HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC AG PKT 2007-08-13 #B AGENDA REPORT e DATE: August 13,2007 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council THRU: David Carmany. City Manager FROM: Linda Devine, City Clerk SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Approve minutes for City Council: budget workshop June 11th & 12th, 2007 - adjourned and regular meeting of July 23,2007. BACKGROUND: None e FINANCIAL IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION: Approve minutes for City Council: budget workshop June 11th & 12, 2007 - adjourned and regular meeting of July 23, 2007. ~ "QPJtt,;, Li da Devine, City Clerk NOTED AND APPROVED: C"- '"'~ David C~y, city Manager e Attachments: Minutes Agenda Item .tR e Seal Beach, Calnomia June 11, 2007 The City Council of the City of Seal Beach met In adjoumed budget session at 5:30 p.m. with Mayor larson calling the meeting to order with the Salute to the Flag. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor larson Councilmembers Antos, Levitt, Shanks, Ybaben Also present: e Mr. Carmany, City Manager Mr. Barrow, City Attomey Ms. Yostuya, Assistant City Manager Mr. Beaubien, Interim Director of Admlnistrattve Servloss Mr. Whittenberg, Director of Development Services Mr. Vukojevic, Director of Public WorkslClty Engineer Chief Kirkpatrick, Pollos Department Captain Bailey, Lifeguard Department Lieutenant Pierce, Lifeguard Mr. Bolin, Lneguard Mr. Crumby, Deputy City Engineer Mr. Papa, Associate Engineer Mr. Spitz, Associate Engineer Ms. Gonzalez, Administrative Servloss Manager Ms.Jacobson,BudgetAna~st Mr. Miura, Technical Accounting Servioss (contreel) Mr. Watson, Malntenanos Service Manager Mrs. Devine, City Clerk e BUDGET WORKSHOP: CopIes of the Budget In Brief, proposed Budget for FISCIJ/ Yeers 2007/aB and 200BlD9, the pIOpOSed 5-yeer CapIta/Improvement Program, and presentations ara on nle In the OffiCtl of the City Cleric unn/ "nel adopl/on. The Interim Director of Administrative Services reviewed the process In preparing the proposed budgets and agenda. Overview of Prooosed Budoet Fiscal Years 2007/08 and 2008/09 . Budget was prepared to maintain the existing levels of service; there were no proposals that would change the day to day oparatlons and servloss provided to the community. . Without the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) the growth of the oparational part of the budget is 6% In the first year and 3% In the second year of the budget - this is a reasonable growth factor while continuing the same levels of service. . The growth in the proposed CIP is within the revenue souross in the City . other than the proposed sand replenishment project there are no other proposed projects that would require the use of a large amount of the reserves. . Highlighted the changes to the budget from the previous budget: City Clerk. Increase personnel by 1/2 a person (time equivalent) to Institute the scanning of permanent document program citywide; Lifeguards. Increase the activity in the Jr. Llleguard Program; Recreation. increase personnel by 1/2 a person to cover additional recreation programs; Police Department. increase personnel by 1 1/2 for disaster preparedness support and the reserve offiosr stipend (from $100 to $200 per month) and the number of offlosrs (from 6 to 10) be increased; detention facilities agreement and servJos is still undecided. this will need to be considered under a item after the adoption of the budget. . Not included In the proposed budgets are the labor costs associated with the polios expired labor contracts. Page 2 - Budget Workshop 06-11-07 e . EconomlclDevelopment Assumptions: limited growth In property taxes due to the large number of pre-proposition 13 property owners; Boeing company Is moving manufeeluring out of Seal Beach and becoming more office type work; building activity revenues will be less but cost of staff will remain; not Included in the proposed budget revenue Is the additional bed tax revenue from the Hampton Inn & SuItes (wiD need to re-evaluate the sales tax revenue once the data from new businesses are established). . General Fund Revenues: Decrease In revenues by 1% In 2007/08 and only Increases by 2% in 2008/09 (this is not alarming - need to be cognlzantthaf expenditures not increase higher that the revenues over the years); not a good policy to change programs and services just on budget assumptions; top three revenue sources continue to be utility user tax (21%), property tax (27%), and sales tax (15%) - over a three year trend the revenues for the utility user tax and property tax are flattening out but the sales tax will be Increasing because of the adding of new commercial developments and retan businesses - sales tax revenues could surpass the other tax revenues. . General Fund Expendllures: Increase In 2007/08 is 15% - Includes the one time $3 million CIP sand replenishment project; police and fire servloss consume the largest portion of the budget (about half); Tidelands Beach Fund for services (lifeguard, pier, and beach) is subsidized by the general fund every year (approximately $600,000); top three expenditures are pollos (32% - $8 million), fire (15% - $4 million), and general administration ($3 million). . City's Fiscal Heallh: WRhout the sand replenishment project the flscel 2007/08 budget has a surplus of about $400,000; the undesignatad fund balance exceeds the City Council flscal goal; the City is maintaining lis fiscal health while making a considerable investment in the City's infrastructUre; this is a testament fo good planning and management of the City Council. . Undeslgnated Reserves: This is a fund for economic unosrtainties that may oocur; the amount exceeds the administrative policy requirement by about $4 million; the reserves may be necessary for future unfunded retiree medical, expiring fire contreel (OCFA), older infrastructures, and other unpredictable circumstances. Percentage of what Is in the reserve fund does not always give you the assuranos that It would cover any disaster or economic uncertainty - costs of material and labor are rising. . Enterprise funds (water and sewer) are separate funds and by law can not be commingled. . Fleet Management. with aging fleet the City must continue to be replaced; total replacement cost would be $2.9 million; proposed for eech fiscal year - $200,000; It Is important fo keep a fleet up to date and reliable. Council Questions & Comments: There were no questions or comments at this time. e DeDartmental Budaet Review: General Fund Revenues (page 47 01 propoeed budgeQ (Shanks) - Rental of Detention Facility from $-0- to $98,000; Resoonse: (Beaubien) This line Rem was in the Public Safety section (024) and was not clear if there was any profit from the operation - the $98,000 is fhe projected revenue under a new operating program, The City Attomey indicated that a full report on this issue will be presented at the next Council meeting - Jail was ran under an independent contractor and will recommend considerafion of a lease operation. e (Antos) - Orange County Fire Authority contreel; Resoonse: (larson) OCFA contract runs out In 2010; is a well run department and provides good service; OCFA Is working with the City Managefs association to come up wllh some kind of agreement; and there are two fire stations located in the City. (Ybaben) - Shops at Rossmoor sales tax; Hampton Inn bed tax; and adjustment of sales tax from typing company discovered by auditors (Long Beach); Resoonse: (Beaubien) There are estimates for the shops that the City know about - at a medium range. Bed tax revenue does not reflect the new Hampton Inn - the Increase shown is from the voted 9% Increasa - the actUal In 2005/06 Page 3 - Budget Workshop 06-11-07 e was low because the closing of Seal Beach Inn and Gardens. City of Long Beach is stili protesting the findings - there is a back allocation of $500,000 to $900,000 wllh annual revenue of a net of $150,000 - stili need to re-classify