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May 2006
"Motorcycle Awareness Month"
WHEREAS, Motorcycle riding is a popular form of
efficient transportation and recreation for more
than 1,000,000 people in California; and
WHEREAS, It is especially important that the
citizens of California be aware of motorcycles on
the streets and highways and recognize the
importance of motorcycle safety; and
WHEREAS, Motorcycles provide transportation
that use fewer resources, cause less wear and tear
on public roadways, and increase available
parking areas; and
of Seal Beach, City Council does hereby proclaim
the Month of Mayas
"Motorcycle Awareness Month"
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereby affix my
signature and the seal of the City of Seal Beach this
twenty-second day of May in the Year Two
Thousand Six.
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Charles Antos, Mayor
Und. Devme. City Clerk
((P.mergency :M..ecfica{ Seroices Wee~,"
May 14 "" 20, 2006
WHEREAS, emergency medical services is a vital public
service and the members are ready to provide lifesaving care to
those in need 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; and
WHEREAS, the members of emergency medical services
teams, whether career or volunteer, engage in thousands of
hours of specialized training and continuing education to
enhance their lifesaving skills; and
WHEREAS, it is important to recognize the County of Orange
Health Care Agency's Emergency Medical Services
Department, the Orange County Fire Chiefs Association, the
Orange County Fire Authority, the Anaheim Fire Department,
the Orange County Sheriff's Department, the American Red
Cross - Orange County Chapter, the Garden Grove Police
Department, the Orange Fire Department, Orange County
SAFE KIDS, and the Ambulance Association of Orange
Beach, City Council does hereby proclaim the week of May
14-20,2006 as:
"P/MS Wee~ )t Sa[ute rro p:veryaay Heroes"
in the City of Seal Beach, and encourage the community to
recognize the vital important work of the emergency medical
services team: physicians, nurses, medical technicians,
paramedics, firefighters, educators, administrators, and
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereby affIX my signature and the
seal of the City of Seal Beach this twenty-second day of May in
the Year Two Thousand Six.
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Charles Antos, Mayor
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. da Devine, Cit;y Clerk
"(j)rowning (prevention and
.Jlwareness Summer"
May 29, 2006 - September 4, 2006
WHEREAS, drowning is the leading cause of accidental death
for Orange County under the age of five and is a silent event
occurring in as little as two inches of water, including
swimming pools, spas, lakes, the ocean, and any body of
water; and
WHEREAS, the initiative set forth in the 'Children Drown
Without A Sound--Watch The Water" safety information
campaign should increase public awareness regarding proper
procedures to prevent this needless tragedy; and
WHEREAS, the Orange County Fire Authority has designated
the period of May 29th (Memorial Day) through September 4th
(Labor Day) when the highest percentage of drownings take
place to increase public awareness about drowning through
the extensive community outreach campaign.
Beach, City Council does hereby proclaim its participation in
the campaign:
"(})rowning <Prevention ana }lwareness Summer"
in the City of Seal Beach, and further encouraging all
residents, schools, recreational facilities, businesses, and
homeowner associations to become partners in preparedness
by increasing their knowledge of proper safety measures to
follow in preventing drowning.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereby affix my signature and the
seal of the City of Seal Beach this twenty-second day of May in
the Year Two Thousand Six.
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Charles Antos, Mayor
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tin iii. Devine, ty Clerk
WHEREAS, the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at
California State University, Long Beach - Senior University
has been providing affordable lifelong learning
opportunities for adults 50 years of age or older for over ten
years; and
WHEREAS, Senior University was founded in 1996 by a
group of like minded community members and supported
by then CSULB President Maxson and many CSULB
administrators and faculty members; and
WHEREAS, the non-profit program is under the umbrella of
the College of Health & Human Services and is governed
and run by 98% volunteers,
Beach City Council does hereby take great pleasure in
recognizing the Senior University - 10th Anniversary Gala
on June 10, 2006:
"Celebrating A Decade of Learning"
and honor the founders, supporters, and the numerous volunteers
who have made the program succeed.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereby affix my signature this
22nd day of May 2006.
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Charles Antos, Mayor
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d. Devine, aty oelk
([XJ{OCL.Jl~.Jl rrr ow
:Nationa{ cz>u6lic Wor~ Week.
~ay 21 - 27, 2006
~, pu6fic VJOJV servil:u prr1ViiUtl in our community otr an int6tJnU pan oj
our citiz....' rveryIiry rrws; orut
~!Il'.llJIS, 1M support oj an uruferstandilr{J orut informstl citiunry is TIital to 1M
ejficiBnt operation oj pu6ti& 'WD~ sySUms atuf programs sucli as "",tar, .......... stonn
tlrains, sttr.ts orutliigliWiSJS. pu6ti& 6ui/iC"'lIs, atuf storm ""'tlrpoOlaion; orut
~!Il'.llJIS. tlie liealtli, saftty orut comfort oj tliis commllllity fJt'IlllEy tfepotufs ... tli...
