HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 1635 1968-02-05 I I I . . , RESOLUTION NUMBER / (, 3 ~- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO CALL A SPECIAL ELECTION IN CERTAIN INHABITED TERRITORY CONTIGUOUS TO SAID CITY PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED THERETO, FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS RESIDING IN SAID TERRITORY THE QUESTION OF WHETHER OR NOT SAID TERRITORY SHALL BE ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH, AND FIXING A TIME AND PLACE WHEN AND WHERE ANY PER- SON OWNING REAL PROPERTY WITHIN SUCH TERRITORY MAY APPEAR BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL AND SHOW CAUSE WHY SUCH TERRITORY SHOULD NOT BE ANNEXED. WHEREAS, The City Council of the City of Seal Beach has duly received a petition signed by not less than one-fourth of the qualified electors residing within the territory known as Annexation No, 67-l, as shown on the records of the Orange County Registrar of Voters, and containing a description of the territory to be annexed, which is contiguous to the city, and asking that said territory be annexed; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH that it is the intention of the City Council to call a special election to be held on the .;:?/2day of $if; , 1968, in certain inhabited territory contiguous to said ci , proposed to be annexed thereto, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors residing in said territory the question of whether or not said territory shall be annexed to the City of Seal Beach, and the territory subjected to taxation after annexation equally with the property within the City of Seal Beach to pay the bonded indebtedness of the City of Seal Beach outstanding or authorized at the date of the first publication of the Notice of Election for the acquisition, construction, or completion of municipal improvements, Said territory is described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the West line of the East Half (E l/2) of Section 13, Township 5 South, Range 12 West, S,B.M" in the County of Orange, State of Calif" with the Northerly boundary of Location No, l4l State Tide Lands, des- cribed in Patent issued April 4, 1901, said intersection being also the point of beginning of the legal description of Annexation No, 7 to the City of Seal Beach, California; thence along the boundary line of said City, S, 870 30' E, ll48.l4 feet, S 30 45' E 904,20 feet and S 520 45' E 2l9,Ol feet to an angle point in the Northerly line of the boundary line of the City of Huntington Beach, California, said boundary line having been established by Sunset Beach No. 2 Annexation in Ordinance No. 1053 of said City of Huntington Beach; thence leaving said Seal Beach boundary line and along said Huntington Beach boundary line, S 460 32' 00" W 139,2 feet, N 430 28' 07" W 90,00 feet, S 460 32' 00" W 53,76 feet to a non-tangent curve concave Southwesterly and having a radius of 5844,60 feet, Southeasterly along said curve 150.89 feet, more or less through , I I I -, Resolution Number .' .', BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said territory is designated and identified for such election purposes and for use upon the ballots at said election as "Seal Beach Annexation No. 67-1." BE IT ~HER RESOLVED that notice be and it is hereby given that on the ~ day of UdAl. (!..#- , 1968, at the hour of 8:00 p,m" in the Council Chambers of the City Hall of the City of Seal Beach, any person owning real property within said territory so proposed to be annexed and having any objection to the proposed annexation may appear before said City Council and show cause why such territory should not be so annexed. Such protest must be in writing and shall state the name or names of the owner or owners of the property affected by such annexation and the location and area of such property in general terms, If it be found that protest is not made by owners of one-half or more of the value of the property within the territory proposed to be annexed, as shown on the last equalized assessment roll, or by public and pri- vate owners of property equal to one-half or more of the value of said territory, further proceedings shall be taken in accordance with the law for the holding of such special election. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution and cause the same to be published in a newspaper of general circulation published in Orange County once a week for two weeks prior to said hearing, PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Sea) Beach, California, at a meeting thereof held on the ~d day of '/IV,u-,,;/ _ , 1968, by the following vote: councilmentZn~ ~ .