HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC AG PKT 2007-10-22 #R
DATE: October 22,2007
TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council
THRU: David N, Carmany, City Manager
FROM: Vince Mastrosimone, Director of Public Works
Receive and file the Sewer System Management Plan Schedule and authorize the Public
Works Department to submit the plan to the California Regional Water Quality Control
Board (RWQCB),
On May 2, 2006, the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), Santa Ana
Region, issued Order No. 2006-0003, General Waste Discharge Requirements (WDR) for
all Sewage Collection Agencies in Orange County within the Santa Ana Region. This
order places requirements on all wastewater agencies in an attempt to stem the rising
trend of beach closures and impacts on ocean water quality that sewage spills and leaks
can cause. These spills are called Sanitary Sewer System Overflows (SSO), If these
discharges of sewage are not fully contained and cleaned, and there is a discharge of
sewage to surface waters of the State, or the SSO causes a nuisance, it is a violation of
this order, Sections 13260 and 13376 of the California Water Code, and Section 301 of
the Clean Water Act, The RWQCB can impose penalties for failure to follow the
requirements of this order,
A requirement of this order is that all agencies develop and submit a Sewer System
Management Plan (SSMP) schedule to the RWQCB by November 2, 2007 that addresses
all the requirements of the order. Attached is the schedule prepared in a cooperative effort
with our engineering consultant, AKM, and Public Works staff,
This plan affects every operational aspect of the City's sewer system including the City's
legal authority to regulate and enforce all maintenance and engineering activities related
to sewer and wastewater including monitoring and measurement, overflow emergency
response, system evaluation, capacity evaluation, fat and grease control for private
busihesses, and regular program audits,
Agenda Item L
This plan will require future Council action and funding to implement.
There are no fiscal impacts directly related to submitting the SSMP schedule
Since any SSO will violate the term of this order, failure to properly manage and operate
the system can result in severe civil monetary fines based upon the severity of the
violation, The Council adopted Capital Improvement Program (CIP) FY07/08-FYll/12
identified oyer $15.6 million dollars in recommended improvements needed in the Sewer
System and these are being programmed over a five-year period. These were original1y
identified in the Council adopted August 2005 Sewer System Master Plan Update.
Operational costs and resources are being determined as the WOR's are interpreted and
labor is assigned to address immediate needs.
Receive and tile the Sewer System Management Plan Schedule and authorize the Public
Works Department to submit the plan to the California Regional Water Quality Control
Board (R QCB),
Vince Masttosimone
Director of Public Works
David N. Carmany
City Manager
Attachment: 2007 SSMP Development Plan and Schedule
Agenda Item_
DRDER NO. 2006-0003-lJWQ
SSMP Element
(i) GOII
(ii) Orpolzatioo ~
(iii) Legal Autbority
Description Completion
The goal of!be SSMP i.to provide a plan and November2,
schedule to properly IlIlIIIlIjle, operate, and 2007
maintain all parts of the sanitary sewer system.
This will help reduce and prevent SSO., IS
well IS miti..i. anv SSO. thot do occur.
The SSMP must identi1Y: November 2,
(I) The name of 1IIe responsible or III1lhorizod 2007
representative as described in Section J of this
(b) The nllll109 and tel.phone num.... Ii>r
m_~ administrotive, and maintenonee
positions responsible Ii>r impl.menting
specific measures in tbe SSMP program. Th.
SSMP must identify lines of authority through
a narrative explanation~ Bnd
(.) Th. ehain of eommlDlication Ii>r reporting
SSOs, from ....ipt of a compleint or other
infonnstioo including !be pClSOll re.poosible
for reportilll SSOS to tbe Sl8te and Regional
Well:r Boord and other agencies if applicabl.
(.uch IS County Hes1111 OIIicer, ColDlty
Environmental Hes1th Agency, Regional
WoII:r Boord, ~cyor_.. SllIle Ollice of
Emen<encv Serviccs,OESll.
Eaoh enrollee must dentonstnDe, through May 2, 2009
SBDltary sewer system use ordinllllCCS. service
agreements, or other legally binding
procedures, that it possesses the necessary
l.gal outhority to:
(I) Prevent illicii di.charge. into its SIIllIIJy
sewer system (.xampl.. may include III,
stonn _, chemical dumpmg. UD1111hori2od
d.bri. and cut roots, otx:.);
(b) Require thot SOWOIS and conn.ctions
be properly designed and constructed:
(e) ElISIIIC occes. Ii>r meintenll11CO, iDsp.cti....
or repairs for portions of tbD lateJal owned or
maintained by !be Public Ap1cy; ..
