior aide or a corner lot,' a 'waU, tence, hec1se or screon plOnUns not nore than six (6) toot In_ holght r:J87 be located anywhere to the 1'0&11' Qt tM reQl' line 01' the'1'equhoed front 7al"d. It said wall, 1'ance, hedse or scroen plantinG serves to cl1vide two lots end if' one lot has a ditterent !'ront 7ard requhoonont than the other, tho lesser of the two requ!re!.1Onts shall prevail. . side (2) Oorner lots. On'the side streo~ot a corner lot a wall, , tonce, hedge or screon plont1ng not ooro than six (6) teet in height ot.l7 be located aDlWhere on the lot to the roar 01' the cornel" ot tho residenoe ne8l'est to the front stroet. (3) Rovorso4 corner lots. On Q rovorsed corner lot Q wall, fence, bodee or soreon planting not nore than six (6) teet In height r:JD.7 be' iooate4 oD;yl-ihere on the 'lot - to the l'O&r 01' the rear line ot the requhoed tront 7&rd. (4) Oor.lr.1QQ lot lines. A wall, tonce, hedge or soroen planting net DJ01'e than six (6) teet in hold1t mn7 be located and l':1a1nta1Dec1 , , along or wlthin one toot 01' tho Cotmlon line betwoen tl-l'o lots subject onl7 to tho lesser of tho rest1"ict1ons app17ing to the two adjoining lots as per preoeding pnrQgraphs in this section. (.1$) Le~al17 requhoed 1'onees" The provisions of' this seetion shall not app17 to fonces requhoed b7 state law to surround and onolose public utllitJ installations or to chain link fences enclosing publio schoo1gr~!nds and publio pls7crounda. -91d- I I -I . Ordinance Number . (6) Retaln1Dg valls. tlhere a retdnlng waU 18 located OD the line seplll"at1Dg lots 01" puoe18, suoh l'eta1D1ag vall 'I1Ut1 be topped b7 a vall, teDoe, bedse 01' 80l'een pl~t1D8 ot the .see helcht that vou1d othenlse be pel'lld.tted at tho locatlon it no Htain1ne; ~ll exlsted,. (1) Wall 01' tonoe stNotal'e. Stl'UCture of' aU walls ~ tences pe1'lll1tted b7 thls OI'cU.na~e shell bo 8ubjeot to l'oqu11"enenta ot the 01f;J Du11d1Dg Oode" Seo. l~ Dul1d1ns l'I81~t 11m1ts!t (1) nequlrements. Beneral. 110 'b'.ll1dlDg 01' st1'l1Oture shall exoeed the buildlng height Um1t tOl' the d18trlot and zone ln wh10h lt 18 located 01' proposed to be looated as p1'8scrlbed 1D the Zon1nS Sohedl1le. except 88 oth81'Wlse provided ln th1B ol'c11nanoe,. (2) Roq1dJoemcts. "0-2" Zoae. In 8111 0-2 Zono no bul1d1ng Ol' 8tl'11otlU"e shall exceed a helght ot th1I'tr-tlve US) teet. oxoept that where a ooncU.tlonal "R-I,." uso ls pe1"Jll1ttod UDcle1" P1"0v1s10na of' Seotion 1100(11). then the bullcU.as height 11mlt shall be e~t7 (60) toet. (3) I,jol18U1'e1ll8Dt. The hol(.ht of' Q stxouoture shall be oell8Ul'ed vel'tloal1J' troD tile aV8I'ase elevation of' the gl"ade of' the sround oov81'ed b:r tho st1"l1otUl'8 to the higbest point of' the stNcture 01' to the ooP1nG 01" top ot Pll1"8.pet Ol' Q not I'oot" 01" to the penk ot a gable" hip 01" gGr2brel rOot. (4) l!lxoeptlons. Tow81'S. sp11"ea, cupolas. ohlmrur,rs. penthouaea. watel' tQllka" tlaGPoles, D1Dnl,m_ts" S08D81'1 lotts. I'adlo IUId tele- vlslon llGrla1a and antennas. tranaJll1ss10D tOW01"s. t11"e towers. and a1m11oJ' at1'l1oturea 8nd necessD!7 CIDohQll1cal appurteDanoes oovel'1Dg not mcaoe flUID ten pel"Oent (10;1) ot tho r,round area oovored b7 the 1':1Il1n at1"wstUl"e ma:r be erooted to a helcht ot not nore thQll one h~1J1d1te4 (100) teet 01" not JIlO1"e than ".,ent:r-tlvo (25) teet above the belcht 11m1t lU"esorlbed b;r the rOgLllat1on8 tCYP the zone 1ft 1th1oh the alte 18 looated. wh1obevel' 18 le88" unloss a ooacUt1oDlll use permit 18 obtained to allar an 1Dorease ln the P1"esol'lbed height. Utllity poles and towrs shall not be subjeot to tbe helsht lim:lts pl'Gsol'lbed 1n the 1I0ne Hgu1atlona. \ ;, -91e- , :1 I I . Ordinance Number . Sec. 1831. It on17 one bul1ding on 4 lot or building site, it oonstitutes Q main building. An:1 building wh1ch 1s the o~ bui1cllng on a lot or bu1lding site 18 Q 11141n build1ng uDless Itlthor1zod bJ a vGl"18nce, or UDlOS8 on the etf'oot1ve date of th1s 01'd1n8Doe a gGl"ac:e bl11ld1ng al1"ead,. existed on suob lot or bui1cl1ng site. Sec. 1034. DeslgD rev1ew. ~ following uses and sta-uotures, regardless of tho cl1sta-10t or Bone 1n wh10h located, shall be sub3eet to desleD rov1ew as presor1bed 1n Seotions 2S03 through 2S11. (1) Publlo bu1ld1nss and grounds. (2) Publio aDd private sohools, oolleges, libraries, I1l't galleries, 8IId ms8W118. (3) Publlo and pr1vate hospitals and other 1nstitut10ns. (4) ChUl"Clhos and other rel1R1ous bu1ldings and g1'oua4s. (S) ClUbs, lod('es, mortuaries, neet1ng halla, and other plaoes of p'.1bllo as.emb:q. (6) Ihlt1ple fam1:q !lSes. (7) Uotela and hotels. (D) , Office bl1Udings. (9) All oo~rcial and 1adustrial uses. (10) Trailer .i.)arks. (U) Park1J2S lots. (12) Public utilities structures and 1nstallations except poles and towers clU'l'J1nC overhead 11nes. -911'- I I I I, . Ordinance Number . . ARTIClE 19. GENERAL PROVISIONS. CONDITIONS ..Ill!) EXOE~I01iS u IlONCONPORr4ING BUIUlINGS AND US'F,s. .; SI3C. 1900. Forego1rlg l'egulatlotlS su.bjeot 'to th.1e Sl't101e. J ~h. ~orQgo~ r-egulatioQtl perta tni71F. t..o the q"era~, SI'l'1t.l/l ,.:,.;a,J~ De $U~jEl6~ to th.:l ~n'l$I"B' f"'Cvj.",,'r. .....~;q ~ .,,,...j e~ception3 oontained in t~~& a~ticle. Sec. 15101. Wonc"ntOl"llI!l1'lg 1'99 Blll\tfol nrr.h9~ ,'ses. , - Wh11~ a nonconfor~lng usa exists on 8~ lot. no addltlona1 use may be establIshed the~eo~. eve~ thOl~h auch addItional use ~~ou~d be a conforming use, unless ~ (:~) ,. \r~'1e1 \l88 1s,..Q.: n9no.Qn1'~11\-1t'lg us~ ,of a l).Qntol'mIng buj.1.(\j ng .0. _" _ ...... . .-. and such. llse has hn~" a term1nstiz\g datfi astabllshoQ by aet"on "f reco'l'd b:r the PlannIng Co:nm1ss1on; 0!'1I . . I . ~.' ....... '. . (2} -Th-e n6rlOontol'riting use be a bUiUdlng or a l1101"e J'eat!-..nt,'I. type than thai' alio\'1ed 1ft 'the' so~e ~ '1~ e1tbc or w~ch c B888 thE! !a'ov1sfons or'th1s seotion shall not apply. It the l'lODCoJl1'orlll1ng bul:l4iing be used tor b.sbltatloa. an;r oonf'o.r,mlng bulld..1ngs on the ltlt shall be so "'laced as to retftlo co:nUl;'4QWl to the residential building the o1.de yarc1s am open . spaces as :requhted 1n Zone R-3. and suoh s ide yards am open . .., .. spaces snall'be 8uoject to the same lfmltattona of uea as govPrT. in the it-3 Zone. " t. ~ . ,."t J. '. , ~. . 'r.~. ., =l... :._... .'" 'Sec. 'i900.' Removdror'n'onconformlng buildings or change '., .." , '. i~ status' or nonooJl1'01"ming UUn ; .", '. '. . -; . l" ~ . It en:; nonooi1f'ormlng buUding is removed. eve1'7 future use . . . - ~. ..;. r . . ./1 . l I to . .' . . . cif"~h" lani on wlilcli 'the building Is located shall conf'arm to tli8 :.. I.:' .. - ,,(. "..,." .. . . , provisions of this oralnanoe.' it a nonconforming use vacstes and Is suri~~ed~dr.i5Y;' anothtm' and more restriotive uses lt 1:s evidenoe tl:Urt .tt(~'''IiElav.'lel'' noiicoi1f'orinlng use wes ended and' thel'eUp021, '." .,':. i ""'!::I1> .,.. I' - ~J;:. ...01 -92... .... ,rr.~:.,1 .,. ,. '.' $'", ',. '1 .;. co :-t.~ I .. .' ". ':-t..' " , " .' ~ ,.~ ~ .... .( ;.~ .r. J! , . I . Ordinance Number . S8O. 1900. (oollt1aued) Il1BDedlatelJ' loee8 aD.7 ve8ted rlght8 a8 8uch. It the 8ubsUtute use 18 !teelt 1l01lO0Df'orm1ag. the degree of IlOllooDtorm1t7 IIIIl7 Dot sUbsequ8IItlJ' be IDOreased b7 chang lag to a le8s r.strloted use. , Seo 0 1903. Provldoll ot th18 artlo le to applJ' to DOIlO oDtorm1l1g use8 and DOllOollf'orm1ag bul141l1gs re8ult111g trea r.olasslt1oatloa. The P!'O...1Blol18 ot thi8 arUole shall app17 to bulldlaga. lands and use8 1IIb.ioh hereatter beo01ll8 Donooat~1IS due to aDJ' reo1a8111tloatlol1 of Bone. UDder tbi8 caodl. D8l10~. It a 128e orlgl- nallJ' autbOr1zed b7 ...arlanoe I&"lor to the .tt8Ot1.... date of th18 ordlll8DOe 18 located vd. thiD a zone lD whioh suoh use 18 not per- mitted b:r the tWlD8 ot thi8 OI'dlll8Do.. 8uoh 128e sball aoquire a I noaooatorm1ag 8tatus. I 880. 1904. BOIIDoAtarm111g use ot land 'lib ell n~ struotare 1_01...ed. Ia 8117 Bona. the DOaoOllf'orm1ag usa of 1&Dd wheralll no struet.... Ie 1_01ved sball be abated w1thi~ 0... 780 trom the , , date tb18 crdlnanoe beaome. 8ffeotlve. and an:r fut;ure U88 of 8uch land 8ball ooatorm to the lll'ov1810118 o,t thl. Ol'dlBallOe. If the nOll,OoDf'orm1ag U8e of land uSAltlDg ~t the time th18 OI'dlDaDOe take8 eftect 18 thereatter dl800.Unued tor Bix (6) , , months or more. aD.7 future use of 8uch laDd 8hall CD atOl'lll to , the 1&"0...1810118 ot thi8 or4lDanoeo j 880. 1905. - BOllOoatorm1ng ~e of a ooatorDj1DS bul141rc 0 A. In Itft" Zo..... ; _ i All aollOoDf'orm1ag use. ot a oont~DS bul14lDS 111 an,. ot the Ita- Zone. 8hall be d1800ntlaued wltb.11l tbree (3) :rears tr_ the date of t0l'lll8.1 notioe to the owner trom the Plal'Ul1ag 00llll188101l, or not later tban tlve (6) :rear. trOlll the date the l&"ov18101lll ot th1a OI'dlDllDoe b80ame applioable to lilo ..sa- I 'I , I . Ordinance Number . See. 1905 (ooQt1.lllled) , B. Ia.C" ZODes. EY817 nollOoDf'OI'III1as lUIe of 8 Co..rarm1as buU41as 1. 8 "0" Zone wb10h Wle Is 1'1.st permitted In 8 leS8 ..."loUve , ' .0118 8hall be oompletelT HII10ved betOl'e the exPS.8UOQ 01' a tea (10) 7e8l' P81"ICll1 .88_8a. trOll tbe date this ardlaanee beoCllll8a appllo8b1e to It. CoIn lilt' ZODea. T!I8 DOIIOontOl'llllas Wle of 8 ooDf'OI'JIIlas bd141DS shall be oomplete17 removed bet...e the ezpll'aUon r4 ate. (10) 7G8l' per104 111888111'8d fl'om tbe date th18 ClIPd1 DIIl10e beeomes appllOa'le to 1t;. Seo. 1906.. BOllOoDf'0I'\II1111 Wle 01' 8 nOllOonform1D1 bu114111B 0 '.r~ nOllOonfOl'mlas Wl8 of a 1i0~0Df'0I'III1Ds bu1141as ..,. be co.tIned and IIIIl7 be exp&u48ci ai- u~a.e4 tJiltOUShout su.oli b\lfM." tag 80 10. .. au.oh noBcODf'oftd.lis buU4111g remall111DOIlOoDfOl.III1Jllh i .' poovl4ed., DO 8ti1'UOtU.a1 alteJoatiou'... lII8l!e ....pt; tboa. l'Gqulre4 b7 law. A nODDoatCll'lll1I1B use 01' a DOaoOllf'OI'IIi1D8 bu1141ng 1II8J' be obauge4 to 8notbel' use at tbe Si\lll8 DI" 1110I'8 lI'8llItI'lotetl o1aaa1float1oa0 880 0 1907. Bequlrecl removal 01' DODOODtOl'llllas baUd 1._ . A. III liB" Z0D881 EYe.,. nOJIDoaf'01'1II1I1B buUdlag In 8DJ' 'of the !tIt' ZOIle_.. e.ept re814enU81 buU41ags. oh1n'ohea al'l4 8ohools. ..hloh DO'" oonfOl'llllag bu1141as waa de8igned 01' l~tellile4 tCllP a Wle notJ" peJ"Ill1tte4 ID the ilK" Zone olD whloh 1t 1. leo8ted. shall be 0__ plete17 removed 01" a lt81"e4 to 'Vu.otul'8lq" a_ora So tbe u.. I .' 2"', ~ . . Jl8I'III1tte4 1D the 1I0ne 1n which' 'tt i. 'lOoateli wnb1n t48 he1"ei. 8pee11'le4 t1me8 UPOD DOUO. tram'the P1annlng 0011IIII188108. wb.lo1a t1llle 18"mea8U1'ed 1"1"018 the date- lJt 'IJOJUIt1Ow.Un... '!It... .... _..n -91- _I I I , " ; , " Ordinance Number . . Sea. 190'7. (COZlUiaued) this period ot ttme be le.8 thaa 1'1". (f) ~..a fIoom tll8 date ot Dot1tloa1l101l b:r tll8 PlaDlllag CClIIIIIll.8108. .All 12884 ill tb18 88Ot'loa. tll8 4e8Sg~t101111 nT;rpe :I: B uU41ag't. D'lJ'pe a Bul1d1I11S". "'l;rpe 8 B u134tqD. D'lJ'pe 4 BuUdlltlf. aid D""1I8 & Bu1141Ds". aN emPlo7ed .. det11l84 lD the alatlDg buU41. GI'd1l1lUlDe. (1) It' ,PI'OP8l't;r 18 occupied bJ' .truotare. of a t;rP8 t_ whloh the ez1at1QS buUd1Dg O1"dlD8DOe doe. Dot 1'8qu1re a buU41ag ., I . per1ll1t" tl"., (5) :re8l'll. (2) ~pa 4 aDd 'lJ'pe 6 B ul1dlDgB (Ught aOlllbuat1b1e fl'ame and wo04 1'1'8_). t0l'107 (40) :rear.. (8) T)'pe 2 01' T)'pe 8 Buildl.. (lI8a97 tSIIlb8l' oOlllltnDUOli aid ~Iaar:r _~b~h' . .. '(al' APaJotmeD~8~"'oti~'.j~'" hote18 or re~td.DOe8 .' . .., .... .. ;. . .... '., "'" ~. , . . . ha"l. '.tore. m.'ottlci'.. t)'8lOW' 'am ajiartlllllDt. or 01'fIo8. " above. t~'tr-fl~. ,lt36"'~~.~' "'" '-::..:.,;,i', " , , '.". . . " I. ,.' ...... .,.... I'\.' . (b) Warehouse'.. '.tCJr88~ '8'arage.. ion;.' ' - th1l'tr"tlve '(36) -tear.~' ... ',':' ':~';,:,;~ ' ,1;.. :', ,', (a) PaOtOrle. aad iid~~1.1; torf;J'-l'lve (45) 7881'8. (4) T;rpe 1 BuWl~.' (t~.. ~'..i.taDi)i , ." (a) Ottlo.. aDd hotel.. tOl't;-tl"e (45) 78-.. . '. .!. .... (b) 'I'heatre.. t1t107 (60) 7e8l'8.' ' (0) WarehoUe." loftli ~ .t01"e." Pl'llg88. tOl'1l;r-t1"e (45) 7ell'll. .; (4) IId\l8tr1al" th1rtr'tl"e (3&) 78".. . .. . . ~ . . B. In "c" Z0II88. " , (1) Re.idential .tl'uat121"e. 'In the a-a Zone .d8tiDg OB the . ',I .tt801I1". date ot thi. 01"d1nalioe shall be aD u:ld8l'ed .. DODOOat..... .. , . &'. . IllS use. but" a8 'suOh.. shall b._ 'jub_3,e~~ ~nIJ: to, t~.. P'O,,1al0B8 ot this O1"dlIiaDlli. wh1ah ppo.1d. that a 'noDOoDft'lll"llllDg build IllS reDlO"~ 01' de.tr07ed .Julli Dot"b~"~p1a,Oe4' b7 :cithel' thaD a ao... tOl'lll1ag bulldll1S.' aDd that the d8gl"~e' ot 'noDOo.torm1t:r 11I87 not be 1DOrea.84 b:r ohallS111S to le.. re.trlated 1"8.1dentisl \1880 ~95'" -I 1 . I ~ . - Ordinance Number . . Seo. 1907 (OOlltf.l!ge4) (2, ) BvGlPf DOlltOOIlfOl'Dl1IlB buUdlOS in a 0 ZOIl0 ob1oh io de81gned tOl" a use th"at permitted in an II Z'01ll8 shall be 0'" pJete17 removed or altered to 00~01'II1 to thOGa Wiles P81"mitt;ed in tM C Zone in wbloh nah buUdillB is looatGlll witbilil tM h81'eila apecified t1mes. upoza notioe trom the PlamaiQ8 C0IIIIII1osioDo whioh tS1Il8s ..8 measU1'G4 from tM date ot oons1a'u8tioB. e.ept in DO ease shall th16J pel'i04 be leas than five (6) 7."" from thla date of sUDh not108 b7 tbs P1ann111S CClIIIIIdS8ion. As usGlll 1n this aeoUOlilo the de.Spat101lO 1O'17P8 1 Bu1141..... .tJP8 2 Build1"'. "tJpe :5 Bu114111S". .~\4 BuUdillg" ad It'17pe 8 B uUdl'- U'8 emplo7e4 IB detiDed 1a tile esiati~ baUddt ~ ~~I1I8~I'" ;;"i.;::', (a) .~~ 'I~~~ ia':\~s.eiied ..ePt fw' s1a'u8tul>eo of a' tJ'P3 tiif. ,diio'ii t;~' ~1;t1iii b~1d1IlS' oio41D811OQ d080 . f: i '. .' .. 'I ". ... 1 ~ .:-. .o'd, 1. . .. .. ".." 'f I~f'" ..' ',.. .. not require a bui141irs .pWtill't." five (6) j-ea1>Cl. '. . ";. . I :-~ 1 . . ;. . . ';;, ,"". . ::". . . ~ '/ . '.. . (b) 'f7PO.;,' .1lll"~"1f SU1141..' C1J8ht ciOmbust1b1e : . ' " tra. .ri4"~ocd' fia~)'. ~t~t;"..(40) Jo~aii. ," ,', . , (0) ~ '2 .'&j; ttlia' 3' Bui141. (h8~ timber ~Ofi)'o . . : 0".,._ i" i " ".:" . . atJoutioa allll ord1iau7 _80m07) a i. A~tiilp ottSI...o hote1a '... 1'8.14ca08s hav111S sto1o~g ~ '''Otf~~8 b81ao 'ami apartment. ClII' otfioes above ~ th1r~ti"~ (35) te8l'.. ~ . ~a1'8~Gi(J. stOre8" gal'ag.." lotts. " ' thil't;,-flve (36) 7881'8. ",, .... . .' 3. Paotwi.a' ami i.ndUStJo1..1o t01"q-t1ve (46) J'fI8I'8. . ': ~ . . -: '. . . . I (d) .'17P8, 1 B :U~2d1~,&i,. (t~e r.sistant~ I 1. . ~tf1oelil' and' .~~81a. :tartr.t~v.. (46) 78.... 2~ T~tJo.8. f'~~ .(I?~) 788l's. . .. ., '.., 3.' W~~~Use~. ~ott.. .tor88. garases. tcilflt7""t1vG (46) '7881"S. , 4 ~ IIll:l ustrlal. thirt;rt1ve (35) 7881'8. , , ...9&a ,I I I . .".- - . Ordinance Number . BGO. 190'7. (oomt11lued) o . In" 'IfF' ZOIllQCl. Ev..., noaoODtOf'lDiDg bu1141D; In the . ZODaS wh1ah is ueed for" 01" d$9ote4 to" aDJ' residential PUPP08es.. hospital (..ept em81'SQIlOJ 1Jo8pitaJcJ). helld" i_tituUa or hOill9 f01" the treatmellt of OOllV'a1eaoaf; pGl1'801lS.. a100h0ll1a... tibQ .0Ulded 01" _lItal~ 1Df'il'm.. 1odg1DSh0U88." 8chools. t:aoai1e?o Wl~ fw humaa habitatioD or tJoaU.er p81'1Io ad vld.oh noa- oollto:f'lll1Jl8 bu!.1411'Jg ... de.Ssned w lntendstl for a 118. Ilotl P81'm1tted in tbe II ZOIle In Vhioh It 1s located, 811811 be oompJate17 removed 01" alt81'ed to struatUl"a1~ coDf'OJ'III to the 118.8 P81'IIIitted In the BOII8 11l .hloh It Is leoated. rith11l the 'hereill speoified time. upon nottoe f'1"0lll tbe P1ann1ag C01lllls:.1!11_~ which timell ue measUl'ecl htom the . . ..' c. ... . date of OOllStruat1ollll Uoept that ill DO 088e sball this P81'i04 of tSma be 1... ttui1i 'five '(8) po" t'rGllIl dato of '", ~ .uah DOtloe. (1) 1ihn. ppo~t:; '~'ua1mpl"OYed, flvlll (6) J'8U'S. (2) . III 'ot1J8l' '..... fiVQ (6) 78.1'8.. ad fOl" 8W1h loilg"r"tsM 88 ,,11.1 jaood':'e a t~tal lite of the 1l111"'9emen from t~ 4ate '~ oon"tru.otio~ to the da'. of abatsmen .. follows I ' (d '.li7pe 4 01' ~ & Bulld1. (Ugh' 1aombust1b1e f'rame arid wood f1oalllO)" meatJ' (20) J'8U'S. , ' (b) '!J'pQ 2: 01' 'l)'pe 3 8uU4111&8 (bM'lPi' tSabel" oo_tzouot101l am ord1DU7 11I880"')" . .. .': twentJ'-tlv. (2&) 78..8. (0) '1'7pe 1 Bu.lldl1'JgG (tho. redstant)" th1rtl7 (30) J'8.ra. ... . ..Sf... ; . . I I ,I . . .' Ordinance Number -. See. 1908. OCJllllllbslon to determine colli1tloDS of abatement. : j .' When aIV' nOBlloaf'OJ'm1J;lS co~lt101l ex1sts 1n anJ' ZOI18, other . than the nODOontormlng use of ~nd where no 8tfaUOtUl'~ 18 Involve4. it shall be the J'espoD8ibl;l1tr of,l1he Plaaa1Dg COIIIIIllaslon, 011 Us own initiative, to fix a date upon wh10h the nOIlOOIIf'Oi'IIllllS ,- ,.. build1ng .U ,8stabli8:be4. ,n shall alse be the J'espoDS1bUitv . . .. . " " ,." .' . . of the PJalllllng OOlllllli8s10n to detE/1'llllDe 'lIhe~, b7 J'eason or . . l. , . . . atJ.OuotUl'al altera~l':l_ of enl4al'&GmIot8, OJ' the 1l18talJat1on of ma3QlO equipment designed 1nto the buii.d"ng P1"iol' to the date this O1'd1nallOe beo0lll88 applloabJe thereto. 1t 18 deemed neoesaarJ' to .atabl1ah a Jat81" date tOJ' abatement than that !Xl'esOJ'ibe4 herelll tOJ' the building Itself' in wd8l' to assUl'G that the 1rlvesb.ent . _ :~,,"~i'~ ::'. ",,""0 'V".~':....... ..... ..~'" ..... I; .~... .". ."', :-; ..... ..' ."." . ." J'epp8.ented 'b7 8Uah struotural a1t81'at~:oft8~ a2aii-gtaJilmit"s' 0lP : ',!.l',' .':-:If ~!o',:,f;l"'C'~':'" ~;\'.. ~'l"'" oL'rll"i~..~f~,":1 ".""1.,l,.:!"'I ~':-I :.1 ..:" ~ ',:0' ':.",. eq,ulpemnt: lft8ta1Jat1oD8 mal' DQ amOnllle4. III pertOzom1I1S th18 .. , . :-'I"'r~ ...~ I"..~ .~,..' ~:....... :..' ,,:" ,:. . " tunotlon the Om-isslon shall OODSld8l' all pft'Unellt date In . . ,~." .';'~.. ,,:.. ,',' '.~:'"'. I~' '~'i...i .'~r ...... .... " .' oODD8aUoD the1"trid th aid JU'ovi4e the OpportUllitJ' tOJ' the 0lIII1ilJ' . " '. . ot ~OI'd, ~ '1e.1SGe it :tihe;,{lie '8U&i'h~ to '1r-'~.~t 8~ "evlcleiice , . . I 0.' .' '. . ..~I '..:- :. . i'l,., . , ., , . all the;r mq p08ses. and"wh1oh ppoPW17"'zie1ate. to 'liuoli ORliIe. ' ... , ~ ~ .... ,I. '.. ' When the date of abatemeDt haa been detQ1tDl1ae4, thGi OClllllliuiolle bJ' J'~801i1t1oa. i~ll ~8tablll1h' nOh d~te' ~Id 8hali '8Gt 'tGl'th nab. faota as be'll1' UpolI tile oa8~' upon' W~h 'tlie d8t..~lD~tion of 8uch ,:, . ., " .. ("'., .... ," '. :'.' . . date of abatemot 111 basd," all.d" sball to'l'IIIa~' notUr 'the owner ot lIuah DOIlllOnf'Wmtug' Pf'oPeiotJ' 'ot 'the aot1~n 'ot th8 001lllll1as1oJl . . ,: ~ ," ' ~ :1' ." .,.. '.': I .' . . b7 mall~ t~ suoh oWn~ a oopt ot thi ,f~l17 adop~d ' , .'. . ;1.. ", J'eaolu.t1OD not lateI' than teJi" (U)) dais t~l1a.lnS: the' 'd':'8 of .. . . ,. ':. .', . ~' . : ' ': ... "':. . . '. ' .' . sub3eot aatloD bJ' the PJanni. COIIIIIllSslOn. ' " - '. ' . '. ' , ':.'. seo 0 1909. R~oll8truotlon' O/~IID'~~orm1nB b~ild1is partla1~ :de8t.~'i .: ,', ' ',' .., "; . '. ." .: ~ , A'Donoonf'arlQ1l'1g bul1d1J:ig 48.tr07e4' t~ t~ ext~J11i ot 'not IIION than tUtJ' (5qC) P81' oent -'ot 1ts valwa 'at 'th"-t1me 'ot'1t8deatruo- . . : ' .., t1Q..II,.bl. 111"8. aplo8i~ 'Or otbeJ' oasultoJ' 'OJ' Jat ot God, as" the .,9&=0 " = . J I ,I = . . Ordinance Number . Seo. 1909. (oolltluued) pab11c enelV, 11I81' be restored aDd tbe oaoupaQOJ' 01' WI. of sUGh ' bul1d1llg 01' putt thereof whioh existed at the time ot such PII1'tlia1 destJouct1011 11I87 be OODt1raued subject to all other Pl"OV1810118 of th18 arUo18. 8eo. 1910. Hoasoat'01'mlng bui1dillga aid uses mq Dot be elllarged. 01" struotura1:q altered. Bo Zloraoont01'llli11S building 11I81' b. GIIllarged 01" struotural:q altered. D01" nOllOoatormlng Wle expanded UIlles. such anJargemcmt or stJouatural alteratioll or expa1l8101l I118kes the bul1dIDg or uae ooDf'01"III1ll8J proovlded, however, where a bulldlng O!' 1I1Udi., and . . ., .~ ':' '", owitOll1llrY aoo..sOl'7 bU11dll'2gs are nOllOoatormlng on:q b;r rea80& of '.','''' ., - -...,. ";. . . . " ~ subst~DdU4 ;ra1'ds Or OPeD spaou. the ppovls1ollll or this O1:'41*noe . ' , pro6h1b1tlng .~uotU1'al altl!ll"atloll8' ~'''elliarg~mellt8 .hall lID' ~ppi;r. ", ~o;;ld84 that 'an7' s ~uot~ai < alter~tlo~ '01' all 8z1liU11S build!. .1i811 IIDt boreas. the degree at DOraoolllf'on1ti7 of ;ral'da 01" open spaoes, and azq enla1os6lllents shall observe the J'fiJ'ds aEld open spaoes rQqus.1oe4 oD .UGh'lot." " ~. .', 860. 1911. PubIs;, util1ti aemptlolllil. . - " The foregol. P1"ovl810118 at this artlo18 coneel-nlng the , required removal ot nOllOoratOl"llling buUdlugs aad u... aD1 the 1'800DStruot1OD ~t DOIlOODf'01"JIIlng buildings parUal1l' destro1'e4, . ' shall DOt app:q to publlo ut11itJ ,1tuilcUqe and atJouoturea l .: _ . , . . . '. . when such buU.dlngs and struot~e. p~talD dlr'"'t1l' to ,the 1'ell481'- lDg at the aervlo~ ~ dlatribut1oll,! such aa P~8I' generating plaZlts aDd electrloal d1atrlbut1ol1 8ubatat1oDBJ water ..118 and lJWIlllII J g8ll atorage, metering aEld valve ooatrol atatloa. B_ ahall an;rthlDg in ~b1a ll1'tio1e be oOllStrued or applled. 80 as to rrevent the exp&llSloft, moderllisatioll 01' repJaoemellt of .U8h -99- A .. I I . . . . I A : . Ordinance Number . . 8GOo 1911. (ooat1!alell) . public ut1l1tJ' bullcUDgl!lo struotures" equipmeat and fftatllll'es aB are used dlreotly for the del1v81'7 of. or dlstributioD of /I the servioe, Ill"ovided the lll"ovialona of this SeGtioD sball Dot exempt from the lll"ov1s10DB OOV8l"ina noDOolll1'OI'III1~ of such buUdlDgs" struotllll'es, or uses aa do not; immediate17 I'elate to the direot; servioe to oonaumerso such as warehouses, storage 7ards and the like.. 880. 1912. Removal of aoo88sOI"7 buildiDgs ad etruotureo _berG no mai.. buildiDg aiets. Where a nODOolit'ormiag use has no _in bui1diag as defined bj-. thia Ordinanoe" but bas buUdi:ogs and structures aooe.sOl'7 to the maiD use. whioh structures are of a tJ'pe required b7 latJ'to seI'Ve the main use. such as trailer parGo trailer oourts ad trailer oampa 0 then such nOIiilCOIIi'~Dg use all4 such bui1diags all4 struotures shell be oomplete17 removed or altered to ooDf'orm to thollle useD pemittell 1n thlil BOaG in 1ihloh thGl pi"opertJ' is located before the expiPatlon of. a tea (10) 78- pai>104 meSllUI'6li floom the date this OrdiDllD08 bGOollles applicable to ito -1QO=. -I I I " . Ordinance Number . , ARTICIB 20. VABIAJIO]CS AND CORD~IOBAL USE PRRPIl1'!S See. 1000. When $li'UtSoQl d1f'tioulUea, ullDeoellls8f7 ~Plll 0lP "suIts inooJlBisteat with tbe SGnwa! papposo of thie o1'dlr1SDOQ I'esult tbi'oush the strict all4 literal intQl'pi"eutiOJl ad IIDfClf'OQII1QD~ of the lll"ovialoDS hereof 0 the Planning 0........'1.-81018 shaD. bave thB authoritJ'. aa an allmln18tratlve aoto sub3GOt t;o tbs prov1ll10DS of this article, to graDt upon such ool'l41tioJlB aa it -7 determine, such varlaaoe from the lll"ovisioDS of this Ol'dlDllDoe aa m&7 be 1. bal'lDOlV' with its S8Del'al PlIl"PDse and iDtent. ao that the spirit of th1a ordlDllaoe shall be obs8l'Ved. public safeq. am ve1f8l'e secured aid snbstalltial JusUOGil dOIlQ. . . . . l!.( "il t ~... _ . ", " Seo. 20010. Pul>poae of variaJllt8 . '.' ....":" :."':.... .:: . "oj .... ,!:. . 'l'b8 sole pul'pose ot all7 vvialloe shell be to lll"8Vent dIsol'lm1DB.... .... . ~ .' .' .. . \tOB, aD! no varia DiG . shall be grailt8d which would !lave the eftGOt ot pantlDs a special .iZ-ivii.ese .not .8~ b7' othW Pi'OPart7 ill tho' . I .. 'l" . ".. .., . same vI01nlt;i aad lIone~ lll"cw1ded that.a VaPianoe -7 be panted permittiag the tiem~8.y. e8t~l)11~~t of .uses 11804I8S811 b7 real3of:\ . " .J Of publiC elllergenoles .01". lIeed 01' to Permit. tl18 pel'lllallGllt 8ll1tabl1ob:> ~ . . ment of' a use essQDt1al tor n80eSB/llT sePtrloe to tile publio it such a8e 18 f'oul'l4 to be not incOmpatible to tbe o18.as.s of use P8I'JIIitte4 in the llilll&. See. 200!l! Require4 sboW111S8 frill Val"ial1098. ..' . 0: B etore aIV' v8l'ianoe m87 ~e sranted. It shall be shownl .. '. . ~ . . . ~ . (1) Tbat there are exoeptlonal Dr' extl'a01'dli1a1'7 o11"OWIP . . . stanoes or oomi11;I0118 applloa'~le to t~ prOP81"t7 Dr' to the Intended US8 tbat do not app17 gen81"ally to the other 1ll"0:P81'ti7 or olass of use In the same vloinitJ: ~114 lI~ne. . .. (2) That such val'ianoe Is neoess81'7 tor the lll"eservatlol1 and en3D7DieDt of a substantIal Pl'Opert7 risht possessed b7 othQJ.O prO=' pe.q- 1n the same v101i.t1t7 and ~De but whioh Is denied to tm; proparq. ID question. -101- -I I ........ I, . Ordinance Nurnb~r . ' Sea.. 20OB. (continued) (3) '1'ba' the grantiDg of such v8l'1al1Oe will not.be _t..la11)" detrimental to the public "e11'8I'e or InjUl'loua to the pi"operq. or Improvement In such v1oin1t7 aDd zone 1n wh1ah the pi"optl'Q' Sa ' .looated. (4) That; the granUag of such varlaaoe w111 not allv....:q affeot t~e comlll"elulDslve g.neral plan.. Sec. 2003. Planning 0Ollllll1881oD -7 grant coDditlonal use pen1ta. '!'he PlanniDS OODlD1sa1oD ma7 grant a ooDd1tloaal u. p8l'm1t; UpoD applioatlon fw such _ttera as br' this ordlnal1Oe are requil'ed to b. . 1" revlew.d aDd allowei:!' ci~1:i".u.poD the granting of a ooll41tloDlll us. permit; 0 ',. ~ . _.\ - , . See. 2004. Purpo.. of oODUtloDlll wi. permit;. '!'he PlII'POs. of a ooDdltioDlll us. permit sball bea . . . . .. I _. .' .. (1) '1'0. asslirit 'Jul' the d.... of oc:iaPat;ib111ti7 made the plJI'pose of thi. O1'dlnanoe sb.8.1i b. mall1talD811 with respeot '0 the partiou1al' us. on the pal'Uoulal' sUe aDd la oona1d8l'atl0ll of othel' ezlsUDS and potential use. 111 thin the general area In which auob. use Is Ill"Dposed to be loaated. aDil. (2) '1'0 reooSDlIIe aDd ocinpenaate fol' varlat1oQ8 and degre. . . of teohnolos.1oal Pl"ooeS8.~ and equipment aa related to the faotor, of noise. smoke. dust. tume.~ vibration. odors aDd hasaRe. .. pubUo Deed.. Sec It 2006. lIot100 aDd heariag OD applloatlOD f_ ...is._, or CD II4i tioaal use permi'lt Upoa the fil1ag of aD applioatloD for a variaaoe 01' coDdlt1onal \lB. permit bJ' a propeq. 0WDer0 or bJ' a lft.e.. w1flh the oonan' of the ownerso whioh applloatlon seta forth full)" the sroUllds foro aid ..;~.-'."" -102- I I I . 4itdinance Number see 0 2005. (ooDt1Buet1) the f'aote deemed to justifY the granting of' the variance of the oordlt1onal use permit, the Planning Comm!.ssion shall give publio notio.. as Pl"ovSded In Al'tlo1e 22. of the intentioD to 00118141/11" at a publio hearing tbe granting of fiI v&l'lan08 01' , ooDiltional USe permito Sec. 2006. Planning Oomrn1ss1on shall announce tiDilrJgs and decls10D b.r resolution. Not more than tor'riy (40) calendar days following tbe terminatioa of the pi"ooeedlngs of the publio hearing on a va1"la"20e or oondltional 1288 pel'llllt. the PlannlQ15 Comm1ss10D shell announce its fllt'.inga by forms. 1 1"8e 0 lutiono atld sal4 resolutioD shalll"E1clte. among ether things. the taots aid reasons whioh, in the oplnloD of the Planning Oomm1as1of.l. make tbe gl'aat1~ or denial of the varianoe of' oon" d~t1onal use permit Deeessa1'7 to oal'r7 out the iW.ov1s1oDS and general purpose of this Ol"d1nanoep and shall o1'dsl" that the 'AI'S&.e it.:' :';J.t.'llUoilal use permi.t. be g1"llntell or deDiell and it suoh r8.0- lution O'.l'C'1ers that the val'lanoe 01" oolldi tional use permit be grantellv 1t sheU a180 reolte such oom!.tlo_ andlimitatiou 88 the OOJIlIUsslof.l ma7 impose. ...103.. I I I . Ordinance Number . Seo. 20080 Uotloe of deola10D of the Plazmine CO!:lllI1sslon Not later thGD ten (10) oalendar dOJs to11ow1ng the renderlft6 of a do0181on ordering that a vlU'1onoe or condlt10nal 1180 po1".Cl1t be sr~tod at" denied. a COW of tho resolutioD shall bo r.1811ed to the applicant at tbe address shown on the applioation filed with the P1aanlns C0III:I188ion and to ~ otber person requestins a 001'7. Seo. 20090 Effeotive date ~t or4.. grt1DtiDg 01' deD71ng vG1'lanoe at" oondi tional use permit. tlJ:1e for appeal. The order of the Plaanlna CorJCd.ss1on in granting or derq1nB a varlanoe or oonditional use permit shall become final end efteotive tea (10) oalendCl1' dG,fa after date of notifioation to applioant ~LUlt- iDS or d8Dl'iDS the vlU'lanoe 01' oondltional use permit unless Within s'.1ch ten (10) oalendG1' day ~rlod an appeal 1n writing is fllod with the Clt)' Counoil b7 elth.. an applicant or l1Q interested part)'o The tll1n~ of such appeal within such timo l1..'"11t shall stq the etteotive date of tho ol'der of the PlGnninz Commisalon until such time as tbe 01t7 Council has aoted OD the appeal as heroattor set forth In this Orc1lnaace. Seo. 2010. ':rranll1ll1a&101l of Plarmlne COJIIIll1ss1on's record to the C 11:7 Council . Upon I'ecelpt of a wrl~ten appeal filed with the Clq. Council b7 the applioant or other 1nt..ested partJ', 88 provIded in th1s qUole, the Cl..k of tba Olt7 Council &hit" advise the Seoretat'J' of the P11Iftn'lnc OO'"IlIhalatl who shall transmit to said Clerk of the CltJ' Council the pttlnn1.ag COJIIIld.lIsion's cClIIIPlete record of the oase. -104- -I -I .,1 . Ordinance Number . sea. 2011. 01"" oouaol1 to ho14 publlo heal"lns 012 appeal. WlthiD not to eso.ell tortJ' (40) oa18=&I' da7s following tbe J!8odpt of the written appeal fl'om the deois1oD of the Plannlns Comma~iOD. the CitJ' COUII.Oil shall oomuct a dulJ' adv8I'tised publ10 heal'lns. public notloe ot whioh sball be given as provided In Artio Ie 29 ot this OralDllDoe. See. 2018,. .IlI1vlftlse deoidon by C01U1Oil to be l'efGl"l"ed to PlaftDlng OommissiOll. U the City Council proposes an aotion that is in any "fIa'1 00.. Va1'7 to the 1'8oommenda1:101Y of the p,.",.,4111 COJllll188iOll. it shan rete its fiDiiDgs to the Plannlns COIIlII118s10D alld I'equest a lurtheJt report of the Plannins Commission on the matt81"A Failure of the PlaDning Commission to report to the C1t7 C0IU'J811 1d thiD t01"t7 (40) oa18ldal' da,.s aft8l" ret8l"enoe 11I87 be deemed to be sPlll"oval bJ' th8 PlIlrmiDg Comm18oiom of srq 1I1"opoaed ohanseQ See.2013. COUDOll to announce flndlDgs am deoisloD b7 - reao lut!.on. '1'he 01t)' COUDOU shall announce its findings and 4eola1on b7 t'01"1lIllll'esolutioll not mOl'e then fortJ' (40) da1endar days rollo"ins the t8l"mination of p'oooedlngs of the hoarins. or upon reoe1p' of a report from the Planning C01IIIll1salon when a matt.. bas been referred baok to the PJann1ag Commission, am said resolution sball rec1te. among other thiDgs. the faots ard reasons whioh. lD the oplnlol1 of the City- Council. makes tbe pantlns or denial of the variance op oonditional use pe1"mlt neoessal'7 to o81!'r7 out the geneh1 purpose ot this ordinanoe and shall 01'd81' that the Val'laDDS or oordltloDlll use permit be sranted 01' denied or modified, sub3ect to such 0011- ditto_ op 11m1tatlona that it maJ' impose 0 ..105c I. I I' . Ordinance Number . Seo. 20lqo Deo18ion of the CitJ Council shrill be fl~al!'. The ao1;1on b7 the CitJ Counoil on the applioation tor . . vU'lanoe 011. oOD<11tlou.o1 use pormit shall be b7 a majoritJ' vote of the ent1l'e ~mbGl'sh1p of the Cltr Council and shall be tiDal and cono.1uaS.vo, Soo.. 20150 1l0tloe of doolslon of Cl1i7 Counoll. llot lator thGD ten (10) oalendar daJs following the adoptions of a resolution ordering that a variance of condltionol uoe permit be (!1'anted or d8l11edll a oon of said resolution shall bo mailed to the appllOGnt 8Dd to IUl7 other paJOt1es requesting notloe of the action. 