the allocation to Seel Beach for an ongoing basis. (Shanks) . In-lieu Parking Fees; Resoonsa: (Miura) This fee Is considered a general fund deposll not revenue until It Is actual~ expended for a particular project - II is proposed to set up a separate fund for these fees and not Include it in the general fund. The City Atlomey stated thare is currently a law suit from a property owner who had a subdivision In 1993 and challenging how the $40,000 was spent - legal~ establishing a separate fund can be done at anytime. WIIh no objection staff was dlrectsd to prepare an agenda lIem for Council consideration establishing a separate In-lieu parking fund. (Ybaben) - Surfside property taxes - County of Orange litigation; Resoonse: (Barrow) The county agreed they were mlsallocating property taxes and the City has reosived in the last two years a small amount - the City hired a finn to go back beyond three years to recover any funds but the courts ruled against the plaintiffs and the City will not be receiving any beck funds only what was misallocaled In the last three years and in the future years (current year received $109,000 for Surfslde and will be included In property tax fund). Operating Departments: . City Council (010)- Council considered employees not contractors . City Manacer (011) - PARS covers retirement for any permanent part-time employee - federal law requirement - administrative fee is divided between all departments and will vary aocording to the number of hours for part-time employment; types of Contract Professional Services. listed at the bottom of each department; Lobbyist - requested that the City Manager provide a report on the activity and the need to continue services (Del Smith); (Vukojevic) indicated that public works department is in conteel on a monthly basis to help to get funds for the pier and other grants as well as the sand replenishment project. . Cliv Clerk (012) - Part-time Increase to start a more aggressive scanning program of official clly documents to an electronic fonnat; current~ the assistant is a full-time position. . Cilv Atlomev (015) - General Prosecution Is used for 90% code enforcement cases and 10% non-complianos of CUP's; Legal Contreel Pollee is for special projects for the polios department; Other Attomey Services is far things like the municipal code, local coastal plan, the zoning code, and other special projects; Retainer is a fIXed cost; City Atlomey stated that under the new agreement there will be changes In service to contain some of the costs that will not affect the current budget - retainer will cover more services, establish some caps on hourly billing rates, and provide further dIscounts. legal costs should be less than the proposed $437,000. . Administrative Services (017) - Increase in salaries are due to the agreed MOU's cost of living increases there is not an increase in the number of employees; there was a vacancy in the directo(s position In 2005106; the proposed budgets reflects having a full staff including the directo(s position. . Risk Manacement (01 B) - Relying on staff to provide the most cost effective services to manage worke(s comp and liability claims. . Non-Deoartmental (019) - OOios & Technology Resources is for equipment and Contract Professional Services Is for Synoptek for IT maintenance and service of !he City's computer system; Personnel section is for retiree benefits; Government Code has strict guidelines and limits as to what Councilmembers can receive as compensation - last Council raise was In 1990 and went from $125 to $300 per month. . Public Safety - Pollee (022, 023) - Full-time offiosrs reoslve holiday pay Instead of overtime pay (contractual agreement); Salaries reflect << the department ran with a full staff; Fire range - Naval Weapons Station, City of Cypress, and City of Corona; Support Servioss changes were done after the e e Page 4 - Budget Workshop 06-11-07 e study was done in 2004 to reorganize where the needs are; animal control Is now contracted to the City of Long Beach - costs are budgeted under Intergovemmental. . Public Safety - Detention Facilities (024) - Will present an agenda item at the June 25th meeting rejecting all bids for jail servioss and will provide allematives for Council at a future meeting. . Public Safety - Fire Servioss (026) - Contract rates are determined by the City's population. expires In 2010 - OCFA will be going through thalr budget and will add the increases to all the cities. . Public Safety - Grants. All grants are specific and restricted on how the funds are to be used. . Plannlno (030) - Informed the Council that $1,100 was added to Contract Professional Services for Orange County Council of Govemments annual demographic information service that would be beneficial to the Planning Department. Indicated the increase in the 2007/08 Contract Professional Servloss is to fund the cost to prepare a state required Housing Element (5 year cycle) and in 2008109 expected to do some minor revisions to the City's General Plan. A revised version of the Local Coastal Plan was submitted by the consultants In May - staff is making some minor changes and then It will go back to the Coastal Commission staff for their review. . Buildino & Safety (031) - Cha~es Abbott's contract services is based on a percentage of the revenue from permit ;s8uanos . the proposed budget reflects the proJectsd decrease in building eelivity. The contract is in the 5th year of a 5 year agreement wllh yea~y extensions unless notified by either party to terminafe. WRh no objection Councilman Ybaben requested to have the City Manager provide a report reviewing the contract and servlos provided. . Communltv Develooment Block Grant (CDBGl . Funding from the county for Leisure Wo~d Housing Rehabilitation (bathroom modifications) for 2007/08. With no objection Mayor larson declared a recess at 7: 15 p.m. and reconvened the workshop at 7:25 p.m. . Public Works - Admin & Enolneerino (042) - Contract Professional Services 68% is for consullant to assist In finanoss and accounting in Capital Projects and 19% for West Nile notices sent out twice a year to residents. . Public Works - Storm DralnlNPDES (043) - Contract Professional Services is for water quality consultants; catch basin cleaning; and $30,000 Capllal Outlay expendRure to add an additional water clarifier to the wash rack located at the Yard. . Public Works - Street (044) - Contracts are for any maintenanos in tha public right-of-ways; separeted out a line item for landscaping for sidewalks, parkways and medians; increase in costs are due to the annual CPI index and prios Increases; and traffic light repairs and maintenance (response time is 2 hours). . Public Works . landscaoe (049) - Consullant hired to manage contracted services. . Public Works - Fleet (050) - Resulls of improvements of the fleet over the years Is a decrease in the number of staff time needed; changing from a leasing strategy to a purchase strafegy because the fleet has been built up with newer vehicles to be able to determine what the replaosment schedule can be and eliminates the burden of tracking leasing contracts. . Public Works - Refuse (051)- The contract Is an evergreen contract with a 7 year notice before canceling the contract. . Public Works - BuildlnoslFacllities (052) - This account deals with all the city facilRies and buildings; majority use is for Janitorial services, landscaping in front of the buildings, and specialized services like elevator maintenance and heating and air conditioning systems; Interest Payments are for the heating and air conditioning system that was purchased in 1999. e e Paga 5 - Budgat Workshop 06-11-07 e e o Public Works - Grant Funds. Air Quality Improvement Program Is a match fund for the senior bus program; Park Improvement Fund is Quimby Act developer fees; other funds will be covered under the CIP presentation. o Recreation (070 . 