(d) Limit !be discharg. offlll9, oils, and gress.
end other debris that may cause bloc1ragcs,
(e) Enforce sny violstion of its sewer
Page I of6
November 2,
November 2,
Th. City will comply wi1ll 111.
State W_ Resoun:cs Control
Board WI9Ie Discharge
Requirements for the Goal ofth.
(I) The Direc:tor ofPuhlie Works /
City Engineer will he responsible
Ii>r overseeing the SSMP.
(b) A telephone directory and
organi2stion chart will h. provided
in tbe SSMP tbr all staff
responsible for SSMP activities.
(c) The procedure for SSO
reportilll will he revis.d to 111.
current WDR standards. It will
also be included in the Overflow
Em.rgency Respons. Plan.
May 2, 2009 The City WIll review and revi.. its
existing l.gal8lllhority to ......
that it complies with the current
WDR standards. Th.I.gal
IUlhority wiUaddres. the iiems (I)
through (.) included on the I.ft.
SSMP EI.m.nt
(iv) Operation and
Maioteoance Program
(v) Design and
Th. SSMP must include those .Iements list.d
below !bat ore IIjlpropriato IIId IIjlplicablo to
the Enroll..'. .ystlm1:
May 2, 2009
(a) Maintain on IIp-to-date mllp oftbo .onilary
sower system, .howing all gnmty lin.
..gments ond manholes, pumping facilities,
pressure pipes IIId val.... and llpplicabl.
storm water conveyance facilities;
(b) Describ. routine pn:vontive operation and
maintenance activities by staff and
conltaclon, including a .ystlm1 fur .cheduling
1Ogu1ar maintelUlllCO IUId cleaning of tII.
s8mtar)' sewer system with more 1i'equent
cl.mg and 1II8UllonanC. torgotod at known
problem ore... Tho Preventllive Maintenance
(PM) program .hould have a system to
document .ch.duled IIId conducled activiti..,
such as wort orders;
(c) Develop a rebabilitation IIId IOplacomont
plOD to idontilY and prioritize ay'lom
doficionci.. and implement .hort-term ODd
long-term rebabilitation actions to addres.
.och deficiency. Tho program .bould includ.
IOgullt visual and TV inspection. of manhol..
IUId sewer pip.., IUId a system fur ranking the
condition of ..- pipes IUId .ch.duling
IOhabilitation. Rehabilitation IUId IOplacomont
.hould 1bcw 011 .__ pip.. that ore at risk of
collllp'. or prone to more frequent blockages
duo to pipe defects. Finally, th. rehabilitation
and IOplacomont plOD .houId include a capital
improvement plOD tIIat addre,ses proper
lIWIagoment ODd pro1eCtiOll of tII.
inftastructure ..sots. Th. plan shall include a
time .chedul. fur implODlODtmg the short ODd
long-tenn plans plus a .chedul. fur developing
the ftmd, noodod fur tII. capilal improv.ment
(d) Provide llaining on a IOgular b..i, fur .taff
in sanitary sewer system operations BOd
maintonanco, ODd IOquire con_ to be
appropriato1y train.d; and
<e) Provide equipment ODd IOplacomont port
inventories, including identification of critical
(a) Dosillll ODd construction standards and Angust 2, 2009
specifications :fOr the installation of new
,1IIitary sower ,ystems, pump stations ODd
other IIjlpurlenances; and for th. rohshilitation
and lOpair of existing ,anitlll)' ,__ aystODUI;
(b) Procedures and standards fur insp.cting
and testing the iDstallllion of now sewers,
pumps, and other appurtenODces and fur
rehabilitation and lOIIair oroiocl9
Page 2 of6
May 2, 2009
(a) A map oftll. coll.ction
'ystem pipes, manholes, pump
stations. force mains. valves" and
tho stolID drain syslom currontJy
exi.t They WIll be updated with
the most cum:nt infonnation.
