HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC AG PKT 2005-12-12 #O e e e AGENDA REPORT DATE: December 12,2005 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council THRU: John B. Bahorski, City Manager FROM: Mark K. Vukojevic, P,E., Director of Public Works / City Engineer SUBJECT: GUM GROVE PARK STATUS - RECEIVE AND FILE SUMMARY The proposed City Council action will receive and file the presented information on Gum Grove Park, BACKGROUND: With the development of the Hellman Ranch by John Laing Homes, the City was deeded a 14 Y. acre nature park that lies between the existing Gum Grove Park and extends to Seal Beach Boulevard. As part of the Subdivision Agreement between John Laing Homes and the city $145,000 was paid to the City to provide improv~ments to the park. John Laing Homes is responsible for maintenance of the park however until completion of the frontage on Seal Beach Boulevard. Last year during the winter rain season, erosion occurred in the park. John Laing Homes brought in equipment and repaired damage from erosion. Concern has been voiced from residents regarding erosion problems that may occur during the upcoming rain season, and future improvements to the park. In preparation for the winter rain season, the following erosion control measures have been taken: . Sandbags have been placed throughout the park to slow down the velocity of water flow, . An asphalt concrete ribbon has been poured to convey runoff near the walking path, and . A fibrous mat has been sprayed over the entire park to hold soil in place. The city has been waiting for the completion of the housing subdivision to construct final improvements to the park. This completion is anticipated to occur in the upcoming winter/spring season. The improvements to the park were installed to help control erosion this winter season until permanent improvements will be in place. John Laing Homes has paid $145,000 towards improvements to the park in accordance with the subdivision agreement. These funds are currently earmarked for improvements to the deeded portion of Gum Grove Park. . AGENDA ITEM 0 e e e A meeting has been scheduled with the Gum Grove Nature Park Group to incorporate potential ideas into the preparation of plans for the improvement of the park. FISCAL IMPACT: No impact at this time. Future expenses will be paid for from $145,000 contributed from John Laing Homes. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that City Council action receive and file the presented information on Gum Grove Park. Prepared By: se~ Deputy City Engineer Concur: 11/"'14 .' - Mark K. Vukojevic, P.E" Director of Public Works/City Engineer Attachment: City Council Accepted Resolution No. 5338 Grant Deed - Gum Grove Pmk RESO UTION NUI\1BER 5338 e A RESOL ON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH ACCEl'TING THE CONVEYAN OF GUM GROVE PARK PROPERTY OM BELLMAN PROPERTIES LLC THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEAL BRACH DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Hellman Properti.. U.C, a8 owner, propo... 10 convey 10 the City of Seal Beach fee title to certain property for public park PUlPos.. ("the Gum Grove Park Property" herein). The Gmjl Grove Park Property is legaIly described in Exhibit "A" and depicted in ExIu"bit "AI", all attached hen:to and incorporated herein by this reference, Section 2. The City of Seal Beach hereby accepta the conveyanc;e of the Gum Grove Park Property, Such acceptance shall be effective upon the recotdation in tho Orange County Recorder'a Office of. (I) the conveyance deed for the Gum Grove Park Property; and (ii) such additional documenta as may be required to effectuate the City'a acceptllllllC. Section 3. The Mayor is hereby authorized 10 execute, and the City Clark is hereby authorized to record, this Resolution and any additional documeots that may be required 10 effectuate the City's acceptance of the Gum Grove Park Property. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City COllDllil of the City of Seal Beach at a meeting the=fheld on the...ll!!L day of June. 200S, e AYES: CouncilMembers (t,~ 1~,lIhl/~~J Y;~/~ff Council Mem'lm ~ [;.... , ~ ~J NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Council Memllera Council MemJers ~tLf) Mayor STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) 5S CITY OF SEAL BEACH ) ATl'EST: I, Linda Devine,. City Clark of the City of Seal Besch, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is an originsl copy of Resolution Number 5338 on file in the Office of the City Clerk, passed, approved and adopted by the City COlDlclI of the City of Seal Besch at a meeting thereofhe1d on the 13th day of June. 200S. e 1i1~~ ~ Resolution NWlber 5338 e EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION IliUM ClROVE PARK) " ilIal eerleln pan:el of IBnd In ilia City of Soal Beach, County. of OI'lll\g8, StaIB of Callfomla, being a portion of SBe\\onB 11 end 12, "Township 5 South, Ranga 12 W...~ In the Rancho Los Alamllos, e.'par map med In Decree of PorIIllon In 1I1e Superior Court of LD<I Angeles County, Callfomla, Case No. 13527, a cortIf1ed .0PY of which woo recorded Fabl\lary 2, 1891 In book 14, page 31 of Deed., record. of .aid Orange County, described 00 e whole as follows: . i B.glnnlng elllla WBSIo~Y Iarmlnu. ofthelcertBln cours.ln the nor1herty line of"Tlllct No. 1817 00 shown on mop flied In book 82, peges 26 to 31 In.luslve of MlsceUaneoue Maps, records of said Orange County a. having . bae~ng Bnd distance of "~orth 89'47'55" Wast 729.00 feor (lor the purpo.. of \hili 1laSCr\pUDn, oeId course hes e b.arlng of fllOrth 6S'45'31' W881); thance North 04'00'14" East, a distance of 102.93 feat: thance North 45"30'18" Eest. a dlslance of 93.51 feet !hen.e North 72'30'42' Eas~ a dlstanca 01111.28 feel; 1I1en.a South ll9"Jl1'35" Eas~ a distance of 183.63 reat; thence South SD"02'35" Eas~ ..clls_ of 522.04 feal; ll1enca ~DU1I1 88"31'39" Ea.~ . distance of 551.48 reat; Ih""". North B8'46'3r Eest, . distance of ZSD.47leel; .the_ North 89"59'54' East, a distance of 177,S! reel; Ihen.e North 55"17'18" East. a distance ol97,7Z feel; tltance North 19'28'15" East, e dlstanca of 108.20 feat; then.e Soulh 83"15'4r Eas~ e dlslan.e of 399,75 lee~ thence South 87'33'14" East, a distance 01 220.03 feet 10 e point, .eld point being dIs","t North 38"IS'28" WesI188.4O feet ftcm tIta easleriy lormlnu. of that cerlaln course In Ihe northe~y line of T,.,ct No. 2590 a. shawn on map flied In book 82, pages 32 to 38 inclusive ol Miscen.neous Maps, records of seld O,.,nge County as having e bearing end distance of "North 89'47'55" West 1911.02 feer (for the pUlJlose of this desalpNon said course has e bearing of North 8S.45'31" Wes~; lhen.e!North 19"18'05" East, e dlsten.e of 5.00 reetto e point In Ihe soulhweslarly boundary of Tract No. 15402 as shown on mep fiI.d In book 832, pages 3B to 44 Incluelve of Mlscelleneous Maps, records of seld Oramle County, seld point being the northweste~y tanninus of that'carlaln curve concave 10 the southwl.s! 8nd having a radius ol114O.00 feat, a radial line of eald _rve from seld polnl beers South 19'18'O~" Wee~ lhence along tIta boundary of &aid Trect No, 15402 IlII lows: soulheeelerfy along seld curve through a cenlral angle of 12.36'46" en ere dlslence 01250.95 I; South 5B'lI5'Dll" East, a distance of '79,38 leet, Soulh 52'10'00" Ees~ e dlstence 0I108.S5 feel to the beginning of etangent curve concsva to the north .nd hevfng a redlus of 190.00 fee~ aeslarly along seld curve 1I1rough e cenlral en91e of 7110'00" an erc distance of 23S.55 feat: North 45'30'00' Eesl, e dlslanCB of 41.76 feel; North 29'lIl'20" E"f~ e distance of 52.73 feet North 19'00'00' Ee.t, e distance of 77,00 feet; North 40"00'00' West, a distance of 94.50 feet; North 48"37'00" Wesl, e dlslance of 29.00 feet to e poJn~ ..Id polnl being tIta beginning of a non-langent curve concave to 1I1e northwest end hevlng e redlue of 528,00 feel, a radial nno of.aid curve from said point bears North 48'37'00" Wast, northeasterly elong said curve through e canlllll engie of 5'35'12" en are distance of 51.48 feet 10 e polnl, said point being the beginning of e reversa curve """""va to the south end having e ,.,dius of 15.00 fae~ e redlel line of said curve from