8I1d one con shall be attaohed to the P1anninB COIlE1ss10nts fU. of tbs case cd .aid file returned to thG P1anning Corms.lon for pel"1'J8D8nt f11:ltrB. dlo6- -I I I . Ordinance Number . A'R'l'ICm 21. AMENDMEN'l'So UNCLASSIFIED USE PERMITS Am) PRECISE PLAmS. Seo. 2100. Ol-di.lUU1DGil DIa7 be>> ameJii6110 WheIl"QI' publlo DGOells1t7. oOllVenlQDoG all4 genel'Sl tVe!Bt!llPO I'eqube 0 tho boWid8l"le!3 of the mODes Glstablished by this ~lllflnoQ). . tbe o1allls1fioaUon of thlil lll"opsr1:7 uses thel'elD. or otbel' lll"ovluloDIJ of imls Ordil2l1noo I!I8J' be amendGll as follows: (1). By amending the .,nlng map. (2). B7 !l'antlDS an U= lass1tled use permit. un. B7 alloptloD of a I11te pleD, (4). By 1"erviall.1Ig t~ ta:~ ot the O1'lUDaue. SIllO. 8]1.01. Inll.t1.at1bll of amendment. - , AmenllmoJ1ts of this O1'dinaaoCil III8J' be initiated b71 (1) Tha verU'iGd applloatloll of ODe OX' more O\1ners of PJ'OP8l"t:v '\7hich 18 Ill"oposed to be chaaged or l'8ftlllas1nedB (2) BJ' th-a adoption of a motion by the 01t7 OOUlllll1ll"&quGstiag tho Planning OOllllll18aiolZl to set a matt0l' fOX' htDaI'lDS and reoollllll9lUlatiOQB or" (3) By acloptioa of Q. mof)ioa by tbQ PJarming CoDllDisololl, SlDO. 211.02. Appl1oatioD fOi' 8Endlllent.. WhsnElv4i'1" the ownw of any land OX' building dedrss all ameD4-. meno Bupplemsnt to 01' ohange of the regulaUons pi"G8oribed fOX' hilll pi'OpEll'~. Oll'desirCls aPPi'oval of a lfi"eoi&e plan. he shall fUa wlim t~ PlaDniDS 00llllll1ss10n all applioaUoll therei'OI'" verified by h1mo SGo.2103. 0-4"81013 to hol4 heBl'iUS 011 ameadmeDta alll! P1"Goll.oe plalEl 0 Upoa filing of a v8.U'ied applioatioll tOl' aa amenlllDElDt or ffJll' aplll"oval of a pi'eolse plano 01' upon the adoption of a motion by the Oit)- Oounoli 01' tm PlarmiDg Co~~s101ll0 tho Plarmlns COIIIIII1ss1on shall hol4 01lG publlo h881'1ng '!~l3oa &8 l"G9qu1l'ed by Chapter 3, Title '1 of the Government Oodoo oODllllOn~ known as ths OODBli9I'Vatlon and Planning Act of the state of California for the adoption of Oi' , amendments to PL"eo1se plana. atti1. notloe of such hearing shall be ..10'1.. -I 1 I . Ordinance Number . El-ao 0 2' ~tlli. (eoQ'G iZU!!l4) -- ...-.. g~,ven an p.o;rv:tC,sii. 111 A?tioJs 22. of th1s Ol'dilQBIWe. See. 2:~. Comrn:l3s101l to hohi heBl'S.ngs Oil uno1aaa1fS.ea. UIICI Narm1to. UPOIll !:ill, fiUug of B v8I'ifiecl applioation tor aD uno1ass1fied usa pwm1t,. t~ Plal\D1DS Oomm1lllSiOD shall hoJd 0D8 heal'lng thereoD" ellC. not:loe f1;t' gnah hefl1"iag shall be siven as ppovSdd lD Al'tiole sa of this Ord:. :aarlle " t~eo 0 ~t: t)!~" .--...,....... 'Uau 'fol? h3ll1"i1t3 0 l~bQ h~1 ,.t~g for III 11m:llnl!lusDt to the 1.aun UfJ9 plal1 herabi E(J;c;,t9.ah.ec\ ~~I' II ~'Il,1:Jl) phn 01" an ur.:olaoDlf~d US9 llermi.t sn.:l:.;. ~Q t.G l.:l ;'7 i:n 1': B~.tH CI)mm~.1Sioz ant latoJ.' than t,l"!;j" (40] ()Gllon~.."lr. dS.11i .~oJ.:LG'i~ ;'P.'! i:l& f r':Ung of an app11oatioli1 f'ol' SUM sUll!I;Q(1mem. U'I.11a~o!lS.:~i(11 .r.a,' perue,; Or.' xvaoise plan, W i;M -paSSBg'!l at F.. motifl!' of 11l/;GI1~llCll, :J'j th.o P:.\1l":l1ng CcnnmiuB10n ~ thcl Os.tl7 CO'JmU. SI!:Oo 2: 1)(:. . CClriil',Sr.SOQ to announoo f'irt:illg:!lo .---- .. .-.... ~he P], Irt.:LCll! ~Olf.lIl'.Sl!l!.on shall annO\tmJo f.t.s :f'1!l1l1X1l~O: b:V. fO:i.'lllP.l, r! IclulliollB IIJ'J lIer:e tlu..n J."wty (40) oalemll11" Clays folll)ll1 ng tho h! li'5l.1\li. ar.~ :1l11d 1'68::. Lution shall raoite. e:lDor;g ot:ller th1Ii.g8. tilt) :flIJ~HiI llIntI l'f tl!:Jor.a .ilJI15ch. s'n thai op1DiOQ of the Comm:lSII~.Ol:l. ma:!i:9 thfl 1!I1l;%'o....L,1 or ~.~rnl.13L of ';lIe mppU."ation fOE' t:::1> 8m~!l4m&nli. preau0 plotll 0:1' \\i1O hils 1 f Lsd tL e pam"'';; ne3es88.17 tc 0 al'17 out tb'll ganersl PU::>P0l31l1 (If , h9.1l O:!'l3.1nenoe;> an:! sbaU reoommE':nd. the adoption ot thG llltlmdmElDt. 1 ?('O Js. pJl.r.n Ol!' urlClass1i'1ed use permit b7 t:hIJ Oit7 'Jmimll. or (t.e:37 the f:lp:;J11ostioa. " 2. '," ~60o ./.... I t ._._~ -- ...... :1-;lI;!lo't of Cot:lllsaioll's deaision when 1tpj;a'~1!lg. f,'tSII ti 1 (j JII!.'alSlsic;,sua aG~~on 18 110 I'llIOOJtllll$ad thta adoption 01' th\, :melldmetl, I)l:' .tha I':I)pr?va2. of the Ill"eoiaa plan OlL" EIIl uulassU'1.4 UfJ(l p€rld~o the :: )J1IlIll.ar~on sbl::.:!.l. u~th1n ten (10) 01\1&r.:181" daY's f'1"O"1l tilf' date of luah ao'/l"i.3f' nCl'l;1fJ' t~ applicant by fOl'C'l1i"c:'I:1.ng 8 ooP3' "".0&- .1 I I . 4irdinance Number Seo, 2 107 . . ...~ (cont1mutt!.) of' the resolution to the appl!oant at the [l.ddr-BSB shown upon the app.i:wat1oa. and shall forward to the .Cllt~. .1'.)llpoi 1 e. w py or cai<l resolution. together with the OClll1plettt fi tel 1n the case, Sea. 2108. 1I0tloe of deoision ot Oommission when d"n,.H~g the applioation. When the aotion of the CClllllds810n Is to deny an appU,c&tJ,un., the cQllllllhs10n shall, 1d. thin ten (10) calendar days from tha ~::itl'! of suoh aotlon, not1f7 the app110ant by f'ol'lra1'diDS a CD W ot the reS()<D lutiOJl to the aMress shown upon the applicat1ono ~~~.ii89: - f t " o~i!~laotlon shall be final when den.r:i11g '!.... t4~, 'r"A~..t.'1;U(1:S a9pi:!oaU~~~"~~ 1-. '..... ,",~,.,. ,A ~"':8.otiOD~ot~I~~ Plarin1Dg'!.c.18~iOD in':d:eoylng an llP911catlor; tem an amendment or an, \ino~ss1f1'e;d4Wie .P~i:...1l11i;. or' to d'!lIW :.\]:.".rovnl ot a pi"ee1ae plallo shall be tlnal and cone 1uaive unlEII!lS. \f1tbin ten 0> . (10) oalerdal' da78 tollo.iDS the datls or. n01;jf'ioJr. tiM! to app Vi!l;1nt b7 the PlannlDS OommlssloD aD appeal in wr1.ti~ l.a 1'11eo "'1:th thfi 01tl7 CoaD11. . .:. t . . .i I~' N ~ ~ l' t, : ': ,eo.81Ai. lfI'aD8D11esloD of e.....,rilo.Qfa 'i"80ol'd to 01tJ' Counol1. Upon receipt; of a ftitten appeal 1"11114 \\'l th the Cli;J Counol1 by . ~ .' .-.... .. .,.... - .... ."..., t~ app110ant - or an oppouent a.a piovJd.ed in th1e1 " i:zwiH:'tie ~ 'iJiie (llerk . '... '. .~ .... _ .:-.... ." :;. . 3' '-. . '. '. . of the c1tly COWlO 11 sball advise the SecretU'J' of the Plann1ns Oommtsa1011 who ~~.li ~tHD8m1t to 8~td! Ci~k '~'~f ~'ti~ 1~ft'i~~~~~~i~t1J ' PlaDDins CQllllllbsion's oomp1et"reci~~."Bt "tb{cfasa! "t.,;.l".hr-.? ~<:,';;["".: t<.. . ");~i:! "l;"~.., '.t"'71-.(V\~ .:,,':~1if"-\ ":'1.t"'_~.;rJ t... . ,., . ~. I..V.... "l. :~IJl{.~ ......,... ........~.~: ~~. ...... SGO. 8111. Citl7 OowtOll.to hOld public hearlD8' o'Ji . a-f...10D'S r~o~~l!\t1o.~...on .1Ili~~me~tq" ,'". pi"ec1se plana am.'uno1Ass1f19d Use .perml1$s; .. am1 on appeals 0 .' .' .,.,; . .' '-. '., Wlth1D uot '0 GOee4 fGf't7 (40) edend8l' days folltowUtg xoeoeipt of the "solution .f1tom the PJaDlliDg O~~~~.\9~ :r~o..~,el?:~1:og t:ho ...109- - ~... J '..1 ::. -I I I . Ordinance Number . S80.. 2111. (oOlltiale1l) alloptloQ of the amendm8l'lt OJ" lll"eo18e plan. ClII." the srantiDS of the W1D1essUle4 1188 permlt.ClII." the flliDS of . 1II'itten appeal from an orllGl' ot the comm1aeiofl deJV'iIlS aD appUllatioll fClll." aQ amelldment or . uaola8dfled use perlil1t 01' disappronDg a pno1se plan. 88 P1'ov1de4 ID this articleo the OitJ' cotmOll slJaU Ill) duot a du:Qr allVClt'Used publlo heU'lng on the mattGl'. public Qot1ae of whSah shall be given 88 lll"ovldecl. iQ ArtlO18 sa. -. Seo. 2132. Adverse J60ialO1l to be reterrell to the Planning O............ioL1. If tbe 01ty ODWlDl.1 proPoses an aotion that is lD allJ' 'r.117 oOlltrlll'J' to tbs l'soDmmel1l'latlol11 of the Plazmlas COIIID1aslCbll. it shell" betm;oe tinal aotion Is takeQ rete its tlll41Dgs to tlle P~::m1DS ~0IllDi8s1oD on the mattel'. Pailure of the P:JaIUl1ag O-tJlI8~on to report to the Oi1:7. 00UDl'll11i th1rl fOl't7 (40) oaleld8l' 118J'8 att.. . . l'eflA"enoe ma7 be deemed to bID approval bV the Plannlas OommlD81oll of BIV' PI'Opoascl oha.e. aGIO 0 8113. 01q. (l ou:oU to QnDOUllOe flll4illSB aid . ll$Ols10a b1 l'esolDtloll. The CltJ' COU8Ill llball armoUIICCil its flDdblss ad decision b;r fClli"Jll8ll'8s01ution DOt IIIOI'Q tbaD fOl'ty (40) oa18l1481" dGNB followiDS the t..miDlltioD ot srooeediqs. of the heariDS. or frOlll reofJ. pt of the 1'&pGl't 1\0011I the PlannlDS OOlllDiea1on 17bsID a matte bas beoQ refll1'l"8Ii beok to.the P1a.rinins o..,;""fasiollo ell said resolution l!!haU l'GoltC'iil. smoag otlJm.o tM... the faotS ard I'sssona wh1oh. In the opiaioQ of the CitJ' Cowzoilo make the apppcwal ClII." denisl of. ';he app11oaUoII tor tlle wm1la8aifled use permit or l'eDOIIIDeJdatloD to. the ."'9'Y\ment or lll"Gil0188 p1an 11808S8&17 to oBl"l',9' out the Sfteral pul'pose ot this ~lWlo. 0 -110.. -I 1 .1 . ~..'-' -"-'. . Ordinance Number . " . . / .- S8a~ 2W. Decision of the Clq. CcullOl1 "ball be f1zUll. Tbe BoUon b7 the C1t7 counD11 CD the appl1eation to!' amend- ment. pl'edse plan or unolasa1f'led use permit shaU be by a mnjOl"!.tJ vote of the ontire membership of the Clt7 COWlDl1 and shall bel final and oOllOlud.ve. Seo. 2115. lotfc. of deo181011 of C1t7 Oo\UlOll. Bot later tban ten (10) oalendar dll78 following the adoption b7 the Clt7 Counoll of a resolution OI'dC!ll."lng an amendment to this o1'd1nanoe. the appl'Oval of a preo1s8 plan, the 8I'Ilntl!18 of an una1a.8s1fled use perom1t. or dGn71ng an applS.oation or recO'IIlll!ent!Elt1on tor an amendment. l2'80188 plan 01' uDolaa81fle4 use permit. one cow of such reeolution shan bo forwardell to. the applloQnt at the address shoWn upon the appl1oation. and one ooPJ' shall be attad18d to the file in the 08.8 and the oomplete file I'sturn8d to the Planning 0omm1ss10n for pel'lllanent fl11Dg. ....- ...111- "~ I I I .... ~ . Ordinance Number . AR'tIOm S2. 1'Il00!5l./DRB. JIIURIllG8. JlO'1'IOBS ABD PDB 8eo . 1200. OOJllllliEls1 OD aha 11 JIIL'OBol'lbG fOf'lll of a ppl10atl OD b1BDkB aDll t7pe of I'Gquired iDf'ClIfDIat;lbDo TIul PJarm'l. OOllllll1eeloD shall pr:eacl'lbe the forlll lD wh1cIb. - ..' applioat10Q8 are made for OhallS88 ill 1I01l8 bOUJl401'1ea ClZ' claDd"" . tloaUoDl 0 tw P1"GOSsQ ploaa, ClIlI' fOl' vU9!AllOes, ooDlliUObBl USO peI'III1ts or 'imolaSsUled Wile peNlte. It IIIB'1 Jli'8Jl8I'G azd ~ri4o blaDks for eUGh Pdl"POS8 azd mtq PH80ribs the tJ'PO of lnf'GlP.lIiIltiOD to be lll"oVs4ed in the application b7 the applloant. Bo applicatioD shall b. aooepted uless it oomplies wJ. tli such l"equ1remell. ta 0 .. Sec. 2201~ aoeptabllit)> of 81Snatmoea OD appl58aUoDS. If 8!a_tixNs of .Per80DS' ~tblill' thaD the cnmers of P'O~.I1tJ , . . mak1Dg the applioation De requir&4 01' otfwed in sUppeD't ofp OJ' in opposition" to, aD appl28aUon,' 't~ 11I87 be l"eoGl"Gcl as .,,140_8 of 110t1o. tJsvlas baen served Rpolll them of tbel ,Gdll11 QppliOci.t:l~ZlD Ol' 88 Gl\'1damOQ of theili' opiDiOll on the peDd:llll issueD bUt thOJ ellaU in DO. o..e iatJ>1nSQ UJIOIIl the how Q2.C'818Q of tblil pcllIifGl'. vested ill the Cl'q of 8eal BeaGb. as l'ePE'8'8Dted b~ the P1armlDs C01IIIIliasioll aid the Oifl7 0oa.uo11. Sea. aaae 0 ApplioatioDS a pa1"t of pel'IIlaDent 1'800r4 0 AppUaatioDS filed paNU8nt to th1a O1'dlD8Z1llG 8hall be rnmabwed oonseout1ve2J' in the o1'llGill' of thell" f11111S. and shaU become a puot of the peJ'lIIaneDt offloiall'eo0l'Cl8 of the PlaDDins OoudaB1on. aml , ..': '.., ......... th8l'e 8hall be at_heel. thQllGt.o ad 1Mi1'UlUlelltJ;r filed ,t~41~ oople. of all notioes ard aotioDS W1th owtltloates aDS atf1da"its of post1ag. lllail1ns w JUbUeatioDS thftoete. -122- . ( Ordinance Number . . Seo.. 2203,.0 PUlng Feoso !l'he foUow1Ag feos sh81l be "aid upon the tUing or Gn7 appl1oatlon8 .- (1) ReolassifioatlOD, ~ndment or preolse plan 0100.00 I (2) UDolass1fled USe per.mit So 000 (3) V..lance 4.0.00 (II.) Oond1tlon8l uso permit ,$0000 (S) hoes""'. - Prooeell1ngs In ear respoot with reference to I I the initial adoptlOD or a prezoning map shall involve DO fiUas. Arq modification at a prelloDins mop initiated b7 othlllr thaa the CltJ' subsequent to tho initial adoption of such map shall be sub3ect to 4 tiling ree of 100.00 (6) Appeal 10.00 ~ 8000 229JLo Satt1ng ot heelags. AU proposals tCII 8m8ndl.as sono boundaries or claas1flcat10DS of ~oPU't7 uses 'within such ZODOS" or unclassified use permts, preoise plllna as tbq are defined b7 this ord~ance" 01' the oonsldors.. tiOD of conditional use permits sa provided In this ord1nnnco, or vulllaoes shall be set b7 the Secretl1l'J' of the P11l"""~ OOt1m1as1on tOI' pubU,o he81'inB wen such hearings 8X'e to be held betore the PlADDlD8 CO""IMS,sss.OD, and b)" tbe Clerk of the Clt7 Counoil tor hell1'- 1Dp to be held betore the CltJ' CotUlOil. !rhe date 01' tho bearings 8hall ~e not less than ten (10) oalendar dllJs DOX' JII01"e thall for~ (4.0) oanlende d87s floom tho t!me 01' t1Uns 01' suoh vorified appl1oaUon or the adopt1OD 01' such rosolutlon or the making 01' a motlODo Seo. 220~. Notioes. I'Sotice 01' t1me and place of public houlDg8 sholl be civen in the following lDIU2Der. (1) !lotioe of GlII publ1c heor1ng upon a proposed aoondmGnt to this ar41nDnoe. 01:' to the map which is a pll1't 01' this ordinance /I 01' a prfo1se plan, or lID ~lsas1flec1 use pormlt shall be e1ven b7 -113- -I I I ~~.... . Ordinance Number . #.> See. a>>05. (coDtlnued) at least one pub11oatlol'l 11'1 a newspaper of SQD8I'al oirCulation in the Ciq. of Seal Beach not le88 'ban ten (10) 4878 befClil'e the date of sdd publ10 b.ea1"1DB. (2) 1'I*"e o~ publla he~ill8 to condder a val'1allOli O~ oondltlona1 use pel'mlt 8ball be siveD b,. _l1SQS a nltten notloo not les8 than teD (10) lla,. pplO1' to the date of such bear 1. to the owners 01' pl"0P81"fi7 v4 thln a raUwi""ot three lmndrGi1. (300) teet of the ext8l'101" boW2darlea of tbe pl"opltl'f;J' to b. ohaage4. l1s:1ns tor th1a parpos4!l the la8t knOllD aame and allllI'eaa of suoh own..a AS ... shown upou' the latest avdlabla lot boolm of the Count)" AsS.8SQ:P of the County of OI-ans~ state ~ Oalifornlao (3) B oth such methods ma7 be emploJed at the dSftOt1oD or the Plarmlq OODllD18aloD or the CitJ' OOWlOU.. SElO. 2206. BeqGhoell "fI01'li11l6 of notSOee 0 S'l1Ob. publlo Dot1oe of bslll'1ns8 or 1NlO1aas1f1oatlono a~Dbf1flt. JIIN01.8 plaD. VOlaDDell' UIlO!assU'ied use permit or oorlllltloD/11 use . , p8I'III1' shall 001lll18t of t:bS wards ".oUoe of PropoBGd Cbange ot .' . . ZOIlft BOUIdal'iee or C1e8aUloatiolt' or.IIBot1oe of hopo.eel P.eolse Plait or ..otloe of Proposed V81"1ano'- or "Botic. ot Proposed OODlUtloJlBl Use Permiti' 01' -Iotloe of PIo~~ed unClasaified 'Uao Pe1"m1t" 88 the oase m87 be. s8tt1ns forth tbe deaorlpt:1on of the prOP81'q. uUlw oona1d8l'aUODII the Dllture of the pi"opo&e4 obaDle 01" use. aDd the time ard plaoe at wh10h the pubU.o hearlQS 01' hG8I'lnga 01'1 the matt.. will be held. Seo 0 8207. IDVest!satloaa . !he Pla_1DS Oomm1sa1oD. ahall oause to be made b7 ita OWD medlera. or memb91'8 of lt8 staft. such 1Dveat!sat10D of .taots be6U'i!lS upon aD application 8et; for hearlrrg tbat will assure aotion Oil eaoh oaa. oODS1.tent with the purpose of this ara1D1lDOe alJd p%'evioWl amendlllm 1:8 or variances. -114- I I I . Ordinance Number . Seo. 2200. EstabU."""'nt of S"U1ea tor conduot of hearings. The Pl8l"ni rig COI!ll!l1salon r.u1J' ostabllsh 1'tllea governinc the oonduot of pub110 hearings oondaoted b7 It. Sec.. 2209. Bearlngs IIIIl7 be oonUnuod without reoourse to Public Notloe. If. f~ arq reason" testlmolQ' on 8DJ' oase set tor p'.lbl1o bear- inS CllQl10t be oClJllPloted on tho dot. set tor suoh he81'11J8" the parson predding ct such public he81"lnl?; 1D8J.. bofore ad3ourDDl8nt or reooss thereof. publicl:1 ~W1Oe the..t1ma and plaoe to. ond at which s&1li he&1'las will .be oontlnu.ed and no further nctlo. ls required. Seoo 22J"qo Pel'llLllnent tiles shall lnolud. .""""'.17 of testimoDJ. A s'-\"7 or all pert1neat test1aoa;r offered at public hOlU'in3S held 1n conneotion with an appl1cation files pursuont to this 6l"dlnanoe" and the D8.a ot POI'SODS test11'71ns shall be reoordoc1 aDl1 mad. A part ot the PUl:ll3ll8a:t tiles of t!:e oaSBo Seo.. 22~0 L1D1tation OD l'etil1.ag of' applloatlO1l11o Pinal actlon 88 8et forth 111 this ordinanoe b7 the Soal Deach 1'1arm1nrr Coan18s1on or the Seal Belloh Clt7 Counoil in doa;rl~ en appUoation fOIl" a chllDSe of' .0118. uno1asslt1ed use Permit, v..lanoe or oonditional u.e p81'ID1t shall Pl'oh1blt the tu.rther fl11ng ot the 8rima tJ'Pe appUoatlon on lll"Oport7 pi"8Vlous17 tUed UPClD Wltl1 not le8. than one (1) 7etrl" shall have elapsed fi'om the date ot den1al of' 8D7 appllcat10ao Sec. 22~.. Tr.n......ttal of' Tentative I-Jlnutes" Counoil :lotloeo The. Secret017 or the Planninz Clllllllll1.don Shall, with1l1 flve (S) deJs f'ollcrlr1as 0b7 P1annlns COtJtI1a81on meet1nc. tl'ansl:l1t Q teatative OOP.T or the Jdnutea of sdd meeting to eaoh Clt1 Counol1 - man. Plannlns C..........81oner. and the 01t7 I.Janagero Sa1d tentat1ve mS.D.ute. lIhall sel'Ve as notloe to the C1t7 Counoil of PJ..IInnina Co~sa1on act10n pursuant to Seotiollll 2009, 2109 and 2S09 of this Ord1n8DOeo -llS- -.1 I I . Ordinance Number . ARTICLE 23. IlrmRl'RETA1'IOlT: l'tlR?OSI:: COIlFLICT: SLVEaAnILIft 8eo. 2)00. Intorpretationo In. lnterpretiag and app17ing tbe provl81oa.a of thl. o1'd1nnnoe the7 ahB11 be held to be the min'''''1IIl I'equirem&nt tor the promotion of the publ10 heslthll aafett, oomfort. oonvenienoe aJJd genorol welfQl'8o It is not intended b7 th18 ordinance to 1ntorte1'O with or abl'Oeate or annul tlrr7 easement. oovenant or other agreel:l8D.t between parties. lihea. this o1'diDaa.ce 1mpoaea a greatel' "strlctlon upon the !lS. of buildlnga 01' landll or UpOD the bol~t or buildinga. or requires larger open spaces than are Imposed or required, b7 other OZ'd1Danoea. 1'I11e., regulations" OZ' b7 easemea.ta, oovenants or agreoments, the prov1Dions of this ord1nanoe ahall oontro10 8eo. 230}.. COD8tltutional1b7 or 1nvalidlt7. It aDJ' aeot1on, subseotion, o1auae or ph1"aae of this OZ'dllU1DCe Is for GD7 "ason held to be 1a.va114 OZ' uDoonatltutlona1, such inYll11dlt;y or uncoD8t1tutionalltJ' shall not atfeot the val1dlq. 01' conatltutiQDIll1t7 of the remaining portions of th1a ordtpQDoer 1t being h~eb7 uppe.s17 doolared that thia ordinanoe. and each seotion" subseotion, senteno., clause and phrase boreof would have been Pl'8P8l"ed, propoaed. adoptGd.. approved and rat1t1ecl 1rI'espooUve ot the faot that 8.D;J one 01' llICll'e seotions" subseotions, santonee." olauae. or pusses be deolared invalid or unconstitutional" -116- , I I I . Ordinance Number . Ala'ICIE 240 REVOCATIOlf. EltPIRATIOlf Sea. 2400. Pft'IIIits or vli\I'1&naes 11I87 be I'evekedo I Af'~" a' pnb1io M81"lng J:wld in the maDDer Pl"cs8l"iboi in . . ..t1018 ao sew_DIllS vU'1anoea and oolldlt1olQBl use permits aX14 AFUo1e 21 gov8l'Dins ulllOl8.88ifi8ll. use P8I'IDits. the Plamiirrs 00DllllU= SlOB 'JIIIl7 On 8DJ' cae 01' 11I8III'8 or the to 1lovlDs poullda I) l"evoke .. .......4 ~ . a~. ~t 02' velaDOa Issued a (1) 'nJat the use for whioh such aPPi/'ovalwaa Sl'aDted :bu aeased to exist w has bGlElD susPltided tor 0118 7881' of __0 (2) 'lhat the use tor wblch suoh aPPl'CllYal U gnnted. 18' =' belns ex8F01so11. (3) 'l'bat the 111161 far .hioh such apJIl"ov&1 was graDtGld has oeased to e:1lIIt rrlo has been 8USPeadeci t" ODO 7881" ar DIONo (.4) ftJaii the pmnit. OJ' V~iaDO'. panted :18 be1l'.1So 01' I'QOQnt~ .. beeno ezeRiaed ooabll1'7' to the tem8 aea ooZl4itioDIiJ Of sUch. aPPl'OVQ1. or .ID vlo1atioa of BD7 afiatutQ~ a>d1uanooo lsIr'OI' .. . I'8sulatioao (6) ..~t ,he 1Ule tar whloh the aplll"Oval was p8atGld "811 .. ftZ81I01S8a as to be lletl'lmelltal to the Pl1blio health or aafet-,. 01' 80 as to oOIlB'ltute a mdsanoGlo See 0 24010 Ezpil"atia. _ P8H1it 01' vlII'!ana. gl'QDtllld by the Plaanlq (l-h.ioa ", .." beeCllle8 mall 8DIl voSd. 1t not exenisecl wlthlll th8 tSme apadf1ed iD s120h p&l'mit or val'lame or. if DO date is BpeOitl~. 1l1ithlil. ODe . . i'e8l' 1'rClll the date of aPP1'oVal of sdd permit ar VBI'lallO<llo .,.11,.,. I I I. Ordinance Number . . .. ARTIOIE 250 PERMI'l'S, LICENSES; ENFORCEMEm.' Am) REVIEW OF PLANS 0 SeG 0 2500 CflI'titf.8lll.i:e of ooaupallo;y permito To a..~EI oompliano8 With the parking requll'emenu am O~ IIl'Ovl81oDS of the ZOlling OJ.odlllanee. a certU'ioate of' oocUpaOO7 8ha~ bCII obtainell tram the building depal'tm,nt before I (1) .AD.7 Il" building be 1n1tial17 oooup1ed or use.dJ (2) .AD.7 exilltlng build1Dg be altered CI1" Ii oha~e of t7P8 or OJaS8 of use be lMdeJ aDd, (3) A ohanse of use of aD7 unSmPl"O'I'ed Pl'em18ell be made. ~ 0 250~. .0 Colit'11ot1~ licenaes 01' pEll'lD1taa shall ~G .1,.su84o All d6parllm.." offlole,la or public employel!lll vested with the du~ 01" autbor1'7 to iasue permll!1 OX' lioense8 wh... l'811u11"ed. b7 1&. shall ooDform to the provls!olllil of. this ordinance. Bo sual1 ~ens. .. Pft'III1t fOl' Wles. bulldiugs 01' plJl'pos.ea Where the same tiiOu'4 be in aoDf11ot w1i:h the PI'Ov18loDS of th~ oJ'd1llBnoe shall be is._ll. An'T 8uoh l10ense or permito if 1swed in oollf'Uat vlth the lZ"ov18:!,ou hereof' 0 sbal1 be null aDd vo24o \ See. 25OB. EIlf .-c em. t . The bal1diDg off101da. 01" his du17 des1gllatled 1'8Pl"6S18nta't1ve" 18 b.el'eb7 des1g~ted as the enfOi'Olns ag8l'lt of th1a ordlnanoeo and CU~ ame"''''. ts ~etoo An'1' ap~&1s from the decision of the enf....l118 agent In tbs admin1a~atlon of the Zon_ OJodlQ&Qoe sbal1 be mail. t;0 the Clq. Plannlilg C-'ssloll. al1il 'Ghe deo1a101l of the CltJ" P1arualAg 'COIIIIIl18s101t 111 such matt... shall be flaal alld c0i2011Uliv8 unlell/il oth8l'w1se lle.,iSnated b7 'Ghis :.rd1D8J18e.. See. .2503. Site Plait all4 Bul:141ng Plaa RevlE18. If. bulldiDS or Us. Permit shall be issued ftlf' the oonat1'uoUon. altGi>atlon 01' addlUOD to &II'J' build lag. ClIf' stl'uoture. iDDludl DB siSn" 01' outdOOl' adV8I'Uslns stl'uoture" iD the R..a. R"4. 0-0, C"l. CaS" . PD 8Dd poL 0-3. 11-1. 1.102.. / 1II0_11 until the Plann1Dg CommissloD llhall bsve 1'1l'8t .. _de a fiDd1zlg tba' the lll"oposed bui141~ or struoture 18 in co... ., . . ' . "1'~1;J' with bot;h the Intent .all4 Pl'ov1ll1oDS of tbia anicl.o '. . '. oJ.1&.. I.. I I , r. e. .. .. " .. . - , ! . ,. Ordinance Number . , .J.e8 0 2504. Same. fUiDg oopiea of plan. In alldlt;1olil to JIIfI&tins all. the otbel' i'Elquiremcmtlil of tb.isl CodaD &121' applSoant tot> a pel"IlIlt tor a buUdiDg ot> etJ'uotU1'Go lDDlutll ng IIsSD&I 0lP .oatdoOi" advGI't181ng stX'uoturefl In the BOnEls retfi1o:N4 to in . . . , the ~ElOalllDS aectlon. shall 1'l1e 1Il1 th the P],aD.nlll3 CommS.ulG.-&. lit: . 'plllDS for tho .. . . (6) lilop1elil. of th9/propoeell bu1:14ing 01" svuoturca. PftlvSdedD "Ghat on17 one ooW 18 requil'Ed 1D the eaSEl 01' signs 8Dd outdOCJil advwtisif18 etl"uotUl'ElS 0 SGO 0 2506. S_e - 'lhe .ite plan shall bEl drawn to soa2m am shall 1I'ldioat. o1Al8J':q aDd with tull11fmensionlDg the 1'ollowil38 inf'o1"lllatioru (a) Lot dSme_10Dlll. (b) .&li bulldlDgs slid stl'l1otmaes, looatioDo SUGl. height. p,fOposed Wile. (0) Yude aDd spaoe between 1:iuilllinga ft (d) Walls aDd .t'eno.s, laoatioD. height and matoria2a. (e) Off"street p&l'king, location. numbw of apaces aDl/_ dim.mio.. of parking alOe.. intc.ilal oiNu1atiOft P8ttwn. (f) ADoess"pedestl'ian, VElhiou18l'. 8wvloG. .polJats of 1DglP8Slil all4 GgJ'8S8. . (g) SiSns. looatioD. 81z8 slid he1sht. (h) LoadiJlg. lOOatioDo llimensiollB. ItlImb01" of spaaG.. in'ernal 011'0 u1a tion. (1) LS8M1Ds. location aDd saDeal aature. hoe1'llug dev1oes. (J) , St1"e.t dedi.sUona sll4 imIB'OValDllDteo (k) . ADd 8uoh othel' llafl. .e III8,J be I'iiiquired to pwmit the Plann1zlB OommSas1on to lII&ke thlil l'8qu1?ed flr.ldbglilo Sec.2606. SSJllfl. ADUon b7 OOJll\ll1ss1ol! \UthiII fClll'il7 (40) da78 an.. the filing of the site am build1ug plans. the Planning CommissioD shall apP1"ove with OOtld1tlou d.lilllQ4 JllIloes&l817 to Pl"oteot the public healthl1.safet:r. aDd wel.t'..e 01' dlsapP1"ove the S1'8 and buU41rlg planso "'11g.., I I I . Ordinance Number . , 8eoo 8&0'1. 88J118. Req\l~ fbtliqo 'bD' G<<-:'I4",olllOo ftG ,lau!lls C-~lIJeicmo oftOil' CUll ~~S!oia iii ~ of!.~o ('~ bu1241as plaM, Pl'1oI> '0 tJbt3 appvn& of 8uh p30DtJo O!OrJ t:::ltIo C~ . toUowing filltl1llse of raet 8 (a) I'hatJ ,be b\l1J4illSD IlIROtul'o Dl" 4ovolaJ'}IIQ1lfl tJ'iU uat bo detrSaaflal flo thlil olJutao'- or tu BOlIO In 'I1htah 5. t 1s lIP&<> polled to OOllBt.I'uot the buS.WIJS. allll tbe BODGe peoul18l' eu1tabl11Q- f.. PGl'tloulal' IDSlDSo aml the obol'aot.. of buU40 1Dgs fillnadr ...ot614 in tu diotl'loto QJIl1 riU G8Ill30JWO PI'OP8I''f valuGS all4 Pl"o.to tho ciSI'GoUoll of bui:l4111.Z 1ll')vca1!.oJro IIlGDt C"CIIRU.. to the ZO!liq OJo4l.aal13o oe tho Cs.fly. (b) 'lha p:io.as 111410atQ tho IIQIIIlGl- b \'1hSoh.e43aoCD0 lll~ot~GQ U'G pt'OtSE!tocl .lJlst noiaQo Vi1n?a~ioD ad otq fa.ot~a ah1ch t8JIi to III8JfS thQ OIN~Dt 1c::Js ciQS~QblQo 'SilO 1"casODQb~ Gft'ioleDt; ami Ildlstl!lOtlR'U ~ I (0') _, flho ClldlClli'i_ Oi'Ohit~~l QPP3Ql. dosigns alltA i'aDGtS.o.l p1aD of thQ pJLOOpooG:ci ati=uotUl"o t71Uo mOIl ol'eot~, nn bo 80 81' YU>1lmDe with dthQl' tho utOl'iaJl' snbltQotUi'Sl appaa1. de.181l aD4 tuaUorml plall of tlhG etnoturG8. lII:bteBl!i;F oonstn8ted Oi" 1n the OO\ll'SG of ooaatnotiOIl lJi the BODe in . . qUGCltlon ad the. f,.. IiUUQ'be IlGSahbDJ'hood ot the PI'Oposell s1tQo .. to oawie a substant.ial.dGPNolat101l ot p:ooJI8I'tJ values ia , the neSpbOll'hoal 0 '; (d) fte,t the POOPOSec111n'e1opaent irdScatG8 .aciequato aOD8S4e1'QO Uoa frm the otbGflt 8i:iatiJIs 01' ooatemplated 1188. of lard in W- SeDeftl uea aid an Old.. ~ 4eve20Jlllleut of ~ sameo ~ (e) AU Ill"OVi810. of th18 DUcl. ..e oOlllPl1ell. \'4 tho (f) ft.e folJaa1. ... 80 RR'lUlSed tbat bafflo GODSestioD Sa avoS4ed. pelleatl'iaD aid vehlou1al' ..fefl7 ard weltare al'e pPOteoted, a_ there will be 110 allvers8 efted on SU1"S'0Wl411!S pro,..tJ'. ..120=0 . Ordinance Number . I Bea 0 260'70 (ooat1Dell) 1. BdHlll80 sfilouotul'oo and 1mPl"C)VemGlDta. 2. VehSouluto 1"G88 anll &81"888 and s.at~~ oiNu.1at1ma. 30 Setb8@)J!B . 40 JleiSht or buU.u.. 80 Locatio... or 1ilGli'V20~ 0 6. W.lle . I .,. r.snllsoaplus. (S) JIloOposc4 1Sshtlas 18 so lal'l'QD8ed as to l'ot1>>o' the l1sht a'ftJ" fI'oIIllld3ot",,,! p:l'Op&I"tlooo (h) PI'oposed sisDe OJ' outioo!> Q4vGil'tlslq otaouotureD t111 not 'b7 aisQo 1eoatloD/I oo1u> .. ~lllSo iDtoi"\IlGi"O t71th ~ia 01' 15mS' vlc1bl1i-q fiI? ciOJ1i'C3&at9 tllla va!l!o of Q43011.~'lns Pl'OllSI'ty ClaP thQ DGi58bb~ 0 lOGo 8808. Samo. Opmt,loeioo 80t1o&1 f~ao fta 4ai81011 of tho Phl1l1lidS 0-4nlJlo11 omU be 1'1101 ~DO Qpaled to tbe 01'7 ODDll:lll.lo See 0 86090 S.... 0 ~1 to tho OOUDll. ~ applioant IIIQJ' cppGa1 111 tJ'I'it1111 to tho deo1sS.oa of tho Pla~'. OClllllll188icm. to .the Oi'q 001iJl0U. 8laoh Qppaal shaU be f11.G4 With. the 01_ 01..k vithlil teD (10) 111178 aft.. tho decldOD., sIllS ohall be plaoed OD the qelda of the neztll'egu1al' .-tillS of the Clflf counaI. 10 'flaG Cii17 OOUJllU IlIbait at that meeting 01' d ani' moetl:ogIwhich the _ttep mq have b.eD OODUllI1edo revl_ said plana aid I shall llPPl"ove wUh 001l41tiollll detml8d Deoes81U7 to lll"Oteot tho publlo health. 81afeq. aid ",.Uazoe. or disapprove the. !he declden of the 01q. OOUDOi1 shall be f1lalo -121- I I I o . Ordinance Number . -., Soc. 2$100 Same. Final action. The approved plans. with a~ conditions shown thereon or attaohed thereto. shall be dated and s1enod b)" ~ Soeret~ 01' the Planning Commisaion. Tl-10 (2) copies of add plans and conditions shall be deliverod to the Dullding Inspeotor who shall issue a building pe1'lll1t requ1r1nB compliance ulth the appl'ovell plans and oondltlonso Sec. 2';U. Same. Revisions or tlI!Iendments. ~ovis1ons or 8J9ndr.lents to an approved site or bulld1ns plOD. shall be mtlde pursuant to the prooedure set forth in this pl11't. -122- ...olIIIII :1.") .1 ,I . . ~dinance Number Alf.\'mm 860 PlmAIH S. 8.0 V~~GI'i;l ~Rqo~'b1o bu iSla!) ad ~>>?l!!l@costlo - _ psr.otll. t!s 01' O~QtioJ2 don.a.~~ Q'ii8 of ~~ f;7~lQ~.';60 of' this OI'dlnauoe shaU be deemGild auUt)' of Q ~Q7WQtoO D oijj1 u];fi:4 oomlotloJl 1IheI'eot' lilball be pu.nSshablo by a fino of tlot ll101'O ebna ttve hunnred ($600.00) dOUazoo fS' 127 lmp..lEIMl!Jloaf; in tibet Cown~ Jail tw 6'1 plB1"lod of not more then s Ix (6) 1II0ntba, w both l:.cch tlae ad SmprisOJUllQa'o 880 0 26010' BQoh dlQ' Q Cloperato ot'f'onoOo . . Each pel'ooil, tSftt 01' oOi',oiPatlola toud pll'? of Q 'l7~~~!O!) 8_11 bo llee111Q4 sul1t7 of Q 80paro1l& offaoo fw QVCSi/ tic:w 6.U~&~ .~ pon1on of uhloh 0Illf vlo~tloa of 8D7 J(j."oda&on of tb!o ".",allB::-f!:)O sQ "cmPd~tellD o.llillc4 01" P<lli'lIIi~104 b, eUDh IIWOOlao fp at" , I.. . o.OI'pmaQUOD" ad shaU be pun1sJ:lablo theretOi' ClO p:r>O'\l'U!!~ f?r" llr; . '. . . . ... . . . . . . this ordll'l8Doe. and cny use, o6cupat1on 01' b\!!:!tU..1lg QAl O~;l1.:I.'J'': ~ maiDtdzae4 oontl'aPJ' to the ppov1G1ol'llll hQl'oot allaU Gortat1~~k~ " pub 110 =f.sllllDo 0 ...123=0 ......IIIIIIII - .W. . ~ . , , '- , Ord~nance __er " .~, AnTICLE 2.711 mrACTI-Imrr 41 D ~EPEAL~ Sec. 27000 nepesl1D6 claU8e~ Ordinance Ho. 406, to(!ether with all amnd1ng ord1lu1r,lces thereof. is hereb7 express~ repel1led. and all ordinanoes 01" parts of o1'dinancGs in ooDniot w1th th1s or<:11nllll.ce shall be , llll.d the some are he1"eb7 repealed. Seoo 27010 Ebacting clAUse. The Cl111 Clerk shall cert11'1 to the passage and adoption 01' this Ordinanoe nnd cause the same to be published once in the "Seal Beaoh Post and Wave". a newspaper of general circulation. published and circulated in said C1tyo PASS]"'..]). Al'1'110VED ./UlD ADOrTW b7 the CUy Council of the City of Soa1 Beach at a regull11" meeting thereof held on the (7?# dar . 01' v~ . 196.3 . JIIl'TESTI ~~~~~:... ~ ST^TE OF C~LIFORllIA I COUlIn OF ORAUGE S8 CITY OF' SEAL I3EACH I. F. \'1. lI1ckman. City Clerk of the City 01' Seal. Beach and ex-officio clark of the Ci't7 Connell. do hereb;y eertl17 to the passage and adoption of the foregoing Ordinance b;y the City C01J.Qcll at Q reaular meet 1ng thereof held on the (7?4 da;y of ~_ . 19 /93 b7 the fo1101'11.n6 vote: (/ ~YES: COUDC1l1aeD 7te..~~u...'#htl~141 ~ .4:. ., f: . ......,..... ~ --"..... -~ !lOES: Councilmen -, "'ue ~ ..-~.c" ~., ..