HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 2165 1972-12-28 . "'-'-. ~........ . .. ". ~ 1 RESOLUTION NUMBER 2165 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH, CALIFORNIA, HONORING FERN C. HE~IRYSON FOR THIRTY YEARS OF FAITHFUL SERVICE WITH THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH. WHEREAS, FeM C. HerrJI.Y40n hlU been an ou.t6.tamUng tJIIployee 06 the CUy 06 Seal. Beach 61l.Om 1956 t.o 1942 aM 6JtOm 1948 to 1972; and WHEREAS, in .that. .time 4he ha.6 given the CLty hvr. utm04t. in the. p/!JL601Ullance 06 hvr. job, in 1ii!Jr. Jr.eLa;t.i.On6 w.i.t.h the pubUc, aM hvr. deaU.ng4 UlUh 6e.UcLU tJIIp.f.oyeu.; aM WHEREAS, FeM C. Hertll.y40n ha.6 4e1tved in a decU.ca.ted 6.i.duci.aJl.y mannvr. 6011. eVe/U.j CLty Managelt the. CLty 06 seat Bea.ch ha.6 /l1IIp.f.oye.d; aM WHEREAS, hM. deep conceJ'..n 6011. the CU:Ij and the c.Ui.zen6 06 Seal. Beach pItOv.i.ded a 4t.a.b.i..Uz.i.ng el./l1IIen.t: duJLi.ng the cA:tJJ' 4 l!IUl 06 4.i.grLi.6.i.can.t. gll.owt.h; aM WHEREAS, Feltn C. HenJlY40n I 4 c.hMa.c.t.eIt, COn6t..i.tu.ti.on and compa.uion have been an ex/l1llp.t.a/l." paIl..t. 06 U6e a.t CLty HaU wh.i..c.h mu. be 401l.el.y m.i.64 ed by aU; and WHEREAS, hell. .i.n4p.i1r.a;t.i.on aM guidance mu. 4e1tve IU 40Wtee 06 4t1Lengt.h when .the people in C.i.t.y HaU mu. no longell. be able to 40lve plWblem4 by mell.el.y 4aging "A4k FeM. II NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVE!} .tha.t .the. C.i.t.y Counei.l 06 the CU:.y 06 Seal. Beach, caUrlOItrW.a. dou. hvr.eby honoll. FERN C. HENRYSON 6011. :tJr.Utt.y yeaJr.4 06 6a.Uh6ul 4e1tviee Lu.i.t.h the c.uy 06 Seal. Buch. PII.u.ent.e.d t.h.i..4' twe.n.t:y-e..i.ghth da.y 06 Vec/l1llbelt, Nineteen HundJted and Sevent.lJ-:tI.uo . I d;;~~s~u.d:o!' - - ~~~~e~~~~ I ~~.Jf.v(~ru4k'u1.~k ATTEST: AGENDA ITEM # VI B a4J hl~J ,/ptnY4 , / WWr., (;'uy (;K.vr.1l ~ , .