(b) Th. existing Preventative
MaintenlUlco Program will be
updated to include a section
describing the IOgular clemg
plan based on CCTV review, as
well as more frequent cl.aning of
110.. tIIat lCQUire it Thi, program
can be managed through tho Sower
(c) The rohabilitatiOlllUld
replacement plan was prepared as
put oftll. SSMP .ubmittod to
Region 8. It was based upon tile
CCTV in,pection oflh.lICC099ibl.
grBVity .y.tem and fi.ld reviow of
tho pump stations Tho structura1
deficiencies have bem included in
the CIP which h.. boon utilized to
updat.lh. ralo9 to ,upport tho
recommended work
(d) The City'ssanitlll)' ,ewer
system operations ID1d maintenance
staff are all CWEA certified, at
Orad. 2 or higher Th. stall'
attends CWEA certifi.d programs
(.) The existing .quipment ODd
IOplacement put inventmy
database will be updated and
includ.d in tho Operation and
Maintenanc. PlOD.
August 2, 2009 (a) The City'. current standard
plans and specifications will be
reviewed ad revised to meet this
requirement. New standards will
be add.d .. n.....III)'.
(b) Th. current procedures fur
iospect1.on and testing will be
reviewed ODd updated.
SSMP Element
(vi) Ovorflow
Emergenc:y Response
Bach Enrollte shall dovelop and impltmtnt an
overflow tIIlergency ""Ponso plan !bat
il!cntifi.. lIItlI9ures to protect public health
and the environment At a minimum. this plan
must include the following:
(a) Proper notilicalion procedures so tbat the
primary responders and regulatory .oncl..
are _ of all SSOS in a timoly manner;
(b) A prosram to ensure an lIppropriOle
response to all overflows;
(c) Procedures to ensure prompt notiliC81ion to
appropriate regulatory agencies and other
potentially Btfected entitios (o.g. heslth
agencios, Regional Wiler Boards, water
supplien, ote.) of all SSOs !bat potonbally
Btfect public bealth or reach the wBlors of the
State in accordance with tho MRP. All SSOs
shall be reported in BCOOrdaoco with this MRP,
tho Calitbmia Water Code, othtr Slate Law,
and other applicable Regional Water Board
WDRs or NPDES permit requirement!. Tho
SSMP Ihould identifY tho officials who will
receive: immediate notification;
(d) Procodure to ensure tbat approprille stalf
and contractor personnel are aware of and
follow tho Emergency Response Plan and are
appropriately tnuned;
(e) Procodures lD address tIIlorgoncy
operanons. such as lrBfIic ond crowd control
and other Decessary response activities~ and
(I) A prognan to ensure tbat all reasonable
steps are taken to contain and prevo.t tho
discharge of untreated and partially treated
wastewaIeI: lD _ of tho United Stat.. and
to minimize Dr correct any adverse impact on
the enviroJlmont resulting from the SSOS,
including such acco1cnted or additional
monitoring gas may be nocessary to detmmne
thelllllWt and impBCl of the discbalge.
May 2, 2009
Page 3 of6
May 2, 2009
Tho oxisbng San~ary Sew<:r
Overflow Emorgoncy Response
Plan was oomplcted in Janwuy
2003 in compliance with tho
Region 8 WDRs. It will be
updated lD include the chBDgtS th81
have taken place since th~ and
comply with the Statewide WDR.
Tho new plan will include tho
Heron Point (Formerly Hellman
Ranch), Pacilic Gateway, and the
Tarset Center development!.
(a) Tho pion will outline the
procedure lD notifY the appropriate
City crews. contractOl'J. and
regulatory agenci...
(h) Tho procodure will endeavor lD
provide City responle to tho SSO
within one hour of the initlal
(c) The plan will include the
procoduro Ibr infonninS tho
lIpproprille agenci... It will list
the contBCt inlbrmstion for tho
OCRDMD, and other ...ci..!bat
must be notified ofa SSO.
(d) City stalfwill be traioed in the
impltlll....... of tho plan.
Conbactllls perfbnning work in tho
City will be providod a copy of the
plan and will be required lD comply
(e) Procedures lD protect the
publicliom overflow exposure and
Ibr containment will be addressed
in thIS docum..t
(I) The pion will include tho
procedure lD minimize the
discbarse to waters oflbe stOle. It
will also include procedures Ibr
cleanin. tho SSO.