~t J\!3SE1JT : Counollmen ~ /cu ~~:'_J". City Clerk , .. " ,. " .. v - '.. ..;: . -. . -124.. " ! ~ - . . , '".M' ., '.. Shali");~ .er....ted, re<:9nstructed or structurally- altereo\, nor shall any building .' or land be .used I for any purpose other than. is specifically permitted in the zone in which such building or land is located. . Sec. 1702. Clarification of ambiguity. If ambiguity arises concerning the appropriate classification of a par. ~c~lar ~se within the meaning and intent of this ordinanr.e, or, if ambi~itv exIsts wIth respect 10 mat.ters of height, yard r"'luirements, area requlremenb. or zone boundaries, as set forth in this ordindance and as they may pertain to unforseen circumstances, including technological changes in processing of materials, it shall be .the duty of the. Planning Commission. to ascertain all .pertinent.facts and by resolution ,of record set forth its findings and its inter. pretations, and such.rl'SOlution shall be forwarded to the City. Council, and if approved by the City Council thereafter such interpretation shall govern. . . For the purpose of arriving at determinations under. this section, or to meet any other need for classifying any use as first permissible in any of the zone classifications defined by this ordinance, the degree of compatibility of any use to any other use shall be evaluated. So far as technical evidence and scientific means of measurement are available they shall be considered in determining the form and intensity of performance standards typically ass0c- iated with any identifiable type of use. The term performance standard, as here employed refers 10 such conditions, effects or results which flow from the maintenance. or operation of any primary use including, but not limited to, the flow of sound measured in decibels; ambient level of sound; vibrations abovt?' and below thE' auditory range, odors, fumes, smoke or other emissions, whether toxic or nontoxic; incidence of hazard, including explosion or con- tamination; the idt"ntification and classification in terms of chemical com- position of the eomissions from any type of use, whether industrial, commer- cial or domestic; the traffic.generating capacity, both in terms of freight and passengers, the volum. of either or both, and the time or times of daily cycle that reprf"sent pE'ak flow or minimum flow; and the consuming capacity of and. neoed .for electrical energy, natural gas, oil, water, sewage disposal and transportation facilitiE"S, hoth highway, water, rail and air. Sec. 1703. Purpose of precise plan Whereas. the zoning map.estahlish.s only zone boundaries, and the text of .thE"' ordinance t"stablisht"s the pl'rmiUt'd use of the land in the various zones and tht" conditions applicable to such, USl"', a' prl'CiSf: plan, as the term is t"m- ployod in this ordinanc., has a two. fold purpose: (I) To apply the provisions and rt'quirf"mrnts of .thE"' ordinance in prf'CiSf' dt"tail by mtans of a map, in- cluding po.sihl,. streets, alle).s and other puhlic dedicatio"s, .the establishment of. which would h.. accomplished in the manner otherwis. provided by law; th.. d.sign and llacem.nt of .....ntial "Iat.d facilities such as off.street park. ing, loading 'an unloading an~as. points of ingrt"ss and "grE"'SS, particularly rt"- latt"d to hOMering traffic flow; plact"mt"llt and arrang..'ment of buildings; and other subj..ts not includ.d in this ordinance but which are essential to public safety and genoral w.lfa" ouch are coutrolling the pallern and flow of traffic and such other ..Iat.d d.tails as r'present mod.rn specialized land develop. ml"nt and Ufilt".. '. , , .. .- t. ~' (2) Similar plans for the consolidated use of subdivided property, the dimen. sions shape and size of w!tich do not individually lend themselves ailvlii1ta. geously to any form of modern land utilization. .. ..' Such precise plans shall be adopted in the manner prescribed for a.mend. ing the zoning map, and such precise plans,.when so adopted, shall constitute an amendment of th.~ zoning map as to zone classification, where involved,. and the details of such precise plan .shall supersede and take tlie place of the requirements and conditions upon the use of land as established by this.or~i. anee, insofar as the proPerty contained in the precise' plan is concerned. '. A precise plan, when adopted as herein provided, shall be considered 8S" being a precise plan within the full meaning of the state ConserVation and Planning Act and, because the. adoption of such precise' plan acc:omplishes both the amendment of the zoning map and the establishment of detailed sub. jects other than zoning malters, .separate but concurrent proceedings shall be employed. The resulting precise plan shall be separately recorded both as a' component of the .comprehensive master plan and as an amendment to the zoning ordinance. , . .. Sec. 1704. Use control in reclassified precise plan In order to assure that the purpose and provisions of a formally adopted precise plan of record shall be conformed to, the land reclassified within any precise plan of record shall be limited exclusively to such uses as are fitst permitted in the zone to which it is classified. Uses shown on such precise plan, including automobile parking, shall conform to such precise plan,.even though such use, or uses, are not otherwise specifically classified by this ordinanc~" as permissible in any given zone. " Sec. 1705. Outdoor advertising displays or outdoor. advertising structures on state and county freeways. . " . (A) Not withstanding any other provisions of this ordinance, no outdoor advertising structure or outdoor advertising display shall be placed .within five hundred (500) feet of ei'her side of a state or county freeway or highway in a manner that makes the malter displayed thereon visible to persons or passen. gers upon any such thoroughfare: (B) This section shall have no application. 10 the following: (I) Signs used e~clusively: (a) ~or the display of ?!6cia\" 0 notices used by any Court or pubhc body or offiCIal, or for the postmg of t1 notices by any public officer in the performance of a public duty, or by any Ao person in giving legal notice; and, (h) For directional warning or informa: b' . tional purposes of a public or semipublic nature, established and maintained by. III an official body. (2) Signs which are used exclusively to advertise the owne~: g ship, sale or lease of the property upon which such sign is placed, or.to adver.. (I) tise a business conducted, or services rendered, or goods produced or sold upon such premises, provided: Signs shall not rotate or otherwise move, nor shall ~ they be so.located that any green, yellow or red light thereon will materially or 51 practically tend to jnterfere with approaching drivers readily distinguishing go them from a traffic signal.. t1 Sec. 1706. Public utilities The provisions of this ordinance shall not be. construed. to limit or inter. fere with the installation, maintenance and operation of. public utility pipe.. A f ~ ... lines and electric or telephone transmission lines, or railroads, when located in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations of the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California within rights of way, easmeots, fran- chises or ownerships of such public utilities. Sec;. 1707. Temporary real estate office . One temporary real. estate olliee may be located on any new subdivision in any zone, provided that such office, if in any uR" Zone, shall be removed al the end of a twelve-m<ll1th period measured from the date of the recording of the map of the subdivision upon which said office is located. Sec. 1708. Temporary cons.truction buildings . Temporary structures fOf the housing of tools and equipment, or contain- mg supervisory offices in cOQnection with major constmction or major con. struclion projects may be established and maintained during the progress of such construction on such projects, and shall he abated within sixty days after completion or sixty days after CJ'ssation of work. Sec. 1709: Required off-street p!,rking . Every building, or portion of building hereafter erected, shall be provided WIth per~anently maintained parking space as provided in this article, and such parkmg space shall be made permanently available and be permanently maintained for parking purposes. Sec. 1710. Parking spaces required The number of off-street parking spaces required shall be no less than as set forth in the following: . USE 1. Automobile courts (motels) PARKING SPACES REQUIRED 1 for each sleeping unil or dwelling unit. 2. Banks 1 for each 200 square feet of gross floor area. 3. Business offices 1 for each 300 square fc'Ct of gross floor area. 4. Bowling Alleys 5. Churches 4 for each alley. 1 for each 3 fixed seats and 1 for each 100 square feet of floor space used for a...,mbly purposes and con- taining no fixed seats. 6. DwrllinJl a. One Family b. Two family and Multiple family 2 for each dwelling unit. 1 for each dwelling unit. - , 01 use permitted in surrounding areas and for the future purpose of stip- ulating such conditions as may reasonably assure that the basic purpose of this ordinance shall be served. Factors to be considered are set forth in Section 1702 of this ordinance. Unclassified use permits shall be processed in the man- ner specified in Article 21 of this ordinance. (1) Airports or. landing fields. (2) Borrow pits to a depth of over thrPe (3) feet. (3) Establishments or "'" terprises involving large assemblages 01 people or automobiles as follows, pro- vided these uses shall be specifically excluded from the "R" Zones: (a) Amuse- ment parks. (b) Circuses, carnivals or fairgrounds. (c) Open.air theatres. (d) Race tracks and rodeos. (e) Recreational centers privately owned. (4) Hos- pitals, sanitariums and mental hospitals, provided these uses shall be specifical. Iy. excluded from the R.l lllid R.2 Zones. (5) Hospitals, small animal. (6) Kenncls, but excluded from any "R" or "C" Zones. (7) Natural mineral reo sources, the development of, together with the necessary buildings, apparatus or appurtenances incident thereto, provided that no review or permit shall be required for the exploration of oil, rock, sand, gravel or clay if this or any other ordinance makes separate provisions with respect thereto. (8) Public utilities or utilities operated by mutual agencies consisting of- water wells, electric tl"ansmission substations, gas metering stations,. power booster or conversion plants within the necessary buildings, apparatus or appurtenances incident thereto, but not including distribution mains; provided these uses shall he specifically excluded from the R-l and R.2 Zones; provided further, that these uses are permitted in th M.l and M.2 Zones without review. (9) Sewage disposal plants, provided they shall be excluded from the "R" Zones. Sec. 1601. Yard requirements The provisions for required fronl and side yard applicable to the par. ticular zone in which any such use is proposed to be located shall prevail, unless in the findings and conditions recited in the resolution dealing with each such matter specific exemptions or additions are made with respect thereto. Sec. 1602. Hcight and area requirements The provisions for heighl and area applicable to the particular zone in which any such use is proposed to be located shall prevail, unless in the find- ings and conditions recited in the resolution dealing with each such matter specific exemptions or additions are made with respect thereto. Sec. 1603. Off.street parking and loading space requirements The requirements for provision of off-street parking and loading soace re- quirements applicable to the particular use shall prevail unless in the findings and condlllons recited in the resolution dealing with each such matter specllic exemptions or requirements are made with respect thereto. ARTICLE 17. GENERAL PROVISIONS, CONDITIONS AND EXCEPT10N~ USE, OFF-STREET PARKING, OFF.STREET LOADING Sec. 1700. Foregoing regulations subject to the article. The foregoing regulations pertaining to the several zones shall be sub- ject to the general provision, conditions and exceptions contained in this article. Sec. 1701. Limitation on land use Except as provided in this article and articles 18 and 19. no building I:-t--. - - ~ " :th~n. petrol~um products. (17) Heluse, disposal of. (18) Hock crusher or to aislrihulion of rocks, sand or gravel other than quarries or other sources of ,. ~ ;::raw inaterials. (19) R,!hh~r, reclail!!i~g, or the manulacture of synthetic v ruhher or its constituents. (20) Slaughterhouse. or stockyard.. (21) Smelting of tin, copper. zinc or iron ores. (22) Storage or haling 01 rags, paper, iron, or junk. (23) Tanneries. (24) Tar distillation or tar products ~anufacture. (25) Used car junk areas. (26) Wineries. Sec. 1402. Limitations on Pf"rmittt'd USf'S in M.2 zonps Every use permitted shaIl be subject to the foIlowing conditions and lim- itations: (I) Conditions slipulalf'd in connf'clion with conditional use pe-rmits. (2) Any lot, the rear line or sideline of which ahuts upon property in any "R" zone shall provide a six (6) loot solid ma.'IOnry or concrete block waIl on such property line for screening purposes. (3) AIl operations conducted on the pre-mises shall not he objt"ctionahlt" hy reBson of Doist', odor, dust, smoke, mud, vibrations, reluse or other similar causes. (4) Any M.2 use to be locat~d closer than thr~ hundred and thi rty (330) feet from the exterior boundaries of any educational institution sitf", puhlic park, frerf'Btiona] area or olhf"r public USE', or residt"ntial zone, shall rpquirp a conditional use permit. Sec. 1403. Areas, Yards and Heights As required in Article 18. Sec. 1404. Off.Str~t parking and loading. As required in Article 17. ARTICLE 15. "P.L" PARKING.LANDSCAPING ZONE (P.L ZONE) 7. Estahlishments lor the sale and consumption on the premises of food and hevt"rages: Ha\'inA' 1t'SS than 4,000 square feet ollloor area Ha,'ing 4.000 square feet 01 floor art'8 or more 8. FurnituTt" and applianct" stOlf'S, hardwa..' .tor.... household equip. mt'nt. sen"ict. shops, clothing or ~h()t' rt"pair or pt"rsonal se'n.ice shops 9. Hospitals 10. Hotels n. Libraries Sec. 1500. Permitted u.... (1) This zone shall be used in connection with lb. l\{-1 Lillht Manufae. turing and M.2 Heavy Manutacturinll Zones. (2) No buildings shaIl be ereel. ed in this zone except an entrance or watchman's shelter. (3) The building setback line shall be a minimum of fifty (SO) feet from the property line, with a minimum of twenty (20) feet for landscaping with lawn andlor Rowers, shrubs, etc. (4) The area at the rear of the landscaping area may be used for parkinll. (5) There shaIl be an entrance and exit driveway into the parking area. There may be separate driveways or a combination entrance and exit driveway, with a minimum of twel.e (12) feet for each line of travel. Sec. lSOI. Landscaped areas , Prior to the issuance of a "Use and Occupancy Permit" the applicant shaII agree 10 develop and maintain such landscaped areas. ARTICLE 16. UNCLASSIFIED USES Sec. 1600. Generally All of the following, and all matters directly related thereto, are declared to be uses possessing charmeristies of such unique and special form as to make impractical their being ineluded automatically in any elasses of use as set forth in the various zones herein defined, and the authority for the location and operation thereof shall be subject to review and the issuance of an unclassified use permit. The purpose of review shall be to determine that the character. istics of any such use shaIl not be unreasonably incompatible with the type 12. Library stations and museums. 13. Manufacturing uses, research and testing laboratories, creameries, bottling establishments, bakeries, cannerie~ printing and engrav- ing shops 14. Medical or dental elinics & med. ieal or other professional offices 15. Mortuaries 16. Motor vehieles, machinery sales or wholesale stores 17. Offices not providing customer services on the premises 18. Retail stores, ,except as otherwise specified herein: - 1 for each 100 square feet of gross floor arE'S ' 40 plus 1 for each SO square feel of gross lloor area in excess of 4,0f}0 square {("("t. 1 for each 500 square feet of gross floor arpa. 2 for each bed. 1 for each room. 1 for each 250 square feet of gross floor area. 1 for each 500 square feet of gross floor area. .' 1 for each 3 employees on the max- imum working shifl, or not less than 1 for each 800 square feet of gross floor area, which ever amount is the greater. 1 for each 200 square feet of gross floor area. o t1 llo 1-" ::l III ::l o !D Z ~ !D 11 1 for each 25 square feet of floor area of assembly rooms used for service. 1 for each 400 square feet of gross floor area. I 1 for each 4 employees or for 500 square feet of gross floor area, whichever amount is the greater. - . H!,vuig 'not more th.n 5,009 sq. feet of floor area . Having more than 5,000 square feet but not more than 20,000 '. squar~ feet ,~f floor area . Having more than 20,000 'sq. feet of floor area 19. Rooming houses, lodginghou.... clubs and fraternity houses hav- . ing sleeping rooms 20. Sanitariums, children's homes, . homes for the aged, asylums, nursi"g homes 21. 'Schools 22. Stadiums, sports arenas, auditor. iums . (including school auditor- iums) and other places of public assembly, and clubs and lodges. having no sleeping quarters 23. Tbeatre& 24. Transportation terminal facilities - - 1 for each 300 square feet of gross foor area. 17 plus 1 for each 150 square feet of gross floor 'area in excesll of 5,000 square feet. 17 plus 1 for each ISO square feet of gross .f1oor area in excesll of 5,000 square feel, plus 1 for each 100 sq. feet of gross floor area in excess of 20,000 square feet. 1 for each sleeping room. similar enterprises when interpreted by the Planning Commission" as to per- formance standards as set forth in section 1702 of this ordinance. . Sec. 1301. Limitations on permitted uses in the M.l zone. ' (1) Any M.l use to be located closer than three hundred and thirty (330) ieet from the exterior boundaries of any . educational, institution site, public park, recreation area, or similar public_ use, or residential zone shall require a conditional use permit. (2) Where any property used for Commercial or Industrial purposes has a common property Jine with property zoned for "R" purposes there shall be provided a solid masonry or concrete block wall, not less than six (6) feet in, height, on such property line, except where the face of a huilding is on such property line no separate wall neen be provided. Sec. 1302. Areas, Yards and Heights As required in article 18. See. 1303. Off.Street Parking and Loading As required in Article 17. ARTICLE 14. M.2 HEAVY MANUFACTURING ZONE (M.2 ZONE) 1 for each 2 beds 1 for each employee. 1 for each 3 fixed seats, and 1 for each 100 square feet of gross floor area used for assembly purposes and not containing fixed seats. Sec. 1400. Permitted uses In the M.2 zone the following uses only are permitted and as hereinafter specifically provided and allowed by this article subject to off.street parking requirements and the general provisions set forth beginning with Article 17. (1) Any use first permiUed in the M.l zone. (2) Acetylene gas manufacture or storage. (3) Alcohol Manufacture. (4) Ammonia, bleaching powder' or chlorine manufacture. (5) Boiler Works. (6) Brick, tile or terra colla man. ufacture. (7) Concrete products manufacture. (8) Fish smoking, curing or canning. (9) Freight classification yard. (10) Iron, steel, brass or copper foundry or labrication plant. (11) Lampblack manulacture. (12), Oil cloth or linoleum manufacture. (13) Oil evtracting and dehydration lacilities or reduction. (14) Paint, oil, shellac, turpentine or varnish manufacture. (15) Paper pulp manufacture. (16) Petroleum, or its fluid products. wholesale storage of. (17) Potash works. (18) Railroad repair shop. (19) Salt works. (20) Soap manufacture. (21) Steam electric generating station. (22), Stove or shoe polish manufacture. (23) Wool pulling or scouring. (24) Accessory buildings and uses customarily incident to any of the above uses, when located on. the same site with the main building. Because of considerations of smoke, fum~ dust, odor, vibration or hazard, the establishment or operation of the following uses in the M-2 zone shaIl not be permitted unless a conditional uSE permit authorizing such use has been granted: (1) Acid manufacture. (2) , Asfhalt refining or asphalt mixing plants. (3) Blast furnaces or'eoke ovens. (4 Cement, lime, gypsum or plaster of Paris manufacture. (5) Distallation of . bones. (6) Drop forge industrie.. (7) Explosives, manulaeture or storage. (8) , Fat rendering. (9) Fertilizer manufacture. (10) Fish smoking, curing or can- ning. (11) Freight c1a.'lSification yard. (12) Garbage, offal or dead animal re- duction or dumping. (13) Gas processing plants. (14) Glue, manufacture of. (15) Iron, steel, brass or copper foundry. (16) Oil extraction plants, other 1 for each 3 seats up to 800 seals, plus 1 for each 5 seats over 800 seats. Adequate number as determined by the Planning Commission. 1 for each 2 employees or 1 for each 800 square feet of gross floor space, whichever amount is the greater. Stc. 1711. Parking provisions may be waved by commission Upon the presentation of evidence showing facts, the commission may, by resoultion, waive or modify the provisions as set forth herein establishing re- quired parking areas for uses such as electrical power generating plants, elec. trical transformer stations, utility or corporation. storage yards, or other uses of a similar or like nature requiring a very limited number of persons. Sec. 1712: Parking requirements for uses not specified . . Where the parking requirements for a use are not specifically defined herein, the parking requirements for such use shall be determined by the Plan- 25. Warehouse and storage buildings - - .. ..... salt'S, drh"e-in restauran~ growing stock, public scales and service stations, that portion of said property which is so used shall be included within a waIl or chain link fence not I... than six (6) feet in height in order to discourage trespass, provided where the face of a building is on any site boundary no separate wall or fence need be installed along the boundry line oCcupied by the face of the huilding. (4) All operation,s eondueted on the premises shall not hE- objl"ctionahle by l("85on of noise, odor, dust, mud, SID....ke, vibration, or other similar causes. Sec. 1202. Ar.a.. Yards and Heights As required in Article 18. Sec. 1203. Off.Str~t Parking and Loading As required in Article 17. . . ARTICLE 13. M.l LIGHT MANUFACTURING ZONE (M.l ZONE) ning Commission.--sUcIllletermination shall be based. upon the requirements for the most comparable use specified herein','provided, ihe'finilings iii'sur.h matters shall be set forth by resolution setting forth the considerations upon which the decision is based. Such resolution shall. nol become effective .until relerred to and approved by the City CounciL,' .. Sec. 1713. General requirements pertaininllto parking , . . .The following general requirements shall apply: (1) Size and access, (a) , For nonresidential u.... each off.street parking space shall have an 'area of not less than one'hundred and seventy (170) square feet exclusive of arivr.. or aisles, and a width of not less than eight and one.hall (8th) feet. Each such space shall be provided with adequate ingress and egress. (b) For ...... idential uses parking facilities shall he parking spaces in a garage or covered parking space (carport) and, in t~e case of single.family dwellings ea~ parking space shall be not less than ten (IQ) feet wide by twenty (20)' feet long; in the ease of two.family dwelling, such parking space shall be not less than eighteen (18) feet wide by twenty (20) feet long: in the ease of multiple family dwellings, not less than nine (9) feet wide by twenty (20) feet long for each unit, except where thl"re is a partition or partitions, in which- event one foot of additional width shall be provided for each such partition, and all of such parking spaces shall have adequate provision for ingress and egress. (2) Location: Off-street parking facilities shall be located as hereinafter spec- ified. Where a distance is specified, such distance shaIl be the walking distance measured from the nearest point of the parking facility to the nearest point of the building that such facility is required to serve: (a) For one, two or multipl~-family dw~llings, parking faciliti,,!, shall be located on the same lot or building site as the buildings they are required to serve: (b) For hotels, hos- pital.. sanitarium.. homes for the aged, asylum.. orphanages, rooming houses, lodging houses, club rooms, fraternity and sorority houses, not more than one hundred and fiftv (150) feet from the building they are required to serve. (c) For uses oth~r than those specified above, not over three hundred (300) feet from the building they are required to serve. (3) Mixed occupancies: In the case of mixed uses in a building or on a lot, the total requirements for off. street parking facilities shall be the sum of the requirements for the various uses 0 computed separately. Off-street parking facilities for one use shall not be con. 11 sidered as providing required parking facilities for any other use except as Po hereinafter specified for common facilities. (4) Common facilities: Common ~. parking facilities, public or private, may be provided in lieu of the individual PI requirements contained herein, provided the total 01 such off. street parking 5 spaces, when used together, shall not be less than the sum of the various CD uses computed separately, but such facilities .hall he approv!'il by the Planning Commission as to size, sh!lpe and relationship to business sites to be served. ~ When any such common facility is to occupy a site of five thousand (5,00In ~ square feet or more, then the parking requirements as specified herein for each g of two or more participating buildings or uses may be reduced not more than 11 fifteen (15%) per cent upon approval of plans by the Planning Commission in the l!1anner prescribed for a variance. (5) Plans: A plan of the proposed parking areas shaIl be submitted at the time of the appication for the,building Sec. 1300. Permitted uses In the M.l zone the following uses ,only are permitted and as hereinafter specifically provided and allowed by this article subject to off.street parking r..quirements and the general provisions set forth beginning with Article 17: (1) Any uSe first permitted in the C.3 zone. (2) Manufacture, processing or treatment of nroducts other than those which may be obnoxious or offensive by reason 01 emission of odor, dust, smoke, gas, noise or other similar causes. (3) Wholesale business, storage buildinll" and warehouses. (4) Aircraft fac- tory (no foundry). (5) Automobile assembly, body and fender works, disman- tling and used parts. storage, when operated or maintained wholly within a building. (6) 'Automobile painting, when not in connection with a main garage. AIl painting and baking shall be contained in a building. (7) Bakery. .(8) Blacksmith shop. (9) Boat huilding, except ship building. (10) Bottling plant. (11) Cabinet shop or furniture, manufacture. (12) Creamery. (13) Dairy products manufacture. (14) Draying freighting or trucking yard or terminal. (15) Electric or neon sign manufacture. (16) F oed and fuel yards. (17) Food products manufacture, fresh fruit and vegetable excepted. (18) Garage, public, that does a large amount of body and fender work and paint- ing. (19) Ice and cold storage plant. (20) Lumber yard. (21) Machine shop. (22) Motion picture studios. (23) Paint mixing and storage (no tank farm). (24) Plastic, Fabrication from. (25) Poultry slaughter (subject to con- ditional permit). (26) Public utility service or electrical receiving andlor transforming stations. (27), Restaurants and lunch room.. (where alcoho)ie beverages are sold for consumption on the premises, all such beveraRes must be consumed within the building in which they are sold). (28) Rubber, fabri. . eabon of products made from finished rubber.. (29) Sheet metal shop. (30) Stone monument work. (31) Storage .pace for transit and transportation' equipment except freight c1assifieation yards. (32) Tire rebuilding, recapping and retreading. (33) Truck repairing, overhauling and steam cleaning equip. ment. (34) Accessory buildings and uses customarily incident to any of the . above uses. when located on the ""me site with the main building. .