073) - To increase revenues and programs there is a need to increase the part-time staff time; the parking lot at the North Community Cantar is leased for $8,000 from Rossmoor; leisure Programs are contracted recraation classes for the community; and Aquatic program Is for the swimming pool. o TIdelands Beach Fund - Lifaouard (828) . (No questions regarding budget) o Tidelands Beach Fund - Beach & Pier (863) - (Sand replenishment $3 million - separate presentation) Beach maintenance, berm, pier repair, and Surfside sand cleaning. Tha ganeral fund subsidizes this fund on the average of $1.1 million each year. State lsase of tha beach requires the City to sat up a separate TIdelands fund. o Soecial assessment Districts . These accounts are restricted to specWled purposes - Community Facilities Districts (CFD) formed under the Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act for capital improvements agreed upon by the developer. . o Enterorise Funds - Water Ooeratlons & Caoltal (900) - Salaries, contract services, testing of water system and water purchase from Metropolitan Water District of Orenge County (213's of water City pumps). Water fund has a surplus of $3.7 million In operations and $2.1 million in capilal fund. o Enterorise Funds - Sewer Ooerations & Caoital (925) - Major costs is In personnel and contract services (cleaning pipes and intergovemmental fees). . Redevelooment Aoencv - low and Moderate Income Housing Fund - required set aside 20% lor housing assistance (loans and grants) - contract wiIh Civic Stone to manage the program. Riverfront project area Is In Old Town - DWP property, River Beach townhomes, Seal Beach trailer park, Oakwood apartments, Bridgeport, and the greenbelt. Surlslde project area was disbanded last year. Current bond indebtedness Is $370,000 a year - relinanced in 2000 with payoff in September of 2023. e Caollal Proiect Budoet Review: "Sand Replenishment ProJect (presentation on IIle In the City Clerk's ofIIce) The Director of Public Works presented an in-depth power point presentation In three main areas: 1) History 01 the beach (pictorial) starting 1921 10 present o 1950 - program known as back passing began (moving sand lrom the west beach to the east beach) o 1959 - 750 loot Groin bum wilh City funds, Federal Govemment money, and State grent - damaged In 1983 and rehabilitated in 2006 o 1987 - Dredging San Gabriel River to west beach and continue by passing program o 1983 - Pier collapsed In storm; dredged sand from Anaheim Bay (material - small In grain size) o 1994 - Sand replenishment lrom Santa Ana River o 1998 - Desert send rail project - City lunds and State grant to rail sand from desert thru the Naval Weapons Station - delays in permit process o 1997 - Storm causing major Iloodlng - Coastal Commission and other agencies Immediately issued permll for sand project o 2000/2001 - Began permitting process lor another desert sand project - additional money and studies delayed the process o 09-11-01 - Severely restricted use 01 the Naval Weapons Station and rail line was no longer available o 2001, 2003, 2005, etc. - Continue wiIh large sand back passing - coarse sand material from west beach is very Iimiled (samples of sand ware passed out) Suriside - mini pebbles (coarse and high quality); East beach - medium grain; and West beach -line more silty material- the coarser the sand the longer It stays In place o 2002 - Army Corp of Engineers - sand replenishment in Surfside all down the coast line to Newport Beach Page 6 - Budget Workshop OB-11-07 e o 2006 - Groin repair to slow down the migration of the sand from one side of the beach to the othar ($800,000 grant - total cost 01 $1.3 million) o Continued annual berm project to protect property along the beach and bi- annual sand back passing from east side of the pier to the wast side 2) Proposed project with options for Council consideration o Army Corp of Engineers SurlsidalNewport Beach Sand Replenishment Project . $16 million - dredge sand from a mile and a quarter off of Surfside through a pipeline - sand souroa is reportedly high quality o Federal govemment built the Anaheim Jetty causing the erosion along Surfside and will replenish the sand but feel that since the City buill the groin Seal Beach should be responsible for the one mile stretch of beach o Piggy-back on the Army Corp project is a great opportunity to build a project quickly, cost effective, and limited mobilization costs o This would stream-line the environment permll process and other resource agencies requirements o Army Corp of Engineers is not able to Include Seal Beach wllh their proJect - restrictions to the permil process requires the City do their own environmental permlls . cost effect to the City to connect with the Army Corp project. put $1 million In reserves marked for the future sand project _ there are a lot 01 variables and unloresaan circumstanC8S that are not able to be planned Options: o Anaheim Bay Dredging: likely to be a project In the neXllew ysars; sand quality is reportedly poor and rnsy not be suitable lor tha beach; prior river mouth proJects have had limited success; and a great deal of unknowns o San Gabriel River Dredging: Ukaly to be a project In tha neXllsw years; sand quality and quantity is unknown; prior river mouth projects heve had limited success; and a great deal of unknowns o Other Sand Dredging projacts: Bolsa Chica, Santa Ana River, Ports, Huntington Harbor, or long Beach Marina. likely to be projects in the future; sand quality in unknown; and a great deel of unknowns o Trucking Inland or Riverbed Sand: A possibility but stili requires the environmental permits; sand may not be consistent; very disruptive to the community and damaging to the streets; and considered to be a last resort 3) Staff recommendation o Budget $150,000 to start-up environmenlal permit process; budget Is necessary for grant application (Opportunistic Sand Replenishment Projects) o Direct staff to connect with the Army Corp SurlsidaINawport Beach Sand Replenishment Project o Sat aside $1,000,000 in raservelund for the sand project o Aggressively search lor grantslsponsorslhelp; grant climate has been good o Council invoNament is needad wilh State and Federsl elacted ofIIcials o Report to Council on updated information and recommendations; likely to taka three to live years Council Comments: (Antos) - Would Iika to contact Congressman Rohrabacher. Resoonse: Staff has a very important meeting with the Army Corp. and othar parties on June 14th _ II would be bettar to walt until that meeting before contacting any legislators so that Council would have the most up to date Information about this project. (Ybaben) - Diractor of Public Works Is too nice and needs to go Into the meetings aggressively and point out the lacts that the Jetty that was put in Is causing a problem lor Seal Beach and they ought to provide the same service they providing for the SurlsldalNewport Beach Sand Replenishment projact - make them take some ownership and make them come back with some solution - shift the burden on them - do not go in asking permission lor Seal Beach to spend $3,000,000 to borrow their equipment. Resoonse: There is a line line that Seal e e Page 7 - Budget Workshop 06-11-07 e Beach staff has to walk because there are other staff members that need to be dealt with and thay will listen but not necessarily be available to help - but W the elected officials are dictating the project to happen It will be done that Is how tha Surlside project is being done. The best bat Is getting a State Grsnt lor this project. All the Councilmambers are in agreement that they ara willing to do their part in speaking with the legislators. It appears that Council would be asking the legislators to spend a lot of money to help a few millionaires. (Levitt) . Rail line Is not available through the Naval Weapons Station - trucking the sand lrom the desert Is not feasible. is there another railllna a1tematlve that will come 80% or 90% of the way and truck just a short distance. Resoonse: Trucking is dillicult