SSMP Element
(vii) FOG Control
Each Enrollee shall evaluall: its service orea to
determine whothcr a FOG conlrol progtBlll i.
needed. If an Enrollee determine. that a FOG
program is not needed. the Enrollee must
provide justification for why it is not needed.
If FOG i. found to be a problem, tho Enrollee
must prepare and Implement a FOG source
conlrol progrm to lCdw:e tho amount of those
substances discbarged to tho sanitary sewer
system. This plan .hall include the following
as appropriate:
(a) An implemantation plan and schedule for a
public educalion outreach program that
promotes proper disposal of FOG;
(b) A plan and .chedule for the disposal of
FOG generated within the sanitmy sewer
system service IRa. This may include a list of
acceptable dispo.al !ilcilities and/or additional
!ilcilities needed to adequaIeIy dispose of FOG
generated within a sanitmy sewer system
service area;
(c) The legal authority to prohibit discharges
to tho system and identify measures to prevent
SSOs and bloclaJ&e' caused by FOG;
(d) Requuements to install sre... removal
devices (such as traps or intercepton), desigu
standards for tho removal devices.
maintenance requirements. BMP
requirements, record ,,""pins and reportins
(e) Authority tn inspect grease producins
!ilcilitie., enforcement authorities, and
whether tha Enrollee has .ufficient staff to
inspect and enfon:e tho FOG ordi11ance;
(I) An identificalion of .anitary sewer system
sections subject to FOG bJockases and
establisbmcnt of a clcBnlng maintenance
schedule for each section; and
(s) Developmant and implementation of
source control measures for an sources of
FOO discharscd to tho sanitlll)' sewer sys1cm
for each section idantified in (I) above.
May 2, 2009
May 2, 2009
The WDR regulations and
standards for FOG control will
coincide with tho standards
described in the legal authority.
The City's FOG Control Progrom
was prepared in compliance with
the Region S WDR. It co....
nearly allelcm_ of the Statewide
(a) Public educstion and outreach
program will be ,"viewed and
revised IS nocessllI'y, It will inform
tho public ofways to keep FOG out
of tho sewers. Such measures
include postClS, school prosrams,
bill stutfcn, local new.papers and
television, and tho City web site.
(b) The City willidcntiljl
acceptable disposal fociliti.. and
will ensure that the waste haulc:J
dispose the FOG at thcsclocatiOll9.
(c) The City.s cxislins lesaI
authority prohibits the di.clwsc of
FOG into the system.
(d) The CIty'. e"istins J.csa1
Authority and FOG onlmance
rcquiIl: _ removal dm....
proper maintenance, record
kccpins. and ,"porting.
(e) The City's cxistinSl..cpl
Authority include. procedlllCS 10
monitor grease producins !ilcilili...
(I) The City's OIS databuc will be
uti1ized to record tho FOG
hlockqcs. StalJ's knowIedse and
ccrv inspection data WIll provide
input into this eftbrt.
(sJ The plan will address .ource
control measures for frequent FOO
SSMP Element
(viii) Sy.tem
EvaluatioD. and
Capac:ily Assuranc.e
(iJ:) Monitoring,
Measurement. and
The Enrollee shall prepare and implement a
cspital improvement plsn (CIP) that will
provide hydrsulic capacity of key ssnitary
..- system elements for dry weather peak
flow condItions, as well as the appropriate
design stann or wet weather event At a
minimum. the plan must include:
Augu.t 2, 2009
(a) Evaluation: Actions needed to evaluate
those portions of the sBOitary ..- system
that are experiencing or contributing to on
SSO discharge c...ed by hydraulic
deficiency. The evaluation must provide
estimates of peak flows (including flows from
SSOS that escspe from the .ystem) associated
with conditions similar to those causing
overflow events, estimates of the cap.city of
key .ystem compooonts. hydraulic
deficiencies (including components of the
oystem with limiting capacity) and the m~or
soun:es that contnbUlll to thc peak !lows
associated with overflow events;
(b) Del1gn Criteria: Where d..ign criteria do
not exist or are deficient, undertake the
evaluation identified in (a) above to establish
appropriate design critoria; and
(c) Cspacity Enhsncement Me..UlOI: The
steps needed to establish a short- snd Iong-
term CIP to sddress identified hydraulic
deficicmc1es, including prioribzat1on.
alternatives analysis, ond schedules. The ClP
may include increases in pipe size" VI
ICduction programa, incre.... and redundaney
in pumping capacity, snd Ilorqe filcilities.