(35) Other - - - ~ permit lor the building to which the parking area is accessory. The plans shall clearly indicate the proposed development, including location, size, shape, . design, curb cuts, lighting, landscaping and other features and appurtenances of the proposed parking lot. Any buildings in parking areas shall be suhject to.. the same restrictions governing accessory buildings as defined in the zone in which said parking area is located. Sec. 1714. Comprehensive planned facilities Areas may be exempted from the parking requirements as otherwise set uj> in this article, provided: (1) Such area shall be accurately defined by the Planning Commission. (2) No such district may be estahlished and exempted from the provisions of Section 1710 unless sixty (60) per cent or more of all record lots comprising such proposed district are devoted to uses first permitted in a "C" or "M" Zone. (3) Such exemption shaIl apply only to uses first per. mitted in the "C" or "M" Zones. (4) Before such defined district shall be exempted as provided in this section, proceedings shall have been instituted by the City to assure that the exempted area shall he provided with eompre. hensive parking lacilities which will reasonably serve the entire district. Sec. 1715. Required improvement and maintenance of parking areas and irehil:le sales areas Every lot used as a public or private parking area or vehiele sales area shall be deVeloped and r:naintained in the following manner: (1) All perma- nent off. street parking and vehicle sales areas shall be paved with concrete or asphaltic concrete. Off.street parking lots to he used for no longer than one year, 8S such, shall be surfaced and maintained with an impervious material acceptable to the ,Building Department so as to eliminate dust and mud. All off.street parking areas shall be graded and drained so as to dispose of all surlaee water. Drainage shaIl be taken to the curb and gutter or nearest public drainage facilities and away from adjoining property. In no case shall such drainage be allowed across the surrace of a public sidewalk. (2) Border barricades, screening and landscaping: (a) All parking areas and vehicle sales areas that are not separated by a fence from any street or alley property line or side property line upon which it abuts, shall be provided with a suit. able concretE" curb or timber barrier not less than six inches in height, located not less than four feet from such property lines. (b) Every parking area or vehicle sales area which abuts property located in one of the URn Zones and whether or not an alley intervenes, shall be separated from such property by a solid wall six (6) feet in height measured from the grade of the finished surface of such lot closest to the contiguous "R" zoned property, provided that along the required front your the waIl shall not exceed forty.two (42) inches in height. No such wall need be r.rovided where the elevation of that portion of the parking Brea or vehicle sa es area immediately adjacent to an uR" zoned property is six feet or more below the elevation of such "R" property along the common property line. (c) Any lights provided to illuminate and public parking area, semipublic parking area or vehicle sales area permitted by this ordinance shall be arrangfif so as to reflect the light away from any premis("s upon which a dwelling unit is located. (3) Entrances and ~xits: The location and design of all entrances and exits shall be subject to the appoval of the infirm, (d) Private clubs, fraternities, sororities and lodges, excepting those the chief activity of which is a service customarily carried on as a business, (e) Institutions of the philanthropic or eleemosynary nature, including correctional and mental. (2) A dwelling on the same lot or site on which an industrial establishment is located, when such dwelling is used exclusively by a caretaker or superintendent of such industrial establishment and his family. When such dweling is estahlished, all required yards in the R.3 zone shall be maintained. (3) Assembly of electrical appliances such as: (a) Electronic instruments and devices, (b) Radios and phonographs, including manulacture of small ~ such as coils. (4) Boat building (limited to those craft which may be trans- ported over a State Highway without permit). (5) Building material storage yards. (Ii) Building supply sales yards. (7) Cabinet shops, provided motor driven machinery 'shall not exceed fi,'e (5) horsepower per machine. (8) Carpet cleaning plants. (9) Ceramic products, manufacture of, including figurines, using only previously pulverized clay and kilns fired Duly by electricity or low pressure gas. (10) Cleaning and dying plants, (11) Con. tractors' storage yards, (12) Electric distribution substations, (13) Equip- ment rental. (14) Frozen food lockers. (IS) Garmet manufacturing, (16. Glass studios, staining, edging, beveling and silvering in connection with sale of mirrors and glass for decorating purposes. (17) Laboratories; experimental, motion picture, testing. (18) Laundaries. (19) Lumber yards (no planing mill and burners). (20) Musical instruments, manulacture of. (21) Public scales. (22) Plumbing shops and plumbing shop supply yards. (23) Parcer service delivery. (24) Storage building and warehou..s. (25) Veterinary hospitals and offices, provided the huilding or structure is completely sound. proofed; all run areas are completely surrounded by an eight (8) foot solid wall, the animal runs are constructed in such.8 manner that no animals can see one another; and that an incinerator of a type recommended by the Orange County Public Health Department and the Orange County Smog Control Dis- trict be installed. (26) Other similar enterprises when interpreted by the Planning Commission as to performance standards as set forth in Section 170201 this ordinance. (27) See Unclassified uses, Article 16. . Sec. 1201. Limitations on permitted uses Every use permitted shall be subject to the lollowing conditions and limitations: (I) All uses shaIl be conducted whoIly within a completely en:.' elosed building, except such uses as: (a) Automobile house tra;Jer sales areas, (b) Drivp.in restaurants, (c) Growing stock, only when in connection with horticultural nurseries, (d) Lumber yards, (e) Public Scal<t, (f) Service stations, but only insofar as materials and t"quipment to service automobiles are concerned, (g) Supply yards, (h) Used car sales areas. (2) Where any property u..d for Commercial or Industrial purposes has a common property line with property zoned lor "R" purposes there shall be provided a solid ma- sonry or concrete block wall. not less than six (6) feet in height, on such property line, except where the face 01 a building is on such property line no ..parate wall need be provided. (3) Where any property in the C.3 zone is u..d lor supply or storage yards or other u..s which are permitted to be eon. ducted outside a huilding, except such uses as automobile and house trailer - - - used, (4)-Auto laundries during daylight hours, (5) Automobile repairing, but not including body and fender work, (6) Boat sales (no repairing), (7) Establishments for on-sale liquor under a "P.B" lic""",, of the State (including dancing. and entertainment), (8) Gymnasiums, public or commercial, (9) Mortuaries, (10) ,Motels, auto courts and tourist courts, (H) Pet shops, (12) Photoengraving, (13) Service stations catering solely to motor vehicles, (14) Swimming pool displays, (15) Upholstering shops, doing only retail custom work, (16) Retail or sen'ice businesses catering directly to the consumers, when interpreted by the Planning Commission as to perfO{lllance standards as set forth in ~ection 1402 of this ordinance, (17) The following additional uses, subject to the issuance of conditional use permits therefor prescribed in Article 20; (a) Any use first,appearing in the "R.4" Zone, but subject to the minimum lot width and area requirements of the "R-4" Zone. (See section 1832 (2) for building height limit.) Sec. HO!. Limitations on permitted uses Every use permitted shall be subject to the foIlowing conditions and limitations: (1) All uses shall be conducted wholly within an enclosed building except: (a) Automobile house trailer sales areas, (b) Boat sales, (c) Drive.in restaurants, (d) Growing stock, only when in connection with hor. ticultural nurseries, (e) Parking lots, (f) Sen'ice stations, but only insofar as materials and equipment to service automobiles are concerned, (g) Used car sales areas, (h) Commercial swimming pools used for display purposes. (2) Products made incident to a permitted use and manufactured or processed on the premises shall be sold on the premises and at retail only. (3) All oper. ations conducted on the ,>remises shaII not be objectionable by reason of noise, odor, dust, mud, ..moke, steam, vibration or other similar cause. (4) Storage shall be limit. : to accessory storage of commodities sold at retail on the premises. .(5) W.ere any property uscd for commercial purposes has a common property I' ,Ie with property zoned for "R" purposes there shaIl be provided a solid r .tSonry or concrete block wall, not less than six (6) feet in height, on such, roperty line, except where the face of a building is on such property line n separate wall need be provided. Sec. H02. Areas, Yai'ds and Heights . :As required in Article 18 Sec. 1103. Off-Street Parking and Loading As required in Article 17. . ARTICLE 12. C.3 COMMERCIAL MANUFACTURING ZONE .' (C.3 ZONE) City Enginf."cr, provided no entrance or exit other than on or from an alley shall be closer than five (5) feet to any lot located in an "R" Zon~, and lur. ther prO\'ided, that no single opening to a parking area shaIl exceod a width. of twenty.six (26) feet. Sec. 1716. Required loading space Evrry main building hereafter erected or strncturally altered, or de. signf'fI for use for commercial or industrial purposf'S in a "e" or "M" Zone. (excepting a C.O zonr) shall be pro,'ided with loading spaces as foIlows, and under the following conditions: (1) All loading and unloading operations and parking of trucks shall be provided for and performed on the site. (2) When such building is locatod upon a site contiguous to a Pliblic alloy it shall b. providt-d with a minimum off.street or off.alley loading space twenty.two (22) feet in depth oxtending the entire width 01 th. building and which distance shall in no cas.' he less than lorty.fh'e (45) feet, or the width of the lot if the lot is less than lorty.live feet in width, and fourteen f~t (14) in hoight. (3) In any "M" Zonco wh('n the loading SpSCf' is providf'd adjace-nt to a strfi"t or aIley, the loading platform to St'fl'e such loading spa.. shall he not less than forty (40) ft't,t from the property line of tho str~t or allfY upon which such loading spa..' is contiguous. (,~) A plan 'of 'the proposed loading area shall he suhmitted at the time of the application for the hnilding permit for th~ huilding to which tht> loading alPS is aCCf"SSory. The plans shall clrarly indicate the propoSf'd dt'vE"lopml"nt, includinll' location, sizl'. shapt', dt'sign, curh cuts, lighting, landscaping and othrr f("atllrrs and appllrtt'nanct"(; of th(" proposM loading ar.a. (5) Space designatfd as a loading area shall not hf conoidered as satisfying any ofl.(;trl't"t parking Tt~qllirt'mt'nts prt'scriht-d hy this ordinanc(". (6) All required off.street loading areas shall be paVt'd with concrt'lt' or asphaltic concft.te and shall he graded and drained so as to dispose 01 all surfaCt~ wat("r. DrainagE" (;hall hl" takrn to the curb and guttt'r or nt'nrt'st puh- lie drainal'" facilitit'S and away from adjoioing prop.'rty. In no oa"!' shall Stich drainage be allowed across the sllrlaeo 01 a puhlic sidewalk. (7) AllY lights provid('d to illuminati' any ofl-strt"('t loading ar("a shall hE' arranll'l-d so as to rt"nN:t thr light away from any prrmisrs upon which a dWf"lIing unit is locatM. (8) Th., location and dt.sign of all t'tltran<"'S and exits shall he suhj,'ct to the 0 approval of the' City Engim"t'r. providf'd no ('ntranCl' or ('xit othl'r than on or 11 from an allt'r shall hl' clost'r than fh'(' l5l f,'rl to any lot locall>d in an "R" n. zonp, and fnrlht'r pro\'idf'd, that no singlt. opl'ninA to a loading arpa shall ~. exceed a width oltWt'lIly-six (26) f"t.t. III ARTICLE 18. GENERAL PROVISIONS. CONDITIONS AND EXCEPTIONS ::s YARDS, HEIGHT. AREA. OPEN SPACE AND BULK g Sec. 1800. For"~oing r('~ulations suhj('C"t to thi(; arti(."I(' . Thl" fort'going n'l!'ulation(; p('rt8inin~ to tht' s('\,('ral zon('!' shall hr suhjt'rt ~ to thE" ~('nt"ral pro\.isions. ("onditiol1(; and I'xcl'ptions containt.d in this articl('. l:I Spc. lR01. Rs(;it: rpquirl'ml'nt~ for all dis.tri("ts and ZOIlt'S .. b'" Thl' following zoninl!' s('IU'dulr pTt"SC'rih.,~ thl'.hasiC" sill'. yard. opt'" sparp. ~ hulk, parkiii:!!, and Iuadin:!!, rl'!mlatiulIs that shall applv ill. till' district=.;. ~~ld See. 1200. Permitted uses In the C-3 zone the following uses only are permilled & as hereinafter spe. cifically provided & allowed by this article, suhject to the off.street parking requirements and the general provisions and exceptions set forth begining with Article 17. (1) Any use permitted in the "C" zones except: (a) Hotels, motels and auto courts, (b) Hospitals (industrial emergency and veterinary hospitals are permitted), (c) Institutions or homes for the treatment of con- valescent persons, children, aged persons, alcoholics, the wounded or mentally , . , - .. it g!! ~~ a ..'S a .. .. ! .. i - - '. .ones as indicated in the schedule. These b..ic requirements are defined and .upplimented by additional requirements and exceptions prescribed in sub. ~quent sections of this article. ~ -ri~'IRfT""- ] -l~ ....;;:..~~a ~g..r:,,~ -n--r- ~ ~~ : cd ~ ~ ~I En l!-':~ ii.u~~~~8~ll ~ ~I -il & fl '" _ J.,;!"'~ ~ 9N'S~, ' '" . -j- 9 .. -~ ij1~- !! Ir~r<; ~' II ~g ~I l!ilUltM:' :~~ ~ '" :;i: ~ Hill ~=I-~lj~~iJ~I~~i: ~g'"I:~: :1.::: . i .. fl '!l t' '" .'J1IL I " ;1 .. .. lIltl i1a ~ '1 r"- !lll'Y~I]~~-f--' - .-1- i ~ ~ g. .. .. o .. ;is .! - -- ,..:-:~ .. 'S" II -=:og".,p- .d :2 _.6 .: &tl~di .! ~~:::9'2 '"f:i,: 000 or; 1t..-4 O"d C 0 IoC 0-,. iii I! J ... rt rf- lie; I r:'lIY6JI:"~T=l-:I~'~ 0 0 9... ~ llj~" ~...I~f.IJJ:~~~ ll! .... ~ ~ ~ . g a . 010 0 8 0 o' J 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <> " 'Cl ~ d: 00 DOOOOCO 00 0 ~" .; 'ill: . I,.;..... .. .... ..... o~" 0 ~..... .. .. 0 c;> ~ ~::i r:1 ..... rt .... R I'" - ., ---. . 1--- ". I ~ ::5 -= g g g g g g g 8 g. g g g g g g g ~I . 0.: .... ... .... "" r'I ... .... rtj;' ri rI ,.1 ri rt Pi ... .-I ~ .!~ ' ~ II ~~ -= ....012 ~ 0..... !2. .. ,5 .;~ & .- ,- ,- .2 .. II ~ ! .. o .. .., &%)NCO..a ........ ~ ~ ~ stores, (6) Drygoods or notion stores, (7) Electrical distribution sub.."tions subject to a conditional use permit, (8) Florist shops, (9) Grocery 0_ fruit stores, (10) Hardware stores, (Il) Hotels, (12) Jewelry stores, (13) I..'mdry agencies aDl\ cloths cleaning agencies, (14) Laundries, automatic, provided not more than five (5) employees at anyone time, (15) Liquor sto.... (off- sale), (16) Meat markets or delicatessen stores, (17) Nurseries for horticul- tural stock and auxiliary supplies, (18) Parking lots, (19) Restaurants and.. coffee shops, (20) Signs, subject to the folowing conditions: (a) Permitted signs shall be used exclusively to advertise a business conducted, .or ~rvices rendered or goods produced or .sold upon such premises, or any other lawful activity conducted upon such premises, or to identify hotels, clubs, lod..... and other permilled uses: (b) Signs which pertain only to the rental, lease or sale of the premises upon which it is displayed, shall be alowed, provided such sign shaIl not be illuminated. (c) Any permitted signs shall not rotate or other- wise move or simulate motion nor shall they be so located that any green, yeIlow or red light thereon will materially or practically tend to interfere with approaching drivers readily distinguishing them from traffic signals. (21) Shoe stores or shoe repair shops; (22) Tailors, clothing or wearing apparal shops; (23) Telephone exchanges; (24) Similar retail or service establish. ments catering directly to consumers, when interpreted by the Planning Com- mission .. to performance standards .. set forth in section 1402 of this ordinance. Sec. 1001. Limitations onjermitted.uses . ' Every use permitte shall be subject to the foIlowi~g conditions and limitations: (ll All uses shaIl be conducted whoIly within an enclosed bu.ild. in8~except such ust"s as: <a) Electric distribution and transmission substations, (b) Growing stock, only when in connection with horticultural nurseries, (c). Parking lots. (2) Storage shall be limited to accessory storage of commodities sold at r~tail on the, premises. (3) AIl operations conducted on the premises shall not be obje<:lionable by rt"8Son of noise, odor, dust, mud, smoke, ~team, vibration or other similar causes. (4) Where any property used for commer- cial purposes h~ a common propt"rty lint" with proprrty zoned for "Rn pur- poses there shaIl be provided a solid masonry or concrete block waIl, not less than six (6) feet in height, on such property line, except where the face of a building is on such property line no separate waIl need be provided. S.c. 1002. A...., Yards and Heights . .-' As required in Artirle 18. See. 1003. Off.Street Parking and Loading As required in Artirl. 17. . . ARTICLE 11. C.2 GENERAL COMMERCIAL ZONE (C-2 ZONE) S,'c. 1100. P.'rmitt,'d uses In the C-2'zilll.the lollowing uses only are permitted & as h~r~inafter spe- cifically pro\'id.d and aIlow,'d hy this article, suhject to the off.street park. il1ll' f('qllirt~mC"nts and lht" gt"nf'ral pro\"isions an~ E"xCe'ptions SE"t forth }leginning with Arti..!,' Ii. (I) An)' liS" permitted. in either th. C.O or th~ C.l zone,,(2) AUlomohilt' sal"!l-. Ill'W and u!'t"d. un Automobilr hOllSt" lrailf'T salt'S. new and .0 .. - '" D a . 0" "'J! - -=;; .. .. . ..... ;!! o \J'\i~!" .o~i~!;> 00,2000 r-- Il"- II" 01"- t'-o f'o-"I..... 0 0 0 .... rt .... " p.oP I; "J "t 'i' '" "J. tt:f1 ';t ": 1 "t 'i' 1 ~ 0 "l c:: a::, 1. i 0 it~.. u ~ f.) u 0 :... j.Ii ~ Do. E!.r =H~t')~H~ . '. ..! ' ....'" <~t:~ ..I.. .. I HHHHMH t-1HMHHH "J.a.uoH"'etS ....HMHHH .. ':' ..1::08 .. ~.:: ...... ~. - - - ance and stock brokers; (8) Laboratories; biochemical and X-ray; (9) Med- ical.dental buildings; (10) Prescription pharmacies; (ll) Studios for interior decorators, photographers, artisis and draftsmen; (12) Telephone answering and secretarial services; (13) Travel agencies; (14) Accessory builaings, structures and uses, and ~ such special usea'as provided in Article 17 (Gen- eral provisions, con~itions and exceptions use.) (15) The following signs: (a) Name plates not exceeding two (2) square feet in area containing name of occupant of the premises. (b) Two single. faced identification signs, each not exceeding fifty (50) square feet in area per face, or one (1) single faced sign not exceeding one hundred (100) square feet in area. (c) One (1) d.ouble.faeed sign, not'exceeding twelve (12) square feet per face, or two (2) single faced signs not to exceed twelve (12) square feet per face pertaining only to the renal, sale or lase of the premises. (d) Public or private parking lots to be established, in con junction with use of nearby lots zoned "c" (Commercial) . See. 9OI: Limitation on permitted use Every use permitted shaII be subjeet to the following conditions and regulations: (I) Except parking areas, which may be unenclosed, all uses shall lie conducted whoIly within an enclosed building. (2) Storage shaII be limited to the accessory storage of supplies utilized in the business conducted upon the premises. (3) AIl operations conducted on the premisea shaII not be objection- able by reason of noise, odor, dust, mud, smoke, steam, vibration or other similar causes. (4) Off.street parking space or garages shaII be provided as required in Article 17 of the ordinance on the rear one-half of the premises, and said parking spaee or garages shall be located and arranged so that vehicles eon enter the street traveling in a forward direction. (5) Lights illum- inating the grounds,' driveways, wal\ways, signs, parking areas or building exterior or interiors shall be installed and maintained in such a manner as to confine direct rays to the premises and prevent direct rays or glare onto neighboring properties. (6) Where any property used for commercial pur. poses has a common property line with property zoned "R" purposes there shaII be provided a solid masonry or concrete block waIl, not less than six (6) feet in height, on such property line, except where the face of the building is on such property li,!e no separate wall need be provided. See. 902. Areas; Yards and, Heights . As required in Article 18. . . See. 903. Off-street Parking and Loading As required in Article 17. ' . ARTICLE 10. C-1 SERVICE COMMERCIAL ZONE , .. '.' (C.l. ZONE) See. 1000. Permitted uses In the Cl zone, the following uses only are.permitted and as hereinafter .p~cifieany provided a,\d ~lIowea by the article subject to the off..street parking requirements and 'the general provisions and exceptions set forth 'bep'i1lnin~ with Article 17. (I) Any use permitted iit the C-O .zone, (2) Bakeri.... (3) ~ok and stationery stores, (4) Dressmaking or millinery shop, (5\ Drug nation ,or singly. (2) Exceptions. The minimum .floor area per ~welIing unit may be in accordance with the following reduced requirements if a lot is non- conforming as to area, width or depth, but conforms to all other requirements of this ordinance, and was a duly approved and recorded lot prior to January 15, 1956. (a) When a lot has an area cif at least twenty four hundred (2,400) square feel, but less than five thousand (5,000) square feet, the foIlowing floor area is required: nine hundred (900) square feet per dwelling unit on a lot zoned R.l;' six hundred (600) square feet per dwelIing unit when ereeted in conibination on a lot zoned R.2; seven hundred (700) square feet for the front dwelling unit and five hundred (500) square feet for the rear dweIling unit when erected singly on a lot zoned R.2; five hundred (500) ~uare feet per dwelling unit on a lot zoned R.3. (b) When a lot has an area of at least five thousand (5,000) square feet, but less than seven thousand (7,000) square feet, the following floor area is required: eight hundred (800) square feet per dwelIing unit when ereeted in combination on a lot zoned R.2; nine hundred (900) square feet for the front dwelling unit and seven hundred (700) square feet for the rear dwelling unit when erected singly on a lot zoned R.2; six hundred (600) square feet per dwelling unit on a lot zoned R.3. See. 1805. Maximum lot coverage - requirements . The maximum permissable lot coverage, in per cent, shall be as requIred in the Zoning Schedule, except as otherwise provided in this ordinance. See. 1806. Yard regulations, general Except as provided in this article, every required vard shaIl be oDen'S:3 . unobstructed from the g.ound to the sky. No yard or open space provI around any buildinll for the purpose of complying with the provisions of this ordinance shaII be considered as providing a yard or open space for any other building, and no yard or open space on any ad joining property 'sha1I be con. sidered as providing a yard or open space on a building site whereon a build. ing is to be erected_ See. 1807. Yard measurements, general Required yards shall be measured as the minimum horizontal distance from the property line of the site or strw line to a line parallel thereto on ~e site; provided that where a precise street plan has been adopted by.the CIty Council, site area & required yards shall be measured f~m the plan hne.; and provided further that where a site abuts on a street havmg o~ly a portIon of its required width dedicated or reserved for street purposes, SIte area and re- quired yards shall be measured from a line dra,,:n on th~ boun~ary ~f the a- dditional width required for st~eet purposes abuttmg the sIte. Thl~ sectIon ~oes not require a yard of such WIdth or depth as to reduce the bUIldable WIdth of a comer lot to less than forty (40) feet. See. 1808. Descriptive plates or drawings '. . . The Planning Commission may, by resolution, adopt descnpl1ve plates or drawings for purposes of interpreting yard, a~ea, dimension, location or <!ther provisions of this ordinance. After the adop!,on of such ~la~s o~ drawmgs, the provisioD3 indicated thereon shan be apphed as an admmlstratlve act. S.c. 1809. Commission may establi~ formula for modifying yard requirements o 11 P. 1-'. ::s III ::s o CD Z ~ CD 11 .. - - . IJ4....-- em-Del' Lot Width. SS teet; (3) Lot area not to be reduced. No lot area shall be so reduced or de. minished that the lot area, yard, or other open spaces shall be smaller than prescribed by this ordinance, nor shall the density of population be increased in any manner except in conformity with the regulations established by this ordinance. (4) Minimum width of corner lot. The minimum width of corner . inconsistent with adequate standards of pedestrian and vehicular cuculation for the development and for the area in which it is located. . See. 805. Building coverage The buildinll coverage for any planned residential development shall not exceed forty (40%) per cent of the land area being developed, exclusive of vehicular rights of way. See. 806. Building Height ' The maximum building height permitted shall not exceed the building height permitted in the base zone. Sec. 807 . Yard and open spaces Yards and distances between building shall be dimensioned on the re- quired plans but need not be determined by lot lines or the base zone reg- ulations, but shaIl be established by the conditional permit for each develop- ment. See. 808. Off.street parking The off.street parking requirements for each such development sha1I be as foIlows: (1) Two carports or garages for each family d~elling unit in the development. (2) There sha1I also be required for visitors and guests at least one (1) parking space for every two family dwelling units in the development.. Such parking spaces may be uncovered and shall be so located as to be acces- sible to such visitors and guests. The require(Dent for this. additional parking may be waved when it is determined that there will be sufficient parking space to adequately serve the development without it. (3) Th required parking spaces, carports or garages, or any portion thereof, may be grouped when it is determined by the Planning Commission that such grouping and the location thereof will be accessible and useful in connection with the proposed dwelIing units in the development. See. 809. Revocation of conditional permit Any conditional permit granted pursuant to the provisions of this see- tion shall contain a condition providing for the revocation of said conditional permit if: (i) open areas and recreational facilities are not preserved and maintained, (2) automobile storage spaces and adequate access thereto is not preserved and maintained, or (3) any taxes or assessments are not paid within the period required by law. ARTICLE 9. CO PROFESSIONAL OFFICE ZONE (CO ZONE) See. 900. Permitted Uses . In the C.O zone, the foIlowing uses only are permitted and as herein- after specifically provided and allowed by this article subject to the off.street parking requirements and the general provisions and exceptions set forth beginning with Article 17. (1) The following professional offices: (a) Ac- countants. (b) Attornevs, (c) Doctors. dentista. optometrists. oculists. chiro- practors, and others licensed by the :State of California to practice the healing arts, (dj Engineers, architects, surveyors and planners. (2) Advertising agen- cies; (3) Barber shops and beauty parlors; (4) Convalescent homes; (5) Escrow offices; (6) Hospitals, suhjectto a conditional use permit; (7) Insur- . 11, Ht~ql1ifl'ml'nts: Minimum lot drra, ",idth and Ot'pth shall he' as rrquin-d in tht.. Zoning S("ht.dult"_ t"XCt'pt as othrrwik" pro,"idfii in this ardin- ~n("t'. <<2) Exc.'ptions: An'a, width. dt'pth of .nono("onforming lotlil-. la) Ex('('pt 8S otht'rwiSt" pro\"idt'd in this ordinan('t'. a lot ha\'in~ 8n art'8, fronta~', width or dt'pth It." than tht, minimum pn'scriht"d for tht" district and zom' in which thr'lot is )oC'att.o, whiC'h lot is :!lohown on a duly appron"d Ollll u"C'ordt'd !luh. dh"i!=ion map. or n'l'ord or iElUn"t'Y map. or for which a dt"t-d or '"elid C'ontrart of salt' was of rt'cord prior to tht' adoption of thi~ ordinRllct' at~d whh.1t had a legal area, frontage, width and depth at the time that the subdivision map or record of survey map, deed, or contract of sale was recorded, may be used for any use permitted in the district and zone in which the lot is located, provided that said lot and use conform to all regulations of said district and zone other than lot minimum area, width or depth. (b) The minimum area and width exemption of paragraph (e) above, shall not apply to any lot, parcel, or buildinll site in the R-4 Zone upon which it is proposed to ereet, alter or enlarge a building greater than thirty five (35) feet in height. Such lot, parcel, or building site shall conform to the minimum area and width requirements pre- ..ribed in the Zoning Schedule. . NOTE: The following schedule is pro\'ided for information purposes, indieat. ing legally acceptable minimum lot areas and widths prior to the adoption of this zoning ordinance. Seb84nl. ot Lellll1 Lclt JIzo.U P..101' to J140ptlcm at th1a 01>d101l..... '''ft'_'M Lello1 Arau and D1<Iena1aD8 ot Lots ZODB ot BODON 1'1'101' to 1/1~S ~/1B/SSllo 1N{f6 An.... 1/lS!S6 p.... Or4. ~ pel' Code 21- p." CacI.. 21~ -.. lI14t1l """a \/ldtb _e.. Ifldth Sq. Pt. Peet Sq. Pt. Po.t Sq. Ft. Foet B_1 2.~00 2S S.ODD SOl> 7.000 70 B-2 2.~00 2S S.SOO S""' 7.000 70 B-3 2.~00 2S 6.SDD SOl> 7.000 70 All 'c' 11II4 . 11" - - - SOl> 7.000 70 ....... ,- - - . ments shall be permitted subject to the regulations of this section. The zone shall.conslit\lle the '.combining zone"; indipating the additional use as pro- vided in this Section. Sec. 801. Permitted use, Subject to the issuance of a Conditional Permit, plaimed developments (including private parks and recreation areas, recreation buildings and struc- tures, elubs and social haIls, playfields, play~ounds and swimming pools, all in connection with said developments) shall be permitted in addition to the uses permitted in the base zone, BUT NOT INCLUDING any of the above or similar uses operated as a business or for commercial purposes. The appli- cation for a r.ondition permit shall include: (1) A boundary survey map of the property. (A tentative subdivision map may be substituted for this re- quirement if the applicant proposes to subdivide the property. (2) Existing topography of the development area shall be shown with contours at not more than two feet intervals. (3) The gross land area of the development, the present zoning elassification thereof, and the zoning classification and existing land use on all adjacent properties; including the location of structures and other improvements thereon. (4) A general development .plan with at least the following details, shown to scale and dimensioned: (a) Location and use or uses proposed for each existing and each proposed structure in the de. velopment area, the number of stories, gross building floor areas, and approx. imate location of entrances. (b) AIl existing and proposed streets, curb cuts, driving lanes, parking areas and loading areas. (e) AIl pedestrian walks and open areas for the use of occupants of the proposed development and the public. (d) Types of surfacing proposed for all walks and driveways. (e) A detailed plan for the landscaping of the development, including the location and height of all proposed walls, fences and screen planting, and a statement selling forth the method by which such landscaping and fencing, shaIl be preserved and maintained. (f) A grading plan for the ...tire development. (g) All existing or proposed physical features such as hydrants, utility facil- ities, f1oodlil';hts, drainage facilities and recreation facilities, and a statement setting forth the method by which these features shall be preserved and main- tained. (5) Plans and elevations of one or more structures to indicate arch itectural type and materials or construction. See. 802. Building site area required A planned residential development shall have sufficient land area to meet the objectives sel forth in section 800, hereof, and the minimum land area for each dwelling unit, exclusive of public or private vebicular right of way, shall not be less than that required in the base zone. See. 803. Dwelling.types permitled . Only the types of dwelIings specified in the base zone and the recreation uses and buildings set forth In section 801 hereof, shall be permitted in any combined zone. Sec. 804. Perimeter of streets (1) A planned residential development shaII be bounded on all sides by streets. (2) A partial waiver of this requirement may be granted by the Planning Commission if it is determined that such partial waiver will nbt be lots shall be ten per cent (10%) greater than the minimum width for the district or zone given in the Zoning Schedule. (5) Greater lot area may be required. Greater lot areas than those prescribed in the various zones may be required when such greater areas are established by adoption of a precise plan in the manner prescribed by law, designating the location and size of such greater required areas. (6) Division of lots or parcels containing more than .the minimum required area. When any lot or parcel in any zone contains a greater area than the required minimum lot area of the zone in which. it is located, then each unit of the required minimum area contained in such. lot or parcel may be utilized as a separate lot, provided that all other requirements of the zone in which it is located are met, and that any such division does not result in more than four (4) lots; and further provided that each resulting lot has frontage upon a dedicated public thoroughfare or be provided with a permanent easement of record which shall afford legal access to a publicly ded- icated street which easement shaIl be' approved as to adequacy by the Planning Commission and the City Council. (7) Through lots may be c!ivided in cer- tain cases. Through lots two hundred (200) feet or more in depth may be im- proved as two separate lots, with the dividing line midway between the street frontages, and each resulting one.hall (Ih) shaIl be subject to the con. trois applying to the street upon which such one.half faces. If each resulting one-hall be below the minimum lot area as determined by this ordinance, then no division may be made and only one permissable use shaIl be aIlowed on such lot. If the whole of any through lot is improved as one building site, the main building shall conform to the zone classification of the frontage DC, cupied by such main building, and no accessory building shall be located closer to either street than tbe distance constituting the required front yard on such street. See. 1803. Lot area per dwelling unit- requirements and exceptions (1) Requirements. Minimum lot area per. dwellin.g un!t sh?1l be. as reo quired in the Zoning Schedule, except as otherwIse prOVIded 10 th,s ordmance. (2) Exceptions. The minimum lot area per dwelling unit may be in acconla?ee with the following reduced requirements if a lot zoned R.3 is non.conlormmg as to area, width or depth, but conforms to all other requirements of this ordin. 