HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 2069 1972-02-14 ,. 1 I III .. ,~ " :!C- ". R180LUTIOI' 10. ~ A RISOLUTIOI or TIlE CITY COUICIL or TIlE CI'lY or SEAL HAC! AJ'PI1lMIIIIG PLAlIIlIG COMMISSIOI RI8OLUTIOIIfO. 580 AID DBlYIIG APPEAL A-9-71 nLID BY ROBER'l HIBBIIIG FROM PLADIIG ClHCISSIOI DDIAL or VARIAJfCE '-27-71 TO PBRMI'l THE ENCROACIIMEI'l or LIVIIG QUARTERS II'rO 'rIlE FROI'1' YARD 8E'lBAC1C. WBlRIAS. in the matter ot Appeal Application 10. A-9-71. the Plannilll CCllllllisBion ot the City of Seal Beach did report as tollCJW8: 1. 8u1>>Ject request vas initiated by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hib1>>ing. 153 H8rYard Lane, vi th 'l'h_ Nellller acting as authorbed agent. 2. 8u1>>Ject propert:r :Ls described as Lot 14, Tract 5847; and :Ls lIIClJ'e c_nnl:r known as 153 H8rYard Laue. 3. SubJect request is to erect a new gar... lIIl,1aceJl't to an existing side-entr;r garage and convert the s:Lde-entr,r gar... to U 'I:lII8 quarters. Both the converted garllp and the new tront-entr,r garage would lle 15.5 feet trail the front property Une; required front yard is 18 teet for l1Ting tllarters and tront-llDtr,r garages. PortiODll of the garllp would 1>>e 19 teet in width iutee4 of the prescribed 20 teet. 4. Zoning 18 R-l. 8ill818 F.m.q Residential. Zone. 5. '!'he srenting ot this variance voulc1 constitute a grant of special priv:Llege. 6. Adequate space exists at the rear ot the dwelling to allow a roalll e4dition. WHEREAS, on Octo1>>er 20. 1971, the Planning CaImIi.sion conducted a public hearins 011 Variance AppUcatiOD V-27-71 and at the 0108. of said hearing did dellT the variance 011 the 1>>as18 that the appUCllDt tailed to "_strate harc1ship and that the grantill8 ot the variance would cOllstitute a grant ot special priY:llege and could eBtabliBh BD undesiru18 precedent; and WHEREAS, the applicant sUbBequentq appealed the Planning CCIIIIIIi..ion'. decis:LOII to the City Counc:Ll i and WHEREAS, 011 I_ber 22, 1971, the City COUDcil opened a public hearilis on Appeal A-9-71 and continued the hearing until December 13, 1971; and WIIIREAS. 011 Dec_ber 13-;" 1971, the Cit:r COUDC:Ll continued a public hearillS on Appeal A-9-71 and at the cloBe ot the hearillS reterred the matter back to the Pl.aImillS Ccma1B8ion with tiaeliugs and requested a farther report; and WHBIUWl, on JlU11lII17 5. 1972. the Pluming CCllllllissiOD"IIev;ieved the findiass in the case and after eliBCUBsion detel'lllined th87 werll{,:I.nsut1licient to warrant a pubUc hearing betore the CCIIIIIIi.sion on the appeal. and reccmaen4ed to the City Council denial of Appeal A-9-71 for the reasOllB that the'spplicant tuled to dl!llODBtrate harcl.llhip BIld that. i'r the requeBt were sranted an undesirule precedent might lle estabUshed. lOW, THEREFORE, BE rr RESOLVED by the City COUDcil of ~ City of Seal Beach as follows: ~ , : . '. -, '"' ~ .. ',. " . I Re8oluUOD 110. ::J.. ~ 6 r - 2 1. All notice8 required 117 law 8Dd by ordillBDce ot the- appeal 8Dd public heU'ing 117 the Cit:r COUIIcil UpOD thi8 matter have been gi\'eD. posted aDd mailed u required 117 laY. ad 2. Bach tiDdiIl8 heretofore IIIlI4e 117 the P11UUling ClIIIIi88ion i8 fOWld to be true aDd correct ad ellCh 81Ieh finding VU 8Dd 18 8upported by 81Ib8t8DtiaJ. eY1denee. 3. '!'he eppeal of Robert Ribbing troIII the Seal Beach PlaIming c-i88ion Re8olution 110. 580 18 denied, 8Dd the actiOD of the Seal Beach PlaIming CCIIIIIli88iOD adopting its Re8olutiOD 110. 580 18 attiraed. PASSED. APPROVED 8Dd ADOPTED by the Cit:r Council ot the Cit:r # j3eal Beech, Calit01'Dia, at a meeUng thereof held on the dlQ' ot(.J,J,,~~I't'LM-""~ 1912. 117 the tollowing vote: -, AYIS: COUIIci1laen Ll.. t.lt. dnu- 1I0BS: COUIIeilmen ~ ABSBH: COUIIcilmen ----;;J?t~---- M~~ M8,yOr I AT'l'BST: ' " .~.:' ,.:~:L:" , .. .......+. .;. ... ill' ...."'" .. -.:.- . E t :::i ... .,).:1": 'II~.' '. e'.. ,..~_~. - "\ ..-:~.... ' . ~ 7;), ~..'.. - "'\ .... ~'l' ,.... ,...~:...-..:..~ ~ . ".",...: "... .' .. I