said point beers SO~th 54"12'1t' EBBt, easterly along seld curve Ihrough e central engla ol84'52'03" en ere distance of 22,22 fee~ South 59'20'09" East, a dl9lance of 9.00 reet 10 the beginning of e tangent curve concava to the eouthweetend having a radius of 10.00 fee1; soulheeslel1y along seld curve Ihrough a cent"" enil!' of 3S'52'11" en ere dJstancB of 8.43 feel 10 a point, eald point being the baglnnlng of e reve"-Ib,:,~r . ve to the northeast end hsvlng e radius of 50,00 feel, a radlel Ilna of said curve ""'" 'ilald polht "~ . orth S7'32'02" Ea.t southeasla~1' along said curve thlllu9h a central angle of ri>~'l!3'" .n. ire. iI~. nce of 84.35 feet to e poln~ seld polnl being tha beginning ofe reversa curve cotIcava 10 the south sl and hevlng e Illdlue ollD,DD fe.l, e radial line of said curve from said point baers SqIIlh 6012'21' E~st; southeesta~y elong said curve through e c.nlral angle of 38'52'12' en ere distance of-8,44 faot; South 59'20'09" Eas~ e dlslence of 91.S1 reet to the beginning of 8 tengent curve corn:ave 10 the "BOt aild having e ,.,dius of 25.00 reat; soulh.rly elong' .eld curve through e cenlral engla.of 90'00'00" en ere distance of 39.27 reel to the _a.terly IIn. of S.el Basch Boulavald, 120.00 reet wid~~ BB shown on said Tree! No. 15402; and along said northwesterly IIna, South 31'40'20" Was~ e dl.tance 01'-827,12 feet to the moeteasterly comer of said 1"rect No. 2590; thence along Ih. northeasta~y end northa~y linea of said Tract No. 2590 to end along \he northerly line of Sheet 1 of 2 EXHIBIT A e e o J , cr f"""l lXl r./> LP e ReCorded at the ReQuest Gf Chicago TitltlliOmpany 'RECORDlNG 'REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAlL TO: _rdodln om.... R..,_5, Orange County Tom Dilly. Clerk..ftec;orc:ler ~ity of Seal Beach Attention: City Clerk 211 8th Street, Second Floor Seal-Beach, CA ~0740-6319 1IIDllllmllDDIIIIIIIIIDIIIDlIIIIDIII NO FEE 2005000459264 08:41am 06/15105 108 15 G02 13 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - . .. GRANT DEED SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX $..Ncn. - Granle. Is a pubt\e ogoflCY Exemplfrom n><:<lldlnQ foes per Gc>'II. Code section 6103 The Undsrslaned Grantor SIgnature of Decli!lranl at' Agenl detem1lning laX ~ Firm Neme HELLMAN PROPERTIES, LLC, a California Limited Liability Company, successor by merger to Hellman Properties, a California Limited Partnership (hereinafter referred to as "Grantor") hereby grants to the CITY OF SEAL BEACH, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "City") that certain real property in the County of Orange, State of California, commonly known as Gum Grove Park, and more particularly described on Exhibits A and A-l. attached hereto and made a part hereof (hereinafter referred to as the "Park"). . This gmnt ;A mAde..and.accep.ted-On.the-conciition-that.the Fark-be preserved in.perpetuity as a passive recreational nature park that is open to the public and is subject to the following additional terms and conditions: A. Active recreational activities, residential development and commercial facilities shall be prohibited, B. NecessllI)' parking facilities which are the minimum required to serve the Park and which meet Americans with Disabilities Act requirements shall be provided. The existing twenty (20) striped parking spaces at the west end of the Park shall be maintained. C. ' All trails within the Park shall be constructed to be accessible to persons with disabilities consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements, No trails shall be lighted in order to minimize impacts on wetlands. D. Small scale interpretive signage which describc;s the Monarch Butterfly may be permitted if approved by the Executive Director of the California Coastal Commission. 