0 ance and was a duly approved and recorded lot prior to January 15, 1956. 11 (a ) For such a R.3 zoned lot which has an area of at least twenty four hundred p. (2,400) square feet, bUI less than five thousand (5,000) aquar~ feet, the ~. minimum land.area per dwelling unit shall be seven hundred and fIfty (750) III square feet. (b) For such a R.3 zoned lot which has an area of at least five g thousand (5000) square feet, but less than seven thousand (7,000) square CD feel, the min'imum .Iand area per dwelling unit shall be qne thousand (1,000) Z square feet. t::i Sec. 1804. Floor area per dwelling unit-requirements and exceptions 6- (1) Requirements. The minimum floor area per dwelling unit shall be as ~ required in the Zon}ng Schedule, except as otherwise provided in this ord!. nance. Dwelling units on R-2 or R.3 lots may be ereeted either in comb,- . - 1 iJ ilo~n :!~"3 lu itb~ Cl:&:oO'Jl1I liD ! :<ii n:lf ~ II"!!!" .. .... :!=:....g ~ i 5 D II If 51 - - SoP It u ....0 ~ .113 t II ,~~ m - D '" - .. 8 l!J .. J~Il!..t.~ afla.-=~ "g8 rl.!l a::>:e'" J;ll' . .. .. .. - .!!1l:::...I>o;-a ".. ....i~ aeQ :0' 0 :!l 0''''''' ~..1 rn- ... , .. .... ... 0.. .... .. 8"'~ ry-' .... i~ o - ..... II'; ~.!! - ':i~ .. 11 . I~! - - : I : I : ~ ~,~,~ ~I~ ~ . . I ~ ::4i:.:4l:;' ~ rot.... . . . cial). (4) Suhjecl to th. respt'cliv. limitations, othtr similar enterpri...., un. less in the opinion of the Plan~ing Commission and the City Council they would be by comparison with those m~ntiontd in this section, detrimental to the particular neighnorhood in which locat.d or to be loeattd. (5) The usual' accessories and outhuildings nec....ry to and IDeated on the same lot, pareel' of ground or building sitt. S... 601. Areas, Yards and Htight As required in Article 18. Sec. 602. Off.street Parking. As required in Artid. 17. ARTICLE 7. R.4 HIGH RISE MULTIPLE RESIDENCE ZONE (R.4 ZONE) See. 700. Ptrmilled uses (l) All u.... p.rmilled in R-l. R.2 and R.3 Zon.s, hut under th. same restrictions, conditions and limitations as s cifiNl in ArticlE"s 4, 5 and. 6. 2 partment DUseS, oa ing and rooming houses, fraternity and sorority houses, private clubs and public and private institutions of an edueational or philanthropic nature which are not rendering treatment for physical or mental diseases, of more than 35 feet in height. (3) The foIlowing additional uses subject to the issuance of conditional permits therefor prescribed in Article 20: (a) Hotels; (b) Hospitals; (e) Convalescent and. rest homes; (d) Public or private parking lots to be established in conjunction with use of nearby lots zoned "e" (Commereial). (4) Subject to the respective limitations, other similar enterprises, unless in the opinion of the Planning Commission and the City Council they would be by comparison with those mentioned in this sec. tion, detrimental to the particular neighborhood in which .located or to be located. (5) The usual accessories and outbuildings necessary to and located on the same lot, parcel of ground or building site. Sec. 701. Areas, Yards and Heights As required in Article 18 See. 702. Off-street parking As required in Article 17. ARTICLE 8. PD "PLANNED DEVELOPMENT" COMBINING . ZONE REGULATIONS. (PD ZONE) Sec. 800. Purpose and procedure The purpose of this zone is to provide a method wbereby land may be designated and developed as a unit for residential use by taking advantage of modern site planning techniques in order to produce an environment of stable. desirable character which will be in harmony with existing or potential de- velopment of the surrounding neighborhood. The regulations of this zone are intended to produce developments which meet standards of open space, lijrht and air, pedestrian and vehicular circulation and density of dwelling units which are similar to those required by the regulations of the zone or zones in which such development is the be located. In any zone where the zone symbol is followed by, as a part of such sym- bol, the parenthetically en~losed letters "PD", thus: (PD), planned develop- 81:3B:: tI.Ic'lJCQO'JO'JUJrIJ Y :;:: 1!:41 ~I::.I ::.l~::,-=, " D ... lli.l~:' ;..~ ,;'..-e 0.. 1r5 ~ S .:;r 14 :if ~ :a 14 :if ~ l!l1~~Il!ll!l ~ l!l ~r~tJ!f~hC;~ ;;;; ~I~ l!, ~ ~ ~.g ,g ~11! i~ ~11l ,';!'I~ o '? 0, 9 '" 0 '" 0 '" ROO 0 0 u ...0 _ ~l- to- \1\ t- \1\ t- ...' cO co ..0 '" to g 8 N N I~ ~ 508000 080000 "",,;E"o-l"-l"-r-: r4 ... . . , I . . · · · · · · co ~ .. . ... ... o 0 .. .. · · · · · · 't ~ · · . · · · -c :.!' ;i=lg8 - .p 0 ~ Nt' II ~ 1l1:: ';; r4 r4 I I '"j- '" I ~i~ I .........'1.......... I 0...... ~J ~Ji gll~D J J1c'.I\J gl g ,8 8 ~ ~I~ 0\1'\ OQo.oa-c-Or-l........lr"I . I ..0..0 r-.,.... ... ... . 01 0 0 a o. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 lD o. tLtJ~ : ,,9.1.11 .~.! '!I.~ }!I.! o ~O!I 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 8 0 0 8' 9 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 ~ 0 0 I~ .::t "'I"'.............. 0-,- 0 ::Ill! .....10: 01 a 01 0 0 0 0 0 CJ 0 ~ 0 0 -: a 01 co "'II 0 01 0 lD,.! CD . IJ I. 0 I 0 0 ...1." ....1... fIJ i~ t] t'J "Ir" r.')lrn V) ! -- ,- . ...1... N N ..... '" .::t .::t 0 0 ... N ..... r4 j '" I . I . I ~ f . , . . f ..... o. ~~~~~~=~uuuoo__~~ M H M .... .... ~ M M H M M ....IM i ....HHHMHM HHHHH....H .... HII8.s.sacl4lJ ....HHHMMH Sc-c. 1002. Lot aft'n ami dlm('n!liion~ - ft"quirrmt"nts and t'xct"'ptions - - .. and wh~ so used shall be attached to the building. (10) Mainlaining mail addreas for commercial and business license purposes only, provided no stock in trade, supplies, professional equipment, apparatus or business equipment are kept on the premises; and provided, that no employees or assistants in con- nection therewith are engaged for services on the premises. (ll) Swimming pools used solely by persons resident on the site and their guests, provided that no swimming pool or acceasory mechanical equipment shall be located in a required front or side yard or less than five (5) fect from a property line. (12) The folowing additional uses, subject to the issuance of conditional per- mits therefor prescribed in Article 20: (a) Public utility buildings; (b) Churches, museums and libraries; (e) Schools and coIleges; (d) Public park.. playground.. athlelie field.. swimming pools and recreational areas; (e) Real estate offices (temporary). Sec. 401. Areas, Yards and Heights , As required in Article 18. Sec. 402. Ofl.str~t Parking As required in Article 17. ARTICLE 5. R.2 TWO FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONE (R.2 ZONE) The planning commission may, by resolution, adopt a formula or establish standard pracliees by which to determine an appropriate and practical m9rl- ifieation of required yard depths in all residential zones where geometric shape and dimensions and topography are such as to make the literal applica. tion of such required depths impractical. After the adoption of such formula or standard practices, they shall be applied as an administrative act. Sec. 1810. Front yard requirement.. general Minimum front yards shall be provided for each use as prescribed in the Zoning Schedule, except as otherwise provided in this ordinance. Sec. 18ll. Front yard requirements, C-l and C.2 Zones No front yard shall be required for a use in a C.l or C.2 Zone, except as otherwise provided in this ordinance. (See Section 1812). Sec. 1812. Front yard requirements, "ett or "M" Zone abutting "R" Zone. Where "C" or "M" Zoned lots occupy a portion of a block containing uR" Zoned lots and face upon the same street as the "R" zoned lots, then the re- quired front yards for the "C" or "M" zoned lots in said block and facing said street shall be the same as the required front yard for the nearest of said "R" zoned lots. Sec. 1813. Front yard requirements when more than one main building exists Where two or more buildings on a lot are, by definition of this ordinance, considered main buildings, then the front yard requirement shall apply only to the building closest to the lot frontline, but all other buildings shall conform to the requirements concerning placement of buildings as contained in ,the zone in which the property is located. - Sec. 1814. Front yard modification where nonconformities exist The depth of required front yards on unimproved lots may be modified as follows: (1) On a lot situated between lots improved with buildings the min. imum front yard shall be the average depth of the front yards on the improved lots adjoining the side lines of the lot. (2) Where a lot is not situated between lots improved with buildings and where lots comprising forty per cent (40%) of the front footage on the block are improved with buildings, the minimum front yard shall be the average of the existing front yard der.ths in the block. (3) In computing average front yard depths, a depth ten eet (10) greater f? than the minimum required front yard shaII be used in lieu of any greater 110 front yard depth. . ..... Sec. 1815. Front yard modification for sleep profile residential lots. g Where the elevation of a "R" zoned lot at the front r.roperty line is five ::s (5) feet or n:Jore above or below the established street e evation at the.edge g of the existing or pro~d pavement or where a lot has an average natural slope of twenty percent (20%) or more, upward or downward, measured from 2: the established elevation of the street at the edge of the existing or proposed e pavement to the rear line of the required front yard, a garage or carport may 5- be constructed not less than fifteen (15) feet from the edge of the existing CD or proposed pavement, provided that in no case shall a garage or carport have t1 a front yard of less than three (3) feet. . Sec. 1816. Vision clearance, corner and reversed corner lots No obstruction in excess of two and one.half (2th) feet in height shaIl Sec. 500. Permitted u... (I) AIl u... permitted in the R-l Zone, but under the same restriction.. and limitations as specified in Section 400. (2) In the two.family residential zone, no buildings or structures or lot, parcel of ground or building sites shaII ~ used nor shall any building or other structure be erected, altered or enlarg- ed which is arranged, intended or designed to house more than two families living independently of each other, together with the outbuildings necessary to and located on the same lot or parcel of ground, or building site. (3) The following additional u.... subject to the issuance of conditional use permits therefor prescribed in Article 20: (a) Public or private parking lots to be established in conjunction with use of nearby lots zoned "C" (Commercial). Sec. 501. Areas, Years and Heights As required in Article 18. Sec. 502. Off.street Parking As required in Article 17. ARTICLE 6. R-3 MULTIPLE RESIDENCE ZONE (R-3 ZONE) See. 600. Permitted u.... ,( 1) All u..s permitted in the R-l and R.2 Zones, but under the same restriction.. conditions and limitations as specified in Articles 4 and 5. (2) Apartm~t houses, bungalow courts, group hou..s, boarding and rooming houses, fraternity 'hou..s and privale club.. and public and private institu. tions of an f'ducalional or philanthropic nature which are not rendt"ring treatment for physical or mental di....... consisting of not more than ten (10) living units. (3) The following additional uses subject to the issuance of con- ditional permits therelor prescribed in Article 20: (a) Hotels; b () Hospitals; (e) Convalescent and rest homes; (d) Public and private parking lots to '~e_~tab]ishM in conjunction with U!H' of nf"arby lots ZODf"d uC" (Commer- - - - . , See. 1820. Side yard modification on combined lots When the common boundary line separating two or more contiguous lots is covered by a buildinK or permitted group of buildinllS. or when the placement 01 a building or group of buildings with respect to such e<>mmon boundary line or Jines does not fully conform to the required yard spaces on each side of ~ch common boundary line or Ii?es, such I?ts sh~1 constitute a single building SIte and the yard spaces as reqUIred by th.s ordmanee shall then not' apply to such common boundary line. See. 1821. Rear yard requ.rements, general Minimum rear yeards shaIl be provided for each use as prescribed in the Zoning Schedule, except as otherwise provided in this ordinance. See. 1822. Rear yards of "R" zoned lots abutting an alley (1) Where a rear property line of an uR" zoned lot abuts an alley which is.twenty (20) feet in width, the minimum rear yard depth of the UR" zoned lot shall be four (4) feet. (2.) Where a rear property line of a uR" zoned lot abuts an alley which is less than twenty (20) feet in width, then the minimum rear yard depth of the "R" zoned lot shall be as follows: (a) Thirteen (13) feet for an eleven (11) foot wide alley. (b) Twelve (12) feet for a twelve (12) foot wide alley. (e) Nine (9) feet for a fifteen (15) foot wide alley. (3) These rear yard provisions shall be strictly maintained in order to proville adequate turning radius access for vehicles entering or leaving 8 garage or parking space ad jacentto the alley. See. 1823. Rear yards of C.l and C-2 zoned lots abutting street or highway c1a..ification indicated on the detailed prezoning map, and such portions of the prezoning map governing properties so annexed shall beeome part of the City's zoning map and thereafter be subject to all of the provisions of this Ordinanl'P.. (2) If a prezoning map for an area has not been adopted, then such area shaIl, upon annexation, be deemed to be classified R.l until reclassified in the man- ner prescribed by law, or unless at the time of annexation and effective there- upon, a different zoning classifIication has been established by the adoption nf an interim zoning ordinance. See. 309. Area zoning symbols Where a number follows the zoning symbol on the zoning map, it shall represent the number of thousands of square feet of area required in lieu of the minimum areas established in each zone as herein defined. If no numbr.r follows the zoning symbol, the areas prescribed in the article governing such zone shall apply. See. 310. Limitation of land use Except as provided in this ordinance, no building shall be erected, re- constructed or structurally altered, nor shall any building or land be used for any purpose except as hereinafter specifically provided and allowed in the same zone in which such buildinllt and land is located. ARTICLE 4. R.l ONE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONE (R-l ZONE) See. 400. Permitted uses (1) In the one-family residential zone, no building or sll'ucture or Int, parcel of ground Qr building site shaIl he used, nor shall any building or struc- ture be erected, altered or enlarged which is arran~d, intended or designed for use other than a one.family dwelling together with the outhuildings neeess- ary to and located on the same lot, parcel of ground or building site. (2) Accessory buildings and structures, including private lIarages to accomodate not more than three ears. (3) Flower and vegetable gardening not commercial. (4) Nurseries and green house, used only for purposes of propagation and culture and not for sale. (5) Dop and eats as household pets, not to exceed three in any combination thereof. (6) Home occupations. (7) Twenty.four hour foster care homes. (8) Two.family IIwellings, when the lot upon which they are located has a side line abutting a lot or lots zoned R -3, C-l, C.2, C-3, M.l or M.2, but in no case shall the property used for such two.family dwell- ing consist of more than one lot nor be more than seventy feet (70') in width, whichever is the least. (9) The following signs: (a) One unlighted sign not exceeding six square feel in area pertaining only to the sale, lease or hire of only the particular building, property or premises upon which displayed; (b) Sign identifying persons engaged in construction on a site shall be permitted as long as construction is in progress, but not to exceed a six-month period; (c) Signs not exceeding an aggregate size of one hundred square leet in sur. face area advertising the sale of subdivisions and tract homes shall be per- mitted during the initial period of the development project, which period shall be de~ned as beginning with the reeording date of the subdivision map and terminating twelve months thereafter; (d) Name plates not exceeding twelve by three inches in size, containing the ~ame and occupation of occupant .of premises when required by law or for physicians when used as an accessory. be located on a corner lot or reversed corner lot within a triangular formed by the street property lines and a line connecting points on the street property 'lines fifteen (15) feet from the intersection of said street property lines, ex. ceptthattrees shall be permitted provided that they are pruned up to eight (8) feet above the established grade at the center of the street intersection so as not ,to obstruct clear view by motor vehicle drivers. Sec. 1817. Sideyard requirements, general Minimum side yards shall be provided for each use as prescribed in the ZOning Schedule, except as otherwise provided in this ordinance. See. 1818. Side yards, C.l, C.2, C.3, M.l and M.2 Zones (I) No side yard shall be required on an interior side (a side not abutt- ing a street or alley) of any C.l, C.2, C.3, M.l or M-2 zoned lot except as otherwise provided in this ordinance. (See section 1824). (2) On a side abutting a street, no side yard shall be required for any lot zoned C.l or C.2, except as otherwise provided in this ordinance. See. 1819. Side yards abutting front or rear entrances of dwelling Where dwellings are arranged so that their front or rear entrances abut on a side yard, the required side yard abutting the front entrances shall be in. creased two (2) feet for each dwelling unit having a front entrance opening into or reached via the side yard, and the required side yard abutting the rear entrances shall be increased one (1) foot for each dwelling unit opening into or reached via the side yard; provided, such increase need not exceed five (5) feet. - ~ ._, .-. ...-r:.....'-...-..."-...-...--, -= lu........!b!IIL.IIUa i Jm It ..B!!t...II!S!!. i ~ Oft . . i_/ I / ~ I" Y M' . . .1 .;...... - ! -..- I I 1..:::::._::=--",- 1 II ...... i ~I " ) 0 " ... ," " /.. ~, '. / "'/" tI --/" -"""- bl I . /Y ~~/:fr--"------:r:"-=-~":'~- ~../' o - _n........._....._.w.. - -...... ..,........, ~; ::::. .~1':":'.:"-1 ..... " .... -'-. -. ...... .!!.!....!!t. CITY, Of' MAL IIACH .. VlClllm 11:'.1 f.I'~ II' ..__.... ,...,... al''''__ .. .,.. "'"" .... _. ..... .. c.o...._. _.. __'._1" ...._ .....__ ...___".... _" _... _n ...... _n.. ....__._..._...._ ....0".....___. ,._._ ... __.. '...err. ""'_ .. ... "1......_ ......- ... '...._____ _....~:.!~r..~.~_ _..,....__ _....Cd....___ .. ....... U.'" ,.., .",_ _ _... .. _, .. _ _' '... ._...... ,,-,_ Ie' .. __ _ IN'" _ ....._.".... r".. .... .... "... ..go.......... .................n....... Of. _..... en........_.. ,..",,...._ .. .).... ... - - ... - .. .. --.. _ con _ .. _ .,..... "30.... ... ~'d . . -^'t...:'.. ,. '"- ...,,,... :.~.., - """"" ...9' ijo _ ".,. ...~. - - -.. Where a rear property line of a' C.1 or C.2 zoned lot abuts a street nr highway, the rear yard requirements for the lot shall be the same as the frnnt yard requirements. (See sections 1811 and 1812). . Sec. 1824. Yard requirements for "e" or "M" zoned lots which abut "R" zoned lots Where any lie" or '1M" zoned lot has a common property line with a liIK". zoned lot, then a minimum yard width of ten (10) feet shall be provided nn said "C" or "M" zoned lot ad jacentto the fuIl length of said common property line, except that if a greater width of yard is required by other provisions' of this ordinance, then said greater width of yard shall be provided. Sec. 1825. Required yards for schools, churches and institutions In all "R" Zones no building shall be erected, structurally altered for a school, church, institution or _other similar use permitted under the woe rel!Ulations of this ordinance unless such buildinJl8 are removed at least fifteen (15) feel from the boundary line of any adjoining property in any "Rn Zone See. 1826. Required distances between structures (1) No dwelling or other main building shall be eIoser than ten (10) feP.l to any other dwelling or main building on the same lot, or building site and "0 detached accessory huildinll shall be closer than six (6) feet to any m.in buildings. (2) Garages, carporta and other accessory structures may be attach- ed to and have a common wall with the main structure on a lot or building site or may be connected with the m81n structure by a breezeway. See. 1827. Permitted intrusions into required yards The following intrusions may projeet two (2) feet into required yards., provided the required side yards shall not be reduced to less than three (111 feet in width, nor shall any pedestrial walkway on the lot be reduced bel<'W three (3) feet in unobstructed width: (1) Cornices, eaves, belt cour.... sill.. buttresses or other similar architectural features. (2) Fireplace structures not wider than eight (8) feet measured in the general direction of the wall of which it is a part. (3) Stairways, balconies and fire escapes. (4) Uneover...t porches and platforms which do not extend above the level of the first Rnn., provided they may extend into a required front yard not more than thirty (30) inches. (5) PlantinlJ boxes or masonry planters not """""ding forty.two (42) 0 inches in height. (6) Guard railings for safety proteetion around ramps. t1 See. 1828. Accessory structures not permitted in yards. ~ No accessory structure shall be permitted in any required front, side, III ::l rear yard, except as otherwise provided in this ordinance. I>> Sec. 1829. Trees, siJrubs and Rowers permitted in yards . g Shrubs, Rowers, plants and hedges, not more than forty.two. (42) inches CD in height, and trees shall be permitted in any required yard,' except as pro- Z vided in Section 1816 of this ordinance. l::i See. 1830. Screening and landscaping . g. (1) In a lie" or 11M" Zone, a use not conducted entirely within a com. CD eletely enclosed structure and on a site across a street or alley from an "R" 11 ~e shall be screened by a wall or fence (with solid gales where necessary) not less than six (6) feet in height if found by the City Planning Commission to be unsightly. (2) In a "C" or "M" Zone, a use not conducted entirely with. .\ " l 1 CITY OF SEAL BEACH OIWllII CauIlTY. U"IPO..... ZONING IIAP ".ET 0.- 01' TWO IICI1'I ~UII. ., I..a -U.IND- . .., ... 1_._Ift. "_. or. ._. ... '''Ii _a____.r,..... coo. .._... .... ...1 ..... __~_.__.._... c... Ir.... -. .. .1". .. 1_' .... ,.. ._.. .._. _ ....._ .'~II' ....OC'. ... - - ing a completely enclosed structure and on a site across a street or alley trom I a "Cl" or "C.2" Zone shaI1 be screened by a oolid wall or fenoo (with oolidl gates where necessary) not less than six (6) feet in height if found by thel City Planning Commiasion to be unsightly. (3) Where a trailer park adjoina a street or any use e"oopl another trailer park, an area twenty (20) feet in depth adjoining the lot boundaries shall be landscaped with materials suitable for insuring privacy and screening unsightlineas & shall be permanently main-I .tained by the owner. (4) A landscaped area provided aa a requirement of this ordinanoo or aa a eondipon of a use permit or varianoo shall be planted with materials suitable for screening or ornamenting the site, whichever is approp- riate, and plant materials shall be replaced aa needed to screen or ornament the site. The landscaped area shall be permanently maintained by the owne.r. (5) The provisions of this section shaII be subject to the limitations prescribed in Section 1816 of this or~inanoo. See. 1831. Fen.... walls, hedges, screen planting (1) Interior lots. On an interior lot or interior side of a corner lot, a waIl, fenoo, hedge or screen planting not more than six (6) feet in heighl may be located anywhere to the rear of the rear line of the required front yard. If aaid wall, fence, hedge or screen planting serves to divide two lots and if one lot haa a different front yard requirement than the other, the lesser of the two requirements shaII prevail. (2) Corner lots. On the side street side of a eomar lot a waIl, fence, hedge or screen planting not more than six (6) feet in height may be located anywhere on the lot to the rear of the eorner of the residenoo' nearest to the front street. (3) Reversed' eorner lots. On a reversed eorner lot a wall, fenoo, hedge or screen planting not more than six (6) feet in height may be located anywhere on the lot to the rear of the rear line of the required front yard. (4) Common lot lines. A waIl, fenoo, hedge or screen planting not more than six (6) feet in height may be located and maintained along or with- in one foot of the eommon line between two lots subject only to the lesser of the two restrictions applying to the two ad joining lots aa per preceding paragraphs in this section. (5) Legally required fences. The provisions of this section .haII not apply to fences required by state law to surround and en. close public utility iDstallations or to chain link fences enclosing public school- grounds and public playgrounds. (6) Retaining walls. Where a retaining wall is located on the line separating lots or parcels, such retaining wall may be I topped by a waIJ, fenoo, bedge or screen planting of the same height that would otherwise be permit~ at the location if no retaining wall existed. (7) . Wall or fenoo structure. Structure of all waIls and fences permitted by this ordinance shall. be subject to requirements of the City Building Code. See. 1832. Building height limits , (1) ReqUirements, general. No building or structure shall exceed the building heild>t limit for the district and zone in which it is located or pro- posed to be focated as prescribed in the Zoning Schedule, exoopt aa otherwise provided in thioordinanoo. (2) Requirements, "C.2" Zone. In any C.2 Zone no building or structure shaI1 exceed a height of thirty.five (35) feet, except' that where a conditional "R-4" use is permitted under provisions of Section! llOO (17), then the buildinllt height Iimit~sh~L1l.cu!g!!-ty~ feet.__@)' : ~~ . n_:",~.~':.::t:~~-:."_~":' .~ :.~": ':~..:~;::~:..: '.~_. ,.........ot>-..f.. '--" ""'-'M" ----f.--..,... .' - ~:~":.~.:; ..;:: :/.'..~~;:-X ::'-.";: ~:~:~~.::~-:-:.-:;!-: ..... . -"~~L-.,,-,'~'~I-5j-~,~... 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'It'.. .;:~.,!'- ,'/,'" ,. ,... ..41 "'I-.f ....... ;. '\' 1fiII.~ /~.....' ~ ......-- "".",; .' ..... :,.".,.'. I ...., ,. ". /litttti -' /".~ ~ . ~~,: .~ /..,. :' I' , .~ .,",-..., l'" .~. ! ~ , ;:.. ,."'..... .II!I.; I'" .." .... . wi .,/'\. ....~ ,,/::t/ I i ,"'''t-'' ~'.;,:. . '. .. ;.......~ i '" I- .-.....'" . , ....J.....:\!1.... '.. I .........N~1e~. 'l\.. ..' ~-'l- establish an expansion of a eonsistentland.use 'pattern that shaII prevail if and when ~reas eon~ned within such expanded plans annex to the city. For that purpose prezonmg maps may be developed and adopted in'the same manner prescribed by this ordinanoo for the classification or reclassification of prop- erly within the city, including procedures for and eoncurrent eonoideration of variances, eonditional use permits and site plans. See. 308. Zoning status of annexing properties. . (l) If a prezoning map for an area haa been adopted, then such annexing property eontaineCI therein shaIl, upon'becoming a part of the City, poosesa the - ~"....- N ,I I ~ ~ I ; , . . II' l' :..1.. < ,." .. CRY,OF SEAL BEACH __ COUll''', CAUFOIIIU ZONING IIAP ....T TWO fI1 TWO.-&'f'I ",UIIIE ., I..' -LlIIIIO- .. -.-..-........... I' _..___ '1 -.'-' ._.....,_ ... - __I ..__ __ ......._......_....1_- c......_......n_ c., __ ___ 1- c~......c_.C'..... IIC_.r...._.....__ ....__w_.:.. .,"_ _.c'._ ,_ ....-.--........... ..._11___.... n1.i:ftl-li'*~-- .....,..I'~._......I.UICO.._"I ..~.._.t.. " ...'1..... .....1..' _re....... . .... ... ... _..-r"'IIOf"'._ . ...'.. .... ., .,.etI... .... C'" - .... "11'.., I.... la' ..... ..., - '" , i'" . ..' ~ \ p .;')' ,.." ,- / / , " , "".. -:. '" ,..... .~ ., .....,..:., ~ ," / '" ...U.~~t':. " t"', ",'. ;,.~/ 'h';'~':~".':"~"-':"":' ...... ..".... " ... ...... .~..;\ ~""<l..- 0, f .,I"':.:-?..... _~~.r.tl;;;::: " ,'. ~ , ;'.\~~~1.?";~-:. :. ~~:~_. . " .. - . '\)' ~;,:'/. " ~-':$....-.. '. .' ~-~ ......-. - . ' '" ",... .) c::-::"; ~'..n . '6-t ..; ..' '-. .~#~~:--. 'q~,~';::': r;:.--~- . .. 0... ~ ~ -/.'7 \ '00:_ c,,;......(ll ,- Il~ ;,....... . I ...... .-. ,. -" ~"~' '''--,en_, I...... ... ;1 ... '" ":'-.; . ./,...... ,,~_ '." ~. _ __ ..."'-:._ , ,. '-'" ".... -Ii.:. 0,;:-_...,........ 1,-' f. oii..~.//:f--m.....;."".~..- .- '. '\tr.1..lf:7..~'~~./ :~' , 71'~~! :; I ~ ~... "~... / itl.;;);,..... ~;~':t).:-:( , ..:: ..'iJ"'/~ ;/1 .. .' Is.i. l." o. "1." .,~. -:~ :' f . '.':':' I.~~ '/,.;",\ ...'1~,-...7.../ ....'",'.'. :',,"!,I.'! ~, .1 /_. "'~Ioo."'\l./,cS~J.h.' //.:'/ it,,! / .~, ..:' .ill.!f6J.; .. \~ :........' .,,)!:Y.~/.;i;.';:' ,,!' l'oli' _,/ " <~-.. '1..'''.; , . ~. .,~I.,."....L...... ..~,",' "I.,l.. ,. "" M~" ')C. :'/'1 I .'.:'{..p....., i......' ~...~.' ",,!~.., ~'/~'I.:" '" .., ...::'t:.......,...:~~ ~ -;-.~.I;,..... '-l,~~ .Jl,'-;tirf< ~,~ '1"../ ii~ :,...'~c;.....,f.$~ .[.?~. .~ ..... . .,. M'. .",."'~.. . ~''';,''':''=.....~ .....:,.: . $':. .$'#.::.:r;., tti i,. "~M ..,.. .. "" .....1 '., . ..'. _L"",. ...... '('..,... '. . ........k-'.. N.".,. .' ...~. ,f' '. .'-It ".~.. .... ......~ ~::...... /~:;i-)..... ~"\ ......../~ " ~.....'lr....~ M.. (.. . l'" '''0.........". ~ ... ....;.'. . . :....,: l.tti I,:" .;...... ~?'.' .. 4 '. .....~.... '.: . ,. L"'!f..... '. ~.. , '" . ... ~ . HI. ..' ,~~.. ':'.~ .... :.:...~.. ...... i..:a.... ../'''~.' t~ 7 '. . '. "N': ...-.--~....~. l ~ "~""." "".1 ... .r~' i :....,. '. ~....",~:~ ..../.I.:~;~... l:j/...~I ..:. -'~... ~,f=I'.' .;;,. ~:~ .}.'.~ "':'.~;~.'." ,..t-.....,..... ..I.t '" "'~'" '-"'. . .....::.:"...:. ....... ..... . .,:',:.