Jot:i{jtiu orut servil:u; oJ
~!Il'.llJIS, 1M quality oJ officti_ss oj tIim facil'otiu, as 'WIlt( as tlieir pfanning,
tfuign, oJ constnll:tion, is vit4ztlj tfoporulmt upon 1M ifforts orut sijll oj pu6tic ~
u.ffi<iiW; atuf
~!Il'.llJIS, 1M ifficient:y of tlie IJIIIZIifiotlorut tfd'lCatltl p'.....ne{ wIio staff pu6ti&
~ t/iponments is matlritltlj i1ifWmc.a 6y 1M poopU's ottitutU orut wuforstan4''''lI
oj tlie irnportDIICII oj 1M warft.tIioy pnform,
~ TJlIEa/!$'FO'1I9!. <ll'E P1"!lilESOL'lolEtD. tlie City oj S.altBlacli, City Coundl tIDes
Iietr6y procfairn tli. 'WIIBR"oJ9ItJsy 21- 27, 2006 as
tWflrrIO:N.JlL cpV(jJLIC tWo~ WE/E1C
in 1M City oj soaf tBlac6, oJ I calI upon all citiuns atuf civic DI1Jonimtitms to
""ilUlint tIiom.rrfws witli 1M issues inwfwtl in prwitiilr{J our pu6ti& 'WD~ ontl to
trCOf1niz. 1M contributions wliicli pu6ti& ~ u.ffi<iiW "".q IW1'J tlay to our IiI4i'tli,
safety. comfort, arut IJIIIZIity oJlif..
IN 'W~S ~O'F. Ilim6y afIVc my .;gnatutr atuf 1M soaf oj tlie City oj
SItl{(]Je",,1i tliis 22rut tlay oJ!May in 1M .y.or'T'WD 'l1iousa.tl SiJr,
LuuI.llloWto. Ci!JI CI'>t
([XJ{OCL;I:JvlJl rn ON
"U'atersliea .Jlwareness 9vlontli"
W1I'E~, a waters6.a is re"'piaa 6y t6. poop" IU tIie area of GzJ tliat arains
into a 60tfy of watBr sucli as a rirJor, Gz%, or 6ay t6. naturaC Gzruf aJ tIM 6uman-6uiCt
ftatures contai""a witfiin its arainao. 6a.rin; ana
W1I'E~, tli. way tIM Gzruf ana watBr is us.a in a watsrsIMa is refictd in tfi.
6.aCt6 of its wat.rs; ana
W1I'E~, City of S.a{ 1IJ.",,6 is proua to ao its part to imprrM aruf saftguarrl tIie
.nWo1Ull81lt; aJ
'W1l!E;~, now, tIie 1W(1 o......tiDn of errvironm.ntaC protst:tiDn will require lIS to
focus on more 606stic "PJ"fH'I'1iu sucli IU It""" _ 1JI41I"8l111ent ana nan-pmnt
soun:.1"'I&OOn real/&tiDn tliat ~s into ""count tIie entire watsrs~ aruf
W1I'E~, sucr:essfuC watsrsIMa protsctiDn is tfeperur.nt "1'on all citiz.ns,
Ol1Wl7UJltn~ 6usinus aruf Uulu.rtry ~ng 1"'sitiw stsps to prownt poUutiDn suc6 IU
CDntrolling wastu, cons.,..;ng water, reaueing pol&tsa rurwff aruf prosming open
spac.; aruf
W1I'E~, it is essential !lUlt aU poopf4 rec.... tIie .al/&atiDnaf .nridim.nt 1I<<Issary
to protsa tIieir watsrsIMa aJ to imprrM tIie City of S.a{ 1IJ.a&!i~ .1I1IirrInm.nt owraII
6y roaucing stonn watBr runoff aruf non-point soun:. 1"'l&tiDn; ana
W1I'E~, _tsrsIMa awamws prI1IIitfu poop" of all "8es witfi information on
Iiow tIiey impoa tlieir watersIMtfs, aruf tooes on Iiow tMy can offtct tlieirwaterslMa in
a more posit... way; aJ
W1I'E~, tIM City of S.a{l/Jeacli lias 111I6ar%a on a watsrsIMa _...... campaign
tliat recognizes tfiat our watsrsIMtfs are wtim our quaGty of tift 6.gins ana tliat
watsrsIMtfs 6ring tog.tIier our Gz7Uf, ourwatBr ana our community; aJ
!NOw, rI!J{!F/B!J;'FO'lI!A I/J'E l't'B!$SOL'VFJD, tIM City of S..CI/JeacIi, City Council
ao.s IMre6y proc14im
~ay 2006 as
'Waters/iea.Jlwareness 94.ont/i"
P.N 'WiTN'ESs W1I'E~O'F, I fiere6y affiJC my signature ana tIM s.aC of tIie CIty of
S.a{I/Jea&!i tfiis twmty-s.cona ti4y of !May in tIie .y,ar<r.... rrr.ousana SiJ(,
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