1 e e e E. The Park sba11 be open from dawn to dusk (one hour after sunset) on a daily basis. Changes in hours of operation of the Park shall require an amendment to Coastal Development Permit No. 5-97-367-Al unless the Executive Director of the California Coastal CommiSsion determines that an amendment is not required. F. Signage shall be conspicuUllsly posted which states that the Parle. is open to the general public. G. Park regulations shall provide that domesticated animals (including, but not limited to, dogs) shall be leashed and under the control of the party responsible for the animal at all times within the Park. H. . :Removal of trees to create open space other than as required for normal maintenance and tree husbandry (such as removal and replacement of diseased and dead trees) shall be prohibited. 1. Creation of active recreation facilities, such as tennis courts, ball fields, etc. shall be prohibited. . J. That portion of the Park, comprised ofan approximately 25 foot wide strip ofland which borders Seal Beach Boulevard and extends west from Seal Beach Boulevard to connect with the primarily used part of the Park and Gum Grove Parle, generally descnlled on Exhibit B, attached hereto and made a part hereof, shall be subject to the following requirements: J, The frontage along Seal Beach Boulevard shall not be gated, fenced, or obstructed in any manner that prevents public access from Seal Beach Boulevard; 2. The area shall be reserved for a.puhlic..trail and parking-Iot,-which-are visible, and directly accessible to the public from Seal Beach Boulevard. and which lead from Seal Beach Boulevard to tbe primllI)' part of Gum Grove Parlc to the west. The public pSrking lot area shall be large enough for a minimum often (10) parlOng spaces. Where it is not feasible to reserve enough public parking area on this portion of the Park, public parking directly accessible from Seal Beach Boulevard shall be provided for on proposed Lot 2 of Tentative Tract Map No. 15381 adjacent to the Park Extension, in accordance with the provisions of Special Condition l8.B of Coastal Development Pennit No. 5-97-36 7-A 1. 2 e e e K.. Construction and maintenance of a spur trail connecting Gum Grove Park to a cultural resource and/or educational center to the northeast of Gum Grove Park pursuant to conditions imposed by the Commission as part of Coastal Development Permit 5-97-367-Al or other Commission permit shall be allowed. DATED: ~~-(' '30, zeot! HELLMAN PROPERTlBS LLC, a California Limited Liabiiity Company, Successor By Merger To Hellman Properties, a California Limited Partnership By ~4tc:...~, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) COUNTYOF~:n~&O on~:?4 '2mLbeforeme, ~S~~\'bl\.~ a Notary Public for the tate of California, personally appearedS\o-p~~ ""=- ~'C l'1 personaUy known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the perso~ whose name(rI isllR subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that heleka.'they executed the same in hislherfthcir authorized capacity(id), and that by hislhcrltMir signature(sf on the instrument the person~, or the entity upon behalf of which the person~ acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. l- - - -oMJ~~.J:~~o;s f . C'.ommlosianIl13481211 i Notary Public.. C&lIlaml8 ~ t SIn Francisco Cau~ I M"J l>w1Wn ElqIIIllIl Mor2l\, 2CIlll _ _____41l-~__ DATED: ~04 HELLMAN PROPERTIES LLC, a California Limited Liability Company, Successor By Merger To Hellman Properties, a California Limited Partnership By ~.~~ ,4>,," J.I,'/,#'r"/':;"';,.~ Its /11.. ...... r r- 3 e e e STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) COUNTYOF~ nl!!i<.\$Ieo On ~ ~ 'r't'\\1 before me.1:h.\U'\S\'2=!\b\\S. a Notary Public fortl;'state of Cali fomi a, personally appe3redp.;.r;~ personally kriown to me (or proved to file on the basis ofSlltisfactory evidence) to be the person~whose name~ is/areosubscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that M/sh~ executed the same in M81her/theiHuthorized capacity(~ and that by lMIherltlteiHignatu~ on the instrument the person~ or the entity upon behalf of which the person'" acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my band ani! official seal. ym L )b-J/;; ./' . .- - - - -.................. - - - ~ IWJIJ LE6JolDRh'STALlONS '. Com,.I...:on. \341118 ;( NaflllY Public. Celllomla ~ j San Fltlnclscc County ( My!"