because iI has a direct and Immediate impact on the residents and businesses along Ocean Avenue and along Seal Beach Boulevard. The damage to the streets from one standard 18 wheelar truck has the equivalent between 6,000 to 8,000 cars of vehicle loading you multiple this times 12 or more and it adds up. The people that will benefrt the most lrom getting the sand are going to complain the most. The people who have the property along the beach maybe should be assessed to pay !he costs. e (larson) - Navy decided not to allow the use of the rail line . should look Into lobbying the legislators to direct the Navy to allow the City the use for this projact. A former Councilman use to surf wllh the Congressman and the City was able to obtain a lot of things. In hind sight the Clly should not have signed tha agreement with the State that released them of all IInanclal responsibility regarding the beach and pier In 1959. The Director responded that this proJect requires Coastal Commission approval. Back passing Is only a house keeping measure to manage the sand - the quality 01 the sand is going down. The Interim Director 01 Administrative Services explained that the strategy behind the recommendation was not to allocate the entira $3,000,000 Just the $1,000,000 In raservas and the $150,000 to begin the environmental process - this will help in the negotiation process and to obtain grants that require matching funds. Thare Is no obligation to do the proJect with the $1.000,000, iI is only In reserve and can be raallocated to another project. This will give the Council options. Public Comments: None ware takan - comments at the June 12th session WiIh no objections at 9:25 p.m. Mayor Larson continued the Budget Workshop to June 12th at 5:30 p.m. THESE ARE TENTATIVE MINUTES ONLY, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH. Council Minutes Approved: e e Seal Beach, Calffomia June 12, 2007 Tha City Council of the City 01 Seel Beach met In adJoumed budgat session at 5:35 p.m. wilh Mayor larson calling the meeting to order wiIh the Salute to the Flag. ROll CALL Present: Mayor larson Council members Antos, Lavitt, Shanks, Ybaben Also present: Mr. Carmany, City Manager Ms. Yostuya, Assistant City Manager Mr. Beaubien, Interim Director of Administrative Services Mr. Whittenberg, Director of Development Sarvicas Mr. Vukojavic, Director 01 Public Works/City Engineer Chief Kirkpatrick, Police Department Captain Bailey, Lifeguard Department Mr. Crumby, Deputy City Engineer Mr. Papa, Associate Engineer Mr. Spitz, Associate Engineer Ms. Gonzalaz, Administrative Services Manager Ms. Jacobson, Budget Analyst Mrs. Devine, City Clerk BUDGET WORKSHOP: Cop/as of rhs Budget In Brief. proposfJd Budgar for FIscal y",,1lS 2007108 end 2OOBI09, and the proposfJd 5-yur CapIta/Improvement ProgT/Jlll aTIl on file in rhs Office of the CIly Clerk until final adopl/on of both documtmla. e Tha Interim Director 01 Administrative Services indicated tha1 the Council was provided a hand-out answering some of the questions asked at the previous budget workshop. Sand Reolenishment Prolect: Continued The Interim Director of AdministrsUve Services stated that the Council has the staff recommendation on the sand replenishment project and Council has the option to direct staff to move forward or aller the recommendation. o (Antos) - Stated that he had called Congressman Rohrabacher's ofIIce and spoka wilh the Chief 01 Staff - Kathleen Killingsworth axplained the beach sand problem and askad for the Congressman's support. Was told to send a letter out-lining the problem and any suggested solutions, upon receiving the City's leller they would contact the Army Corp. of Engineers and work through any problems regarding the City tying In with their existing project with Surfside. o (Larson) - Reviewed the staff recommendation: Approve to allocate $150,000 to begin anvironmental process and to designata $1,000,000 in the reserve fund for luture beach sand replenishmant project. o (Shanks) - Need to show the City Is willing to make a commilment to this project and provide for matching grant lunds. Shanks moved, second by Antos, to direct staff to allocate $150,000 to begin environmental permit process and designate $1,000,000 in the reserve lund for future beach sand replenishment proJect. AYES: NOES: Antos, Larson, levitt, Shanks, Ybaben None Motion carried e Caoital Proiects: The Director of Public Works gave an overview 01 the proposed 5-year Capilal Improvement Program (CIP on file): o Five year CIP = $39 million; FY 07/0B $11,000,000; FY 08109 $10,000,000; Areas. Beach & Pier, Buildings, Parks, Sewers, Storm Drains, Streets, and Water System Page 2 - Budgat Workshop 08-12-07 e o Reviewed the funding sources and projects (proposed 5-year CIP documant) o Reviewed past year projects: sand groin, pier deck phase 1, tennis center, city hall, Zoater School, Zoster Park, Edison Park, Gum Grove Park, pump station 35 phase 1, West end pump station, Ocean Avenue, Seal Beach Blvd., slurry seal & concreta, Navy reservoir, Laisura Worid watar line connection o Revfewad pie charts - percentage of work by areas and peroantage of source of funding Questions & Comments: . (levitt) - Seal Beach Blvd. Edison Undergrounding Project - $40,000; Resoonse: Current program where In the utility bills all residents pay for future underground project for a major arterial - Edison has been banking money lor the last ten years to be able to put the utility lines underground along Seal Beach Blvd. The $40,000 line Rem Is budgeted for two years in order for Public Works to hire a consultant to assist staff to get through the project (plan revlaw, inspectors, ate.). o (Ybaben). Are general fund monies being used lor projects listed in the charts for state grants & development lees and streat lunds? Resoonse: The only one project using general fund money Is the pier deck rehab project (matching funds of 50%) . neXlllscal year ganeral fund money = $250,000 and grant money = $200,000 grand total of $450,000; The presentation is a summary of the 5-year CIP for more details refar to the CIP notebook - the pier project Is under tab 3 - project 50217. All projects are listed in the budget book on page 145 wilh breakdown of funding. Proposed streat projects will only be done wiIh outside funding souroas for the next fiscal year (City has discretion as to what projects would be done). . (Antos) - The streats scheduled for repairs are listed In tha Pavemant Master Plan; Resoonse: Tha presentation reflects the program that the council is investing In wllh the available funding. Slurry seal work is not datermined on the condition of tha streets only the streets on the local rehab program are prioritized by condition. o (Shanks) - Are Enterprise projects going to bonding? Is II budgeted for each Councilman to have $20,000 to spend at their discretion? Resoonse: Sewer Master Plan indicated two alternatives in order fund to the $15,000,000 of sewer projects. gradual rate increase along with floating a bond to bring the money uplront to bagln the investment back Into the pipes. Council authorized staff to bring back Inlormation - no bonds have been authortzed at this time. The $20,000 budget item last year for aach Councilmember was for one time. o (Ybaben) - Annual concrete rehab (streat funds) lor only streets? Back log of projects, especially the sidawalks that trees have uprooted. Sidewalks citywida ara a major problem and needs to be addressed. Would Iika to see more money allocated lor sidewalk repair. Resoonse: Annual concrete rehab is used lor both curbs and gutters and sidewalks; polley In the past years was to focus on the high pedestrtan (sidewalk) areas this locus was moved to match the street (curb and gutters) projects . Iimiled amount of money budgeted. Last yaar an additional $50,000 was budgeted lor sidewalk repairs. Grinding down the high spots in sidewalks has been used to repair most of the sidewalks - using this method the City is able to repair