~~~~ ~ Councilmen ~ _ ' Councilmen __I AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ,.. ATTEST: ~ fiifc~~ ~i,~ c. ' Cle STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF SEAL BEACH ) ) ss ) I, Jerdys Tofte Weir, City Clerk of the City of Seal Beach, California, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true, and correct copy of Resolution Number /~.3S-, and that the same has not been amended or repealed, ~~~, /:/h--,~~ Ci lerk f the City of Seal Beach I I I Resolution Number A . (;entr[l,.l angle of 1 0 2:~: liS::) N SE;o 00 I obil"H 5J. 39 f.eet to e. nOi.1-t.angent Ctl~VC concc.\.'E- ~~::!.l:::-t'{';:estcrly c:.nd havi.ng a rl'.c1ius of 5832.60 feet, So~theastcrly ~lo~g sn~d curva 104.72 feet, mo~e or less) trlrm.;gh a central en.:;l.;; of 10 03 I 27", tangent to said Clll:"V;:, S l}3o 2[< I OJ"' E 05.07 fe2t, :~:',,; N 46() 32 I 00" E 5.00 feet to tl:e most Hellterly COI'Y18r of th:;, b:)undary line of said, City of H:Jntiu3L:Oll Beach as es t.ablishec':, by SUD!>.:'!t Reach J:{O. l} Ailne~;atioll in Ordinan~e No, 1119 0= said City of Huntington Beach; the;"!ce along last mentio:led bour-dary line and leaving said Suaset Beach No. 2 Annexation S 430 Z8 I 00" E 9~"i If. 44 fe8t tv the \l,OS t ~':es terly, corner of the ". boundary line of said C~ty of; Huntington Deacb as establishe.d by SUllS€"t Beach Ho. 1 Anne:,ution in Ordinance No. 993 of said City of Huntington EeElch; thc,lce leaving said Sunset Beach No, 4 Annexation and along said SUIlset Beach 1':0. 1 Anr:i?xatioll S 430 28' 00" E 100.lI'O feet to a tC111i!,ent. curve, conci'.',Te Northeasterly having a radius of 957,OU feet, SO,"~::lE'HstCj.ly along sa~,d curve 29!l.Al feet, ,more or less, th1"O:I[;11 a cEntral angle of 170 5l' 53", leaving sllj,d curve N 2l:,o 30 I 00" ~v 11. 70 feet to a non-tangent curve concave Northeas terJ y having Ii radius of 950.00 feet and being co~centric with said 957.00 foot r,:oitcs curve, S':lutheasterl;l along said 950.00 foot radius curlle 100,25 feet, more or less, thro'-\5h a cent~'a1 ang,J.e of 60 02' l}G" , tange;1t to said curve S 660 52 I 00" 'E 215.02 feet to a tangent curve concave Soui:h'l-lesterly having a radius of 1060.00 feet, South- easter.ly alone silie! curVE' 50.97 feet throuzh a central angle of 20 4~' 18" 1:0 the most Southerly co~.ner of said Sunset }\each No.1 Annexation, said cor,1er being on the c=or, line bet'l-leen Ranch., La Bolell Chicc: 8l'ld Rancho L':lS Alamitos; t;)ence S lf90 28' DO" H alon~\ saie! COl.'l(,con line ~lll feet, more or less, to its intersection \'lith the orcinm:y high ~';ater mark as established by boundary agree'!:',ent recorded hl book 7988 pa;se 763, Official Records of said County, said high ~':i:U'r marl;: also shoun on a map filed in book 86 pages 35, 36 and 37 oE llccorc!r of Surveys; th~nce leaving said common line N lf30 45 I 11" U alo:l('; saiel high ~qateJ: n:ark ll09. 03 feet, N ll80 53 I 37" {'l loal}. 5(1 feet, ~: Lf90 52' 36" H 9~, '/ .1l:, fe8t and N 560 15 I 04" \oJ 6,73 feet; th~lice leaving said boundary agreement line and e<;>nd,!1uing ale:!,?, Fla) d Record of Survey line a;:Jc1 its North\'lesterly'prolongatio:l N 560 15' Olf" 1'; 43 feet, mOj,"e or.' less, to ,the Southeasterly boundary l5.ne of the terri tory incorporatecl. unc}er the name of the City' of Seal Bench by order of the J;o:.Ird of Supervisors of said'Orange County 0:1 Oet:ohel: 25, 1915; thence Northeasterly alon:; last mentioned SOl1th.eastel:ly b.xl'lclary l'i.ne 3:1 feet, Ir.or.c' or l~ss, to the iI~tersection \'7ith the North-So:.lth CjLwl:ter section line of Sectio;} 2lf, TmvusJ:dp 5 SOUt.;"L) Ranee 12 \'lest, S.B.ri., said il'tersection being an angle pOJ..n~: in lfL~t mentioned So...'!.th~~aslerly boundary Ii.De; thence continuillf., alonil. said Seal BGaca .bound,,:.')' line Northerly along quarter section lines to the S?uthwest corll~r of the territory annexed to said City of: fi~n1_ Ber..ch Sep~.crd)c:r) 192i: pe]~ SeA.l B~n~h Ordinance No. l!~G, snid corner, beinr:; on the SOl1therly line o~~ Elec tric LRl1C; thence So!..!th.. cl!st:crly 210nz the SO"...1t"h~.'cstE':rJy Iil1~ of last menti.oned ann0.xed ter"r'Lor-" ~o tllr., Sc""'""~"~"~r"" cc'rnE"- -"he--c'of br.'-;l'~ ~1"!) t'v" .. .'" L. .... .. ....\..:.L 1,l....."I.~ L.~..I..... . L... L.L J... ._, ......0 C'L.,:J... l.... inte.j:s~c tion of the E:eE tE-!rly p;,o] o~~/:t:i.on of 6aid SO-:'1th~-.:'ly Ii ne or }~lec{:ric L?l1C \\]i.th the 'r:--:sterly line of CO~!it r.lieh\-Jay; thence North-- 1,ve.St0!:-ly along the E(-~st:eLly Ii;}::! of last 1.'1:=:1tioil(d aon[.xed t(~l.ritoJ:'Y and !',l()n~'. l<'.:;t mcnl-iOl',8c1 Uest<;':ly Iil.c to the,Nol'tht~J:l"y corrH:r of las t- El('"!l'l t.i.ot"iccl C1lliiexecl t:er;:i :-nry, being tllC point of bcginn:Ll1.2 of this descriu~ion. .