...,,,, r""'.'lSM:lr2-4.20D6 - - - ~ -- - - ~- - - CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE This is to certifY that the interest in real property conveyed by the Grant Deed herein from Hellman Properties, LLC, a California Limited Liability Company, to the City of Seal Beach, a municipal corporation, is hereby accCpled by the undersigned officer or agent on behalf of the City of Seal Beach pursuant to the authority conferred by resolution of the City Council fOT the City of Seal Beach, adopted on :J4ne 13, 2005 ~,and Grantee consents to the recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. " DATED: 10 -/:1,- 05 CITY OF SEAL BEACH By!,L<L4..~ Its 'hI n-aM 4 -". ..... .-. ~.. .....- _.' e GOVERNMENT CODE 27361.7 e I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT THE NOTARY SEAL ON THE DOCUMENT TO WHICH THIS STATEMENT IS ATTACHED READS AS FOLLOWS: NAME OF NOTARY: DAUN LEANDRA STALLONS DATE COMMISSION EXPIRES:" MARCH 24, 2006 COUNTY WHERE BOND IS FILED: SAN FRANCISCO COMMISSION NO.: 1348126 MANUFACTURERNENDOR NO.: NNA1 PLACE OF EXECUTION: IRVINE, CA DATE: 6/14/05 SIGNATURE: e e e e EXHIBIT "An LEGAL DESCRIPTION (GUM GROVE PARK) Thai certain parcel of land in the City of Seal Beach, County of Orange. Slate of CaUfomla, being a portion of Sections 11 and 12, Township 5 Soulh, Range 12 Wes!, in the Rancho Los A1amilos, as 'per map filed in Decree of Partition In the Superior Court of L05 Angeles County, California, Case No. 13527, a certified copy of which was recorded February 2, 1891 in book 14, page 3.1 of Deeds, records of said Orange County, described as a whole as follows: Beginning al the westerly terminus of that certain course in the northerly line of Tract No. 1817 as shown on map ftled in book 82, pages 26 10 31 Inclusive of Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County as having a bearing and distance of "North 89"47'55" West 729.00 feel" (for the purpose of this description, said course has a bearing of North 88"45'31" West); thence North 04"00'14" East, a distance of 102,93 feel; thence North 45"30'16" East, a dllltance of 93.51 feel; thence North 72"30'42" East, a distance of 111,28 feet; thence South 89"01'35" ElIIst, e distance of 183.63 feet; thence South 80"02'35" East, a distance of 622.04 feel; !hence South 88"31'39" East, a distance of 551,48 feet; thence North 66"46'37" East, a distance of 250.47 feei; thence North 89"59'54" East, a distance of In,57 feel; thence North 55"1 T1 8" East, a dislance of 97,72 feel; thence North 19"26'15" East, a distance of 108,20 feet; thence South 63"15'47" East, a distance of 399,15 feet; thence South 67"33'14" East, a distance of 220.03 feet 10 a point, said point being distant North 38018'28" West 188.40 feet from the e~sterly terminus of that certain caurse In the northerly line of Tract No, 2590 as shown on map flied in book 82, pages 32 to 38 inclusive of Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County as having a bearing and distance of "North 89047'55" West 1911,02 feer (for the purpose of this description said course has a bearing of North 88045'310 West); thence NDrth 19018'05" East, a distance Df 5,00 feet 10 a pointln the sDuthwesterly boundary Df Tract No. 15402 as shown on map filed In book 832, pages 38 10 44 inclUSive of MiscellaneDus Maps, records of said Orange CDunty, said point being the northwesterly terminus of that'certaln curve concave 10 the southwest and having a radius Df 1140.00 feet, a radial line Df said curve from said point bears South 19'18'05" West; thence alDng the bDundary of said Tract No. 15402 as follows: southeasterly along said curve thrDugh a central angle of 12"36'46" an arc distance of 250.95 feet, SDuth sa"05'09. East, a distance Df 79.36 feet; South 62010'00" East, a distance of 106.85 feet 10 the beginnIng of a tangent curve concave 10 the nDrth and having a radius of 190,00 feet; easterlyalDng said cUDle_tbrough-8-ce~tral-angle-of-7.1-020'OO'-an arc-distanCe ur 236.55 feel; North 46030'00" East, a distance of 41.76 feet: NDrth 29"01'20" East, a distance of 52,73 feet; NDrth 19000'00" East, a distance of 17 .00 feel; North 40"00'00" West, a distance of 94,50 feet; North 48"37'00" West, a distance of 29.00 feet. tD a point, said