~. ~ .' . . . , , I . . , . Sec. 307. Prezoning of properties outside of city . The City Council recognizes the fact that a city's social and economic life is seldom limited to the area within its corporate limits. that real need exists to consider zoning and physical planning on the basi; of the existing and develor,ing area rather than only the areas currently within the city limits; th~t State aw, through the medium of the State Planning Law, recognizes the eXlstanCt: of the relationship between a city and the areas adjacent thereto and ha. incorporated in such State Planning Law a mandate that cities .haII preplan areas contiguous thereto if, in the opinion of the city, such areas bear a relationship to its planning. In recognition af such policy and purpose and the possibility of annexation of adjoining lands, the city underblkes to - - Measurement. The height of a structure shall be measured veriieBIIy.froin t1ie averaj!e elevation of the grade of the ground covered by the structure to the highest point of the structure or to the coping or fop of parapet or a flat roof, or to the peak of a gable, hip or gambrel roof. (4) EXceptions. Towers. spires, eu(lOlas, chimneys, penthouses, water tanks, flagpoles, monuments,. scenery lofts, radio and television aerials and antennas, transmission towers, fire towers, and similar structures and necessary mechanical appurtenance! I covering not more than ten percent (10%) of the ground area covered by thE. main structure may be erected to a height of not more than one hundred (100) feet or not more than twenty:five (25) feet above the heiJdIt limit prescribed by the regulations for the zone in which the site is located, whichever is less, unless a conditional use permit is obtained to aIlow an increase in the pre- scribed height. Utility poles and towers shall not be 8ubjectto the height limits prescribed in the zone regulations. Sec. 1833. If only one building on a lot or building site, it constitutes a main building . Any building which is the only building on a lot or buil,ding site is a main building unless authorized by a variance, or unless on the effective date of this ordinance a garage building already existed on such lot or IlUilding site. Sec. 1834. Design Review The following uses and structures, regardless of the district or zone in which located, shall be subject to design review as prescribed in Sections 2503 througb 2511. (1) Public buildings and grounds. (2) Public and private schools, colleges, libraries, art galleries, and museums. (3) Public and private hospitals and other institutions. (4) Churches and other religious buildings and grounds. (5) Clubs, lodges, mortuaries, meeting halls, and other places of public assembly. (6) Multiple family uses. (7) Motels and hotels. (8) Office buildings. (9) All commercial and industrial uses. (10) Trailer parks. (11) Parking lots. (12) Public utilities structures' and instalIations except poles and towers carrying overhead lines. ARTICLE 19. GENERAL PROVISIONS, CONDITIQNS AND EXCEPTIONS NONCONFORMING BUILDINGS AND USES Sec. 1900. Foregoing regulations subject to this artiele The foregoing regulations pertaining to the several zones shall be. sub- ject to the general provisions, conditions and. exceptions contained in this article. Sec. 1901. Nonconforming use limits other uses While a nonconforming use exists on any lot, no additional use may be established thereon, even though such additional use would be a conforming use, unless: \ 1) The use of a nonconforming use of a conforminl!; building and such use has had a terminating date established by actior of record by the . Planning CommiSSJon; or, (2) The nonconforming use be a building or a more restricted type than that allowed in the zone, in either of which c.... the provisions of this section shall not apply. If the nonconforming building be used for habitation, any conforming buildings on the lot shaII be so placed as to retain contiguous to the residential huilding the side yards and open ; o t1 0. "'. ::s III ::s o m z = a 0' m 11 - - - , ~ ",aces aa required in zone R.3, and such side yards and open spaces shaD be lubjeelto the limitations of use aa govern in the R.3 Zone. 5ee. 1902. Removal of nonconforming buildings or' change in status of non. :onforming use . If any nonconforming building is removed, every future use of the land ,n which the building is located shall conform to the provisions of this ordin- mce. If a nonconforming use vacates and is succeeded by another and more restrictiv~ use, it is evidence that the heavier nonconforming use was endedl .nd thereupon immediately loses any vested rights aa such. If the substitute .se is itself nonconforming, the degree of nonconformity may not.subsequently be increased by changing to a less restricted use. See. 1903. Provision of this article to apply to nonconforming use and non- conforming buildings resulting f~om reclassification. , The provisions of this article shall apply to buildings, lands and usea which hereafter become nonconforming due to any reclaisi&cation of zones' under this ordinance. If a use originally authorized by variance prior to the efteetive date of this ordinance is located within a zone in which such use is not petmitted by \he terms of. this ordinance, such use shall acquire a non-' conforming status. . See. 1!;l04. Nonconforming use of land when riD structure involved In any zone, the nonconforming use of land wherein no structure is in- volved shall be abated within one year from the' date this ordinance becomes deetive, and any further use of such land shall conform to the provisions of this ordinance. If the nonconforming use, of land existing at the lime this ordinance takes eftect is thereafter discontinued for six (6) months or more, any further use of such land shall conform to the provisions of thia ordinance. S... 1905. Nonconforming use of a conforming building (A) In "ROO Zones: All nonconforming uses of a conforming building in any of th~ "ROO Zones shall be discontinued within \ltree (3) years from the date of formal notice to the owner from the Planning Commission, or not later than five (5) years from the date the provisions of this ordinance becomes apl>licable'to it. (B) In "C" Zones. Every nonconforming use of a conforming building in a "e" ZODe which use is first permitted in a less reslristive zone shall be completely removed' before the expiration of a ten (10) year period meaaured from the date this ordinance becomes applicable to it. (C) In "MOO Zones: The nonconforming use of a conforming building shall be completdy removed before the expiration of Ii ten (10) year period measured from the date this,ordinance becomes applicable to it. Sec. 1906. Nonconforming use of a nonconforming building The nonconforming use of a nonconforming building may be continued and may. be expanded or extended throughout each buildinll so long aa such nonconforming building remains nonconforming, provided. no structural alterations,are made except those required by law. A nonconforming use of a nonconforming building may be changed to another use of the same or more restricted classification. Sec. 1907. Required removal or, nonconforming buildings A. In "R" ZODes: .Every nonconforminA; building in any of the "R'~ Zones, l --- \. , \ '\ 'r- , . 'Co'" " I : ~, \ "", ~ ! -, .., ~I ;1 1! ; , ! i, II -t :1 i . c ,', . .- -/' . ....-J.. , ...__ _"I"'__'IU .. .. .r:~' ... ~WOIlLDAIIl!:..~ ...., .... ... __ - _.11.... -,,'1'''-' ... ",T T_. ocl _ "".1.'_ _."' - - - . land. in the City of Seal'Beach which are not in Vistrict I, as described above. (2) The Zones are described as follows: (a) R.l OneFamily Residential zone, (b) R.2 Two-Family Residential Zone" (c) R.3 Multiple Residential Zone, (d) R:4 High.Rise Multiple Residential Zone, (e) PD "Planned Development", Combining.Zone, (I) C.O Profeasional Office Zone, (g) C.l Service Commer. eial Zone" (h) C2 General Commercial Zone, (i) C.3 Commercial Manufac- turing Zone" (j) M-l Light Manufacturing'Zone, (k) M-2 Heavy Manufactur- ing Zone, (l) P.L Parking-Landscaping Zone. Sec..301. Boundaries of Districts and Zones. The designations, localions and boundaries of the dislriels and zones described and established in Seetion 300 are delineated upon the maps entitled "City of Seal Beach, Orange County, Calilornia, Zoning Map, Sheet One and Sheet Two", each dated June 6, 1963, which maps and all notations and in. fonnation thereon are hereby made a part of this ordinance by reference. See. 302. Division of zoning map The zoning map may, for convenience be divided into parts and each such part may, for purposes of more readily identifying areas within such zoning map, be subdi~ided into units and such parts and units may be ..parately ~,!,ployed for purposes ,of amending the zoning map or for any offi.("ial reoff'rence to the zoning map. . Sec. 303. Changes in boundaries. Changes in'the boundaries of the districts and lor zones shall be made by ardinanCt" adopting an amf'ndE'CI zoning map, or part of said map, or unit of a part of said zoning map, which said amended ma~ or parts or units of parts, wh.n so adopted shall be Pllblish.d in the manner proscrib.d hy law and be. come a part of this ardinanct". See. 304. Uncertainty of houndaries Wht"'re unc('rtainty l"'xists as to the boundarif's of any district or zone shown upon a zoning map or any part or unit tht'reof, tht" following rolf'S shall apply: (I-) Wh~re such houndaries are indicated as approximately following str~t and all.y 1i00'S or lot lines, such lines shall he construed to be such boundari.... (2) In the e...,of imsuhdi,'ided prop,'rty, and where a zone boun. dary dividt"!' a lot. tilt" loC'alion of lI'lIch houndarif"s, unlt'ss the' same are indical- t'd hy dimt'nsions shall lit' dt"h.rmint'd hy USt' of thl" scale appl"aring an said zoning map. (3) Where a puhlic str...t or aIley is officially ,'acated or aban- doUt"d: thr an'a comprising sll('h \'acatro strt"t't or allt,y shall acquire the clas- sifieation olth., prop.'rty to which it reverts. (4) An'as of dedicated st..ets or all.,ys aud railroad ril\ht 01 way, oth,'r than such as ar~ d...ignated on the 2onin~ map as t.l'in~ classifi,'d in OUt' of ihl" 20Ut'S providt-d in tht, ordinanet" shan hl" dt'pmt'd to hi' uncla$Sifit'd and, in thl" ca!=(" of stn't'ts, pt'rmitlt'd to he used only lor purpoSt.. lawfully allow.d and, in th., caSt' of railroad rights of way. pt'rmith'd to ht" lISt'd solt'ly for thr purpost" of 8('Commodating track, signals.. oth..r opnati\"t" dt'"i('I's and th.. mOl't."mt"nt of rollinll' 811wk. S.c. 306. Classification of auu.,x...! lauds and un.Iassifi,.d prop.'rty Anr land lu'n'artt'r anlll''\'t'fl tn or ('IlI1MJicfalt'fl wilh 1111' Cit)" uf SI'al Bt'a('h. ur any land whil'h. fur any r('a~ml h; nut dt'fi;i~lHlh'll UII till' 7.011 in~ map nr a pn'.zonin:: map. 3!O ht'il1;f di.1~oI;ific'd in anr ~)f tilt' 7.mw:; t's.lahli!'iolll'd Iwl'l''')" !lhalllll'dt'l'ml'd 10 lit. tt'mpnl"nri1r zunl,eI H-l t o;in:rll'.fLlmily n'$idt'utial.) . except reSidential-~uildings, churches and schools, which nonconforming build. ing was designed or intended for ,a use not pennitted in the "R" Zone in which ' it is located, shaII be completely removed or altered ,to str"eturalJy conform to the uses permitted in the zone in which it is located within the herein specified time upon notice from the Planning Commiasion, which time is measured from the date of construction. In no case shaIl this period of time be leas than five (5) years from the date of notificalion by the Planninl! Commiasion. As used in this section, the designations "Type. 1 Building", "Type 2 Building", "Type 3 Building", ''Type 4 Building" and "Type 5 Building", are employed. as ,defined in the existing building ordinance: (1) If property is occupied by struetur!'" of a type for which the existing building ordinance does not require a building permit, five (5) years. (2) Type 4 and 5 Buildings (light com- bustible frame and wood fr""e) , forty (40) years. (3) Type 2 or 3 Buildings (heavy timber construction and ordinary masonry): (a) Apartments, offices, hotels or residences having stores or offices below and apartments or offices above, thirty.five (35) years. (b) Warehouses, stores, garages, lofts, thirty- five (35) years. (e) Factories and industrial, forty.five (45) years. (4) Type l'buildings (fire resistant): (a) Offices and hotels, forty-five (45) years. (b) 'I'heatres, fifty (50) years. (c) Warehouses, lofts, stores, garages, forty.five (45 years. (d) Industrial, thirty'five (35) years. B. In "C" Zones. (1) Res. idential structures in the C.2 Zone existing on the effective date of this or- dinance shall be considered as nonconforminll uses but, as such, shall be sub- ' ject only to those provisions of this ordinance which provide that a non- conforming building removed or destroyed shall not be replaced by other than (conforming building, and that the degree of nonconformity may not be in- creased' by changing to leas restricted residential use. (2) Every noncon- forming building in a C Zone which is designed for a ;use first permitted in an . '~M" Zone shaIl be cbmpletely removed or altered to conform to those uses permitted in the "C" Zone in which such building is located within the herein specified times, upon notice from thi! Planning Commiasion, which times are measured from the dale of con~truction, except in no case shall this period be leas than five (5) years from the date of such notice by, the Planning Commis- sion, As used in this section, the designatons "Type 1 Building", "Type 2 Buildinl!;", "Tvpe 3 Building", Type 4 Buildinp;" and "Type 5 Building~' are employ,ed as defined in the existing building ordinance. (a), Where prop. eny IS unimproved .xcept for structures ot a type for which the' exist.' in8 buildinll ordinance does not require a building permit, five (5) years. (b) Type 4 and Type 5 Buildings (light combustible frame and' w<?od frame), forty,(4O) years. (c) Type 2 or Type 3 Buildings '(heav) ~ber const~ction and ordinary masonry): 1. Apart.n.nts. oO.c.s..hot.ls or ~sldencf'.s havmg stOrt"S or oRict"S hf'low and apartmf'nts or officE'S ahovE', thirtya fIve .(35). ,y~ars. .2. Wa~.hou...., stor.... I!arages. loft.. thirty-fiv. (35) y.ars. 3. ~\Ictofles.and mdustflal, forty.five (45) years. (d) Type 1 Buildings (lire resIstant): 1. Offices and hot~ls, forty.five (45) y.ars. 2. Th.atres, fifty (59) years. 3. Warehou..s. lofts, store.. garag.s, forty.five (45) years. 4. Industrial tl!irtv.five (35) years. C. in "M" Zon.s. Every nonconforming bllildinl! in , ' , " ," " '. ',- " .,'.: ci': . 11 ' '0. .' ..... ::1 ",- PI. ..... ,::1 Cl CD .2: = 51" .. tr CD 11 .' ;. .. - - . the M Zones which is used for, or devoted to, any residential purposes, hos. pital (except emergency hospitals), hotels, institution or home for the treat- . ment of convalescent persons, alcoholics, the wounded or mentally infirm, lodllinllliouses, schools, trailers used for human hahitation or trailer parks and whieh nonconforminll buildinl'( was desil'(ned or intended for a use not permitted in the M Zone in which it is located , shall be completely removed or altered to structurally conform to the uses permitted in the zone in which it is located within the herein specified time upon notice from the Planning Commission, which times are measured from the date of construction, except that in no case shall this period of time he less than five (5) years from date of such notice. (I) Where property is unimproved, five (5) years. (2) In other eases five (5) years, and for such longer time as will produce a total life of the improvement from the date of construction to the date of abatement as follows: (a) Type 4 or Type 5 Buildings (light incombustible frame and wood frame), twenty (20) years. (b) Type 2 or Type 3 Buildings (heavy timber construction and ordinary masonry), twenty.five (25) years. (e) Type 1 Buildings (fire resistant), thirty (30) years. Sec. 1908. Commission to determine conditions or ahAtement "Then snr nonconforming condition exists in any zone. other than the nonconforminJ; lIse of land where no structure is involved, it shall be the re~ sponsibilitv of the Planning Commission.on its own initiative, to fix a date upon which the nonconforminl'( huilding was established. It shall also be the responsihility of the Planning Commission to detrrmine whether, hy T('8800 of structural alterations of enlargements, or the installation of major equipment designed into the building prior to the date this ordinance becomes applicable thereto, it is deemed necessary to estahlish a later date for abatement than that prescrihle herE"in for the huildingitSf'lf in order to assure that the in- vestment represented by such structural alterations, enlargements or equipment installations may he amortizeO. In performing this function the Commission shall considr.r all pertinent datn in connection therewith and provide the opportunity for the owner of record, or lessee if there be such, to present such e\'id,'nce as they may possess and which properly relates to such casc. When the date of abatmE"nt has hce-n. determined, the Commission, by resolution, shall establish such date and .hall set forth such lacts as bear upon the ease upon which the detE"rmination of such date or ahatment is hased, and shall formally notify the owner of such nonconformin~ property of the action of the Commission hy mailing to such owm'r a copv of the formally adopted resolu- tion not later than ten (10) days following the date 01 subject action by the Plannin~ Commission. Sec. 1909. R,'construct;on of nonconforming huilding partially destroyed A nonconforming huilding destroyed to tht" extent of not more than fifty (50%) pe-r cpnt of its value at tht~ time of its destruction hy fire. explosion or otht'r C"asuahy or Act of GOtI. or the puhlic enE"m,,'. may he rE"stored and the occnpancy or USl~ of snch building or part thrreof which existed.. at the time of such partial destruction may he continued subject to all other provisions of this article. SE"c. 1910. Nonconforming buildings and U~ may not he enlarge-d or structur. Sec. 296. Yard, front "Front yard" means a yard extending across the full width of a loi and lying between the lot frontline and a line parallel thereto on the lot, and hav- ing a distance hetween them .qual to the required front yard depth as pre- scribed in each zone. Front yards shaIl be measured by a line at right angles to the lot frontline. or hy the radial line in the case of a curved lot frontline. When a lot lies partially within a planned street indicated on a preeise plan for such a street, and where such plaDned street is of the type that will afford legal access to such lot, the depth of the front yard shall be measured from the contiguous edge of such planned street in the manner prescribed in this de- finition, See. 297. Yard, rear "Rear yard" means a yard extending across the lull width of a lot, the depth of which is the minimum horizontal distance between the rear property line and a line parallel thereto on the lot. Sec. 298. Yard, rear line of required front "Rear line of the required front yard" means a line parallel to the lot frontline and at a distance therefrom equal to the depth of the required front yard, and extending across the full width of the lot. See. 299. Yard. side "Side yard" me-ans a yard adjacent to a side lot line extending from the rear line of the required Iront yard,. or the front lot line where no front yard is required, to the rear yard, except that on the side street side of comer lots or reversed corner lots or where a lot sides on an alley, the required. side yard shall extend to the rear property line of the lot. The width of the side yard shall be the minimum horizontal distance hetwee-n the side property line an a line parallel thereto on the lot. ARTICLE 3. ESTABLISHMENT OF DISTRICTS AND ZONES, THE BOUN- DARIES THEREOF, AND LIMITING THE USES OF LAND AND AREAS REQUIRED THEREIN. ' Sec. 300. Names and Descriptions of Districts and Zones. In order to classify, regulate, rt"strict, and segregate the use of land, buildings, and structures, and to regulate and to limit the type, height and bulk of buildings and structures in the various districts and zones, and to regulate the areas of yards and other open areas about and hetween buildings and structures, and to regulate the density of population, the City is hereby divided into two districts designated and known as I and II and twelve zones designated and known as: R.l, R.2, R.3, R.4; PD; CoO, C-l, C-2, C-3; M.l, M.2 and P.L, which two (2) districts and twelve (12) zones and the boun- daries and said districts and zones and each of them are herehy established and adopted and are shown delineated and designated Districts I and II and Zones R-l, R-2, R-3, R-4; PD; CO, C.l, C.2, C.3; M.l, M.2 and P.L respec- tively by ordinance. (1) The Districts are described as follows: (a) District I (Coastal District) consists of all those lands in the City of Seal Beach lying on the south-westerly side (ocean side) of the Pacific Coast Highway, ex- cepting that area which lies northerly of Marina Drive and Fifth Street to the San Gabriel River. (b) District II (Inland District) consists of all those - - - Sec. 288. Struelural alterations "Structural alterations" mE'8ns any change in the supporting members of a building such as foundations, bf'aring walls, columns, beams floor or roof joists, girdt"rs or rafters, or changes in the exterior dimension~ of the build- ing. Sec. 289. To place . The vt"'rh Uta place" an.d. any of its var!ants as applied to advertising displays ~d ou~oor a~v('~tJsmg. st~uctur~. lncludf"s maintaining, t"recting, construc~mg, postmg, paIntmg, printing, nading, gluC'ina or otherwise fasten- ing, a.ft'ixing or making ,.isihle in any rnannt"r whatsoevt"r~ Sec. 290. Trailer, automobile U Automobile trailer" means a vehicle without motor power, designed to b~ drawn by a motor vehicle and to be used tor human habitation or for ear~ying pe~sons and prope~, including a trailer coach and any self.propelled vehIcle havmg a body deSIgned for the same uses as an automobile trailer without molor poWf'r. Sec. 291. Trailer park, trailer court and puhlic camp "T'I k" "t '1 ".J'~ II' " ral f'r par , Tal fir court an" PU) Ie camp mt'8ns any art'S or tract of land used or dl"signatl"d to accomodatr two or morl" automohilr trnill~rs and including trailer camp as d,./ined hy law. ' Sec. 292. Twenty-four hour foster care home . A "twt"nty.four hour f~stt"r carr homt'" mrans a dwelling occupil'd hy a famIly ~ho, f~r comprnsatlon or othrrwiSt,. arcl~pts and can~s for ('hildrt'J1 as full-tlmr rpsldrnls as a part of thr family. and which childrf'n art' assio'llM. by authorizM public authoritit~s, prO\.iding tht. numhrr of such fosh'r childn1n shall not t'xCf'f'd thret'" at any onr timl'. Sec. 293. Use . "USt'" mE"ans thf' purposl" for which land or huilding is arrangt'd. desi~nrd or mtrndrd, or for which E"itht'r is or may bE" occupied or maintailll'd. \'l'hl'll applif'd to a building, tlu' dl'finition of "confonninU' Imilding" as ('ontailllsd herein shall be employed. 0 Sec. 294. Varianee "Variance" 'means a modification ot the specific regulations of this or- dinance granted by resolution of the planning commission or approved by the eitv council in accordance with the terms of this ordinance for the purpose of ...u~ing that no property, because of speeial circumstances applicable to it, shaIl be deprived of privileges commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same vicinity and zone. A variance may involve moihHcations of permissible uses for special periods of time when related to initial purposes of interpreting intent of this ordinance where specific provisions are lacking. ' See., 295. Yard "Yard" means an open space other than a court on a lot, unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground upward, except as otherwise provided in this ordinance. all,. altered . No nonconforming huilding may he enlarl;t'd or structurally 'altered nor nonconforming use expanded unless su('h enlargem('nt or structural alter. ation or expansion makt"s the huilding or liSP conforming; provided, however, whl'rl' a building or buildings, and customary acc('ssory huildings are non- conformin.g only h)' rt"'ason of substandard yards or op('n spacl."S, the provisions. of this ordinanct." prohihiting structural oltf'rations or enlargt"'ments shall not apply, provided that any structural alterations of an existing building shall not incrr2se the degree of nonconformity of yard or opt'n spaces, and an"y ('nlarg('mE"nts shall ohsen'e the yords and opE'n spaces required on such lot. See, 1911. Puhlic utility exemptions ' Thl' fon'going provisions of this article concerning the rt"quired removal of nonconforminA' huildin~ and UH"S and th(' r('construction of nonconforminU' buildings partially destroved, shall not apply to puhlic utility huildings and structurf'S when such buildings and structurl."S pl."rtain directly to the render- inJi!' of tht" Sf'n.icl' or distrihution, such as powl'r gpnl."rating plants and rlf'c- trical distrihution suhstations; watt'r wl,lIs and pumps; p;as storage, mf'tf'ring and \'al\"e control stations. Nor shall anything in this articl(' h(' construM or ap- pIiPd so as to prl'\'f'nt till' l'xpan!'loion. mool'rnization or replact"mt."nt of such puhlic utility huildings, structurt's. t-quipment and f("aturps as are usrd dir("ctly for tl1l" dt~lh't"ry of, or dislrihulion of. thr st"n'icf'. pro\'idt~ thf' prO\'isions of th4~ srction I!Ohall not t'xl'mpt from tht. provisions con'ring nonconformity of such IHlildjn~, slructurt'!'lo. or UN'S as do not immpdiatd)" rrlatt" to the dirret .' St'rviCl' to ('ontloUml"rs. sur:h as warl.houst,s.. s.torngl' yards and thl" lik(". SI'C. 1912. HI'mm"al of a('('t'ssury huildings and strll('tull'S whrrl~ no main huildinJi!' f'xists. "'hl'n' a nonrollforming liSt" has no main huilding as df'filll"d hy this Ordinal1l'('. hut has 1t1lildinlI'~ and struchlr("s accl's~ory to till' main usr, which strm.turt's art. of a trpl' rl'quirt-d hr law to SI'n"I' thr main us(". such as trailer park~. traill'r ('onrl~ nnd trailt'r camps. tlwn surh nonconforming USI' and such huilrlil1l!'~ ami slru('hlrt'fl ~hnll hi' ('Omph'h'l)" rt'mon'd or altt'rl'd to conform to tlUl'lol' lI~t'S Pl.rmittl'd in tlu' ZOIl(' in whit'h 11)(' proprl}" is locatt"rl hpfore the I':xpiralion nr n h'lI IIO} )"t'ar Pl.riod m,'asun'd from tll(, dah- this Ordinance 0 h,'('oIlWS. appli('ahlc' In it. t1 AR'f.ICLE 20. VARIANCES AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS ~ Sec. 2000. When practical difficulties, unnecessary hardships or results ::s ineonsistant with the general purpose of this ordinance result through the III strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of the provisions hereof, th~ 5 ~I,,!,ning Com~i~ion shall. have: the authority, as an adminislrlltive ael, sub- CD Ject to .the provlslon~ of thIS artIcle, to g~~t upon such conditions as it may 2: detennme, such vallance from the provIsIons of this ordinance as may be e in harmony with its general purpose and intent, so that the spirit of this o~. 0- dinance shall be observed, public safety and welfare secured and substantial CD justice done. t1 See. 2001. Purpose of variance The sole purpose of any variance shall be to prevent discrimination and no variance shall be granted which would have the effect of granting a s~ecial - - - privilege, not shared by other property in the same vicinity and zone, provided that a variance may be granted permitting the temporary establishment of uses necessary by reason of public emergencies ,!lr need or to permit the permanent establishment of a use essential for necessary service to the public if 'such use is found to ,be not incompatible to the classes of use permitted in the zone. Sec. 2002. Required showings for variances , Before any variance may be granted, it shall be shown: (1) That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the property or to the intended use that do not apply generally to the other prop- erty or class of use in the same vicinity and zone. (2) That variance is neces. sary lor the preservation and enjoyment of a substlDlftal property right poss. essed by other property in the same vicinity and zone but which is denied to the'propel'ly in question. (3) That the 'granting of such variance will not be materially determentalto the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvement in such vicinity and zone in which the property is located. (4) That the granting of such variance will not adversely affect the comprehensive general plan. Sec. 2003. Planning Commission may grant conditional use permits The Planning Commission may grant a conditional use permit upon Bj>o plication for such matters as by this ordinance are required to be reviewed and allowed only upon the granting of a conditional use permit. Sec. 2004. Purpose of conditional use permit The purpose of a conditional use permit shaIl be: (1) To assure that the degree of compatibility made the purpose of this ordinance shall be main. tained with respect to the particular use on the particular site and in con- sideration of other existing and potential uses within the general. area in which such use is proposed to be located; and, (2) To recognize and compensate for variations and degree of technological processes and equipment as related to the factors of noise, smoke, dust, fumes, vibration, odors and hazards, or public need. Sec. 2005. Notice and hearing on application for variance or conditional use permit " Upon the filing of an application for a variance or conditional use permit by a property owner, or by a lessee with the consent of the owners, which ap. plication sets forth fully the grounds for, and the facts deemed to justify the granting of the variance of the conditional use permit, the Planning Commis. sion shall give public notice, as provided in Article 22, of the intention to con. 'sider at a public hearing the granting of a variance or conditional use permit. Sec. 2006. Planning Commission shaIl announce findings and decision by resolution . Not more than forty (40) calendar days following the termination of the proceedings of the public hearing on a variance or conditional use permit, the Planning Commission shall announce- its findings by formal resolution, and said resolution shall recite, among other things, the facts and reasons which, in the opinion of the Planning Commission, make the granting or denial of the varianCl? of con~~t!onal use permit necl"ssary to carry out the provisions and an institution of learning which offers instruction in the several -branches of learning and study required to be taught in the public schools by the Educa~ tion Code of the State of California. . Sec. 27,7. Service station uService station" means a filling station to -supply motor fuel and -oil to motor vehicles and ineluding grease racks or elevators and providing minor tire and ballery servicing and sales of motor vehicle acceasories. Sec. 278.'Sign "Sign" means any outdoor advertising 'display or outdoor advertising stJucture or any indoor advertising sign or indoor advertising structure de- signed ,and placed so as to be readable principally from the outside. Sec. 279. Stable, private "Private stahle" means a detached accessory building in which horses owned by the occupants of the premises are kept, and in which no horses are kept for hire or sale. See. 280. Stable, public "Puhlie stable" means a stable other than a private stable. Sec. 281. Stand "Stand" means a structure for the display and sale of produels ,with, no space for customers within the structure itself. . Sec. 282. State freeway "State freeway" means any section of a slate highway ,which has been declared to be a freeway by resolution of the California Highway 'Commission pursuant to the Streets and Highway Code. Sec. 283. Story "Storv" means that portion of a building ineluded between the surface of any fI~r and the surface of the floor next above it. If there be no floor above it, then the space between such floor and the ceiling next above it shall be considered a story. If the finished floor level directly above the basement or cellar is more than six feet above grade, such, basement or cellar ,shall be considered a story. Sec. 284. Street "Street" moans a public or recorded private thoroughfare which affords primary means of access to abulling property. See. 285. Street line . "Street line" means the bou~dary.line'between a street and the abutting propt"rty. Sec. 286. Str~t, side uSide strf"et' ml"ans a strt"t"t which is adjacent to a comer lot or-a re- versed corner lot, and which extends in the general direction of the line de- termining the depth of the lot. Sec. 287. Structure "Structure" means anything constructed in the ground, or :anything erectt"d which requirl"s location on thl" ground, or which is attached to some- thing having location on or in the .ground, but. not including fences or walls used as fences I... than six feet in h~ight. ' '. ".