The CIP .hall include on implementation
schedule snd shall idenlilY .0ul'COll of funding.
(d) Schedule, The Enrollee .hall develop a
.chedule of completion dates for all portions
of the capital impl'OVClllent program developed
in (a)-(c) above. This .chedule shall be
reviewed and updated consistent with the
SSMP ICVlOW snd update ICquirements ..
described in Section D. 14.
The Enrollee shall: August 2, 2009
(a) Maintain relevsnt infonnation that con be
used to establi.h snd prioritize appropriate
SSMP aotivitie.;
(b) Monitor the implementation snd, where
appropriate, me..ure the etfectiVOllC9ll of each
element of the SSMP;
(c) Assess the success of the pMVOntative
maintenance program;
(d) Update program elements, .. appropriate,
based on monitoring or performance
evalulltiODl; and
(e) Identify snd musllate SSO trends,
including: ftequeney, location, end vollllM.
Page 5 of6
August 2, 2009
August 2,
The City's System Evaluation BOd
Capacity AsSI1l'8llCC Plsn w..
completed in 2005 in complisnce
with Region 8 WDR. It sddres...
all the n:quircments included in the
CllllCllt Statewide Order.
(a) The hydraulic capacity of the
.ystem will be sna1yzed by
developing a hydrauhc modcl. The
updated GIS files will proVIde the
basic input for msny hydraulic
modeling programs. Flow factors
will be based on Isnd use data, BOd
will be calibrated with flow
monltormg and water meter data.
High w..tewater dischargers will
also be included in the flow
calcuIation. The pump station
capacity will also be analyzed.
(b) The appropriate design criteria
currently exist.
(c) Recommendations have been
mode for hydraulically deficient
9OWOI1 snd pump stations, they
h.ve been included in thc CIP, and
are being implemented based upon
the priori1i2led ClP. The City has
1IlCI'eascd its sewer rates to
gcnerale the JCVOIlue needed to
implement the improvements.
(d) The CIty of Seal Beach bas
developed sn implementation
(a) The City W1lI conllnue to
mamtain the needed information
end priori1i2le appropriate SSMP
(b) The City will continue to
monitor the efficiency of the
(c) The City will continue to
evaluate the success of the
preventative maintenance program
(d) The City will make
sdJustments to the SSMP b..ed 00
thc program monitoring.
(e) The SSO trends will be
musllated on the GIS mBDS
SSMP Element Description Completion Anticipated Status
Date Completion
(x) SSMP Program As part of the SSMP, lb. Enroll.. shall August 2, August 2, Intomal audits will be p._
Audits conduct periodic internal audiu, appropriate to 2009 2009 periodically IS necessary or. at a
lb. size of the system and the number ofSSOs. mmunum of; .very two (2) yws.
AJ a minimum. these audits must occur every The City will prepare a report that
two )'ClUS and a report must be ptcpared and evaluates tho .rrootiven... of each
kepi on fil.. This audk shall focus on .lement of lb. SSMP and lb.
evaluating th. .rrooti....... of the SSMP and City's complianc. wilb the SSMP
the Enrollee's compliance with the SSMP requirements.
requiIements identified in this subsection
(0.13), including identification of any
deficiencies in the SSMP and steps to com::ct
(xl) Communlcadon = The Enrollee shall communicate on a regular August 2, August 2, Th. City will conlinu. to inform
Program blSis with th. public on the developmeut, 2009 2009 tho public ofth. develllJllll"lll of 111
implemenllllion, and pmfonnauce of its SSMP, through m"""s such IS bill
: SSMP. Th. communication system shall stuffm, 10call.10Yis.0D, local
provide tho public the opportmnty 10 provid. newspapers, council meetings, the
input to th. Enroll.. IS lb. program ts City website, and the school
developed and implemented. system. Input rec.ived from th.
public will be sddressed in
Th. Enroll.. shall also create a plan of completing the SSMP e1ements.
communication with systems that sre tributary
and/or satellite to the Enrollee's sanitary sewer
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