ten times the amount of locations instaad of removing and replacing the sidewalks. o (Shanks) - Grinding only works lor some sidewalks - where It does not work the City then pours asp hall patches - this causes trip and lall liability. This issue needs to have a higher priority. o (YbabenlShanks) - Requested that staff increase tha allocated amount lor sidewalks lrom $50,000 to $100,000 per year. The Interim Director of Administrative Services recommended that the increase be takan out of the General Fund - there was no Council objection. o (Antos) - Requested that staff look into using a rubberized material for sidewalks around the trees - last time this was requested the cost was high and would like staff to see W the cost for this Is more reasonable. o (Ybaben) - What Is the budget balance alter deducting the money allocated lor the sand replenishment project ($2 million), is the budget balanced or is thare a deficit; Resoonse: The only item in the budgat for the sand e e Page 3 - Budget Workshop 06-12-07 e replenishment project would be the $150,000 for the environmental permit process and there needs to be Council consensus to place in tha budget a reserve 01 one million dollars of fund balance for the luture sand replenishment project - technically this would mean that the money Is set aside in the reserves earmarked lor this project and does not go Into the budgat as an expenditure because II will not be expended in this fiscal year. This would mean that the proposed budgat started out with $400,000 surplus - taking out the $150,000 for the environmental process and the $50,000 for the additional sidewalk allocation - iI would leave about $200,000 surplus In the General Fund up to this point. o Consensus of the Council is to laave a reasonable reserve for emergencies and to be able to fund projects that run over or for any uncertainties that may come up. II Council does not hold back money In the resarve fund then cuts have to be made in proJects and programs that were budgatad. o (Ybaben) - Unexpected repairs and emergencies have been anywhere lrom a hall a million dollars to three quarters 01 a million dollars each year. Tha current lavel of reserves is about $10,000,000 - Council needs to look at the Generai Fund projects and unfunded CIP needs and start putting money towards some of the projects: Community Center Improvements ($100,000) - in the unfunded needs for building improvements is almost $2 million; City park repairs ($100,000) - unfunded needs Is $2 million; Storm drains ($1.2 million) - unlunded needs Is $15 million. Council needs to gat serious and put some money in these areas. Need to give direction to staff as to what Council priorities are in what areas. o (Antos) - Storm drsln projects are safety projects lor resldenfs property and needs to take prio~ty over park beautWicatlon projects. Seal Beach 5K110K Run Committee raises money lor parks and recreation programs. Mid-year budget review would be a good time to adjust the project funds. o (Larson) - Stall recommends what Is needed to keep the City functioning and always has a list of unlunded projects. Council is here to serve the people the best they can and make sound decisions. o Staff recommendation is setting aside $600,000 lor two years to begin the priority list on the storm drain projects (each project is about $1 million - could do one project every two years). . (Antos) - Would support staff recommendation and not Increase the funding. o (Ybaben) - II Councilman Antos does not want to add more funds for storm drain projects would recommend increasing funds to the parks proJects lrom $50,000 to $100,000 a year and take the lunds lrom the resarve lunds. o (Antos) - Would not support the increase - staff has looked at the budget and this is thair recommendation - does not want to make the changes just for beautification. There Is a master plan on the facilities. . (Larson) - Does not want to be frightened by tha unfunded liability list - $15 million in storm drain Improvement projects is a scare figure. All the unfunded needs projects all sound like good things that people would want. o (Ybaben). AdHoc Storm Drain Committee generated a list and budget and Council needs to give tha list some creditability. Staff proposed a budget identifying projects and allocated funding based on needs, money, and Council priorities. Unfunded needs list Is always ongoing. Undesignated fund balance is $14 million - should consider using some of the funds. o (Larson) - Appointed a committee to look at the storm drain problems and they made a list of recommendations some reasonable some not, some indicated a lack of knowledge of public financing, some recommendations were made that Council knew the publiC would naver approve. The Council adopted the approach that is being lollowed by the staff. o (levitt) - This has been a very dry winter and there was no Ilooding and there does not appear that there will be any llooding in the near future but come thIS January things change and we have an EI Nino, the Cily will not be concerned about how tha community centers look. We need to be concemed about the pOSSible 1I0oding. o (Larson) - Terms ware never defined ragarding what is a 50 year flood, 100 year flood, 1,000 year flood; Council made a proJected judgment regarding what type of llood may occur and this could be wrong; the channel behind leisure Worid was built for a 25 year flood if this gets lull and the City has a high tide and this backs up and tha gates do not work there is a triple e e Page 4 . Budgat Workshop 06-12-07 e problem. If Council wants to do the ullimate proJact wa need to ask the expert flood engineers what a 100 year flood would look like; then we double or triple the siza of the pumps; spend a fortune on storm drains but in doing this we would be taking away a lot 01 benalits In living In Seal Beach by having to cut funding to parks, streets, sidewalks, trees, community recreation, and the beach. o (Ybaben) - Raady to hear from the public and would llka Council to direct staff to look Into what a reasonable amount of tha reserves that can be spent in tha areas discussed and still maintain a lunctioning City. Public Comments: o Robert Goldberg. Bridgeport and former chairman 01 the AdHoc Storm Drain and Street Improvement Committee, gave a brief review of the actions taken by the committee: the commitiee was given the task to examine several options that totaled up to $30,000,000 In improvement projects to prevent a 100 year flood; provide Council wiIh a short list 01 high priority projects that can be reasonably funded and would have an Impact on the problem; the projects suggested would help mitigate the next big rain not necessarily protect against the next 50 or 100 year flood. Presented Council a proposal of priority storm drain projects lor consideration that can be done right now. The total 01 $3,000,000 should be advanced this IlscaI year and not allocated at $600,000 a year. Thare are two out of the six recommended projects that are ready to start, just waiting for funding - Candleberry Avenue and Electric Avenue (provide a chart). The cost to complete thasa proJects is increasing due to the cost of materials and labor. The Ocean Avenue project took priority over tha storm drain projects - these proJects need immediate attention - can not take a chance with the weather. constituents will not agree with taking a chance. There is a history of ll00ding In the Cily. The designated reservas total about $10,000,000 and that leaves undesignated reserves with over $13,000,000 and the City's IIscal policy states that there should be 25% 01 the operating funds sat aside - that means there should only be about $8.6 million. Funding the two projects this fiscal year would save over tha neXllive years. The commltiee did not think It was practical and never want with the $15 million total for projects this was recommended by the engineers. o Serreta Fielding. Seal Beach Blvd. and member of the AdHoc