<I\~ '. ';t" .~;:'* '. - - .. stmr.lure or thing whatsoever. Sec. 269. Outdoor advertising structure , uOutdoor ad'"f"rtising structurf"1t means a structure of any.kind or char- acter erected or maintained for outdoor advertising purposes, .upon which any outd"9r ad\'ertising di~play may be placed. See. 270:P.reeise plan ., "~Preclse .plan" means an ,amendment to the zoning map which is a ,part of ,this ordinance, in which i. included the detailed application of all of the, apflicable matters contained in this ordinance, as well as other features essen- tis to ,complete de\'.lopment but which may be defined and regulated by Othf'l :If''gislation controls. Sec. 271. Prolessional Offices '\Prof~ional offices" means offices maintained and used as a place of business conducted by persons engaged in the recognized professipns, and oth.ra whose business aeth'ity consists principally of services to the peraon as distinguisIied from the handling of commodities. 'See. 272. Reclassification "Reclassification" mt"ans a change in zone boundaries upon the zoning map, which map is part of ,this ordinance, when adopted by ordinance passed ,by the ci!y council in the manner prescribed by law. See. 273. Rest home, convalescent home, nuraing home, home for the aged .or guest 'home. ",Rest home," "convalescent homE'," "nursing home," "home for the aged" ~or.uguest ,home" means a home opeoralfod.as a boardinghouse and in which nursing, dietary and olhl"l personal servicf's are furnished to convalescents, ;invalids and aged persons"but in which are kept no persons suffering from a mental sickness, disease, disorder or ailment or from a contagious or com- mUQicable disease, and in which are performed no surgery, maternity or other 'primary. treatmt'nts such as are customarily ,provided in sanitariums or hos. ,pitals. ,or -in 'which no persons are kept or served who normally would be ad- mittahle to a mental hospital. . ,See. 274. 'Rumpus room IIRumpus room" means a room or an area within a dwelling, or in a 'building ace.ssory to a dw.Iling, designed, equippt'd or used as a reereation .room, including hut not limited to, games, refreshments and facilities for .servinlt. music and-similar general utility purposes. ,See. 275. Sanitarium 'IISanitarium" mt'ans ,a health station or retreat or other place where resid~nt patients ,are 'kept, and which specialize.. in giving clinical, temporary ,and emergency services of a medical or surgical nature'to patients and injured persons and Iicenaed by state agencies under provisions of law to provide facilities and servicf'S in surgery, obstetrics and general medical practices as distinguished from treatment of, mental and nervous disordors, 'but not exclud- ing-surgical and ,post-surgical treatment of mental cases. Sec.:276. 'Sehools,elementary, junior high and 'high ISSchools," lIelementary. school," Iljunior high" and IIhigh school" means general purpose of this ordinance, and shall order .that the variance or eon. ditional use permit be granted or denied and if such resolution orders that the variance or conditional use permit be granted, it shaII also reeite such con- ditions and limitations as the Commission may impose. Sec. 2007. Resolutions of Planning Commission announcing findings and orde. shall be numbered and kept as permanent record . ' . The formal resolution of the Planning Commission announcing its finoings and order after hearing on the application for a variance or conditional use permit shell be nU"lbered consecutively in the order of this filing and .hall' beeome a permanent record in the files of the Planning Commission. See. 2008. Notice of decision of the Planning Commission .; Not later than ten (10) calendar days foIlowing the rendering of a de. cision ordering that a variance or conditional use permit be granted or denied, a copy of the resolution shall be mailed to the applicant at the address shown on the application filed with the Planning Commission and to any other per- son requestin a a copy. Sec. 2009. Effective date of order granting or denying variance or conditional use pE'rmit; time for appeal . The order of the Planning Commission in granting or denying a variance or conditional use permit shall become final and effeetive ten (10) calendar days after date of notification to applicant granting or denying the variance or conditional use permit unless within such ten (10) calendar day period an appeal in writing is filed with the City Council by either an applicant or an interested party. The filing of such appeal within such time limit shall stay the eftecti\'e date of the order of the Planning Commission until such time as the City Council has acted on the appeal as hereafter set forth in this Ordinance. Sec. 2010. Transmission of Planning Commission's record to the City Council Upon receipt of a wrill.n appeal filed with the City Council by the ap_ plicant or other interested party, as provided in this article, the Clerk of the City Council shall advise the Secretary 01 the Planning Commission's complete' record of the case. See. 2011. City Council to hold public hearing on appeal Within not to exc.ed forty (40) calendar days following the receipt of the wrillen appeal from the deeision of the Planning Commission, lIie City Council shall conduct a duly advertised public hearing, public notice of whic)J shall he given as pro\'ided in Artiele 22 of this Ordinance. ' See. 2012: Adverse decision by Council to be referr.d to Planning Commission , If the City Council proposes an action that is in any way contrary to the , rt"Commt"ndations of tht" Planning Commission, it shall refer its findings to the Planning Commission and rf'que-st a furthe-r report of the Planning Commission on tht" mattrr. Failurf' of the Planning Commission to reporlto the City Coun. cil within forty (40) calendar days after referenc. may be deemed to be' approval hy the Planning Commission 01 any proposed change. Sec. 2013. COllncilto announCE" findings and decision by resolution The City Council shall announe. its findings and deeision 'by formal resolution not more than forty (40) calendar days following the termination ,of the procl~-din~ of the hearing, or upon receipt of a report from the Plan. o 11 P- ..... ::s III ::s C'l III Z ~ III 11 - - - Ding Commission when a maller has been referred hack to the Planning Com- mission, and said resolution shall recite, among other things, the facts and reasons which, in thl' opinion of the City Council, makes the granting or denial of the variancl" or conditional uS(" permit necessary to carry out the general purpose of this ordinance and shall order that the varianc;e or conditional use permit he granted. or denied or modified, subject to such conditions or limi- tations that it may impose. Sec. 2014. D.cision 01 the City Council shall be final Thl" action by the City Council on the application for variance or con. ditional use pormit shall be by a majority vote of the entire membership of the City Council and shall be final and conclusive. Sec. 2015. Notice 01 d.ci.ion 01 Citv Council Notlatt'r than ten (10) cal."ndar days following the adopl1ol\ of a resolu- tion ordering that a variance or conditional use permit be granted or denied, a copy of said ..solution shall be mail..d to the applicant and to any other parties requesting notices of the action, and one copy shall be allached to the Planning Commission's fill" of thr caSt" and said lilt" Tl"turned to the Planning Commis- sion for pt"rmanent filing. ARTICLE 21. AMENDMENTS, UNCLASSIFIED USE PERMITS AND PRECISE PLANS Sec. 2]00. Ordinance may be amended Whenever puhlic necessity, convenience and general welfare require, the boundaries of the zones established by this ordinance, the c1assilication of the property uses therein, or other provisions of this Ordinance may be amended as lollows: (1) By amending the zoning map; (2) By granting an unclassified use permit; (3) By adoption 01 a site plan; (4) By revising the text of the ordinance. Sec. 2101. Initiation of amendment Amendm.nts 01 this ordinance may be initiated by: (I) The verified application of one or more owners of property which is proposed to be changed or reclassified; (2) By the adoption of a motion by the City Council request. ing the Planning Commission to set a mattcr for hearing and .recommendation; or, (3) By adoption of a motion by the Planning Commission. Sec. 2102. Application for amendment Whenever the owner of any land or building desires an amendment, sup~ plementto or change of the regulations r.rescribed for his property, or desire! approval of a precise plan, he shall fi e with the Planning Commission an application therelor, verified hy him. Sec. 2103. Commission to hold hearing on amendments and precise plans Upon filing 01 a verified application for an am"ndment or for approval of 8 pn-cise plan, or upon the adoption of a motion by the City Council or the . Planning Commission, the Planning Commission shall hold one puhlic hearing thereon as required hy Chapter 3, Titl". 7 01 the Government C~., commonly known as the Conservation and Planmng Act 01 the State 01 Cahf. omia for thr. adoption of or amcndmE"nts to precise plans, and noticc of such h,'aring shall he given as providod in Article 22 of this Ordinance. S;'c. 2104. Commission to hold hf"arings on unclassifit-d usc permits Sec. 263. Lot width "Lot width" means the horizontal distance between the lot side lines measured at right angles to the line comprising the depth of the lot at a point midway between the lot front line and the lot reBJ: line; provided, that the length of the line constituting the rear line of the required front yard shaIl never be less than the required lot width established in each zone. Sec. 264. Medical.dental building "Medical-dental building': shall mean a building or group of buildings desi!!lled for the usc of and occupied and used by physicians and dentis.ts and Cothers engaged professionally in such healing arts for humans as are reo cognized by the laws of the State of Calilornia, including the installation and use of therapeutic equipment, X-ray equipment or laboratories, chemical, biochemical and biological laboratories used as direct accessories to the medical-dental prolessions; dental laboratories includin'g facilities for the making of dentures on prescription, and pharmacies limited to the retail dispensin'g 01 pharmaceuticals and sick room supplies (but not room or orthopedic equipment) ; provided, there shall be no exterior display windows or signs pertaining to such accessory uses other than a directory sign. Sec. 26.5. Motel or tourist court "Motel" or "tourist court" means a group of attached or detached build. ings containing individual sleeping or living units where a majority of such units open individually and directly to the outside, and where a garage is allached or a parking space is conveniently located to each unit, all fo~ tem. porary use by automobile tourists or transif"nts, and such words shall include auto courts and motor lodges. An establishment shall he considered a motel when it is required by the Health and Salety Code of the State of California to obtain the name and address of the guests, the make, year and license num. ber of the vehicle and the state in which it was issued. Sec. 266. Nonconforming building "Nonconforming building" mt'ans a building, or portion thereof, other than a uconforming building" as defined by this ordinance and which was ]awfully erected or altered and maintained but which, because 01 the appli- cation of this ordinance to it no longer conforms to the provisions of this ordinance. A nonconforming building, or nonconforming portion of the huilding shall he d,'eml.d to constitute a nonconforming use 01 the land upon which it is located. Sec. 267. Nonconlonning use "Noneonlorming use" means a use which was lawfully established and maintained but which, because of the application of this ordinance to it, no longer conforms to the' use regulation of the zone in which it is located. A nonconforming building, or nonconfonning portion of the building shall be deemed to constitute a nonconfonning use of the land upon which it is located. See. 268. Outdoor ad,'ertising display "Outdoor advt.rtising display" means any card, paper, cloth, metal, glass, wooden or other display or device 01 any kind or character whalso,ever placed for outdoor advertising purposes on the ground or an any tree, wall, rock, - - .. . ,.' See. 255. Lot Coverage "Lot coverage" means the percentage of total lot, paree! or buDding site covered by structures, open or encl~., Sec. 256. Lot Depth "Lot depth" means the horizontal length of a straight line drawn from the midpoint of the lot front line and at right angles to such line, connecting with a line intersecting the midpoint of the lot rear line and parallel to the lot front line. In the ease of a lot having a curved frontline the lot frontline, for purposes of tbis seetion, shall be deemed to be a line tangent to the curve and parallel to a straight line connecting the points of intersection of the lot aide lines of the lot with the lot frontline. Sec. 257. Lot, interior "Interior lot" means a lot other than a comer lot or reversed comer lot, S... 257. Lot, key "Key lot" means the first lot to the rear of a reVllIlll!d comer lot and whether or not separated by an alley. S... 258. Lot front line "Lot front line" means, in the ease of an interior lot, a line separating the lot from the street. In the case of a comer lot the lot front line sbaIl be the line separating the narrowest street frontage of the lot from the street. S... 259. Lot line, rear , "Lot line rear" means a lot line which is opp<lSite and most distant from the lot frontline. For the purpose of establishing the lot rear line of a triangu. lar or trapezoidal lot, or of a lot the rear line of which is formed by two or more lines, the following shall apply: (a) For a triangular Or gui-e8haped lot, a line ten feet in length within the lot and farthest removed from the lot front line and at right angles to be the line comprising the depth of such lot shall be used as the lot rear line. (b) In the case of a trapezodlallot the rear line of which is not parallel to the lot front line, the lot rear line shall be deemed to be a line at right angles to the line comprising the depth of such lot and drawn through a point bisecting the recorded lot rear line or, (d) In the ease of a pentagunallot the rear boundary of which includes an angle formed by two lines, such angles shall be employed for determining the lot rear line in the same manner as prescribed for a triangular lot In no case shaIl the application of the above be interpreted as permitting a main building to locate e10ser than three feet to any' property line. Sec. 260. Lot line, side ' "Lot side line" means any lot boundary line not a lot front line or a lot rear line. Sec. 261. Lot, reversed comer "Reversed corner lot" means a comer lot, the side street line of which is substantially a continuation of the lot front line of the lot upon which the rear of said reversed corner lot abuts. S... 262. Lot, through "Through lot" means a lot having frontage on two parallel or approx- imately parallel streets. - Upon 'the filing of a verified application' for an unclassified use permit, the Planning Commission shall hold one hearing thereon; and notice of such hearing shall he given as provided in Article 22 of this Ordinance, S... 2105. Time for hearing The hearing for an amendment to the land use plan hereby established" for a precise plan or an unelassified use permit shall he held by the PI~nning Commission not lab'r than forty (40) calendar days following the fihng of an application for such amt"ndment, unclassifit"d use JH!'rmil or precise plan, or the pa...ge 01 a motion of intention hy the Planning Commission or the City, Council. Sec. 2106. Commission to announce findings The Planning Commission shall announce its f!ndings hy f?rmal resol!,- tion not more than lorty (40) calendar days folloWlDg the hearlDg, ~d sa!d resolution shall recit~, among other things, the faels and reasons WhICh, In the opinion of the Commi..ion, make the approval or denial of the application for th~ amendment, precise plan or unclassified use permit nescessary to carry out the general purpose of. this ordinance, ~d. .hall recom,!,end the adoption of the amendment, precIse plan or unclaSSIfIed use permIt by the City Council, or deny the application. Sec. 2107. Notice of Commission's decision when approving When the Commission's action is to rpommpnd tht' adoption of the amt"nd. mE'nt, or thE" appro\'al of the prpci8p plan or an unclusifipd use permit, !he Commission shaIl within ten (10) calendar days from the date of such actIon notify th., applic~nt by forwarding a eo~y of the rellOlution to the applic~nt at the addreas shown upon the applicatIon, and shall forward to the CIty Council a copy of said resolution, together with the com.plete file in .the. case. Sec. 2108. Notice of d,'cision of COlllmi..ion when d~nYlng th., apphcal10n When the action of the Commission is to d..ny an application, th~ Com- miasion shall. within t,'n (10) cal..ndar days from the date of such action, notify the applicant hy forwarding a copy 01 th~ resolution to the address shown upon th.. application. .. . &c. 2109. Commiosion action shall he final wh.'n denYlDg apphcal10n The action of the Planninp; Cnmmi..ion in d,'nying an application for an.. amt'ndmt'nt or an unc1aMifit.d 1I~' pt.rmit. or to dt'ny approval of a prt'CI8e plan shall h., linal and ennclusiv., unl..... within tpn (10) calendar days follo:'inu th.. dall' of notifieation to applicant by th.. Planning Commi..ion an appt.~ in writina is filt'd with tlw City Council. S('C. 2110. Transmi;'ion of Commil'Siom'r's rt'C'ord to City Council Upon fl'c,'ipt of a wrilt,'n aplll'al fiI...! with the City Council hy the ap- plicant or an oppoRl'nt as prm'id...! in thi.s artirl.., t~... CI.'rk of the CIty ~un. cil RhaJl ad\Ti~> tht> St'C'n>tar)" of till' PJanmn~ Commission who shaJJ transmit to said Ch>rk of tht' City CO\ll1('1I tht' Plal1nin~ Commission's complt'w fl'Cord o{ tht' cast". Sec. 2111. City Council to h~ld puhlic Iwarin!,: on. ~ommi..iou's .recommen- dations on amt>nd.mt>nts. prt>('IS(> plans and UndatlRlfU'd US(' }It'rmlts, and on app..als. Within not tu ('xC'(.(.d rurty (10) cal('ndar days fullo\Yin~ n.('(.ipt of th(. . o 11 0. 1-" ::l III ::l () CD Z ~ CD 11 - . . - - Tt"solution from the' Plnnllin~ C(lmmi~ion Tt'('ummt.nding tlU' adoption of Ih., am('nrlmt'nt or prl'('i~l' plan~ or tIlt' ~r:mlinp; of tilt' undossifit.a U~. Pl.rmit. or th.. filing of a writt"J1 appl'ld from an urn"T of till' CommisllIion dt'lIyin~ an appliration for an am('ndml.nt or lIIH'laf'.~i fit-d lIj1l(' pt.rmit Of di!\appr()\.in~ a prt'd~' plan. UfO pnwhh.rl in this artid.,. tlU' City Cmmdl fihall ('ondurl a only ridn'rtif;(.d puhliC' lworinA on tilt' math-T. plIhlit' notie'l' of whil-h fihall h(' ght'J1 as provid,'d in Art;..I" 22. St'r, 2112. Arln'r~' dt'('isiol1 tn hi' TI'(.'rf(>{1 to thl' Plal1nin~ Comrnifisiun 1f thl' City Cnundl prnpn~t'f; 8n at'linll that is in any way ('untrnry to 1111' fI'commt'mlations of tlU' Plal1l1il1~ Commission. it shalt h..furl' final al'lion is lak.'n rdt'r it~ tindinv.-.. to tilt' Planninp, Cummh~....inn on tlu' matt.'r.. Failur., of th.. Plnnnin~ C()mmi~~itll1 to Tt'port to tlU' Cit)" COUl1('iI within forty (10) ealt'mlnr days afh'r n'f.'r.'m",' mar h.. dl'('m.'(~ to hl' 8ppro,.ol h)" thl' Planninp. Commi~..itm of onr propu~(-rl dlOnp..'~" 5(.('.. 211:~.. City COlllH'illn OnI101I11("" findil1~~ and d('("i~i(ln hy n'~oluti(ln TIU' City CoulI('1I l'loholl aIllHlll11<'(' it~ finclil1p;~ and n('ri~ion hy formal rt"wlution not mort' than forty (10) <:ol..ndar dar~ [(111)\\ inp: tlu' h'rmination of pro('('I'din~ of tilt' llt'arinp;. or from n,('..ipt of tilt' rt'port fnlm tlu' Plannin~ Commi"-,,i(lIl wllt'n 8 mattt'r ha~ hl'('n n'fl'rn,(1 ha('k to th(. Plannin~ Commi!"- sion.. and !Oaid rt'Solntion Flhall rl'('itt,.. omonp; otlH'r thin;.!.s. th(' fR<"I~ and n'asons which, in the opinion of the City Council, make the approval or denial of the application for the llnclas..csified use permit or recommendation for the amend- ment or precise plan necpssary to carry out the general purpose of this ordin- ance.. .. Sec. 2114. Decision of the City Council shall he final The action by the City Council on the application for amendment, precise plan or unclassified use permit shall be hy a majority vote of the entire mem- hership of the City Council and shall he final and conclusive. Sec. 2115. Notice of d,'Ci.ion of City Council Not later than ten (10) calendar days following the adoption hy the City Council of a rC'solution ordering an amendment to this ordinance, the approval of a preciSE' plan, the granting of an u'nclassified use permit, or denying an application or rpcomml"ndation for an amendment, pre-cise plan or unclassified use permit, one copy of sllch resolution shall he forwarded to the applicant at the address shown upon the application, and one copy shall be attached to the file in tire ease and the complete file returned to the Planning Commis- sion ..for pt"rmanent filing.. ARTICLE 22. PROCEDURE, HEARINGS, NOTICES AND FEES 'Sec. 2200. Commission shall prescribe form of application blanks and type of required infonnation The Planning Commission shall prescrihe the form in which applications are made for changes in zone boundaries or classifications, for precise plans, or for variances, conditional use permits or unclassified use permits.. It may prepare and proyide blanks for such purpose and may prescribe the type of information to be provided in the application by the applicant. No appli. cation shall be accepted unless it complies with such requirements. Sec. 2201. Acceptability of signatures on application Sec. 248. Institution "Institution" means an establishment maintained and operated by a society, corporation, individual, foundation or public agency for the purpose of providing charitable, social, educational or similar services to the public, groups or individualso Sec. 249. Kennel "Kennel" means a place where four or more adult dogs or cats, or any combination thereof, are kept, whether by owners of the dogs and cats or by persons providing facilities and care, whether or not for compensation.. An adult dog or cat is one of either sex, altered or unaltered, that has reached the age of four months. - Sec .250. Kitchen "Kitchf'n" means any room, or portion of room, used or intended or de- signed to be used for cooking or the preparation of food. Sec. 251. Lodginghouse "Lodginghouse" means the same as boardinghouse, but no meals shall he provided. Sec. 252. Lot ' ' "Lot" means: (1) A parcel of real property when shown as a delineated parcel of land with a numbf'r or other designation on a plat recorded in the office of the county recorder of Orange County; (2') A .parcel of land containing not less th~n the prescribed minimum square fooiage required in the zone in which houndaries of which are defined by a record 01 survey recorded pursuant to law when recorded in the office of the county recorder of Orange County and which abuts at least one public street or private easemf'nt determined by the commission to be adequate for purposes of access from a street; and provided further that before building improvt'Dlents are erected upon such lot the private easement right of way shall be improved to a standard not less than defined by the city's specifi. cations for a local street, and shall be inspected and approved by the street superintC'ndent; or, . (3) A parcel of real property not delineated as in (I) or (2) above, and containing not le-ss than tht' prt'scribtod minimum square footage required in thE' zont' in which it is 10catE'd, nor more than one acre, and which abuts at If'ast one public strt't't or a prh>att" easem(Ont deteI1l}ined by the commission to be adpquatp for purpOSf'S of acCE'SS from a street; and provided further, that hefort' building impro,"pm(Onts an' rrectl"d upon such lot the private easemE'nt right of way, shall he improved to a standard not less than that defined by the city's specifications for a local stn't't, and shall be inspected and approved by tht" strC't"t supt"rintt"ndt"nt.. S,'c. 25a. Lot area "Lot art'a" m..t'ans tht" total horizontal art"a within the boundary lines of a lot.. Sec. 254. Lot, corner "Corner lot" mf'ans a lot situatt"d at thE' intersection of two or more strt"t"t~, which strC'ets ha\"t' an angll" of intf'rSf'Ction of not more than ont" hun- drt"d and twt'ntY-E'ight drgrt"(.s.. - - ... . , Sec. 240. Grade "Grade" me.ans the average of the finished ground level at the oenter of all waIls of a building. In ease waIls are paraIlelto, and within five feet of a sidewalk, the aboveground level shall be measured at the sidewalks. See. 241. Group houses "Group house" means two or more separate buildinga, each eontaining one or more dwelIing units, and ineluding row houses. See. 242. Guest house or aeeesaory living quarters "Guest house" or "Accessory living quarters" means living quarten with~ in an aceessory building for the sole use of persons employed on the premises or for temporary use by guests of the occupants of the premises. Such quarters shall have no kitchen facilities and shaII not be rented or otherwise used as . separate dwelIing unit. See. 243. Home occupation _ . "Home occupation'" means an occupation conducted on the premises with- in the,main dwelIing unit by the occupant of the dwelling as a secondary use in connection with which there is no display, no stock in trade or commodity sold upon the premi8e'!> no person employed and in connection with which no mechanical equipment is used except such mechanical equipment as is cus. tomarily used for housekeeping purposes. Sec. 244'. Hospital . "Hospital" means an institution specializing in giving clinical, temporary and emergency services of a medical or surgical nature to human patients and injured persons, and Iioensed by state law to provide facilities and services in surgery, obstetrics and general medical practices as distinguished from treatment of mental and nervous disorders, but not excluding surgical and post.surgicaltreatment of mental cases. See. 245. Hospital, Mental "Mental hospital" means an institution licensed by state agencies under provisions of law to offer facilities, eare and treatment for cases of mental and nervous disorders, but not licensed to provide facilities and services in surgery, obstetrics and general medical practice. Establishments limiting services to juveniles below the age of five years, and establishments housing and caring for cases of cerebral palsy are specifically excluded from this definition. Sec. 246. Hospital, small anima! "Small animal hospital" means an establishment in which veterinary ser. vices, clipping, bathing, boarding and other services are rendered to dogs, eats and other smaIl animals and domestic pets. Sec. 247. Hotel ' "Hotel" means a building in which there are six or more guest rooms where lodging with or without ,meals is provided for compensation, and where no provision is made for cooking in any individual room or' suite, .but shall not include ,jails, hospitals, asylums, sanitariums, orphanageS, prisons, deten- tion homes and similar buildings where human beings are housed and detained under legal restraint. If signature of persons other than the owners of property making the application are required or offered in support of, or in opposition to, an application, they may be received as t'vidence 'of notice having been served upon tht"m of the pt"nding application, or as evidence of their opinion on the pending issue, but they shall in no case infringe upon the free exercise of the powers vested in the City of Seal Beach as represented by the Planning Com- mission and the City Council. Sec. 2202 Applications a part of permanent record Applications filed pursuant to this ordinance shall be numbered consec- utively in the order of their filing, and shaII become a part of the permanent official records of the Planning Commission, and there shall be attached thereto and permanently filed therewith copies of all notices and actions with cer. tificates and affidavits of posting, mailing or publication thereto. See. 2203. Filing Fees The following fees shall be paid upon the filing of any applieation: (1) Reclassification, amendment or preeise plan, 5100.00; (2) Unclassified use permit, 550.00; (3) Variance, S40.00; (4) Conditional use permit, 550.00; (5) Prezoning-Proceedings in any respect with reference to the initial adoption of a prezoning map shall involve no filing. Any modification of a prezoning map initiated by other than the City subsequent to the initial adopt. ion of such map shall be subject to a filing fee of 5100.00; (6) Appeal, $10.00. Sec. 2204. Setting of hearing , .' All proposals for amending zone boundaries or classifications of property , uSt"s within such zones, or unclassified use permits, precise plans as they are defint"d by this ordinance, or the considt"ration of conditional use permits as provided in this ordinance, or variances shall be set by the Secretary of the Planning Commission for public hearing when such hearings are to be held before the Planning Commission, and by the Oerk of the City Council for hear. ings to he held hefore the City Council. Tbe dale of the hearings shall be not less than ten (10) calendar days nor more than forty (40) calendar days from the time of filing of such verified application or the adoption of such resolution or tht" making of a motion. Sec. 2205. Notices . Notice of time and place of puhlic hearings sball be given in the foIlowing manner. (1) Notice of any puhlic hearing upon a proposed amendment to this ordinancp, or to the- map which is a part of this ordinance, or a precise plan, or an unclassified use pcrmit shall be given by at least one publication in a newspaper of general ci reulation in the City of Seal Beach not less than (10) days hefore the date of said public hearing. (2) Notice of public hearing to considt"r a varianCt" or conditional use pt"rmit shall be given by mailing a written notice not less than ten (10) days to the date of such hearings to the owm"ts 01 property within a radius of thr~ hundred (300) fe.t of the exterior boundaries of the property to he changed, using for this purpose the last known namp and addn'ss of slIch ownt"fS as arp shown upon the latt"st available lot hooks of th." County Accessor of th~ County of Orange, State of California. (3) Both sur.b methods may h., employed at the direction of the Planning Com- o 11 P- .... ::s III ::s () III Z ~ III 11 ... - - mission or tht" City Council. SI'C. 2206. Required wording 01 notices Such puhlic nolir.t" of ht"arings or Tf'classificalion, amt"ndmf'nt, precise plan, v8rianCt". unclassifiPd USP pt"rmit or conditional use permit shall consist of tht, words uNolirl~ of PropoSt"d Changps of Zonr Boundarips or Classifica- tion" or "Noti~' of PropOSPd Prt.ciSt" Plan" or "NoticE" of Prop05M Varianct"" or "Noti("{. of Proposl-d Conrlitional US(> Pt"rmil" or "NotiC€" of Propost"d Undn!'