point being the beginning of a nDn-fangent curve concave 10 the northwest and having a radius Df 528.00 feet, a radial line of said curve from said point bears North 48037'00" West; northeasterly alDng said curve through a central angle of 5"35'12. an arc distance of 51.48 feel 10 a point, said point belng the beginning of a reverse curve concave to the south and having a radius of 15.00 feet, a radial line of said curve from said point bears South 54"12'12" East; easterly along said curve through a central angle of 84"52'03. an arc dIstance of 22.22 feel; South 59"20'09" East, a distance of g,OO feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave tD the southwest and haYing a radius of 10.00 feel; sDutheasterly alDng said curve through a central angle of 36"52'11" an arc distance of 6.43 feel 10 a pDint, said point being the beginning Of a reverse curve concave to the northeast and having a radius of 50.00 feet, a radial line of said curve frOm said point bears North 67"32'02" East; southeasterly along seid curve through a central angle of 13"44'23" an .arc distance of 64.35 feet 10' a point, said pDint being the beginning of a reverse curve conceve 10 the southwest and having a radius of .:! 0,00 feel, a radial line of said curve from said pDlnt bears SDUth 6"12'21" East; southeasterly along said curve through a central angle of 36'52'12" an arc distance of 6,44 feet; South 59"20'09. East, a distance of 91.81 feet 10 tha beginning of a tangant curve cancave to the west and having a radius of 25.00 feet; southerly alDng said curve through a central angla ~ 90"00'00. an arc distance of 3927 feet to the northwesterly lina of Seal Baach Boulevard, 120.00 feet wide, es shown on said Tract ND, 15402; and alDng said nDrthwesterly line, South 31"40'20" West, a distance of 627.12 feet to the most easterly comer of said Tract No. 2590; thence alQRg tha northeasterly and nDrtherly lines of said Tract No. 2590 to and along the nDrtherly line of Sheet t of 2 EXHIBIT A e" e e saId Tract No. 1817, North 43050'54' Wesl, a distance of 548.53 feat; and North 88045'31" West, a distance of 2640,14 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Except therefrom all minerals, gas, on, petroleum, naphtha and other hydrocarbon substances in and under the ebove-deacrlbed property, together with all necessary and convenient rights to explore for, develop, produce extract and take the same, Including the exclusive right to directlonally"drill into and through said land from other lands and into the subsurface of other land, subject to the exprass limitatIon lhatany end all operations for the exploration. developmen~ production, extraction and taking of any said substances, shall be carried on at levels below the depth of 500 feet from the surface of the above- described property, by the means of mines, wells, derricks and I or other equipment form surface locations on edjoining or neighboring land lying outside of lhe ebove-described property and subject further to the express Ilmllstion that the foregoing reservatIon shall be In no way Inlerpreted to include any right of entry in and upon the surface at the above-described land, Containing 650,916 aquai'll feet or 14.943 BeI'llS, more or leas. As shown on ElChibll A- ];ltleched hel'llto and made a pari hereof. ~z. Gary W.O. fl, P,LS. 4693 Ucense expires 9-30-03 Oat G:I457102ILEGALS\Rl-GUM.oOC Sheet 2 of 2 i In '" \5 - E m 8 l' ~ ~~ - c:i~ . 2 ~-. ~ ,~ b. ~ D! (Q~ ~.o . ~ ~~'%-. Co ~~~~ O',,~~ ~.~~ ~~ '" , \ i ~ i ~ \ .( ~ - \' ~ \ ~ ~ e ~ C'l .- ae. iii ot\ "'"" . q.~ .- - ~ ~l;, ~ ~:cj. ~i-. ~ ~:~ i i ~ '$, I ~o , - .--- ~ ~ e .. ' - . . .. ~ t J3lMS DS ~ i ~ lI" ~ '" ;;; ~ 18 :z:: C'l ~ \i ~ _0; si. ~ VI lJ: ~,\ lq ~ 9 -. -"i~ "" It;~ a.:::!~ -8 ~ z ;.. \\1 + - e ~~ ~~ ,~ ~!!;;; , ~ "'l i!it ~ g -cJ-.t i\ ; - a- u>~ \\ ! . 'I~ 8 - i 0.. l ~ C) ~L~i lI"~ o~ ~12 Zeo ~ - ... - c:l ~ ,..,. lI"~ '!,- ...<:. ~~ lS~ :z:"'" 'oR !;r lS e. r-- to'? -~ '- ~~ i~ .; '/S'h. o.P~~", .t6'tO\ ~.f' '3 .t\,OO~ N e .... I! .::::.. '" Ii. i \ ~ ... , ~ - II . -1-...i- 'i ., mHS 'BS ~~ i \- ~ r;:. 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