committee, statad she was flooded three times; the committee presented priorltles for Council consideration; ballot measure to Increasa Transient Occupancy Tax [rOT) was passed by the voters wllh understanding that the increase monies would go toward storm drain improvements; the prlority list was established to prevent flooding 01 homes and cars In the City; and water from all areas of the City flood the areas 01 Seal Beach Blvd. and Electric Ave. (Iowast point in the City). Requested Council consider the recommendations from the committee. o Vie Grgas - Old Town resident, axpressed his support lor the AdHoc committee's recommendations; Council needs to address this issue to Indicate to the residents, especially on the east side, that they are serlous about dealing with the problem; and this 1I0oding issue Is not Just one day evant II is months of cleaning up with emotional and financial concems. Was a Councilmember in 1983 and Iivad In a house built 50 years ago (15th Streat and above Electric) and his garage wa,s 1I0oded but water never reached tha house level - movad into a brand new home buill in 1983 (by City code standards) and has been flooded threa times - how can this happen - Council needs to give staff direction to correct this from happening to all residents. o Joyce parque - Old Town, stated that the storm drains will help provided the pumps are working. Concerned about the police departmant jail contract . who Is responsible to pay the lawsuit; who is paying the settlement of $2.5 million to Officer "A"; as long as the City has a 11 % utility tax there should not be a surplus; lost $1,6 million In sales tax when Home Depot was discouraged to locate In the City; suggested 4 years ago that the City Install a traffic light camera (Los Alamilos Installed one at Katella and receives $6 million a year); sawer fees lor Sunset Aquatic Park was being paid for by residents 01 Old Town, College Park East, and the Hill; there is cloud over the City regarding the lormer treasurer - what is happening about him and when will he be charged; property tax lor Surfslde going to Sunset Beach. why was e e Page 5 - BudgatWorkshop 06-12-<17 e this not identlfled earlier; and should eliminate gIVIng staff money lor continued education - paid the former treasurer $10,000. o Schelly Sustarslc - College Park East, commented on the Increased $60,000 allocatad for Bluebell Park renovations - this amount Is not due just because of the Increase 01 construction costs - the original $190,000 budget would have enough lor a straight lorward rehab of tha park - the additional cost Is caused with the plan that Council approved that totally reconfigures the park- this is a waste of money. The current plan for the park project was reJected by the Parks and Recreation Commission - they voted to presarve the practice lields. Residents of CPE also oppose the currant plan (250 signatures gathered). The monster trees have been trimmed a noise traffic engineer would not lind any significant difference in nolsa level In the park; II Is quieter than the tennis center. Bluebell park has been sale place to play with the Iall lence - the plan to eliminate and lower sections 01 the fanCB would negatively impact the use of the park and endanger the children playing there, passing automobiles, and property 01 neighborhood homas. Beautification of the perk should not reduce the use of the park - CPE Is a lamlly naighborhood and areas for recreation should not be eliminated. Bluebell park Is different from the other parks the lenced lighted lield allows uses that other parks can not - neighborhood practice fields. Supporter 01 tha parks altar serving on the Parks and Recreation Commission for 8 years . Bluebell deffnitely needs repairs and improvements - II is wrong to spend an addillonal $80,000 on a renovation plan which was not supported by the Commission and notlavored by the public - should not wasta General Fund money or Prop 42 money . the money can be used lor other parka. Requested Council to reconsider the Bluebell park project plan. Mayor Larson declared a recess at 7:20 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 7:30 p.m. e Council Comments: o (Shanks) - With some uncertainty in the Issue facing the Council would suggest that Council not taka anymore action on the budgat until more details are presented. o (larson) - Never know from one year to the next what Sacramento will do about the funding that cities ara supposed to receive. o (Shanks) - It is disingenuous to think allocating the entire $3 million In this fiscal year Is better than ovar the next 5 years - can not buy the argument that doing the two projects now would stop the flooding - Ills an endless issue (list of projects). Not opposad to funding tha projects would like to think about it. . (Lavitt). This could be the sarna argument as to why paint the community center when you will only have to do it again - same with the sand project you will only have to replace II again - this Is the wrong attitude to take. You have to prepare for the floods. the storm may be too big to handle no matter how much preparation is done - you hava to constantiy invest In the Infrastructure. o (Antos) - The residents voted to Increase the Transient Occupancy Tax and the amount the City collected in 2005106 was just under $700,000 and the estimated amount for 2006107 would be around $850,000 . wiIh tha amount lrom the Increase designated for the storm drain proJects and the amount staff has proposed lor storm drain projects i' is possible to advance the timellne for the projects. Not comfortable taking the 5 year plan lor the projects and pushing all of the $3 million into one year - does not want to jeopardize other projects or the financial stability of the City. o (Ybaban) - Give staff guidance regarding tha list of storm drain projects to precede one project at a time - upon completion 01 one review the finances to proceed to the nsxt proJect. Allocate enough money to complete one project not spread funding over multipla years lor mulll projects. City Manager will be able to make the Judgment as to when the projects need to be tackled. o (Larson) - If Council allocates $1.8 million for the first project and it takas 1 or 2 years that amount is appropriated lor Just that project and no longer in the reserves. o (Shanks) - What is the $600,000 a year designated for? ResDonse: The first project would be Electric Ave. and Seal Beach Blvd. - estimated cost $1.2 million - setting aside $600,000 at the end 012 yaars. e Page 6 - Budget Workshop 06.12-07 e o Staff Response - The question to Council is how fast they want the projects completed and what is the availability to appropriate the money towards the projects. The way staff has presented this is that one proJect to be built every two years. Each proJect Is situational - one proJect does not necessarily relate to tha next. The projects have changed lrom the original master plan. more accurate cost needs to be updated. Projects and costs have changed since 1999. Tha strategy lor the storm drain improvement budgat was to be able to get one of projects built at the end 01 the 2 year budget cycle (allocated) . public works estimated that $1.2 million would be needed, with approval start the process to getting the project done, and award of the contract would be mora at tha end of tha second year. The goal was to get e project funded and buill within the 2 year budget cycle. Need to keep in mind that the sand replenishment project may require a large amount of funds. o (larson) - City Is fortunate to have the reserves they have . every decision that is made is a gamble - will not vote to cut the police department, IIleguards, or lire service - the storm drain program that was adopted Indicated that there will be protection to the City when completad - need to proceed ona step at a time. o (Ybaben) - Concsm is having too large of a reserve and having resident's homes being flooded. o (Antos) - Thare have