.~ifi(>(1 US(, PI'Tmit" as tht" caSt" may hr, sptting forth the' dt"scriplion of th... proJlt.rty unrlt'r cunsidt'rntion, lh." natuTt" of thf' propost'"d changt' or USe', and lh.. timl' and plaet. at which tht" puhlic ht"aring or hE"arings on thE" mattf'T will I", h,'ld. ' Sl'e. 2207. I n\'t'stigatiolls Thl' Planning Commi!.sion shall f:8U!lo(' to ht~ madf' hy its own mpmht'rs, or mt'mhl'rs of it!' staff. !!'ouch in\""l'lill'ation of facts ht"aring upon an application Sl't for Iwarin~ that will a~lIrl' action on t'8ch caSt' com.istt"nt with tht" purpolW of this ur(lillul1(.t' and prt'\"iull~ amt'nclml'nts or \'arianCt's, St.(" 2208, F.~tahlii!lhml.nt uf ruh'i!l for ('unduct of hl.aril1p: TllI' Plannin~ Commjll.~ion ma\" ('i!ltahlil'h rult's g-on.rninD' th(. conduct of puhlic- 11I'nrin;..~ ('ouclm.lt'n II)" it. " n 5t'(.. 2209, Ht'nrin;..~ may ht. ('tmtil11u.d without rl'cuur~r to Puhlic Notict' If. fur any rt'utlun. h.stimuny UI1 any ('a~(' St't for pulllic ht'aril1p; ('annot ht. ('umplt'h'(l UII till' clalt' l'Ot"t fur suc'h Iwaril1lI. tilt' lwrsoll prl'siding- at such puhli(' I)('arill~ may. I,dun' ndjournmt.nt ur n'('t'l!O~ tht'n'or. puhlidy 8I1nOUI1C(' thc' tiou' ancl pla('(' to. unn nt whidl said III'arin~ ",ill hc' ('untium'd aud 110 furtlu'r nntic-c' i", ft'quire.(1. St.(,. 2210, Pt'rmulII'nt filt'~ shall illl'lmlt' smnmarr of It'stimony A summar)" or an pt'l"tiJu'nt h'slimony ufIt'n'd at pnhli(' Iwarin;..'"!l Iwld in ('ullIu'diun "illl 1.111 upplit-aliulI filt,:, pnr~lIul1t tn lhi~ urdinum'('. amI till' mlmc's uf pt'l"MIIlS h...tifyill;: ~IHII1 hc' rl'('unlt,,1 milt madt' a part uf till' pt'rmll1H'lIt fllt.s uf Iht' ('use', ~"t.. 2211. Limilation 1111 rt,minl! uf ,jlpplit-aliuns Fin..l ;.It'linn a~ ~t'l forth ill this outinam',' It'" till' St'al n"3('h Plannincr Culllmi....itlll 111 lilt' ~t'i.11 H,'j,U,h Cit," CUUlU'i1 ill ~Ic'nyill~ an nppli<-utiun fn~ U 1,Iu1I1gt' tlf 'lilli', lIIu.lu....ifit.cl IIN.' pt'I'mil. ,"arianc',' ur t'tmtHtiunul U~t' pt'rmit ahaII prohibit the further filing of the same type application on property previously filed upon until not I... than one (1) year shall have elapsed from the date of denial of ar.y application. See. 2212. Transmittal of Tentative Minutes, Council Notice The Secretary of the Planning Commission shalI, within five (5) daya foIlowing any Planning Commission meeting, transmit a tentative ropy of the minutes of said meeting to each City Councilman, Planning Commissioner, and the City Manager. Said tentative minutes shall serve as notice to the City Council of Planning Commission action pursuant to Sections 2009, 2109 and 2509 of this Ordinance. ARTICLE 23. INTERPRETATION: PURPOSE: CONFLICT: SEVERABILITY poses, and haviag kitchen facilities for the ~xelusive use of only one family. A bachelor apartment also constitutes a dweling unit within the meaning of this ordinance. Sec. 230. Dwelling, one-family "One-family dwelling means a detached building designed exelusively for occupancy by one family and containing one dwelIing unit. See. 231. Dwelling, two-family "Two. family dwelling" means a building designed for occupancy by twD families living independently of each other, and containing two dwelling units. Sec. 232. Dwelling, multiple "Mulitple dwelling" means a building, or portion thereof, designed for occupancy by three or more families living independently of each other, and containing three or more dwelling units. See. 233. Educational institution "Educational institution" means elementary, junior high, high schools, colleges or universities or' other schools giving general academic instruction in the several branches of learning and study required to be taught by the Education Code of the Stat. of California. S.c. 234. Er<cted "El'f'Ctf'd" means the construction of any building or structure, or the structural alteration of a building or structure the result of which would be to change th. exterior wa\1s or roof or to increase the square foot floor area of the interior of the building or structure. S... 235. Family "Family" means an individual, or two or more persons related by blood or marriag~, or group of not more than five persons who are not related by blood or marriage, excluding servants, living together as a single house- keeping unit in a dwelling unit. S... 236. Fir< Escape "Fire escape" means an auxiliary means of emergency escape from a building, as defined or designated by the fire department and the building department of the City of Seal Beach. . S... 237. Foster family day care home "Foster family day care home" means a residence licensed by the State of California and the City of Seal Beach to be used to care for children by the day, with or without compensation, provided the number of children eared for at anyone time shall not exceed six. S... 238. Garage, private "Private garage" mE-8nS an accessory building or an accessory portion of the main building, enclosed on three sides and designed or used for the shelter or storage of vehicles owned or operated only by the occupants of the, main building. S... 239. Garage, public "Public garage" means a building other than a private garage used for the care, repair or equipment of automobile, or where such vehicles are kept for remuneration, hirt" or sale, . - - .. t. ~ See. 221. Qub '.Club" means an association of persons for some common nonapro:6t purpose, but not including groups organized primarily to render a service which is customarily carried on as a business. Sec. 222. Commission , "Commission" means the planning commission of the City of Seal Beach, California. See. 2300. Interpretation , In the interpreting and applying the provisions of this ordinance they shaII be held to be the minimum requirements for the promotion of the public health, safety, comfort, convenience and general welfare. It is not intended by this ordinance to interfere with or abrogate or annul any easement, covant or other agreement between parties. .when this ordinance imposes a greater re- striction upon the use of buildings or land, or upon the height of buildings, or requires larger open spaces than are imposed or required by other ordin.. ances, rules, regulations, or by easements, convenants or agreements, the p...... visions of this ordinance shall control. See. 2301. Constitutionality or invalidity. If any section, subsection, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such invalidity or unconstitu~ tionality shall not affeet the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this ordinance; it being hereby expressly declared that this or. dinance, and each section, subsection, sentence, clause and ph1'llBe hereof would have been prepared, proposed, adopted, approved and ratified ir- respective of the fact that anyone or more sections, subseetions, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid or unconstitutional. ARTICLE 24. REVOCATION; EXPIRATION See. 2400. Permits or variances may be revoked After a public hearing held in the manner prescribed in Article 20 governing variances and conditional use permits and Article 21 governing unclassified use permits, the Planning Commission may on anyone or more of the foIlowing grounds, revoke or modify any permit or variance issued: (l) That the use for which such approval was granted baa ceased to exist or has been suspended for one year or more. (2) That the use for which such approval is granted is not being exercised. (3) That the use for which such approval was granted has ceas<;d to exist. or has been ~spen~ed for one year or more. (4) That the perm.t or variance granted .s being, or recently baa been, exercised contrary to the terms or conditions of such approval, or in violation of any statute, ordinance, law or regulation, (5) That the use for which the approval was granted was so exercised as to be detrimental to the public health or safety, or so as to constitute a nuisance. See. 2401. Expiration Any permit or variance granted by the Planning Commission becomes nuIl and void if not exercised within the time specified in such permit or variance or, if no date is specified, within one year from the, date of approval of said ~it or variance. ARTICLE 25. PERMITS; LICENSES; ENFORCEMENT AND REVIEW OF PLANS See. 2500. Certification of occupancy permit To assure compliance with the parking requirements and other provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, a certificate of oeeopancy sbaIl be obtained from the buildin~ department before: (1) Any new building be initially occupied or used; (2) Any existing building he altered or a ebange of type or eIass of use be made; and, (3) A change of use of any unimproved premises be made. o 11 P, .... :::s III :::s Q CD Z s:: g. CD 11 See. 223. Conforming building (a) In the "R" Zones a conforming building is one which fuIly meets the requirements of the State Housing Act and the Uniform Building Code as they pertain to residential buildings and which building fuBy conforms to the re- quirements' of this ordinance with respect to the district and zone in which it is located and is limited to the number of dwelling units prescribed for the district and zone in which it is located; and, (b) In the "C" and "M" Zone a conforming building is one wbieh fulIy conforms to the structural design, building materials and their assembly as prescribed for commercial or indus- trial buildings by the Uniform Building Code and which building fuIly con- forms to the requirements of this ordinance with respect to the district and zone in which it is located. Sec. 224. Court "Court" means any portion of the interior of a lot or building site which is whoIly or partially surrounded by buildings, and which is not a ,re- quired yard or open space. See. 225. Dairy '''Dairy'' means any premises where three or more cows, three or more goats, or any combination thereof, are kept, milked or maintained. Sec. 226. Day Nursery "Day nursery" means any type of group day.care programs, including nurseries for children of working mothers, nursery schQOls for children below minimum age for education in public schools, jarem cooperative nursery school, playgrounds for pre-school children an programs covering after- school care for school ehildren; provided, such establishment is licensed by the state and city and conducted in aooordance with state and city require- mpnfR. See. 227. Dump "Dump" means an area devoted to the disposal of refuse, including in. cineration, reduction or dumping of ashes, garbage, combustible or non. mmbustible refu.... offal or dead animals. See. 228. UwelIing "DwelIing" means a building or portion thereof designed exelusiveIy for residential purposes, including one. family, two.family and multiple dwellings, but not including hotela. See. 229. Dwelling unit "Dwelling unit" means one or more rooms in a dwelling or apartment house and designed for occupancy by one family for living or sleeping pur- .. - - .' S... 2501. No conflicting licenses or permits shall be issued AIl departments, ofticials or public employees vested with the duty or authority to issue permits or licenses where required by law shaII conform to the provisions of this ordinance. No such license or permit for uses, buildings or purposes :w~ere the same would be in conflict with the provisions of this _ordinance shall be issued. Any such license or permit, if issued in conflict with the provisions hereof, shaII be nolI and void. S... 2502. Enforcement The building official, or his duly designated representative, is hereby designated as the enforcing agent of this ordinance, and any amendments thereto. Any appeals from the d..ision of the enforcing agent in the adminis- tration of the Zoning Ordinance shaII be made to the City Planning Commiss- ion, and the decision of the City Planning Commission in such matters shaII be final and conclusive unless otherwise designated by this ordinance. S... 2503., Site Plan and Building Plan Review No building or Use Permit shaII be issued for the construction, alteration or addition to any building or structure, including signs or outdoor advertis- ing structures in the R.3, R.4, C.O, C-l, C.2, C-3, M.l, M-2, PD and PoL z~nes until the Planning Commission shall have first made a finding that the proposed building or structure is in conformity with botb the intent and pro- visions of this article. Sec. 2504. Same, filing copies of plan , In addition to meeting all the other requirements of this Code, any applicant for a permit for a building or structure, including signs or out- door "advertising structures in the zones referred to in the preceeding section, shall file with the Planning Commission, six (6) copies of the plans for the proposed building or structure. Pro\'ided, that only one copy is required in the case of signs and outdoor advertising structures. Sec. 2505. Same Tbe site plan shall be drawn to scale and shaIl indicate clearly and with fuIl dimensioning the foIlowing information: (a) Lot dimensions; (b) AIl buildings and structures; location, size, height, proposed use; (c) Yards and space between buildings; (d) Walls and fences; location, height and materials; (e) 'Oll.street parking; location, number of spaces andlor dimen- s.on of parking area, internal circulation pattern; (f) Aecess.pedestrian, ve- hicular, service, points of ingreBll and egress; (g) Signs, location, size and height; (h) Loading, location, dimensions, number of spaces, internal cireu. lation; (i) Lighting, location and general nature, holding devices; (j) Street C1edieations and improvements;, (k) And such other data as may be required to permit the Planning Commission to make the required findings. Sec. 2506. Same. Action by Commission Within forty (40) days after the filing of the site and building plans, the Planning Commission shall approve with conditions deemed necessary to protect the public h~alth, safety, and welfare or disapprove the site and building plans. S... 2507. Same. R.-quired findings by Commission be entirely enclosed within a building, this drfinition shaIl be qualified by addinll "and enclosed on all sides". ~ See. 214. Building height "Building height" means the vertical distance measured from the average level of the highest and lowest point of that portion of the building s!~ covered by the buildinl! to the hillhest point of the roof peak. - See. 215. Building, main "Main building" means the principal building on a lot or building site designed or used to accommodate the primary use to which the premises are devoted; where a permissible use involves more than one structure designed or used for the primary purpose, as in the ease of group houses, each such per- missible building on one lot as defined by this ordinance shall be construed as comprisinl! a main building. See. 216. Building site "Building site" means: (a) The ground area of one lot or, (b) the ground area of two or more lots when used in combination for a building or group of buildinp;s, together with all open spaces as required by this ordinance. S... 217. Bungalow court "Bungalow court" shaII mean a group of three or more detached one-story. one-family or two.family dwellings located upon a single lot, together with all open spaces required by this ordinance. - See. 218. Business or commerce "Business" or "commerce" means the purchase, sale or other transaction involving the handling or disposition of any article, service, substance or commodity for livelihood or profit; or the management of oftice buildings, offices, recreation~ or amusement enterprises; or the maintenance and use of offices, structures and premises by professions and trades rendering services. Sec. 219. Cellar "Cellar" means that portion of a building between floor and 'eeiling which is wholly or partly helow grade and so located that the vertical distance from the grade to the floor below is equal to or greater than the vertieal distance from grade to ceiling. Sec. 220. Church "Church" as used in this ordinance shaII mean an establishment the principal pUrpose of which is religious worship and for which the principal structure contains the saneluary, and including aeeeasory uses in the main structure or in separate buildings, including Sunday-school rooms, assembly rooms, kitchen, library room and a one.family dwelling unit, but excluding day-care nurseries and facilities for residences of or training of religious orders, -' _i - . :J Sec 211. Block' "Block" means all property fronting upon one side of a street between interseeting and intercepting streets, or between a street and a railroad right of way, waterway, terminus or dead.end street, or city boundary. An inter- cepting strert shaII determine only the boundary of the block on the side of the stree~ which it intercepts. See: 212. Boardingliouse ' "Boardinghouse" means a building with not more than five guest rooms where lodging and meals are provided for compensation for not more than ten persons, but shall not include rest homes or convalescent homes. Guest rooms numbering six or over shall be considered a hotel. Sec. 2120 Breezeway . A structure, not exceeding fifteen (15) feet in height and having not more , than fifty (SO) per cent of the sides of the structure enclosed with any material "ther tho that necessary for roof supports, for the principal purp,ose of con. necting the main structure on a site with another main structure or an acces- sory structure on the same site. See. 213. Building "Building" means any structure having a roof, but excluding aII forms of vehicles even though immobilised. Where this ordinance requires, or where speeial authority granted pursuant to this ordinance requires that a use shall The Planning Commission, after an examination of the site and building plans, prior to the approval of ouch plans, must make the foIlowing findings of fact: (a) Tbat the building, structure or development will not be detrimental to the character of the zone in which it is proposed to construct the building, and the zones peculiar suitability for particular uses, and the character ot buildin~ already erected in the district. and will conservp. property ;values and promote the direction of building development according to the Zoning Urdinance of the City. (b) The plans indicate the manner in which adjacent structures are protected against noise. vibration and other factors which tend to make the environment less desirable, are reasonably efficient and satisfae-, tory. (c) That the exterior architectural appeal, design and functional plan are of the proposed structure will, when erected, not be so at variance with either the exterior architectural appeal, design and functional plan of the structures, already constructed or in the course of construction in the zone in question and the immediate neighhorhood of the proposed site, lis to cause a substantial depreeiation of property values in the neighborhood. (d) That the proposed development indicates adequate consideration for the other existing or contemplated uses of land in the general area. and ,an orderly de- velopment of the same. (e) All provisions of this article are complied with. (f) The foIlowing are so arranged that traffic congestion is avoided, pedestrian and vehicular safety and welfare are protected, and there wiII he no adverse effect on surrounding property: 1. Building, structures and improvements; - 2. , Vehicular, ingress and egress and internal circulation; 3. Setback; 4. Height , of buildings; 5. Location of service; 6. Walls; 7. Landscaping. (g) Proposed 1i~htin" is so arrllllj!;ed as to refleetthe light away from adjoining properties. (h) Proposed signs or outdoor advertising structures will oot by size, location, color or lighting, interfere with traffic or limit visibility or depreciate the value of adjoining property or the neighborhood. See. 2508. Same. Commission action final Tbe decision of the Planning Commission shaII be final unless appealed to the City Council. See. 2509. Same. Appeal to the Council , The applicant may appeal in writing to the decision of the Planning Commission to the City Council. Such appeal shall be filed with the City Clerk within ten (10) days after the decision, and shall be placed on the agenda of the next regnlar meeting oft he City Council. The City Council shall at the meeting or at any meeting which the matter may have been continued, review said plans and shall approve with conditions deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety and welfare, or disapprove them. The decision of the City Council shaIl be final. Sec. 2510. Same. Final action The approved plans, with any conditions shown thereon or attached there. to, shaIl be dated and signed by the Secretary of the Planning Commission. Two (2) copies of said plans and conditions shall be delivered to the Building Inspector who shaII issue a building permit requiring compliance with the approved plans and conditions. '. See. 206, Apartment "Apartment'~ means a room, or a suite of two or more rooms in a mul. tiple dwelling, occupied or suitable for occupancy as a dwelIing unit for one family, but not including hotels, motels or tourist courts. See. 207. Apartment, bachelor . "Bachelor apartment" means one 'or more rooms with bath, without cooking facilities, in a multiple dwelling. A Bachelor apartment constitutes a dwelIing unit within the meaning of this Ordinance. Sec. 208. Apartment House "Apartment house" means a building, or a portion of a building, designed for occupancy by three or more families living independently of each other and containing three or more dwelling units. See. 209. Automobile wrecking "Automobile wrecking" means the dismantling or wrecking of used motor vehicles or trailers, or the storage, sale or dumping of dismantled or wrecked vehicles or their paris. 'See. 210. Basement "Basement" means that portion of, a building between Door and ceiling, which is partly below and partly above grade (as defined in seetion24O), but SO located that the vertical distance from grade to the Door below is less than the vertical distance from grade to ceiling. A basement, when designed for, or occupied for husiness or manufacturing, or for dwelling purposes (rumpus rooms and recreation rooms without kitchens excepted), shall be considered a story. .... \> -' - - See. 2511. Same. Revisions or amendments Revisions or amendments to an approved site or building plan shaII be made purauant to the procedure set forth in this part. ARTICLE 26. PENALTY S... 2600. Violatora punishable by fine and imprisonment Any peraon, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of thia ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shaII be punishable by a fine of not more than five hundred (8500.00) dollara or, by imprisonment in the County Jail for a period of not more than six (6) months, or both such fine and imprisonment. See, 2601. Each day a separate offense Each peraon, firm or corporation found guilty of a violation shaII be deemed guilty of a separate offense for every day during any portion of which any violation of any provision of thia ordinance ia committed, continued or permitted by such person, firm or corporation, and shaII be punishable there- for as provided for in thia ordinance, and any use, oeeupation or building or struelure maintained contrary to the provisiona hereof shaII constitute a public nuisance. ORDINANCE 628 An ordinance establishing Diotriels and zones in the City of Seal Beach and therein regulating the use of land, height of buildings and yard spaces; providing for the adoption of maps showing the boundaries of aaid districts and zones; defining the terms used in thia ordinance; providing for its ad. i-ent, amendment and enforcement; prescribing penalties for violation; repealing ordinances or portions of ordinances in confliel therewith. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH, CALIFORNIA, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ARTICLE I. DECLARATION OF PURPOSE ARTICLE 27. ENACTMENT AND REPEAL Sec. 2700. R~ing clause Ordinance No. 406, together with all amending ordinances thereof, is hereby expresaly repealed, and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in eon. f1iel with this ordinance shaII be and the same are hereby repealed. See. 2701. Enacting clause The City Clerk shaII certify to the p....ge and adoption of thia Ordinance and eause the same to be published once in the "Seal Beal:h Post and Wave", a newsp.aper of general circulation, published and circulated in aaid City. , PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Seal Beach at a regular meeting thereof held on the seventeenth day of June, 1963. See. 100. Purpose of ordinance. A precise Iand.use plan for the City of Seal Beach ia hereby adopted and established to serve the public health, aafety and general welfare and to pro- , vide the economic and social advantages resulting from an orderly planned use of land resourees. S... 101. Name of ordinance. Thia ordinance shall be known as ''The Comprehensive Zoning Ordin- ance." ARTICLE 2. DEFINITIONS See. 200. Provisions not affected by headings. Article and section headings contained herein shaII not be deemed to govern, limit, modify or in any manner affect the scope, meaning or intent (If any section bereof. See. 201. Tenses The presentlen8e includes the future and the future the present. S... 202. Number The singular number includes the plural, and the plural the singular. See. 203. Aeceasory "Aeeessory" means a building, part of a building or struelure, or use which is subordinate to and the use of which is incidental to that of the main building, alruelUre or use on the same lot. If an aeeeBIlOry building ia attaebed to the main building by a common waIl or if the roof of the aeeeasory build- ing is a continuation of the roof of the main building and is wider than aiz: feet, then such aeeeBIlOry building shaIl be considered a part of the main building. S... 204. AIley "AIley" means a public thoroughfare or way having a width of not more than twenty feel which affords only a secondary means of aeeesa to abutting property. See. 205. Amendment "Amendment" meana a change in the wording, context or substance of' this ordinance, or a change in the zone boundaries upon the zoning map, which map ia a part of this ordinance when adopted by ordinance passed by the city council in the manner prescribed by law. o 11 P. ..... i:l III i:l o CD Z ~ CD 11 Dean Gemmill Mayor of the City of Seal Beach ATTEST: F. W. Hickman City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE SS CITY OF SEAL BEACH ) - .~ .I~. - - - .. ? , I, F. W. Hickman, City Clerk of the City of Seal Beach and "". officio clerk of the City Couneil, do hereby certify to the passage and adoption of the foregoing Ordinance by the City Council at a regular meeting thereol held on the "",'entcenth day of June, 1963 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: , " Councilman Anderson, Nescher, Leonard Griswold, Gemmill Councilman None Couneihnan None ~ F. W. Hickman City Ocrk Published Seal Beach Post and Wave, Friday, June 28, 1963 o 11 P- ..... ::s III ::s C'l CD Ii!: ~ tT CD 11 - .. - ; -- -- ~ I v I __~ -=-- =--I J - - - - ".'--~- - - I -~ --" -~ ~~..........~- , . .' SEAL BEACH CITY HALL 8th Street and Central Seal Beach, California 'I , Telephone 431.2527 ~ ~. , " . . " OPEN 8:00 A,M. - 5:00 P.M. .. K MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 'I f ,. I. I, " CLOSED SATURDAYS f I '.. :' , " I .. I '.. ORIG!NAL OF::ICIAL COpy N'':)T TO SS TAKEN F;,OM f nil: CiTY CLERK'S Of-FIC\: 9 - SEAL BEAI:H ORDINANCE NO. 628 An ordinance establishing Districts and zones in the City of Seal Beach and therein regulating the use of land, height of buildings and yard spaces; providing for the adoption of maps showing the boundaries of said districts and zones; defining the terms used in this ordinance; pro,.iding for its ad. justment, amendment and enforcement; prescrihing penalties for violation; repealing ordinances or portions of ordinances in conflict therewith. WE . HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP, CONSISTING OF SHEET ONE Jl:ND SHEET TWO, CONSTITUTES SECTION 301 OF ORDINANCE NO. 628 THE ZONING ORDINAN(;E OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH, STATE OF CAL.IFORNIA, INTRODUCED AT A MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF $EAL. BEACH ON THE OF ,Jt?;VG'1963 AND PASSED AND ADOPTED AS AN SAID CITY COUNCIL ON THE /7!!& DAY OF .Ju#~ -LEGEND- SOLiD LiNE THUS_INDICATES THUS ---------INDICATES THUS - ---~-__~INDlCATES EGEND ON SHEET TWO FOR ZONING DISTRICTS. '" m T", SEE DISTRICT 2 (INLAND ETWEEN DiSTRICTS ONE OF UNE 6, MAP TWO SHEETS 963 ZING SHEET \, INCORPORATED) WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DID BY RESOLUTION ADOPTED ON THE 6t~ DAY OF June 1963, APPROVE THIS MAP, CONSISTING OF SHEET ONE AND SHEET TWO, AS SECTION 301 Of THE PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE {ORD, NO, 62!; OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH RECOMMENDED BY SAID COMMISSION FOR ADOPTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL Of THE CITY OF SEAL 8EACH, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. /// ~ CITY OF SEAL BEACH ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA SEAL WEAPONS .STATION 8LVD INCORpORATED STATION BEAC.!:!.- ~I ~I ~I isl 1 p .q c p ~ , .," '" ::, CITY OF SEAL BEACH ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA ZONING MAP SHEET TWO OF TWO SHEETS JUNE 6, 1963 - LEGEND- R-I ONE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONE: R"2 TWO-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONE R-3 MULTIPLE RESIDENTIAL ZONE R-4 HIGH-RISE MULTIPLE RESIDENTIAL ZONE "PLANNED DEVELOPMENT", CC NG :; C-O PROFESSIONAL OFFICE ZONE SERVICE COMMERCIAL ZONE C~2 GENERAL COMMERCIAL ZONE (-3 COMMERCIAL MANUFACTURING " liGHT MANUFACTL!R1NG ZONE 1-2 HEAVY MANUFACTURING ZOI -L PARKING-LANDSCAPING ZONE BOUNDARY LINE If , THUS- 00" H \ ZONE SO ", LINE NSIDERED AS BEING 0 . BLO " CITY INE, 'NO t- ",<or .!? <or t; "" "- 0.0 !!j