been projects already done . Seal Beach Blvd along Electric (incraase size 01 pipes); Electric and 12th Street; Bridgeport; and Collage Park East. Staff Is trying to do the proJects in order. o (Ybaben). Council Is nervous about spending money lor tha storm drain projects that would protect a lot of homes CItywide lrom 1l00dlng would they have the same reservation about the sand project that would only protect a lew homes along the beach. o (Shanks) - look at your address 'Seal Beach" - there Is the aspect to a large extent the sand project will protect the residents along Seal Way - this is a beach city - what Is a beach city without a beach or sand - have to protect the image of the City. The sand does protect more than just the homes on Seal Way. o (Antos) - Hava to protect the homes along the beach the ll00ding would go up along Pacilic Coast Highway and ends up 1I0oding all the way to Main Street and the homes in between. o (Ybaben). There are more options with sand than with drainage. Started out indicating the three areas that should receive more funding: Storm drains, parks, and city buildings. o (Shanks) - Tha $1.2 million project is being addressed In the budgat - ills a 2 year plan. The community parks and buildings are not in that bad of shape. . (Antos) - Need to have an update on the Master Facility Plan. Staff clarification: It does not appear that there is Council consensus to changa any of the proposed projects (CIP) except to add more funding toward sidewalk repairs. Tha budgat presented lor the public hearing will be the proposed budget as prasented adding $50,000 more each year lor sidewalk repairs. No other changes will be made and Council will have the opportunity to maka changes at the Council meeting during the pubilc hearing. e Adioumment Wllh no objections the Mayor adjoumed tha meeting at 8:10p.m. to June 25th, 2007 at 8:00 p.m. lor the City Council and Redevelopment Agency to meet in closed session. e THESE ARE TENTATIVE MINUTES ONLY, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH. Council Minutes Approved: e Seal Beach, CalHomla July 23, 2007 The City Council and Radevelopment Agency of the City of Saal Beach met In closed session at 6:30 p.m. wllh Mayor larson calling the meeting to order in the City Hall Conlerence Room. ROll CALL Present Mayor/Agency Member Larson CouncilmemberslAgency Members Antos, Levitt, Shanks, Ybaben Mr. Carmany, City Manager/Executive Director Mr. Barrow, City AttorneylLegal Counsel Mrs. Devine, City ClerklSecretary Mayor larson stated that this would be the time lor members of the public to comment on the lIems Identified on the agenda, there ware no speakars. Also present: e The City Attomey announced that pursuant to the Brown Act the Council would meat In closed session wilh regards to anticipated litigation Govemment Code Section 54956.9(b) and Section 54956.9(c); InitIation 01 litigation pursuant to subdivision (c); and the Redevelopment Agency would meet regarding existing litigation Governmant Code 54956.9(a) . Sonju vs. Seal Beach RDA. CLOSED SESSION The Council and Agency recessed to Closed Session at 6:31 p.m. and reconvened at 7:10 p.m. the City Attorney reported that the Council gave direction to their legal counsel regarding Item "A" and the Redevelopment Agency gave direction to their legal counsel regarding. SonJu VB. Seal Beach RDA (case #06CC06897). ADJOURNMENT It was the order of the Chair, with consent 01 tha Council and Agancy to adjourn the Closed Session at 7:10p.m. City Clerk City 01 Seal Baach Approved: Mayor Attest: City Clerk e Page 2 - City Council 07-23-07 e Seal Beach, Calnomia July 23, 2007 The City Council 01 the City of Saal Beach mat at 7:14 p.m. with Mayor larson calling the meating to order with the Salute to the Flag. ROll CAll Present: Mayor/Agency Member Larson CouncilmemberslAgency Membars Antos, levitt, Shanks, Ybaben Mr. Carmany, City Manager/Executiva Director Mr. Barrow, City AttomeylLegal Counsel Ms. Yostuya, Assistant City Manager Mr. Whittenberg, Director of Development Servlcas Mr. Vukojevic, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Mr. Beaubien, Interim Director 01 Administrative Servlcas Chief Kirkpatrick, Police Department Captain Bailey, lnaguard Mr. Crumby, Deputy City Engineer Mr. Papa, Associate Engineer Mr. Shur, Support Services Manager, PD Mrs. Davine, CRy ClerklSecretary APPROVAL OF AGENDA Items "K" and "S" ware removed lrom the consent calendar lor saparate considaration. Item "H" was pulled from the consent cslendar and continued to the August 13th, 2007 Council Meeting. With no objection tha Mayor ordered the approval of the agenda as amended. Also present: e PRESENTATIONs/PROCLAMATION The following presentations ware given: o 5K110K Seal Beech Run - City received tha following grants: Public Works Departmant ($5,000 lor park trash cans), Recreation and Community Services Department ($17,000 - tables, chairs, and mobile stages for community canters), and Junior lifeguard Program ($2,000 - scholarships). o Measure"M" - Ellen Burton lrom Orange County Transft Authority (OCTA) gave a brief up-date presentation. o Mobile Command Center - Chief Kirkpatrick explained how the mobile command center would be used and that it was purchased In a Joint venture with tha cities 01 Seal Beach, Los Alamitos, and Cypress. Mayor Larson declared a recess at 7:50 p.m. so that members of the Council and audience- could take a tour of the command center. meeting was reconvened at 8:05 p.m. ORAL COMMUNICATION Mayor Larson declared Oral Communications to be opan. Ms. Schelly Sustarslc, College Park East, expressed her concems over the Bluebell Park project (agenda item "K") and did not agree with the lowering 01 the lence or the re- location 01 the playground. There were no other speakers; Mayor larson declared Oral Communications closed. CITY ATTORNEY REPORT No report given. CITY MANAGER REPORT No report given. e COUNCil COMMENTS Councilman Antos announcad the memorial servlcas for long time resident Reva Olson on July 29th at 12:00 noon in tha Mary Wilson Senior Canter. Councilman e Page - 3 City Council 07-23-07 lavitt reminded residents to check to any standing walar around their homes - this is the time of year for mosqulloes and there is a concern wilh wast nile virus. Councilman Shanks requested staff to check the area around the pump station by the trailer park lor standing water. The Director 01 Public Works Indicated that vector control checks and sprays this area on a regular basis. COUNCil ITEM It was the consensus of the Council to designate Councilman Levitt as their voting delegate and Councilmen Antos and Shanks as tha a1temates for the annual CalWomia league of Cities conference to be held on September 5-8, 2007 in Sacramento, Calnornia. CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEMS "B' thru 'S' It was the order of tha Chair to approve the recommended actions for the items on the Consent Calendar as presanted except for Items 'K' and'S" pulled lor separate consideration and Item "H" removed and continued to the August 131h Council meeting. B. Approved the waivar 01 reeding in lull of all resolutions and ordinances. C. D. E. e F. G. e Approved the minutes of City Council AdJourned and Regular Meeting held on June 25, 2007. Accepted the resignation of Robert 'Gene' Vesely and declared a vacancy on the Archaeological Advisory Committee In District Five. Approved regular demands numbered 64797 through 65268 In the amount of $3,581,622.19; payroll demands numbered 64739 through 64798, 64928; 85005 through 65090 in the amount of $454,525.91; and authorizad warrants to be drawn on the Treasury for same. Received and filed the Monthly Investment Report for June 2007. Adopted Resolution Number 5570 entitled 'A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH APPROVING VARIANCE NO. 07-2, A REQUEST TO AllOW A 7-FOOT HIGH WAll ALONG THE STREET SIDE AND REAR YEAR PROPERTY LINES AT 429 BERYL COVE WAY: H. Removed and continuad to the August 13th Council meeting. (Orsnge County Fire Authority (OCFA) staff recommendaUons to renew the CI1y's existing emergency ambulance contract wnh Modlx Ambulance Servloa for the period of September 2009 to September 2014 and to develop a Request For Propossl (AFP) process incorporatln9 a rsglonsl emergency smbulance deployment approsch for implementation In 2014.) I. Adopted Resolution Number 5571 entllled "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 2002-02 ESTABLISHING ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX FOR FISCAL YEAR 2007/2008.' J. Adopted Resolution Number 5572 entitled 'A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 08-01 FOR THE INCREASE IN RECREATION ADMINISTRATION INTERGOVERNMENTAL liNE ITEM.' e e e Page 4 - City Council 07-23-07 Adopted Resolution Number 5573 entitied 'A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH, APPROVING THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH AND COMMUNITY SENIORSERV, INC. FOR SENIOR NUTRITION AND SUPPORTIVE SERVICES.' K. l. Removed from Consent Calendar - Shanks. Adopted Resolution Number 5575 entitled 'A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH AWARDING THE BID FOR THE ANNUAL PAVING REHABILITATION FY 07/08, PROJECT 1150244.' Awarding to the lowest responsible bidder, Silvia Construction in the amount of $582.219.93 and authorized the City Manager to execute the contract on behall of the City. Bids ware received until July 10, 2007 at 10:00 a.m. for the Bluebell Park Improvements, Project No. 50208, at which time they ware publicly opened by the City Clark as lollows: Comoanv: Bid Amount Silvia Conatrucllon $562,219.93 Hardy & Harper, Inc. $584,000.00 All American Asphalt $583,443.56 Sully-Miller Contracting Co. $802,532.65 Sequel Contractors, Inc. $586,223.50 Palp Inc. dba Excel Paving Co. $804,633.75 M. Adopted Resolution Number 5578 antltled 'A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH DECLARING WORK TO BE COMPLETED FOR PROJECT NO. 50217 PIER DECKING REHABILITATION PHASE I.' Adopted Resolution Number 55n entitled 'A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH DECLARING WORK TO BE COMPLETED AS TO PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROJECT NO. 50190 ANNUAL STREET SEAL PROGRAM FY 06107 ENTERED INTO BETWEEN CITY OF SEAL BEACH AND PAVEMENT COATINGS CO.' N. O. Adopted Resolution Number 5578 entltied 'A RESOLUTION OF THE: CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH DECLARING WORK TO BE COMPLETED FOR PROJECT NO. 50223 ZOETER SCHOOL ABATEMENT AND DEMOLITION: Adopted Rasolutlon Number 5579 entitled 'A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH DECLARING WORK TO BE COMPLETED FOR PROJECT NO. 50224 ZOETER PARK IMPROVEMENTS." P. Adopted Resolution Number 5580 entillad 'A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED FOR A WATER WEll ON A PORTION OF THE OLD RANCH COUNTRY CLUB, LLC PROPERTY: Q. Adopted Rasolution Number 5581 entitled 'A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF SEAL 8EACH APPROVING THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH AND ALBERT GROVER & ASSOCIATES FOR ON-CAll TRANSPORTATION AND TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SERVICES: e Page - 5 City Council 07-23-07 R. Adopted Resolution Number 5582 entilled "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH, AS A "CONCURRING PARTY", THE FINAL PROGRAMMATIC AGREEMENT AMONG THE COMMANDING OFFICER, NAVAL WEAPONS STATION SEAL BEACH, THE CALIFORNIA SITE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER, AND THE ADVISORY COUNCil ON HISTORIC PRESERVATION REGARDING THE PUBLIC-PRIVATE VENTURE FOR FAMILY HOUSING . NAVAL WEAPONS STATION SEAL BEACH." S. Removed lrom Consent Calendar - Ybaben. AYES: NOES: Antos, larson, Levitt, Shanks, Ybaben None Motion carried ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM "K" I RESOLUTION NUMBER 5574 I AWARD CONTRACT BLUEBEll PARK IMPROVEMENTS I PROJECT NO. 50206 Councilman Shanks requested this Item be removed and stated his concerns over tha design to Icwar the fence height and the possible liability to the City. Councilman Ybaben said that the committee considered all the alternatives and believes this is a good design, other parks have lower fences, and no other parll Is surrounded completely by a lence. Ybaben moved, second by levitt, to adopt Resolution Number 5574 entitled "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH AWARDING THE BID FOR BLUEBELL PARK IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO. 50206: Awarding to the lowest responsibla bidder, Hondo Comoanv. Inc. In the amount 01 5169.431.50 and authorized the City Manager to executa tha contract on behalf 01 tha City. Bids ware receivad until July 10, 2007 at 11 :00 a.m. for the Bluebell Parll Improvements, Project No. 50206, at which time they were publicly opened by the City Clerk as follows: e Comoanv: landmark Site Contractors Hondo Company, Inc. MSJS Management Services Mlcon Construction, Inc. E.C. Construction Co. Ryco Construction, Inc. Accord Engineering MG EnterpriZBs Y & M Construction C.S. legacy Construction, Inc. Green Giant landscape, Inc. Fleming Environmental, Inc. AYES: NOES: Antos, Larson, levitt, Ybaben Shanks Bid Amount $280,048.35 $169,431.50 $177,027.05 $201,022.00 $190,983.34 $326,623.00 $239,479.40 $182,591.50 $186,555.50 $182,578.00 $183,510.75 $236,857.85 Motion carried ITEM "SO I RESOLUTION NUMBER 5583 I BUSINESS FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE I ENERGY TUBULARS. INC. Assistant CRy Manager gave a brief staff report indicating that Energy Tubulars, Inc. (ETI) is a goods distributor serving the petroleum industry and is listed as one of the top 25 sales tax producers in the City. Clly staff has negotiated a proposed agreement wiIh ETI that would provide a business plan that would include linancial support, retain a long term lease, and sustain the business operation until the year 2013. The City Attomey Is available to answer any questions and staff rscommends Council approve the agreement with Energy e Page 6 . City Council 07-23-07 e Tubulars, Inc. Councilman Ybaben stated that since this is a special arrangament with one oIlha top 25 companies In the City he wanted to make sure the public was well aware of the proposad action asked to be taken, that he is personally acquainted wilh lha owner 01 tha business, and that he would abstain from any Council action takan. Councilman Ybaben laII the Council Chambers. The City Attomey stated that Councilman Ybaben does not have any linanclal interest in the contract but because he is personal friends with the principal owner of the company Councilman Ybaben lelt he should abslaln; this is to avoid any appearance of a conflict of interest or impropriety. Antos moved, second by Shanks, to adOpt Resolution Number 5583 entitled 'A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH APPROVING THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SEAL EACH AND ENERGY TUBULARS, INC: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: Antos, Larson, levitt, Shanks None Ybaben Motion carried Councilman Ybaben ratumed to the Council Chambers. PUBLIC HEARING There were no items scheduled at this lima. NEW BUSINESS There were no iIerns schaduled at this time. Mayor Larson recessed the Council meeting to tha Seal Beach Radavelcpmant Agency meeting at 8:25 p.m. and reconvened the Council meeting at 8:26 p.m. e Mayor Larson requested staff to contact the Naval Weapons Station regarding access on the base - City Manager indicated he will ba meeting wllh tha Commander to go over several issues and one being access to the base. ADJOURNMENT It was the order 01 the Chair, with consent of the Council, to adjourn the City Council meeting at 8:27 p.m. to Monday, August 13, 2007, at 6:30 p.m. to meet in closed session, If deemed necessary. City Clerk City of Seal Beach Approved: Mayor Attest: City Clerk THESE ARE TENTATIVE MINUTES ONLY, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH. Council Minutes Approved: e